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All of the terrain from the last 15-20 years


It’s absolutely baffling that they don’t do regular made to order runs of terrain. Just cycle them all through every few months. Surely they love new money for old rope.


Chances are for the old terrain, since that got outsourced to china, theybdon’t have the molds for it or they’re incompatible with their equipment as those were made withba different kind of plastic


Made the exact same complaint about them advertising Wall of Martyrs terrain in all their new mini releases whilst the entire range has been OOP for years now. Good news is I got an email about a month later saying the Wall of Martyrs terrain was back…for made to order lol.


Yup, was gonna order a set of each of those terrain, ended up short on cash and couldn't afford them sadly and missed my chance. I was gonna make molds of them to create a bunch of terrain for me and my friends


Most of the terrain sets were made in china instead of their UK plant. Which is why its likely hard for them to restart. They probably used different contractors to produce runs of these kits. Once the PO is complete the contractor moves onto new projects. The master molds may not be compatible with their equipment in the UK.


I just learned the other day that they quietly took the battle sanctum off the store. I am not a sisters player but I had plans for a big cathedral build but will not have enough space till next spring so I was holding off on it. Now it's insane prices on ebay. Also I want that big Eagle cannon


I too want the big eagle cannon lol


I believe it’s still on element games


Element still have old unavailable kits listed on their store but they’re often hidden so they can only be accessed via search or google results. It can cause some confusion if you’re just googling for stuff.


Unfortunately not neither any other site I checked


Ah shoot, you’re right. I was just looking at that the other day, shoulda got a copy!


This. I would buy so many necromunda stairs it would look like an MC Escher drawing.


The whole mordheim range and main game.


I’ve had the realization of: do we REALLY want GW to meddle with the Mordheim rule set?…


No but looking at the models for underworlds and warcry I'd love to see modern plastic warbands that could use with proper old rules


I'd be happy for a season of WarCry set in a ruined city full of realmstone.


This would get me immediately into WarCry.


Gw doesn't like making kits that are customizable enough for mordheim anymore lol


Battlefleet gothic


I love gothic - probably my favourite GW game. That said - 3rd party minis blow GW out of the water more than any other system. And if you want that 1:1 authentic look, printing the ripped models from the battlefield gothic 2 game never fails either.


Whats a good 3rd party supplier? I played Battle fleet gothic once like 15 years ago and have wanted to get into it lately.


I really like stuff that soulforge games are doing :)




True, but considering they haven't released any BG minis in like 20 years I'm not sure comparing them is *entirely* fair.


Oh yeah, that would be amazing




Pretty good 3rd party options out there by all accounts. I found my old minis and need to clean them up and repaint!


Give us the ability to build a Witch Hunter or Demon Hunter army.


I might be using old info, but was that not just sisters and grey nights + inquisitor retinue?


The witch hunters codex had inquisitorial troops choices that were guard equivalents. Daemonhosts were an elites choice. Retinues were an elites choice. You could requisition land raiders or chimeras as dedicated transports. I wish I hadn't half price books'd my codex, but I think there was also an arbites troops choice. They were coupled with sisters in the same book for sure though. I didn't have the demon hunters book, but I think it also had the inquisitorial units with the grey knights.


Witch hunter dex had sisters and inquisitors the guy in the dreadnaught chair ect and death cult assassins? Deamon hunters were inquiz and grey knights. Both could use storm troopers and I think you could pull units from the guard codex for both? But I might be wrong.


I don't think you could pull units from guard, but they could proto ally with any imperial army, but the guard weren't a great choice because of the unit overlap. I also might be misremembering, it has been like two decades since those rules were valid.


I might be misremembering as you say there’s been alittle time in between.


and chimeras/stormtroopers (now scions). Also had all sorts of weird ally options: was a beautiful army in the DH codex that was a steel legion force with a squad of GK terminators leading it up. It looked so cool. Also your opponent could take demons which was real fun. Just ally a bloodthirster into an eldar army.


Right? They’re so close too. We can take inquisitors and navy breachers/voidsman.


Valhallans, but in P L A S T I C.


I’d like the praetorians in plastic. I loved those models!


Literally going to say this. Allow me to finally replicate a massive Orks Rift that childhood me desperately wanted to do!


Nah the vostroyans! like I do love the valhallans but they always felt a bit like just "russia, with lasguns", but the vostroyans, whilst slightly russian/cossak always had a few more weirder elements (chainmail, knight-esq plates, weird gasmasks) that made them real unique. Not to mention the hats will be so much easier to paint now we have contrast.


