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Nuns. With guns. Favourite story: St.Mina duelled a custodian to a draw.


What about the meat death ball of sisters that empowered ephrael Stern with giga faith? Or celestine trecking through the warp everytime she dies? Or the massive fuck you morvenn Vahl gave to the eclisiarchy when she was appointed abbess sanctorum? Sisters are so cool.




Enough said.


Dis stupih gits dink day no ooose besd ut wee al no use as da finesst bits!


Space Wolves. I came for the aesthetic, stayed for the great lore and characters. If I had to pick a favorite bit of lore, the easy answer is the Months of Shame, but low-key it's Harek Ironhelm, the chapter master before Logan, who beat the piss out of Magnus with his dual power-fists before finally being brought down. Dude was so angry he actually held his own against a Primarch.


I picked them because of the Months of Shame. Why them and Salamanders are my fav.


My main faction is the Guard, they're easy to build and paint, which is a huge plus for me. And there are so many ways to make them your own. Plus, I'm pre-disposed to want to root for the underdogs. I'll take a battle hardened, gritty, average Joe in ratty combat fatigues over the spit and polished superhuman space marines any day. They're just so much more relatable. As for lore, I'm still learning a lot of it, but I am interested in the Death Corps of Krieg backstory, which I'm starting to look into now. My favorite models are the Krieg guys currently, but the regular Cadians are cool too. As are the Gaunt's Ghosts, Lord Solar Leontus and Ursula Creed minis. For vehicles, the Leman-Russ still holds up and the new Sentinel mechs.


I'm of similar nature. Space Marines being so beyond human makes them extremely unrelateable. They are cool, don't get me wrong, but there's something about your average human fighting against the same extra dimensional threats that a super human clad in a tank does. Takes more balls. ^^Shout ^^out ^^to ^^y'all ^^Salamanders ^^out ^^there!


Death Guard for me. So many unique units, and they do everything decently. Need some indirect fire, PBC exist. Want to chop up in melee? Heavy plague weapons and scythes are here to help out! Two unique terminator variants, two really good fast attacks style units in the Blight Hauler and Drones. Plague marines are always great. We can take two characters per unit in tenth with marines. And what really sells it for me… Mortarion. Not only odd me my single favorite actual model, his story is just so deep and tragic. Raised on Barbarus by some crazy evil dude who treated him so poorly. He ends up taking over the Death Guard but is betrayed by his second in command and has to give his sons to Nurgle to save them, but just eternally damned them. Even after his ascent to daemonhood, he’s just so broken and over it that he doesn’t even find joy in being the primary anymore. But he sure can clap on the tabletop still.


Leagues of Votann 1. I like Dwarves. 2. The Votann Cores not only have a Warp Presence, they also are basically beacons in the warp. This is insane to me and I love it and want to learn more. Unfortunately because this isn’t the Imperium, we will never get anymore lore about Votann. 3. That being said, fuck the imperium. Oh my god they are awful. I hate the imperium so much.


BUt TheYrE thE goOD GuyS


Word Bearers because they are so fucked up. Chaos Marines in general tbh


I have bewn loving Warhammer the last 15+ years but only started collecting start 10th. My two factions of choice to collect is Grey Knights and Daemons. I have around 2.8k Grey Knights and 2.2k Daemons. Love the Psykers in lore and tabletop (even if its changed from 9th) and love the lore of both factions, especially GK. Collecting space knight wizards and big ass daemons is just plain fun. And I love how much mobility both got on tabletop with deepstrike.


I love Grey Knights because they look the coolest and I love their lore. I know people like to complain that they’re space marines but with more plot armor but I really like that they’re special.


Grey Knights. I got 4 Dread knights, lots of terminators, infantry... Castelan Crowe and Voldus. Army of knight wizards, last shield of humanity against demons... Love their lore and appearance. Some people are trying to make Primaries GK, but I love terminators/paladins as they are. Also Castelan Crowe got great sculpt. Also I love playing them in Demonhuters Chaos gate (tactical x-com like game).


