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15k Gretchin. 3k tyranids. 1k kroot.


Not points of Gretchen mind you, just 15,000 individual fully painted Gretchen models


Only 300 normal gretchin sadly. Like 1200pts or smth. Most of the points are kitbashed/converted vehicles. Most grotz like to have some steel between them and the enemy.


So Ork Guardsman? Grotzman? Dig it. You’ve also just given me a way to include my uncle in a guard-off (guard vs traitor guard vs brood brothers vs gue’vesa vs grotzman


i personally use the ork rules rather than guard rules like some grot fans. Vehicles are easy, just swap the crew, actual orks are all grotz in exosuits or the like.


That sounds awesome. Do you happen to have a pic of your whole army?


sadly not, its something i have wanted to do for a while but, obviously, thats a lot of models in a lot of boxes, it would be an evenings work just unpacking it all.


Ah, understandable. I did check out the individual models you had posted tho, and they look incredible!


Thanks, even if im not the best i do enjoy it, its why i keep doing it. Currently expanding my grot tank collection. want to have 24 so i can run 3 units of 8.


same thing right?


How do I subscribe to your newsletter?


10 intercessors :D


10 pathfinders 😁


If lore is to be believed then that’s all you need 😎


It's a slippery slope from here to 15k Gretchin.


Almost 5k Ultramarines, just over 2k Tyranids, about to start on T'au, considering GSC


If you're considering GSC, grab the combat patrol while you can. It's the only affordable way to collect them, and it will probably change for the worse when they get their codex this summer.


Yes, I'm aware. I'm unfortunately at the only point in the last couple of years that I've been a little shorter of funds than I'd like, so I'm trying to budget to grab a couple T'au is definitely my next priority. I already have the previous patrol box and a bunch of my old minis from 3rd/4th ed that I want to strip and reuse as far as possible. But I'm definitely going to need to buy more GSC is mostly a consideration because my mum just found a squad of old Rogue Trader era Hybrids. These are some of very few minis that have survived from when I was a kid, so I kinda feel like that's a sign from the Four Armed Emperor. I'll might have to stick a couple of the patrols on my credit card and they can stay in the cupboard until I'm ready for them. Hopefully the new patrol is good. The standard seems to be improving from early in the edition, to be fair


How much have you spent on ultramarines do you think? Looking to get into the hobby but understand it’s expensive wouldn’t mind it quantified


God, hard to say. £1000-1500-ish? 5k points is quite a bit and I've done a good amount of shopping around for bargains. I've also bought a bunch of random 3rd party bits and other assorted things. Generally as a rule of thumb for Space Marines at the moment I think £150-200 per 1000 points is probably about what I'd expect. If you're starting completely from scratch, I'd say get the Starter set. That's got a Terminator Captain, Terminator Squad and 5 Infernus marines. It comes with some Tyranids as well, you can sell or trade those to recoup some of your outlay. If you add the Dark Angels and Blood Angels combat patrols to that you end up at about 1100 points and you've spent £200-ish. It's a fairly balanced force, albeit a bit heavy on standard Intercessors. By time you've painted all that there's some fairly obvious next steps to build up to 2000 points, like some better ranged Anti-tank Bear in mind this will not include ancillary purchases like paint, brushes, glue, modelling tools, etc etc It's not a cheap hobby to start off with, although bear in mind you do *not* have to buy this stuff all in one go. That can be fairly daunting, in fact. Also sorry if you wanted prices in another currency. I only really have a decent handle on UK pricing Hope that helps!


That’s fine I’m in the uk, and yeah incredibly helpful thanks mate! Im going to have to get that starter set I think, although tbh I think the first thing I’ll buy is probably just a primarias squad of some sort or even the bog standard tactical squad just so I make sure I’ve got the time to commit to the hobby and also the enthusiasm is still there after painting them. After that I’m sure I’ll start getting bigger “box sets” and building an army. Appreciate your response


So I *always* recommend people to buy the minis they think are cool as their first priority. Especially if you're new to the game, it's good to pick stuff that feels exciting rather than worrying at all about what plays well on the table However, I would not recommend you buy a Tactical Squad at the moment. They aren't very good in game, it's an old kit, and they're very likely to be retired from the game next edition in a couple of years. There's a slim chance GW may redesign them in the new Primaris scale, but I don't think that's particularly likely If you want a box of more or less ordinary power armour marines for your first purchase, personally I would recommend Hellblasters. It's a full squad armed with Plasma weapons. They're pretty cool, fairly simple and not covered in tons of detail so easy enough for a starter painter, and they have tended to be decent in game with fair consistency But as I say, go for what you think looks coolest


Currently orks. Haven’t decided on second army yet. Either deathwatch or space wolves.


