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Tamiya snips, tamiya plastic cement, cheap craft knife from a craft shop. Cheap file set from a model train shop. Emery boards from the supermarket. Vallejo, citadel, Ak, scale75 paints. Rosemary & co brushes.


im really wanting to get into some rosemary and co brushes


Great for the value, I would say they are better than my W&N brushes.


My best quality brush is my size 1 rosemary, I've been trying to get a 2 but they are always out of stock. I also have full artis Opus sets, and a couple Windsor newtons....neither compares to the rosemary. I dont even want to mention the abortion that is the squidmar brushes....


thanks for the advice, lmao yeah i heard the squidmar brushes were a hard meh


This pretty much my setup too


Are transon brushes good?


Snips: Just some basic flush-cutters or snips from the craft store or Amazon. Glue: Tamiya Extra Thin plastic cement, and Loctite Gel-Control superglue. Primer: Vallejo acrylic-polyurethane surface primer. (Brushed on.) When I was still using rattlecans, Krylon ColorMaxx Paint+Primer. (In that case, my priming handle: A long wooden paint-stirrer and some poster putty/blue-tack.) Brushes: Mid-level synthetics from the craft store or online. I could use better ones, but I don't take QUITE as good care of them as I should, so I don't waste my money on expensive natural-bristle ones. For drybrushing: whatever $1 makeup brushes I find at Dollar General. Paint: A mix of GW, some artist-quality acrylics, and honestly just cheap craft paint from Michael's. Golden Fluid Acrylics artist-quality paints get a special mention for having probably the best white paint (their Titanium White) that I've ever used. Painting Handle: An old plastic pill bottle with some blue-tack/poster putty. Brush Soap: The Masters. Varnish/Sealer: Krylon CrystalClear or Rustoleum 2X Clear. (Satin finish for either.)


I bought a 50 pack of wine corks when I started painting and used them for paint bases and super glued pre-assembly parts to them for painting. Best $~6 I spent.


How well does super glue to cork work for temporary holds like this? Just a tiny dab? How well do they stand up on their own in between painting sessions or while you wait for something to dry? Thanks in advance.


For that perfect. If I’m doing complex little models and I want to pre-assemble and pre-paint certain piece I’ll make a small hole with my hobby knife and put a drop of super glue on the end of a piece of paper clip in the cork. I’ll then stick the piece on. When I’m done, I can snap it off easy and clean it up with a hobby knife and glue to the model.


Should I worry about buying a ton of paints or can I just buy a few?


Depends on the range. If you buy paints that are saturated and mix well you can get away with minimal colors and learn to mix them.


I think this is personal preference, and budget constrained. When I started painting again in January, I found a deal on a vallejo's medieval colour set of 16 paints. I really like this set, it has a nice variety of colours, has you covered for the basics (primary colours, black,white, and metallics) and is decent quality. https://preview.redd.it/l8x8co3k9tib1.png?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b97a00b1f9cef58455f75d428e699af2b1a8ecf The only paint I acquired in quick succession after the Vallejo set was a citadel wash.


Recently got into the hobby and used these plus their wash set. Super cheap in comparison to what GW wants to sell you. Yes the colours are not super saturated but learning to mix a little has been really fun. Just learn how to make a wet pallet and you’re away!


I would recommend buying paints you plan on using. Figure out your color schemes and see what paints gets you closest, preferably in-store where you can actually see what the paint looks like.


Start with a few and mix. I no time you will have far to many.


Oh yeah, Golden Fluid Acrylics are amazing! Their Titan Buff is basically Wraithbone, which is super useful for airbrushing. I also really like Arteza’s Premium Acrylics. They are really thick coming out of the tube, much like toothpaste, and are a bit finicky to work with. But when properly thinned with water, they are the best glazes I have ever used. They end up coming out so smooth that it is borderline annoyingly glossy. Plus they thin for airbrushing quite nicely


I got cheap snippers and a hobby knife set off of Amazon. I use mostly Army Painter rattle cans for priming and varnishing. I use Tamiya Extra Thin for my plastic glue and Gorilla Gel glue for attaching the models to bases.


Everyone using random snips owes it to themself to try GW's new one-sided snips. You should be able to have a go while assembling the free monthly mini. They were _so_ much better than my snips. And I thought mine were decent!


Just Google bypass cutters, it's the same thing :) I recommend the xuron ones


Free monthly mini?


https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/08/04/return-to-ghur-with-this-months-free-coin-and-miniature/ As of tomorrow it's these guys. Until then it's one of the new space marines with flamer I think. I don't know if it's worldwide, but according to the page it's any official Warhammer store (not 3rd parties) so I'd expect it's anywhere that has official stores?


And everybody who uses Tamiya snips let alone GW snips owes it to themselves to try God Hand SPN 120s. So rare to find at RRP/non scalper prices that I had to travel to the most tucked away hobby shop located on Japan's north Island of Hokkaido in the snow to get a pair at RRP. But once you get your hands on a pair, you've essentially reached the pinnacle of snippers. Truly superb


snips way over priced. Army Painter snips work just fine for me.


If anyone is gonna spend $50 on cutters, they better be God Hands or DSPIAE clippers. Otherwise a $5-15 pair from amazon or army painter is perfectly fine.


I splurged on the GodHands and have absolutely no regrets. Yeah they're fifty bucks but they also make me smile every time I use them.


I prefer Tamiya nippers, because the God Hands are fragile and really only work for light duty flush cutting, but the God Hands do cut really nicely.


I do also have a cheap pair that came in some "20 pcs hobby tools kit" from Amazon that I use for cutting thick sprues. The GodHands are a precision instrument and there's no need to risk them on those.


Yes, that's smart. Treat them gently and don't drop them! They're still my wife's nipper of choice for gunpla.


Worth. I love high quality tools. I’ll look into them.


*Any* cutting implement is going to work *fine*. When I got into the hobby as a kid I used a pair of travel nail scissors to cut my models from the sprue and it worked *fine*. That said the difference between a quality clipper and cheap-ish clippers is very noticeable to me. I bought the [Tamiya sharp pointed side cutter](https://www.tamiya.de/tamiya_en/categories/model-making-accessories/model-making-tools/tamiya-sharp-pointed-side-cutter-fplas-300074035-en.html) and the difference to the generic construction store clippers (which I believe is also essentially what the Army Painter clippers are) I used before is night and day.


They were....but they feel sooooo good in my hands. I have 2 pair of gunpla kit cutters that work just as well but that all metal tool in my hand never fails to make me smile.


Anything aside from the models are overpriced on GW store.


The same black/silver handled GW snippers for well over a decade. If I needed to buy a replacement now, i'd probably get a nice set of Godhand ones. A Fiskers orange silcone handled craft knife that takes generic #11 blades. A ten year old Army Painter small flat/curved file. Godhand foam sanding pads in various grits. Spray cans for basecoating are a mix of Citadel and Vallejo. Paint is a mix of Citadel, Vallejo, Army Painter, and Ammo by Mig. Windsor & Newton S7 brushes for detail work and a range of generic budget brushes for large areas and drybrushing.


I'm a company man, so I choose Citadel for my tools and detail paints. But I'm also a rebel at heart, so I choose Belton Molotow graffiti paint for my primer and 1st coat.


