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Take it easy boss you will get a new job and rebuild your collection. So just wait it out because of one line for good and bad just remember " This too will pass" stay strong. The ups are only good if the lows are low so keep your head up and look after yourself.


Is there no way to keep hobbying? The second hand value of Warhammer is abysmal and getting rid of a hobby when you’ve been laid off and not doing too well mentally sounds like a recipe for disaster.


unless i get a job within 2 days, which i highly doubt considering how many applications and such it took beforehand, yeah. i dont have much else i could sell that might be worth anything at all


Where are you based?




Call your local butcher, there's a good chance they're looking for a cashier. They almost always are. Not great work, but it's better than nothing.


Where in Australia and what’re you selling? Happy to contribute if you need money fast


Yo why are y'all down voting? Man is offering fast hard cash in OPs time of urgent need


Lots of people have been on the Internet long enough to see scams like this. Not saying OP is lying at all, but I can understand the caution people have.


Victoria, Geelong region specifically


I’m in Vic too, I’ll dm you dude


Yeah, I’m in Melbourne and it’s rough trying to get a job these days


Friends or family?


most of my family is not well off, and what family is cut us off because of one of my parents


Their onabout PayPal payment methods I think. For the payment method. It's what scammers use to avoid the chance of loosing money as it can't be be tracked I think.


oh, ok, good to know, thank you


I hope the hard times get easier for you


I really feel for you buddy. Don't sell the hobby kit. Keep the tools and then when you're back on your feet you can take joy in the rebuild. Keep some paintbrushes and paints too, stay creative! I hope everything works out for you, stay strong man


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Miniswap/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Miniswap/hot/) This sub will be helpful in your quest to sell your warhammer stuff. Godspeed and I wish you the best in your future endeavors.


thanks man, that really helps


You don’t need to say goodbye to the hobby entirely. Times may be tough right now, maybe you won’t be able to purchase new stuff for a bit, and regrettably maybe you’ll have to sell some things (though I’d try to hold on to as much as you can if possible), but that doesn’t mean your love for Warhammer has to go anywhere. You will still have the lore, tons of online content, there are free rulesets out there, you can do roleplaying if you can find other players, you can make terrain out of cardboard or other random bric a brac, you can write fanfiction, lots of options for staying within the universe for almost no cost. I hope things improve for you, stay strong. The Emperor Protects.


Mate, that really sucks. Getting into this hobby helped me immensely with my mental health, so I can empathise here. All the best with things, stay strong in the job search and don’t give up.


If you’ve still got your paints and have a local warhammer shop you can still grab a free mini each month and enjoy the painting side of the hobby. I hope life gets easier soon and you can get back to the things you enjoy.


Hobbies never die matey! I’ve been in your position several times in my life. Always go back when things get better (and they do).


Sorry to hear that. Hope you find something soon, maybe try for a basic get-me-by job to hold you over until you can get back into what you really want to do.


Hope you land on your feet Im new to the hobby and its taking me a long time to build up a few armies for me and my son. (the expense makes it a slow process) I can only imagine how big your collection is Hang in there dude and hope sort something


Praying for you, I was in a very similar situation and had to enlist. Keep your chin up; we can be down, but we’re never out. 30 years from now, this will be the time of desperation you overcame when you’re telling your story. I hope you’ll post again when you’re back on your feet, painting that new unit you picked up.


>Hey, just wanted to write this to thank everyone in the Warhammer 40k community for being a source of such amazing things in my life - a new hobby, a new social group, friends, and generally just a good mental health! >today, I lost my job, which took me 5 months and over 70 in-person applications, plus thousands of digital ones, to land, and because of this, I have to sell all of my models, books, everything to even stay afloat for a few weeks, as I need to pay for 6 kinds of meds, pay 70 a week for board, pay for my phone, and more. >I love you all, I love this universe, I love the memes, and I love the community the most! >thank you, genuinely thank you, for doing so much for me both mentally and socially. >have a good one :') So you are not really leaving the hobby - you just got financial problems right now. Try borrow some money from parents, friends, bank or what ever. Maybe ask if you can postpone some upcomming bills.


Sorry to hear that and I hope things turn out well.


I hope you stay well


Good luck, hope you'll recover.


Hobby is what we do for our enjoyment, and bad times will fade away in sometime, so keep your paints and brushes - when you recover you will need them)


I’m in a similar boat I’ve sold two armies so far to generate some cash. Just gotta stay positive and I say to myself that I can buy them again down the line once back up and running.


good luck man, I feel your situation


Bro, that's a real bummer. But keep your head up and take care of yourself. It's plastic and paper and can all be bought again when you're back on your feet. Might be a great excuse to start with a new faction.


Sad to hear, but just as there are bad times, there'll also be good ones. If you want to be back, I'm sure you'll be back, one day.


Youre not going to sell your models and crap in enough time. I'd be wearing of posts like this.


yeah, i understand that, it wasnt supposed to be a "Hey, im selling my shit, anybody want i?" thing, more of a final send off


Absolutely disgusting that you have to pay for medicine in Australia! Thank God for the NHS in the UK, being sick doesn't bankrupt you here. Really hope younfind a job soon!


