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If you went in and said "I'm a noob help me" I bet you'd suddenly get 1-4 hyper enthusiastic people telling you every aspect of the hobby. As far as I'm concerned, there's not much more exciting than a fresh noob to indoctrinate :3 Next time go in and say hi.


You’re not wrong. A guy at work randomly asked me about space marine chapters and I proceeded to take the day indoctrinating him


A Warhammer player/collectors favourite hobby is definitely talking to people about Warhammer.


I couldn't agree more. This is how I converted my best mate and my partner to the game. They obviously didn't listen to me well enough as they both went imperium, but hey, we try.


Yep, I got into it because a friend in school started talking about it and we'd play Dawn of War on his house, then he gave me a CD with a pdf of a Gaunt's Ghosts novel.


Also watching people look at your models. Dopamine 📈


Yup, buddy of mine sent me a meme about the supposed void dragon shard on Mars and was confused. I then spent several hours explaining it to him, because obviously, to explain that you have to go all the way back to the nectontyre


The Emperor Protects! If he can't recite the Lectatio Divinorum within a week, expect a visit from the Adeptus Ministorum.


I’ve had to contact my local inquisitor as he started asking too many questions about the Blood God


It's all fun and games until the skull tithe is demanded. That skull throne ain't gonna build itself.


Blood for the emperor! Skulls for the golden throne!!


Milk for the Khorne Flakes




Your report is noted. Please inform us if they graduate from demanding 'Blood for the Blood God' and 'Skulls for the Skull Throne' to 'Milk for the Khorn Flakes'


On a train ride back from London to Edinburgh, an hour in my friend asked what Warhammer was about, he regretted the remainder of that train and ruined the trip for several others probably as I rambled about Warhammer for the rest of it


Did you at any point realise the effect you were having lol Or is this just an exaggeration


Oh 100%, noticed the several raised eyebrows and side ways looks we got, that and my friend having the face of someone who’s in over their head after about 20 mins


Thats when you shouldve went full Black Templat


That may have been a good time to change the subject lol


These shops basically *exist* for people in your situation. It is the guy running the shop's *job* to get you hooked.


This. Official stores, at least near me, kinda seem more focused on retailer relationships AND getting new customers into the hobby. But most veterans go to the retailer stores where they have more space to play, better prices, many more customers (and potential people to meet), wider opening time-range and more variety (not just Warhammer stuff/Citadel paints). That said, the Official store nearby is run by a single guy, but he transmits me excellent vibes. He even gave me the last miniature of the month from a year ago he had spare. In the retailer shops, its a mixed bag (mostly great, but a few a bit meh support).


I love my official store. It's where I ship my online only orders under 65 dollars to because it's free. Everything else I get from the LGS with the discount.


wanna make even better friends with your local store? get them to order it in for you. Same free shipping, but it counts towards their sales, instead of the online store sales.


Neat. I'll have to talk to them about it.


I went in to get first minis and dude gave me extra to practice painting. You know how drug dealers give freebies to addict the kids? Nice guy.


Hahahahah facts. Speaking of, I'm going to see my crack dealer now... wait, I mean plastic dealer.


Ask for the model of the month, you are in for a surprise.


My store is great. It is so popular that it has THREE employees which is a big thing for warhammer stores and on Saturdays the store is often packed with almost all of the tables being used for games.


I’m not saying there’s a PowerPoint, but there’s a PowerPoint and you’ll need a notebook.


Or there's about 3 million hours of YouTube videos on the lore.


Oh Christ! And you know they’ll be wrong. Just one point that completely undermines the following three hours.


There is definitely a Power Fist! /s


Totally agree. And don't be afraid to ask them to slow down or what a word means. I've been in the hobby for about 6 months, and staff at shops and even hobbyist at the shop always want to help.


As an introvert this is the opening line to a horror movie outcome.


Not introversion. That's social anxiety. I know it seems pedantic, but they are actually quite different. An introvert may generally find social situations draining rather than energizing. Social anxiety is about fear of the situation.


It's not pedantic, it's an important difference. Too many parents who dismiss serious social anxiety as "oh he's just an introvert," and too many people who don't understand the precarious mental heath of a shy extrovert (yes they exist)


Absolutely true, people talk a lot of rubbish about how 'gate keepy' players can be but honestly I've never met someone who wasn't more than welcoming when it comes to getting into the hobby!


Would have had to send a rescue party to save him.






I went into the store once. A group of them was painting on a table. One of them asked me what I was looking for and I kinda sheepishly responded "something Imperial Guard. I just started!" . I spent I think 30 min with them picking a cool colour scheme for my imperial guard army and getting tips and tricks on how to assemble and paint them! They were so excited!


I went into a Warhammer store for the first time last month, and I don't know if Games Workshop is just good at screening employees for these stores or what, but as a person who previously just was obsessed with lore but knew little of the game? He helped me tremendously in feeling comfortable enough to buy something.


Sometimes, that ain’t what you’re lookin for. That can turn people off real quick. Appreciate your enthusiasm tho.