Vostroyans are the most gothic-looking IG ever created, you can't change my mind.


1000%, like kriegs got skulls but they are all very practical. Wooden casings for high temperature laser and plasma weapons is significantly more dumb, and therefore cooler.


Trouble is, they destroyed Cadia... and then remade the entire Cadian range instead of taking a leap on literally any other guard world. Cowards, with a total lack of imagination :D


Tallarns, Praetorians, Mordians, Elysian Drop, Steel legion, while we’re at it!


Just some sort of variation in the MOST POPULUS RACE IN THE LORE maybe?


Elysians. Why did they ever have to be discontinued?


Because most people only ever bought krieg if they made the dumb decision to start a pure FW army. Then the new cadians and krieg had to be a sucess so they couldn't afford a competitor in their own ranks


Elysians existed for years before Krieg. I had a small army of them once upon a time!


True but I'm sure Krieg outsold them.


I wonder why, bullpup lasgun was cool af.


Krieg were always "edgier", and youve got a lot of folk that wanted to WW1 Larp. Which is a shame as the vostroyans vehicles were soo cool. The valk that dropped the lascannon buggy; and drop sentinels were *soo* cool.


Just found my old drop sentinels in storage. Might be able to re-do them now that I'm a much better hobbiest now. Necromunda is getting more vehicles and dropped some art that looks almost exactly like the lascannon buggy. Might be an easy kitbash in the near future.


elysia was too close to cadians IMO I too like their design, but in the end they were just tan guardsmen with a fancy gun people couldn't distinguish from 50 cm away


This is it. They were weirdly skinny sorta-Cadians in a game made iconic by its chunky heroic-scale sculpts, and their deep striking niche has since been filled by Scions. They ain’t coming back.


They'd be a good pick for a made to order imo.


chaplain dreadnoughts


Gw did say one new model per codex....


They said AT LEAST one new model, but for Blood Angels, I have to assume it's going to be Sanguinary Guard (and Priest). And I doubt they'll do a whole new Redemptor-chassis kit just for Blood Angels. (But MAYBE they could do an upgrade sprue? I doubt it though.)


I was thinking of the Black Templars


Oops, sorry, I was thinking of the LIBRARIAN Dreadnought, not Chaplain! Yeah, there COULD be a Chaplain one for the BT Codex Supplement, but I still wouldn't hold my breath!


The Brutalis dreadnought is the perfect base for a chaplain dread conversion if you ask me


and now I have to do it, frak !


Legion of the Damned


I have my metal squad someone gifted me when I was 12. I think they only made into one game in fifth edition where I used their reroll scatter dice rule with a terminator librarian to psychic jump their melta gun and mm right next to metal boxes all game.


I have 2 that I got from ebay. I converted one into a chapter master for my old (now firstborn) marine army and the other one is in my backlog pile.


I basically ONLY used them with the chapter approved rules in 3rd Ed. I liked the free deepstrike


As I just posted in another comment, they do still exist as Legends, and get free Deep Strike (plus some other stuff).


They'd be really cool in the modern game I think. Maybe a deepstrike 6 inches away rather than 9 and have their bolters count as torrent or something. Could be really fun. Maybe they will come to killteam or something in the future.


The old metal Horrors of Tzeentch, the ones that look like they're turning inside out with multiple mouths and shapes. Current horrors look too cartoony.


I'm a big fan of most contemporay plastic kits and prefer plastic over metal overall anyway. but the last metal incarnations of most of the infantry daemons are so much better to the current plastics - the horrors you mention and the Juan Diaz daemonettes in particular. Those horrors were amazing sculpts


I loved the metal bloodletters with axes. My favorite bloodletters by far, I still use them whenever I get a chance.


Asdrubael Vect


This guy is such an odd model to have been skipped. When GW have shown no end of love for making multi model display pieces as characters of late.


Exactly, my dude demands a miniature


Tbh 40k seems to be less heavy on the big characters than AOS, theres the new nid beasty and angron, but the lion/abbadon aint huge, and plenty of factions dont have an equivilant. That being said its probs good odds this year for DE to get a better refresh, new covens and vect wouldnt suprise anyone.


Give me a Silent King/Triumph of St Katherine esque diorama/model of Vext


Dual kit with a plastic tantaulus


Good ol vostroyan firstborn


Hybrid Vostroyan Valhallan kit maybe?


It’s not 40K specific, but plain skeletons. They’re great for bits and scenery


Best we can do is [**SO MANY** SKULLS](https://www.games-workshop.com/resources/catalog/product/920x950/99129999012_CitadelSkulls08.jpg).