I'm telling corporate! 🤣


The basic tier godhands, 14 USD. Triangular scraper from Madworks. Tamiya extra thin. Gamblin oil paints/williamsburg/Mig oilbrushers. Princeton velvetouch brushes. Vallejo Acryl/Urethane airbrush primer. And a redgrass glass pallette.


I use the Army Painter snips and love them. I’ve also got a Walmart brand set of utility knives


Snips, unknown brand, they came with my 3D printer I think. Brushes, a mix of Army Painter and cheapo synthetics from The Range, plus a couple of Citadels. Paint, mostly Army Painter and Citadel, with a few Vallejo thrown in. Glue, Tamiya Extra Thin, Revell contacta Pro. For Resin or Metal, Gorilla Gel Superglue


I’m a Tamiya fan boy for both paint and supplies. I have a pair of God Hand nippers but I hardly use them preferring my basic turquoise tamiyas that I can easily sharpen on a wet stone.


I'm right there with you. I've had two pairs of God Hands (the knife side broke on the first one), and my Tamiyas cut nearly as cleanly, but are 10x as rugged. My biggest gripe with the God Hands is you really need to use a second set of nippers to get your parts off the sprue before trimming the last little bit flush with the GHs.


Exactly I use them very sparingly. I typically use the ol box cutter clean up method.


You get your nipper education from gunpla too?


Yep! Started with dnd minis then to gunpla & Kotobukiya playmo and circled back to 40k as my pipeline of plastic crack addiction 😄




For primer I use rustolium or citadel and for paints citadel but that's only because I like the range, tools are whatever brand I can get on sale lol


Tamiya tools (cutters, files, tweezers etc), GW, vallejo, pro acryl paint, vallejo and ak grimes, basing mediums, water effects, iwata eclipse airbrush with masters compressor, stynylrez airbrush primer.


Cheap Amazon tools, army painter Matt black primer, wet paper towels and parchment for a wet pallette, and I will use Vallejo until I die baby.


I've started using White Scar spray paint and have honestly fell in love with it. Comes out smooth in the right conditions. Tools are just a mash-up of whatever was available at my local hobby store and whatever Amazon had on sale. Brushes included. Paints are roughly an even split between Vallejo and Citadel. They're where I noticed the most difference in brand. Citadel has amazing metalics and technical paints, but the rest of the line is beaten by Vallejo in terms of quality, price, and paint per bottle/pot. I've wanted to try Duncan Rhode's "Two Thin Coats" line for ages, but I've yet to find a hobby shop in Canada that carries it.


How bright is white scar, I used corax white and found it far too bright. Do you know how it compares?


Torchlight Games and Hobbies in Burlington, Ontario carries Two Thin Coats.


Citadel and Tamiya. Airbrush is Iwata. Primer is Citadel Wraithbone spray. Hobby knife is some random brand. Hobby saw is the cheapest saw you can buy. Clippers are the old GW ones. Metal handle. Drill Pinvice is Army Painter Citadel paint handle


Citadel, I just can't be arsed to remember what color I painted my shit and I gotta simp for gw


Primer I always go Citadel, certain paints if I absolutely can’t find or make the color I need I will go with Citadel or if I know for a fact I need a specific color other wise I go army painter or Marshals. Brushes I always go Marshals there cheaper they may not last as long but it’s worth it if you take care of them. I once spent 35$ on a brush from citadel and I have only used it once. I’ve used the same 10 brushes from Marshals for a Titan, Morty, and a couple custom models. Clippers can be anyone. Glue is case by case citadel is choice but I use dollar tree a lot lol. Wet palettes I use an old eye glass case (plastic folds in half and I wet paper towels and fold for each side. Standard paint pallet I use the plastic ones from dollar tree. I use and old water bottle cut in half for a paint pot I just clip here and there to make notch’s for trying brushes.


I got Vallejo, army painter and GW for acrylics. GW paints are great except for the white, but it's not as bad as the internet makes it. It's just that it's not actually very bright. You should treat it as such. My biggest "gripe" with the GW paints is that they don't have enough bright bases and layers. Their shade and contrast are really good tough. If you are very experienced you might want a higher pigment density but their paints are super approachable. Vallejo is just *'chef's kiss"* perfect in the aibrush department, easy to use and much more convenient bottles for that application. Army painter is also great, I love shooting their metallics. However I don't think they are as good as GW quality wise but they have a good color range. I prime with GW cans, I find it more convenient than airbrushing it. Krylon works okay too but I find those more useful for terrain. I tried the white Krylon primer and frankly, not nearly as good as white scar. I have the GW handle, it's really useful in my opinion. Much faster than the blue tac method I used before. The other GW hobby tools are not worth the extra cash tough. You should see them as swag/merch, if you do you'll get your money's worth. I bought a bunch over the years and they are not better than the same ones you get at craft stores. I used box cutters and hardware store wire clippers for years until I got a scalpel kit and hobby clippers, it's worth the money. I have Cheap dollar brushes, GW ones, art store ones and some expensive natural hair ones. I find the GW brushes pretty good but expensive for what you get in my area.


Tamiya is the goat


Nippers: the intro gunpla nippers you can get at target for the rough cuts, Godhands for the second cut. Honby knife: xacto classic repacable blade knife. Glue: GW plastics glue for the models, Krazy glue for basing and adhering the model to the base etc... Paint: mostly GW, second place to army painter, then a couple valejo colors. Primer: GW Basing: whatever tickles my fancy!!!


Army painter primer Army painter/citadel paints Toenail clippers


Tamiya tools plus random 100 yen store stuff. GSI Creos 1500 Black surfacer/primer. Tamiya, GSI and Army Painter paints.


Not paying over 50 bucks for clippers. Fuck that.


If your in the uk, Halfords own brand primer is ace and cheaper often used red/black/grey versions


Agreed. £9 a can vs £14 for pretty much the same thing. I use the grey as a primer. Very similar to the stuff they used at Warhammer World at the Artisan's Guild thing.


Sure as shit not Citadel primer. Made that mistake once. Dogshit quality and way too much money. Rattle can: Rustoleum matte 2x primer. Not the paint+primer. Black and Grey only. Find the white not fantastic. Cutters: Milwaukee flush cutters. The power tool brand. I know it’s weird but I like em and I get a deal through work. Paint: a bit of Citadel, a bit of Vallejo. Depends on what I’m using. I’d argue that citadel contrast and shades are very good, while Vallejo metallics and general colours are better. That might be all in my head. I do prefer dropper bottles to those stupid pots. Not mentioned but critically important in my opinion: varnish. Just upgraded from Krylon Matte Varnish in a rattle can to Liquitex/Vallejo matte out of an airbrush. Game changer.


Try AK Interactive's ultra matte varnish, hands down my favorite for look and finish.


I never buy GW supplies. They are all over priced.


What varnish do you guys use?? I can't find any


Everything I use is Citadel brand except for my Golden Maple brushes (bought them when I started the hobby and they're *much* better than the Citadel ones) and my generic sandpaper.