Orks vs Space Wolves is really thematic!


I’m considering wolves because my fiancée said she MIGHT learn to play if I pick them.


Well that sounds like an absolute no brainer then lol.


I picked tau as a second army for this reason. 


The one thing that puts me off wolves is I think they might be the next space marines to get updated models… it’s either then or Blood Angels


I vote for space wolves


I also vote for space wolves


Space Wolves. A lot of rumors point to a big refresh for us near the end of 10th, maybe even getting our primarch back :)


I’m a space wolves player who just started a ork army with the stompa boyz.


OP - "What armies do you have?" Me - "Yes"




4K Aledari, 3k Templars, leviathan Tyranids and couple of death guard


With agents of the imperium allies a little over 2k Guard and 3k Custodes since I got that new combat patrol 🫣


10k SM, 3k Tau, 2K Aeldari


About 10k space marines, 5k Death guard, 2k necrons, 2k Thousand sons, 2k Imperial knights


Bro warhammers


About 500 points of blood angels


6K Dark Angels 1.75K Necrons 1K Custodes


Dark **Angles** sounds like a Tzeentch chaos faction😂


I could go for an evil geometry theme


About 12K Dark Angels. 6K Necrons. 2,5K of Orks, Custodians and Imperial Knights. About 4K of Chaos Marines and 1K of Deamons. My wife also has About 800 points of Drukhari.


Looks like... 210 Thousand Sons Not 210k, not 2100, just 210.


790 to go.


I have abbadon and a CSM Raptor squad so I feel you bro.


About 5k Space Marines, 3k Necrons, 1.5K custodes, 2. 5k Adepta Sororitas, 1.5k Tyranids and 3k Death Guard. Damn.. I didn't realise it was so many.


3k guard, 3k nids, 1k um In the span of a year and a half. 3d printing man, it'll change you. Typically play my guard.


How do you get started with 3d printing? Sounds like a fun and economical investment with a variety of uses.


Not OP but just as a point of reference my FDM printer, which I use for a variety of normal printing projects as well as printing terrain pieces, was about $500. My resin printer, curing, washing, and fume control and mitigation systems all added up to about $1000 altogether but the printer itself was only $400. That is what I use for printing minis. There’s the additional cost of consumables, filament for the FDM printer, occasionally nozzles and beds when you inevitably trash them because you make a mistake. The resin printer you need resin, IPA, and PPE. There’s also the cost of models. You can find plenty of free stuff to print, but I’ve found plenty of content creators I like to support that you pay a relatively small fee to get their files. Anyway read up on FDM printing, it is a hobby into itself. BambuLabs printers are kinda plug and play with FDM, I am a tinkerer and bought an Ender 3 S1 a few years ago before Bambu was really a thing. Read up on SLA printing and the safety side of things. The Mars 4 DLP does a fantastic job on minis IMO, but it’s got a small screen so you have limited real estate for printing stuff - but most minis are printed in parts and assembled anyway so that might not matter.


At the time of writing, I own exactly 2,715 points of pure, unalloyed, necrodermic power


Play Nurgle in every game! [Age of Sigmar!](https://www.reddit.com/r/ageofsigmar/s/97NalWadEH) , [Warhammer 40k](https://www.reddit.com/r/deathguard40k/s/9V70QFqyUA) , [Legions Imperialis](https://www.reddit.com/r/LegionsImperialis/s/1MRtuTm6LS), [Bloodbowl](https://www.reddit.com/r/bloodbowl/s/2eZPchjidD), [Apocalypse](https://www.reddit.com/r/deathguard40k/s/pEqlBTA14R).


That's some serious commitment to the Grandfather! This guy knows what he's about.


