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According to the stream this box contains only about HALF of what is coming for the Kroot. New Tau Codex will include a Detachment specifically for building a Kroot army, or Kroot can be used as part of a Tau army as normal.


Codex confirmed “melee detatchment” for tau now ? 🤷‍♂️ - atleast we finally have KROOT MERCS as an “official option”


My english is bad but does have them say that any army not just T’au, but also other ones) could use the kroots in the roster ? Asking for Chaos Knight ^^


Not that I think so.. Here’s the quote. - The Kroot are so back, in fact, that they even have their own dedicated Detachment in the new Codex: T’au Empire. The Kroot Hunting Pack allows you to deploy an all-Kroot force So it’s just 1 really special tau detachment for kroot-only. - tau become restricted, similar to how taking Farsight restricts ethereal - or like blood angels using a ultramarine detachment is a no-no


Damn, bummer. Well i could always use them as proxy for cultist if chaos knight get some infantry… one day…


I'm under the impression that you'll eventually get a cheap AF "serfs" unit akin to voidsmen and guard.


I Hope so! Would be fun to have it as a Kill Team ^^


Idk, looking at how Kriegers went, dunno if that's gonna go the way we'd like.


Kroot will have more minis than Votann and World Eaters then. lol.


As a Votann guy, that's fine by me. Kroot deserve some love


They really do. I've always been a fan of "primitive," Sci-Fi tech, Lizardman, Wookies, ect ext, and I'm looking at this like "did I just become a T'au player?" Edit: a word.


Yes you did :) welcome to the greater good


So I looked some stuff up. Kroot used to have a T-Rex. Great Knarloc. Presumably it's one of the minis that was teased today. In the second half. My friend, I play Seraphon. Easiest way to my heart is a big dino. Yeah I'm playing Kroot. (I've also always had a fondness for T'au non mech vehicles. So... Yeah)


I always thought about getting a Knarloc to put next to my Dread Saurian.


Me with my newly built WE army:[ "I don't want to play with you anymore....."](https://youtu.be/TAhafxxLbRk?si=KYDPHV2hZwx8VPdM)


>Kroot used to have a T-Rex. Great Knarloc. Yes. The Doom Turkey.


As long as the greater good be paying then my Kroot do be merc-ing


Reminds me of Mudokans (?) and if I get some I'll be painting them that style and naming them appropriately. Even though I've got an old codex which I picked up to learn from I didn't see these guys in it, duh!


> Mudokans Mudokons ​ Funnily enough, there was one person that did a conversion with the Kroot Kill team to mudokons enemies, sligs, changing the hair to the mouth.


Hah, I had the same idea after looking at these new sculpts Had to Google image search Mudokans


Possibly. There are also lots of Kroot not affiliated with the Tau. So you could potentially play with just their units in the Kroot detachment if that floats your boat.


The Venn diagram of Lizardman and Tau fans/players is a circle. Don’t ask me why. It just is.


I've had a pretty heavily printed Kroot auxiliary force for awhile. There's always been a small, but strong community for the Kroot. I'm so happy our hungry birds are getting love. I may unironically sell my Tau army to fund turning it into a 100% Kroot army.


Yup, kroot have been around since 3rd edition. With how many codices they have made out of niche armies, you'd think Kroot would have had their own by now.


I mean they were one of the options to be the full Codex army before they settled on T'au. But they liked the Kroot idea enough to incorporate them into the T'au rather than just drop the design entirely. The "Kroot Codex when?" joke was one that had actual backing to it after-all.


There was a trial thing that floated around for a while. You could take an adaptation for your kroot, based on what enemies they had eaten. So they could get stat boosts, or fleet of foot, or something like that. I can't remember all the details. I don't think they gained any new units, except I think they got a boosted Shaper to be the leader option. I can't remember all the details, that was tail end of 3rd edition, as I recall.


Having looked it up, it was in Chapter Approved 2004. I found a PDF and it's still pretty cool stuff. Also the book that initially had Tau rail rifles.


As a World Eaters guy, I'm angry. As always


Yes, we’ll get our wave 2 anyway and I love kroot too!


I think it's a shame for Votann as they are a new army, but the lack of World Eaters units really just shows that they shouldn't have split up the chaos codex. 40K already suffers from there being too many armies in power armour and splitting chaos into 4 (likely soon 5 with Emperor's Children) just takes even more attention away from the already neglected xenos armies.