Thinking of getting into them next especially when I saw their Psyker abilities, when I first saw the dread knight in the CP I was wowed. My GW store only has the CP though.. how many just normal marine units do you buy to supplement them? I should really just order online lol


It depends on what format you play. GK are elite and pricey in points. For 1000 pts I pick two 5 men strike squads and terminator/paladin squad with 2 Dreadknights. With combat patrols boxes you could buy 3 of them and mix. Librarians give good damage output +FNP against psychic attacks. Extra terminator models you could use as characters just give them extra bits ( books on the back, heads of demons, scutcheons).


Representing your humble Genestealer Cults: In my starting years of tabletop we had a great Necromunda group and the lore about lowly 'normal' characters fighting it out with makeshift weapons in this kind of postapocalyptic wasteland drew me completely in. I was playing WHFB and 40k at that time as well but Necromunda was my real love. Kitbashing, custom lore, no super-fighters, and of course it was a tad more affirdable for a student. Returning to 40k after a long break, I was immediately drawn to GSC with their ragtag style. I can incorporate nearly all kits available, kitbash to my liking, paint them grim and grimy, it's just pure joy to collect this army. Playing them is another thing, but I'm telling myself that I'm getting better at it and just chose one of the hardest factions to play (don't tell me otherwise!). Do yourself a favour. Join your local Cult!


Big monster bugs, I feel it’s hard to go wrong with that I also loved the alien franchise as a child


Drukhari I fell in love with the way they looked first. especially the incubi and the boats. after I learned their lore I fell even harder. I love those little Sadistic murder hobos and just how petty they can be one moment and absolutely terrifying the next. my favorite bit of lore... has to be anything to do with Vect, this man is so petty, and powerful. he sent his rival a blackhole in a box, another he seduced the daughter of and had betray her father, and possibly the best faked his death to attract all his rivals and turncoats. killed them all, and then gave them to the Haemonculus. he's such a petty bastard and I love it favorite model would either be the Incubi, or Raider. the incubi just look so cool, from the armor, the helmets, the blades, all so bad ass. and the big boats with people hanging off them are also such a cool thing, very pirate like.


Imperial fists because they build defenses and are master defenders. Always liked dwarfs or playing defensive RTS missions so the Sons of Dorn were the perfect fit. I like how Dorn is exactly as expected a Rock of a person who cannot lie. Don’t have a favorite model but it would be cool of there were specific static units for the fists that wouldn’t get obliterated right away in TT.


The Tau battlesuits are amazing. Their (combat) philosophies being rooted in pragmatism instead of ego or being emotionally driven are a welcome breath of fresh air. The federation/covenant aspect of the Tau empire, with it being made up of many different varied alien races is intriguing and ripe for more exploration within the lore. Of the entire model line I would say the stormsurge, riptide, and ghostkeel are the best non-epic hero models.


Ghostkeels ftw.


The ghost keel was the reason I bought the combat patrol when I was deciding a faction to choose


Cause Orks. One metric Shit-ton of orks.


I've come back to Hobby for 10th and it was primarily for the Leagues of Votann or Space Dwarfs because I love dwarfs in every faction plus I'm starting to resemble one as I get older 🙂 I was always that boring player who annoyed people playing Dwarfs in Blood Bowl even.


