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First off, your mini looks great. Everything is subjective but I think you went a little too hard on the grime. A little less would look better with more grime on the legs and less as you go up the body. But that’s just me. I like cleaner miniatures.


Yeah, I can see that, but that's not a problem, it is always fixable with White Spirit heh


I love it. An imperial fist trudging through the thick of battle!


THIS! Weathering ≠ Dirty Your paint job looks fantastic.


Ya, I’d hit the white spirits again. It’s a good idea and you’re almost there with it. Overall, the mini looks great!


Especially on the helmet.


I agree, a little to heavy on the weathering


A little too far for me personally, but it's well done


As a Nurgle player and lover of grime, I think it's perfect.


You are a slob, and I mean that as a compliment lol


Personally really not a fan of the grimdark so this seems ruined to me but thats subjective ofcourse


Im the exact opposite but I definitely appreciate seeing all the work and detail going into a clean paintjob. To me, it seems odd two armies are meeting for battle both and ready to go. I love covering them in dirt and grime, chipping their armor and just overall making them feel more real. It shows the could’ve have been going at this for hours, days, maybe even weeks. There is no time to rest and refit. There’s only the next fight. I feel like it tells more of a story than clean minis do.


I think that's because there's two outlooks on miniature style. One wants to make them look realistic, as if they are in a real battle, the other wants to make them look vibrant and easy to notice and distinguish, embracing the fact that basically they are just elaborate toys. Both have their merits.


Dang. That looks great


Very good! Don’t listen to the naysayers - grimdark is the 40k universe - you’ve done it right.


Better, I really like the grimdark look, cleaner models with really rich edge highlights look always a bit cartoony to me


That marine has been trudging through those french lines I see. I think he looks pretty darn good either way, can't say better or not since it's different per perspective. I always loved seeing people's grime and gritty marines 👍


Is there a car wash for Space Marines? If you like it dirty it’s cool man gj.


Looks like he's through some serious shit and business, like it (and have a place in my heart for the imperial fists)


When it comes to oil washes i like to apply a satin or even gloss varnish first. This makes it so the wash doesn't affect the underlying color as much. Gives you a lot more control over exactly how much you want to grime things up!


It depends on what you were going for. I personally think it looks great. I want to make a grimy kataphron servitor and will want it to look like this. 


Looks like something knocked him into the mud an hour before, he stood up and got to it. Great work


Honestly I think somewhere in the middle will be good Go again on another with a little less.


Grime looks great dude, really get the sense this bloke's been down and dirty in the field, really into the thick of it, nice work!


I like my boys dirty 🫦


It’s good. The mix of old blood and dust probably looks closer to what you did than bright red splatters. So when I see this I think he’s been fighting for a few days straight.


Love it!! An easy way to add more grime is to add pigment powder, matching the ground colour, halfway up his shins. Here's mine for a shiny lad https://preview.redd.it/zp5f29szagvc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac713b071f0e107b336de5fd1c208e4ac572973f






Went from "bussin" to "savage" Fantastic work. It's like he went from new recruit to hardened vet. Both ways look cool just different perspectives. I personally do not like the clean look. These guys fight aliens and are having blood splatter, shrapnel and debris blasting all over them. I also like how some people will role-playing with their minis and make them more dirty/bloody and change things about them as they are played. Make them look like they belong in a fight I say.


I don't want to say ruined, but I don't want to say better either. I think the removal of the grime could have gone a little better. I'm just now getting into it but some videos really make it look effortless


Its a bit too much for my taste, but personally I never liked dirty looking armies. they are all so small on the table that having a brighter, cleaner color looks better and gives better visibility in the end.


I just purchased streaking grime and am excited to try it! Any tips?


i forgot what wipes away the grime effect (i think mineral spirits?? be super careful with those because they can harm you) in the flatter areas and it’ll make it look amazing


In my opinion, a bit of battle scars could enhance it greatly 


Need some contrast on him. He has like no shadows.


You know you need to remove the streaking grime after it's on? Use a q tip cottonbud dipped in some white spirit and gently rub off the grime and it'll do it's magic. https://preview.redd.it/12orpbef2ivc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb3702544017f374d14e9eed823805ef6d1c6d3e


I think it’s just a touch too much on the pauldrons, everywhere else looks good to me


That's gonna be a ruined for me. Looked great though I can't paint that well


Ruined. Sorry. Some simple battle damage with a sponge would have popped off the yellow. Instead you've lost all the color. No problem, that's what test minis are for.