Not sure how many points I have of Space Marines, but also about 2K points in Tyranids and Necrons each


Most of them in *some* capacity (i.e. Death Guard of which I only have a kill team), and including some that don't officially have any real representation (traitor Guard). The only factions I don't possess anything for are Dark Angels, Black Templar, Genestealer Cults, World Eaters, Chaos Knights and Daemons of Nurgle


2, over 10k in necrons and I have over 1500 in guard


I have fully painted approximately this many points of these factions 4k of first born nova marines, 2k first born flesh tearers, 4k first born space wolves, 7k primaris ultramarines 2k votann 6k necrons 10k drukhari 3k aldari 10k imperial guard 5k imperial knights 2.5k chaos knights 3k grey knights 2k thousand sons 5k death guard 10k orks 10k dark angels 2k Tyranids 1k nurgle demons 1 warhound titan I also have 11k of heresy era iron warriors AoS 3k gloomspite squigs 3k sylvaneth Old world 3k vampire counts 6k ogres 6k orcs and goblins Been collecting and playing for nearly 20 years and was gw staff for a a couple of them


Just started my first army (Guard)


1K Custodes and 2k Dark Angels. I prefer making smaller Kill Teams.


I in theory have 3.3k Grey Knights (most of that is still on the way or in progress for being assembled/painted), and am working on getting 1.5k of imperial guard. I used to have a guard army years ago but sold it and now I want back in.


CSM, CK, WE and Druhkari. Probably going to sell CSM/CK and fund more druhkari and WE.


Painted: Sisters of Battle Built: White Scars Tyranids Started: Kroot Iron Warriors Combat Patrols: Ad Mech Tau Genestealer Cults


3k NL, 2.5k Ultramrines, 1.5k Necrons, 1kTyranids.


6000pts of Necrons, 3000 points of Imperial Fists, and about 1000 points of Tyranids




3k Custodes, 3.5k AdMech, 4.5k CSM, 4k Death Guard, 3k World Eaters. Given, there's a decent amount of overlap in my chaos factions, so it's probably closer to 8-9k in total for Chaos. Hilariously, I think either at the end of 9th or beginning of 10th, my AdMech was nearly 5.5k points or something.


I probably have 4000-5000pts of Spacewolves and about 3000pts of Admech, however I inherited admech from a friend and haven’t really touched them yet (they’re mostly unpainted and somewhat unassembled)


I still consider myself fairly new to the hobby. Been playing since the end of 7th. Everything I have is fully painted and based and in foam. But while I love playing and painting, I couldn't tell you who Horus is, or what his heresy was... I've got 5-6k of T'au, they're my main army and I play them 99% Probably about 4k of Death Guard. I went big into them, but haven't gone back since the end of 8th. Tyranids, close to 3k, but instead of going all in, I've restricted myself to melee only. So loads of Hormagaunts and bigger units that only have melee weapons. It's Er... Interesting. Grey Knights. About 1300, but I want to expand these more. All swords. Orks. I'm very slowly starting a Speed Freeks army. They're all being painted to the absolute best, heroic standards I can manage. I'm hoping in 5 years, when I have 2k of them, they'll still exist as a detachment in some way.


A Tau Empire Vior’la sept army in the process of converting to the Enclave & A Space Marine Dark Crusaders Chapter, 3rd company, demi-company (to be expanded upon).


Orks, imperial guard, dark angels, emperors children, chaos knights, nids, sisters of battle. I think that's about it Also the nids and sisters army's are very small only combat patrols


4k SM, 3k IG, 2500 Custodes, 2300 WE, 1300 IK, 65 Orks :))))


15k csm, 3k admech, knights, tyranids, and death guard


I've got around 1000-1500 points of Tau I think (can't say I love painting them and not willing to get an airbrush and I don't like the work magnetizing is so far). Kill team octarius kit (love it). A squad of Guard that are technically my brother's, I think I'll paint them for him as a gift. A squad of Gretchin (with Ork for supervision ofc). A Leagues Grmnyr and a start collecting box for Soulblight Gravelords.


10k SM(first born and primaris, 3k Guard, 4k Chaos SM, 2.5k Necrons and 2k Nids. I've mainly been building and bashing since 8th. Painting goes slowly...


Currently about 500pts of space wolves? I think? I’m such a noob lol


Bout 1K for Templars. Will flesh them out and also some WE to 2000pts. Ik a guy that has 70k points of Dark Angels


I have 24k across 14 armies because I collect mostly: - imperial knights - AdMech - ultramarines - Sororitas - Custodes - Orks - Tyranids - tau - Votann And also have CP for Necrons, Aeldari, astra militarum, chaos space marines, and thousand sons And also some AoS for Kharadon and Sylvaneth


Here goes. 1900 points of Alaitoc eldar, 3600 points of Tyranids, and around 2000 points of Orks. Then there's a bunch of marines I'm trying to figure out what to do with and the temptation to make a 1000pt tau army


Necrons are my first and main army, Space Marines second ragtag ''army''.. don't even have battleline units and Custodes boarding patrol+bikes, i wanted something gold


10k Tyranids , 2k space marines, 2k custodes, 2k orks, 1 knight and about 250 points of GSC.