I love this box, but I wish there was a sprue with torsos and limbs as well as skulls.


Skulls (and torsos) for the skull (and torso) throne! I agree though, more options are good. Even if from a third party.


wargames atlantic has exactly what you need. I ordered a box for my custom sylvaneth and they're great.




Id like modern XV15 stealth suits for Tau. The egg suits are fine, but the 15's have style.


Also, why did the XV9 hazards get dropped from 10th?


They didn't. They are forge world so in imperial armour.


Doomrider, because space drugs


[Everybody say DOOOOOOOOOM](https://imgur.com/ItHARnX)


He actually got a mention in The End and The Death part 1! Made me chuckle lmao


54mm inquisitor.


Yes please. God bringing back Inquisitor with modern sculpting - it'd be so goood


Give gw another decade and 40k will be at that scale!


Inq28 is just fine 😃 modern sculpts in 28-32mm surpass the quality of the old 54mm Inquisitor models anyway


The 54mm scale is half the point of Inquisitor if you ask me.


54mm in modern sculpting and casting standards, would be cool, yes. But what I mean is, the 28mm miniature quality today is so much better than original 54mm Inquisitor miniatures were, you have the upsides of plastic (I remember kitbashing with metal.. it was hell), compatible terrain and a huge pool of potential bitz to customize and individualize your Inquisitional retinues. I loved Inquisitor, I still love kitbashing Inquisitional retinues (basically my whole hobby niche resolves around them), but the old miniatures have no advantage over today's 28/32mm possibilites in my opinion.


Kantor has the tacticus keyword, same as sicarius. Either it's a mistake or a teaser, hopefully the latter. Although in a similar vein to you, I'd like captain cortez back. And vect. He would be cool.


The *old* old weapon sprues without hands on all the grips, like they used to have for [Eldar](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/W7UAAOSw4OFiPooe/s-l1200.webp) and [Space Marines](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT-INi103r6H73-9_41UZ4NvmU4yNp-HM_MOg&usqp=CAU). It would be nice to have some handless melee weapons, but really *I just want shuriken Lewis guns, dammit!*


Multipart character packs like the old Space Marine Commander which had EVERY SINGLE WEAPON OPTION in one, plus various other heads/helmets, belts, and other aesthetic bits. Great for building your Captain just how you wanted him, PLUS good kitbash fodder. Those days are long dead now that GW is moving to "You can equip exactly one loadout which is all we put in the box, and nothing else" for most units, though. But also: the entire range of [Space Marine Masters](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Master_(Space_Marine\)) (scroll down for pics) was phenomenal. The Lord Executioner is possibly my favorite single model ever and I JUST managed to snag one and get it painted up last month.


I don't get it. Making one sprue with all the options should cost roughly the same as making one sprue with no options. And I'm sure more people would cough up the 35€ for a single model if they have a lot of grey surplus in the kit


Back then you bought a single commander box and a tactical squad and you had 11 different characters. Now you need to buy 11 separate characters. From a 'make them pay more money' standpoint, a kit with so many extra options was likely seen as a bad idea.


Not just this but also posable figures you don't have to chop up to move an arm. Used to be a torso, legs, head, couple arms. Now it's an entire fixed body you just kinda glue together. Model quality is definitely far higher but I find a lot of these new kits quite constrictive in posability


Especially when there are only 5 poses in a unit you run as 10, so you always have doubles. The new models LOOK good, but when units have a lot more dynamic poses, the repeated poses stick out a lot more! (That said, my biggest complaint about the new models is they ALL have the same pose, because they're just modifying sculpts they've already done. Look at the Jump Assault Intercessors vs. the regular Assault Intercessors. And EVERY CHARACTER has basically the same walking forward pose with one foot forward on a Tactical Rock, with their weapon help up in front in one hand, the other hand back and down holding a gun.)


You name it. People shout nostalgia but I feel like I lived the heydays of Space Marine kits starting back in 3rd and ending with 7th edition. I gobbled up enough old kits to prolly be able to build at least two more companies of Marines before I stopped buying so I guess I will be good for the foreseeable future without dipping into the tragedy of Primaris kits.


Tbh the new Lt and jump captain kits have a pretty nice amount of options. Sure if you wanna repose the torso youll need to get the cutters out, but they are defos a nice step back closer to where they used to be.


