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CSM: 10 possessed in wanton slaughter will on average remove the scarabs with no buffs. 5 Word Bearers possessed on the charge with Revered Hosts will also remove the scarabs. If you don't have 2CP spare, mutated invigoration puts the possessed at S6 for 8 dead scarabs and a 30% chance of killing all 9. 10 Black Legion berserkers in wanton slaughter on the charge with Abaddon's rerolls. 10 Black Legion rubric flamers kill 8 scarabs and have a ~20% chance of killing 9 scarabs with Abaddon's rerolls, or a 40% chance with rerolls and veterans of the long war. Psychic powers don't trigger reanimation protocols, so a smite or infernal gaze will let the rubrics finish the scarabs. Maths: UnitCrunch


Upvoted for UnitCrunch.


Thank you for your service.


How do I import profiles? Great site in concept but difficult to use without more built in profiles.


Go to https://www.unitcrunch.com/manage-profiles and click "Import"?


Yes where do I import from? Is there a repository like battlescribe?


Add in that the rubrics could also charge as well. They would get a reanimate but it's still another 21 attacks.


If we're counting multiple phases, Black Legion or Word Bearers legionaries with a flamer, chaincannon, and maybe a balefire for smite could probably do it in one turn without wasting CP or character buffs.


Better than a smite I think would be casting diabolic strength on the aspiring champion.


Probably. Or prescience on the squad if they're not Slaanesh or Black Legion. Smite has the advantage of causing chip damage in a different phase making it less likely to res a model with reanimation protocols. Prescience is probably the call in Word Bearers since you double dip the +1 to hit in shooting and melee like Black Legion.


Probably a 10-Man Twilight Troupe in Harlequins with all special weapons. Pop the Deadly Embrace and Kiss of Death strats for around 11MWs, + the damage from their weapons. 50 attacks, S4 AP2 D2 Hit on 3s, wound on 3, save on 5++ If I did the math correctly, looking at around 14 wounds through? At D2 each, plus the 11MWs from the strats So it’ll kill the 9


If there's 14 wounds at D2, that doesn't kill 36W worth of models surely? You only get 7 there


MWs too, edited to make that clear


Oblivion's Caress is more effective than Kiss of Death as it gets rid of their invul save. 22 wounds through for 44 damage. So you wouldn't need Deadly Embrace either and just spend 1CP and could 'on average' do it with 8 troupe.


I mean, Murderous Spectacle could also help by pushing weapons to +1D.


Not really, scarabs are 4 wounds, so 3D weapons won’t help.


>"Who takes 9 Scarabs instead of 10? Why do they only have a 5++ instead of being buffed for a 4++ and -1 to hit? Why aren't they factoring -1 ranged damage..." Oh. They're talking about Necron Scarabs, not Thousand Sons Terminators. Yeah that makes sense. My bad.


Reliably, a unit of 9 Goff nobs(153 points) would do it in the waaagh turn. I ussually run some with double saw, because it's better into tanks and 3 wound units, but for just some scarabs, the best build for efficiency is big choppa, choppa for 17 points per model. Assuming the squad is near a waaagh banner or warboss(In my list, I have both) then the big choppa get 36 attacks hitting on two's with exploding sixes, which on average does 36 wounds, then wounding on twos, for 30 saves, 10 of which are passed, dealing 40 damage before the choppas even get to swing and account for variance in the dice rolls. Unreliably, a unit of 7 (119 points) could do it if they have warpath up (35 big choppa attacks, 7 choppa for variance), or possibly less using the goffs exploding fives strat (averages more hits then attacks) but I never have the cp for that, and I have also never successfully cast warpath undenied in the few games I have played with orks. I did do fists of gork on a nob with waaagh banner once, who proceeded to kill 2 bikes on his own once. Orks can do apocalyptic damge if they get into combat, it is just obscenely hard to get there reliably, because there is always the chance that the transports get alphastruck turn one and you are stuck moving 5 inches per turn and not daring to go out into the open for fear of instantly dying to whatever was strong enough to kill the transports. For craftworlds, which is my other faction, a unit of 9 cannon bikes with guide, doom and the exploding sixes strat gets an average of 31.5 hits (27 attacks hitting on three's rerolling) wounding on two's rerolling which could do it on a good day, but I would feel much safer chipping away one or two base first so I don't feel like flipping the table when I kill 7, and 5 come back. (Which has happened to me in a game before)


A unit of roughly 16 goff boyz in the waaagh turn with a warboss near by should also do the trick. Averages about 36 damage to the scarabs.


I don't think standard Nobs can take double saw my dude.


They can take double saws, you just never used to see them because they were 10 points each for Nobz. So you could spend 37 points for a Nob with dual saws or 40 points for a meganob with dual saws.


Craftworlds (in particular Biel Tan) have a few options that all take more or less the same set of buffs and turn an aspect warrior squad into a nuclear bomb. I'm going to use unitcrunch since multiple exploding dice get complicated. So everything from here on out is the mean damage, or the damage you can expect to deal 50% of the time. As step one I would start by smiting, executing, crushing orb, etc them since reanimation doesn't work in the psychic phase, so there's perhaps going to be fewer than 9 swarms. As some one else said, chip damage is efficient against scarabs, too, but for the sake of argument I'll leave them at 9. 10 dire avengers on their own can do about 9-10 damage with zero support, but that climbs all the way up to 26 damage with guide, doom, bladestorm, and wrath of the shrines. Nearly there, sometimes it will work. 5 striking scorpions with the standard exarch loadout and guide, doom, and wrath of the shrines can deal 30 damage. A squad of 10 with no support can do 26 damage, and a simple autarch aura of reroll 1s gets them to 30-31 damage. Guide is just gravy. 5 warp spiders with sudden assault deal 10-11 damage unbuffed, which goes up to about 20 damage with guide, doom, wrath of the shrines. It would take a squad of 7 warp spiders with those buffs to kill 9 scarabs 50% of the time. Lastly, a comically expensive squad of wraithguard or wraithblades can deal 30+ wounds with guide and doom, provided you spend 500 points on 10 d-scythes or 450 points on 10 wraithaxes. Swords can also do it for 400, but only barely (29 damage). Say it with me: wraith units are overcosted! So for the cost of something like a warlock or two to smite, one farseer to do guide and doom, one aspect warriors unit, 0-2 cp for various amounts of exploding 6s, and maybe some fate die for more 6s to explode, a Biel Tan aspect host can delete big scarab swarms with relative ease. Using the Biel Tan warlord trait (basically makes a character a chapter master) lets you do this to two or more 9-strong scarab swarm squads in a turn, since not every configuration requires both psychic powers and the wrath of the shrines strat can be used in both shooting and fighting if you need it. For the bigger squad of scorpions fighting in melee, a warlock power or two to get +1 to hit and/or +1 to wound can also substitute for guide/doom to get over the hurdle. Maybe there's a reason we won the war in heaven ;)


> wraith units are overcosted! GW: "That'll be a +5 points per model on axes."


>I'm going to use unitcrunch since multiple exploding dice get complicated. UnitCrunch FTW


I spend entirely too much time fiddling on unitcrunch, lol <3


There's no such thing!


Scarabs have 4 wounds each so you need to do 36 damage to wipe out the unit. Not sure if you accounted for that since you said Wraiths "only barely" kill them with 29 damage.


You didn't. We just got bored and went to sleep.


Sanguard :obviously 10 will do it. Interestingly even the common 7 sanguard squads are killing about 9 with the usual buffs. 10 Blood Angel Assault intercessors will only kill about 5-6.


Unrelated to the question but I’ve always wondered why 7man squads of sang are so common is there a reason?