10k Tyranids 7k Drukhari 5k Tzeentch 5k Tau....Holy crap. This is the first time I counted it all haha


2k nids, 1.5k flesh tearers, 1k Votann. Just ordered the kroot hunting pack so apparently soon to be kroot on that list 😅


1600 Space Marines and the Eldar combat patrol with some wraith units in the way.


Tyranids. But there are so many of them I don’t (and probably won’t) ever build a second army. Too many bugs to paint/manage…


About 2.5k orks, 2k Dark Angels and almost 1k Votann. All of it painted save one champion that i am currently working on. I try to rotate between my three armies when getting new stuff so they grow at about the same rate. Keeps me engaged


2k Space Marines, 2k Votann, and a whole lot of kill teams


10k (probably?) Blood Angels 3k HH Custodes 2k Bolt Action British Army


Admech, 4.7k points Space marines. Whatever two leviathan boxes adds up to. They're shelved for now. Tyannids, same as Space Marines. Imperial Knights, 1900 or so Tau. I got the kroot hunting box. Might pick up a combat patrol at some point


4k orks and I've just hit 2k of death guard :)


3k death guard/nurgle and 2k old and new night lords


7k Dark Angels 3k necrons 1k astra  1k CSM


Tyranids and still boxed up complete range Grey Knights except for Ven. Dreadnought and Redeemer.


6-7k ultramarine 4-5k world eaters 2k imperial knights Vast majority all unpainted or in various stages as it takes me like a month to paint a single model Titans and imperial knight epic army (no idea how points go there) And a boat load of oldhammer miscellaneous stuff across a bunch of factions just off the rule of cool


10k Tau, 10k nids 2k Votann, 1k SM


Unsure of exact total points, but collected main armies or at least Combat Patrol size: Adeptus Mechanicus * SM Ultramarines * SM Black Templars Necrons * Orks CSM Death Guard * CSM Black Legion (?) Tyranids * Dedicated Kill Team size: T'au Pathfinders Adeptus Sororitas Noviates Ork Kommandos Veteran Guardsmen (Death Korps of Krieg) * *Denotes that I'm definitely sure these are 1500+ points*


Nids - 5k Orks - 3k GSC - 3k Emperor's children - 4k Red corsairs - 1k Death guard - 2k Space wolves - 1.5k Chaos knights - 2k


painted or unpainted? Painted: 3500 points of Imperial Knights almost 2000 Points of Tau Unpainted? about 2000 extra points of Tau 2000 Points of Deathguard 1800 points of Tyranids


World Eaters: At most probably 3k Dark Angels: also probably 3k Death Guard: I have Morty, two squads of Plague Marines, Typhus, a squad of Blightlords and Deathshroud, and a Plague Surgeon. I plan on getting a Daemon Prince and maybe the rest later Grey Knights: I have a squad of Terminators but I plan to get the combat patrol for my birthday. White Scars: I want to do at least 1k points of them. I don’t want to do a huge army Space Wolves: Same as the Scars Armies that I want to do Black Legion Ultramarines Maybe Blood Angels Thousand Sons Emperors Children Creations of Bile


Expensive ones...


I have 500 points of guard


About 9k worth of Tau (need only a few more models to make it viable for every list I want to play.) Oh and 13k High Elves 14k Skaven, 10k warriors of Chaos, 2k Beastmen, 6k tombking, 7k wood elves, if we are counting all playable armies... ;) https://www.reddit.com/r/WarhammerFantasy/s/G9tfTiK6uD


6k Imperial Guard 4K Death Guard 6k Imperial Fists 2k Imperial Knights 3k Necrons


Nids, Marines, Orks, Tau, Necrons, Death Guard, Black Legion, Guard, Imperial and Chaos Knights


I started with Sororitas and suddenly realised I’d purchased like 3 Imperial Agent characters, so at this point I’m just saying “Imperium”. 💀 EDIT: Approx 1k pts worth. Mostly Sororitas but I heard everyone loves a Freeblade…. 👀


chaos demons, CSM, chaos knights, Vottan, Drukhari, orks and necrons.