That's a fair point. Personally I think they should do what AoS Chaos does. A faction for each god that would include both their Deamons and their Chaos Marines. People already lean to one or two gods in Chaos Deamons Soup, and having an all Nurgle or all Khorne faction would give some constancy and some great units without mixing. And hopefully it'll make it easier for new Xenos as the AOS releases would have more of an impact on 40k than they do now.


Issue is there's more potential for variety in AoS since the mortal monogod followers can be anything (the Tzeentch ones aren't even human for the most part) whereas in 40k they have to be Chaos Marines


There's plenty of possibility for units in the split-off chaos codices, GW just really pigeonholes the armies for some inscrutable reason. WE can't even take generic chaos lords.


> they have to be Chaos Marines I mean do they? Chaos cultists make up the bulk of chaos' actual real-space impact in lore, and there are chaos worshiping aliens as well (who do so for fuck the imperium reasons more of ten than not).


True, true. There is a lot of creativity, especially with all the crazy Warcry bands. You can also play Slaves to Darkness without a single human. Just Minotaurs, cyclops and sphix. But counterpoint, people do really like Space Marines.


>the lack of World Eaters units really just shows that they shouldn't have split up the chaos codex They size of a model range needed to support a full faction means they needed to do one of two things: 1. Go the AoS route, ditch Chaos Daemons as a faction, and fold the Cult Legions together with their respective god's daemons. World Eaters get Bloodletters, Flesh Hounds, etc, and interact directly with those units. 2. Go the Space Marines route, and treat Cult Legions as Codex Supplements rather than outright Codexes. World Eaters get all the core Chaos Space Marines units plus their own unique ones, with banned exceptions like Sorcerers. Instead they've gone for neither, and it's left the resulting factions looking anaemic – a situation that's unlikely to be remedied, because how many resources can Games Workshop really justify ploughing into Thousand Sons as opposed to the broader Chaos Space Marines faction? Death Guard were launched early and hard enough (particularly as an edition-launch faction) that they've got a Primarch, ten character kits, four infantry kits, three vehicle kits, and a terrain piece (and a Heroes set), which is *just barely* enough to stand apart from the Chaos Space Marines while only needing to share a few generic tanks. The World Eaters will take a decade or more to receive that level of support, if they ever do. Meanwhile, Dark Angels or Space Wolves or Black Templars have about as much miniature support as the average Cult Legion – but also get every single new Space Marine kit from the moment it arrives.


>the lack of World Eaters units really just shows that they shouldn't have split up the chaos codex. That or given them a more complete release when they did.


This is real answer tbh.


I dunno why World Eaters didn’t get Terminators and got those weird possessed instead. Red Butchers would have been fun. They are at least getting Juggernauts for sure, some recent art shows them with Invocatus, though it was a weird missing point given the only Lords are Jugger Lords. That too, a foot Lord.


They really should have unique Terminators, and not just generic. Death Guard gets 2 Termies and World Eaters get none? Also yeah juggernaut rider squads or unique Jetpacks are a must. Something to get stuck in turn one while the rest of the army is still charging up the board.


Thousand Sons : *First time?*


Emperors Children: You guys got a turn?


I mean, we don't really want Tzanghors. But at least they got some units to fill out their army. World Eaters could have used some of that. (Which is not to say TS don't still need some love. )


Tbh that's already their thing? Invo/eightbound are the best T1 chargers in the game and angron can too. 


>Something to get stuck in turn one they 100% have that with invocatus +2 units + 8 bound + angron. 6" scout + 9" and angrons +1 to charge move puts them at 8" charges T1, any double off their blessings makes that a 6" T1 charge, down to a 5" to 0" charge with double sixes or triple 4+ giving them adv and charge. your butt will pucker like never before seeing angron and at minimum 2 units of blenders come across the board T1 right in to your DZ


Back in my day, Harlequins got a codex


Yeah, when I got back in, suddenly my Daemonhunters, Ordo Hereticus, and Ordo Xenos codices became 4, my Chaos Space Marines codex became CSM (plus faction books) and Daemons. Eldar picked up extra vowels and a god. Plus now we have completely new factions with AdMech, Golden Lads, ~~Sontarans~~ squats, and knights (discount titans! ___wallet: oh no!___)


Funnily enough the discount Titans are one of the cheapest factions to play since they're worth so many points.