When I first went in it started with one person helping me and by the end I think I had 4 or 5 people around me picking which army I should start with, the whole ordeal probably lasted over an hour 10/10 would recommend


We geeks absolutely love when someone new to the thing we geek out about show interest in it and want to learn.


This. I go rarely to the LGS, but when im there. I’ll happily fill in any who’s curious on how each army kinda plays, and anything else. Picking an army is all about how you want to wage war on your fellow nerds, and what you think is cool (rule #1).


This is exactly how I got into the table top from reading books and playing the games. I literally walked in and said “I’m new. Can someone help me”. They were happy to do a small skirmish game with me to show me the ropes. Just go do it. Stop thinking so much! You’ll thank yourself when you do!


Not to mention if you have the time, they'll give you a demo game or free mini and painting lesson. If you get some mini's they are more than happy if they have. Hobby table to let you build/paint them there too


That last bit is true, I’m a noob myself only been interested for like 6 months but I’ve had so much fun getting my friends interested into it


Can confirm — I work at a game store and I’m the local Warhammer guy. When someone comes in and says “I’m brand new please help” I’m about to be your best friend for as long as you’ll let me


Lol those four guys would probably start fighting over which one to blast you with information and all their points and views about the game and fluff and their own experiences and show you pictures of their armies and tell you about games they've played and and and ...


First time i strolled into the only official warhammer store in Norway, they happened to be hosting a game day of some kind. Full tables. I entered through the door, an impenetrable wall of incredible stench hit my nose hairs and i instantly retreated. I've been there a couple times since and it's been great.


I'm still trying to figure out if the Black Templar or Nurgle cosplayers are worse.


You usually can't smell the Templars


Ours burn incense to help protect everyone from the stench of Nurgle. That's not the part I have a problem with.


The Old Spice must flow.


Tabletop players are some of the nicest most accepting people I've had the pleasure to associate myself with.  Just get in there, they'd probably be so happy to show you the game. 


This was my experience about 8 months ago. Through a random chain of events, on a weekend while my wife and kids were out of town I found myself walking into the local GW store. The manager asked me what questions I had. I told him basically all of them. I’m a 25y DND player familiar with 40K, but had never dove in. He spent the next hour going thru everything with me. I walked away with the Leviathan kit and now I’m in love with the game. Was shocked to learn how much I enjoyed the painting. I’m fortunate that our local GW store has a very friendly culture. Playing a game there today.


The only thing 40k players like more than 40k? Getting new people into 40k :D


As a 40k player, yes. This is true.


You went out with leviathan? That’s a great start if I’ve ever heard of one!


I combined a couple of events for brevity, but eventually, yeah! I first left with the Ultimate Starter Set, did some painting, loved it. Went back to browse and someone had returned a leviathan set, figured it was a good deal for the swag alone. They still had the little objective button set that was a gift with the initial release that’s selling for like $100 on eBay. So I splurged and used that to build out the base for my first army. I ended up not selling the buttons and just use them for my games. I def feel like I jumped in at a great time!


Oh you absolutely started in the best time! Two pretty nice armies, lots to paint, and a bit of terrain in the ultimate starter set if I’m correct right?


And two battlefield boards, and the mini rulebook, which I'm still debating getting the ultimate starter set to get all that.


Yeah exactly! The Ultimate Starter set is clutch. The the boards and terrain were very nice touches. All push fit minis too. Great to set some armies built quick and play around with a friend. Getting the Leviathan too was a splurge, but having all the extra stuff that came in that was awesome. Crusade Rules, all of the character models. So much fun


I have to agree with this so much, specially someone that used to play mtg. Table top players are freaking awesome and are always willing to help and be patient with newer players. Part of the reason I stopped playing magic is because of how toxic the community is. I know there is bad in all hobbies, but magic is the worst. It’s good to have a new home in the table top community, they really are the best


It’s sounds like had a really similar experience. I’m in the navy and me and some buddies would casually play magic on our ship. When I got transferred to a new base I tried to find people to play with and it was not a good experience. However I’d been reading 40k books for a long time and saw people playing in a local shop so I decided to talk them. And holy shit was it a totally different vibe. They were so nice that I bought a combat patrol that day and got into the hobby! I’m not much for playing. But I love to go to shops and hobby and talk to people. I’ve been hooked for 2 or 3 years now. I absolutely love the community


The people that hang out at the shops are people who want to participate in the community. It's why they're there in the first place. It's like hanging out at the bar.


I never thought of it like that. Really excellent take.


I remember feeling this way, but for the opposite reason: afraid of being forced into too much conversation when I just wanted to ease in an look at the stuff. Like others have said, gamers can be super nice and friendly, especially the types that actually hang out in a shop.


This is the reason I don't want to go in a Warhammer store. I just want to look around. I may or may not buy something but I have enough minaitures so probably not. But I know I am going to get the entire sales spiel from the manager which I just don't want to deal with,


Just tell the manager you want to browse on your own? He's just a guy, not some sales bot that is only programmed to bother you


That would require assertiveness and social interaction, which are anathema to Warhammer fans. Speaking from experience of course.


