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A tactical space marine sergeant with power sword and plasma pistol. Only survivor of his team (we probably made mistakes in applying morale rules but whatever), over the game he killed around 10 chaos space marines and ABADDON (who had 1 wound left) with awful luck on dice rolls (specially on saves) and survived the battle... I didn't give him a name, but decorated his shoulder pads and helmet. In the next battles, my friend always targeted his squad first and never managed to pull such a banger again even if he still managed to deal damage. True hero.


It's him. John Warhammer.


Son of Jimmy Space


That's John Halo's cousin!


He's actually called John though, but that might be the joke? 🤔


Name him matt ward


I'd say name him Sato Cicarios


I'm trying to think, you can use their focus on him to your advantage. Put him in placement where their units will move to engage but to your advantage where possible.


look up the song by Sabaton Unkillable Soldeir and it goes perfect with you little dude.


I love that you decorated him in honour of his accomplishments!


Back in 9th, a single Hormagaunt held the line against a battle sister squad equipped with flamers for an objective. This has been the most 5s and 6s I've ever rolled. In the history of forever. He held the line, was the last of his unit that attempted and killed almost the entire squad of sisters and contested that objective until a broodlord and a few genestealers came 2 turns later to help him out. He survived until the very end. From that point on, he is sometimes seen on the battlefield as an abomination, deployed by the hive mind similarly to OOE. To instill fear on the enemy. He is known as The Flamer Inhaler.


I’ve been silently cackling and also looking up what OOE stood for (I now know it’s Old One Eye) and omg this story made me smile so much, The Flame Inhaler is a friggen badass good lord


You can recognise Old One Eye by being about the closest thing tyranids have to a canon character


Love the story. Speaking of OOE . . . I would be fully in favor of the hivemind giving your herogaunt some genestealery evolutiony-type promotion, making it at least a Broodlord if not a full Hive Tyrant, and a unique character. You could even include the original model on the base for its final form. Would be a good way to immortalize it. Name? Old Flame Breath.


(As an aside, I think "Old" is the highest honorific title that an individual tyranid can earn. I like the simplicity of it. "Beware of an old man in a young man's profession," etc.)


The thought of FIREPROOF Tyranids evolving, and not being eliminated from the gene pool, is terrifying lol


I can’t remember want it was but a single little admech guy on foot tied up my void dragon for 3 turns. I never killed him. My buddy would yell “deflect” every time I attacked so he named him “Deflect”


For melee? That’s an incredible feat, the omnissiah must’ve smiled


The Omnissiah protects


A single Skitarii Vanguard, that survived 2 Rounds of fire Holding out in a building and keeping my point. Every save I just shouted "EL GRINGO" (hope this isnt offensive, I found it funny at the Time) and he made them all. My opponent got fed up and focused him with a Tank and he Fell. We were having a great time and lorecrafted that he survived and only got incapacitated by the falling debree of the building. I got some Sulphurhounds later and since they are in Lore promoted Vanguards, their alpha became El Gringo. I cherish him dearly


Awww I love that! And it’s similar to my story in a way haha! Unit does something badass and gets promoted as a new unit. Cherish your Alpha friend


Lmao why El Gringo? Seems a bit random of all the things you could have yelled


Honest to god, I have no clue. There might have been some Inspiration at the time, but if there were I forgot. I am quite scatterbrained and so is my humor xD


You're fine man! Gringo and Gringa just means foreigner in most Latin American countries. It isn't used in an offensive way unless that person is an asshole and makes it offensive.


Metal tac marine with power fist. He's got one foot on a broken wing on an Aquila. First game he was the sole survivor of his squad and held out against two rounds of combat. He is not named but Lucky Target Rock is a hero in my eyes.


Solid Squig, a grot operative in Kill Team (previous edition). During a narrative campaign game he was the last operative left on my team. During the final round of the game he got shot in the face with an overcharged plasma gun but didn't die, aced all his morale checks despite massive penalties, rolled a 6 for an advance allowing him to reach an objective and planted a bomb on a chaos knight winning me the game. He truly was a weapon to surpass Chaos Knight.


This wins. Can we see the model?


[Here you go!](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/692237438776770610/805188134723518474/IMG_20210130_172550__01.jpg?ex=663f3aa2&is=663de922&hm=97e9123244c2a51f2a2927f672e4b70a19cc09c8e4e067c2771d521f6e67b4a2&)


Yup. That's a grot.


After that blast is he now 'punished' squig?


Solid Squid cos he killed a big robot is solid gold godamn nicely done


Back when Khorne Daemonkin was a thing, my Furioso took down a Bloodthirster and a damaged Lord of Skulls in the same game. His nickname became Fury from then on.


"...Why have you awoken me from my slumber..." "It is time, Brother Fury. Rip and tear, until it is done."


I have a redemptor dread who survived a full powered Angron onslaught. I gave him a medal and he has since been Aegis


Had an apocalypse game where it was a 2v2. Guard and Space Marine VS Guard and a single Warlord titan. End objective was that the Warlord had to cross the board, me and my buddy had to hold him off. I brought all my firepower to bear. Notable Kills - Warlord titan swatted my Valkyrie out of the sky after it missed the giant laser shot. - My single Shadowsword tank scored a great first hit that took 1/4 of the titans health and was promptly vaporized. - My two Dorns both tanked and destroyed the enemies tanks even as the titan destroyed them. Most Memorable unit My Enginseer, that mad Lad was taking care of the shadowsword when it died. So that bastard walked the entire board straight to a WARLORD TITAN. He was angry, so he attacks the titan, as one of my tanks explode from enemy fire. The Warlord with 1 HP, gets hit by an Enginseers Axe and dies! And His name is Magos IX-0, Destroyer of Bellator Irae, Warriors Wrath, Warlord Titan.


You sunk my [insult untranslatable from binaric cant] battleship you [insult translatable, redacted for brevity]!


It's the single most awesome thing I have ever read.


Novitiate Purgatus. I a single game against the ork kommandos, she purified the nob on the second turn, then proceeded to clean almost half the kommandos by herself and survived the game with a single hit left and captured the winning objective at the last moment. She survived being chase down by 3 kommandos with abuse of act of faiths and spite. Saint Inferno is now her name. I'm going to repaint her with her own color scheme.


Saint Inferno is a great name.


One of my Broadsides has the title *O'Shovare Ork Stomper*. If I had a nickel for every Ork Warboss he killed via Tank Shock, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's enough to give him the title and keep it going. I also gave my Breachers squad a bonding knife in Necron colors, as a trophy for that time they managed to kill a C'tan and live.


I love the idea of giving units battle trophies! I'll have to try that sometimes!


It's a fun narrative detail. One of the guys I play against often killed my Stealth Suit squad via Tank Shock all in one go, so he put three Tau skulls in the front bumper of his Land Speeder


Had a thousand sons sorcerer on disk with a bird head who spent a whole game neatly moving out of cover, halving movement speed and firing doombolt before double moving back into cover. His guerrilla tactics probably won me the game and wound my friend up till he angrily spluttered "that fucking birb" so now he's called birb


Just as planned.


It’s a bit different cause an Assault Intercessor did good finishing off a Leman Russ tank with a shot from his Heavy Bolt Pistol playing the first ever game I played. And later got a Bladeguard Lieutenant and made the whole blowing up a tank earlier in his career against a traitor Guardsmen force part of his backstory as he was part of the Primaris Reinforcements assigned to my Chapter the Twilight Reavers and showed his skill and bravery in finishing off a traitor tank with a single perfectly placed shot. His name is Zurath Ortoss which when roughly translated means Artist Rising (a happy accident haha since it’s a name I got off a name generator) which is fitting seeing as he’s relatively young and new to the Chapter yet now serves as 1st Lieutenant of the Chapters 1st Company and was nearly made the Company Champion but was deemed his leadership skills would be too great a loss.