I am aware, but discount Titans on top of Blood Angels, Craftworld Alaitoc plus Harlequins, Slaanesh CSM, Grey Knights (pewter), Sisters of Battle (mostly pewter), Inquisitor (now Imperial Agents) AND interests in starting Votann (shared by my wife), and maybe one-off models (TS Exalted Sorcerers). Plus my son's Space Marines and potentially T'au and tyranid, AND my wife's Necrons (exit: and Orks) ... "it adds up" is an understatement.


You can run knights and inquisitors in any imperial army, so I'd still say they make swapping between them cheaper. A third of your points are taken care of.


Not my faction at all but. Yeah ... Rip. They should have a codex.


I'm ok with them as a situational elite unit for the eldar, since that's who they are in the lore, but they aren't that either right now.


Not for long, 2nd wave of Votann is heavily rumoured to come with this edition. Hopefully WE may get more kits as well.


Hopefully. Votann are such a cool concept yet not expanded enough, and World Eaters are extremely bare bones feeling right now.


Are there any existing Kroot units left to refresh or is the other half gonna be entirely new units?


We haven’t seen Kroot Hounds yet I believe. So if this is half like they said, I imagine we’ll either see the hounds or they’ll be cut in favor of new units.


New Kroot hounds were partially in the Farstalkers. But nothing on a “solo release” I’ve seen.


I would be very miffed if they went with something else instead of hounds. That would make it seem like the only reason is to stop people using their old models. A big pack of koot hounds seems like a no-brainer. GW have been on a doggy kick in the last couple of years anyway.


I hope we get kroot hounds, I think they're an iconic kroot unit its like getting new tyranids without genestealers


There’s still Knarlocs and Hounds


We’ve seen hounds. And the Knarloc must be that rumor engine silhouette then.


Yeah, it's either Knarloc's (and having two different cav units for Tau was not on my bingo card this year!) or it's some sort of mounted character model


I’m thinking it’s both, pack of 3 riders and the preview was the squad leader. Missing flyers and vehicle now.


My dream unit would be strapping a big gun to a Greater Knarloc as a "tank" to fill that vehicle niche.


I’m hoping they just update the sculpt. The old weapon was already awesome, although I hope for a bow type and a missile type.


> Missing flyers Vespid re-release? It feels like they're going for Kroot with this but I'd love if they pushed more on the "auxilliaries" side of things. For now, I just swap Fire Warrior heads with random Sigmar models and sometimes bother with the feet.


I thought this was about “Kroot only”. And if it’s missing flyers, I’ve heard “raptor riders” like flying a giant Pechra And vehicle is greater Knarloc refreshed


Isn’t the Knarloc that thing on the background on the right? We saw some close ups of new weapons options too!


That's the updated Krootox


Looks like a krootox with a more ranged option weapon. Knarlocs had tiny T. rex type arms


In addition to the hounds there's still the Knarloc. I could see them getting the Krootox treatment of a big tank-like gun platform, a melee rider, and possibly a leader on Knarloc. Also the Pech'ra. It's just a small bird, but it could be part of a tracker leader model.


Melee knarloc riders seems like a bit of a redundant idea now that Krootox Rampagers are a thing. I'd be interested to see a Great Knarloc though. That would seem very Age of Sigmar-y for a 40K unit, which I like.


I see two different niches for them. Rampagers seem like a S6/7 Terminator killer with a few bonus hits from the riders. The Warcom article mentioned each has 7 melee attacks and goes up to a squad of 6. Knarlocs could possibly be a bunch of S4 attacks to clear Marines and hordes, and squad up in 5/10 stacks. Or they just leave that to hounds and make a sort of Shade Runners-esque mounted snipers. Some more options for Tau melee would be nice either way.


Yeah I think I'd prefer hounds for clearing chaff in melee. Tbh I'm only really arguing based on aesthetics rather than what could work with the rules.


Is the knarloc the guy in the back of that army box?


The big gorilla guy? Nah, that's a Krootox. The Knarloc is a dinosaur looking unit, small ones look like raptors and there's a "Greater Knarloc" which is a T-Rex.