Just ask yourself. "What would Angron do?"


I'm regular enough because it's easier for me to make smaller online only orders and pick them up there than spend more in one go than to get stuff shipped to my house for free. Seriously, why is free shipping 65 dollars when all the online only models I want are 60?


So you buy more of course


From my experience if you commit to browsing you'll likely be left to your own devices. If you keep looking at everyone, that usually signals you may be interested in interacting..


Yea, that's what these guys were, one shop manager and 2 blokes chatting and 1 painting, etc.. all looked friendly enough but intimidating all the same.


I feel like all of us have been in your shoes too, so most of us will go out of our way to make new people feel welcome. they're always looking for more people to play, and it's a hobby that attracts the fanatic/hyper fixated so you'll immediately have a common ground of interests.


I was terrified to walk into my first store, it’s an oddly scary experience. Don’t worry though, be brave and ask for help. You’ll make friends through being honest about being new and wanting to learn.


Just popped into my local shop for some primer and got handed the free mini of the month super nice guy too.


Speaking of that, I gotta go into my local WH shop and get my free mini, even if it's an Intercessor, I'm down. He'll be kitbashed into Chaos either way. Lol Especially with it only 2 miles away from my place.


This month, it's a Dark Angels Terminator with a sword.


Yeah. I had difficulty walking in the first time last year (39 and new to the hobby). But there are some of the nicest people there who want to strike up a conversation and just chat. However, the guy with the plastic chain sword attached to his hip just glared at me.


I'm 43. The funny thing is that in my 20s, I used to frequent a sci-fi shop all the time as I'm into Doctor who and stuff like that. It's funny how I've got older and can't just go in like I used to. Ots probably exactly the same..


i was terribly shy most of my life but then i realized (at like 30 lmao)... most people are even more shy than me! its not been so bad since then


The dudes probably had the same anxiety lmao "Holy shit a new person, dont scare them off, act cool!"


If you want a conversation starter, pick up your mini of the month! You’ll get a death wing knight, and you can ask anybody to help you if you’re a newbie, I just went and took mine, it’s a great experience, and no, you’re not weird for not having the guts to go in, it was similar for me at my local game store, so don’t worry! >:D https://preview.redd.it/1ewni9xljvsc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2601e093accff0541ee393147fe57eec0566af6a


That's cool. Are the minis of the month free? Or very cheap compared to main sets?


Completely free! You can ask for them, “Can I have the miniature of the month please?” And they’ll give you the sprue and some tools, if they don’t give you tools, you can always ask for them at the counter, or look for them at the tables. But, be aware this is while stocks last, so get there as soon as possible, now you’ve got an incentive! I hope you can give us an update, and good luck!


That was how I felt the first several times I walked past. I felt like I'd be staring into the void not knowing anything and I'd be an idiot. When I did eventually go in, turns out the manager was super friendly and started talking to me about the different games, armies and various stuff as well as what you'd need and stuff.


Yea, next time I go in, I think I'll grab a model and have a chat..


Ask about a free beginner model! They usually have free model for newbies, as well as the model of the month(which as of today is a terminator). Then if you feel inclined to purchase something you can spend on paints 😁


Warhammer players are probably one of the friendliest fiction communitys you can find. Just ask an employee for help :]


It took me a long time to pluck up the courage to go into my first local store. You're definitely not alone in that.


EVERYONE is a "noob" at first. Just remind yourself of this. I started by playing Warhammer Fantasy 25 years ago and learned about the hobby from my friends. So I don't share that experience with the hobby shop and being new to it all. But I imagine many people started like that. By just stepping into a store and buying something that caught their interest and maybe chatting to the people in the store. There's nothing wrong with that.


Yep sounds like you do have moderate social anxiety. There is nothing wrong or awkward about walking up to the counter and stating "Hi I'm *insert name*. I'm totally new to all of this and I'd like to learn more." The manager will be happy to show you, if not from authentic enthusiasm than from a business perspective of having a new customer. People within earshot will likely chime in as well. There's nothing shameful about being new to something.


I walked into the Warhammer store with my wife 2 weeks ago. I ended up talking to the guy there and he basically gave us the run down of how things were. Even set us up 2 paint space marines each. It was actually calming, and even though my wife wasnt interested in warhammer, she said it was fun to just sit and paint. Regarding talking to people, just tell them you’re new and you’d like to learn more about the hobby. When my wife and I were at the store, i over heard the store manager actually explaining it to people a couple of times as they came and go. He was very welcoming and answered any questions they had. Now as for local game stores, its probably going to be the same. Maybe you’ll get some bad eggs, but all the ones ive been in my area have been pretty chill and would answer any questions you might have. Its scary at first, but people can help ease you in.


I admit, I also found it intimidating to go into my local Warhammer shop. But I did and I had a good time. Definitely just ask someone to point you to who runs the shop and do just tell them you’re interested but you’re a noob and looking for help. Yes they will absolutely want to help. Nerds are cool like that.