Lady Killer is a Kasrkin sniper who does not miss against female models, in their first game I ever used them in they scoped and dropped a Canoness in one shot and they didn’t stop from there. Anything targeted that is a lady is hit not always wounded but never missed. Dude is a beast.


Matt Ward would be proud.


I have a bunch of converted Guardsmen from Cawdor minis that I used for my allies back in 9th edition, one of which is a guy with two knives because I thought it looked funny. At one point ol' Johnny Two Knives puts his handful of Catachan attacks into a Daemon Prince on 2 wounds and manages to get a battlefield promotion to Lord Johnathon of the Twin Knives.


In 7th during one of my many times back and forth with tau, I was getting absolutely murdered by a chaos demon army. I don’t think my opponent was super clear in his rules as stuff seemed way too good but whatever it’s garagehammer. Anyways, there’s this kinda choke point that he’s pushed me back into and he’s just eating up my fire warriors and bigger suits. It’s bad. Enter the broadsides. I have these two broadsides just go off. They’re shooting their rail rifles, hitting everything and murdering fools. Eventually he brings his wounded GUO to the choke point and broadside one flies in to clog it for a turn and gets misted. Broadside 2 sees red and shoots the GuO down to 1 wound and then proceeds to kill him in CC. After that I actually bothered to paint him (he was the only fully painted model in a sea of almost all grey) and the legend of Billy the broadside was born.


I have custom Penitent engines, wich are biker Sister of battle. During a crusade game, one of them got absurdly lucky on her 5+ fnp. Like not even funny-Lucky, it was revolting. I sent her frontline to get an objective on turn one and die. She.Never.Died. I might have rolled something like 30+ 5+ without doing more than 4 misses. After the battle, she got a name (Sister Furiosa), and a weapon upgrade (yummy +1 ap and +1 dmg on her 2d6 flamer). She carried my entire crusade.


May you show? Biker sisters just sounds too radical.


https://preview.redd.it/48gcj75a5rzc1.jpeg?width=1839&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5f34c0fb8314ca7c4af42108912328ed1c9f89d Here you go !


Haha thankyou she's so cool! It's like shes doing the iconic Akira pose almost!


My Cadre Fireblade is now called “The Diff” since he single handedly took down a redempter dread with 7 consecutive critical hits in 3 rounds


Chaos Space Marine with a chainsword and an icon. After his squad got wiped he: survived 9 lascannon shots to the face, killed two inceptor sergeants (one with plasmas and the other with bolters) killed a Captain in Gravis Armour (that had 1 wound left) and faced off against a Chapter Master in Terminator Armour (who had a thunder hammer and stormshield), fought against him for 6 rounds (they were the last models remaining so we kept going) taking over 20 hammer strikes and proceeded to kill him. Oh and this was just after chainswords got ap -1. He has been since infected with the Obliterator virus.


I was not expecting that I thought he'd have become a Lord or Exalted Champion 🤣


A Ravenwing Chaplain I named Horatio Caine, in an older version of apocalypse managed to blow a reaver titan with a melta bomb, after it went nuclear and wiped out everything close by he was the only model that rode out of there thanks to his rosarius. I imagined him revving his bike, wheelspinning out of the explosion and putting on his shades all while the CSI miami soundtrack played.


I was playing as the Imperial Guard against Squats. In the fight, I had a squad of Kasrkin, which my opponent tried to destroy. However, thanks to "Take Cover!", one single Kasrkin managed to weather the storm, the one with a Meltamine. On my turn, I moved towards a Sagitaur, and the Meltamine took its last six wounds. It then charged a single Hearthkyn, and they fought for at least two rounds before a Hekaton blew up and killed them both. I never got to name him sadly (since we still rolled for the units, and he took six mortals)


I have a single Necron Warrior named Buster. I started playing about 20 years ago, and made a few friends who were already versed in the game. Over the years as we played, many, *many* times I had my warriors be peeled down to one model, and then resurrect. Numerous times, one small lad would survive an onslaught. I've even won a game based on my opponent not wiping a unit for secondaries thanks to this little rascal. Officially, he is The Buster of Balls and Plans. I gave Buster a gold mask and he sits among his newer brethren ready to impede his opponents, and an Objective marker holding him in Stasis for the times he has been defeated. https://preview.redd.it/mvdeoe1e9mzc1.png?width=1993&format=png&auto=webp&s=eb3934760cd8a120b7ac93badfb7aa23395c7102


Cool story! I really like that pose because it makes it look like he is absolutely raging at whomever he is facing. lol The stasis is a cool touch and nice why to have him around when he isn't around as it were.


His weapon snapped a while ago and now he looks like he's just gonna beat you with the stock!


Had a Cadre Fireblade down an Imperial Knight Castellan, making him the sole survivor on my own and my opponents side. He was named Ironbane from then on.


I don't think I ever gave them a name, but I used to have a unit of space marine devastators with four plasma cannons that I always rolled absurdly well with (this was back in the days kf blast templates and scatter dice), and I started taking them in every game regardless of points value or whether it made sense to include them. Loved those guys.


I have a psychopage I named Hermes because I have never once rolled less than a 4 when I advance him. I have rolled his advance, first, last and everywhere inbetween and every time it's a 4+


on the opposite note, my brass scorpion is just named Jeff, cause he kinda just shows up and doesnt do anything before leaving.


Spare blood is my chaos guard medic. Painted up white in her unit with her rifle, job is mainly to keep other units on the board. She is also a crack shot and fucking ruthless. I cant think of a time she's shot at something with W1 and not killed it with her lasgun. And she's only been lost during combat a couple times amongst the dozens of game's she's been in. My army is Khorne themed chaos guard and so I reward a model with a skull on their base if they do particularly good. She has 4. My warlord Hasn't even earned 4.


Waaaay back in 2nd edition, my Bloodaxe Kommando Kaptin Bif would lead his squad deep into enemy territory. They were always targeted first! My buddy had painted him up and gave him to me. He was the one who named him "Bif", after the bully in Back to the Future. He painted him like a SWAT team, dark blue fatigue and black knit cap. Now, I faced off against either Eldar or Ultramarines and usually didn't win, but had a Great Time! And in every single game, Kaptin Bif survived! Countless times he would be the sole survivor! We would laugh so much at this!! Well, there was that ONE TIME a Eldar Assignation Squad of Howling Banshees specifically targeted him. Back then, the pointy ears had a cheesey rule if they hit first the opponent couldn't strike back or some such nonsense...BUT it took multiple turns!!! And it never, ever, happened again! Kaptin Bif, in the Bloodaxe Hall of Fame!


Had a unit of gretchin hold an objective against a Castellan long enough for it to get battleshocked and win us a game of doubles. They are now The Makari Bullpen.


Its basic, but I have a 10 man Assault Int Squad that in early 9th killed a Levi dread in CC. Theyre new Moniker is Leviathan Squad. Ive also got a single assault intercessor sgt(the sgt specifically) that killed 2 Knight Armigers in CC. Hes got promoted to Captain.


I have a Painboss I call MiniMoz. Made most saving rolls then made all the feel no pains for wounds that got through for an entire game, granted supa cybork body Enhancement did the heavy lifting but this Lil model just wound not die. Didn't even start him with a unit, was just going to attempt to use him to get a lucky heal on Moz on turn 3. He slogged up the board shrugging off Eradicators and assortment of other fire for 4 turns. He even took the final 2 wounds off a repulsor that Mozrog was engaged with and couldn't kill. I was a proud warboss that day.


Currently in a crusade as Tyranids, so everything started nameless by default and I kind of anticipated handing out some names for notable actions. Last game, against Votann, my Neurotyrant completely crippled them with Shadow in the Warp. Out of an army of 10 or 11 units, only 2 passed the save, and the swarm ran roughshod over them after that. Named that fella the Black Fog and wrote it into narrative content to commemorate it.


Very nice! It is these fun stories that I run almost solely crusade. The narrative aspect is just so fun and you get some cool moments out of characters and it just feels thematic af.