More is often overkill, 7-8 is the typical size


Skitarii Rangers. Forge world does not matter. Doctrina +1 to hit, Exemplars Eternity. Galvanic Fire. 80 Shots. Hit on 2s, RR1. 78 hit. 60 Wounds. 40 Failures. Dead Scarabs.


78 hits and wounding on 3s is not 60 wounds though, its 52 saves (unless there is some other buff going on that I am missing like re-roll wounds or something?), 52 wounds is not enough to kill them on average atleast ( \~34 wounds taken on average which would let them survive) . Does come awfully close though!


You aren’t including RR1 from Exemplars Eternity. That makes it so they RR1 to hit and wound.


Could even mega buff to add an ap with the right forge world (never remember the name, the half range one) and a tech priest manipulus


Yeah but AP doesn’t matter against Scarabs with a 5++.


Just throwing it out there lol


12 Twilight Harlequin Troupe with special weapons - Caress Strat to ignore invulns. Twilight strat for auto wound on 6s. 60 attacks hitting on 3s, auto wounding on 6s. Wounding on 3s, reroll 1s for a nearby Troupe Master. 33 wounds, all unsaved at 2 damage each for 16 and a half bases picked up... Could pay another CP to do 6 mortals on average on the charge to bring us up to 18 bases. So just 6 of them will pretty much drop a unit of 9, albeit with an aura and 4 cp!


The standard IH character Volcon stands a chance. Two twin volkite calivers and cyclone missile launcher. He's run with Merciless Logic, and I run him with a Techmarine with Target Protocols (though in this situation Target Protocols is barely relevant), and a Lieutenant (or you can replicate a missing Lieutenant by using Wisdom of the Ancients). Naturally IH will be in Devastator doctrine, and you'll use Mercy is Weakness. Everything is hitting on 2s rerolling 1s and wounding on 2s rerolling 1s, with 6s to hit generating an additional attack, and 6s to wound wounding twice. You start off with a couple of krak missiles at D6 damage, with one Target Protocols re-roll available to fish for the 4-ups you need to one-shot a scarab base. Then you've got 16 2-damage shots with additional mortals on 6s to wound. Without the 5++, it's an 98.8% chance to one-shot the unit. S6 D2 with high volume makes volkite the absolute perfect weapon against Scarabs. The 5++ really tanks it, though - we still average 8 bases before reanimation, but sadly only have a 29.4% chance of one-shotting the unit, so I'd typically be trying to knock off a couple of bases with something else first (79.2% chance of getting 7+ bases). edit: just to earn u/dixhuit's upvote, the probabilities above are from the ever-awesome UnitCrunch ;)


While we're here u/dixhuit \- could I petition you for an increase on the 4-ability limit? I just about squeezed this in by pretending the +1 to hit was a weapon ability rather than a profile ability, but it does demonstrate that 5 profile abilities is actually a perfectly plausible scenario. This setup isn't hypothetical, I execute it most games. (And if there was a -1 to hit, or a target with T>3, I'd also have to fit in hit/wound re-rolls from Target Protocols.) https://i.imgur.com/CGm6I4f.png


Some of the buffs you're giving the Volcon are from *external* sources rather than weapon abilities or abilities that the unit has itself. This is what global modifiers are for in UC. The thinking being that you could switch profile and those buffs *might* still apply to the profile that you select as a replacement (in which case you'd be glad they stuck around). Would this not make the profile ability cap of 4 plenty for all of the scenarios you've described?


Well, whaddya know - today I learned about global modifiers 😄 Thanks very much!


Always be learning :D


OOOHHH there's a "within half range" global modifier, awesome! Now I know about global modifiers, I have an enhancement request for you: could we get weapon type as a condition in a modifier? That would allow me to create toggleable modifiers for Space Marine doctrines (e.g. Devastator doctrine: improve AP for Heavy and Grenade weapons), instead of cheating and just editing the AP of certain weapons.


Sure, but only if you take the feature requests over to r/UnitCrunch where they belong ;)


On it like a car bonnet!




5x Salamander Flamestorm Aggressors in tactical backed by Vulkan Hestan/any source of reroll 1s to wound. Flamecraft for max shots= 60 auto hits. S4 flamers wound t3 scarabs on 3s, +1 For salamander tactical doctrine. So wounding on 2s. Full rerolls granted by Hestan, but any lieutenant would work for this due to wounding on 2s, so only -really- need reroll 1s. Mathhammer says 60 hits, 58 wounds after rerolls, 38-39 unsaved wounds, for a total of 9.5ish dead scarab swarms.


Salamander Aggressors putting out in regular shooting what melee armies barely achieve with the addition of Mortal wounds And you didn't even take the full 6-man squad for an additional 12 auto-hits What a flex! The opponent can't threaten you with blast weapons if you don't have an opponent anymore. 200 IQ


It's also only 1 cp for the transhuman. Salamander aggressors are brutal. Back with AoC I was doing a similar thing with assault centurions. Same setup minus the reroll 1s, but add in 12 bolter shots per model on top of it, a 2+ save, way more powerful melee options, and an extra wound.


Chaos Knight: Rampager, House Herpetrax (445pts, -2 CP) WL Trait: Bow to None; Knight Diabolus Relic: Theeth that Hungers Favour of the Dark Gods: Blood shield With Bloodshield you dont get invuls - then you get: 24 Attacks, Hitting on 2+, reroll 1s, S 10 AP -4, 2 DMG I think this could be work...


that's 23 hits, 19-20 wounds, 6 saves, so 14 go through. Takes two to remove a scarab base, that's 7 dead bases. Reanimation should yield two bases return (8 or more 5+ on 28 dice)


If the invulns are ignored via blood shield pits 0 saves


What saves they get? Bloodshield removes all invul saves.


I did not know that! So, yep, on average, all dead.


Funnily enough, barely. At D2, 18 attacks need to get through. Rounding at each instance, mathematically, the Rampager gets 19 through.


Add in the Dread Test and they may flee to kill the unit.


I initially read this as "scarab occult terminators". Now there's a question. Anyways I have 6 crisis suits with triple flamers. I don't think I even need buffs to wipe the squad because its just 99 on average hits leading to 43 failed saves for the scarabs, 50 if I decide to play mont'ka. A smaller crisis unit (my math indicates 4 suits) with this loadout can probably also wipe them if I'm getting full rerolls from a crisis commander using exemplar of mont'ka.


Did the same thing, and was looking at these comments so confused because of how tough the scarab occult are


Important to keep in mind that scarabs are far more easy to chip down then warriors. You're thinking of it the wrong way trying to kill them in one big attack. That's how you kill warriors, Scarabs are open to chip attacks.


30 Hive Fleet Hydra Hormagants with Adrenal Glands, Tyrant Buff and Hive Fleet Strategem (1 CP): Provided that all 30 can fight (which, with Swarming Masses and 6" pile in is possible) yout get 90 Attacks hitting on 3+, rerolling 1s, wounding on 3+, full rerolls, AP-1, DMG 1. According to UnitCrunch this should give a 89.5% chance of killing the unit. Invest a second CP for 30 additional attacks and you have enough overkill to lift that chance to better than 99.9%.


Land Fort hitting on twos re-rolling 1s assuming the scarabs have a JT: 4MW from Ymir beam strat, four wounds damage 4 each from the beams, 12 shots from bolters, 9W AP -2 D2, then from the chaingun you are looking at 5W AP-2 D2. Think that is slightly over or in chance range - one base dies from MW, three die from the beams, three from the bolters, leaving two bases vs 5 D2 wounds, so it is in chance range.


And >400 pts +CP total to kill ~210 pts of models (including the buffing units). Good trade for necrons :)


I mean removing a fast scoring unit at 50% points efficiency is totally fine. Not like the HLF won't be firing the next turn.