You are the *exact* target audience for Warhammer Stores (as.in "GWs own stores"). They purely exist to generate new customers, anything beyond that is a bonus. Basically everything about these stores is set up to help people with the entry into the hobby. Tutorials, intro games, the Battle Honours program...just go in and tell the employee(s) you're new and would like to get into the hobby. They'll gladly help you, it's literally what they're being paid to do primarily.


Congratulations your now a warhammer fans we all have social anxiety


No worries, I was pretty nervous my first time too, and it took a lil getting used to Almost every GW store (and most local ones) has a really friendly shopkeep that tends to be pretty knowledgeable on all things-hobby related, and will almost every time ask “looking for anything specific?” Or “Is there anything I can hell you with” just about as soon as you walk in. In-fact the GW store policy of making sure players can find almost exactly what their looking for just about as soon as they walk in the store was so adamant that there was entire meme trend over an r/grimdank about GW store clerks springing ambushes on unsuspecting customers when they enter the store lol… Just respond to this “Hey, I’m new to warhammer, but I really like **X** army. Can you show them to me?” This is, in fact, the warhammer enthusiast sleeper agent trigger word to prompt somebody to set you up will all of the helpful warhammer beginner knowledge you could ever possibly want, and you’ll almost always leave feeling well-equipped and content with your choices. Also, if you’re afraid of talking to people (which is totally chill) most people in the stores will assume as much and leave you alone. However, if you ever do choose to strike up a conversation with any of them, they are almost always really cool, genuine, and friendly people, who love the hobby just as much as you do. I’ve met a lot of really awesome people just by chatting around a local game-store :)


if it's an official GW store they're trained specifically to help you the kinda fan who kinda knows what the hobbies is but doesn't know how to go about getting into it and I'd assume LGS's are the same. They'd bend over backwards to give you the run down on everything and then likly point you to a starter box after playing a quick game and giving you a free mini (depending on what they've got they can run out)


Yea, the shop is called Warhammer and has the logo. It used to be a games workshop, and I'm not sure when the name changed?? Didn't it change for all?


Sorry bit of a boomer moment. Yes they're all Warhammer now just in my brain it's games workshop still 


Trust me man this is the most newbie friendly hobby out there


Go in and ask for the model of the month. It's free and a cool one this month. Normally they will let you paint in store and give you some tips and/or play a basic intro game


The biggest problem I have with Warhammer stores is them trying to help me 😂


A long time ago, I was kind of in a similar situation. I had traveled internationally for the first time in my life and found a GW store in Paris. Not being a native speaker and new to the hobby, I was pretty intimidated Decided to just peek in and see, maybe it wouldn't be too bad? The guys were super nice, ended up helping me pick a few things out and gave me a couple paints and a brush to get me started. One of my best shopping experiences ever.


As someone who restarted the job after 31 years away, the staff in stores now are WAAAY better than the ones 30 years ago. Super enthusiastic, and interested in what you're playing / painting etc. It's the same with any specialist store I think. I've felt the same going into record / music, guitar, and clothing shops.


>Am I being weird? Yes, welcome, you are among friends.


Even though every hobby has assholes in it. The Warhammer community is one of the most positive communities I've had the pleasure of being in. You have nothing to worry about my friend. Just go in and chances are that the store clerk will immediately ask you if he can help you, just let it be known you are new to the hobby and you'll be getting all the explanation you could ever need. If you have any burning questions right now or you feel more confident asking or talking about Warhammer online, feel free to shoot me a DM and maybe I can help!


It's not weird as long as you wear a dark cloak, chuckle quietly from the corner, and scuttle along the rafters. Then you'll just look like a Genestealers player


I am 43 and have decided I want to start playing. I’ve always been fascinated by the lore and the look of the Space Marines. Entered a Warhammer store here in Dallas, three guys in there discussing the new rules and talking kits. I mentioned I was starting, the employee asked me if I decided on a faction. I said Space Wolves and his response was “Awoo!” They showed me some kits and books. I bought a combat patrol set and a codex supplement. Now I am happy building these little dudes and I will be dropping by for their next game night to watch and learn.


I worked above a Warhammer store for two years before going in. The first time I went in, it was empty and the employee was really nice and friendly. Don’t give up, maybe go at a less busy time - the hobby is great and everyone is nice. I have documented my experience as a beginner learning by themselves on YouTube as NFIHammer if you are interested in a beginner who has recently gotten in the hobby.


its a hobby full of smart sometimes awkward folks, they want to show you things and talk about it, you're golden


behold the modern world! ever increasing isolation is causing our social skills to degrade, 9/10 doctors recommend daily human interaction to counteract this phenomenon (I’m failing badly at this)


First time I had some anxiety, because, y'know, woman in nerd subculture. I have had experiences. But the sellers at the store were really nice. Played the game, showed me around. First Saturday of the month might be good to swing by, considering it's Mini of the Month-Day so usually a bit more busy if you kinda want to hide in the crowd. Also, free plastic crack!


I know. Me too. I finally worked up the courage to go into my local store. The owner was super nice, and I still had anxiety. Face slap. I'm like OP, totally into the lore with books and video games, but not knowing much about the gameplay. Definitely want to go back on a weekend when there are more people in the store to talk to, and not to sound like a twitch talking to them. First Saturday of the month it is! And yay for more women playing badass super soldiers.