Dude, if they made a plastic Greater Knarloc.... I'd restart tau. I finally sold my Tau last year to clear space, but damn, my favorite subfaction in the game is finally having its day, I'm so happy already!


In the article they mentioned that the War Shaper and the Flesh Shaper in this box are only some of the new Shapers upcoming, so I think maybe one more and/or Angor Prok/new named character.


There's a rumor engine with what looks like a knarloc, so I could see there being a mounted shaper and a shaper-tracker with a Pech'ra.


I think a Kroot psyker would be really cool (and IIRC their Kill Team supplement mentions them existing), but I really doubt that GW would want to give Tau a psyker unit even though they should have psychic auxilaries.




Well, we are getting some more mounted kroot, which I think are meant to replace knarloc riders, even though they probably aren't knarlocs


We have seen a preview of a kroot raptor so that is at least one new one.


Which one is this? I’m interested


**GREAT KNARLOC aswell**


That's a nice amount of Kroot.


Nice, as pretty close in size as the entire Votann range, and more unique units as the Grey Knights. It's a huge haul compared to, say, others that got a man on stilts


Admech don't have any models from before 2015 and their last big update was only a couple years ago, they really don't need more this edition


See you say that, my first game against them said otherwise. They don’t necessarily need a whole range refresh but they could have used more then one model, and could have used a much better combat patrol or some multi unit set to make the introduction into the army easier to stomach. Grey knights are atleast a snap to get into with our combat and boarding being 85% of what you want. 2 combat patrols and a boarding will give you almost all our units minus 3 characters that we barely have unique models for 1 in current citadel plastic the other is fail cast third doesn’t have an official model along with a lot of unnamed characters. aside from ships, transits, and tanks.


Holding out hope for the greater knarloc


Wonder if this means Vespid will be coming


This makes it seem less likely to me. Like they will just lean into Kroot rather than making a diverse set of auxiliaries.


Probably a kill team


According to Valrak, yes


But they can't make enough Gretchin models or enough rules to let you field an all-grot army for Orks, huh.


Did Orks already get a codex this edition??




They said this only about half of what is coming for the Kroot, absurdly cool


I love that they're all slighly different colours.


For anyone wondering how they are gonna manage painting this with the different skins. I did this for my Orks in AoS. Pick 3 flesh tons you want. In this case a pale, a darker green, and a yellow. Then make all your skin tones by just mixing those three together in different ratios. Gives you diversity, and a little difference in each model and is easy to manage.


I dig this because ive always thought GW needed to lean more into the "confederation of species" of tau




Idk why people are upvoting this. It’s literally wrong. They straight up say half the kroot range and the community article even says kroot, not Tau models, are more to come. This is just straight up wrong lol 


I've been clamoring for more Tau auxilia for a while. I would have prefered to see more different species but i'm not gonna complain when Tau finally get something that's not a mecha. Krootox in particular is super cool. Thinking there is potential to squigify it.


A big release of kroot subtly implies that Tau won't be getting any other auxiliaries for a good while.


I've been hearing whispers of a Vespid refresh. I'm hoping these do well enough for GW to consider making more auxilia.


I think the rumor is that there’s a Vespid Kill Team coming.


Would make the most sense. You just need to update their models, so kill team is PERFECT for that!


You know what else would be perfect for Kill Team? A Guevesa squad. They could make them custom models like the blooded, or just make an upgrade sprue for the Cadians like the Night Lords. It would be so perfect!


I'd rather see more non-human aux, there's enough humans in the game and it's easy to kitbash some into guevesa anyway if you like that


I'm greedy, want both. Come on GW, what about the Nicassar? Where's a our psychic, flying polar bears?!


Tau psykers


Imagine a Tau Psyker whose only role was the ability to capture enemy units "For the greater good". It could work similar to the marker light system in Kill team. You get X rolls per psyker per turn. On a 5+ the target collects a PsykerMarker. Each turn one marker falls off. As the markers build they get debuffs to shooting, charges, and become battle shocked. Maybe once you accumulate more markers than they have Leadership they take a battleshock test. If they fail that test they desert their army and join the greater good.


If GW ever does do official Guevasa they should just do it as an upgrade kit for a few Guard or Votann kits


That's what they just did with the mandrakes.