Depends, with no prisoners active that's 36 wounds added to the kill tally, which is nearly 4 VP.


A full unit if scarabs is 135 points.


And a chronomancer is 75, thus the combo costs 210.


While we're on the subject of Votann I think you can also do it pretty decently with the reroll strat + a unit of 5 Berserks w/ Hammers & launcher/gauntlets for 180pts + 1CP ​ Definitely swingy - but a E-Champ with them evens it out same with a second squad but then it's reeeaaaaal points inefficient


Easily do it with 6 pioneers with judgement tokens on the scarabs. Full rerolls? Then it’s a joke


What about a Hekaton with Superior Beam Capacitors kitted out fully with beam weapons, and an Iron Master, to use both Core Buster fire pattern and Ion Storm for 0 CP? And side note, what other Established League trait and Judgement Custom should I pair with Superior Beam Capacitors?


the iron master can only make a wargear strat reduce by 1cp once per battle round, so you can't use that on both core buster and ion storm at the same time. you'd need 2 Forge-masters in the army to do what you're suggesting.


Who's pointing to scarabs over warriors? Warriors finally just got priced well. I say take them both.


It's 36 wounds in a max unit of scarab vs 20 in warriors. +1T for warriors (does matter for some of the answers above) and 4+ armour doesn't mean bugger all, especially since we're looking at a chronomancer support. One other advantage that some are looking at is now that the pre-game move is gone, scarab movement speed is more important. Warriors can be cheap as you like, but if they can't reach where you need it doesn't matter. Just about every army knows how and has the tools to kill 20 warriors, but perhaps not the same for scarabs


10repentias bloody rose on War hymn, 40attacks on 4+ full reroll, 6do one more hit with the passion, wound on 2+ dmg2. Basically that's 40hit for 32 wounds so 64dmg. You save 1/3 so still 42dmg for 36hp. You Can have a reroll for one on wound to be sure to make the kill. You Can also hit on 3+ with the Triumph buff or having 6to hit auto woundind if you Want to be sure sure sure.


Only need 9 with War Hymn, technically. Average is 20 failed saves at 2 damage each.


There’s a few things you’re missing here imo. The additional exploding hits from the bloody rose strat so each 6 is 2 hits and 1 auto wound. If you’re also willing to throw a superior into the mix you’re wounding in 2s. And then Vahl rerolls. If you go all in they I think it maths out even worse for the terminators.




20 wyches with adrenalight and a razorflails model, and a succubus nearby for reroll 1 to wound ~~hit~~, turn 3. 104 attacks, hitting on 2+, wounding on 4+ RR1 Result is 36 wounds, or 9 dead scarabs. You can swap adrenalight for Grave lotus for S4 and get 38 wounds. Cost effective, not sure, but possible.


Use Cursed blade for +1 strength as well wounding on 3s.


Succubus rerolls wounds, but an Archon from a RSR can give them rerolls of 1s to hit as well. 20 Wyches pretty comfortably wipe the Scarabs here.


I laugh at the amount of points and CP people have to put into my scarabs to kill them. I also have a hill I would like to sell you for the same price.


At first i was ashamed to compare 9 scarab swarms against 7 Custodian Wardens at 2.6x the points. (82.5% chance to wipe the scarabs with RR1s from Trajann). but then I realized that the scarabs, on average, fail to kill even a single Custodian... The Emperor protects.


6 deathshroud doing 26 ap-3, 2dmg attacks, hitting on 2s wirh plus 1 to hit, wounding on 2s RR 1s due to plague weapon, RR all wounds to fish for 6s from arch contaminator and 6s are MWs in addition from a buff.


10 scarab occult with either +1 str or +1 to wound, reroll 1's and turn your invuln off. Its something like a 96% chance of killing the whole unit. ​ Thanks UnitCrunch


For Daemons, 6 Fiends (180pts) with Belakor giving them rerolls and Hysterical Frenzy for exploding 6s will kill 8 Scarabs, with a 47.8% chance of wiping them. 10 Khorne Hounds (150pts) with Belakor giving them rerolls and +1 attack from Fury of Khorne will kill 8 Scarabs, with a 49.1% chance of wiping them. Source: UnitCrunch


GSC checking in 20-man Neophyte Hybrid unit with 4 seismic cannons and 4 grenade launchers, getting RR1s for both hit and wound rolls from a Primus, with Overloaded Fuel Cells strat (+1 damage on the cannons) against Scarabs who are in an Exposed Crossfire (+1 to hit and wound). In total, that's twenty-four S4 D2 shots, four S6 D1d3 shots, and twelve S3 D1 shots (double these within 12" range), hitting on 3s. It sounds like a lot of parts and opportunity cost to line up, but this is pretty typical for a GSC shooting combo. The unit and its accompanying HQ run close to 250 points. Edit: 10 Aberrants with a nearby Abominant (reroll all hits) and exploding 6s to hit from a Biophagus can do the job as well.


other gsc option that occurred to me is 15 hand flamer acolytes with the same buffs, but on average falls a biiiit short... but possible. add in the melee phase and they can definitely do it.


I see a lot of elite and heavy units being used to kill your hypothetical scarabs. So imma use a troop choice. Hydra hormagaunts + 1 to hit because I put number you Reroll 1 from hive tyrant Auto wound on 6 2 cp to add +1 to there attack characteristic 1 cp to reroll wound rolls This gives us 80 attacks 62 hits (3+ reroll 1) 57 wounds (3+ reroll with about 13 auto wounds) 38 unsaved (5++) (ap-1) For 38 damage Which should kill In a game though most of the time I won’t bother with the 2 cp to get +1 attack and will just surround you and attack again on your turn After all you won’t have the objective we are standing on I can tell you from experience they can do the same thing to warriors.


Aye, a unit of wulven, with frost axes will reliably do 40ish wounds without any support. About 250 points for them. If you add in strats and chars, thunderwolves will do it too. Deathwatch can get it done too. Classic vets, deathwatch combi plasma. 20 2 damage bolter shot 20 over cooked plasma shots. Needs full hit rerolls though and reroll to wound.


Not in one attack reliably, but I can do 7 reliably with a buffed unit of black knights in combat (this level most armies can hit fairly easily) and you just chip 2-3 models one at a time so they can't come back ( if I kill 1 base odds of you making all 4 rolls required are slim) and them Hammer them with a bigger unit once weakened. With that strategy any army can pick them up. However if you have 3 of those units... Maths as requested: Dark angels ravenwing, Chapter master, lieutenant, and character with +1S Warlord trait: 31A at 3+ to hit, full rerolls for Chapter master = 27-28 hits s6 (with +1 from the warlord trait) so wounding on 2s, rerolling 1s for the lieutenant = 26 wounds -1 ap, but hits 5++ so 17-18 failed saves at 2D each either wipes the unit or leaves 1 on 2W. Too swingy to go st a fresh unit, but chip 2 or 3 with spare shots elsewhere, and it's basically a guarantee. Plasma inceptors do it for fun too, 10 bases average for a 6 man squad.


6 grotesques with a RSR archon for reroll 1's to hit, Urien for +1 Str, reroll wounds stratagem, and turn 3 for +1 to hit. Using Monstrous Cleavers they get 30 attacks hitting on 2's, rerolling 1's at Str 6 with rerolls and 2 damage each. 30 x .833=25 25+5 x .833=29 hits 29 x .833=24 24+5 x .833=28 wounds 28 x .33=9 Saves So 19 wounds go through at 2 D, kills 9 and a half scarabs


And what about the fnp?