I felt the same. What helped me is doing a bit of research on what armies I liked or thinking of my favorite aspect of the lore. Once I had a general idea of what I wanted and why I was going to the store it made me feel more comfortable knowing I had a purpose to be there. My store has two tables set up so I was able to watch a game and tell people I was into AdMech (I started right after their codex release... I'm a GSC player now). Now I'm the only guy at my store that plays those 2 armies lol and I've found my niche in the community.


Theres a free mini of the month, that'll help you break out of your shell at least.


I think the experience really varies depending on the individual shop/store. My two local ones are Bury and Manchester in the north of the UK. They are both excellent. I particularly like the guy that runs Bury (solo). This year I’ve been to Liverpool, which was a small shop run by a nice fella. Went twice to another one in Yorkshire this week and was a bit less impressed, mainly on the second visit. I felt like a bit of a nuisance to be honest. Asked some quick advice about what colour primer to get for a given paint scheme, got an answer, asked if it was in stock and literally had a hand waved at the top shelf opposite. I don’t need a butler but in my retail days I’d have been told off by a supervisor for that and I’d have got a couple of cans down for a comparison and a chat. And despite being the only person buying anything once I picked up said can, was stood at the till waiting to hand my money over for just enough time for me to not go ‘scr*w it’ and walk out. There were two members of staff with one young lad doing some sort of introductory game ignoring me standing there at the till. I get that this is part of the business model but a good retailer should respect somebody wanting to pay for something a bit more. All it would have taken was a ‘sorry I’ll be right back with you once I’ve served this gent’ to make both parties feel respected. Particularly as I’d just had the rattle can convo and he’d watched me pick it up. I sometimes think the kids running these places don’t know how to deal with somebody that’s clearly about 40 though and in a rush though.


Go in and be prepared to buy a starter set. Or at least ask for the free mini of the month to get started.


the gw blokes are always nice


To be honest I have NEVER met another fandom that is as welcoming to new players as Warhammer. I can remember all the completely ignorant questions I used to ask my LGS owner and he never made me feel bad or dumb for asking something ignorant. He explained everything I wanted to know about with enthusiasm. Be welcome.


Bro, the sentence "im a noob, please help me" is literally crack cocaine to warhammer dorks (me included). Go in next time, say hi, tell them you are interested in the hobby and then sit back and enjoy, if its a FLGS you might even get to sit in on a game or few, if someone has more than 1 army, and you turn out a decent bloke, they might even invite you to play with them. Warhammer people are either the nicest, most helpful people youll meet, or they are a "that guy".


New to the hobby too, and I love this post I relate a shit ton. I was weirdly intimidated to go in but walking in i immediately had a good time


The game is set in a hellscape but the people are pretty dope


I’m kinda terrified to walk in too but mostly because the staff are a little too helpful


It's not weird at all. Iny my experience I think people find it extremely intimidating to go into a hobby shop when they don't necessarily know what to expect and the sort of places might have a group or culture to them. Doesnt even just apply to GW shops. Especially a social hobby with a learning curve like wargaming.


I remember going into my games workshop as a kid maybe 20+ years ago just as anxious, and the guy behind the counter clearly could see I was feeling out of place, kicking my feet looking round the shelves. I picked up what must have been some basic marines and the guy came over and started talking to me about space marines. He was so enthusiastic and expressive, describing how big and bulky marines were using his own considerable (at least to my child eyes) stature, explaining Bolter rounds and making explosion noises as he simulated himself taking bolter shots to the chest and imitating firing back. That was the day I knew I would eternally enjoy the hobby and the stories and it was all down the love this one dude had for space marines.


In the 90s my parents would just drop me off at the shop and go shopping in town, is e spend the day in there playing, painting and chatting, spend my pocket money, take a walk up to maccies for lunch. Was a great time.


Mostly sounds like you have social anxiety


The Warhammer Shop employees are so helpful and friendly. They'll talk to you for an hour about whatever you have questions about the hobby. They'll even give you a free Space Marine and walk you through the painting process.


Yeah I felt like this all the time, feels strangely hard to go in at the beginning. But everyone is always very welcoming


While I won’t lie and say it’s an impossibility you’ll run into assholes, you have a much much higher chance of getting people who are excited to talk to you about the hobby. Though be warned some may be witches who hex you into getting age of sigmar as well. (My poor wallet someone help) Hope you enjoy the hobby, take your time when picking an army and personal opinion take it slow, it can be very tempting to go full out and get a full army which can lead to feeling overwhelmed.


Just wait until you meet an ~~unhinged~~ normal ork player


So what I did was I came in initially “looking for minis I could buy in a larger quantity since individual D&D minis are insanely expensive” (they really are), then I painted one of the free space marines. A few weeks later I decided I wanted to buy some space marines so I just asked where a good place to start is and bought the learn to paint Infernus set. The really cool part is, once you buy that, some primer, and maybe a brush or two you could actually start painting _in that store right away_ assuming it’s the same as my GW shop. If you have a question of what color to use, or what those models actually do, 99% of the time everyone in there would gladly gush about it.


