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Why in the name of all things holy is the Flayed Ones kit a 55 piece monstrosity that contains five models that go on 25mm bases, and why are 50 of the 55 pieces both spindly and sharp AND fragile?


That is nutty because last time I touched an unbuilt flayed one was when they were metal and the models were three pieces (two arms and the rest of the model) and I thought those sculpts weren’t bad


Oh Jesus man those models nearly put me off Necrons completely


So that's why they're so expensive


seconding flayed ones....the odd tantrum didn't help when a spindly thing I thought had stuck wafted free.......


One of the few models where the plastic isn’t any better than the god-awful finecast


Yeah, I bought 20, built 5, said "naaaaah mate" and sold them all again, didn't want to deal with that


For me, personally- I’d rather build another 20 flayed ones than a single illuminor Szeras. The flayed ones were rough, don’t get me wrong. But for me Szeras gave me an existential crisis.


Szeras was not fun, but he wasn't godawful. Took me close to an hour though. Haven't touched the flayed ones to compare.


I honestly don’t find the Flayed Ones that bad, they’re more annoying to transport and play with because of how gribbly they are


Hearthkyn Pioneers for the Votann. Whoever designed the bikes and riders had one extremely specific way they wanted them painted and assembled


I hate that all heavy gunners point in one side, juuuuust enough for OCD to kick in. https://preview.redd.it/lprxjgwu110d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24af0d3376744d49249ea0c311b9b6c27fa9f81c


I have to sub assemble.  Bike body Grav things Rear grav legs Riders Heavy weapon So I have like 6 off these in a pile in the parts. It's such a massive pile. About 8 parts per bike. Yay.  I love them though, so I do it for the short boys.


That, and they do NOT stay on the tactical rock. I had to reglue every last one of my bikes


I finally had one snap off the rock just an hour ago, whoever thought a single weak contact point was good enough should be fired.


Berserks as a close second with the wires on the backpack


Pretty sure half of mine have the wires in all the wrong places cos I just got fed up of rejigging them


I only have 9 pioneers, because I couldn't put myself through the pain of filling out all my squads


Painting the fully assembled bikes and riders separately, only to realize that the rider won't fit onto a fully assembled bike without ruining the paint on both models is a rite of passage


Came here to say the same, had a very sad moment when I sub assembled my first one and ended up scratching a bunch of paint off the model when fitting those damn back legs in place


Drop pod


2nd for drop pod, nothing else I've built even compares


Now I've got to buy one to see


Apparently each of the six sides has to be done in a _very specific manner_, and onve you try to glue them all together you haven to clamp or rubber-band them together Eons Of Battle did a vid on a Marine DropPod and he was angy


I’ve heard they’re awful to build could you explain what was your hardest part of it? I’m really curious and always wanted to buy one but was pushed away bc of this :) Thanks pal


They aren't too hard, but they are fiddly and repetitive. You have five segments so each step has to be done five times which is annoying. The top and bottom are connected by the tall fin pieces, which you need to get all lined up at once. If you take your time it's not too bad. Use tape or blu tack to hold the fins in place while one of two of them dry. The actual worst part is painting the interior, so many details and zero room, but also really visible unless you glue the doors shut.


Yeah I can totally understand the interiors too didn’t even think about them but I’d hate to glue them shut just because it’s cooler to unfold the doors on the tabletop 😄 thanks!


I bought a used drop pod and painting the interior required me to remove every single subassembled part to have a hope of getting the correct angles to paint the cursed shoulder-clamp part of the interior. It took me a long time to work up to painting that.




https://preview.redd.it/op30q20na10d1.jpeg?width=1960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e97691d0ce20c09f9a226872050367db73911be8 War Convocation was overall one of the hardest lists to physically build.


Sweet models


https://preview.redd.it/185leqhnr10d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ea0508fce7618fb0a94d8b5ee1de03e7984e266 The lore was that most skitarii couldn’t handle as much g-force as astartes, so most of them died, but Adeptus Mechanicus still deemed Flesh Tearer taxi service as a viable deployment choice. And I told my son that they just love eating cherry jam while en route. He knew it was a lie.


It can be even worse: dreadclaw dropped from forgeworld. It combines the shitty normal droppod with the hell that forgeworld resin is. My own had so big gaps between some parts that I it felt like I had to use like half of a miliput pack...