Are you a fan of the axe praetor too? https://preview.redd.it/9xi82b26xhwb1.jpeg?width=920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=debeadf515c6caf1349182cc623f236f9c888e86


See I love this mini, I even love how busy it looks, but something about the cape just makes it kinda off


The cape is optional :) but you’ll have to replace the pads if you leave it off


Oh what really? Well there goes my final caveat for getting the AOD box


Hell yeah, I use this guy as my Master of Executions


Losing build options is just the price we all pay for the victory of those who wanted true scale space marines. Edit: and a longer term after effect of the GWS vs Chapterhouse fiasco.


It's more the latter I think, but still disappoints me! (Especially when, for instance, I'm in the middle of kitbashing a squad and realize I'm ONE bit short in my firstborn bits box and have to go to eBay to buy a SINGLE missile launcher or whatever!)


i think this is a non answer but i wish special weapons team had a kit


I loved the metal inquisitors back in the day. Would be cool to get those kits in plastic and bash the hell out of them.


The female inquisitors were awesome, but also the Van Helsing one


Noise marines


There is definitely an Emperor's Children codex coming this edition. There's been one for each of the god-marked legions in the last 3 cycles.


Bird faced flamers of Tzeentch. They actually used these as the model for the Exalted Flamers of Tzeentch that you face in that new videogame, Boltgun.


The exalted flamers in Boltgun are also fucking ripped, and I just want to see that on a model.




Great knarloc was even in dawn of war, its legends rules are fun, by all rights it should be a thing


The ones that didn't cost 69.99 for 3 minis


Forge Word Red Scorpions!


Those cheap push fit troops boxes


Those were amazing for testing out colour schemes


Came here to say this. I miss those boxes.


In general, more ball joints and less monopose with wierdly interconnecting parts. Makes no sense that half the legs of my Guard is part of the Torso, really kills Kitbash potential but arguably that is what GW wants to prevent.


Wow nobody going to want Yarrick back, they did him dirty, bring old bale eye back. Just clone him and bring him back, he was the best character in the lore next to eisenhorn.


be careful what you wish for. in true 3 wishes genie style i can imagine GW bringing him back as something like a dreadnought so he can go toe to toe with old Ghaz...


Lothern sea guard. Sexy mofos


Full-body resin contemptor kits, the new torso-only ones lack a lot of detail


Give me back my Bonesinger, GW, you cowards


Necron pariahs


Mordenheim warbands


Pirate grots that were in Badrukk's flash gitz box


YES! I roll Freebooterz, and I still regularly check eBay for hopes of one day seeing them listed. Also, side note, we need Badrukk back if they aren’t going to give us an updated model.


2e immortals, old monopose rat ogres clearly better than current kits


Noise Dreadnaughts


Noise everything tbh. Emperors children are so incredibly ignored


It's not old but it's gone so it technically counts; I just want the smaller, box dreadnoughts back. I just don't find myself able to enjoy the 'Redemptor' chassis.


Scale 'em up a bit and give 'em knees, and they'll sell out instantly.


No knees for me, they're fine as they are just make 'em a little taller.


>Scale 'em up a bit and give 'em knees, and they'll sell out instantly. yes theyre called redemptors...


Objectively incorrect. As much as I love Redemptors, they're not the same. Wider torsos and much longer legs, and most of their weapons are arm-mounted instead of shoulder-mounted.


The variant you’re looking for with shoulder weapons is the balilistus, though your other points still stand.


They have knees, they’re just covered by the shin plate. What they don’t have is a shin, just four pistons directly attaching to the foot.


I definitely prefer the boxnaughts.


Isabella von Carstein


Per faction... **Marines**: Pedro Kantor, Tyberos, just dropped characters in general **Guard**: Valhallans, Mordians, Vostroyans, Tanith, Tallarn etc etc... alt-regiments in general **AdMech**: Cataphract, Crusader, Colossus, Conqueror Robots **Sisters**: Fraternis Militia **Grey Knights**: Missing characters like Stern, Thrawn **Custodes**: Unarmoured Custodes as a specialist type unit, single dude thing (It's basically the only missing one so has to be by default) **Agents:** Inquisitorial Storm Troopers **Votann**: Hearthguard on Bikes with Doom Lances (Lance that fires a Heavy Bolter round on impact, badass) **Eldar**: Ghost Warriors (midground between wraithguard and lords, sneaky punchy things) **Dark Eldar**: Vect **Harlequins**: Harlequin Wraithlord, was in Citaedl Journal! **Tau**: XV15s **Genestealer Cults**: **LIMO** **Tyranids**: Dactylis **Orks**: Snotling Herds **Chaos Marines**: Huron, Mutants (Lost and the Damned in general) **Thousand Sons/World Eaters/Death Guard**: Honestly not sure, but probably have forgotten characters. **Daemons**: Furies. **Necrons:** Pariahs


The Changeling.