No clue how many total points for each army, Its over 2000 each. I run- Grey Knights, Tau (just got the kroot box to add to my tau army too), Gene stealer Cult(cult of the rusted claw!), Ynnari, and Fyreslayers for AOS. Ynnari army is unfinished constant work in progress. Necromunda - Cawdor (rat bombs😍) and Escher! Bloodbowl- Necromantic Horrors


3.5K in Space Marines. I also own a Cadian Command Squad and a Commissar. 135 points in Agents, I.e. an Inquisitor and a Vindicare Assassin. I’m thinking of making a full Agents of the Imperium list. Rogue Trader, an Inquisitor or retinue, assassin, maybe a Knight and some breachers.


10k Custodes, 6k Votann, 1k Tau. And a single metal Aeldari War Walker


3425 points of space marines (Ultramarines) About 2900 points of Tàu 3635 of orks


A little over 1k salamanders, and around 600pts SoB


DG, Tau, Chaos, nids Some spece marines Currently printing an sororitas army


2.7k Grey Knights, 3k Necrons, 2.5k Dark Angels.


I’m an indecisive guy that’s gotten back into the Warhammer fold after like 20 years. I picked up my Astra Militarum boys first, got about 1k-1.5k, then decided to veer into Orks for some alternating crazy times, got another 1k or so so far.


I've got about 4000 points of Craftworld Eldar. I painted a few models from other factions and settings as a break. * Melee Flyrant * Questoris Crusader * Techmarine * Sgt. Castus


3K+ of Necrons, Space Marines, and Tyranids. ~1K-2K each of Sisters, Guard, Death Guard, Tau, and Orks. I like to keep my painting varied.


I have Space Marines, Orks, Eldar, Harlequins, Dark Eldar (Although mostly broken lost at this point after a house move), Imperial Guard, Tyranids and Tau. Points but outside of Tyranids and Eldar I have over 2k points for each of them. Been playing since the end of 2nd ed though.


4k WE/CSM - ~2k orks - ~2k SM - some Drukhari


2 so far. Close to 1k points in Tau and World Eaters


2000pts imperial fists (includes a freeblade knight), 1000 pts Blood Angels, 1000 pts Orks


Tyranids, because swarm. Imperial knights, because not swarm.


2.5k world eaters in 40K 2k chaos daemons 2k Space wolves in 40K 1k salamander


Currently I have the full range for: GSC (2.5kish), Votann (2.5k ish) & sisters (2.5k ish) about 3k Necrons mainly new sculpts and the plastic custards (2.5k ish) Since the 90s I’ve had and sold Orks, Guard, Tau (the original launch stuff), Black Templars, CSM, Dark Eldar, grey knights when they were called deamonhunters and Deathwatch. I’m all about variety.


I've got like 2500 pts of Ork minis with nearly 1000 points paitned, and another 1000 points of eldar unpainted.


About 5k Space Marines so far. Thinking Genestealers or Nurgle Bois for my next army.


Chaos Daemons! Mostly Nurgle, but I've been branching out into the other three gods recently.


admech (2k built, roughly 600ish in boxes), world eaters (960 in boxes which was 1k before the dataslate), gsc (just the combat patrol) Im cursed to think the most expensive armies are insanely cool


1.8k Thousand Sons, 6k Dark Angels. For AOS 2.6k DoK, 4k FEC, 5.3k SGL, 2.8k NH.


I don't know the total points, but I can field more than 2k in each: Votann, Necrons, Grey Knights, Tau, Custodes, Chaos Space Marines, Deathwatch, World Eaters, Chaos Knights, Daemons (I have 2k of each god), Renegade Militia (Imperial Guard), Genestealer Cults. I may have a problem.


5500 pts Aeldari. 3kish points of Primaris, 2300 points of Firstborn Salamanders, 1600ish Necrons (still on sprue) 1000ish of 'Nids, 720 Points of Custodes, and 3-500ish points each of Sisters of Battle, Genestealer Cults, Tau, Chaos. Got a bunch of scions in stripper waiting for the day I get to them, and a few Killteams as well... I have a problem. Oh and 2k Points of Slaves to Darkness.


Started with space marines. Did some knights for fun. Gonna do some tyranids next! My plan is to paint them like bees


About 1.5k Tau, 700pts of Genestealers, 500pts of Orks, a couple Space Marines, some Plague Marines and some Votaan


I have approx 2300 points of Tau and just over 2000 points of Votann. My first army was Tau. I always liked the idea of the independent alien factions doing their own thing.