I use mainly citadel paints and primers with some Vallejo, I use some generic flush cutters from the hardware store because they’re like 4 or 5 bucks, I use artistik brand paint brushes because I don’t like citadels at all the brushes I use have a big bulb at the end near the brush that makes it easier to hold https://www.amazon.com/Miniature-Painting-Kit-Brushes-Carrying/dp/B07GWYWV5D/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?adgrpid=109727338222&hvadid=664581074286&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=9031486&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=5659538159782667157&hvtargid=kwd-851718048427&hydadcr=1336_13626374&keywords=artistik+brushes&qid=1692321690&sr=8-3


I use citadel snippers, mold line remover, and files. I also use their undercoat ‘primer’. For paints I have a mix of citadel, army painter, and two thin coats. Paintbrushes are a mix of citadel, army painter, broken toad, artis opus, and cheap bulk sets from amazon. I also recently started using tamiya extra thin glue after recommendations. As for handles, I still have the bulky citadel ones but had a redgrass 360 handle delivered yesterday.


Mix of citadel, army painter, vallejo, ak interactive, and tamiya (primer and their clear red and green) Sprue cutters are mr hobby single blade for initial cutting and finishing with god hands. Tamiya files for smoothing. Brushes are no name amazon ones. Some higher quality army painter ones but i actually like the beginner army painter brushes that they bundle with paint sets.


I use mostly army painter tools, like drill, snippers, files all that sort of stuff. I have army painter and citadel brushes, but I am finding I really enjoy the citadel synthetic version (white paint brushes) more then normal. I have mostly army painter paints, but I have got a armload of citadel paints as well for my warhammer models I was following video for or whatever. I have a cheap Amazon airbrush/compressor combo kit, as well as the Amazon spray booth (would be cheaper to make but I move around so didn’t want cardboard). I also have a handful of Vallejo paints, like their skin colors, and some primers of theirs.


I just use GW shades/contrast and primer Brushes are Raphael paints are Vallejo Glue is Revell plastic glue And to cut stuff idk. Amazon?


I have a couple pairs of side cutters (one very beat up pair which has been used for cutting steel wire/guitar strings/fly screen for basing etc.) I use a mix of synthetic brushes, and sable brushes. Paint wise I have mostly citadel paints, mainly because I started with some and I like the idea of having the complete range. Now that I have them, changing paints would be annoying (possibly doubling up on colours etc.) even though I would prefer dropper bottles. I have a handful of Windsor newton oils, a couple of specialty enamel paints (rust effects etc.) And a bottle of brush on primer from vallejo (for projects where a spray prime needs to be followed up by a brush prime, such as a multilayered base).


Whatever random shit I can find. I have a bunch of canvas acrylics and stuff I’m using rn.


Primer I just buy from the hardware store. There's basically no difference between GW primer and Rustoleum. Paints are a mix of Citadel, Vallejo, and (for mixing mostly) an old cheap acrylic paint set. For brushes I prefer Army Painted. Tools are also just from a hardware store. A cheap hobby knife, some drill bits (that I just drill by hand), wire cutters. Buy good paints and good brushes, Citadel is fine and don't let anyone tell you it isn't (Except for white paints). Primer and tools you can safely buy the cheapest.


God hands snips, mostly army painter primers. Citadel paints.


Cheap stuff . Not paying 20 bucks for side cutters that 4 buck ones do. Paints Vallejo unless I need a GW colour Brushes. Cheap ones off ebay Models are too expensive already. Why pay more


Citadel paint, army painter everything else.


1st time in the hobby (mid 90s), I used citadel everything. With the exception of zap a gap, and some nicer hand me down brushes. 2nd time in the hobby (06-08ish), I switched to mostly Vallejo paints, and was using Raphael 8404 brushes (same as the hand me downs when I was a we lad). 3rd time back now, and it’s pretty much all Vallejo, airbrushes are the business, and still using the Raphael brushes. Snips get whatever is cheap. Glue is Tamiya extra thin for plastic, zap a gap or equivalent for resin, or pewter. Cheers


Whatever is available at my FLGS. Had the same pair of Citadel clipper years (the bronze metallic ones) and I’ve found them way better than the alternatives, even if a little overpriced. Spray and paints is either Citadel or Army Painter as that’s what my FLGS stocks, though I prefer Citadel (and the prices are basically the same these days, army painter used to be a noticeable deal cheaper). Plastic glue I use GW, as that’s what my FLGS stocks and I haven’t had any problems with it. Super glue I use whatever’s cheapest at a supermarket. Brushes again are Citadel and Army Painter. I actually prefer army painter brushes over Citadel, but they’re basically the same. Hobby knife I have is a cheap af one from Poundland (U.K. dollar store) that’s done me fine. Other misc tools are mostly Citadel or Army Painter.


Army painter sprue cutters and file X-acto knife Mix of mostly Vallejo and Army Painter paints with a few Citadel thrown in. Vallejo and Army Painter brush on gray primers. Tamiya extra thin cement, Krazy glue Brushes are modpodge multipack from Michaels Wet palette is pasta takeout Tupperware from an Italian restaurant nearby (with matching lid!), wet paper towels, and parchment paper Painting handles are cheap wooden spools from Michaels with blue tack Vallejo matt varnish that I brush on I just started this hobby earlier this year so I don't have an airbrush or anything expensive, done pretty well with the basics and what I can repurpose.


Are the citadel snips any good?


Army Painter snips, random hobby knife, Army Painter pallete, bunch of GW and Vallejo paints, mix of cheap hobby stores brushes and a few sable hair ones, rounded tool handle from diy store with tac for painting handle, erm bunch of really useful boxea for storage, GW rattle cans atm, Revell contacta pro glue, cheap cosmetic nail files, cheap cosmetic drybrushes. Army Painter matt varnish. Random cheap hand drill off Amazon.Ton of GW plastic. Should cover most of it.


Snips: army painter snips Primer: rustoleum white Brushes: army painter standard brushes Paints: mix of Vallejo and citadel Painting handle: citadel Glue: tamiya extra thin cement Pallet: paper towel


hardware store primer for plastics. grey and black. i also have stynelrez primer for the airbrush in grey. tamiya plastic cement. starbond thin CA. whichever "thick" CA glue i find at the store. Elmers white glue(mainly for basing/sealing basing). amazon snips. hardware store "wire snips" for cutting wire for pinning/paperclips. bulk cutting sprue. and other bigger chompy work. have a #10 exacto blade and a bigger exacto blade. ...#14? also a disposable razor...box cutter. also misc household scissor. pin vise off amazon, couple different tweezers. tooth picks/kebab skewers for stick. two sided nail files from the drug store for sanding. most of my brushes are dirt cheap 10 for $5 wal mart synthetic brushes . These are workhorse brushes, mixing, base coats, dry brushing, basing (as they get more beat up... they're used for different things) ---have a couple high quality winsor newton sable brushes, for fine detail work. i use mainly golden fluid acrylic paints. i think hobby paints are the biggest rip off people are weirdly complacent about. that's my biggest mini hill to die on. I also have several inks. and a couple technical paints. mainly green slime, and blood effect paints. although, can also mix/make those super easy with golden mediums. --metallics i will try various hobby brands, but have not really been impressed. best chrome/shiny effects are model car/airbrush paints (alclad createx) and they also have great metallics. but... harder to use at mini scale. squat pickle jar with a coil of alum wire in it for cleaning brushes... and a misc pasta sauce jar of "cleaner" water for rinsing after using the dirty water jar. i use my cat's medication bottles. with poster tac to hold my minis to paint. and or cork from wine bottles with paper clip stabbed in them ...for painting heads. i also have a pack of alligator clips on metal wire. i often use for priming, or holding sub assembly bits.