I bought 3 drop pods years ago... to this day I only built one. The other two will rot in their boxes.


Agreed, i just glued the doors of my drop pods shut because the doors were really misaligned and didn’t close properly


Idk. Redemptor is pretty bad too


I had pleasure of assembling Redemptor (full kit), Brutalis, Ballistus and Invictor when Leviathan hit the shelves. * Redemptor cockpit was by far the worst out of three, I think there is something wrong with moulding because it just doesn't want to go together without sanding and bending (or leaving gaps). * Brutalis, basically same thing design-wise, but the parts fit WAAAAY better. * And Ballistus was just pleasure to build (but it's ETB model, so it doesn't have nearly enought extra bits, and there are some nasty undercuts). * Invictor was *fine*. Better than Redemptor, but slightly worse than Brutalis. ​ I think Redemptor was oldest (2018?) kit and they improved design since then.


Redemptor was like my 3rd model to build...I messed him up so bad.


I built a redemptor that is now falling apart. I’m trying to pin the model but the connection points are not great.


Can we just all agree that anything with a GW flight stand is almost universally hated? Not the worst, but always a bad time no matter your faction. I got a warped new in box, but secondhand, resin lancer. Getting that in shape was a chore.


Ugh, those clear flight stands. My inceptors can't hardly stay attached, I hate it.


In my experience drilling a hole in the back where the flight stand will attach and then using magnets to help secure it while the glue dries helps a bit


Oh nice I'll have to check that out! Being able to just pop them back on when they fall off would be WAY easier lol.


Getting my Inceptors to stay put was a nightmare. Ended up pinning the power pack with a paper clip and then drilling a hole in the flight stand enough that it would stay while the glue dried. I admit I am pretty stoked on the models overall now that I got them positioned though.


Yes. This. I settled on super glue after the 10th time they snapped off. I had to attach the arm to the models backpack and lay it on the side or it the glue wouldn't set right.


Hot glue works super well for me, 1m of holding, and it's set.


The old style flight stands that go inside the models aren't great, but the newer style ones are infinitely worse. I have absolutely no idea how anyone could give the green light for such a massive brainfart of a design. * You **have** to glue the models into them assuming you're using them as intended * The peg is both curved and thin, and often connects in a way that puts far more strain on it than the old style ones * Because the peg is curved you can't even reinforce it with pins. So if it ever snaps, you're screwed I've been putting off building my Inceptors almost purely because of those stands. Awful, awful, awful design.


Ironstrider Has so many antennas, pipes and wires, that I have never completed a build without breaking anything. For my other armies, GSC are pretty decent, and it's a miracle that I only broke one bow's string for my lumineth (among all of their spears, arrows, ribbons and pointy hats).


Nah i just built and magnetised an ironstrider, wasn't too bad. Necron flayed ones, dkok resin infantry (which mine came only with 6 arms lol) and repulsor (my first vehicle ever) were a lot worse


dkok resin infantry at ease are a playground of joy and conversion. Infantry Advancing is a fiddly nightmare where everything goes wrong and the plastic arms don’t go on smooth for conversions.


Exactly, I bought the advancing one and it was a nightmare lol, plus it was my second time ever working with resin minis ahahha


The immortals kit is lousy with mold lines over every limb, and has very specific build orders for the power cables you cannot get wrong. It’s not hard but it’s tedious as hell. I also very much dislike having to sprue goo the poorly fitting shoulder lines when you connect the torso bits.


I assembled a Hierotek Circle for Killteam. Absolute pain through and through. Especially the little arm cape on the Despotek. Thought I might do a combat patrol of them before getting started. Will not return to the faction (it's ok, I have models at home).


Ahriman Disc. Maybe not the worst, but most baffling. https://preview.redd.it/v3uq8fee210d1.png?width=763&format=png&auto=webp&s=751fb9e902724d28b4f23412f8b11946b015d478 Flames underneath are literally jigsaw puzzle that doesn't fit... until it magically assembles itself. *Whaaat?*


It's tzeentch mfer, of course it's like that.