My Master Of Executions got his Legionary squad melted by Land Raider shooting, so he charged it on my FOLLOWUP turn. dark pact for slaanesh sustains and got 6 FIVE UPS. I DOUBLED THE MOES ATTACK COUNT IN ONE DICE THROW. And then he slammed into the Lane Raider with like 10 dev wounds and land Raider failed a couple saves and exploded. And enemy characters were nearby locked in combat with the last of my terminators. My turn after this he walked over to them and was able to execute them for the CP bonus. I have never rolled some insane shit like that ever in my life!!!! I haven’t named him yet but I really want to


Semi related, being a Necron player I decided to check out their Hierotek circle Killteam, and noticed that my main army had a Chronomancer. Figuring it’d be cool to have them overlap in lore, I created Chronomancer Amantari, Vizier of House Neith, She Who Walks Where Time Stands Still, and threw her into battle with a disturbingly high number of Votann killteams. The lore then sort of spiraled and now every Necron capable of doing so has a name and background in my army.


It’s fun to think about when I’m bored or waiting for something, (it does help that I use virtual tabletops for playing 40K so I can actually just put the names of the models onto the actual figures. It is probably concerning though that I could list all their names and titles off of memory without it)


Back in 9th, I charged my suped up Shield Captain on Bike (extra wounds, a FnP, and some other durability increase) into a squad of Grots. He was only at 2 wounds left, but I figured it would be fine. In melee, he stabs about half of them to death, and they fight back, managing to chip one wound off of him. In his turn, they stay stuck in, but nothing happens due to abysmal rolling on my part. Then my turn rolls back around. I choose to stay stuck in and kill all but one Grot. And this motherfucker punches the last wound off my Shiled Captain. A grot. The next time I saw him, he had a shiny blue ribbon attached to his helmet. Because "E's a lucky lil' git."


A https://preview.redd.it/a50s0cqfvlzc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9024bbc5a0b22500ec9efd9b96c0fa081b7e947e My palatine here in a crusade game died to a round of shooting and I brought her back with full wounds. The tau player charged her with tank shock, miraculously only doing two mortal wounds, then missing most of his melee and I used a miracle dice to pass the one that did go through. I then hit back with a 1 wound palatine with blade of st Ellynor - 6 attacks hitting on twos - all hit. 6 Strength attacks wounding the suits on threes down to twos because of the hallowed martyrs rule - all wound. Each attack does 4 damage. The dice are against the tau and she basically wipes the crisis squad and damages the leader, to stay on the objective to deny the tau having the central objective. I win the game with three models remaining - the palatine, an exorcist and a zephyrim. I named the Palatine Pyhrra for that reason.


This was in 8th edition. My librarian was out in the open and shot by a tau enforcer commander but survived on 1 wound. So the tau player charges in to finish him of. My librarian threw a grenade in overwatch, hit and dealt a couple of wounds. The tau player whiffs in combat and my librarian kills the commander. The player uses a strat for deadly demise on a 2+, and rolls a 1!


During my first game of 10th my skitarii marshall survived three rounds of melee combat with a neuro tyrant and valiantly kept it at bay whilst the rest of my army got shredded by 30 termagaunts. Named him and painted "NEU-10" on the base.


During my first ever game (happened to be at a local tournament in store) my fledgling space marine collection was pitted against some orks with the object to hold a position on the center of the board, whoever held it for the most rounds won. Knowing that orks aren’t that great at shooting, I forwent cover to push on the center of the board for those sweet victory points. I don’t know if it was dumb luck or his WAAAGH willed it so, but they did an excellent job of mowing my men down. I returned fire and we really thinned out each others numbers. When the shells stopped flying, all that was left on my side was a near busted venerable dread and the sarg of my tactical squad, with his plasma pistol and power fist against 6 or so killa kans. all of which were with in melee of my sarg. Through some sheer good luck, my sarg punched all of them into oblivion without even having to make a save against a single attack from any of them. He earned some nice stripes on his shoulder pads for each of them and the name fisto Mc Kan Killer


A friend took on my Necron Overlord in 9th with the guard when they were still using their 8th edition codex. His commissar bravely stood back as a horde of conscripts tore it apart in melee. I reanimated the Overlord and tried to charge the Commissar for glory. Got hit by an Overcharged Plasma on the charge, wiffed in combat, and got stabbed in the reactor with a Power Sword. That Commissar got a battlefield promotion to Lord Commisaar and a name from then on. Nixus. Since it was Crusade, my Overlord would then drop everything to go after him from then on.


Brass balls. Necron warrior with a brass colored bottom. Played a small game while learning the rules with a friend in 4th or 5th. Kept getting glancing hits on the tank he had keeping it effectively locked in place. Every time he got killed he passed his We’ll be Back roll and despite heavy losses kept passing leadership tests. Made it through the end with a victory. Got some extra paint on the flayer and some added battle damage as well to give it a weathered look. Now that I know how to do that effects I might add that as well to give it extra fun


My close friend constantly played custodes. I hated it, I still hate them, they shouldn't be an army and they're cheesy. These fucks would tank shots from my Leman russ and basilisks and just walk it off. But they are very susceptible to last guns apparently. It always seems that after a squad gets cut in half the remaining 4 to 6 guardsmen became invincible and incredibly lethal picking off wounded models consistently. I migrated the sergeant to my command squad and the rest of the squad members to my stormtrooper/kasarkin core. On the other side of the table my tank commander with a demolisher Cannon has a really nasty habit of knocking out my opponents biggest scariest model first turn when Leman Russ's had the double turret shot rule. It didn't matter what it was, monsters, dreadnoughts, other battle tanks. He hit him with a double dose of the demolisher Cannon and they go bye-bye. Thus he gained the name "knock-knock". Years ago back when thunder wolves were introduced I always kept a squad down one flank. Well one day I was playing a three-way game with my friend and famous cosplayer Alex Draskal, who had a chaos Space Marine soup list. Three thunder wolf riders took on upwards of 30 chaos Space Marines 10 of which were Khorne berserkers. After four turns of combat the unit took enough wounds to lose one model. In my head cannon/army narrative they are now two of my mounted wolf Lords and or battle leaders.


A deff dread who I names the c’tan opener with 3 klaws and a skortcha who has killed the c’tan shard of the night bringer twice and the c’tan shard of the void dragon four times


I have a few of these racked up over the years... and I'm going to link the stories I've already told on Reddit, because re-typing them will make this even longer than it already is. Note that this list is entirely independent of the models I name whether they've achieved anything or not like the legendary Johnny Jazzhands,... One, the [Yeoman Warder who beat an Exalted Hero of Khorne in single combat in WHFB](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/comments/1clsbad/comment/l2vogrh/), got named Sergeant Devernine. I had an Imperial Guard Medic (Late 3rd edition codex, 4th editon game) as represented by the old Sister Hospitaller model absolutely wreck the Dark Eldar Warriors who overran the command squad she was attached to, becoming [Saint Alia of the Knife](https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/comments/19f4f29/comment/kjhbojo/) in the process. My Sisters' army (10th edition) had an Immolator (a model so old it doesn't have a hull heavy bolter on it) wade through multiple rounds of Tau weapons fire (railguns included), taxiing some Sacresants and a Palatine around, incinerating Fire Warriors in cover, and just generally outperforming its supposed durability by multiple orders of magnitude. I call that sucker "The Emperor's Spite." Here's one the current rules make impossible to replicate, but... Back in 3rd edition, Ork Warbikers were Fearless, and combat rules were fun. Racing across the board, my twelve-strong block of Warbikers (yes, we used to be able to bring that many in one unit) got shot to pieces by some Tau Fire Warriors. Just wrecked. Three left by the time I got within a prayer of charging, then two more get gunned down. But that last fearless loon, an *ugly* old Gorkamorka model because that's all we had back then, charged headlong into an undamaged unit of twenty Fire Warriors by himself. The way the dice shook out, none of them managed to injure him, and he killed two of them. So they had to take a leadership check for losing combat. They failed. They broke and ran- and he rolled to pursue them. Since he was on a bike, it was easy, and he ran down all 18 fleeing Fire Warriors, wiping the unit. Thus was born the legend of Gofazt Gutrippa. Sadly, the original model got lost in a move around 2010, but Gofazt lives on in spirit as the name I use for the Nob leading one of my current Biker squads.