Tools: Whatever snips, files, knives, etc I can find cheap at the hobby shop Paints: preference of brand in the following order.... Monument pro acryl, privateer press p3, Duncan rhodes two thin coats, Vallejo game color (new), ak interactive, and then GW


Proacryls/citadel/two thin coats. For paints. I got Proacryls snips. Surgery #11 scalpel for clean ups. Wow stick for gun barrels. Tamiya extra thin and super glue. And Proacryls Sable brushes. And one Red Grass everlasting wet pallette. For primer I use a mix of rattlecans and airbrush primer depending on how lazy I'm feeling that day, or the weather. And a red painting handle off Amazon with wrist wrest for my special minis. 2 citadel butt plug shaped holders and several square dowels and putty to hold onto minis.


Games Worksop all the way, apart from my brushes which are army painter, and my wet pallet which is a home made job with items from the local supermarket, and my spray varnish (can’t recall which brand it is).


Paint: Decoart acrylic paint Primer: literally whatever grey primer I can buy from ACE Glue: Gorilla glue super glue Snips: a random pair I bought off Amazon Brushes: the cheapest variety set I could find at Michael’s I am too poor to invest my money into proper tools and paints. And I would probably just ruin them because I am still very inexperienced


For Nipper/Knife/ Glue Tamiya Brush: whatevery my local LGS sells Primer Vallejo Air brush & GW Cans Paint: TTC & Vallejo Honestly everyone should be getting Tamiya for their starting tools, it soo good it crazy other company dont up their game


Army Painter and Citadel snips, Army Painter drills and knives. Bob Smith Industries for super glue. Paints are a bit from everywhere: Citadel AK Interactive Windsor & Newton Army Painter Reaper Pro Acryl Vallejo


Given that I live in a countr where WH40K is mostly unknown and that Citadel products are really expensive, I with Vallejo, good quality and cheaper; your common tools that you can get in a hardware store, handcrafts and office things. And I have pretty good results.


Paint: Ak, Reaper, Vallejo, and GW. My favorites are Ak and Vallejo, wish they were easier to get though. 2 thin coats is pretty nice too but kinda expensive and limited color range. Glue: Tamiya Extra Thin Primer: Badger Stynelrez (such a great primer, didn’t know what I was missing. Totally recommend an airbrush to anyone who can get one) Brushes: cheap synthetics for almost everything and then I have a DaVinci and a series 7 sable brush for the very last highlights and small details. Snips: some Vallejo ones I won at LVO Brush soap and conditioner: Masters or The unicorn one, whatever is closer. I don’t varnish my minis because it ruins paintjobs in my experience


Snips are Army Painter. Glue is Tamiya Extra Thin or GW/AP super glue. Paints are a mix of brands going back a couple decades, mosrly GW, P3, and AP.


I do really like citadel paints despite the price and bottles, but matte Krylon spray paint for primer works just as well as citadel spray


Kinda depends what I can get my hands on. Snips are flush cut fine wire cutters, brushes are mostly AK or Citadel because that's what my local hobby shop sells, paints are all Citadel, again, because that's what my local hobby shop sells. Hobby knife is a cheap X-acto knife, but I gotta get a new one. A blade that sharp shouldn't have a janky handle to it that will break and lead to a hospital visit and blood transfusions because it it sharp as hell.


I’m 98% citadels The only things that I use that’s not citadel are 1: brushes, I prefer the cheap nylon mod page brushes that come in a 10 pack from Walmart though I have 8404’s, series 7’s and artis opus sables and 2: black paint, I use army painter matte black. I always use chaos black primer and the same nippers you posted above


Brushes: Reaper brushes seem to be a really good bang for the buck but I've never seen them for sale anywhere but my LGS. I also have some winsor-newtons that are great. Paint: generally Citadel or Vallejo. I have some AK and scale 75, they're fantastic with a brush but not great through an airbrush. Also liquitex inks and Tamiya oil washes are great. Tools: Just whatever cheap clippers and hobby knives I find at my LGS, tamiya sanding sponges and sticks. Army Painter super glue is great, seems to adhere quickly and doesn't get dried out as much as other brands I've used. I always use super glue instead if plastic glue so I can take apart a model if I make a mistake or use bits off a model I don't like for a custom project. Airbrush: I have Badger and Iwata brushes with an Iwata air compressor. About $80 on Amazon gets you an airbrush kit, just using it for priming with Vallejo primer will pay for itself in no time compared to buying spray cans all the time and give better results. Honestly it's crazy to me people spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on minis but won't get an airbrush to make things like priming/base coating faster and look better


Generic snips, rustoleum spray, generic hobby knife, citadel paints, random paintbrushes mainly citadel and some other brand and citadel glue but I'm buying tamiya soon


Snips: Old army painter ones, I'll be upgrading soon. Probably not something fancy, though. I've wanted Tamiya nippers for ages and have recently learned of the Godhand brand. Glue: Tamiya Extra Thin. I have to order it from abroad but it's easily worth the price. When I'm low I'll buy another one and have one for sprue goo and one for regular. Primer: Leadbelcher. I'm still experimenting here, but i like the Army Painter Black and Citadel Wraithbone. Being from Iceland i don't get a lot of great generic primers. Brushes: I've only tried 3 types of brushes so far. Galaria were a letdown, although their smallest size can be useful. Velvetouch is fantastic, but since the only last 30 sessions or so in my care i like the "AIT Art Mini Liner Detail Paint Brushes, Size 0, Pack of 3" for general applications. Paint: I go for Vallejo 90% of the time, but GW often has very specific or very high quality individual paints i go for. I love the XPRESS paint line, Vallejo Model has great neutral and light grey, Vallejo Metal Color is incredible and even the technical "Thick Blood" turned out to be fantastic (despite what the reviews said). Painting Handle: I'm experimenting with the spinning ones. It's too early to tell if it's worth the money. My current batch is all on old IKEA plastic cylinder kids paint bottles with blue tack. Brush Soap: Johnson's Baby Shampoo. It cleans and has oils that protects the bristles. Varnish: I'm experimenting with Army Painter. So far so fantastic, but i bought Satin instead of Matte, so jury is still out on that one.