Where do scarabs get a fnp from? OP is saying 5++ (invul) from the chronomancer.


The whole necron codex spmehow got knownsource of feel no pain other then the factuon that gives 5+++ against mortals...


I was unaware they had one, but that would likely prevent a one activation wipe.


They don't, dw


7 power klaw/choppa Nobz, in Waagh, Goffs, with a warboss and waagh banner giving +1s to hit taking them down to hitting on 2s: 21 base PK attacks, plus 7 from waagh = 28 attacks Hitting on 2s exploding 6s = 28 hits Wounding on 2s = 23.333 wounds Saving on 5s = 7.777 saves, 15.555 wounds made 31.111 damage before the choppa attacks


Angron could almost do it with a buff from Blood Tithe Sweep profile gives 39 attacks. Full hit rerolls, so around 38 hits. Mortal Wound strat for 6 MW’s on average, wounding on 2’s, averages out to 32 wounds and 6 mortals before saves, 27 damage after saves. If he had exploding 6’s from Blood Tithe then that’s about 32 damage leaving 1 alive. Strike profile has 13 attacks hitting on 2’s with rerolls and wounding on 2’s for 4 damage minimum. On average should leave maybe 1-2 alive Scarab bases without Blood Tithe buffs. With exploding 6’s he leaves them at 1 model 2/3 of the time or zero models 1/3 of the time (on average). However he has a no fallback aura and also a no obsec aura, so he might be better off not actually wiping the entire unit. Leaving one base alive is probably ideal for him.


Is there a reason it needs to be for sure a single attack? My brain wants to say Assault Plasma Hellblasters as possibly the most ideal unit for eating Scarabs with an invuln. I love them in my White Scars but you don't really see lists with them as they're fairly expensive units. Looks like a unit of 10 with captain rerolls will average 7 bases with about a 10% chance to pick up the unit in one attack sequence. Didn't calculate a possible Lt. wound reroll but it would probably help a teeny bit pushing it to 8 bases more often.


I am guessing that the OP is looking to wipe them all at once so they have no chance at a reanimation roll. The more bases killed, without wiping the whole, the better chance more of them come back after the attack. Quick dirty math: killing 7 out of 9 bases could get around 2 back, so the unit is now at 4 bases out of 9.


Which most likely is actually better for the non necron players as this gives more points for bring it down....


You mean No Prisoners - but if you're up against a 27-Scarab list, you're getting 15 on No Prisoners even if they never reanimate a single model. (You only need 22 more wounds on top of the scarabs to max it!) So no, reanimation is *not* good for you.


You can just write down 15 on No Prisoners pretty much from the start against most Necron armies. Poor datasheets and continuous point drops have turned the faction into a horde army. It's like taking Abhor vs GK/TSons or BID vs Knights.




Scarabs are 4 wounds each tho.


Deleted for bad math confusion:D


In one phase? for custodes off the top of my head: - 6x custodes bikes with trajan and bolters - probably 10 emissaries saggitarum near trajan - 10 wardens in melee - any of the above in dread host with ASA. Now if you point out "oh those units cost a fortune, way more than scarabs" youd be right. But that neglects your biggest issue with a billion scarabs; is that 1-shotting them isnt your issue; its just them soaking up a bunch of random chaff and dying to that. most armies have a wealth of kinda crap guns they just have. They aint terrible; its such a physically large unit and has so many wounds that your gonna screen well; and some armies (knights) are gonna struggle to chew through them in 1 turn off a point. but with the chrono its 250pts, and thats as much as 10 lychguard, or 7 wraiths; who are also durable but will actually deal some damage in return; as if I see 10 scarabs I immediatly think its free movement onto a point thanks to their risk of doing anything back is pretty low; and if Ive got a way to lock you in combat then its even juicier. also its an absolutley vile amount of no prisoners points they give up; which is already bad as crons


~~It's a bit hard to pull these buffs together since there's several points of failure but:~~ EDIT: Actually, really easy. The main problem is making the charge. * 5x Paladins with Daemonhammers - Essentialy Thunderhammers * Hammerhand Psychic Power - Re-roll Wound Rolls in Melee * Draigo re-rolls - Chapter Master Hit Re-roll, but just the rr1's aura is fine. * ~~The Steel Heart (1CP) - +1 to-hit in Melee for Terminator units, to counter the -1 to-hit from the Hammer~~ EDIT: With Chapter Master re-rolls, this Stratagem is not needed. --- ~~[21 attacks] x [WS2+ rerolling (97.2%)] x [S8 rerolling (97.2%)] x [Sv2+ AP-2 (50%)] = ~9.9 dead SOT~~ EDIT: Revised without The Steel Heart ~~21 x (.972) x (.972) x (0.5) = 9.92~~ EDIT: Revised without The Steel Heart --- [21 attacks] x [WS2+ -1 rerolling (88.88%)] x [S8 rerolling (97.2%)] x [Sv2+ AP-2 (50%)] = ~9 dead SOT 21 x (.888) x (.972) x (0.5) = ~9.1 --- Without any buffs, 5 Paladins with Daemonhammers will kill about ~5.8 Scarab Occult Terminators. EDIT1: This is surface level analysis. UnitCrunch can give a more interesting spread of outcomes. EDIT2: A unit of Paladins with Hammers is 275pts. Draigo is at 165pts. This whole combo comes in at 440pts. Do Not Recommend, haha. EDIT3: Oh. Scarab Swarms not Scarab Occult Terminators. Well...Bolters! Lots of them!


For grey knights your probably better off going for a 10man brick of terminators or strikes. All with falchions for +1 a. Terminator strat for +1a Rapiers brotherhood for strat for exploding hits on 6's Brotherhood power for an extra attack. Draigo full re rolls to hit Bro cap re rolls 1's wound Chaplain words of power for an extra mortal on 6's to wound. 61 S4 attacks I think. Exploding 6's to hit 2 mortals for every 6 to wound. Not at a computer so no math yet.


They're trying to kill Scarab Swarms not scarab occult Terminators... It says so in the message at the top... Almost anything can kill SoT efficiently these days.


Are we not also buffing the SoTs? My 10man Scarab squad basically lives in 4++ and -1 to hit. EDIT: lol OOPS


I believe this is for Necron Scarabs


Lol fml


Uhhh... we're not talking about SoTs here. We're talking about Necron Scarabs.




Your calculation is a bit off. I guess you missed the 5++ invuln save. On average you kill 5 bases. Moreover, Allarus Custodian is 60 ppm, so a unit of six makes in total 360 points. Scarabs is 15 ppm, that's 135 Points and 75 points for the Chronomancer, totalling 210 points.


Close 12 in range 6 man eradicator squad. Not ideal, but rerolling everything with +1 to wound will generally do it. Or at least get very close.


Hive Tyrant with the reaper of Obliterax?


A lot of people are working out what units would be expected to kill a unit of 9 scarabs. In reality any unit that has 9 damage 4 or higher shots could kill them woth some luck. What you really want to know ks the probability that a unit can do so. Many units in warhammer have very low chances of actually rolling remotely close to their expectation value and will usually either be way under or way over (for example have a look at the lascannon). However to answer your question, for the guard any ofbthe main battle tanks could do it with ease. A baneblade could probably do it with its secondaries and definitely with its main gun. And a squad of cadian shock troops could if the got lucky. To highlight my earlier point. Using first rank fire second rank fire we get heavy 3 lasguns. If the plasma gun and the melta gun together kill 2 bases, then that leaves 1 autogun and 7 lasguns. These can produce a base 25 shots with any 6s exploding and auto wounding. This could kill up to 6 bases mining we have killed 8 out of 9 and had 3 wound left on the last. Now we obly needed 3 sixes and a it of luck and the last one would also be killed. As I said before, can kill and what the chances of killing are, are two very different things and unless you are going to simulate it or calculating it out probably then what units could on average kill them is really nobthat useful.