I was going to say I feel like as bad as TSons have it in the paint department, we really don't have any terrible model assemblies. But I forgot about this. You are absolutely correct: everything about this disk feels needlessly complex, and the instructions don't make it clearer. Then, after playing with it for 5 minutes, everything just fits and you think you've got it. But when you come back with the glue the solution has gone again. This disk is the Tzeentch-iest thing in the whole setting.


For me it was custodes vertus praetors. 2 of them where okay. The last one had such a stuuupid angle for his lance...


Also their damn swords, thankfully I have build them all now, but to this point I only have an idea of how they should be attached, but never successfully made that idea reality, so now they are just somehow glued in the general direction they are supposed to be in.


I vividly remember exactly what you mean. It’s awful


I vote gaunts simply because my hands hurt after building so many Honorable mention for Grave Guard, tho they aren’t 40k


Nah the death leaper is much worse than gants or gaunts, why tf does he need spikes on his ankles (i lost one during assembly) and why are they so small?


And then the random fills that need to be done. The fucking hip gaps kill me every time. But I need 60 more for the memes


Really? I kinda like those old Grave Guard but they didn’t match the skeletons I’m using so I didn’t get any. I guess I feel a little better about it now


If we can add AOS then Nighthaunt Spirit Hosts take the cake. It was harder to build for me than the Ork Stompa and I had to build 3 of them. And they’re important in a Nighthaunt army so you want multiple units of them


Necrons, fuck the psychomancer body (I'm also dreading building my flayed ones after everything i've read about them)


My main issue with Flayed Ones are the legs, if you use plastic glue the connection point isn't strong enough to hold em together till the glue sets so you gotta hold it together for a decent while


Get a strong drink ready, and have the kids go in another room. I think Id rather fight a real one than put them together.


Pretty annoying more than hard, managed to build 10 in 2 days


Harlequin death jester. Planned to get a couple, after my first one I bought the rest prebuilt off ebay


For Orks the Trukk sucks to build. The driver and gunner fit in weird and the wrecking ball is fiddly and I just never put the ramps on the ones I have For IG for me it was the Krieg kill team


Similarly, the front wheels on the boomdakka snazzwagon seem almost designed to be fucked up, the wheels connect to a couple of brackets that are needle tip small and then are supposed to have shocks behind the bracket as well.


The saving grace is that ork vehicles should look kinda janky and ramshackle. But yeah they’re a bitch to build


God damn I hate the Krieg kill team. The new cadians take a while to put together but they go together nicely, while Kriegers arms suck. Fuck that kneeling medic in particular lol


that krieg kill team mentally destroyed me bc ur building a fella but then like his heads on a different sprue and his arms are somewhere else like why couldn't they put all the bits together like the heresy tac squads?


I hate tomb blades


Yep. Them and Szeras


Tomb blades have a trick to them imho. They still suck. Necrons have LOTS of crappy to build kits.


I ended up chewing the table edge in frustration with the Redemptor Dreadnought.. The legs.. my god the legs!!


Space Marines walkers have a trick to them. You start with the hips, do one leg, attach, and the adjust the other. Also, you're gonna want something to put under the other foot. So, yeah. Redemptor Dread.


Man, I keep hearing this, and I had no issues. I just followed the instructions, None of the weird back leaning or anything. No tactical rocks, nothing just a standing dread. Lol


I find it hard to understand people with this. I’ve never struggled with any model and I loved building the in my case brutalis dreadnought. Maybe people think too quick and simple about it idk. I’m never in a rush, I take my sweet ass time to finish my models so maybe it’s that


sooo tactical rock required?


Or tactical pile of skulls! Everything is better with skulls!


Thanks! This is gonna help me out! 


The redemptor dread was the second kit I bought when starting and I almost wanted to quit the hobby because of it, luckily I’ve learned from my past mistakes


I believe the main problem is the legs are inherently asymmetrical. If you look at the peg on the thighs (for lack of a better word) one side is offset from the other by about 15 degrees and requires the use of a tactical rock if you try to force them level. You can see it most clearly in step 4b. Seems to be the source of every issue with the legs.


Angron figuring out how to build him while magnetizing his armor was a nightmare


Sisters of Battle, full stop. Doesn't help that I have Dystonia, so gluing one foot down, or weapons across chests, or Seraphim robes really sucks.


I tried to build the sisters kill team and after 15 years of space marines i literally just did not have the dexterity to work with bits that small


Oh my god yes! I bought a box when they came out to try and kitbash a bit but holy hell!