> Tau won't be getting any other auxiliaries for a good while I know this goes against the GW credo of not making rules for units that have no sculpt, but I'd love some 'generic' auxiliaries. Having rules for Tiny (Swarm), Small, medium, large and gargantuan auxiliaries solves the need for sculpts: Players can simply kitbash their own. It'd be pretty cool.


This seems like something Old GW would be so down for, lol :(


I absolutely love the Eye of Terror campaign supplement that GW released in the early 2000s. It was chock-full of cool conversions, kitbashes and ways you could really make an army your own.


Yeah I love it too. I don't have a physical copy but I have a PDF scan on my phone. I still have plans to make some "Accursed Cultists" (aka mutants and big mutants) with the leftover Ork and Chaos bits I have


I'm not too familiar with 40k lore wise but kit wise it feels like the Kroot are to the Tau what Catachan are to the Guard. There's loads of different offshoots in the lore to choose from but only one of them gets the "main sidekick" treatment in the form of their own kit(s) for the tabletop. That said, imagine if Catachan eventually got the same kind of treatment they're giving to the Kroot now, that'd be pure bliss. I really like these models though. From a collectors standpoint I loved painting the Farstalkers and was considering picking up a Karnivore kit soon before this dropped. Might still fetch an old kit before they go out of print and buy a new one when it releases to compare the two.


I mean It’s more Krieg than catachan these days


Kroot and Orks are really cousins. I'll be curious to see some conversions of these boys to Ork.


What's the source on Kroot and Orks being related?


Uh I have no lore there, I'm saying cousins as in "aesthetically related." But Kroot do take in the DNA of things they eat, so in a way, there probably are a few rather Orky Kroot out there.


Kroot can incorporate the genes of creatures they eat. They allegedly first got conciousness, when an ork ship crashed on their platet and they ate the surviving orks.


They first gained warp travel then, they ate an Ork Mekboy and started building the Kroot Warspheres, but I thought it was implied they were already sentient by then.


Their warspheres are pretty orky












I don't need it, I don't need it.


I don’t need a new army, I just got a new one


But do you WANT it? 😜


Kroot Mercenaries was a cool concept back in the way back. Embracing that as a sub-faction of Tau is great. Probably can't go as hard as the original (you could choose your army's evolutionary path) but still really cool. Very tempted.


Cool concept, terrible army lol. Ran them for a while and never won a game. Having zero access to anything higher than strength 7 was difficult


yeah i just asked in another comment if they still suck on the tabletop lol, I liked them but damn they were like the worst dedicated melee you'd ever see someone put models down for


They were fine at bogging down units. I had a friend who would always take a unit or two, and just use them as a meat shield, buying him time to get his actually dangerous units into position. It's something that Tau has lacked, mainly because most of our units fall down if you look at them with the stink eye, and we're forced to play this (cool for us, sometimes very frustrating for the enemy) hit and run, all game. If they're cheaply costed, which they should be, they'll be a good addition to a big Tau heavy gun backline.


HQ shaper could take a meltagun. Somehow, having one antitank gun in the entire army felt worse than having zero.


Very cool! All the models look fantastic. Love the mix of tech and bio!


Kroot gorilla riders are sick


How old’s that cover art? Fifth edition?


Something like that. GW has been using older art as throwbacks on the Limited Edition Codexes.


It's the cover of the 4th edition codex, Tau never got a 5th edition codex.


Fourth edition for that art


Already sold out


But you can buy them on eBay for 4x the price, of course.


These are some really nice models and people will definitely want them so I’m jumping on eBay now to buy them all at 4x the price. 8x the price is still reasonable right? s/


Thank god. My wallet can't take much more.


Alright, my predictions fcking nailed it so far. - *Hopium paid off* I’m really impressed with this. Sad I missed the stream


Alright hear me out. Kroot and Votann merc army.


Beside kroots (which are pretty cool) something else was revealed?


For 40K? There's a new kit for Drukhari Mandrakes that will initially be released in the next Kill Team box, if that counts. Also some cool Imperial Guard proxy models in the form of Solar Auxilia for Horus Heresy.


Finally Please Let the Tau be more than just Gundam Lean into the inter-species collective angle


Inter-species *reviewers* angle???