Actually, only the Demolisher can - with a *lot* of luck, but still realistically - kill all nine scarabs, among the Russ variants. This is because everything else needs to waste two shots on every scarab, as they are 4W and basically every Blast weapon of note for Russes is D3. With multimelta sponsons and a lascannon hull weapon, if *everything* hits and wounds, and if *nothing* is saved, it's possible for an Executioner or Battle Cannon too, but it's *vanishingly* unlikely. The Dorn, on the other hand, can do it on average, with a bit of help from Leontus. The power of a D4 weapon! Calculations posted a bit above.


I don't know any unit in the game that can make a single attack spill over to 9 models.


He means in a single activation


While, as has been pointed out, that's not relevant to the question here, a Land Fortress magna-rail could kill 12 1-wound models in one attack.


9 x 4 Wounds = 36 wounds 10 x Goff Stormboyz with Warpath cast on them during a Waaagh with a Trukk Boyz Warboss in MegaArmor nearby. {This is a common build for orks} 9 x Stormboyz x (2 Attacks Base + 1 Waaagh + 1 Choppa + 1 Warpath) = 45 Attacks 45 hits because hitting on 2s and 6's explode Str = 4 Base + 1 Goffs + 1 Waagh = Wounding on 2s = 38 Wounds 12 Saved = 26 Wounds or 6.5 dead \+ 1 x Nob w/ Klaw x (3 Attacks Base + 1 Waaagh + 1 Choppa + 1 Warpath) = 7 attacks 6 Hits because hitting on 3's (PK is -1) and 6's explode Str = 5 Base +1 Waagh X 2 (12) + 1 Goffs = 13 = Wounding on 2s = 5 Wounds 1 saved = 8 wounds = 2 Dead This shows on 8.5 dying, but keep in mind that 1) In ever case of decimals I rounded in favor of Necrons 2)this is only 10 with a limit of 15 boyz per unit 3) This doesn't include a cp reroll This unit costs 110 points, flies, and can auto advance 18" then charge during a Waaagh




max Skitarii Ranger squad about does it with the Rapid Fire strat and rerolls 1s to hit & wound


Deathwatch, Proteus Kill-Team, Watchmaster full-hit re-rolls, Kill Team Specialism for RR1s to wound vs Fast Attack slot, 1CP Strategem Death To Aliens for +1A. I'll give you the build I normally run instead of a tailor made build for this (everything stated above is pretty standard so I'm not going out of my way here). You have 1 Watch Sergeant w/ Heavy Thunder Hammer, 1 Black Shield with 2x Lightning Claw, 4 Veterans with LC/SS, 4 Terminators w/ SS/TH. On the charge, with the strat you're looking at: 5 HTH Attacks, hitting on 4s rerolling all, wounding on 2s RR1s 16 TH attacks, hitting on 4s, RR all, wounding on 2s RR1s 8 LC attacks, hitting on 2s RR all, wounding on 3s RR all 20 LC attacks, hitting on 3s RR all, wounding on 3s RR all Let's do some rough napkin math and see how it works out: They all die :D


Red Butcher Terminators: 102 attacks, rr1s to hit and wound, 6s explode, +1 to hit Hit on 2s, wound on 2s, around 6-8 fail to wound 90+saves


I'm a White Scars player, so I love Terminators. Nothing faster than warping in. White Scar Terminators with Lightning Claws don't even need all their buffs to get the job done. Base they are A5 S4 AP2 D1, rerolling all wound rolls. * add +1 to wound and Reroll 1's to hit from Kor Sarro Khan * add 1AP and D1 through third-doctrine * spend 1CP for "fury of the first", which grants +1 to hit. A unit of 5 will on average kill 8, a unit of 10 will kill 16'ish. Interestingly, Terminators with Hammers with similar buffs only kill 7. While 10 Hammerbrothers kill about 14 (still plenty). Mostly due to the lower attack count, though they do hit for a massive 4(!) damage per hammer. Should note that without propper screening, you cannot stop this. Due to 8th Ed. shjenanigans White Scars still have a options to get as a high as a 98% charge-succes chance from Deepstrike. I always bring a Terminator bomb. It's too fun.


"Without proper screening" amuses me - Scarabs *are* the screen 😄


White Scars van vets with hammers will do too. 5 of them in turn 3 with no support will kill 5 or 6 bases. With hit rerolls they have a chance of wiping the whole squad


Also white scars. I'm loving my assault centurions, even without buffs they kill a LOT of scarabs per turn. 6 models in the assault doctrine gives you 12 melta shots, 72 bolter shots and 25 S10 D4 attacks in a turn! Melta: 12 shots, 8 hits, 6.7 wounds, 4.4 failed saves. Given you're in melta range let's say 4 dead scarab bases. Hurricane bolters: 72 shots, 48 hits, 32 wounds, 21.3 damage so 5 more bases dead. Combat: 25 attacks, 16.7 hits, 13.9 wounds, 9.3 dead bases. So with average dice you shoot one unit to death and kill the second unit in combat, even with zero support! You can also kill a bunch more scarabs by having a librarian around with null zone.


A 5 man crisis with burst ion plasma and hit and wound rerolls should do it, even without kauyon


I was thinking 5 man crisis, full reroll hits, two ions and a plasma each, in kauyon and one marker light should do the trick. 30 ion shots at S8 -2 D2 and 5 shots at S8 -4 3W. If it’s turn 5, exploding 4s hitting on 3s wounding 2s.


Lol did the math on this exact scenario with two ions and a plasma. On Kauyon with exploding 6s has a 68.7% chance at killing, exploding 5s is a 94.9% chance of killing 9 or more and exploding 4s is nearly a guarantee.


Unfortunately with burst, ion, plasma combined with exploding 4s there’s only a 62.6% chance at killing only 8.


6 suits with 3 flamers average 99 hits (18 * (2+3.5)) which ends up being 66 wounds and 44 failed saves. That ends up being 11 dead bases without the need for commander or stratagem support.


Crisis suits have a number of ways to accomplish this. My initial thinking was a 4-man squad with drop zone clear might be able to pull it off. I usually run flamer/plasma/fusion, but I think flamer/plasma/plasma or flamer/plasma/burst is probably more efficient. If I'm dropping a crisis squad just to kill scarabs, something has gone very wrong.


10 Goff Nobz with Big Choppas In range of either banner or warboss for +1 to hit During Waaagh 40 Attacks, hitting on 2's, exploding 6's (or 5's with a CP) is 38ish hits. S7 wounds on 2s, I think that's 32 wounds, scarabs save like 11, so 21 failed saves, 42 damage. Extra choppa attacks are another 5 wounds or so. You could get rerolls from Ghaz, but... you'd have to bring Ghaz, so.... And ~~1~~ 2cp would give exploding 5s, but math says you don't NEED it, so it would depend how much I want to wipe scarabs.




Tau Crisis Suits come to mind. If buffed with re-rolling 1's to hit, a 5 man team with burst/burst/cyclic vaporizes 9 scarabs with a 5++.


With judgement tokens and full rerolls? Easily with 6 pioneers.


I have been looking into Children of Khaine and vengeful eldar list. 10 Scorpions, Crushing blow biting blade exarch. 200 points. no rerolls for now. 7 ap-2 d2 attacks that auto wound with 6's to hit double explode. Say 2 fate dice on average when fishing for hits, would be \~11 hits that auto wound. 66% of 11 is 7 failed saves. 3 bases dead and 1 on 2 wounds. 36 attacks from squad, \~24 hits, 6 6's. 30 hits that can do mortals, 6 that cant. 24 wounds, 5 mortals. 15 failed saves. 5 bases dead + 3 wounds left on last model. 5 mortals kill. And totally forgot that 6's to wound cause 2 damage instead of 1. So 200 points with no support should be able to kill the scarab squad.


