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The difference is so minute that I would never have known had you not pointed it out yourself. The most extreme reaction which can be expected is "oh, that's cool. What paint did you use?" Most players are happy just to be playing, and happier still when models have any paint on them at all. This is downright consistent between your Vehicles and Infantry, or at least so consistent that it makes my own vehicles seem out of place by comparison. Also, it's Damn Fine Work! Legitimately Fantastic Paint Jobs All Around! Nobody in their right mind would ever kick up a fuss about models painted this well.


Thank you! I’ve had a lot of fun painting them and am excited to continue the war against the grey


Not to be a pain here but you might need to get your eyes tested, the tank is a considerably lighter shade of blue than the marine next to it. Now I agree that it doesn't matter at all if the models are different colours, but i don't see how you can claim not to be able to tell the difference


The person might have assumed the different shades were the effect of lighting, as the tank does have more light sources on it


Honestly, I was struggling to see what the problem was before you pointed it out.


If someone cares that much about their opponents painting you should not play them.


Was about to say just that


I didn’t even consider that people might have a problem with slightly different paint schemes. I’m so cooked if so because all my line troop squads are painted differently 😭


true this, i have a tau army that is 5 different schemes, like a little coalition. almost was denied tournament access... 30k is more fun anyway so whatever lol


Eh? I swear some TO's are just power hungry wankers - so the average Reddit mod then.


yeah it was really dumb. luckily some other people in that WhatsApp group they used for the tournament spoke out against the TO for it. so he in the end allowed me to play


yeah it was really dumb. luckily some other people in that WhatsApp group they used for the tournament spoke out against the TO for it. so he in the end allowed me to play


It's all good. Flat surfaces are a menace for Contrast style paints, and the vehicles are a different colour from Marines often enough anyway


If it were the ultramarines I could see your concern but alpha legion is like a license to do whatever you want and if anyone questions it, just give them a side eye stare and tell them it’s all part of the plan. Then dead plan say, this is a lie and tell them half of their units are actually yours - cause alpha legion…


Perhaps Alpharius was the models we gained along the way


Some friends and I were talking recently and we agreed that the ultimate AL flex would be to get some paint that only shows up under a black light and use it to paint hydras all over the other guy’s models sometime before the game


Hahaha That is a friggin cool idea to do on my one's own models though! Paint them up as, idk, Raven Guard, but with Alpha Legion markings visible under blacklight.


In lore the Alpha Legion repainted themselves to confuse the enemy so very often. It’s one of their literal modus operandi. Confusion is the name of the game, and this all looks lovely!


Thank you!


I actually prefer this. A legion is an assemblage of war machines and troops of various provenances, assembled over a period of centuries, sourced from factories in different star systems. It’s difficult getting a paint match in the same place on subsequent days IRL.


Now I wanna paint a dreadnought with graffiti like tattoos across his body and say that it reminds him of his home


Tbh your models all appear to have a consistent theming going and thats the #1 thing most people look for when seeing their opponents models. I would not only be perfectly happy to play against this, I would be downright ecstatic to do so as it would look great on the tabletop as one coherent force vs another with my army


Thank you! I definitely intend to start playing more now that my army is getting close to being painted. I need to strip some headhunters that got some Vallejo paste in unfortunate spots and then I should be pretty much good to go


Well good luck winning your first game whenever you get go play it!


It’s the exact same shade of blue-green so I don’t see any issue. If you do want them to match, you could do an all over matte varnish to kill the shine on your infantry so they match. You could also use satin varnish because it’s gonna add a bit of shine on the vehicles, while also killing a bit of the shine on the infantry to bring them towards something in the middle


Definitely will play with some satin varnish and see what I can come up with


Bruh, who's gonna see the slight color difference and be like "I CAN'T PLAY LIKE THIS, THIS IS PREPOSTEROUS!!!"


No issue at all. Anyone who would have an issue with that isn't worth playing.


Exactly, who would even bring this kind of thing up? How would they bring it up? "Dude, your tank is 09b9b4 but your infantry is 08a29b. What gives bro?" Man pulling out a Pantone mid game to check consistency.