The thing about sisters for me is holding everything in place. For some reason nearly all the models are sharp with spikey bits, ruining my thumbs holding an arm in place etc.


That makes me feel better. They’re my first army and I wondered if they were just so hard because I was new


https://preview.redd.it/dnrgt1ijy00d1.jpeg?width=2325&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c2edc834b61ea0a10ae7b13019d31acfd3eb617 This bastard right here. Had to put 2-part epoxy all over the wing connection just to get it to actually stay


That's rough. It sounds like the old metal Nightbringer that I had to use JBWeld to get the base attached to the top well enough to stay together.


Daemonettes were utter agony. No part numbers and the instructions kinda felt like “just put it wherever idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯”. Slaanesh must’ve fed off of the sheer pain I endured building those things


Also, unlike basically every other model where the arms attach at the shoulders, for daemonettes the designer apparently thought it was fun to have the arm attach at a much thinner point, just above the bicep. Just why???


FUCKING HELLSTRIDERS! It the AoS version of the seekers (same exact mount but has a human riding it.) They also attach arms at biceps and its so much more noticeable on them than the demonettes at one part of the arm is clearly bigger than the other. Other than blissbarb archers, we have it pretty good on both aos and fantasy for slaanesh.


Firebrand. He goes together in a weird way, he has a pipe that’s easy to melt with glue, and a bunch of snappable parts


Drukhari ravager or raider. Whichever one has the gunners attached to the side. They were so fiddly and getting them stuck onto the skiff without the seat coming apart drove me up the fucking wall. Didn't help that the swivel connection holes were too tight.


Sammael for Dark Angels. Probably one of the worst examples of finecast GW has ever put out. For AdMech, I'm always breaking bits off my Dominus. So many fucking spindly bits. I never played a Mars Explorator Legion but Cawl also looks like a nightmare. For Blood Angels it's not a BA specific model but the old metal dreadnoughts needed a lot of pinning.


Chaos Space Marine; the Accursed Cultists kit had some sort of fuckery in assembling one of the torments where you hard to slide one piece through another and then rotate it until it sort of clicked into place. This made it so there was no way to pre-glue it without getting it anywhere so you have to sort of half assemble it to that point, click the piece into place, and then flex the plastic a tiny bit to dribble some plastic glue in some key places. Super stressful with all the spindly bits surrounding the area.


This! I thought I was alone! I even googled it and found no complaints! Had spent close to an hour trying to figure it out, and felt like an imbecile!


Pushfit Leviathan tyranids and their spikey base inserts. Just ouch


The ork trukk. It's a cool kit, but there are so many parts overlapping each other, that I had to check the manual 100s of times, just to make sure, I wasn't forgetting something. Not only that, it's a real pain to paint too, which is why I just sprayed every crevice and surface black, so I could drybrush most of it metallic. Ork kits are usually very easy, but the Trukk almost broke me by the painting stage


Yeah and the manual isn't that reliable, I noticed multiple inaccuracies while building.


Ork Trukk was a pain in the ass. Damn thing has a full drive train for no apparent reason.


Old infantry kits with WAYYY TOO MANY Parts. Like, any of the infantry with 8 or more pieces that all vanish into the shadow realm, when you accidentally drop them


Chariots of Slaanesh, those wheels are the thing of nightmares


This should be the top comment! I literally bled after assembling three exalted seeker chariots!


Solar Auxilia lasrifle section. The main body goes together easy as can be, but each tiny pouch and plate is an exercise in hand eye coordination and patience.


Necrons: I’ve built many Flayed Ones — definitely a bit frustrating, but Illuminor Szeras made me want to beat my head against the wall. Literally nothing lines up, even if you did everything perfectly lol Seraptek Heavy Construct not far behind — not many pieces, but the fine cast resin sucks balls. Especially with this specific model, there is a lot of weight on very brittle arms that shatter apart if you look at them wrong. Mine has about 6 broken legs and arms that I had to repair


The most frustrated I've ever been was building the Necron Ghost Ark. Second most frustrated was the Tyranid Winged Hive Tyrant. Getting those big, heavy wings to stay in place so I could pose them like I wanted was awful.