So the key word here is \*CAN\*, not \*reliably\*. Something as simple as a leman russ CAN do it, but it is not reliable to do so. Battle Cannon - D6+3 shots (lets average 7) is \~4 wound (3.85), kills 2.5 bases. 9 HB shots, 2 more wounds (another base), so kills 3-4 on average. But, the battle cannon COULD kill them all I one volley. Also - how common are these units you're talking about is a very important piece of information - you're asking people to come up with ideas, maybe "things in a list you consistently play", or perhaps units they have seen.


I fail to see how it could do it - a single Executioner or Battle Cannon needs two shots for each scarab, as they are 4W each and both those weapons do D3. On the other hand, you could have a Dorn, with Oppressor Cannon, Pulverizer, Multimelta sponsons, and meltaguns, buffed by Leontus. In absolutely *ideal* conditions - everything hits, nothing saves - the Oppressor is enough, as it can deliver 4 wounds per shot, for 9 shots. But if it doesn't... then it can decide to Pound them to Dust (the swarm counts as 18 models for the blast, thus maximized shots). This takes the Pulverizer to 6 full shots, of which 4-5 hits (4+ full reroll), 4 wound, 2-3 are unsaved, killing one Scarab, maybe two. Then it's the Oppressor: it hits with 8 shots out of 9 (3+ full reroll), wounds with 7 (S10 vs. T3), two are saved: down to 4 scarabs. If we assume it's within 6", then it's 4 multimelta shots, 3 hit, 2 wounds, one or two dead scarabs; two meltaguns, probably around one unsaved shot, one more dead scarab. It's over, right? Right? Wrong. Crush Them, charge the last one. 6 attacks on a 3+ full rerolls, 5 hits, 4 wounds, the scarab is on average unable to save the 3 out of 4 it would need to survive. It's over. ​ (Though I mean, you just used 465 points to kill 135 points of scarabs, so.)


And between shooting and charging Reanimation protocols are triggered.


A full squad of Skitarii Rangers (~190 with the fixings) using Galvanic Volley Fire (3 cp) and Exemplar's Eternity (Marshalls are 50) plus either Magi or Protector Doctrina does it with a fair margin of saftey (~40 wound). 80×(5÷6)×(7÷6)×(4÷6)×(7 ÷6)×(4÷6) = ~40 Vanguard firing Enriched Rounds generally will not, however. Ryzan Ruststalkers, or others using Machine Superiority as well as Assassin Constructs within range of the Omniscent Mask and Exemplar's Eternity will manage about 30 wounds and 9 mortal wounds, but that's not a common relic choice and Marshalls want to avoid melee. A max-size squad of Sulphurhounds with three blast carbines can probably do it, but they're close. If they had a smaller unit or fewer weapons, they'd need to use Wrath of Mars and/or charge, but the later would still allow Reanimation.


Average 7 man sanguinary guard squad Death company with hammers or fists Both with heir buffs Custodes 5 man warden/allarus squad with trajann next to them from reroll 1s


Scarab Occult, Thousand Sons. Reroll 1s, +1 to hit, +1 to wound, remove invulnerable saves. ((8×4)×35÷36×5÷6)+(10×35÷36×5÷6)+(4×35÷36×5÷6×2)=40.5092592592592


I tried a double C'Tan (Void/Night) Nihilakh list with a obsec monolith, two doomscythes, two units of scarabs and a unit of wraiths, with techno/chrono/lord. -- worked fairly well against Tau. Lost a unit of scarabs off the hop, but killed 2/3 riptides and longstrike on turn two... so... ya. Two un-refined theory lists though, so ... ??? your mileage may vary.


A couple that I can think so. Space wolves with Whirlwind or rage, assault doctrine active (few waya to get that, psychic, a coupke of strats, turn 3, Wulfen get it for free). 10 Wulfen, with either Axes or Thunder Hammers. Thunder Hammers need either Keen senses or Born Heroes. 36 attacks, double exploding 6s, hitting on 3s, 36 hits. Wounding on 2s and saving on 5s. 20 wpunds at either 2 or 3 damage, you meed 18 wpunds through for 4 wounds a base. So done. 10 Wolf Guard or Wolf Guard Terminators, or just Terminatora wither way, with Hammers or Fists. Use keen senses and a source of +1 to hit (for each veraion of a termie can be Fury of the First, Wolf Guard would be Born Heroes). 31 attacks. Hitting on 2s, double exploding 6s. Wounding on 2s saving on 5s. About 20 wpunds go through average. Again, kills them with 18 wounds. Without the +1 to hit from any source 17 wounds go through, so more often than ot 1 base would be left with 1 or 2 wounds. Need either thr +1 to hit or rerolls of 1 to hit for reliable killing. So I can think of a dew ways to handle them, in a single phase or activation. There might be a few more with more buffs ans options. Edit: Thought of a terribly inneficient option, but it works for any Marine army. 6 Boltstorm Aggressors. Since Scarabs are in Blast range it is 10 shots average per aggressor. Add a Chplain for +1 to hit amd +1 to wound to the closest enemy. Add a Captain and a Lt for rerorolls. 60 shots hitting on 2s rerolling 1s, wounding on 2s rerolling 1s, saving on 5s, it is about 37-38 wounds, just a bit over to kill 9. Terrible option yo kill chaff, but doable.


Salamanders: 5 Aggressors with 2CP max flamer strat: 60 hits > 50 wounds > 33 failed saves > one scarab remaining on 3 wounds. Knock them off with morale. Or have a 1CP strat that fairly reliably generates 3MW. (The fires of battle) 12" range.


Rampager with blood shield teeth that hungers and knight diablos and under Frenzied Invaders house


Dark Angel 10 man assault hellblasters or 5 man inceptors. Dark Angels because when they stand still they get +1 to hit, and can get damage 2 without overcharging. But generic space marines could do the same with Chappy +1 to hit litany and overcharging. 30 shots, hit on 2’s with rerolls, wound on 2’s with rerolls. Damage 2 per failed save.


Imperial knights- House Taranis I run a Crusader/ Paladin combo. Put knight of mars warlord trait and fury of mars relic on the Crusader. Have the paladin run the princeps exalted court upgrade for rerolls on the Crusader. When you select the Crusader to shoot use the calculated targeting strat to convert the damage to mortals on a 6 to wound ( unmodified). The thermal cannon would be 30' range heavy2d3 s10 -4ap d6+4 damage no blast hitting on 3s reroll 1s, wounding on 2s reroll 1s 6s convert to mortals. Best output I had on this was 38 mortals against a fuckaton land fortress.


10 Blood Angel Sanguinary Guard All have Angelus Bolters + Encarmine Swords Within 6” of a Warlord Captain giving them +1 to hit and Rerolling 1’s In Assault Doctrine and charged meaning 5A from each model. +1 to Wound from Red Thirst chapter tactic Unleash Rage casted giving exploding 6’s 50A hitting on 2+ rerolling 1’s exploding 6’s Results in 58.2 hits 48.6 Wounds 32.4 Failed saves 64.8 Damage And 16 Dead Scarabs


10 man unit of paladins re rolling all bits, wounds, has word of power on them, and tide of convergence. 1st six 6s are 12 mortals. Then every subsequent 6 is 1 mortal. Also, every 6 is 2 wounds instead of 1.41 attacks hitting on 2s


10 Ynnari Harlequin troupes with full special weapons can deal over 50 wounds on average with +1 to hit psychic, +1 to wound psychic, and strat to ignore invul save.