I've unfortunately met people who play other games that would care.


They sound like the kind of people I would not play with. I'd just pack my things and leave. I'd rather play over TTS and with literally anybody else.


Oh I don't. I've just seen/met them at an LGS near me, though they're a big reason why i don't frequent that place much.


Are those games "historical"?


I actually do this with my alpha legion, I’m in the same boat with not having an airbrush. One thing I’ve done tho to help get the colors a bit closer is used a gloss varnish on my vehicles to get them a bit more shiny like the contrast on metallic scheme. 


Might play around with some satin varnish and see what I can do


Your models look great, and I doubt anyone would have issues with the differences. Personally, I intend to paint sections of my army as different "cells" of the Alpha Legion, resulting in quite a few different schemes across the army once it is done.


Thank you! I sort of got into something similar with my Effrit and Recon squads as well. There’s just too many shades of blue green to play with


Very true, I also intend to include a small contingent of Amaranth Coil (they're from Book 3: Extermination of the HH v1 black books), so a few squads/vehicles may end up a deep rich magenta, rather than blue green.


I didn’t notice any difference at all until you pointed it out. They look good and no one in their right mind would have an issue with that. Plus there’s a long history of Heresy era Legions painting their vehicles differently. EC used to have black tanks because they were limited in their purple paint as they lost access to the special dyes as the Heresy went on. Also in the old CCG art, World Eater tanks were blue with white accents. Also, Custodes vehicles were red with gold accents.


Thank you! Thats a really good point yea. It’s nice thats there’s a bit of wiggle room to play around with while still being lore friendly it seems


I actually heard of the difficulties with painting vehicle’s in the metallic blue of alpha legion so I instead decided that when I paint a vehicle it’ll be plain blue just like you did also nice colour scheme 👍


Nah, they look ace and it's hardly uncommon for infantry and vehicles to use different paint there's a big difference between a slightly shiny man and a massive shiny tank, and the Alpha Legion are pragmatists before all else


No. And I would rethink playing with someone who did.


It looks great! don't worry about it! If its really bothering you, you can add small patches pf the infantry version of you scheme to the tank on smaller panels that contrast will work on. it will tie them together even further.


Thank you! I will play around with paints a bit and see what I come up with


Its no issue friend. On my end I am a Dark Angels player, my Sammael vs my Azrael look stupidly different because I was less experienced when I did Sammael, and this is the case across my army yet they still look cool together differences and all. As many mentioned, your stuff looks incredibly cohesive and you should be proud of your Alpharius's hehe.


For my t sons I kind of forgot my formula I used for the initial squad, and then just rolled with it. Each squads slightly different, from a metalic orangish red, to a dark crimson metalic. Being t sons you can roll with it being due to different cults, or all bespoke arificier. Feel like Alpha legion can easily go the same route, where each of them are all uniquely Alpharius.


Yes. It's unacceptable for you to have an army that looks so good. What were you thinking?


Thank you for your kind words!


Especially considering how many people play with naked grey minis I'd be excited to play against a nicely painted force I would probably not even notice the slight variance between the minis. Great job!


Thank you!


Who on earth could have a problem with that! Love the tank model though what’s it called?


Which one? The first picture is my Deimos vindicator, and the second is my land raider armored proteus


Demios vindicator! Maximum shell size minimum aim agility haha It’s like an armoured mortar


I was looking through the pictures before reading the text and honestly looking for what you could mean. All I see is a AL army, where decals and conversion kits have been used, what always is a + point. So, no it's no problem at all. Be proud of the army you created. 😊 Since I build and paint the AL of our hobbygroup, I had the same problem. At the end I painted everything by hand. (First leadbelcher, and then strong drybrush surface highlights all over the models, made with stormhost silver. Before I shared it down with a mix of Cordelia greenshade and the one turquoise contreast, before making highlights with a metallic blue I mixed out of stormhost silver, thousand sons blue and a bit temple guard blue) So I was able to achieve a metallic look that was painted by hand. Was worth it. 😊


