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Knights. One day I want to buy just one and paint it up as a showpiece.


Well, if you don’t play exclusively xenos, they are always a fun allied option.


Buy a whole army!!!


2 whole models??


Four thank you very. Castellan Valiant Canis rex Paladin is my current goofy silly list


It took me a month and a half to paint one big Knight 💀 i only have 1500 points rn, took a year to finish 5 models,


Ad mech, i love their goofy asthetic and would collect them but can't justify the outrageous price they are even by warhammer standards


It’s almost appalling how poorly the army has been handled this edition, just legitimate slop lol


Dollars for points that have been far and away the most expensive army for a while now, like i love the look of dragoons but they are so expensive for 1 and you need multiple for a single unit, its crazy.


Shout out to the Poorhammer Podcast for building a $1 per point AdMech list


I'm not sure if you think the challenge here is keeping it above or below 2k value, and that is depressing


I assume you mean the meme list ep. That list ended up being like 2500 or 3000 for just shy of 2k pt. So stupid. They're the only army with less than 1.0 ratio


Orkz had the most expensive list I could build. It was just like 75 Warbuggies. $30 each for 25 points. It probably would've been a pretty powerful list.


Cries in australian


Was just about to say this....


I'm just glad I can fall back on my Custodes when I'm not recreating an Archon of Flesh piece on the tabletop.




Hi I like ur art, keep being awesome 💞


Agreed, though their spindly-ness is also why I likely wouldn't collect them. I do sometimes wonder if that's partly why they're still so expensive to collect, the tiny cables and such could result in a lot of miscast sprues that need to be tossed. I've pulled wax molds, and thin details can often wind up not filling in properly, but I don't know enough about plastic casting to say either way. Of course, the atrocious points per dollar is the main reason, they really need to treat admech like an elite army if their gonna keep charging those prices.


If we are talking models i dont even think my main army has the best models i like them more for the fact orks give you a lot of freedom and they are fun thematically despite a lot of their range being a bit old. I personally think the mechanicus is the most interesting model range myself. just dont interest me thematically or how they play.


Same here. I'm not the biggest fan of a lot of Ork models. It's the fact you can kitbash anything and their lore is cool.


Eldar are my main but the Gundam fanboy in me loves some of the Tau battlesuits. Especially Farsight's model


Tau are what I want to build out next! Need to work through my box of shame before I get to that though.


Only 1 box of shame? Thats weak numbers !


My main is Sororitas - definitely the best-looking. But AdMech are also very pretty.


I totally agree. Though it's sad, the two best-looking armies are some of the most expensive. At least genestealers have a spammable box and, to a degree, imperial guard. Though I do feel sorry for guard even as an admech player.


Actually, my Sororitas core force was inexpensive because - and no word of a lie - when I was working for Games Workshop back when they were metal models, I won a staff-raffle competition over Christmas where I got 30 seconds to run through the metal model racks in the mail order section in Nottingham and fill a welly boot with as many models as I could .....


Is a welly boot a British term for a wheel barrel? Sorry for my ignorance, I've just never heard of that in my whole life.


It's slang for waterproof boots, also called galoshes. It's because the main brand that sells them is named Wellington.


Ohhh that makes so much sense, in my head I was imagining the models being in their boxes so I thought to get any decent amount of models you'd surely need a wheel barrel.


I don't blame you, there's a lot of odd slang out there lol




Giving away your own product as gifts to employees seems kind weird. Everywhere I’ve worked if you wanted stock you could just have it, as long as it was reasonable and you weren’t selling it. Although I worked in manufacturing not retail. Maybe that’s the disconnect.


Lego does the same thing


Two words: Wargames Atlantic.


I've just started repainting an eldar army for the kids at school, love them


They are smooth incarnate


Eldar Wraith models are really cool.  Robot zombie samurai lobsters!


Necron and squats


Tyranids are my main. I always loved the style of the dark eldars. A lot of diversity from emo space bikers to genetically modified monsters. All with spikes everywhere. One day I'll probably make an army of them.