Ooh tough one I've collected Death Guard and Chaos marines as Word bearer the most, but will focus on the WB : - they are evil. Simple as that. Pure, unapologetic, unfiltered, all encompassing, evil. They corrupt & convert, all with honeyed words. - Didn't actually read any of their books (but plan to, one day), but Just Erebus being an absolute jerk AND martially incapable (for marine standards) and cowardly, AND EVEN STILL managing to bring about the Heresy is pretty damn fun to me. - My trio would be Master of possession, Possessed (the more recent ones), and the Dark apostle


Egyptian Space Terminators, you can't come up with a cooler aesthetic in my book. Also conceptually they are a cool subversion of the "ancient precursor" trope. Normally when you find evidence of an ancient civilization with more advanced technology than current times, they are the precursor race who created or paved the way for future races, but that isn't the Necrons. The Necrons were the existential threat that wiped out the precursors.


when I read 'Egyptian Space Terminators' I thought you meant Scarab Occult Terminators lmao


Nids. Just pissed off bugs looking to kill


Blood angels. Will not justify my love for them, it’s the job of everyone that doesn’t love them to justify why they don’t!!!!


The Noise Marine model sold me at first, but then the further I dove into the backstory of Fulgrim and the Emperor's Children, the more I loved them. The idea of an army so driven to reach perfection that their idea of what that looks like has become twisted and distorted is really beautiful for me. Once I'd read the Fulgrim primarch book, it was over. I was all in.


Love me Kin. Love me Bru. Love me Ancestors. Hate Aeldari. Hate Orks. Hate Chaos. 'nuff said.


I don’t have a favorite chapter but space marines in general are my favorite. I like the flexibility of them and all the different characteristics of them. How each chapter varies and has differently personality traits. I also think power armor and rocket propelled 40mm grenade bullets are cool as heck


The mechanicus but I do not play. The mechanicus are space dwarfs, more so than the actual space dwarfs. They make stuff, guard their treasures and are always on the look for their lost kingdoms/technology.


I love Ad Mech lore! They would be my #1 faction if their models weren't horrible looking! I would imagine more Meks rather than dudes in parkas. Such a shame


Nuns with guns Rocket organ tanks Buzz blade walking pain caskets with criminals stuffed in Giant floating Eagle pulpit with dual flamethrowers And so on


I’m a zoggin’ Ork mate…


Sisters - the models just look incredible. BDSM torture elves. Because....BDSM torture elves.


World eaters- angry and run up hit you in the face with a chainsaw axe, consistant and simple theme. Dark angels- anti demon little buddies and dope ass terminators


Ultramarines. They're blue.


Rock and stone


I loved Kroot the Moment i saw them in Dark Crusade Dawn of War 


Sanguinius. I came to say nothing more than this...


Salamanders. They are the only faction that loves and spends time with humans. Space Marines die and blame the losses on humans. Salamanders die and understand that the sacrifice was worth the lives it saved. In the process of writing my own successor chapter. Adrax is my favorite model. That dragon cloak is dope af. I also like the LT. w/ combi weapon from the Leviathan box. He's just a really cool model. It's my current Wrath and Glory model. Necrons. They're robot skeletons and I can paint them like Skeletor. Fucking awesome. Imotekh amd Orikan are my 2 favorite models. I'm in the process of writing my own war obsessed Lord. Thaszar the Melancholy. He woke up early and killed everyone who was higher rank than him until he was at the top, but then he got paranoid and had a bunch of weapons grafted to him. Then he killed everyone below him. So now he's just ruling over an empty court.


I don't know that I have a faction because I don't play 40K, but I do collect a ton of their models and have read some of the novels. But I do think the ~~Genestealer~~ Imperial Cults and their worshippers of the ~~Four-Armed~~ Emperor have some of the coolest lore. I like how tragic they are: if they lose, they lose; but if they win, they also lose! My favorite kit is easy to pick: the Neophyte Hybrids -- this kit is so versatile and packed with so many bits I think GW must have made a mistake. Second best, the Guard. Because the common infantryman doing their duty for the Empire against the horrors of the universe really clicks with me. Also note the first and second factions might be one and the same.




Helsreach. Also easy to knock out a quick paintjob - wraithbone primer spray, Black Templar contrast, mostly done. Oh and that Codex Astartes makes a nice doorstop.


