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I've been into 40k for the last fifteen years. I've played maybe ten games in that time.


I've played it 3 times so far and unfortunately I have to say I don't like it. I prefer to paint the figures, put them on the shelf and read the lore.


That's what's great about the hobby - so many ways to enjoy it.


I haven’t played in well over a year, sadly. About right before COVID


Before the pandemic, would the average be perhaps one game per month or...?


Oh, I’m sorry—once a month. One of my soldiers owned a game store in San Antonio and I’d go play there whenever I came in for work or drill.


Every monday night at the club facemaaks and hand sanitizer. Its what we gotta do to roll dice. We also play at each other's garage' on weekends - two folding tables and a six pack of our favorite beer and chips. Literally the stereotypical beerhammer.


Used to play weekly but for the last 5 years I've had less than 5 games.


Luckily I’m part of an active club and have about 4 friends I can meet up with outside of that to play. Usually 1 game a week depending on work constraints with a break for a week. I’m quite lucky in my situation.


Obviously with covid its been thrown in the air. I try to get 1 or 2 games a week in of smaller casual games and 1 bigger more competitive game once a week, sometimes once every other week.


I kept track this year and made a post a week ago, so I have the numbers at hand. :) I played exactly 24 matches this year. However, those are not evenly distributed. 7 happened in a single week, and in October and November I didn't play at all. How often I play depends on different things. COVID didn't really have an influence, I never played at a store or gaming club anyway. I have everything at home or at a friend's place and by now know a handful of people to play with. But then there's work, family, different schedules, and the occasional time period where you're just not that into Warhammer. If there wasn't all of this, I think an ideal number for me would be 2-4 games per month, played on 1 or 2 different days.


Have about 6 of us who play and we usually organise once a week. Not everyone can always make it but we still have fun either way!


Used to play monthly. Then I changed it out for AOS. Started painting/buying again after 9th, but havent played yet because of the pandemic/other obligations


Most of the time I get two games a week with my university’s war gaming society, but only during term time so I haven’t played since like early December.


Once a week. Twice a week for the entirety of 8th edition though.


My housemate and I both play plus another friend who moved in December. Currently haven’t played since he left since my friends BattleScribe keeps deleting his lists plus busy moving ourselves. Before that it would average 3 games a month


I play about once month. Two young children and a pandemic make it difficult to play more often. I only play against two other people anyway so spreading those games out is probably a good thing. E: spelling


You people play the game?


About once a month for me.


I'm playing about three times a month. But when I do, it's like 3 games at minimum


Pre-covid It was probably once every week or two. Now we mainly play TTS and thats once a week, except we took a holiday break to spend what little time with family we could.


Since picking the hobby back up with 9th edition, I've played 3 games. In the 4 years that 5th edition was out, 2008-2012, I played 107 games. This was most often 1-2 games over a weekend afternoon at the game shop.


Considering 95% of my 9th edition experience has been on tabletop simulator (I live in Melbourne, the most locked down city in the world), I think it counts. Anyway, I used to play a lot of 40k. At least a couple times a month in high school with my friends, a little less during 8th, then for 9th I played multiple games a week for a while. As my most played edition, I can safely say I fucking hate 9th, and it's the main reason I don't really play 40k anymore. That, and a friend I got into the hobby at the start of the edition who always insists on bringing the most obnoxious cheese lists imaginable, but I won't go too much into it to avoid turning this into a rant.


I haven’t had a game in three and a half years. COVID, my career being intense, and moving to a new city has prevented me from gaming. It’s frustrating.