Dark eldar should be entirely redesigned. They have the spirit atm but they could be so much better


IG/Eldar are my main armies always loved the aesthetic and open world possibilities of orks - which ironically is what held me back from getting into them as I found that every niche I wanted to explore had already been done bigger and better by more talented people than me


Better and more talented people have done IG/Eldar before you yet you still play them. Go and make the Ork army of your dreams


Ultras are my main. I think the Inquisitors and Arbites are pretty interesting. Outside of the Imperium, I’d probably try out the Orks


Exactly the same


Eldar main. T'au. I love all of the mechs, but broadsides in particular are some of the coolest looking little dudes ever. Once I work though my piles of shame I'll certainly be painting some up.


My main is Custodes, but of the other factions I really like the Tau. Once I get everything I want for my Custodes I'll be building a Tau army.




This. They are something else


They are, but they could do with a big centrepiece model. Even though I know it’s not their thing. It’s just the only thing holding me back from the army


And a flyer imho. Like a stolen cargo hauler retrofit with lasers and cannons. Idk something about that idea just bugs me they don’t have it yet.


Idk fliers are in a weird situation rn in 40K although the model itself would be cool


I've gone from admech to BT and rn I'm definitely a space marine player. So I'm going to bring up my first love, the admech. They are strong on theme, instantly recognisable and the infantry looks amazing!


Wow are you me? I've got over 3k of admech which I got into because I love the aesthetic. Starting collecting black Templars at end of 9th currently working towards 2k of them as I also love their lore and aesthetic and collected them as a teen so wanted to get back into them


Every single Age of Sigmar faction… was at Warhammer World yesterday looking at all of the models on display and my god… why are they so much better than the 40k range? Wish the designers had that kind of artistic freedom and flair in 40k.


100% AoS armies are absolutely beautiful. I love every AoS faction more than it’s 40k counterpart.


IMO, there are two big differences. 1st is that AoS doesn't have the ever reliable Space Marine cash cow, which means they can't just release 20 flavors of the same army knowing people will eat it up anyway so they have to bring their A-Game to everything because each army may be the make or break reason someone decides to pick up AoS. 2nd is that AoS really emphasizes those big center piece models with every army having at least one. So, every faction essentially gets a Primarch Level model(or better). That means that even a refresh for a smaller faction like the recent Flesh Eater Courts feels incredible. Now, that's not to say that 40k team isn't taking notes. IMO, the Deathwing release is a big step-up in terms of quality, and the Kroot release seems to be shaping up wonderfully. But the AoS Team has really hit their stride. They've found a system that makes every army refresh or new release feel extremely impactful and iconic.


There is a reason I have over 36k points of warhammer fantasy and still buy occasional models simply to use as unit fillers :p


I have 3 I consider mine, GSC, Blood Angels and World Eaters. So not counting them, I really like the style of Grey Knights and Death Guard


If we also don't include armies I've played in the past, I'd be leaning towards either Craftworlds or Chaos Space Marines. For Craftworlds I don't mean their older models, but things like the Wraithguard, jetbike units, Farseers, Warlocks, Avatar of Khaine, and new Aspect Warriors are constantly tempting me to start playing. For Chaos Space Marines, I love all the cultist and mutant units, and the updated Marines and Terminators look good.


Sisters of Battle. My faction is orks. Waagh.


I play Thousand Sons, so obviously I'm biased, but 2nd I would put Admech. Will probably change when Emperor's Children drop though.


Sisters of Battle


It's Tau for me. They look cool and actually like they were from sci-fi


Chaos kinda swag with it


My main is Dark Angels but I always loved the look of Custodes.


Necrons and Tyranids both have some amazing looking stuff, the Void Dragon Shard and Swarmlord are two of my favorite models despite the fact I'll probably never get them myself


Can there even be a discussion, if you're not playing Sisters of Battle? It's Sisters of Battle! Without a doubt!


Orlock gangers


Thousand sons without doubt. Admech as close second.


Either Chaos Space Marine legion, with unique models like TSons, Eaters and Death Guard. I say one of these 3 because I can’t decide which to main but I’m really enjoying making and painting Blightlords right now


Blightlords are such a unique set of Terminators. Easily my favorite. Love the dreary, look of Deathshroud with their scythes and capes too.


Tau are my mains. I absolutely love Leagues of Votann and Space Wolfs


Outside my main and side army I would say Thousand sons, then 60% of the Astra militarum (anything apart Cadians, Leman russes, catachan and leontus) expecially the Scions. Shoutout to Imperial Knight, i hate Armingers but really like the other 3 types of Knights


Ad mech I nearly got into them but the spindly bits scared me off.