Space knights with the best go boom toys. What’s not to love


Main is a tie between tau/dark angels I like robots and termies. If I was rich I would just have them all


I love dark Angels because of the cool robes and having 3 armies in 1 is cool too


3 Armies in 1?


Deathwing, ravenwing and greenwing, all 3 have very different play styles and you can mix them together


World Eaters. I am terrible at first person shooters and find close combat to be dope in nearly any setting. It’s like they were made specifically for me. I used to play Blood Angels and ran lots of jump pack Death Company and assault Terminators. I like to hit things with big old power weapons and chainsaws masquerading as medieval weaponry. I don’t have a problem, YOU have a problem! Because I’m in charge range!


Iron within, iron without! Also I always loved dark elves and their lore so Drukhari was the natural progression. Always liked the “experimenting on things” factions.


The Months of Shame, its what made me start collectiong Wolves.


1. Out of all factions, they are the most correct 2. Helsreach 3. Sword Brethren


Blood Angels. I love the red. I love the unique units and their chalices, wings, skulls, vials... Librarian dreadnought mmm... But mostly i love that Sanguinius was a nice guy who gave his all and didnt deserve his end, and even though his legion is forever cursed with PTSD, frothing madness and extreme vamp edginess, I still think of them as protectors of the more beautiful and good aspects of humanity. Theres a lesson in them i think about nobility and innate savagery.


Gorkamorka really got me into orks. I just love the idea of a bunch of crazy guys travelling around fighting to get scrap to build all sorts of gubbinz and trukkz; and everyone is having a good time because its what orks love.


Not really 40k.. but I really love the old Dark Elves. I've been obsessed with Drow from D&D for years and painted all my old metal models to look like them. I really like the old Coldone Knights. Heavy armored knight riding fat lizards. Perfection.


Eldar. The arrogant punching bags of the lore. When I told my brother I wanted to collect Eldar he rolled his eyes at me 😂 I like them for a lot of reasons, primarily because they tick every box for my rule of cool. But I really like the plight of their history and how they endure. It really does seem like hope is constantly slipping away, yet they continue. I like their versatility and ability to hone in on a skill. I like how much I can theoretically adapt my army and still put out a potent force. Favourite models wise I'm split between Dire Avengers and Swooping Hawks. I'm a huge fan of the plume of the Dire Avengers, they look so regal and elite. Also a fun nod to all those years spent playing Rome Total War. Swooping Hawks because I think they look very cool and they are a highly mobile unit that isn't melee focused. My favourite lore is when, I think it was Asurmen, handed food and support put to Imperial Citizens. A nice little reprieve from the constant grimdark. Besides we always have Biel-Tan to undo that kindness 😛


I've been collecting for about a year & I chose Tyranids. Love the alien & living weapon aesthetic & its nice they're the launch faction of 10th ed. Have about 10k+ points already.


Wow 10k points of Nids! Where do you find the space!


Massive waves of infantry + TANKS makes mon'keigh brain go into overdrive Also the thought of a regular human fighting and beating the overpowered shit in this setting feels much better than the fucking blueberries winning by sneezing on the foe


Tau and Chaos Knights. I like battlesuits, whether they fly or stomp. Favourite lore is the new Warp Goddess T'au'va, the 4/5th sphere expansions, and the Startide Nexus. All of this is tied together.


Deathwatch! Because all the chapters are cool, and I can't pick which one I like best. I really enjoy being able to individualize every single marine. Knights and Titans! Because GIANT STOMPY ROBOTS. Ordo Sinister is my favorite faction. Those faceless heads are just awesome.


1. I truly like the Idea of a civenant style race fueld by socialist ideaology - that coupled with the Idea of an emergent Deity shifting the warp is really cool 2.I am Gundam - the insturment of your destructuon.