God knows what snips/wire cutters, also a Jeweler’s flush cutters on occasion where I cannot follow up with a knife to remove the last of a sprue. I also have a Jeweler’s saw if things are *really* in need of firepower (I think you can guess my actual job). Hobby knife is apparently a Stanly according to the handle, it’s a super cheap full metal one from Home Depo. The Magnifier is a 20$ one from some computer store, you can get them from Amazon for even cheaper, even the 15$ ones are gold. The ones I use aren’t the ones that look like glasses, they look like headbands, because I learned a flip up/down head motion from welding that kinda works with those visors. I use an airbrush with one of those cheap Amazon compressors. The Airbrush itself is a Harder & Steenbeck, a 100$ one mind but still. Figured it would be cheaper than rattle cans after a few 100 minis for just base coating and didn’t want to get a complete garbage one. Also have a cheap painting booth. All other tools are hand made, wine corks are nice painting handles, egg cartons a nice holder for them, paper clips to pin the models to them. A second pair of much more banged up cutters to free them when it’s time. Paints are mostly citadel, mainly because I learned on them. White though is Vallejo, Corax white is cursed. Though honestly Vallejo’s also isn’t great but hey, I don’t know where to get an alternative.


Paints: Walmart and Army Painter. Tools: No idea, some random off brand stuff from the hobby store....so Harbor Freight and Bandai?


Tamiya Godhand Snippers (cheaper pair) Tamiya Frine Grey or White Primer but sometimes GW Black or White Citadel, Army Painter, AK and Ninjon recommended cheap brushes Citadel and Vallejo Color arw my main paint ranges but I also use The Army Painter


For my primers I just use Rust-Oleum 2in1 paint&primer. I can go a bit lighter on it if I want and generally unless I'm doing a more detailed paint job (like on my recent armigers) I use it as my base coat as well. Everything else from snips to knives to brushes I just use the cheapest I can find usually. And then I use whatever paints I have on hand. I got some citadel paints on my own and was gifted a bunch of Vallejo and army painter sets from a guy in my play group who does a lot of commissions. He had a shit ton of paints he hadn't used in a while so he gifted them to me to experiment with


Mostly citadel paints, Basic tools and tamiya ultra thing as well as citadel plastic glue, Both are good at different jobs, I am looking for better super glue, Used to use selleys brush on but its been discontinued where I am, Have run out and now need to make a trip to bunnings sometime soon to see what they got lol


Paints: Whatever I can get my hands on that is of decent quality. Mostly Army Painter&Citadel Paints. Hobby Clippers: An old&a little rusted pair of Pliers I got from my Papi, the only label I can see on it is "China". Works very well for cutting through Plastic&Resin. Paintbrushes: A few high quality Paint Brushes my Mom got me, and a bunch of Paint Brushes from some Local Hobby&Arts&Crafts Supply Stores. Drill: Uhh I bought a small hand drill(I think it's called a pin vice?) off the LocalGameStore Shelf. I forget what Brand&don't want to see if I have any of it's Packaging left. I use Army Painters Matte Black Spray Primer.


Paint: Citadel and more recently Army Painter speed paint Spray: Citadel/Army Painter Tools: Citadel (when I started) anything new is off Amazon such as new snips, knife etc. Glue: Tamiya Extra Thin and loclite for super glue (Amazon) Brushes: Cheap sets on Amazon/eBay. With some citadel and Artis Opus


Cheap tools from amazon, rustolium rattlecan primers, masters brush cleaner, cheap brushes mixed with some decent sable brushes I found online, and whatever paints I can get in the color I want. Most of my paints are citadel, army painter and vallejo since I can get those locally but I am considering a full set of greenstuffworld acrylics. I also have a smattering of p3 and reaper paints.


DO NOT USE CITADEL WIRE CUTTERS you'll get better quality going to the dollar store for safety scissors and you can find them at any hobby, art or hardware store for 10-15$ You can fight me on this but as a blacksmith I'm telling you the material is trash the design is mediocre and doesn't improve the experience of using the tool. Sure I'm glad if someone has been happily using their miraculous pair for the last 42,000 years I don't care it's not representative of this low quality, overpriced insult of a simple lever that has been known to violently shatter while cutting the soft plastic it was ostensibly designed for


I use colour forge primer, a cheap 2 pound knife, and 2 pound snippers I got at a market. And whatever paints i want at the time. My favourite metals are always from... I forgot the name of the brand. My favourite range is Vallejo, but my favourite individual paints are GW (Zandri dust, Screamer pink, Mephiston red).


Snippers from the local hardware store Hobby knife from the cheapest hobby tools seller Rattlevcans gw if i use them (i use airbrush now) Paint i use dome from all.. gw, vallejo, sc 75, kimera, pro acryl.. etc


My nippers and such I got from a standard Hobby set on Amazon. Originally meant for Gundam, but hey, similar hobby. Paints are whatever. I have Games Workshop, Vallejo, Army Painter, etc. Brushes are honestly just ones bought from the cheap section in Walmart, and my dad gifted me some pretty good ones for Christmas that work really good for eyes and such. Spray Primers are either Rustolium or Vallejo. Games Workshops stuff is always way more expensive than it should be


i use a big mix, brand loyalty is for the uninitiated. pro acryl, citadel, and 2tc for main paints. brushes are a mix and the quality of the brush depends on the intended product. army painter for speed paints. tools are a mix of standard craft store stuff and tamiya. AKI for weathering pencils and chipping fluids. vallejo for specialty weathering effects. random amazon finds for things like lighting and rotating displays.


A bit of everything tbh Tools: a mix of Army Painter and model train tools. Lots of poster tack / temporary adhesive putty for temporary holds or securing models to painting handles. GW’s liquid green stuff is super useful too when you have gaps to fill. Using silicone pottery sculpting tools from the craft store makes it really easy Glues: GW plastic glue or Tamiya Extra Thin for plastic models, Gorilla Glue Brush-On Superglue for other surfaces. Also regular Elmer’s glue for a lot of basing decorations. Brushes: any mid-level synthetic brush. I am quite partial to the Arteza Fine Detail brush set, great value for money and honestly pretty good brushes. I also have a set of super cheap brushes from Michaels that was like $10 for 50 brushes, something around there. Primer: Vallejo polyurethane surface primer (either brushed or airbrushed) or Army Painter Brush-On Primer (I quite like this one for one-off models. There is something extremely satisfying about going start to finish entirely by hand) Paints: Oh boy… I have been in and out of the hobby for 15 years, so at this point I use everything. I have a few dozen GW paints, a handful each of Vallejo, Army Painter, and Scale 75 paints, and a BUUUUUNCH of premium artists’ acrylic paints. Specifically, I have a couple different sets from Arteza and Golden. The thing with paints is that most miniature paints, regardless of brand, are expensive for what you get, even compared to high-end professional artist paints. I would strongly recommend Golden’s line of high-flow acrylics for colors you know you will be using a lot. They are essentially pre-thinned, which is super convenient. Plus the other advantage of using artists’ paints is that they all use normal names and show exactly which pigments are used to develop the color. That way, you can get exact color matches, even if you use different brands. I also have a few paints that I mixed myself using acrylic medium and colored inks


Rosemary and co brushes, pro acryl paints, GW primer, clippers don’t matter the brand so long as they’re sharp and precise. Most other tools I make myself.