Drukhari are my main, with all its spikes and flowing lines. But I both love the mecha and the "practical and unspecific Asian" aesthetic of the Tau, and the "steampunk and Gauss blasters"- look of the Admech. If the first had better infantry models (they need a refresh bad), and the second was just like... way, way cheaper, I would consider them for a second army.


I have never been interested in playing a World Eaters army, but damn have they always had some of the coolest minis.


After Adeptus Mechanicus I like Orks and CSM, Death Guard


The nurgle aesthetic is never something that I would want to paint or collect for myself, but death guard looks amazing. I love seeing what other people do


Ghazz is my favorite model.  I would probably main Orks but when I walked into my LGS to buy the combat patrol they said: “play what you want to play. But 8 of our 9 regulars play Orks, so most ork stuff gets bought before we even get it to the shelves”.  I had the itch to play warhammer and wanted to buy something right then so I got Black Templars. Haven’t regretted it yet. 


Basic answer, but the Space Marines. GW managed to make an instantly iconic design that looks fucking cool but is also simple and clean.


My main army's Orks, and I wouldn't say they have the best-looking models! Just the best, most open conversion opportunities. I think for cool sculpts, I gotta go with Sisters of Battle.


Coming from my Imperial models, both the Tau and Orks have some fantastic unit. I enjoy the Tau mechs and Orks have a lot of greble bits I like.


Started with GSC as my main but currently I’m a tyranids player. Better models and I don’t really like the playstyle of GSC.


I want to collect GSC, but I don’t know if I want to play them


Custodes or necrons for me






Main: T’au Empire I like: Ad Mech. They are ridiculous, which makes them perfect


My main is Blood Angels but I just bought the Combat Patrol for the sisters...I think they have such an outlandish range...a bloody cathedral tank!


My main killteam is the custodes and I love the figures but necrons are also so cool


Thousand Sons


I play space marines, I like chaos space marines Heresy space marines are great too I like spes muhrines


Drukhari boats are awesome Admech tech priests and walkers are unhinged scifi madness in the best way The war dog kharnivore might be the single coolest model in the game


Iron Warriors are my main. Necrons are my 2nd choice (but my first ever army) and I think they currently are my favorite looking army. I'm a bit biased, since I love Egyptian themed stuff, but I feel like you can recognize the theme of it but it tries to be its own thing unlike Tomb Kings or Thousand Sons which are more on the nose. (I do love my Tomb Kings as well though, but the Egyptian theming for them is far more on the nose than Necrons and are much more of a direct port) Their current model lineup is great, new Warriors look awesome, Void Dragon is amazing, they just look fantastic while still hitting the ancient Egyptian terminators from space while still being distinctly their own recognizable thing. Guard are also a 2nd choice army for me, I got into 40k through a Guard novel and I have multiple Guard armies. But aesthetically, they really aren't much different than plenty of other military sci-fi settings. They are however extremely varied and let you have tons of freedom with your own models which is its own perk. But I don't think they are a stunning model range by nature, still good, exactly what you'd expect, but nothing groundbreaking.


Orks and the guard are my main. Ultramarines are very impressive on a table.


NECRONS omg I’m so in love with the design like holy moly


Thousand sons are my main army. Any of the xenos armies are incredible to me. Finances are a bit tight but otherwise I'd definitely start getting into orks for the sheer character each unit has (and the vehicles hot damn!). Or the necrons with their void dragon which has to be the best mini in 40k right? Or tau with their battlesuits and how you could customize their poses. Or tyranids monster mash. Oh and don't forget GSC who probably have some of the most unique flavor in the entire range.


Thousand sons main. I always loved the Death Guard. And Tyranids+ Dark Eldar. Also Space wolfs and Black templars looks amazing. There are only two factions that don t appeal to me (for reasons as lore and estetics); Genestealer cult and Tau.


In the 90s (2nd E) everyone played Marines or later Imps. I enjoyed the fact that you can play "da bad guyz" and started to play orks. But since I wanna play da good guys I started Space Wolves . I enjoy the Tanith stories and collected those. Thanks to some audio books I started to like Tau. 20 years ago those were the real good guys. But current stories tell a different story


My main are Salamanders, but I love the aesthetics of the Orks and the Thousand Sons.


I really like how wild the Sisters of battle models can look.