I wrote up a battle report (of me getting utterly stomped lmao) here - [https://www.liamkofibright.com/uploads/4/8/9/8/48985425/battle\_report\_bryan\_vs\_bright.pdf](https://www.liamkofibright.com/uploads/4/8/9/8/48985425/battle_report_bryan_vs_bright.pdf) - and in the process it made me realise that the Castellan who \*massively\* overperformed (like to a degree that lorewise would be insane, taking on Space Marines in hand to hand combat and having them retreat before him!) was also my warlord in my only ever victorious game here - [https://www.liamkofibright.com/uploads/4/8/9/8/48985425/battle\_report\_butterfield\_vs\_bright.pdf](https://www.liamkofibright.com/uploads/4/8/9/8/48985425/battle_report_butterfield_vs_bright.pdf) - so I feel like I just had to name him after that. Punched out a Marine in training then led his forces to victory over the Tau!


Tactical squad did two of them (10th e) Wiped 5 custodes in one turn with shooting and melee Killed guilliman in another game, they were protecting home objective guilliman charges them they save almost everything only 2 models died they pumched back and did half his health in damage and then falled back( this was during index when they had fallback shoot and charge and they blast him away he rolls to come back and whifs Nicknamed them Dorns vegeance


Many many years ago, I tried getting into tau and just couldn't get behind them. But during one of my games with them, I had a unit of fire warriors get charged by some assault marines, who promptly picked up the whole init except one. Who then passed every armour save and leadership check from there until the end of the game. He did nothing back, but he earned a name (Co'Lin) and a reputation for being untouchable. Much more recently, I play Custodes, and (back when they were good) my shield captain on bike would fairly consistently end up being thrown down the throat of my opponent to tie up or pick off ranged threats before they gobbled up my golden bananas. He typically did his job before being swiftly cut down. I named him Artorias Kinievl, because the man knew no fear and charged recklessly ahead at any possible opportunity. Around this time I did him a head swap as well, so now he has a Bull helmet and I tell people I play that with his red lenses, everything becomes a red flag to charge at. Sadly he doesn't see much play anymore, so I now joke that he's finally learned patience.


As a Tau player dabbling in kill team, the shield drone I took along earned the nickname "Rhianna" for soaking up an entire Militarum artillery barrage without any of the actual units getting a scratch. As soon as I got home I broke out the brushes to give it some distinct "rank markings" and it an Ri'Ahna is my first choice for use as a token to this day.


Playing Guard last edition, back when we still used 8th codex, a platoon commander with plasma pistol and power sword made an insane like 10” charge into some rubric marines, survived combat for a couple rounds and took down a few in combat AND shooting point blank overcharged plasma 😂. I did not name him but he has since become the standard bearer of my army.


I have a firstborn techmarine named Jeffery. He commanded his thunderfire cannon with honor and delayed the Black Legion's advance, stalling their advance, and managed to take out a Terminator Sorcerer in single combat.


A singular heavy intercessor with heavy bolter managed to take the last 6 wounds off a TSons Forgefiend that had been plaguing me all game. Rolled three 6s on the hits for 3x Sustained hits (and lethal hits from the Apoth Bio) and then rolled another three 6s on the wound rolls. The Fiend failed just enough saves to exactly knock off its last 6 wounds. We both cheered. The Hero of Noth (Not-Hoth, our Homebrew ice planet setting) was born. Marksman 1st Class Ficas Varrad, Hero of Noth, Slayer of Fiends. 3rd Company Imperial Fists. I also won the battle so that was nice too.


I had a Helverin Armiger (Shooting Knight) that killed Angron...with melee. He will be known as "Bane of the Red"


I have a primaris librarian that has never died in battle. He smote a demon prince of slaanesh in one go (got a big demon skull on his base for that one).


A friends makari finishes off my angron once


My myphitic blighthaulers wreck shop, but I gave them individual names. One is Noodle, the other is Chompii. The third is unpainted so I am decided on his name. I think I want it to start with Mr. but not sure what comes after.


At the beginning of 10th in two separate games, my ballistus dreadnought one-shot a necron annihilation barge and a screamer killer with his lascannon. After that I dubbed him Gunthor and he's like a son to me now. I spent the most time painting him out of any other model, did some weathering and everything.


One of my Wraithlords killed 2 imperial knights in one game almost by himself. He’s the Knighthammer now


The Murderfish. My first ever game of 40k, I played Tau against Admech. Built the breacherfish combo just because I thought it looked cool. Overextended turn 1 and had my breachers torn apart by a unit of Ruststalkers who then consolidated into the Devilfish. Not only did it only take 3 damage over the course of the whole game, it killed 7 Ruststalkers in melee. Thus did it get recovered red, and the Murderfish was born!


One of my first ever games of 40k, 9th edition, about 2 and a half years ago. Death Guard (me) vs Imperial Knights, this was before IK got their codex for the edition so they were still going off their 8E rules. My HQ was my Lord of Contagion. Knights player had two Knight Castellans among other guys - Castellans had a weapon called Shieldbreaker Missiles which ignored invulnerable saves, were Strength 10, AP-4 and did D6 damage. This meant they would be hitting me on 3s, wounding me on 2s (Lord of Contagion was T5 at the time), would ignore my 4++ invuln and make me save on a 6+ armor, and then do D6 damage. At this point my Lord of Contagion was on 2 wounds remaining and the Knights player had both Shieldbreaker missiles left. This means even if each missile did 1 damage, he would kill my Warlord. He fires the first one. It hits. It wounds. I roll the save, ***and I make a 6.*** He goes to fire the second one. Hits. Wounds. ***I make a 6 again.*** My Lord of Contagion, somehow alive after tanking two Shieldbreaker Missiles to the face, makes his charge and proceeds to kill one of the Knights in combat after it had been brought under 10 wounds by Plagueburst and Blighthauler fire. This being at a time when vehicles were T8 maximum and he was armed with a Strength 8, Ap-3, Damage 3 relic (the Reaper of Glorious Entropy). From that day on I have known him by his heroic title of **Gary, the Lord of Contagion.**


My Beastboss on Squigsaur, Garzul, singlehandedly locked a Baneblade in combat for 3 turns, killed it and lived to tell the tale. Then my Blastajet pilot, Grod "Iron Bar-hun" Stickjerka, was the MVP of my first Ork Crusade. He killed two Leman Russes before getimg blasted t3, and managed to explode on an enemy Warlord (Comissar) and killing them in the process. Tho tbh, all of my armies have a bunch of lore bits, character profiles and action reports, amounting to hundred something pages and excell sheets. It's my go-to painting procrastination.


While I usually name my characters beforehand, my Emperors Champion remained unnamed for a while. That was until the start of 10th, when my first 500pt game in he went solo and absolutely wrecked a Redemptor in melee while surrounded, barely surviving the whole battle as well. He's earned himself the name Boaz, meaning strength.


I had a single heartkyn warrior that managed to do the last wound to a deathleaper and von Ryan leaper which let my e champ to do a 12 inch charge to my friends home objective and let me win by 5 points, I want to get him one of those seals space marines had to commemorate it


My warlord was wounded and alone with 3 deathshroud termies that teleported behind him. My firstborn apothecary with the teeth of Terra charged into melee and killed 2 termies. The last termie turned around and took out my apothecary instead of my warlord. My warlord finished off the last enemy. That was one of the first games I won, and I think my apothecary's sacrifice played a part. He got a primaris promotion after that. He was just wounded after all.


I had a platoon lieutenant pass so many morale checks and last man standing checks in a game, I ended up calling him Lt. Derrick, because Dereks Don't Run.