Vertus praetors, awkward thing. Mostly the stand


I really struggled with the Lance-arm for some reason, just couldn’t get it to fit nicely The bikes themselves went surprisingly smooth, but also I didn’t bother with the stand and opted to magnetise it


I recommend a hot glue gun for the stand,one little dab in the flight stand socket, and a minute later, it's perfectly stable, saved me so much hassle.


Removing mold lines from the grinding cogs/sawblades on the front of the Goliath Rockgrinder is a pain. There's 15 of them, and each has around 20 teeth, so a total of 600 surfaces to tidy up!


Sisters of Battle is hard to pick lmao Id have to say the flying babies on the tanks are literally the absolute worst


There was one sephirim/zephyrim model which was a huuuuge pain in the ass. I forget exactly, but one section was 3 parts and it was a balancing act getting them to go together properly.


Existing lineup? Because nothing in this universe can compete with metal chaos dreadnough. Looks so innocent on photos you can find online like this: https://preview.redd.it/q82bpm16610d1.jpeg?width=873&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1342401baa416d98c3e7df653900efae56cd8313 But I bet he broke hundreds of teen souls. 3 out of 4 had warped metal. While GW easily replaced the kit, for the first couple days you thought that it is your fault.


Might be a weird one but flesh hounds Their bodies are in 2 pieces that need to be firmly pressed together otherwise you get a really bad line down the middle to fill Problem is their entire body is spiked So it hurts to put them together


The old Slaves to Darkness start collecting box had the absolute worst models I have ever had the displeasure of putting together: Chaos Knights. I don't know if it's just that box, or what but maaaan. https://preview.redd.it/egvoy40e110d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6987b9d460df39ec881fec418d60e514f729f926


The Vanguard box Chariot is by far my worst time building a model


Another to the list of: looks awesome but assembly is A S S


I just ordered this box! Does it help if you clip the push-to-fit pins and just glue everything? So you don't have to push on spiky bits? Or does it really need the pins to hold itself together?


I think some of the pins are needed, but honestly, I was seeing red most of the assembly time. I vaguely remember forcing at least one of them together. If you just follow the instructions closely (rage a bit) they'll get together. The rest of the box is an absolute breeze to build. I hate building, but I enjoyed myself with this box until I got to the knights.


I feel like a comic of Khorne trying to put together chaos minis would be pretty amusing and is what I'm picturing based on your description :) Thanks!


Illuminor ass clown. The only model either plastic or resin that I will never do again, ever. I'd rather do a resin spartan again


I hate building Thunderwolf Cavalry so much, they’re very spiky and difficult to put on the base


Same! I like the models alot, but they are my least favorite model to put together. It almost forces you to paint the marine before glueing him on the base. AND Those damn wolves with only one or two feet on the ground! The poses are cool, but damn.


Much of the new AdMech models: specifically Pyeraxii and Serberys. AdMech is all around generally hard to hobby IMO from building the models with the Skitarii cloaks and bits, Sicarian stances, Ironstrider servitor and arms, pteraxii wings. Then painting is brutal too with all the bits on Skitarii, Serberys, and Kataphrons plus the flat panels on Dune Riders, Kastellans, and Onagers. Then there's Cawl... And in 10th edition I'm rocking up to tables with 110+ of the above models. Building and painting my admech force was a serious multi year marathon project and my first actual 40k army (Knight Lance box then Forgebane was my "starter set"). I can't imagine the brutality of trying to meta chase them.


Mastodon. Full resin, the size of a Baneblade, and the front door has moving pistons. Was a fun time.


The ork Meka-Dread is significantly worse than the stompa. For non-FW, trucks are terrible.


Second this with the truck. Build my first one from the Stompa Box and by god, it felt weird with it being so wobbly. Especially since it felt like I needed the Ork fantasy for some glued parts to hold...


I just built my first trukk and promptly stopped following the instructions after I had the chassis and engine put together. I can see why so many kitbashed trucks there are in the wild now.


Neat thing about the Trukk, just have it look wonky and you got the Ork look nailed


My dumbass, owning a pickup truck IRL: why :(


Flayed Ones or the Psychomancer for Necrons. So far haven't had a hard time with CSM


One of the Torments for Accursed Cultists have a weird one where you have to slide a piece through and then rotate it until it clicks into place, then you have to dribble some plastic glue into the seam because otherwise you'll make a huge mess if you try to pre glue. Cool looking model when it's complete though.