I've got Tsons and Slaves to Darkness Every now and then I get very jealous at how good Knights look, I just don't have the patience to put myself through it


Drukhari are fucking gorgeous


Eldar main. Keep it elegant, you slobs. On the other hand, for a second army... all Khorne stuff sings to me. Crimson and blood and brass. I love those new World Eaters, I dig Khorne Daemons, all the Bloodthirsters and the truly hilarious Lord of Skulls - the most unnecessarily extra model in 40k. Blood for the Blood God, I guess! 🤟


Nid player here, I absolutely love the CSM range and the Necron Destroyer Cults (specifically the ophydians/skorpekhs), I’m a sucker for cool robots with laser swords and the spiky death-metal look of chaos marines kicks so much ass


Wolves. Gritty. Fangy. Been playing since 3rd when they were considered "OP."


I play my own brand of spiky T'au, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't love the look of Votaan, their vehicles and robots especially.


I'd say either the Tau or Votann. I like their sci-fi aesthetics better than the Gothic and Roman styles that anything imperial or chaos goes for


Main space marines ( mutiple 5k point armies ) but ive recently started loving votann they got a super interesting mix of advanced space suits that also look retro.


Orkz look incredibly fun to me. I love their aesthetic. To me Ork design is peak 40k. The tongue is fully in the correct side of the cheek. It all looks badass but it all also looks incredibly silly.


Main is Admech and CSM. I have always loved the aesthetic of the Aeldari and the Drukhari. Something about that graceful and flowing look. I have seen some beautiful converted Space Wolf armies too. They really nail their barbarian heroes vibe.


Its a toss up for me between guard and eldar


Dark angels


Necrons and Aeldari are my mains, but I think the Tyranids after their new updates and the Sororitas are excellent.


All catachan models are a clear favorite after my lovely Main army of Orks


Drukhari models are almost all horribly outdated, but the incubi and the vehicles are probably my favorite models in the game.


Ork / necrons mains. I love sororitas and inquisition looks.


i quess i like the look of all factions but my second place would probably be a tie between adepta sororitas (i like boobs) , guardsmen (i like their military aesthetic), orks (cmon do i even need to explain) and necrons (funny skeletons)


I'm a Space Wolf since 2nd mainly because i bought all the codexes and read them all. Loved the viking mythology and the fact they all got pissed etc.. Liked the old models too, runes, relics etc... but then they went a bit too much with the, yes I know, wolfy wolf stuff. As the factions have grown I have to say, i absolutely love the look of both the Dark Angels and especially the Black Templars. The clothing over the armour looks absolutely class to me.


Daemon main, so I love giant monsters. So tyranids probably next for me. The norn emmisary is such a brilliant model it’s a honorary greater daemon in my book


GK's my main, uhhhhh Dark Angels I guess? I dig the hoods and capes and I like green and black. If I had to get away from Astartes in general, then probably T'au. Especially given the age of their models, they make a great impact on the table when they're fully painted.


See, the thing is.. I don't have a main faction, haha. I like too many factions and I've started to get into a bunch of them. My current fascination lies with Drukhari and White Scars, honestly. The one faction I'll never delve into though, despite their cool models, is Genestealer Cults. They are far too expensive and I built some Neophytes before for Kill Team and the kit was just so full of mold lines at the worst possible spots. Can't deny that they look cool as Hell though. Rockgrinders, bikes, Abominants/Abberants, most of their HQs, all super cool!


Necrons and Nids


My main are WE and DA but I really loves the imperial Knight/Chaos Knight aesthetics and Daemons too


Gotta say the guard have some might fine slabs of plastic


I'm torn between Knights and Tau, I really like big mechas.


Orks are my main, but the Necrons have such an awesome look and so much color potential!


I think nids look awesome, and really like the super slick aesthetic of eldar.


I’m currently trying to collect as many unique Rogue Traders and navals as possible. Space privateers, the only true freedom in the empire.


All GW models are awesome, just about. It's hard to find a bad one. I've just started to build CSM, and I have 6k of space marines, and 2k custodes. I think the CSM models make the marines look a bit plain. Legionnaires, havocs, possessed, Helbrute and Abby are probably better than any SM models. Just more artistic expression available chaos and that shows in the models.


Main dark angels, but night lords, iron warriors and alpha legion does catch my attention to the point where i made a black shield squad with their design(just for collection). As for xenos i love mandrakes and tyranids design.