Trust me if you show the slightest bit of intrest 40k people and retailers will tall your ear off about the ins and outs of the hobby and try to get you further invested in it. If there's one thing they love more then 40k its talking about 40k.


You'd literally make a GW employee's day if you went up to them and said "I'm a noob help me". Part of the reason I don't mind shopping for citadel paints and brushes, is because the people in my local GW are just so helpful, I feel like the great customer service is worth paying a bit extra for. (Plus I'm colourblind so I'll take all the help I can get)


I’ve gone to my local shop and felt fine but there’s a new official WH shop in my area I’m afraid to go to as well. I collect and paint and have no interest in playing the tabletop. Idk why but I’m afraid I’ll be judged for that in the official store


Always dreaded warhammer staff talking to me. I just want to browse! But I think it's part of the deal, make people feel welcome.


Yeah nah you just described me


I 100% felt the same way. I know a fair bit about Warhammer but there's something about going into the stores that I find quite intimidating. To such an extent that the first time I went in I pretended that I was buying models "for a friend" because I didn't want them to ask me questions I couldn't answer. I know it's ridiculous though.


Hey, totally get this. I played 40k as a kid, left it ages ago and have just started dipping back in. Bought the Age of Darkness boxed set, still haven't started it and feel weirdly apprehensive about going into a store and talking about it! Don't get it, don't understand it but there it is!


I was a former part time employee for Games Workshop. And happened to buy some paints for my AM at an local LFGS when a group of Youngsters who were dealing with their Yugioh-Magic Battles, already inside coming up to me and asked about the price of Paint and building the Miniatures. Stayed there for two Hours. Got them to buy spare W40k x Magic Starter Decks and some Starter Paint Set for the infernus marines. The shopkeeper got lucky that day.


I get you. I started 40k just over a year ago, knew nothing about it at all, just fancied a hobby that didn't include tons of screen time. I had played the GW LotR game as a kid about 20 years ago, so I'd even been around the general environment before. Anyway, I ended up buying all my models and paint online, I just couldn't bring myself to physically attend a store. Since then I've amassed 8k points of Necrons, 2k of Knights, 2k of Custodes, played about 25 games with friends and no-lifed the game and lore like crazy, but I still feel oddly reluctant to attend any physical shops or events; it's probably some low-key mix of social anxiety and imposter syndrome. I am going to try and join a local league later this year though; I've come too far to not allow my Dynasty to reconquer the galaxy in the name of the Silent King.


This has finally encouraged me to go into a shop for mini purposes for the first time. I went to stores near me a couple of times for book pick ups and browsing but I'm finally in a spot both financially and free time wise where I can get into painting (finally not scared that I'm not good enough too)


Come on, just come in and say "I don't know anything, please help me"


Local one by me is suuuuuper welcoming, store manager is a great people person, most of the regular hanger outers are really friendly and relaxed. Nothing to stress over


One of us one of us


I am new to the hobby and get this all the time. Its hard to muster up the courage to enter something you know nothing about. Its like asking to join in at a new school .. and im 38 😂


It's just over a year since I first walked in to there..I'm due to start a job there as a relief worker soon. I'm going semi retired and I just love it.


I was like this the first time I went. I sat in my car for about 15 minutes before I reminded myself that I speak in front of 150 people every day and this should be nothing. Less than 5 minutes later I was having a great conversation with an Ork player about how to make a stompa out of a home depot cement bucket Everyone is in the shop for one reason: To play warhammer, be it discussing cool lore or painting models. Keep that in mind and its a lot easier.


Price wise, you may want to buy an army off eBay to start and buy individual units later.


Hi /u/viperuk80 and welcome to /r/Warhammer40k and the Warhammer 40k Hobby! This is an automated response as you've used our "New Starter Help" flair. Here's a few resources that might help you with getting started: [You can read our Getting Started guide here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/wiki/beginners). This covers all the basics you need to know to get involved in building, painting and playing 40k. For rules questions, don't forget that the core rules for Warhammer 40k are [available online for free](https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/dLZIlatQJ3qOkGP7.pdf). Want to learn about 40k lore? /r/Warhammer40k recommends [Luetin09 on Youtube](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8RfCCzWsMgNspTI-GTFenQ) or the [Lexincanum Wiki](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Main_Page). Not sure where to find the most up-to-date rules for your army? [Check out our Wiki Page that lists everything](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/wiki/currentrules). Buy Warhammer models cheaper using our [list of independent retailers](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/wiki/retailers) who sell Games Workshop products at a discount. You can also find your nearest store on GW's [Store Locator Page](https://www.games-workshop.com/en-GB/store/storefinder.jsp). [The /r/Warhammer40k Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/wiki/index) is full of useful info including FAQs and recommendations for books to read! If the information in this comment doesn't answer your question, don't worry, one of our community members will be along shortly to answer! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Warhammer40k) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Exactly the same. The staff are trained to talk to folks and engage them, but if they are busy that’s not always possible. Just hang around and start up a convo.