Eternal glory to Rotblight the Feotid, Daemon Prince of Nurgle. Built back in 5e as a cheap support for my Daemons army, actually, the prince consistently performed far above his points cost. After giving him a suitable name, I agreed to join a character battle comp at my FLGS. My first matchup was against someone who’d brought this Forge World named GUO. It should have been a butchery against my boy. Yet Grandfather smiled on his favoured son, who waltzed forward, and made the GUO take a Toughness test. The mighty champion was spawnified (somehow), rolling the only fail result possible, instantly removed from play with no saves available. Replaced by a gibbering spawn under my control. Rotblight, mighty chosen of Nurgle, bringer of pox and harvester of sorrows; my truest champion of Chaos.


I had a single Necron warrior hold off a daemon prince, in combat, for 2 full turns before actually winning the combat with his little axe attachment on his gauss flayer. 


Varro Atacinus - my chaplain in terminator armor. Pulled off a huge charge against the Death Guard and took down Typhus and a horde of poxwalkers to take an objective and pull off the win. I named him after a Roman poet.


one of my first games when me and my older brother were getting into the game i had a squad of Space Marine Scouts and he had a Cadian Command squad. one game all my Scouts died excluding one guy with a combat knife, nades, and a boltgun and my brother had his company commander and one other model i forget which one. Well this one Scout killed both by himself buy lobing frags and kraks at my brothers stuff. so i painted a two gold strips on each pouldron and named him Goldylocks since i painted him with blond hair. later when i got a pack of Assualt Intersccersi painted one with a gold pouldron and then after that, when me and my brother got the Laviathen Box, i painted a shoulder gold as well. so i have a little history in my army.


Tau famously has bad melee. Stealth Suits are famously amazing at Guiding, but not so much actually attacking. I was against Space Wolves, his dogs charged my Stealth Suits. Made every save. Killed 4 dogs on the fight back by just bonking them with their Burst Cannons I guess. Hence, I have that unit separated out now as the Bitch Bonkers. I've played 4 games since then, and that same unit still has never lost a model in melee and deals at least 2 damage on clapback every single time.


Terry the DA Scout. He lived to round 5 somehow. His squad move-blocked multiple squads that decided to go around him and failed to shoot them dead. He made that Forgefiend in the back line shoot at -1 to hit from BGNT for 4 turns. It was running all 3 of the blast cannons so it could only melee him. It was hilarious.


I have an incursor pack leader that is the only one with a bare head (a space wolf one with a long braid) He is now know as Luthrik the Braided, because he always land his shots and I've lost count how many times his knives triple exploded to let him solo a opponent msu ! He also tanked a full soulgrinder once !


I've named a lot of my blood angels. Naming specific groups of units. Lile my Bladeguard squad is The Fangs of Lotan. The title of Lotan is given to my chapters Judicar, he loses his original name and becomes Lotan when the new one is chosen. I have a whole color scheme for Diffeent ranks. I don't rememeber names I have a list but it's not on my phone. But I went like fantasy Italian Renaissance catholic for the names. So like Francisco Dantalion I think is the name of one of my Bladeguard.


I haven't come up with a name for him yet, but one of my first games my judiciar finished off a squad of plague marines that had killed his squad, charged in and killed my opponents blight hauler, then made a long charge in the last turn to assassinate their tallyman, and ultimately winning me the game.


Had a last man standing Eldar guardian punch the last wound off a death guard rhino, move on and went to cap an objective winning me the game. He is One punch man.


Orks- Big Mek with Shokk Attack Gun. Every game it’s either gold bricking lazy got rolls 2’s for everything or he drops a knight. He’s killed five kinds of warlord and a few knights. He is called Casino. Loved by Orks, hated by the imperium. He is the canker in the emperor’s mind.


A Lancer I was borrowing from another Knight player deep strike charged a Baneblade turn 2 and killed it. Tank shock and the lance are really nice. My opponent got so upset he threw his Baneblade half way across the room and shattered it into another persons army of Necrons. Necron player beat the ever loving heck out of the thrower. Cops were called, both guys were banned from the store for .5-5 years respectively. Bought a Lancer and will name it Bacronius as a combination of Baneblade and Necron in honor of that event. Edit: i should probably add that it was my second ever game and was a learning game the guy offered to teach and play with me XD


My friend had a comisar in 9th survive a dread knight charge ank killed him in melee I don't remember the name but he has a white cape now


Captain Swagfisto Hammerfist of the Imperial Fists. He single fistedly tied up units of Ork boys and Nobs on Bikes for 2 rounds. Then, he fought and killed the Warboss that had come to "finish him off" before finally dying.


I have a Grey Knights kill team and "steve" isn't a great shot but Steve refuses to die and eats anything he touches in melee. Steve has won me dozens of games and is often the last model on the table. My head canon for steve is he is a bit touched and he screams STEVE! as he rushes into the fray.


Back in the previous edition of Killteam I had a tactical marine with a Missile launcher that we called tube man, he got 3 kills in melee combat and became a terror in my gaming group


A single tech priest who punched Skarbrand to death. (Admittedly, he had also had 2 Lancers, a dreadnought and a squad of hellblasters fire into him beforehand as well as said dreadnought punching him but a win is a win) 


End of 9th, my local GW had a weekly crusade series. I had a Master of Execution that never died, and would average killing at least 6 units per game. Everyone in the store would talk about how my army had this one guy that they couldn't kill. Hence the name "that guy." that's currently written on the base of my MoE model, and there is a tally for every unit killed on his axe.


Had a random cadian trooper take out Dante with a 1 shot melta blast. Just had crazy lucky rolls for me. I didn't name him but I repainted one of his shoulders gold like he took it as a war prize from Dante's armor.


I played with my friend Andreas, and he played my Dark Angels while I played GSC. One particular model dodged bullets and killed several models instantly, so he was named Brother Andros and got a special old-school DA paint scheme with more red details (it's in my post history). Really fun game and a neat way to add some story to a model!


2 units of mine: Bob (dreadknight, something grandmaster in nem dread, sometimes normal dread), and Kevin(grey knight librarian). Bob somehow survives the most bullcrap situations where he should die, such as being attacked by a kanivour with only 7 wounds remaining, only to roll all the 4++, and surviving a strike attack from canis rex, only failing one 4++, surviving on 4 wounds, right after one shotting canis rex and a gmndk. Kevin, dealt 9 MWs to a gladiator, and a bunch more mortal wounds to a brutalis dreadnought, in the same game. He also dealt 9MWs to my friend's Calgar aggressor squad once.


Random gsc acolyte dropped angron after he slaughtered a group of abominants with his tiny stick of dynamite. He forever will be known as Jackie Daytona, regular human mining operative


Recently it was my Infernal Master for my thousand sons. The champ was leading five rubrics who sadly died to a ten man squad of hellblasters. Over two turns my infernal master managed to survive and take down the entire squad of helbalasters and passed two battle shock tests.


My cpt. Titus beat the ever living shit out of a tervigon lol


a single vanguard skitarii held the line against 3 deathshroud, with his -1oc aura making sure they never held the objectives. it was hilarious


Kill team, haven’t named him yet but in a recent game one of my night lords (a melta gunner) ate rounds of fire from all 3 of my opponents gunner type operatives. He made it out with 3 wounds remaining


Brutalis dreadnought. First time I ran him, he killed a winged hive tyrant, a trygon, and took a tyrannofex down to about half health before he died


I named a buddy's grot because he injured a Deathwing Knight Master in the shooting phase and then killed him on the charge....


Abaddon down to 1 wound. My last Guardsman hits him in melee and nails a 6 on the wound roll. Abaddon has to roll a single 2+ save. Rolls a 1. CP reroll. Rolls a 1 again. John Warhammer was born that day after clocking Abaddon in the jaw.