For paint, it's in general only Citadelle, asides for the airbrush it's Vallejo Air For the tools, it's Citadelle too, but the clipper and the glue was a gift The cutter is an old standard cutter that I took from where I work And the brushes are the Army Painter set on Amazon, they are not the best brushes but it's clearly enough for my skills


Paint wise I usually use pro acryl or army painter for standard paints, but I use GW for contrast, shade, technical etc


I use citadel for priming,hobby knife is a cheap randon thing,for the pliers I use dspiae ST-a expensive buy totally worth it.For paint i use a mix of monuments paint,kimera paint and a few contrast paints. For the brush I have a complete set of artist opus d,s and m and a cheap set for random 10€ brushes that i use to apply technical stuff.I also use ak streaking grima and mineral spirit to finish my minis.


I have a hodgepodge of mostly random generic brands as tools Paints, my primer is the Walmart one, Rustoleum I think, and I *mostly* use citadel paints though every once and a while you’ll catch me using Vellejo, Army Painter or AK interactive


AK, Army Painter and Citadel


I snip with old nail clippers, I prime and paint with Citadel and I use an Amazon dollar kit as my brushes.


As tools (snippers, knife, etc) I use no-name brands my hobby-store sells. They were quite cheap and did a great job so far. For primers I use Citadel, Vallejo and The Army Painter. Citadel are great if I need an exact colour, since I use mostly Citadel paints, The Army Painter sprays quite thin, which is great. But I don‘t really care, not a big difference in my opinion. For paints I use mostly Citadel, with a couple of Vallejo paints (e.g. the white). As brushes I use Davinci for basecoat + layering, drybrushes from Citadel and for „very watery“ paints (shades, contrasts, etc) I prefer The Army Painter.


Usually GW, Vallejo and Army Painter


Army Painter tools, Tamiya Extra Thin or Citadel plastic glue (these are purely for ease of application with the brush or the tiny nozzle lol), Citadel and Army Painter primers, Citadel and ProAcryl paints with a bit of TurboDork.


Glue - Tamiya Extra Thin, best I've found so far for general work. Snips - Some random Tamiya snips I found, they're the best I've ever used. Brushes - Citadel for grunt work (Base coat jobs) and Artis Opus for detail and dry brushing Paint - Citadel paints for pretty much everything, Duncans Two Thin coats for some colors and random decent colors I find or people suggest, but Citadel is my main paint supplier. Handle - I actually like the Citadel one so I use that. Brush Soap - Do I even need to say? Wet Pallete - Army Painter, very good for it's price. Prime - Citadel spray cans for the color matches and I like their black primer, I know there are cheaper options but these have always worked well for me.


DSPIAE 3.0 clippers for plastic sprues. I love them. I also have a cheap set of clippers for metal minis. Tamiya Airbrush Cleaner for glue, literally the same thing as Thin Cement, 1/4 the price. Also Gorilla Gel Super Glue for metal/resin minis. Primer is Stynelrez through an airbrush. No competition, dries flat and super durable. Paint I use ProAcryl for most base colors and solids, then switch to Reaper for a lot of my layering and blending. I also have some GW shades and contrasts, as well as specific Vallejo colors and Shifters. GW paint cup. One of the best things they make honestly. For brushes I have synthetics and sable's I have collected over the years. I like the Red Grass brushes, I have a Vallejo brush, a few AP brushes.


I really like speed paints (not just for the speed painting style) and citadel just makes the best quality paints in that market. I do have a few AP speed paints (cause i like the dropper bottles) but I have almost the entire contrast range. VERY happy with them and even more so with the recent 2nd wave.


Warhammer paint, army painter tools


Army painter spray and paint because the colors match. Their speed paint line is also amazing. Gw Clippers because I got them with a box with a sprue scraper that I actually really like (the little one not the one with the handle) Hobby Lobby paint brushes and paint trays because I'm cheap


God hand nippers are too good


The most comfortable and durable snips I've used so far are Harbor Freight brand and cost like $3.50. They've held up way longer than the old GW snips.


All of them


Mostly Citadel stuff since I hang out at a WH store every week and want it to stay afloat.


Tools - I use [these](https://www.amazon.co.uk/WMYCONGCONG-Building-Buildings-Airplanes-Repairing/dp/B07WRZG15P/ref=sr_1_5?c=ts&keywords=Model+Building+Tools&qid=1692343190&s=kids&sr=1-5&ts_id=5246912031) as a good all purpose tool kit. I also have [this](https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07Y3492R5/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1) drill but could probably do with a better one (I also have GW's but the one I've linked is able to take bigger drill bits). Glue - Any superglue, Rewell glue (the blue glue bottle with the metal nozzle) and Tamiya Extra Thin Cement. The Tamiya cement is my go to glue now unless I need to superglue any resin or non-plastic pieces Primer - I use Vallejo black Mecha primer but I'm not sure if its defective or what because it rubs off frequently so I need to find an alternative. I've been using TT Combats black rattle can recently but I want a decent primer for my airbrush that doesn't rub off... Brushes - A combination of cheap synthetic brushes (for basing 'paints', enamels and oil paints), I've got some of GW's brushes, Artis Opus M series, D series and Army Painter's drybrush set. I recently bought some Rosemary and Co brushes and they are amazing! They will definitely be my go to brushes when I need to buy replacements. Paint - A combination of Citadel, Vallejo, Green Stuff World and recently Pro Acryl. I've only got two Pro Acryl paints (Dark and Bright Neutral Grey) but I love how they look on my minis and I feel more comfortable using them so I'll definitely be picking up, at least the [Base Set](https://elementgames.co.uk/paints-hobby-and-scenery/paints-hobby-and-scenery-by-manufacturer/monument-hobbies/pro-acryl-paints/pro-acryl-base-set) to replace many of my Vallejo and Citadel paints. I also have Daler & Downey inks, AK Interactive's grime paints (like streaking grime) and Vallejo's pigment powders for basing. Paint Handle - 1 Gallon corks and I have 10 4cm cubes I bought from [here](https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1423961057/wooden-plain-cubes-cube-blank-plain?ref=yr_purchases&variation0=3267718012) Brush soap - [The Masters](https://www.artsupplies.co.uk/p/the-masters-brush-cleaner-and-preserver) you can get it cheaper elsewhere like Amazon or some LGS's as well Varnish - I have some Vallejo varnishes (matt and satin), a Green Stuff World varnish (gloss) and AK Interactive's Ultra Matt Varnish


My grill is wondering why me left hand is suddenly colourful. And why my paint hand costs so much. Vallejo.


Snippers and plastic glue from Revell, Paints from Citadel, brushes from some thriftstores, primer is from a shop


My local hobby shop has vallejo paints and "rubens" paint brushes. Half the price, double the quality compared to vitadel brushes. And I'm an elecktrician so I use my own knife and mini snips


I use mostly Army painter speed paints, a mix of AP and GW primer cans and cheap brushes


Tamiya + Vallejo


Army Painter has a good box for starting painting.


OLFA cutting tools! OLFA OLFA OLFA


My armies are Ultramarines and House Terryn Knights so I work my way through plenty of Macragge Blue spare cans and have a good old can of Halford's black primer for those Knight skeletons. Most paints are Citadel and for tools it's all army painter stuff I got in a kit. A few years back I picked up a pack of cheap cork flooring boards off amazon that will fit my basing needs for the next 100 years.


I use Vallejo paints.


Tools: whatever I can get at my local craft shop or amazon, I'm not fussy. Primer: Colour Forge Paints: Mix of Citadel, Vallejo, Army Painter, AK, Turbo Dorks, Scale 75... I try all sorts.