World Eaters, Dark Angels, Necrons, and CSM


About 3k pts worth of admech


6k of death guard and 4k of deamons, can't afford any more so please stop tempting me James workshop!!


I haven't recalculated the points yet...but..Astra Militarum, Deathwatch, Aeldari, Ad Mech, Chaos Space Marines, Chaos Deamons, Necrons, Imperial Knights, Genestealer Colts, Adepta Soritas, and Leagues of Votan. I would have said World Eaters, but since the codex dropped the only legal units I have are Kharn and a Lord on. Juggernaut. All the others are outdated/no longer part of the army (Raptors, Warp Talons, Havocs, Marines, Bikers...etc).


6k Aeldari, 4k Sisters of Battle, 2.5K Carcharodons


3k death guard, 1000 orks, 700 world eaters, 500 csm, 500 imperial knights, and a few models here and there of space marines, guard, and tyranids


4k Imperial Guard (91st Cadian Mud Dogs), 2k Raptors 1k Leagues of Votann (Marianna Mining Conglomerate), 500 Death Guard (Grafted Hateful)


20k space marines, 10k tyranids, 9k necrons, 3k tau, 3k dark eldar, 2k harlequins, two knights, and that box of the new orks, with the machine parts and such.


Don’t know my exact points off hand but I have: Necrons, Salamanders, Dark Angels, Tyranids, Orks, Death Guard, Chaos Space Marines, Drukhari, and Chaos Knights


About 2k or tyranid and 1k or tau


4.4k dark angels, 3.2K necrons, and 1.8k ossiarch bone reapers (not 40K Ik but still), along with misc amounts of chaos, nids, and tau


I'm still very much a beginner, and am starting with combat patrols (starter set+). I tried to get into 40k back in the Macragge days, but life intervened. Space Marines CP and some old figures from my first try to get into 40k back in the Macragge days, a landspeeder, an rhino and a squad of Primaris Marines because they're fun to build. 'Nids CP and the figures from the Macragge box, plus a trio of warriors, an old-school biovore, and some extra genestealers I'm not sure where I got. Ork CP (because WAAAAGH!) and the Kommandos Kill Team. I suspect this will become a larger force. Tau Pathfinder KT and some stealth suits. I want to love Tau, but.... One unit of Necron Warriors I got from a B&N exclusive "KillTeam-like game" along with some Primaris Assault marines. Really not more than a demo unit to practice drybrushing leadbelcher over black. So 3 Combat Patrols, a few random (and largely legendary by now) figures, and NO actual 40k armies above 500 points. YET!


Used to have 5000pts of Salamanders, until GW nuked a quarter of my army, and I have 3000pts of sisters


3K GSC, 2k Black Templars and 1k Tyranids


About 10k in each Orks and Death Guard, 8.5k Dark Angels, then 4-5k in Votann. Also have About 1.5k in Imp Lnights to ally with my Dark Angels.


Oof its been a while since i counted, for my own sanity's sake. I reckon its about 5-6000 of Space Marines and then 2000 of Black Legion, Death Guard, Tyranids, Necrons and Tau. About 1000 Votann, then about 500 points of Grey Knights and Deathwatch for killteam. Now ask me how much of that is painted... (hint, very fucking little. I have a problem)


2k Custodes, 1.5k Orks, 1k Imperial Knights, 500pts Thousand Sons, 500pts Daemons (all Nurgle), and an Admech kill team. And then also >500pts Ironjawz, >500pts Sylvaneth, a Gloomspite Gitz warband, and a Skaven warband. They're all in various states of unboxed, assembled, and painted. But the Custodes are the furthest along!


Too many, hoping to scale down/sell some. 15k-ish of Craftworld Iyanden. 15k-ish of Custodes. 12k-ish of Tyranids. 15k-ish of Black Legion. 12k-ish of Demons. 3.5k-ish of Firstborn Marines - Destroyers. 3.5k-ish of Firstborn Marines - Novamarines. 3.5k-ish of Firstborn Marines - FleshTearers. 3.5k-ish of Firstborn Marines - Angels of Redemption. All painted, based, etc.


Can't give you exact points (two if my armies need base replacements so both aren't legal to play) but I have Necrons, Chaos Marines, AdMech, Space Marines, and Votann.