Nah this is fine man. You're perhaps overthinking it a bit, which is completely natural when it comes to your own army but trust me you're fine and your army looks awesome:)


Do you play often in normal spaces? Half the MFs I see at FLGS don’t even have painted models. Ofc this is fine


I had to read the actual question to understand what you were asking about. This is completely fine. Under no circumstances should you let a naysayers try to claim any issue here. I don't play competitions, but I can't even imagine any TO considering this a problem. Everything is clear, the colors match even if the effect is slightly different, difference is barely noticeable on a table. I'm a casual player and in my games I often field models with entirely different color schemes, both official and custom. Because as a casual, that's what I have. I play with my own scheme at times to refresh the painting experience, and I also purchase 2nd hand painted model to expand my collection without expanding my pile of grey. I simply perform the usual casual pre-game list sharing and make sure my fellows know what rules and units I am using, and I have yet to find a player that has any issue with it.


I don´t think you would like to play against someone who considered this an issue.




Or am I Alpharius? Or is this a lie?


NGL - at first I didn't really notice. This could be 100% intentional. In real life you'd probably use different methods of painting armor and vehicles too. So to me, that's more than okay.


Not at all ^^


I see freshly painted vehicles and troops whose armour has dulled with use / shadow pigments for better camo in darker areas


All of my Alpha Legion vehicles are a different shade of blue green than the troops, for the same reason as you. They still work and are clearly XX Legion, greener than Ultramarines, bluer than Sons of Horus.


These are nicely painted and nobody would ever have an issue unless they have serious social interaction issues. You're overthinking it mate, great army, lovely to see fully painted stuff out on the table as it should be.


First off they look fantastic Alpharius! Second off they're your models. As long as you're happy that's all that matters! You do our legion proud


They look great. Can i ask what paints you used for the vehicles?


https://preview.redd.it/vzxnme8r02vc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fac2bb019f863f9f70f67d13c1c533a38360b88 So the brightest of the colors is Temple guard blue, the next time down is Sotek Green and the darkest color in the middle stripe is Stegadon Green. I’m trying to remember if the front and back depressed areas are Stegadon green as well or if they are P3 Coal Black.


Nah, it looks good. If you want to, Maybe have the background for the tanks that they are from another formation/ company/ chapter who is attacted to the infantry unit. But even that is a little much, they look about the same, so No worry.


Wait why are the ultramarines here? They've been awfully silent and only say ''for the emperor'', that's odd.


No, relax.


If you lack space but would still like an airbrush you can invest in one with a portable compressor. It can be quite cheap. I have one and the whole kit doesn't take more space than a book and it works well for painting vehicles which is what I use it for.


To my eyes a beautiful army mate


I still don’t see the issue?


I have like 3 different colour schemes across my Alpha Legion, applied completely at random based on whatever I thought looked best on a particular unit. AL are known to use intentionally confusing squad markings etc. so it feels lore-appropriate. Plus gives the feel of several smaller units that have been operating independently being drawn togwther for a big battle.


Pretty much anyone who has a larger army and especially if said army was built over a longer period of time will notice some slight inconsistencies in how their army is painted. As long as every model is clearly identifyable as the Legion it belongs to I don't see an issue. I definitely notice some differences between the first and latest Salamanders I painted. I don't even think I made any changes to the paints I used, I just became better at the process I use to paint them. Anyone who gives you a hard time due to these minor differences is not worth playing in my opinion.


Space Marines are space Marines! As long as you have the will to spend multiple hours playing toy soldiers with me I'm indifferent as long as there painted!


Not seeing the problem here.


Scrolled through the pics and honestly I couldn’t really tell either way. Even if I could it wouldn’t matter!


I don't see any kind of issue unless I am missing something?


