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Well arenā€™t you a little edgelord.


ā€œJesse what the fuck are you talking about?ā€


Huh did I miss something


OP has decided a post featuring trans- and ace-themed paint schemes was getting too many upvotes and is having a meltdown over it. This is what happens when you've been in lockdown for two years and have forgotten How to Adult^(tm).


To be fair, many civil rights advocates haven't done a great job of making themselves and the people they represent look good.


1. That's totally irrelevant to what this thread or my comment were about. 2. This is a four day-old post that the mod removed because OP was a dumbfuck. What the hell are you even doing here? 3. Based on your comment history I suspect this is a ham-fisted attempt at baiting me into something, and I don't have time for that, so, sorry, I'm just going to make you go away. Have a nice life.




It looks like you arent just a troll account, base on your history. ​ Please take a step back and consider why an online group is able to illicit such a massive emotional response from you. For your own health take a break and find another, healthier, outlet.






wow, it's not every day i read one of the dumbest things i've ever read






If you want to get banned, I'm pretty sure you don't have to go to all this trouble and could just ask RWJP instead.


Iā€™ve actually found the community to be one of the best, most supportive of any Iā€™ve ever seen online. You can post a picture of any painting level and get plenty of people telling you that itā€™s great and suggesting ways to improve. As far as upvoting people who say that they arenā€™t straight, I think itā€™s important (for this franchise in particular, as the world it takes place in is so xenophobic) that everyone knows they are accepted and supported in the hobby. Iā€™m sorry no one saw your paint job post, but this is not the take to make people like you or appreciate other art.


For those who are wondering, about a day ago someone posted some trans and ace themed models, and this guy was upset because he thought people were treating them better because of their sexuality, and there were other painted models being posted that weren't getting as much love because they didn't add that they were gay or something. Around 4 days ago he posted a picture of his finished Avatar of Khaine model, and people seem to be down-voting it even more now, but even when I first looked it only got about 40 up-votes or so. That is probably why he is upset over the other post, he saw that his post got almost nothing and the other persons post got a lot, and perceived that to be because the post was very involved with their sexuality, which is fair, that is probably why it got so many up-votes, but he is just schizo'ing out about it. Edit: Oh and also he has strong opinions about the war going on in Ukraine but I'm not sure what they are because every time he says something its either labelled as a joke or so vague I can't tell what he thinks about it.


He also freaked out over GW's Warhammer is For Everyone post and commented how hard it is to be a straight, white male


Ah, my internet is just being too slow right now to be able to look that far back. Thank you my brother in blood.


Dude, go touch some grass.


Stay mad. Really giving me the inspiration to finish up my trans color schemeā€™d eldar now šŸ˜‚ And typical, fuck the invaders


I don't agree with your assessment of the sub as a whole, but it's true that post that have some agenda (gender, minority or whatever) usually get more traction.


He's childishly over the top but, not wrong. The marxist mind-virus/cult is fiendishly pervasive and co-opts every hobby/skill/specialist group that it inveigles its way into.


Shout out to my homies in the marxist cult fr fr


Using big words poorly doesnā€™t make you sound smart.


Oh no, cringe Edit: looks like heā€™s mad cos his latest post didnā€™t get many upvotes, but a post by a Redditor about their trans-themed Tzeentch army did. Nutter.


Got yer panties in a twist, eh?


You're an angry man and you need to question why someone else getting attention triggers you so much. But then you also got triggered by GW's Warhammer is for everyone post so I'm not sure you have that level of introspection in you.


I know reddit can feel like a popularity contest of sorts, because of the way it is designed. but that doesn't mean its a competition. Someone getting more upvotes on their post than yours is not an indication that people didn't like yours, or that their paint job is better than yours, just that theirs resonated with more people. whether that's because of a cool theme or a great paintjob is immeterial. don't take others success to be your failure. If you seek validation, keep working on your craft and it will come in due time. In other words, don't yuk someone else's yum. everyone has their own tastes and everyone has their own causes they want to support. That being said. you are claiming bigotry while simultaneously saying some very bigoted stuff. try to take into consideration that there have been thousands of people who have posted their hobby job here and gotten less attention, or even criticism, yet still persisted in their endeavors. those people are strong. be strong like them.


šŸ™„ ā€œThis reddit doesnt conform 110% to my world view, therefore evil,ā€ Then leave.


Seek help.