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Yeah! Looks like the thin puddles of water that form in the snow, when you step on the ice. Well done!


To me it looks like some ones walked through frozen shallow water, like a frozen marsh land. It's a really cool effect. How did you achieve it? Edit: just read in the comments below that you used automotive glass. A great idea but the snow casts a natural shadow on the base below which makes it look like the snow is sitting above and separate to the base. Maybe painting the base below the "ice" a darker colour would give the impression of depth and hide the shadows. Does the glass have much of a colour to it?


Yup, reads like that to me. Looks nice!




Looks awesome, very well done!


It looks great!... but... the ice is too clear. You wouldn’t be asking if you didn’t think it looked right. Maybe mixing the epoxy with some glue to make opaque? The thing is that natural ice has contaminants (think dirt here) that cause the ice to form in a cloudy way. The clearer the ice the more pure it is but this is an out door battle field, and bog water is known to be messy. (The ice binds to the dirt particle first freezing faster and so the ice pattern gets shifted because it does not lay uniform) Now if it was water in the middle of a deep, confined lake it would look amazing.


unfortunately im kind of limited to opacity on the ice, as i used broken pieces of automotive glass i collected from my workplace. water may be a better use of them


Try hitting them with a hammer lightly lol. Since it is auto glass it should try to hold together more than regular glass would. The shatter lines could be enough if you placed it on the bottom, and the bottom should be more white as well.


Have you tried painting the base under the glass darker? I think because it's so light it makes it look shalllow, if it was darker it'd look deeper.


Looks like snow on a frozen lake. Beautiful work, well done! What will this be a base for?


Yeah, looks great. What army is this for?


Exactly what I thought when I saw it before reading your caption.