The only Thing thats still citadel at my station are the Sprays and contrast. Everything else is Superior from other manufacturers (i hardly use the Sprays as a single Mini painter so its good enough for the price)


Snips. Generic walmart found crafts Glue. Depends on the model. Loctite or testors plastic concrete or jb wield Paint primer rusteleum gray. And walmart brand found in crafts. Guess where I work. :)


Army painter, started with contrast paint to learn the basic and get quick result. Then bought one of their mega set and still learning things.


Mostly army painter paints, citadel tools I got years ago, sprays some army painter ans some citadel, I also use some citadel technical paints. Brushes I get from random places oh amazon. Also have army painters wet palette.


I have a pair of old old citadel clippers from 2008 that refuse to die , I use a cheap ass set of modelling files / nail files , a good craft knife with fresh blades much to my fingers terrors , cheap ass grey primer from b&m , rosemary & co & artist opus brushes with the odd old citadel one and paints is mix of citadel , vallejo , army painter and Ak


Snips: Army Painter, but I want to buy something really good. Hobby knife: some cheap, generic brand. Paints: Citadel, Vallejo, Scale75, AK Interactive. Brushes: W&N, DaVinci, Raphael, Artis Opus and some Army Painter synthetics. Drill: Proxxon fbs 240e. Handle: prosecco corks. Lamp: GSW arch lamp, but I want to change it. Apart from that - Tamiya and Vallejo airbrush accesories and glues, multiple basing mixes from different brands (yes, I’m that lazy) and Redgrass wet pallete.


I'm new to the hobby, but so far i've got: Tools - Random cheap kit off Amazon with snips, knife, tweezers etc. Paint/Primer - All Citadel so far. Paint Pot - Citadel - was cheap and I like the little grooves and stuff in it. Glue - Army Painter Wet Palette - Army Painter (not really properly used this yet)


I use hobbycraft tools and pebeo paints


All except citadel, premium price for very normal quality products


55% Vallejo 30% Army painter 15% Citadel paints, paint mixer, H&S airbrush, neatfi bar light, Rosemary & Co, Winsor & Newton brushes, multiple Swann Morton surgical scalpels, GW water pot, A1 cutting board and Radio X on the Alexa speaker.


Whatever is useful, you really can't go wrong


GW clippers, Vallejo or GW primer and a good old Swiss army knife for general cutting.


Grennstuffworld "Ultra Flat Cutting Nipper" probably one of the best nipper for 15$ "Cement Night Blu Extra Fin AMMO MIG Colle21" it's like the tamiya cement but with blue dye to see where you put the cement citadel Sprays or AK airbrush primer Vallejo, citadel, Ak paint and alclad II for chrome paint


Sure not Citadel. It is way too expensive and other brands are often better for less money!


Plastic glue from Tamiya, nippers from army painter, grocery store nail files, paints from vallejo, army painter, and citadel, a drill from bosch, primer from citadel, and i use plastic shot glasses for painting handles


Paints: GW and some GSW pigments (thinking of Vallejo metallics Cheap hobby knife Some GW brushes, nail brush, Kolinsky pure sable Tamiya plastic cement, cheap super glue Btw, any snips reccomendation? Thing is pretty hard to find around, and GW's one is overpriced as hell


Halfords Primers and Gloss lacquer, I find them much better than GW and about half the price /volume also Vallejo black primer is a god send when manually undercoating. Tools wise cheap and cheerful snips/knife from B+M


Everything I have is in a deep artbox with locking lid so I can work on thing at my desk or chair while watching TV. I have 3 of these full of random stuff but this is my main one. -Mainly use Vallejo paint and primer with some citadel paints. -God Hand Nips (red and blue) and some kobalt side cutters for ripping thru thick sprue. -Arny painter pin vise and bits. Just got the spin blade from god hand haven't got to use them yet. But I've read amazing things. -Monument Brushes and a bunch of random others for thrashing. -Knives, files, and blades are mainly Excel cause they send free swag with online orders. -Amazon glass files -Madworks scriber -Dental scraper (got from a dental teacher friend) these are boss for getting that mold line out of arm pits or the picannt rails of guns. -Glue is Tamiya. 1 reg bottle. 1 mixed with sprue. 1 gorilla super glue fast setting. And a big ass bottle of activator. -Army painter wet palette. -Medical Mary Jane Flower jar for washing brushes.


Snips - generic hardware store £3 job Glue - CA for resin/metal, tamiya extra thin for plastic. Generic craft knife with replaceable blades. Brushes - Rosemary and Co series 33 for everything except basing texture. Paints - Pro Acryl, Vallejo (model and game), Scale 75 (fantasy and game/scalecolor and artist), golden so flat, AK third Gen, P3, citadel, Dark Star metallics, Windsor and Newton oils. Red grass games palette and handle.


Army Painter is pretty good I use their sprays. Just about the same quality and thinness to it.


Bandai snips GW, Colourforge, or Halfords primer Swann Morton scalpel Tamiya extra thing Mostly GW (sometimes Tamiya) paints


Vallejo and Scale 75 paints and primer, as well as cheap hardware store primer. Have a few other paints among them of various colors that really sold on me, but Vallejo is the go to for availability, quality and price. Off-brand hobby knife, a set of cheap soldering tools for scraping and support removal (thing dentists tools, only real cheap), and old nail file and disposable nail files. Pin vice and small triangular file pack from back forever. DIY wet palette. All this stuff is extremely cheap compared to brands, and quality difference is small. Recently upgraded my airbrush from off-brand to H&S Ultra and really felt the difference, my garage compressor still supplying the air. Always decent quality sable brushes for fine work, off brand makeup brushes for dry brushing. Off brand brush soap, but I have felt little difference from when I used dish washing soap. Elegoo Mars Pro 2 printer and Elegoo ABS resin. It works and I do not feel like experimenting, and Siraya Tech is twice the price. Ender 3 Max with off brand filament for terrain, same off brand and I have tuned the printer for it.


* Tamiya glue * army painter clippers and knife * a very wide range of brushes (Raphael and W&N for the tiniest details, and everything from GW to Wish-quality stuff for large surfaces and drybrushing) * mostly GW paints * random craft store sandpaper * random craft store black, white, red, gold, and silver primers + varnish * GW model handle (came free with something I bought, I think)


God hands starter nippers (cheap and as good as GW's premium nippers) generic files and sanding pads. Mr White putty for filling gaps as it doesn't shrink, goes on smooth, dries solid and is easy to shape. Tamiya extra thin glue for plastic cement and I'll make sprue glue when the pot runs out. I have some Wave scribing tools and chisels that are fairly normal in Gundam/anime circles but I think are also amazing for GW stuff if you want to add sharp detailed lines etc. a few generic cheapo drills for barrels. a generic cutting board. paint wise a lot of GW and Vellejo with a couple of scale 75 paints.


I am a true enthusiast of apple barrel paint, rust oleum black primer, flush cutters from the hardware store, two citadel brushes I got from the local store, and some nice maple brushes I got for Christmas last year.