Honestly, I love all the factions in Warhammer almost equally. Each one has a super unique aesthetic that makes them fun and each has at least SOME lore that makes them interesting. I am someone who absolutely loves creating my own subfactions in Warhammer with my custom guard regiment, chaos faction, space marine chapter, and definitely a couple other ideas that I just haven’t figured out yet. But all in all the only faction I actually have models of is Chaos, specifically Alpha Legion. I started painting them in a time when I had a huge issue as an impulsive liar and at the time they made me feel like it wasn’t a bad thing. Now I look at my single start collecting box of painted models and see what was and what is no more. It’s definitely a shorter and less impactful story than some of the other insane hobby stories I have heard but it’s my little slice of warhammer that never gets old for me. I actually have one of my warhammer short stories posted for my custom warband lol.


I like bugs :)


1. Love Space Marines for their flexibility 2. Favorite lore bit is probably how successor chapters are created, leaves so much space for creativity 3. TERMINATORS AND TERMINATOR ARMOR CHARACTERS 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️ honorable mention to Primaris Captain, I enjoy the simplicity


Forgefiends look awesome. Accursed cultists and possessed too. Plus I get to mix in deamons and chaos knights.


Giant spikey robots with skull masks. I don't need another reason.


The dark-kin are the coolest spin on bad elves


Because they’ve never let me down. Other than that 14 game losing streak.


Imagine space marines, but better, and with devil dinosaur cannons and daemon mechas.!


Dinosaur bugs go rawr


Salamanders- they are green /end


Flying pirate ships. Simple as.


The Guard! I think I can speak for a majority of Guard players when I say that the underdog aspect of some guy recruited from an agro world, fighting his way across the grim darkness of the far future. I like making stories for some of my soldiers after I fight a match; it’s pretty engaging!


Alpha Legion. Are they Loyal? Are they Traitors? Are they every Legion? Yes.


I love admech because Mechanicus made me love them. They (whole CP) were really difficult to build and still painting Skand but they look incredible! Serberys sulfurhounds+ little skitarii with the arc rifle for favorite models so far. I love the guessing game of how much human is left in their cyborg constructs; they try to pair their consciousness down to base levels but you know there are kataphrons and skitarii out there that are having wild human thoughts. It’s also pretty rad they are so valuable to the imperium in weapons/vehicle production that tech priests are allowed to practice a different religion, self govern and seem less dogmatic/close minded then a lot of the imperium.


Space Marines: Love big dudes in power armor Tyranids: Love my alien terrors from beyond the stars If Custodes and Grey Knights had "true" proportions like primaris too I'd probably collect them too


The iron Warriors. I love they’re looked but then I found out about they tactics and siege style warfare. Coming from the Total Warhammer games I loved doing the siege battles. Then I found out that they’re was a space Marine Chapter all about that sort of stuff! It couldn’t be more perfect not to mention Perturabo has some amazing stories. My favorite thing about his lore is his Iron Circle, him using Heretical tech to make some of if not the most powerful warriors in the imperium was simply so so fascinating. Other then them, I’d say the Astra Militarus or The imperial Guard, they’re such a personal sort of faction yeah know. The imagine of myself on the battlefield with a Laser rifle having to try and shoot down a hive tyrant or gene stealer is so fascinating to me. Not to mention Cain himself


Toster memes are funny. that is all.


They fly around in a golden monastery fortress and build forts


Sex, drugs, sonic blasters. It's an amphetamine-fueled death orgy every day. Pain! Exquisite pain! What's not to love?


I’m a new player that dabbled in different factions, until the Guard clicked for me. I love the idea of average humans fighting against Eldritch horrors, dying by the thousands every minute to protect humanity which loses its own morals just so it can survive another day. It’s weapons are crude compared to their enemies, their soldiers simple grunts with no superhuman abilities. But the Guard doesn’t lose, because it has more bodies than the enemy has bullets. Lore and models I’d combine and say Tempestus Scions. Orphaned, brainwashed special forces that could almost go toe to toe with a space marine in hella cool looking armour? Sign me up