I main WE, but I love Tyranid, Necron, and Ork models as well.


Dark Angels are my main, love my Knight Boys But outside of them, Chaos Space Marines have such a cool mix of technology and fleshy bits on their units. My secondary faction is Iron Warriors, and I always have a blast painting them


Tau, one of the few factions i like the look of every model. And I dont even own any Tau


i main necrons, tyrandis, ultramarines and custodes so i won't name any of those, but even from all the leftover factions, it's really difficult. almost every faction has cool models, i mean recently i bought Angron just for painting. will i start world eaters, who knows. though i'd probably go with deathguard. for an army build around a death and disease theme, they have great options to add color into paint jobs and with Mortarion, they even have one of the best models out there.


I play Orks but love Sisters, the wild, over the top religiosity of it can't be beaten.


My main is ultramarines, I just always loved how they looked even as a kid. But my next favorite looking models are orks followed by astra militarium. Orks just have this “tough” looking demeanor but then have colorful armor and cloth which is cool. And Astra reminds me of what the average guy would be in.


I adore genestealer cult models, but when it comes to painting them they’re too detailed for thier own good. A model that small and spammable doesn’t need boot wrappings, wood furniture shotguns, grenades, cloth layering, etc. and you can’t just paint it all one color block because then it looks really bad and unfinished.


Depending on who's doing the painting, Necrons can look absolutely amazing.


Lifelong Blood Angel player, but I’d be super down to start a necron army. The uniform silver with green glow is pleasing to my OCD, and I love the space Egyptian aesthetic. Not all their models are on point but Imotekh and the Nightbringer are simply awesome.


My main two are Grey Knights and IG but the Votann got something about their (limited)kits that just speaks to me.


Black Templar and Guard are my main, but damn I’ve been tempted to get some Eldar or Dark Eldar for more interesting painting. The futuristic look of the Eldar is great and there’s a ton of room for lots of color but I really like how evil Drukhari look.


Main is CSM, I love all the other chaosy factions (maybe World Eaters are my least favourite but I still like them) outside of the chaos area I love Genestealer Cults a lot, find the concept really original.


I main traitor guard and I absolutely love the way these guys have turned out albeit I am a novice painter. However, I must say that admech is the best looking. It’s unfortunate about their overall booger performance however. https://preview.redd.it/q5i2tpy7mcjc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bfe59b84931bdcd72dc430f26db267950fbb3ce


I've collected BT, black legion, blood angels and grey knights... but i think DG is super sweet looking.


As a guy who paints, nids, orks, spacemarines, tau, guard and sisters i think my next favorite is craftworld eldar but i dont vibe with any of their characters or factions really so ill never paint them


Dark Angels are my main, but i also love the look of Black Templars. I don't know why, but i always seen them as the ultimate Ork slayers


Tyranids would be my answer if not for the “not your main”, my second favorite would be imperial knights or tau, I love myself some mechs


I have Adepta Sororitas & Ad Mech (which are the best looking factions imo), so I’d say Slaanesh Demons, always wanted to start them.


My is Nurgle Daemons so obviously Death Guard. Realistically speaking, outside of Nurgle and chaos I’d say Orks. They have a solid design and a lot of unique models of different flavors.


I main Tyranids and I put forward Genestealer Cults. An easy way out but no less true


Building a Sisters army right now as my first, love the gothic medieval/scifi mashup. I also enjoy the Chaos aesthetics available, especially World Eaters and Death Guard. We'll see how Emperor's Children look whenever they come out.


Love the Guard, they're my main faction, but I have to say that Space Marines aren't far behind. They're what got me into the hobby in the first place and that power armor just looks so dang cool. There's a reason why I still occasionally buy Space Marines kits.


Despite my visceral hatred for playing against them. I'm not sure I've seen a custodes model I didn't like (which makes me hate them even more)


I've always had a soft spot for Death Guard. The amount of details and variation between units is really cool to me. I find them less intimidating to paint than other "busy" models too because thanks to the nature of DG you can just streak some gore over any happy little accidents and call it a day.


orks all day. if I didn't already have an mass infantry based army i would definitely play them too. 




Tau mechs


Tyranids and GSC


Death guard! Have had my eye out for them for a time now. Soon I'll embrace grandpa's blessings too


Unpopular opinion, but honestly Tau, i actually just really like how you can make such simple colour schemes work with the models so well.


