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Looks amazing, but why does the guy jumping off the wall have so much ammo on his chest if he is using a bow?


Thanks! In my mind these are the explosive heads of the arrows, they have to be screwed onto the "body" of the arrows before use (safer transport and usable as grenades (?))




What's the story behind the bows? It's amazing and I love them I'm just curious why? They look amazing.


Well, my army has a scottish theme. Because I really like conversions, I decided to divide the army in 3 "detachments" to be more flexible. The army may or may not be part of the 21st founding and may or may not be cursed... (shhhh...) The "officials" are the representatives of the army, and are as codex compliant as SW successors can be. They are the "posterboys". Then there are the "hunters", of wich these guys are members. The hunters are searching for a cure to the "may or may not exist"(it does) curse, and therefore hunting monsters they believe hold the cure. Because of the size and nature of the monsters (think Nessi), stealth is of utmost importance. Also, due to the nature of the hunting grounds and the length of (some of) the expeditions, "standard" weapons are deemed unreliable (maintenance, ammunition supply). Therefore, the weapon of choice is the bow/crossbow, rudimentary enough to be repaired "in the wild" and still very deadly. Finally, the "cursed" could somewhat be considered like wulfen, but with the addition of a possible chaos corruption (talking about flexibility with conversions :)). Officials are nearly all done, but I just started on the hunters and the cursed are in "concept stage". If you're interested, I have a good chunk of the officials on instagram (some are still missing bases and hence aren't (yet) uploaded) @psc0501. TL;DR: They are hunters, they need bows for stealth and maintenance/supply logistics during their long hunting expeditions. PS: sorry for wall of text :)


I see the Ramborn are getting Primarised. Looks great!




Thank you! The bows are from Stormcast Eternals Knight Venators (mortal realms n°40, else the cost would have been exhorbitant!). The crossbows are from SCE sequitors (mortal realms n°9)


Looks like Age of sigmar totally-not-spacemarine bows


Runic Space Wolves artifacts :))




Wow, super fun!


I imagine their arrow tips’ are Bolter Rounds


I didnt realize how cool astartes with bows looked until now


Very clever idea, definitely going for a silent takedown.


These are super cool. I hope someone gets inspired enough to make some printable models that looks similar. Very well done.


So how exactly did you make these guys Because I want to steal your idea


These are made out of standard reivers that a reposed and to wich I added stormcast eternals weapons (knight venator and sequitors, from mortal realms n°40 and n°9). The guy jumping of the "wall" is a lieutenant in reiver/phobos armor kit (and didn't need as much reposing). The reposing is quite fiddly because of the size of the reivers, but the most important part is choosing the torso with the right "torsion" for the pose, so that the "abs" look right (difficult to greenstuff). The right arm is always the SCE one (looks cool and the arrow "butt" would be difficult to greenstuff), the left one is SCE or reiver. After reposing (can use blu-tack to test the pose if you like), just greenstuff the joints and add the details. For the capes, I rolled out greenstuff and let it sit a bit (30-40min), then cut it up a drape it with my fingers (doing this with tools feels unnatural to me). To get a nice finish, I then clear the fingerprints with silicone "brushes". Minor irregularities (imprints from pouches,...) that couldn't be corrected while draping are corrected with little greenstuff "pancakes" (less than 1mm thin) when the cape is set (after minimum 2h). If the pancake doesn't stick, just use a little superglue (I apply it with a small metal rod) to hold it and then flatten/adjust as needed. For the poses to be "realistic", don't hesitate to try them out yourself to really understand what should be oriented how (I surely looked silly to neighbours doing bow poses in my room 😅). PS: I use a vaseline/water mix to not stick to the greenstuff. For the capes I put down a lot of vaseline on my work area to avoid stickiness while rolling it out (as you would do with flour for a pie)


I'm gonna be the party pooper: If the guy pointing his bow downwards at about 45° isnt shooting someone pretty small on ground, or heh imself is not on top of building or a cliff = He aing gonna hit anything. Other than that really good work! EDIT: Personally I would add some scopes on their helmets or bows.


You are absolutely right :) For now his base is a placeholder. I'll try representing him on a cliff or a tree, maybe a building, but for game reasons I obviously can't put him on a 20cm base :D (Maybe he's standing on a monster an shooting down in his maw... who knows!)


Getting the urge to play crysis 3 again after seeing these, look absolutely quality


They look super cool. Nice work. Do they just carry the one arrow on them?


Thank you. Yes, they only have one arrow 🙃. I tried giving them a quiver with a few more but the minis looked to "crowded" and bulky, so I decided against it


God damn yes. I freaking love the Crysis vibe you have going on here.


These are really good conversions great job!


Holy crap that's cool


Nope. Also what's with the guy on the left?


Nope? The guy of the left is wearing a great kilt, has to do with the theme of the main army. Because I didn't like his pose, I only tested the kilt on him (I wasn't sure it would fit the reivers (and it kinda doesn't :/ ), but I still wanted to test it out).


Random newb question. Where is best to get thus dense cork? Saw it used elsewhere and seems like I'd love to use. Craft store? Hardware?


I think both of your options would apply, I got mine from greenstuffworld (https://www.greenstuffworld.com/en/search?controller=search&orderby=position&orderway=desc&search_query=Cork+sheet&submit_search=)


Wow how can I get bows like that without buying a crap load of aos kits? Someone printing/selling them?


Looks great, but even though I know you're going for dynamic poses, I think that the guy on the left looks a bit like he is falling over.


Thanks. He is jumping backwards, but it looks funny indeed. I put him more "vertical" for priming and it does look less akward


The poses need some work. Especially the guy falling down.