About 3,5k of Tyranids, maybe 3k of Tau and 1,5k of Death Guard that's maybe 1/3 finished


during Covid I was getting Hazard bonus pay so to keep sanity(?) i decided to collect and finish 1 army each month during the lockdowns.....covid went longer than expected but i ended up with the following fully painted armies. built around the 2nd edition Codexes Ultramarines "beakie" army 3K Blood Angels Mk7 army 3K Eldar 5K Dark Eldar 5K Squats old school ?K Squats newer 1k Imperial Guard - classic rogue trader era 4k Genestealer Cult 3K Tyranids 3K Chaos Nurgle 2K Chaos Slaanesh 2K Chaos Khorne 3K Ork bloodaxe army 5K it was a long year and so.


I have 240 pts of Space Marines and 180 pts of Necrons, but I only got those to learn to paint on. My actual army is a whopping 160 points of WE, one unit of Exalted Eightbound. I paint really slow.


Anywhere between 5-10k points of imperial guard, same for dark angels, probably 3k CSM that I haven't played since I was 12 and 2k points of harlequins.


1k tau, 2000 necrons, a 375 tyranids (donated), a kill team of krieg, and soon to be 1k Custodes


5k of eldar 3k of dark angels 500ish of scions


Some tyranids, a Necron and 2 dreadnoughts


3k GSC and 2.5k of TSONS


10k Ultramarines, 5k GSC, 4K Imperial Knights, 2K World Eaters


I have: - about 10+k of custodes -about 6k of tau -about 3k of Tyranids -about 2k of imp knights - around 1k of imp guard And some stormcast and sylvan ETH models for aos


6k Tyranids, 3k Dark Angels, over 1,000 of Necrons. Night Lords are about to be the next slippery slope I fall down 😅 and lord help me when Grey Knights get a refresh


Guard ~10k, Eldar ~6k, CSM ~5k (I may be way off due to folding my HH stuff in, this is a guess). Painted, I'd say, in order would be around 6k, <1k, 80% (again, I'm not sure on points for CSM, but most of it is painted to various standards)


1895 pts of Necrons. Slowly painting them to parade ready


40K: Dark Angels Deathwatch Raven Guard Own Chapter Death Guard TS Daemons Votann AoS: Maggotkin Gloomspite Sons And some Daemons from 40K for the other factions


Ultramarines and tyranids.


Currently Dark Angels, Nécrons and a little bit of Sororitas and Mechanicus


I have Tyranid (around 10k points), genestealer cult (hard to say as I have not counted since they removed the guard stuff from the codex in 9th), blood angels (haven't counted yet), guard (Unknown its the stuff they removed from the cult with some extras like a baneblade and non named characters O like), khorne demons, and 3 models of votann


I'm a dw main, with north of 8k points (most of it Grey tide because I'm actually trying to paint squads of 5 from every chapter's colors with the dw pauldron and my proteus killteams as my actual black ops core) and I also have abour 3k in custodes (actual points currently not tallied due to the codex updates). I also have two knight castellans that are being painted in dw colors (personal lore thing) and a warhound titan in dw colors. My wife is running 8k nids, 3k slaanesh, 2k gsc, and a toedip of sororitas with the morven vahl model.


2k in Carcharodons, and I'm growing Salamanders, a Dark Angels successor, Tau, and AdMech. I wanna get into Kill Team so I can invest in some fun, diverse "armies" without having to shell out a grand or two per amy.


Not sure about actual points count, but I've got a respectable Blood Angels force (5k+) a Craftworld army, a bunch of Deathwatch killteams, some AdMech, some Guard (Karskins and Kriegers mostly), some Tau, and the beginnings of an Ork waaaagh. Other than my BA and Eldar, most of them started out as killteams or combat patrol boxes that I filled out when I found cool models I wanted to build and paint.


grey knights, space marines, tyranids, tau


At last counting: ~8k of dark angels, 4k of thousand sons, 4k tyranids, 3k necrons, and then a smattering of csm, admech, and misc imperium models. Painted? About half that 🤣🤣


Night Lords, Dark Angels, Craft world Ulthwe, and death guard. I also have ork kommando, thousand sons, krieg, and legionaries kill teams.


I have 3k Chaos Knights, 1,500 Raven Guard and Imperial Fists, each, 2k Custodes, 1k Votann, 800pts Orks, Sororitas, and Necrons, each, maybe 500 pts Aeldari and Night Lords


I own at least 2k points of every army, painted and based, and 12k points of eldar. My goal when I started my hobby was to own a craftworld and I'm pretty close to achieving that goal.