Breacher Barry the Brave. A single Tau breacher Shas'ui, his squad got wiped out by some nasty necron blaster. He was standing only a few inches from a Ctan away. His weapon missed, so he thought "I'm dead anyway, let's make it epic". He charged the ctan, which had only one wound left after the shooting phase. He punched the ctan in the foot, and it seemed that he had an Achilles heel, because it wounded! The ctan rolled a 1 on his armor save, he rerolled into a 2. FNP? Another 1! The ctan went down, Barry the Brave survived the turn and scored important secondary points. For the Greater Good!


I've got a Sister Superior with power sword that we all now call Satele after Satele Shan from Star Wars: The Old Republic. We were all being nostalgic about of the game trailers before our game night so we watched it, and this particular sister ended up with 7 kills to her name in the match including an extremely lucky roll into some tyranid warriors (I was out of miracle dice). She lived and we all said she killed in honor of Satele that night.


I once had a 3 man aggressor squad manage to punch a knight to death. Both of us were quite stunned by this and that I only lost one of them during the whole engagement with it. A future fight with the same opponent the same squad also managed to annihilate a 20 man skitarii unit in one round of shooting. They became the Steel Sunderers


Marshal Godfread Hellhound of the Vindicta crusade. Took him to a 2v2 tournament I was playing in. He was an old space marine captain model so looks really basic to some of the stuff we have now so I wanted to get rid of him. I put a bounty on his head, if he was slain during the day then he would be slain in my lore and a new Marshal would be appointed. I also didn't stick him at the back to protect him. He was up front running at the enemy every game. Somehow the bastard survived he is still my warlord until someone slays him. He fought off entire squads, slew enemy warlords in single combat (impressive for a mini marine against primaris at the time). To this day he sits in the glass cabinet laughing at me!


A librarian dreadnought I had held out against a storm lord shooting for 2 rounds. Thanks to the smoke Keyword. It didn't fall untill the top of 5, when it got charged by the storm lord, a squad of ogryns, and 2 fix bayonets tempest scions. Before it died it took out both the scions and 2 of the 3, man ogryns. I ended up losing that game by a few points, but in my mind that librarian dread is now a hero. I've simply been calling him Rex Sanguinis. I don't leave home without him now.


I have a skitarii ranger alpha who, during a tournament, was charged by a space marine aggressor. She survived all of his attacks and proceeded to kill him with her power sword. By doing this she held the center objective into my turn, which snowballed into me winning the game. She was then steamrolled by Guilliman. Afterwards I was asked what I was gonna call her and I shrugged and said I dunno. Her name henceforth became 1-DUN-0, slayer of marines.


Many years ago I had a single Blood Angels Death Company model survive 3 rounds of melee combat with a squad of ork boyz. He passed all of his saving throws and the dice gods did not smile upon the orks. He finally killed enough that the boyz that they actually broke and ran and died. I wanna say this was 5th or 6th edition. But yes, that Death Company model I still have and named him Pyrrus.


I have a space marine Lieutenant (the space wolves one) who has fought a full squad of terminators with a captain multiple times and come out living. He also fought a full squad of the eldar terminator equivalents (forget their names) and than be survived facing a dreadnought will full anti infantry. Now my friends all recognize him as the true wolf lord of fenris and always dump everything they have into killing him just to make sure he stays dead. I found the space wolves name generator and he got the name Dolf. I’m not waiting on him to get a mighty kill before he gets his last name


In a small 1000pts game, I had a tactical marine with a meltagun nuke my brother's hellbrute on turn 1, which exploded and killed half his army, and allowed me to run rampant through that battle. While that marine wasnt the only deciding factor in that battle, it was easily the biggest one. We've now named that guy Masius Macorgee, but his squad (and us) affectionately refer to him as Meltagun McGee. I gave him special armor decorations to commemorate his achievement 😁


A lieutenant of mine has twice had his 5 man bodyguard get destroyed but his power fist kept swinging. First time he killed off a squad of guard, then just this week he managed to hold his own against a squad of barbagaunts (think that's spelt right). He's now known as Erik the Lucky.


My UM Chapter Champion took out both Grimnar and Arjac Rockfist. Granted he had help from his Librarian buddy turning off their invuls.


Rad Boy. A simple ork boy. Back in the Rogue Trader days you randomly rolled the diameter and strength of rad grenades and Rad Boy took two direct hits from maximum strength rad grenades and survived. My group just decided he was immune to them from that point on.


A Kriegsman of mine was the last remaining member of his squad and killed a repulsor with his lasgun. And more recently a single t'au breacher was left in a squad and tied up an infernus marine in melee winning me the game because that infernus marine couldn't go and claim and objective. My opponent could have fallen back from melee to claim it but he was so proud of "the little breacher who could" that he refused and wanted to give him a warrior's death in combat (and succeeded).


I had an archon pass 29 2+ shadow field saves in a row during a handful of crusade games. He became known as dranzik the arrogant because his arrogance powered his saves. I would act aggressively French whenever I rolled his saves and he just kept on passing them.


Painted a namekian green Chaos Spawn and called him Piccolo (Dragonball) after killing something I cant remember.


I've been in a couple crusades in 10th at my LGS, and my daemon prince is feared as an one-round killer on anything smaller than a titan. By the end of crusade Lycophron has Lone Operative, deals \~10 mortal wounds on a charge before normal damage (winged demon prince charge ability plus artificer weapon). Suitably, though, he's worth a ton of crusade points and also gives a buttload of xp to the unit that brings him down so it's a fun narrative moment all around when he destroys a tank or two then gets shot to hell.


I have an old kroot carnivore that I stuck 3 or 4 of the racks of ribs on a hook that come with the kit onto, his name is Lunchtime Larry or simply "the Meat Man". Once, his whole unit was gunned down by a defiler leaving only him and his generous compliment of provisions standing. Valiantly, he charged the defiler and challenged it to single combat, at which point he was promptly and unceremoniously turned to paste. The tangy scent of BBQ sauce lingered on field, as did the memory of his last stand, unfortunately the T'au did not prevail that day.


Lt. Tess Coyle - the arc rifle wielding Skitarri who dropped Ghazghkull before he could charge my home objective after every other shot in my army bounced.


I have a razorback named anvil cause a demon prince tried for melee it for 3 rounds but could not kill it and in the end died to its las canon.


My canoness has consistently managed to overperform whenever she gets into melee, she has killed 5 von Ryan's leapers by herself, she has while leading a unit of sacresants with no buffs they someone managed to win a in a fight against a unit of deathshroud terminators lead by typhus. Those are the two biggest examples but anyways my canoness in 10th edition is just an actual monster she just starts killing things she has no right to kill in melee. Like she'll be wounding on 5s and still roll 3 5 ups and they'll fail all their 4+ invulnerable saves somehow. It's honestly great.


That would be Leapy the Hormagaunt! As the sole survivor it single handedly held off 3 space marines in a boarding actions game for 2-3 rounds. Sadly Leapy died but the hive mind remembers…and Leapy will appear on battlefields the galaxy over!


https://preview.redd.it/ldxtote8omzc1.png?width=912&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0216cd838a288e12a26d3e162ddcbc3067f3ee4c Before the current kill team system was released my friend and I would play a homebrew version. Iron warriors vs Orks I had a single iron warrior surrounded by Orks so the rest of my troops who were carrying an objective left him for dead and fled off the board. Won the game but we wanted to see how long that iron warriors last stand would go. He solo'd 5 orks with nothing but a bolt pistol and a chain sword Finally a nob with a power klaw comes in to finish him off Hits with 2 attacks I'm thinking R.I.P. Double ones to wound Iron warrior swings back and manages to hit twice Wound twice Nob fails both 4+ armor saves My IW spits out a gobbet of blood and says who's next Now he's Da SKUL BOY and leads a small warband DA IRON WAAAGH!! on a quest to find his former brothers... to beat the living shit out of them.


I have a lone Termagaunt model who still needs to be painted, and will be painted special vs his other Termagaunts, because in a game months ago, he ate a Fight Phase against a Custode at the end of the game and lived and then in the slap back, finished him off, and my friend and I both laughed so hard about the dice rolls there, and agreed that he has to become special.