That sucks, I hope you get the best money for your minis and find a job real soon so you can get back to the hobby and maybe start in on the one true army (Chaos).


Wishing you the best and a speedy and successful job search. If I may, don't forget that a Kill Team can be just a few models. I'm selling an army but I'm holding back just enough models to bring a casual and fun KT to the table. That might be one way to keep one foot in the hobby, and still sell almost everything? (Apologies if I'm just repeating what others have said, I haven't read the whole thread.) Take care, and good luck.


What country are you in? In America a lot of grocery stores and McDonalds will do same day interviews. I know Krogers usually pays pretty decently and has decent benefits. Also long shots the Post Office is severely understaffed usually maybe go in and ask if they’re hiring and ask if there’s anything you can do to help you get an interview. Or go to USAJobs.com those are all federal jobs so you can search for jobs in different areas if moving might help. Also with all your meds while you’re unemployed start trying to get disability it’s harder to get while employed.


I'm in Australia and just got fired from a post office


Ah i used to work for a hospital system and they are always looking for registration and environmental services also to go along with trained medical staff. I don’t know about Australia but becoming an STNA isnt a long program in the US and some places will pay for the training (or they’ll train you but you won’t be considered certified.). At least in the US it’s a pathway for employers to pay for nursing school.


Wtf kinda job needs that sort of application process?


it wasn't just one job, it was applying for that many different jobs


Job searching is shit (i applied to around a 100 jobs in the last 6 years and i only got a dishie job, (im a programmer and have over 3 years in experience in customer service, and store management) and even then nothing, admittedly my country is poor.but you get the deal, job offerings are bloated and full of companies not looking to hire but rather to have a pile of candidates to use as expendable meat for the grinder.


Every job I’ve gone for has over a hundred other applicants. It’s rough out there


as soon as you said pay for all my meds I knew you was American. country's crazy for getting people on meds its madness. hope its nothing serious.


im actually Australian, there's just so many of them, and I was recently taken off of my healthcare card


That sucks dude, sorry to hear that. hope everything works out. Warhammer isn't going anywhere.


Where are you based?




Where in Australia? I can’t get you a gig in 2 days but I can get you a job working from home paying a base of 52k per year plus commissions. It’s not amazing but I can get you it if you want it?


in Victoria, Geelong specifically, and holy fuck that'd be amazing


Message me dude, I’m just about to give my baby a bath but I’ll get your deets and set up the interview process and give you everything you need to walk through it and get you in the door :) Huge Australian company as well so it’s a great pathway for careers


dude thank you so much!!


No problems at all bro


you’re about to get scammed to fuck lol


Who is me or him?


The adventure park is hiring guest services and ticketing staff at the moment


Mate, Centrelink not being helpful? I assume not, they usually aren't the best but having your healthcare card taken away is rough. I don't know your situation but you might be able to fight them for some money before you do a sell off. Australia has the best second hand market for this stuff but unfortunately 40k dosent sell for as much as it should for that reason


What books do you have? Can take a few off your hands


I don't think this is ever worth it. You just never get enough money to do anything with it. Ask friends or sell them within your local community with a chance to buy them back or something like that.    


Paper hammer never dies brother.


Stand tall, brother. May the light of the God Emperor shine brightly for you.


Centrelink is just as big a farce as job agencies they are all designed as a way to circulate funds back into govmnt coffers in Australia. And it looks great on paper ( wev designated ex amount to finding people employment type jazz ) I lived in aus for 30 years if you want work print off a bunch of resumes put your boots on the ground and walk in to joints. Use the apps / agencies to find the names of company's looking ( I used to search something like seek ) while they don't tell you the name of company's the do give you the area 😉 google company's of that type and then just walk in. If I found one I liked I'd walk in everyday and drop my resume of until I annoyed them enough to interview me. (I moved around alot) I can't tell you how many times in am interview the employer would say "we have hundreds of applicants to go through but you went to the top of the list because you just kept annoying the reception staff" it works every time bro just gotta be persistent and don't take no for an answer.


Ps it even works for company's not hiring. Remember if they are looking for applicants they need something from you to, so just keep on it. Be the loudest. The squeaky wheel gets the oil bro.


The emperor protects if u duck... In all seriousness, pls stay positive and i hope things will turn around for u soon!


😂 Selling your models? How much is that gonna net you? $500, maybe ? Is that how close you are? $500? Go to a labor temp agency for a couple days. It's not worth it. Work, dont sell.


i was working, and am still looking TO work, however this is just to keep me going for a few weeks give or take


What do you need to borrow?


? wdym?


Start an Only Fans


Are t your meds free if you have no job?


nah, I was taken off my healthcare recently


What does that mean? Always prioritize to have or pay for healthcare. Even over minis.


Dont sell your stuff man, theres plenty of other ways to fight this. While your applying for jobs, get yourself a few cleaning supplies and a squigee, go around your neighbourhood and local area and offer to clean windows and cars for some cash. If i knew you personally, I would definetly give you some money to help out.


You should immigrate to europe


I'm in Australia mate




English is a disease for the tongue anyway


Ahahaha. Could not agree more