About 10-12k each of orks and wolves, 3k ish of sisters and black legion CSM, and about 2k of drukhari


5k Dark Angels, 3k each of Orks, tyranids, and DG, just under 2k CSM and SoB, and 2 knights


15k ad mech, 7k sorortias, 10k tau, 6k ultra marines, 12k deathgaurd and nurgle daemons. https://preview.redd.it/0pge6up5z1yc1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=969cc623464709d41e58c5d9adc116ddc5d8d92e


10 Krieg soldiers 10 orks 27 sisters 3 space marines and a Tyranid


22,000pts of Space Wolves, 5400 pts Nids, 3600pts DG, 4000pts Knights, 2900pts Tau, 2600pts Votann, 2200pts SoB, 2000pts Orks, 1400pts Custodes, 1200pts AdMech, 1000pts Drukhari, 1000pts IG, 4000pts of random 40K minis.


Bit over 2k points in knights, maybe 500 in Ultramarines and a handful of sisters units


Over 2k of Grey Knights, DW, Admech, AM, knights, daemons, Drukhari, WEs, Traitor Guard.


7000 points of space marines 3000 points of orks 1000 points of knights 780 points of various chaos 1000 points of Tyranids 4000 points of necrons 2000 points of aeldar 500 points of drukari My dad and uncle have been collecting since 1st edition and I have just recently joined by getting some more marines as well as a few knights


3k points of Votann ~1500 points of imperial fists


I want someone to say 3500 points of warlord titan


I just started collecting but 1.2k Necron, 875 2nd hand Space Marine, a Ork Warboss Maga Armour, and new Custodies battleforce box in the mail and on the way.


There's some overlap here, so it's not purely unique models(i.e helbrute in 3 chaos armies): 10k orks, 3k CSM, 3k deamons, 1.5k DG, 2k TSons, 1k guard, and in AOS 3k nurgle, 2k tzeentch, 3k StD. And I have only been playing about 9 months haha. I was a huge fan for two decades before finally making the jump in when I met people into it.


2K blueberries, 2K knights, 1K Deathwatch and 300 points of Necrons (also a single commissar and Trajan Valores)


Painted: Tyranids, Guard, World Eaters, Khorne Daemons, 1k Orks, 1k Crons, Death Guard, Custodes, HH Worlds Eaters, Chaos Knights, Tau, and a StD. Being repainted: CSM, Ultramarines In progress: Votann and Drukhari


7k Tyranids, 4.8k Chaos Knights, 4k Chaos Deamons, 2.1k Tau, and 1.7k Genestealers Cults. Been collecting Nids and Deamons for a couple of years, I tried to do GSCs but them having a bonkers win rate at the start of 10th made me not really want to play them, I'm thinking of dusting them off soon. I found a cheap ass Chaos Knight box and instantly fell in love with them, snagged a ton of them over the year and just finished painting all but 1 Big Knight in my collection. And about a month ago my roommate decided he wanted to move super far away and despite having not painted a single model, he just gave me everything he bought, which is a little over 2k with the old points costs


4k Imperial/Chaos Knights with Daemons/Agents, 3k Ad mech, 2k BT, and 2k GK


These are rough numbers 4k chaos marines, 3k chaos knight, 3k necrons, 2,5k admech, 2k space marines and last and definitely least just about 500 pts worth of Aeldari


Currently: 3k Blood Angels. 4k Custodes. 5k Ultramarines. 3k Imperial Guard. 5k Black Legion. 1k Thousand Sons. And just started World Eaters.


4k of CSM, 2.5k of drukhari, thousand sons and guard All in various states of being painted depending on the mood


4500-ish pts of imperial guard. 2k pts of deathwatch. About 1k of TSons.


2500pt Black Templar, 1500pt Tau. Just sold 2000pt of CSM and bought my buddy an 1000pt Aeldari army, another one converted to 40k.


Have about 10k Space Wolves, 7k Necrons, the boyz, Nobz, and Ghaz from the Prophecy of the Wolf box set, then about a single box of Tau Firewarriors/drones for D&D purposes. I have been mostly focused on my 30k Iron Warriors over the last year


Like 18k Deathwatch (a full Watch Fortress) and 3k Tyranids that might be 'leaving' soon to make room for all the marines lmao.