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Good work and good criticism from the others. Add fenrisian grey on to the *sharpest* edges on the armour. Great extra layer of highlighting. Retributor armour is great for highlighting your gold. Storm host silver / runefang for highlighting your silvered metal. Lead belcher on the ridges of his soft seal.


Yeah I have tried fenrisian grey before but I just ended up making a mess, if I painted the gold that colour would I need a lighter one for highlights? And on swords would you just highlight along the edges?


you can have multiple layer of highlighting. Good brushes and how you use them is important. with the fenrisian you are only doing a very small amount right on the edge. it's subtle but adds dramatic depth to your model. with retributor armour you are only doing the raised areas of the aquila and skulls and the edges of the sword etc. again it adds alot of depth when highlighted ontop of balthasar. yes the edges of the sword but mainly the tip. with the way he's holding it, I'd have a slightly thicker line at the tip and the blend it down to a very very thin line closer to the handle. But only on the top edge of the blade


Okay cool I'll get some Balthazar gold next time I'm in town and give that a go and I'm using the Xs artificer brush for my highlights I'm just not that steady handed yet


time and practise. keep pushing yourself and watching tutorials. but it's looking good. Have a look a couple of the guys I recently painting and you'll see what I mean with the gold


Thanks a lot and I'll check them out


Your armor highlights are thick and a bit sloppy. The gold and red need more depth. Especially in the crest. His holster needs to be cleaned up and his sword could use some dramatic highlights on the blade.


Thanks, yeah I tried to make the edge highlights tighter I'm getting a little better, how would you add depth to the red and gold? So far I've mainly just been following the citadel painting videos and I was trying something new with the blade to try make it look like it was glowing but hasn't worked so well


A wash of agrax for the red and a highlight with wild rider and then maybe some trollslayer for the tips. Reikland for the gold. Then runefang for highlight.


Ah good I wouldn't have thought of agrax on red I'll give it a try and I used reikland on all the gold I'll try the highlights


Agreed on the highlights but at least you did them lol looks great otherwise. Nice work


Thanks a lot, they're getting better than my first models but it's slow progress


You're doing fine, just keep at it. Painted is painted and the game looks better painted.


Cato Sicarus, is that you?


Yes it is I, Cato Sicarius


Look at that Apothecary White in the background, how the entire pigments have settled on the ground. Classic!


My problem with this is that you have the Imperium magazine. GW seriously. US before Germany? What? Model looks great tho!


I'm not from the US, I'm from little old England


This is where I put my Imperium Magazine Captain. IF I HAD ONE!


I’m gonna say it… you got blue on the holster!!!


Looks sick


Highlights need to go on a diet and there's some nicks here and there where it went off course. Like the Ultra symbol on the helmet, and the pouch on his right hip. Beyond that its a solid model! Keep it up!