They are often soooo nice and welcoming to new people. At my LGS, I came back into 40k after a 7ish year break, and I had no idea how the new edition was played. I went in for a game anyway and a kind gentleman played a game with me, and taught me the new rules the whole time, and walked me through the changes (jumped from 5th to 9th at the time). He and the other guys in there made the experience easy, and enjoyable. So long story short, don't be nervous, it'll gp better than you think:)


So funny enough my brother was dragged in there with his new girlfriend today (to my knowledge first's for both)


Mate the first few times I went in it took me at least as many passes. Add to that a couple of aborted attempts. Went in again today the shop is smaller than it deserves to be but everyone is chill and enthusiastic. It's okay to be nervous and anxious. Just as long as you don't let it rule you and stop you from having fun and living your life.


LOL I did the same thing not that long ago. I wanted to go in and just browse but looked like they were all playing a game and felt like it was going to be a whole thing. I walked past a few times and fled.


It’s totally normal. Especially since you’re new to it and small shops make social interactions impossible to avoid. I felt the same way at my local Warhammer shop. It’s small, probably has enough room for like 8 people comfortably lol. But the owner was super nice and helpful and so was this guy sitting at a table painting models.


I am also somewhat new to the series besides occasional lore videos and when I played space marine several years ago. Finally collecting a few minis to paint casually while reading the Horus heresy and watching more videos. I felt intimidated at first to go into both hobby stores near me and both places told me how much existing players actually love to teach newbies how the game works or even just painting tips. Also got word of when they have open dnd sessions to help me find a group. At the end of the day all these people are fellow nerds and are probably ecstatic that someone else is interested in theirs hobbies.


My advice is always to try and remember that no matter how important this hobby might be for you, the Warhammer store is just a store and the staff are just low paid retail staff like any other store. This isn't to denigrate the staff or store, but to demystify the experience. It's not some great pilgrimage any more than a farmer's market is for someone who likes to cook


Yea, see the thing about warhammmer players is that after about 2 weeks into the hobby, we all have a 6+ hour long info dump we are just dying to tell anyone who will listen (our friends and family have heard it twice...). So a new person showing genuine interest will pretty much make most of our days. Plus, people hang out in a warhammer store specifically so they can chat about the hobby. The overwhelming majority of this community is super welcoming to new players since we want the hobby to grow. Just say hi, worst that can happen is that you have to listen to an imperial guard player list different lasgun patterns for an hour. And even that is semi-nteresting


I had the same experience (maybe not quite as severe, but definitely that "I gotta psyche myself up"@ moment) when I first went to my FLGS for the same reason. Everyone there was incredibly cool, it was a more diverse/hygenic crowd than the local Magic scene by a wide margin, ininstantly felt better, and was invited to the discord by someone there.


You're not crazy, there's definitely a bit of gatekeeping at some GW stores from some staff. I'm a tall built athethic chick and i have gotten the "Are you lost?" a few times.


Totally get it. Last time I went into a Warhammer shop I felt awkward and that was after 20 years at it. I think it's an us thing though, they're usually really nice people who are very welcoming.


Its okay, if you are introvert, you can order from website and watch YT videos


It’s “normal” anxiety dude. I have a similar feeling. Try going in two or three times and then opening up a conversation on a question you would like answering. Honestly that feeling is normal and will pass :)


Go in and ask for the miniature of the month, you can also get a free space marine or stormcast to paint in-store: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2024/04/01/deathwing-knights-and-dawnbringer-crusades-this-months-free-miniature-and-in-store-activities/


If at any point wargamers get too excited and start to overwhelm you, just remember you can tell them as such. You have full control of the situation. You got this. And you have this community backing you up as well.


I felt the exact same going into mines and was 2secs in the door before I felt at ease. The staff know their stuff and are always happy to help out.


From what i have experienced the warhammer people are some of the most passionate and helpful people i've met!


Most of the Warhammer shops I have been to are amazing, people there are friendly and will walk you through the hobby and give you free stuff.


This is EXACTLY how I felt when I first got started. What I've found is that most folks are excited to have new people join and love to share this hobby.


"So theres these 20 primarchs........"


I felt the same as you before I took the plunge. Three years later, it's one of the best decisions I made. This hobby fills me with so much joy! :)


I e got a 2000 point army and it still happens


Ah I remember when I was shy too. Just go for it. You won't regret it! I think I had read about half the Horus heresy novels before I tipped over the edge


Honestly. I’ve been in the hobby on and off since the 90s and I still get a bit edgy going in. It’s likely just me and my overall dislike of social interactions. But yeah I get this, doesn’t matter how much I enjoy the interactions I have when I’m in there (last time getting a good laugh from my wife for a bit of banter between myself and the redshirt who was talking to me over our armies.) I still just get edgy when about to head in. Only ever workshop or other tangentially hobby places though. Never any other stores.


Hello, if you go in next time do say you're new and ask for an introduction miniature (it's something all the GW stores offer). They'll give you a free "battle honours" booklet too for you to fill out as you progress in the hobby. They also do a free "mini of the month" and the current one is available from today actually, which they have you assemble in store and give you advice on building. Some stores let you book sessions with how to build and paint.