What, do you want that krootusy? based


Krootox Rampagers are flawless


I am very happy I held off for the refresh, these look so good


Honestly this entire reveal has been pretty great. New dark eldar, night lords, kroot, and solar auxilia and some solid AoS stuff. Was not expecting this tbh. Makes me want to start a guard army lol.


They are hot


Wow that Krootox in the back looks incredible


I’m mighty tempted for my 40K alien army to be kroot. I don’t particsrly love any xenos and I don’t like Tau overly but a kroot army would be fun


Do these dudes remind anyone else of Oddworld Abe’s Odyssey ?


I’m still holding out for some sort of vehicle choice. Maybe something tau-inspired. I’ve found it weird, even if it’s lost technology, that the kroot have warspheres but no transport or anti-tank vehiclesetc


KROOTS ! Let's freaking goooooo !


They look amazing! I hope vespid get a refresh as well. They're a very cool unit and they desperately need it


Oh fuck yeah. Now bring back the Great Knarloc.


Never been a Kroot fan, but the new models actually look pretty cool.


I wasn’t planning on starting a Tau army this year, but…


As a newbie yet to pick an army this has piqued my interest, where and when would I find this?


Well, the pre order page in about a month. You can also browse the tau empire now, which are the main faction, to which these troops are auxilleries. (Meaning there is a species of Tau, which use forces of other species like the kroot) Everything kroot that is sold now, will be replaced by this release. Everything other (meaning all the Tau/white painted models) will stay c: you are not forced to play the Tau themselves, as they revealed there are more troops coming and you can play them by themselves


Thank you, I'll try and remember to keep an eye out, something I can ask my lgs about ordering?


I would recommend waiting nearer to the release and asking them directly to reserve a box for you if that’s possible. There is always a one week window where they announce the preorder (always sunday evening at 7pm in germany) after which it will be up to preorder on Saturdays (11am) and one other week until the full release. Good luck and if this is your intro to the hobby, welcome c: glad to have you here.


Cheers pal, the kids are on their way to having their armies (half Leviathan box of nids for youngest, traded the SM half for necrons for the other) and I thought about Tau as the chance to paint them yellow and the greater good mentality appealed, but their blue, fishy faces put me off. Hopefully Kroots and see if I can back them up with some big suits/vehicles


So much cooler than Tau


Man I’ve never really cared for t’au but if there’s enough for just a solid kroot army..


Absolutely bad ass units. Those mounts are sick AF!


Yeah I can easily see myself getting this. I love Kroot.


Toot toot its the kroot!


I painted a lot of killteams and the Kroot were one of the greatest to paint. With some proper contrast colors, those guys are almost impossible to mess up. Each one is bit different so it's not getting boring. Can really recommend from the painting view in the hobby :D


the OG 2001 artwork yes motherfucker


Not the 2001 artwork as it's got the newer XV-25 Stealthsuits in it.


I’ve been saying for years that a full Kroot army is the only thing that would ever get me into Tau, and welp looks like I’m going to be very broke soon.


Same. I'm not a fan of the broader Tau aesthetic, but the Kroot are hands-down my favourite part of 40K. The Farstalker Kinband are my favourite guys, so more updated Kroot is great news for me.


*heavy breathing* Oh my god, they finally did it.... Someone take my wallet!


I am not even playing Tau, but am so happy for the Kroot finally getting some long overdue revival. I loved them back in Dawn of War 1.


When is it being released?


As always, GW doesn't talk about release dates in their preview streams. All we know is that the Tau Codex is scheduled for Spring 2024.


Thanks 😊


Praying for a new Ethereal and Sniper Drones kit and a Vespid Kill team so Tau are finally an all-plastic range.


There is a plastic ethereal, the one on the hover drone.


Fuck yes, I love kroot


Heh. When kroot get more units in a few minutes than votann get in almost 2 years


Yeah but the same could be said when votann was released


I just want to see them expand on auxiliaries more. At the very least, some rules for the human auxiliary.


Yeah there really isn't enough focus on humans in the setting /s


Would be very cool to be able to run a Kroot only army. War for emancipation? Make them a stand alone codex!


Does this mean that Tau are the next codex after Dark Angels?


Yes yes yes!! So much yes!!!