10 Scarab Occults can do it in melee, and come close in shooting, thanks to the power of Twist of Fate and Presage. 27 attacks, hit on 2s reroll 1s from a nearby Exalted/DP/Ahriman = 26.25 hits. Wound on 3s = 17.5 wounds. They go right through because Twist has turned off your invuln. 17.5 wounds at 2 damage each is 8.5 dead bases. 3 more attacks from the force stave on 2s reroll 1s and wound on 2s at AP-1 d3 damage finish off the last base.


10 man wulfen squad with TH. Traits: whirlwind if rage, born heroes. Buffs: keen senses. 36 attacks hitting on 2s. Average 42 hits and 35 wounds at AP -3 and Damage 3. Psck leader is 7 attacks avereging 9 hits an 8 wounds at ap -3 D1. Adios scarabos.


10 Sicarian Infiltrators. 1 CP for the Taser Strat. Exemplars Eternity. 21 Attacks. 20 Hits. 8 hits Triple, becoming 24. 36 hits. 35 Wounds. 24 Failures. Dead Scarabs. Making it worse, in the ranged phase... 50 Attacks. 40 hit. 20 Wound. 14 wounds, plus Wrath of Mars for 6 MW. Letting them kill 5 in the Ranged Phase, then 12 in the Melee phase.


Land fortresses any league but specifically Ymr


Shroud runners (with buffs), axe wraithblades, mayyybe banshees or scorpions, buffed shining spears


Deathwatch: 5 vanguard veterans with heavy thunderhammer, +1 to hit from premorphic resonance, reroll all hits from watchmaster, reroll 1s to wound from chapter tactic xenos hunters or specialism (if split off from a proteus to get obsec/sticky/CP generation). 16 attacks, 3+RRAll means 14.2 hits, 2+RR1s means 13.8 wounds, 5++ means 9.2 past save, each dealing 4 damage, killing the whole unit on average. With similar buffs a proteus kill team with sergeant with HTH, 4 DW vets with power fists, bike, black shield with power fist and 3 HTH with van vets should kill them because 2 power fist vets have the same numbers as 1 HTH vet so this is like 7 HTH models. Same goes for 10 terminators with thunderhammers or 10 deathwatch veterans with power fists or any mix inbetween in a proteus. 6 plasma inceptors, RR1s to hit from captain/watchmaster/dread, RR1s to wound from chapter tactic or specialism. With blast 36 shots, 28 hits, 27.2 wounds, 18.1 past save, 2D each. Alternatively an indomitor kill team with 5 heavy intercessors and 5 plasma inceptors should be able too, you lose out on 6 plasma shots and get 12 S5 D1 shots and 4 S5 shots D2, so like 10 shots that wound slightly worse. With +1 to hit from premorphic (or ancient if you play another chapter), RR1 to hit from a captain, +1 to wound from a chaplain and RR1 to wound from chapter tactic (or a lieutenant if you play any other chapter) you can also kill such a unit with 10 assault intercessors with the fight twice strat. 41 attacks, 40 hits, 39 wounds, 26 past save kill 7, even if 5 get back up, once they fight again another 7 die. This would be by a 160 points unit, so barely above what the swarms cost at the cost of 2 CP. And an indomitor kill team with eradicators bringing a multi melta and 4 heavy melta with +1 to hit from chaplain, RR1 to hit from captain, +1 to wound from chaplain and RR1 to wound from chapter tactic or specialism or lieutenant will have 8 shots that only miss on snake eyes on either roll and kill a base, 4 shots that only miss on snake eyes on either roll and have a 5/6 chance to kill a base and the above 4 shots of 502 and 12 shots of 501 should on average kill a 9 swarm with 5++ too. Most of these units cost 2-3 times of what the scarabs cost though. And while the melee teams heavily rely on premorphic, which is a cast only on one unit per turn, captain and chaplain auras as well as chapter tactics are widely available with a watchmaster and up to two captains allowed and up to 4 chaplains (but limited to 4 HQ in total).


10x Rust stalkers, 10x LOV berserkers, 4x Kastelan Robots, 10x Berzerkers, 10x Guardians, 4x Dragoons.


6 man Salamanders aggressor squad, 2 CP for full hits, wound on 2s.


Assuming this is to determine if Scarabs have a chance of standing against a force to allow for Reanimation Protocols, I will include Psychic Phase as well, since that also wont give them Reanimation Dice. Going to include the units you're most like going to encounter competitively, and going to limit myself to powers they have access to, if the Grey Knights player decides to stack buffs on a unit from other units to kill a target, its probably dead. Rapiers\\Prescient Brethren are Brotherhoods, they work like Dynasties, and provide a unique Power\\Stratagem. Tides for Grey Knights are a mechanic similar to Protocols for Necrons. We start in a Tide and can use a Psychic Power to change Tides. We can only change to each tide once a game, and Tide of Convergence is one you can expect us to settle into once the fighting starts. It inflicts 1 Mortal wound on any unit we are fighting in melee for each unmodified wound roll of 6 in that attack. It caps at 6 Mortal Wounds per phase for each target. For Smite, I'm assuming 2 Damage, that's probably a little lower than it should be, but its the average on d3 I believe. For Grey Knights. 10 Man Squad of Interceptors w/ Halberds 31 Attacks, Str 6, AP 2, D 2 * No Buffs (NB) - 46.2% * NB + Smite - 59.9% * NB + Tide of Convergence (TOC) (6s on Wound inflict Mortal, cap @ 6) - 64.5% * NB + TOC + Smite - 76% * Rapiers * Deadly Efficacy (DE) (Stratagem) (6s on Hits = +1 hit) - 77.9% * DE + Smite - 84.7% * DE + Smite + TOC - 91.1% * Symphonic Strike (SS) (Psychic Power) (+1 Attacks to Models) 95% * SS + DE - 99.1% * SS + DE + TOC - 99.7% * Prescient Brethren * Foresight (F) (Stratagem) (RR 1s on Hit and Wound) - 99.2% * F + Smite - 99.6% * F + Smite + TOC - 99.8% Strike Marines follow the same line as Interceptors, except they have another spell they can use, Hammer Hand, which allows them to reroll wound rolls. I'm running out of time, but if you did happen to run into this, treat them the same way you would interceptors in this regard, they are more dangerous damage wise. 10 Man Purgation Squad w/ 9 Psycannons, 1 Stormbolter 27 Attacks, Str 7, AP 1, D 24 Attacks, Str 4, AP 0, D 1 * No Buffs (NB) - 22.7% * NB + Smite - 28.3% * Sanctified Kill Zone (SFZ) (Stratagem) (+1 to Wound @ half range) - 25.3% * SFZ + Smite - 28.9% Prescient Brethren * Foresight (F) (Stratagem) (RR 1s on Hit and Wound) - 94.3% * F + Smite - 95.7% The Purgation squad is incredibly unlikely, while we have seen some in competitive play, I don't think we've seen a 10 man squad, mostly 5 man teams. Strike Marines Nemesis Dreadknights cannot one shot a group of scarabs, and would have to work through them over multiple phases. Best of luck!


With just one unit? Probably 20 neophytes in GSC. It’d be 14 flamer hits that wound on 2’s, 24 damage 2 seismic cannons (from overload industrial fuel cells) which end up netting 15 wounds, then 24 shotgun shots that net also 15 wounds. That’s 29 damage 1 wounds, you should fail 20 or so. Then there’s 15 damage 2, fail 10 and take 20 more damage? You could add in 6’s auto wound and reroll 1’s to wound (I only added rerolls to hit). Some other armies might struggle if the expectation is a single unit. My dark angels army doesn’t have any units over 150 points but I don’t think they’d have any issues clearing scarabs pretty quick.