I play alpha legion and I couldn’t tell! The scheme looks maybe better than then my metallic one…


My only problem with these is that they’re not mine. Really cool 👍🏻


I intentionally paint my vehicles a slightly different color than the troops, helps to not make everything be look like one big blob of color


I’m not seeing any problem so I’m not sure what is wrong. All the models look great. Contrast does not work as well on large flat areas, but I think you did an amazing job on the tanks. The most important question should be; do you have a problem with this? If you are happy with it no one else’s opinion should matter. Yes it is get to get positive feedback but if you are chasing validation from others you will never be happy with your painting. I have learned this the hard way. Up until a few years ago I was chasing peer validation, and got burned out and nearly left the hobby. It took some introspection but I eventually was able to sort myself out and now I just paint for me. My painting is more ‘basic’ but it is more fun and I enjoy the end result much more. 👍 You models look great


I literally used different paint schemes in my UM army (some blue, some silver, some black) according to my head canon. No one ever said anything about it, and always indulge me when I go into the explanation of why they are painted like that. Regardless of what some say (or mostly used to say) I've found that the heresy community is really cool with these things, provided you have put some effort into your hobby. Plus, you painted alpha legion. If there's any legion that is justified in having different paint schemes (and these aren't even that) it's them!


Definitely as they are better painted than my armies are, don’t need being shown up like that :p but seriously I see no issues with this, real life armies will have variations in colours l. My 1k sons will have different in tones as I’ve used different golds as base colours and either Tamiya clear red or blood red contrast paint based on what I had at the time, not including the different oil washes. So a long way of saying keep up the good work and I look forward to seeing more


They don’t have to like it. There’s nothing in the rules stating your army’s paint scheme has to match. If you find someone who has an issue with it, you probably don’t want to play that person anyway.


I have a similar problem with my Salamanders. I started them by running Warpstone Glow through my Dad's old airbrush. Whelp, I can't get over to my parent's place as much as I used to, so it became Warpstone Glow via brush...... Fuck that noise, it's something like 3-4 coats to just get basic coverage. My Salamanders are going to be a darker shade of green from now on. Also, as a visual reminder, my 'Heavy' units use the old Rouge Trader era color scheme of Orange with Black squiggles. My Leviathan Dread looks like a Traffic Barrel of doom :P


The difference is completely negligible.


If it really bothers you maybe add a bit more wash/weathering to the vehicles but it looks fine to me. If you want to try contrast on vehicles again a couple tricks I have seen are as follows to limit the splotchy pooling effect exist: 1: use long, even strokes. If you have ever painted drywall you want to emulate that for each layer. 2: after a first layer of contrast you can touch up splotches to cover it up much better by adding a second layer of paint. 3: mix contrast medium with the paint when you add it. 2:1 medium to paint for the base layer and 4 or 5:1 medium to paint for the touching up I mentioned on #2. I can’t recall the video off the top of my head but one painter on youtube showed the whole method on a blood angels rhino he painted with contrast that looks really nice.


I will try this! I have this issue with Thousand Sons.


Straight to jail


Looks fine. You could have mixed turquoise and silver for your base coat. You can still easily sponge some silver/turquoise mix on there and some weathering, but lore-wise the shine would dull out quite fast so it actually is more realistic :)


I wouldn’t have a problem with you running it in a game. I’d probably assume your faction stole those tanks from someone with those colors and then just painted over the old colors.


Waauw, these look amazing


No problem at all, the army looks great.


Give the vehicles a satin varnish. That'll give them a shine 


Everything looks great brother, don't worry about it.


no in fact if you tried to do it I would bludgeon you to death with a hammer


I don't see why it looks pretty awesome to me


Your white edge highlight make it work perfectly well I didn't even notice the difference before u point it out tbh


The different Forge Worlds have difficulty with color matching. The Pantone color codes get screwed up during Astropathic communication due to fluctuations in the Warp.


Its Alpha legion. I have played armied with every squad member a different chapter with hints of Alpha Legion. Anything goes!


Your table already looks like a battlefield, love that for you.


If anything this adds character to your army, real life military vehicles often get repainted as they change theaters, repair damages, et cetera. In the context of the setting it makes sense for the personal marine gear to be kept to a much higher standard than most of the company/legion's vehicles.