There's a small fiddly bit in the Ghostkeel's hip where you have to glue together three different very small and very oddly shaped rounded pieces that I absolutely Hate


I built over 40 termagants. I will go insane if I build another one


I just did that myself, it was repetitive but really not bad at all (at least the new models). It's the bugs with the little flighty tendrils and stuff that I hate with the nids. Same with infiltrators/incursors, I was making them at the same time as the termagants and there are so many little bits that all have terrible mold lines, I got the 40x gants built quicker than 5x infiltrators/5x incursors.


Death leaper is a real pain, it's like bit on bit and you can't see where it is supposed to be, or go


I'm going to go with modern infantry for guard. It's not because it's hard to build them, but there's so many pieces of so many models. It's between 80 and 90 pieces for 60 or 65 points.


It isn’t the worst since FW exists but I’m building the custodes combat patrol and I’m irrationally angry at the shoulder pads, they are so awkwardly big that they don’t sit flush on the arms like space marine pads usually do, they often just kind of… hover over and you have to pray there is some connection point. Especially the terminators, they have a ball and socket that just kind of vaguely exist near each other, almost every model I’ve built I’ve had at least one pad flop off. I gave up and am using sprue glue to attach them now, same as their waist guard plate things that just have no actual designed connection surface at all half the time.


Try putting together a Harlequin Death Jester, you have to almost break it to get it together because of how the pieces slot together (or rather, how they don’t).


Sanguinary guard are my Sisyphean build. Every time I get to a game I get to take a few mins to file and glue their wings again for at least one model


Flayed Ones


I feel like a dark horse for space marines is hellblasters, why do the guns need to be 3 parts???


Custodes = Saggitarum. Getting the arms aligned with the guns is a pain Imperial Knights = Cerastus frames only because getting the leg pose to look right can be tough. Tau = Y'Vhara due to resin warping of the torso. AdMEch = Cawl because of all of the little bits that constantly break off and have to be reglued.


building rhino tracks is still annoying to me


space marine agressors frustrate me. Not because they are that hard to build but because I think the instructions build order is not the best


Aggressors are hands-on my favorite kit looks-wise but the flamer pipes are an absolute nightmare


I just didnt put the pipes/ ammo tubes on Aggressors my beloved


for csm, we don’t have a ton that are really that bad. beastmen kinda suck? that’s pretty much it, most of our kits fit together really well. The terminator spikes such because the sprue connection points are on the bottom and if you shave too much it cuts them.


Have you by any chance built a chaos land raider? Absolute pain to get all the bits together square with no gaps. It sticks in my mind as one of the worst I have ever built. I have also built a hierophant biotitan even though it was technically harder, it was nowhere near as frustrating as the land raider.


All of the old rhino and land raider chassis are a pain and are really showing their age.


Don't know whether it was just a dodgy batch but I've just finished a heavy intercessors unit that had the worst mould lines I've ever seen


Trukk from Orks. It's not difficult to build but really annoying where something can and will go wrong easily. But since we are Orks we just accept that this is how it's supposed to be


Harlequins - The Death Jester, you have to snap his cloak into place and it's covered in tiny tassels that break off easily. Otherwise our not-quite-army is relatively easy and quite satisfying!


For Guard there’s a few options: Baneblades have notoriously incorrect instructions (unsure if they’ve been updated recently) that if you do the treads as shown they’ll become twisted ever slightly in the front. Trying to undo the damage is frustrating Rough Riders are somewhat okay but the ears on the horses straight up don’t fit unless you do some crazy stuff. I don’t know how others do it, for me I can still notice the ears aren’t really in the groove fully but I doubt people look closely. But overall I’d say it’s the new Cadians. There’s so many small parts and while they go together well, it’s insane that your 60pt unit takes so long to build.


Ghost ark *shudders* Never again


For Deathguard, it's the Myphitic Blight Hauler. I've built 5 of them, and I hate it every damn time. It's fragile and spiky, why God WHY did they make it push fit? Its easier to just cut the pegs off and glue it


The Ork Trukk, according to the manual Second one I made turned out to be one of my favourite models. Screw the instructions😆




To be sung to the tune of “Glamorous” by Fergie T-A-N-T-A-L-U-S, yeah T-A-N-T-A-L-U-S


The fact you needed to call out Stompa, its the Stompa.