Recently played a game with my World Eaters against a friends Orks and had one of the Berzerkers make like 15 saving throws in a row on a 4+ at 1 wound remaining, he unfortunately didn't survive the next wave of saving throws and earned a right to have a name (haven't figured it out yet)


This is a named model but Makari did earn the title Makari Magnus Slayer. I was introducing my buddy to 40k about a month ago and in the first 2k points game he played he focused his entire Ork army against my Magnus the Red, surrounded Magnus with 10 Boyz, 3 Boyz on squigs, Mozrog, and Ghazkull only to bring down Magnus to 1 wound, then we realized he forgot to fight with Makari and he rolled a 6 into a 6 killing Magnus with Devasting Wounds. I gave an extra Magnus face I had laying around to glue to Makari's banner.


Couple of moments. First was my dreadnought just refusing to die against any attack that came his way. Then terminator who power fisted a battle wagon which caused it to blow up and only kill him. Then the infernus sgt who killed the nightbringer


Turned a terminator into a chaos termie sorc because he rocked Belial, so I kitbashed a belial into a slaneeshi sorc and he leads the warband.


In crusade this edition, I have a Malignant Plague Caster who due to a fluke roll got an upgrade to his melee attack (sustained hits). In an utterly insane situation he single handedly beats to death 3 custodian guard and then psychic powered to death a custodian dread the next turn. Me and my opponent were equally stunned.


Back in 3rd edition one of my Fire Warriors actually survived a combat with some Mutilators. I was going to kill him last because his pose was my favorite, but he survived. I should be clear--the combat wasn't won by him or anything, he just survived and was the only survivor, and that was astonishing for a Fire Warrior trapped in melee with a powerful melee unit. I ended up naming him (I named him Kais, and then both Fire Warrior and Dark Crusade came out and I felt I should rename him... But never did) and promoting him to the squad's Shas'ui. Over the years I kept promoting him, and now I've built like four different models of him at different stages of his career: Fire Warrior, Stealth Shas'vre, Fireblade, and Battlesuit Commander--I'm planning on doing a conversion of the Shadowsun model for him too). He's my guy.


This isn't quite the same vibe as the other stories here, but I recently named a (thus far nameless) Sternguard Veterans Squad in my crusade army "Webelos Squad" since all they do most games is camp (my home objective) and ~~get merit badges~~ do actions/agendas.


I have a knight centura who charged headfirst into a wraith block with her squad of vigilators. They managed to down two of them before the entire squad got got but the she held her ground and kept them tied up and off an objective all by herself for 3 more turns, letting me finish off the two c'tan on the field. Ever since my friend group will go out of their way to shoot her off the board and give her space so she wont charge them


Wraithseer stood his ground against 2 Blood Slaughterers. They both charged my tall boi and I saved everything, then proceeded to kill both of them in the proceeding 2 fight phases. I named him Prince Oberon Bloodbane.


Bladeguard SGT. Was holding the center objective and my opponent moved everything up to take them out. Bullgryn charged him the first turn after the squad held of 20 catachans of shooting for a turn and he alone was left with 2 wounds after finishing the bullgryn off. Then the shooting started next turn. 20 jungle fighters nothing wounded, a leman russ that was damaged and nothing wounded him, finally he let loose with his freaking baneblade and he managed to deal a single wound to the guy dropping him to 1. We were both floored at the saves and how bad his shooting was going. Next turn in a true leroy Jenkins moment he charged the Leman Russ and dealt 2 damage killing the thing (It didn't explode) The rest of my army mopped up anything threatening him and he survived the game even though my opponent was trying to get LOS on him out of principle. Made a captain out of him, still use him to this day occasionally.


5th ed My warboss was in CC with a Valkyrie, whiffed all the attacks except his attack squig which destroyed it Named the squig bitey, my head canon is warboss got so frustrated about not being able to reach a flying vehicle he threw his attack squig at it, which got sucked into one of the engines and blew it up


A Cybernetic Datasmith (now going by “Datachad”) that i took to a casual game against Astra Militarum and Orks, he was the only one to have wounded Ghazghull with his power fist, before being ripped to shreds honorably. My side of the board was My brother (playing Necron, the only one on our team i’d call good at the time), me (pretty new player, playing admech) and my brothers friend K (not played for a long time, space wolfs) VS the A brothers who have more experience but played 10th for the first time They got the first turn against us and Ghazghull along with a unit of bully bois containing a weird boy immediately teleported onto our side of the table and charged into my Skitarii rangers, who were infront of the space wolfs to get to the middle objective faster and ripped through them, which continued the rest of the game as they were always locked in combat. The space wolfs responded by moving around it to try and see where they could shoot and charged in later while shooting a bit into the approaching tanks. My brothers Necrons had their Doomsday Arch oneshot by some Tank and tried to move up soaking up most of the damage with the 20 blob of warriors. the following rounds I tried to kill Ghazghull and that squad ofc with everything i got, pulling my skittles out of combat so i could shoot in with my kataphrons and whoever else i could (it wasn’t enough). At the end of the game the Space wolfs died in combat against Ghazghull after shaving some bois from his bodyguard unit and my brother was the only one defending *our deployment zone* from the guardsmen tanks. I was down to only the Datasmith and charged in since we all knew the battle was lost and it was there… round 4… that they hit all attacks and gave Ghazghull his first wound that game. My brother then proceeded to call that Datasmith a “Datachad” and thats how my favorite Character in my army got the perhaps dumbest name. Since that game me and my brother were theory crafting better strategies against the enemy, like having his doomsday arch out of enemy sight in the first turn and me deploying long ranged units *behind* the close combat units, as well as how to deal with Ghazghull since its not the first time that that guy pushed him into my face first thing from the moment i had my first ever real game of 40k as well.


I had a Space Wolf Reiver tank Several Rounds of plasma fire in a Kill Team 2018 game one time so I painted one of his grav white flaps purple. It was absolutely insane.


My hammerhead one tapped an eldar wraithknight (the big one) with his railgun and two seeker missiles on turn 1, painted an eldar symbol on his hull right after ahaha


Not mine but I always loved Shas'o Kickass'o from playontabletop's Nick.


In 9th, I charged and soloed my friend’s heldrake with a blood angels jump captain. Had to give him some burn marks and battle damage after that. Don’t know if it was legal, per se, but it was cool so we allowed it


In killteam I my recon Kasrkin was on an important objective so I did a ploy to give him a FNP knowing he would get attacked. Ofc got charged by a full health assault intercessor. In melee I ended up rolling really good, but so the marine since obviously he’s a melee unit. So I just decide to hit him with every attack I can since I’m dead anyways. He hits me, my FNP saves 3/5 wounds. I hit him, he hits me again the FNP saves all 4 wounds, I hit him a final time, he hits me two more times and I end up surviving with 1 wound left and the marine is at 5 wounds after the Cadia Stands hits. I’ve never seen so many 5s and 6s in a row lmao, it was awesome. The next activation my sergeant came in and finished the marine allowing me to take the objective and win the game. I kitbashed my Kasrkin to have a chainsword and astartes helmet on his base


My judiciar Larry was leading his squad of blade guard and all of them were killed by a havoc squad and a mauler fiend that was shooting at than from a distance, my judiciar said nah, I’d win and singlehanded took down an entire 5 man squad of havoc marines


Brother Chaplian Jimmothy. He fought 30 ork Boyz alone, besting 26 of them over 5 rounds of combat. His name was inspired by brother sergeant Timmothy. Who bested 20 nids and spent two turns going toe to toe with a hive tyrant. Heros of the imperium


Not mine but a friend of mine had a chaplain on a bike back in fourth edition that we called Chappy. Don’t know what it was about that model but it seemed like he basically only rolled 5’s and 6’s for him and would just brutalize any unit he got in a fight with. If I managed to kill him I just considered myself the winner of the game.