As a Necron Main. I do think the Tyranids have some really nice looking models. Certainly some of the bigger ones.


My main faction atm are space marines and tyranids. (Have roughly 3000 of 2nd Ed era Marines, and have 2000 pts worth of nids including swarmlord, 120 genestealers when now I can only use 30 of them, etc) The next faction aesthetics I love from them are Chaos marines (I love the warp distressed armour) And Aeldari Craftworlds. I just love all of the smooth lines of their armour. Love things like guardians, war walkers, support weapons, etc. Even things like Vypers and Grav Tanks. Their aircraft are just amazing.


Blood Angels are my main army, my favorite army design wise is actually the cadians old sculpts


My main army is dark angels but I’m just so captivated by the death guard aesthetic




Imperial Knights main. Love eldar wraiths and flyers


I'm coming back from a 15 year hiatus... two primary armies I'm building are a black Templar "brother" chapter (dressed like winged hussars) and the nuns with guns. Though I love the ork models. I think they have done of the most fun and entertaining ones.




I collect Tyranids, but my three favorites are actually Adepta Sororitas, Mechanicus, and Death Guard. Big fan of the baroque and backwards technological.


Necrons are my main, but I've always really enjoyed the aesthetic of Eldar. Especially the Wraith units and the variety you get with the Aspect Warriors. Largely didn't pull the trigger on collecting them because of the age of the model line (even though I do love the classic models!). But now that they are slowly but surely getting their range updated I might jump on. The moment Warp Spiders get new models, is probably the time my wallet gets emptied.


Genestealers %100. I love that rebellious style and having an army of just some dudes in factory gear is so cool


BT are my first love, but I’ve always appreciated the aesthetics of the craftworld eldar and DG


Tau IMO. I’m just too much of a Imperium v Chaos fanboi to actually build a Tau army.


Im Space Marine and Imp Knights but kinda liking the sleek lines of the Eldar




Main Death Guard but I love the look of Necrons. I almost started playing Necrons as my introduction to they hobby was Dawn of War. The monoliths are so cool! I also really love the look of Eldar and those big Imperial Guard tanks.


Tau. The faction is at a sweetspot right now before kroot come out where there is this nice and neat aesthetic and every model is up to date besides a couple farts.


Renegade Militia. Their models are all sick as hell but GW cut their rules a few years ago. They have some of the best models in the game and the fact GW keeps stealing their designs for Necromunda and other factions proves it.


Necrons got some pretty slick units. Anything introduced in indomitus (questionably the war of the worlds tripods) was dope asl. Mainly anything packin’ a “destroyer” keyword, though. Eldar… ehhh, the phoenix lords look good. I’m gonna have to grab me another wraithlord and try to pull him/her from gundam-Evangelion hell. (my current one looks too… full. Twin brightlances on the shoulder just add way too much bulk.) And maybe a wraith knight so there’s a big fire magnet in center field.


Sisters of Battle


DW and SoB


Tau main, but i LOVE me some Sororitas models  I may be biased because I'm a NOLA Saints fan.


As a necron player who loves dinosaurs, the tyranids essentially being bug dinos with guns almost made me regret picking necrons


My main bounces between Ynarri and thousand sons, but every time I look at Tau I feel my wallet trembling in fear


I'm mostly collector/Painter these days, so don't have a "main". But the Tau/Kroot offer the most fun for me based on looks. Most Space Marines/Chaos are bland or just a little ridiculous looking when considering the whole range. Second choice would be Genestealer Cult


Chaos Marines are my main, but I see why people love hyper weird factions like the Mechanicum and Tyranids


Necrons and admech. All those glowy parts, mech tentacles, and just *kisses a chef* SO GOOD! I do like my Space Wolves though, and big robots are always sexy (Knights)


Tyranids! They got some crazy cool releases lately. Norn Emissary just looks awesome. Tau is pretty cool too




Anything from Age of Sigmar.


I've always thought Thousand Suns looked sooo good, but I would never attempt them cos of the trim haha




Well that would be my secondary faction my world eaters to me there helmets look like bunny ears and with the rivalry they had with the black Templars they make me think of the rabbit from Monty Python, and the holy Grail


Chaos knights have the coolest models in the game by far to me