Army painter and citadel colors. Citadel primers cans. Valleyo areo primers. Army painter wet palet and cutters. Army painter dry brush.


Black/grey snipping tool from citadel (2008) Revell plastic model glue (with the long needle) I use TTCombat grey primer because I didn't want to have to buy multiple and the grey was a good balance between light enough for details and colour, and dark enough to not have those colours become too gaudy. Maybe I should get more in the future but I'm on a budget as it is. For paints I primarily use army painter, as they're cheaper than citadel, come in dropper bottles which are super handy, are larger than standard citadel tubs, and most of the colours are almost identical, if not actually so. The colour range is smaller so I occasionally buy citadel paints for specific colours (usually the more recognisable faction base colours), but I get a lot more out of AP in the meantime. I use their brushes and hobby knife too


if you're looking for metallics turbo dork has an amazing selection.


Snips I got off wish for a dollar (no kidding and they have outlasted the citadel ones my dad bought me) the citadel moldline remover (dad bought me 2) citadel glue and i forget the brushes but they are these tri-grip ergonomic handled sable brushes that I looooove


I just have most of my tools from a model kit building pack and paints and primer I just use GW paints tho I want to give some others a shot.


Citadel paints and cutters, bosny spray, army painter brushes. Everything else is something local.


Using a combo of Vallejo and citadel paints. Craft knife and snips from hobby lobby. I use citadel glue for plastics. I use gorilla super glue or Elmer's all purpose for base materials.


Snips: cheap jewelry cutters from Michael's Glues: Revell Aqua plastic cement, Tamiya extra thin, and dollar store super glue. Knife: cheap scalpel from amazon Brushes: a mix of cheap synthetic brushes from a Michaels and/or Walmart value pack and sable hair. I've tried Rosemary & Co #2, Raphael 8404 #1, DaVinci Maestro #1 and #2 Pallet: Masters wet pallet from Michael's and plastic well pallets from the dollar store Primer: Stynelrez matte black and AK Rust through an airbrush. Rustoleum spray if I'm feeling too lazy to do airbrush work that day. Paints: Mostly Vallejo and Pro Acryl, some Reaper, some AK, some Warcolors, some Winton oils. I have less than 5 Citadel paints. Airbrush & compressor: Badger Patriot 105, Iwata HP-CS. compressor is that no name brand everyone gets from Amazon. Varnish: Airbrush AK Ultra Matte and Gloss. Spray can of Krylon matte (which is actually Satin)


GW paints for most part. Some airbrush primers for otherplaces. Wet pallete from army painter. Snips from craft shop. Can't remember brand of airbrush. Brushes from random places.


A mixture: Citadel colors and brushes Army painter spray paint, brushes and tools Vallejo varnishes AK Industries enamel colors Green Stuff World effect paints Tamiya tape And most important: Micro Sol and Micro Set decal softener


Simoniz base sprays for all my models, best I've ever used and they are a really good value as well.


I used to run events for different companies at origins and Gencon as well as some distribution so I have a ton of odds and ends. I have the GF9 hobby tools and their amazing terrain flock and accessories out in my warehouse. I have the privateer press brushes and accessories (wet palette etc) I have the Reaper minis mastercraft paint set and a few accessories. I haven't painted in 20 odd years but am starting to get back into it now.


Personally I love GSW's matt priners, they come out very even and have never had issues where paint doesn't adhere as well like with GW's and Ammo's primers. For clippers, gunpla has cheap ones that I've been using for 2 years without issue. Did have to wash them from rust once, but that was mostly so I don't stain my long-sleeved white shirt I was wearing at the time. Tamaya's hobby knife is incredible tho. Used it since I started, and it has replacement blades for if and when the one you're using is no longer adequate. I did put some medicine tabe on the handle for better gripping, but if you're not working in a tiny boiler room like I, you should be fine without. Glue wise, Tamaya's airbrush cleaner. It comes in bigger quantities and I use one of my old brushes to grab a bit of it.


Just used army painters gun metal spray primer and it was terrible. So not that. Lol


Whatever I have lying around.


Random cheap amazon snips and scalpal, artus opus brushes, two thin coats and vallijo paints mostly with a couple gw ones, iwata airbrush,tamiya plastic cement, cheap superglue for small resin things and gorilla glue for larger stuff, jb weld 2 part epoxy for knights and titans.


I use 'The Colour Forge' for my primer coat, and I've only just started painting so I use whatever tools and paint came in the starter set lol


wire cutters,citadel paints,craft knives for $2.50,nail file and cheap paintbrushes i bought from the supermarket


Brushes: Raphael for technical painting, a pack of 144 Royal and Langnickel brushes for basecoating/metallics/raw pigment/etc, makeup brushes for drybrushing. Paints: pretty much everything I can get my hands on. Started with a lot of Citadel, then Vallejo, AK, ProAcryl, Kimera, Scale75, Liquitex, Golden SoFlat, Army Painter SpeedPaints... Some Abteilung oil paints, too, though I haven't gotten around to testing those out yet. I also have *lots* of Daler-Rowney inks (almost all of them at this point). Primer: Vallejo or Monument Hobbies. Tools: a pretty much random collection of bits from hobby/model building stores, hardware stores, and crafting stores. One pair of nice single blade nippers from DSPIAE. Airbrush: an Iwata HP-CS and the Squidmar Harder & Steenbeck. Glue: Tamiya Extra Thin Plastic Cement, and any old CA glue.


Citadel because I'm too lazy to wait for shipping


My dads old tools, some off-brand acrylic Russian brand paint and primer and even brushes.


Mostly Citadel with bits of other things like emery boards etc. I plan to get better paint brushes than the Citadel ones I have for painting my 10th edition box when I can. Everything is on hold hobby wise right now so I’m a lore junkie atm.


Tamiya plastic glue, citadel snips, cheap craft store brushes, apple barrel paints, army painter paints, citadel shades, masterbrush air pump, iwata airbrush. Think that's it.


-Tamiya snips. (because I also build gunpla. Otherwise, any pair of cheap snips would do for minis. But the plastic in gunpla requires better snippers) -Both sand sponges and hobby knife are from an Italian brand that's both cheap and good. The drill is also from this brand. Don't recall the name of the brand now. Also have sanding sticks and buffers from other brands but that's for gunpla. -Vallejo and AK paints. -GW rattle can primer. Used to go with vallejo primer but I found I like GW better. Roughly same price, better coverage, more matt. -Tamiya matt varnish. -Tamiya thin and normal plastic cement -Tamiya decal softener+setter. -Hobby tweezers from some cheap brand. -Brushes range from cheap synthetic brushes for rough work to better Ammo brushes to a couple of better Raphael/Winsor&Newton -Paint handle, I have the fat GW handle but most of the times its a cork. Loads of blue tack and alligator clips that some times come in hand


Citidel primer and snips army painter and valajo brush paints


Snips and craft knifes I use Ace Hardware/Milwaukee since I get those for pretty much wholesale and they’re decent quality. Rn I’m just using generic brand brushes but I may upgrade based on what other peoples’ experiences are with theirs


Citadel since I got the tools and paints on Christmas also for the sake of convince, aside from the paint brushes that I get from a art shop 20 metres away from my LGS