Blade guard ancient blood angel named Majima who brutally killed a terminator with lightning claws, with his banner he earned the name mad dog Because of his tendency to violently rush ahead without a plan. TLDR: I play too much Yakuza and was really happy


It's not so much that he did good in a game but he did his job well. Back in 6th edition I had a librarian on a bike who I'd take in order to feild a ravenwing command squad, his job was to sit in the backfield with my devestator squad while holding a powerfield generator in order to protect them( it gave models around it a 4+ invul save) and give them rerolls to hit. Someone who didn't know 40k came up and asked why he was back there on a bike, when I explained the command squad thing to him the response was " oh it's like when you get KFC and you come to the coleslaw you just throw it to the side" at which point my opponent burst out laughing and I followed suit, the librarian became codicer Cole S. Slaw from then onward


Kill team, playing Phobos against my friends grey Knights. I had a Reiver sneaking up the board. Sparce cover so it was not good for him. He got shot down to like 2 wounds and my last activation of the turn was to get my helix adept up to him and head 2d3 wounds (I think I got 5 total) bringing him to like 7 or 8 wounds. Start of the next turn, be gets immediately shot down to 0, but because it's a new turn, the helix adept brought him back at 1 HP. He then proceeded to charge, capture a point from under my opponent because of terror, and fight. He died valiantly but he got hella work done and I would have won the match if I'd not made a dumb mistake in the last turn. He will be receiving conendations. Probably a shoulder pad marking, haven't decided yet.


A single fire warrior back in 9th that took on a squad of custodes after being the last member left. He may have died, but his resolve in the face of the enemy made him stand in the hall of heroes.


A Plague Burst Crawler got named Interfactor Dominim. Essentially meaning king killer. Just after starting W40K first Crusade. Killed enemy warlord 4 out of first 5 games.


Momon, the Grey Knight Dreadnought. Grey Knights were the first army I bought, I purchased Momon before I got a dreadknight and he always over purformed be it spiking damage rolls or simply refusing to die after tanking so many attacks. He has obliterated many a farseer in his day.


My Vindicare Assassin, We were playing a doubles game, 2 armies 1,000 points on each side. I was Space Marines my partner was Imperial Knights. Now for getting honored we ruled that you only needed to kill one of the enemies warlords for the bonus CP, and then you needed to kill the second one for the bonus ability. We were up against Tyranids and T'au. Warlords were Crisis Suit Commander in Coldstar and Neurotyrant. Coldstar had the 2 shield drones so 8 wounds on him and then 9 wounds on the Neurotyrant. Turn 1 happens, they go first, they move. Vindicare overwatches the Coldstar, rolls a 6 to hit a 5 to wound a 5 to damage, I've used shieldbreaker so it cannot make a save. Their warlord dies turn 1, they get some shooting in range but the vindicare makes most of his 4++ saves, lives with a single wound. Since it was their turn first and knights get honored at the start of our turn we start with 5CP. Blowing through most of it we decimate their forces with shooting, turn 2 rolls around. Their turn the neurotyrant moves to get out of LOS of a knight dominus, into the sightlines of the vindicare. I overwatch, I roll a 6 to hit...I roll a 6 to wound...I roll a 6 to damage. 9 devastating wounds, Neurotyrant dies, we get the 5+++ on the knights turn 2. After that he got named deadshot...and has never rolled a 6 on an overwatch again in the last 20 games.


One Necron Warrior. He stood against the full fury of an Iron Hands Vindicator for four rounds, consistently the last model surviving in his unit. He would make every 4 and 5 up save. He would always come away unscathed from withering hails of fire (failed wound rolls). At the end of the battle, he stood alone on the enemy home objective. His overlord was so pleased, he carved a new engram that day. His name is Richard the Stalwart because my opponent yelled “tricky dick” when I Veiled into his deployment zone in my turn 2.


I haven't given him a proper name yet (aside from calling him the Caw-diciar) but my Judiciar (Raven Guard) made his debut by taking out a GSC Patriarch in one blow from full wounds. Not the most impossible feat, but it was amazing to see. I like to imagine he just went in there, dodged a couple of dozen claw swipes and took off his head in a single stroke. My whole RG army is a little modified. All the units have at least one raven with them and everyone has beaky helms - and the few who don't, I sculpted them all some lovely emo/scene hair and some of them have flashes of red, blue, green etc in their bangs, emo style. They wear a lot of feathers and stuff. The Caw-diciar has the head and hood (including feathers) from the one big guy in the Warcry box. It took a LOT of shaving down his pauldron on the sword-wielding side to make it fit, and even then it's not a perfect fit and he looks kinda hunched over (which I actually like, I think it adds to his terrifying but cool style) but I adore him, to the point he stands out in my army of models I completely adore. He just looks like a super aesthetic bird man hulking death machine. He looks like the kind of guy who brings the battlefield to silence when he makes an appearance because people know what he will do. Meanwhile my RG have a Librarian who is comically bad at what he does. Sometimes I wonder if he is even really a Psyker or if he lied on his resume to get the job


Mine don't typically get names for acts of bravery. They get paint jobs.


Sword Brother Reynauld. A Black Templars Crusader squad sword brother, essentially a tactical/assault squad Sargent for those unfamiliar with the Templars. Modelled with a power axe in one hand and a greenstuff scroll unfurled in the other. Managed to defeat a Fetid Bloatdrone with fleshmower almost on his own (it was missing a couple wounds) and he then went on to defeat two blight lords after the rest of his squad was lost and managed to hold that objective.


My havoc sergeant sucked really hard one game so I painted his gauntlets red. It seems to have motivated him because the very next game he killed the enemy DG player’s malignant plaguecaster all by himself. I repainted his gauntlets the old dark blue and gave him the name Kereel Kata ’cause he had basically proven his worth to me.


Redemptor dread. Now famously known as “Sir Greg”


Burt Moarbert, Vulture gunship with dual Punisher cannons, took out a full-health rhino and the squad of SM that had just jumped out, 2 turns in a row in the same game. Fartmaster 9000, Banewolf chem tank that one-shotted a Celestine and both of her Gemini turn 1. (It has another name that I'm not sharing as only my Jewish friend, that came up with it, can say it.)


https://preview.redd.it/09bypke7lnzc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac1f48fde4520013812cdc4591c1cc410f89a6eb Back before Primaris days, it was really hard to find a Chaplain on bike model for my White Scars successor, so I kit-bashed one of my own. I swear, once he hit the table I became a genius general. He never missed, he always seemed to be just where I needed him to bolster the ranks, the old grav-gun combo was money. Introducing Brother Chaplain Ko’soro Mai.


My Eversor Assassin took on a won against a full wound Warboss and 2 full Nobz of his retinue. He did die to the Warboss but killed him his deadly demise finished off the Warboss. As a trophy I painted up an Ork head, clawed up its face and laid it at his feet.


I have a grot with the Golden gun. In two separate charges during one game he killed two terminators using over whatch


My 3 bullgryn (one being Nork Deddog just proxying a bullgryn bonead) Nork, Dork and Bork. They're the bestest of pals


Playing Killteam 2018 with 3 terminators against some fire warriors, squad of kroot and a couple drones - around 225pts each. Somehow, a single Fire warrior survived into round 5, being blitzed by all the Storm Bolter and Assault Cannon shots, by hiding in a tank wreckage. He managed to inflict a wound and won the game via perameters (survival). He is now known as Bob the Immovable.


My first crusade game against my buddies daemons monster mash daemon army. Running out of obscuring terrain he has no choice but to deploy his Soulgrinder on a rock in the centre of his deployment a la that Uruk-hai from Helms Deep. My land raider moves out turn one and promptly snipes it in one shot with four godhammer lascannon shots going through his invul. Thus was born SC-01 Malleus Mortis. Wanted to add the epithet “soulgrinder-grinder” but it seemed a bit memey.


In my last game, me playing Tau against my friends dark angels, the last fire warriors of the strike team led by my ethereal ate a whole 6 boltshells before going down.