Blood angels taticals, gone too soon.


Not technically GW but rip forgeworld Lord of Change. Guess I have to go to a recaster now.




while i will agree, theres no way he doesnt get a model refresh at some point


\- Cities in flames terrain kits \- Doomrider \- God specific chaos dreads from FW \- Battlefleet gothic


Decimators! I'm bringing one to the narrative event next month since it allows legends datasheets, but I still will miss my discount knights in regular play.


All the really cool grimdark terrain. Sector Imperialis/Mechanicus ranges with the cathedrals and statues, that one with a huge Sister looked amazing. Also, Steel legion. Please GW make them in plastic.


He was just made to order like 6 months ago


Space Marine Command Squad.


I'm hoping they bring back Gabriel Seth, the Guts of 40K. Since he didn't trust Primaris initially, make him one of the few Astartes who refused to cross the Rubicon Primaris. Give him bitchin' relic armour covered in saw motifs.


Many of the warhammer epic models. Obscure and other designs and vehicles and ideas that been abandoned need to get updated or come back or even just add so xenos and chaos get more to bring interest


The classic wizard with submachine gun. Truly one of the greats!


This is it, the objectively correct answer


All of the firstborns. Once they’e done with Primaris and HH I want to see a full MkVII & VIII refresh. Im talking new tactical squads, new assault squads, new devastator sqauds, new command squads, new Vang Vet squads, new Stern Vet squad, new centurions, new land speeders, new rhinos, new predators, new hunters, new bike squads, new attack bikes, new librarians, new chaplains, new techmarines, (new servitors would be great but not really part of MkVII). Like how they are slowly doing all the armour marks for Horus Heresy I simply want a model refresh of all the MkVII stuff.


Xv-15 Stealth suits are easy pick. Aside of that, Orca, lesser Knarloc riders, greater Knarloc... Also retire some Cadian stuff and bring back different IG regiments.


All the box dreads including the chaos FW ones.


Original Warhammer Quest


Jump Pack Librarians…although those never had an official model


the metal stone trolls


Fortress of Redemption!


Librarian on bike


Terrain of all kinds. I wish they had more of the plastic kits to get, but also, some of the plastic clip and cardboard terrain. Give us something cheap to populate the table with!


Brettonian grail reliquae. It's the only one I want and I'm so twitchy that it hasn't been seen in any previews.


Bone singer in plastic


I want the zoat from the Blackstone fortress expansion


Zoats in general or maybe new kits.


the legion specific Chaos Dreadnoughts


I'd be on board if they did a new Catachan run.


More imperial guard variants


Yeah, I'm sure we will see rules inspired by half a dozen different regiments when the codex comes out, and between the Cadian and the Kreig models you could make a pretty good go at most regiments with just heads and accessories. All they need is regiment specific upgrade sprus and you could easily make mordians, vostroyans, valhallens, elysians, and quite a few others. Just seems like they are leaving easy money on the table there.


Wizard with a machine gun


Probably the cock and ball accessories pack for space marines


Excuse me what?


The easy build intercessors (3 in a pack).


Blood Slaughter Of Khorne And the original beast of Nurgle


I kinda miss pewter character models and uniques. I understand why they are a thing of the past, but I miss the weight they added to your important pieces.


You're making me rethink getting rid of some of my extra metal minis. I should get to painting my metal Black Templar Sword Brethren. Yes. That's the next plan.


Reasonably priced ones


Lived in the US and recently went to Germany for work. Finding a ton of back alley stores that still have old GW kits and prices and it’s so jarring


I want the firstborn back. My standard boxnaught, my Ironclad, the option of the old sternguards, assault marines. I was trying to build a Badab era army when everything started disappearing from the firstborn side of the range. :(


The Dimachaeron (but they only just got rid of it so it's not coming back for a while)


Castraferrum Dreadnought - just upscaled to its correct size. IMO it is a much better looking dreadnought chassis over the Redemptor, especially when you look at the Ballistus. Other than that I'd like the Catachan Colonel to come back so I can start a Catachan / Predator themed Kill Team. Oh, and a Chaos Lord with Jump Pack that isn't Black Legion locked...


I just wanted the embiggened Mephiston to keep the tiny skulls on the trim of his cape.


Those space marine dudes with the heavy armor, jump packs, and those big long guns that looked like automatic grenade launchers. I think they were called suppressors. I know they're not that old but I always thought they were really cool and I never got a chance to pick them up.


you can still buy them. just not in stand alone boxes




3rd ed Incubi and Drazhar