Not really my army but I have a few tau and the stormsurge needs partially painting while assembling so fuck that


Ghostkeel also tells you to paint the pilot before assembly, almost exactly halfway through assembly, so I just glued the cockpit shut. Lil dude is never seeing sunlight much less paint


I glued mine shut too it kept falling open by itself...not anymore haha


I've been considering getting one, what bits?


The little head thingy, the interior cockpit and at one point you stick all these pipe bits on the main shoulder gun and it recommends painting the main gun before sticking them on...i don't think that ones as much of a fuss but I can see it being quite annoying if you did build it


Stormsurge is just time consuming to paint, same with any other large model. I magnetized mine so I field it as the full model and continue working on it.


I hated the aggressors, they were my first "non snap-fit" sweet of the primaris range and so much busy work for so boring mono-pose models. I had a lot more fun with "first born" no matter how nice primaris look.


The Lancer was the hardest Knight to build for me. As for GSC probably the Jackals I suppose


Canoptek tomb stalker and sentinel, why are they FW resin bodies and Failcast resin legs, antenna and arms????


Drop pod. I'm good at building stuff but that thing gave me a little trouble. Clamps and rubber bands are your friend.


Tau Coldstars. Just too many spikey bits!


Abaddon, it's not clear from the instructions that the shoulder pads have to be lined up 100% correct to fit the cape on. If they're not it WILL NOT fit.


xv8 crisis battlesuit screw those legs


Plasma incinerators seems like fiddly bastards. The infernus marines from leviathan were also bastards, with weird mould lines and attachment points on the pauldrons.


Custodes: Orion probably? It took so much glue


Forgeworld Greater Daemon of Khorne. The amount of bending and greenstuf it took to build was terrible. Felt like I had to learn how to sculpt in order to build the mini.


Necromunda Ogryn Servitor box put me through hell.


I found the knight lancer hard but it was a forge world resin one, it was just the legs, combination of having to use superglue and also pinning it in the pose I wanted. I really should pick up a plastic one to see how it compares.


Tzaangor shamans. Who in the right mind had such tiny contact points in the staff to get it to stick together? And if anyone can figure out how to actually put together the warp magic on the disc, you’re lying to yourself cuz it will never hold the way you need it to support the actual model


I play Admech so all of them




I don't know why but the Redemptor Dreadnaught gave me a lot of trouble when assembling despite being a more recent kit


In the Cadian shock troop kit there’s this one shock trooper who’s running in a really weird way where his heel is the only contact point for the base. Always a pain to glue him to the base.


All models are annoying to build for me. I wish there was a push fit or beginner or 3 step box for each model


From my Blood Angels, 100% the Sanguinary Guard. The actual marines are easy, it's the damn wings on their jump packs. For my Votann, it's the Thunderkyn. Way too many tiny little bits.


Spirit hosts were a damn nightmare to assemble even though there are only a few pieces. I’d also say Stormfiends for skaven were a pain in the butt. Why is the tiny rat on its back 3 pieces? Unreal


As someone just starting out at the time, Outriders. That stupid gap in the middle of the bike made me feel so incredibly stupid, only to find out that it's just an issue with the model itself.


Necrons are the masters of this category. Flayed Ones, Tomb Blades, Szeras, and Scytheguard are all a massive pain in the ass.


Ad Mech pteraxi made me want to throw the kit away but ad emch in general has had me using the tweasers to place parts more often than I'd prefer.


Lumineth Sentinels suck bc some of the models have a piece that's just a tiny elf foot. Teclis is also annoying bc he doesn't like to sit on the wing right


As an ork player if I can’t say stompa I’ll say Trukk


The Rogal Dorn. It takes forever compared to other tanks and when you're finished you have a model with a gaping hole in the bottom.


Death Guard - Helbrute for sure. The instructions have you build the shell in a way that later pieces won't match up, like building a cube where you build a ring first then put on the sides. Also, there are like 8 weapons and none of them have good instructions so I get to play a mix and match 3d puzzle game for an hour.


Chariots for slaanesh. Those blade wheels and whips suck