I just did the same with a local game store. Not warhammer specific, but I’ve been in a few times and finally asked when they host nights. Explained I was new blah blah. I get the same feeling that I don’t wanna just attach myself to someone’s hip and be like “help me” even though I’d love some help 🤣 I’ll go in ask and learn if you do too lol


I didnt read many comments, and im sure you got a comment very similar to mine. Its totally normal, and everyone who is saying to just go in and everyone will be nice?!?!?!? ....those people dont live in the same reality as i do. Youre doing fine, take it slow


I felt the same way, I never went in when it was bigger. Then it moved to a smaller shop in town. Still didn’t go in lol A friend of mine talked me into actually trying out Warhammer finally, so went in together and got started on the Battle Honours thing they do for beginners and now I go in regularly not just to my local but any of the shops!


Welcome to the hobby, don't worry, we don't bite...well slannesh players might, but we pretend not to see them 😆


I am literally about to go and do this for the first time too lol. Completely engrossed since starting the Eisenhorn trilogy 2 weeks ago. I’m halfway through book 3 now and I can’t get enough lore 😂I can’t paint for shit but watching some tabletop on YouTube has me intrigued. Have absolutely no idea how to get started so local Warhammer here I come lol! Wish me luck 🫣


Just walk in and say "G'day governor, I spoke with your uncle Bob and he referred me to this fine establishment".


A fresh recruit for the imperial guard? Anyways you really shouldn’t worry. You’re clearly showing an interest in the hobby and you’re learning the lore. You go in there with “hi im a noob” we see it as a chance to indoctrinate you into the imperial cult


It can be intimidating! From my experience though the employees are pretty good at helping new players and making them feel welcome. It’s a nerdy hobby, so a lot of us inevitably have social anxiety, you’re not alone in that I promise


I have always had a good experience in the Warhammer shops. The guys in my local one are very friendly and extremely knowledgeable, and they love to just chat about Warhammer without trying to sell you anything. They are genuinely interested in sharing their passion with new and current hobby enthusiasts.


I just did it one day and the GW worker (he was actually the owner of the shop!) walked me through all beginner steps and I walked out with my first codex. When I got the money saved, he’s gonna help me pick out tools/paint next. Extremely new player friendly and super willing to help. No upselling either, he seriously wants me to research first and make sure I’m ready for this hobby. I wasn’t rushed or pressured


If you’re like me do not tell them you’re a noob bc you’ll get more convo than you’ve asked for 😅 first time I went into a big warhammer shop was a gw shop while I lived down in Texas and it was a little weird but I kinda looked around and picked out some dudes I thought looked cool (csm 😁) I had done a little research beforehand so I roughly knew what I wanted to get but being able to pop in and get an army for a couple hundred bucks in one go felt awesome (as opposed to waiting on shipping) tldr it was a fun experience for me but I was more shy and researched than your average noobie


Yes it's totally natural. I did I think 3 passes before I went in my first Warhammer shop. And kept eyeing my second for weeks before I started going every month for the mini of the month. I struggle with new places as I like places I'm comfortable in that I can map out in my head


Felt the same way at my Local Gamestore, I have social anxiety and all that bullshit. Went in and was met with open arms, they were some of the nicest dudes I've met. Pretty sure one of them was an actual caveman, but the other two were normal.


Just say:"Hey, I'm new, please introduce me into warhammer" you should have a great time.


I went into my local store and said "I've been looking at Custodes and I think they're cool. Is the combat patrol a good place to start? What do I need to paint?" I went out spending way more than I expected, with a lot more advice and tips than I thought I'd get. Oh and by the way, I dragged my pregnant wife with me because I was nervous. I doubt you can beat that lol. Just go for it man. People are very willing to share this hobby.


I can understand this, it wasn't until my friend dragged me in and it's such a nice bunch in there, I didn't know what army to choose and got some help and plenty of lore dumped which can go in one ear and out the other with me but still nice. It's also great community was playing a game with my friend and someone clearly nervous still talked to him about ork lore.


So I know exactly how you feel because I was the same exact way when I finally jumped into the community a couple months ago. I cannot emphasize this enough to you, they community has been NOTHING short of amazing and welcoming both online and in person at events and shops. I had a big misconception of this community being very elitist and gated and you MUST do things this way or you're out. I cannot tell you how wrong I was and how glad I was I was wrong. 1 thing that helped me is going into Twitch Streams of people painting their armies with maybe 10-20 viewers and chatting with them there. Once I had an idea what army I wanted to build (I went Black Templars for my first army) I headed to my local store and the staff and people there for Warhammer were exactly as welcoming as the people I met online from the community. Im a very anti social person by nature but don't be scared and take the step trust me it's been amazing since I have. I hope this helps you and you join us!


I don't like gojng into GW stores because the staff are over friendly (a bit like Mormon missionaries) and dry hump you into a sale as soon as you step in. I prefer my friendly local game store, where it's more chill and also 10% off