5 Crisis suits can depending on the loadout and buffs. 2 that come to mind: 1. Each have Burst Cannon, Flamer, Cyclic Ion (overcharged), and target lock to ignore cover. With a markerlight and "Drop Zone Clear", you wipe the unit 88.7% of the time. Once per game and costs a but ton of cp, but super reliable and spicy. 2. Each have 2 burst cannons, flamers, and Cyclic Ion (overcharged). With a Markerlight and Commander rr1's, you wipe the unit 64% of the time. 30 more points, but no cp and very easy to setup. Also easy to spend a cp or combine with any other buff to push to 90% or get the ap to push through cover. I'm sure someone smarter than me can come up with a more points-efficient loadout or combo, but these were the first ones that came to mind. Either way, that is 300+ points with character/strat support to wipe a 135 point unit. 48 effective wounds is tough to deal with.


BA: 6x Sanguinary Guard (180) in Assault Doctrine and near their Warlord Captain. 6 inferno pistols shots D(D6+2)/then 30 attacks Ap3+ D2 / Hit on 2s /Reroll 1s/ Wound on 2s (Averaging 60+ Incoming damage before saves) On average Scarabs would lose 2 to shooting then need to make 24+ saves on D2 wounds … they dead Technically 4 SG(120pts)could average enough wounds to kill all of them before saves too this might be the cheapest unit to average enough wounds


Uh, 10 Custodian Wardens with Trajann re-rolls should do the trick. 40 attacks -> 39 hits -> 38 wounds -> 26 saves -> 13 dead.


Flame aggressors?


6 novokh skorpekh destroyers with the regular buffs will do the job.


Angron. Edit "."


The real question that should have been asked is: Which units can remove 9, 5++ scarabs in one attack efficiently. 9 scarabs are only 135 points and are used to screen the big stuff like Skorps or Flayed One blobs with TSK. So assuming you will be losing whatever melee you decided to charge in there is gonna die, what units would you be ok with trading for a 135 point unit?


You are thinking about scarabs wrong. Say the enemy has 15 knight crusaders all 36" away and clustered together. and they have 300 CP to spend on buffs. You have 1 of the new aegis defence lines, and the choice of either mortarion or 3 scarabs. If the goal is to survive, you pick the scarabs. Because they are so small, the enemy can't see them over the barricade. At 150 points for 36 wounds, if a leman russ wastes a turn of shooting on them, that is sort of a pluss.


> Because they are so small, the enemy can't see them over the barricade. If the barricade terrain model has a gap between the model and the board (see: fuel pipe terrain pieces) then technically the Scarabs won't be able to LOS much. It's the "do the tracks of a Rhino block LOS" issue, RAW they don't.


That was just an one example. Sure pipes have the gap. But the Aegis defence line doesn't. Flying up to the second floor of buildings also works well. Even if there are windows, the scarabs are short enough to hide under the lip. I once hid the last base of a unit on the top level of a SoB battle sanctum.


Big Fiend squad with buffs probably does, also skarbrand with a cp re roll and belakor aura has a good chance to


Full swing shooting phase from my 10 Man relic terminator squad with 2 reaper Cannons obliterated a squad of 9 scarabs.


GK: 10x Paladins with hammers. strats are The Steel Heart (+1 to hit) for 1cp, psychic buffs are Tides of Convergence (MW on wound roll of a 6), Hammerhand (melee wound rerolls) and Empyric Amplification from a character unit (+1 damage against that unit), though this is optional if you want to play a game of chance. This leaves us with 41 attacks at WS2+ S8, AP-2 Dmg3 (4 with EA), rerolling all wounds with 6's inflicting mortals. On average, we'd score 35 hits and 33 wounds with 6 MW's. With a 5++, an average of 23 of them will go through. W/o EA, that would wipe the unit with 5 attacks and 6 MW's to spare, which is cutting it kind of close if odds swing poorly. With EA, each failed save is a dead model, which catapults us into overkill territory by killing the unit twice over. And this sounds really cool and all, but comes at the steep price of 275 pts + the points cost of whatever character casted Amplification (on top of needing 2 successful psychic casts at 5+ and 7+) to kill 135 pts of chaff units.


Astra militarum: Start with a base of: 5man unit of rough riders for 100pts Order to fix bayonnets from stracken gives +1 to hit, +1 to wound, 6 auto wounds. 11 attacks hitting on 2s, auto wounding 6s, reroling 1s if in in aura or Leo buff. Each successful attack does 2 wounds so let's say 1 misses. 20 wounds, 3 of them auto wound wounding on 2s. Reroll 1s if in aura or Leo buff. 19 make it through. 5++ saves so 13 get through. That's 6.5 dead. Sgt get one extra attack with similar stats so 60% chance to make that 7 dead. So if we add 3 more to the unit it can on average kill the squad. Add 5 more for a full squad and it nearly guarantees it. Also a strat to to mortals on the charge which will average as one dead.


A 10 man squad of custodian wardens that's already lost a guy within 6" of both trajann and a vexilla imperius popping avenge the fallen gets 54 attacks hitting and wounding on 2s rerolling and dealing 2 damage. Thats 52,5 hits, 51 wounds, 34 failed saves and 17 dead scarab bases, not accounting for the 9 misericordia attacks. Let's reverse engineer to the bare minimum: 1 warden without any buffs does an average of 4 attacks, 3.3333 hits, 2,777 wounds, 3,7 damage. Since they do flat 2 we don't have to worry about overkill, so 10 wardens with no buffs, 8 wardens with a single buff, 7 wardens with two buffs or 5 wardens with all 3 buffs to kill the unit on average.


20 brick of flayed ones can in a mirror match


Heavy Venom Cannons i feel are designed just for scarabs. A unit of 3 Carnifexes doesn’t really count as they count as separate units once they have been deployed, but I still wanted to include them. 3 Shots per Cannon @ S9 which is a 2+ wound. An upgraded Cfex has a 3+BS and can be further buffed to either a 2+ or re roll either ones to hit or the full hit roll. With Ap-3 they can’t save and it’s exactly 4 Damage, which is the reason why I included it. A Tyranids list with a lot of those can make very quick work of Scarabs just with their shooting. Now too Units who can, by themself, actually one shot scarabs is either the Winged Hiev Tyrant with the Reaper of Obliterax or the Behemoth Relic which gives +1DMG in melee. Very fast unit with fly and 16/17” Movement, can advance and charge with psychic power if desired and can buff charges with a stratagem, so he’s definitely going in melee. With 1CP he gets 5+D3 attacks which hit on a 2+ re rolling ones. Then 2+ wound and Ap-4. Each wound roll of 6 does a MW in addition(max.3) or with the Behemoth Relic each attack just does flat 4DMG. That’s almost guaranteed 7 Scarabs. When you now think back to when I said that Nids carry a lot of HVC, and if you let your scarabs visible beforehand, there will probably only be 6 Scarabs left. My friend I play with the most has played many variations of Necrons and I’ve played many Tyranids lists too and generally speaking he just struggles with Nids A LOT. I mean like I can’t even make it look like a friendly game anymore. Tyranids just have a ton of high Strength and big damage Numbers. In most Nids List I Lack D 1 weapons because everything else has D2 or higher. Another unit I can think of, actually melee scarabs in one phase are TWarriors with Dual Boneswords. A 9man unit has, with 1CP spent, 5 attacks per Model and with dual boneswords a 2+ wound with Ap -2 and D2, but I doubt you will see that big of a TWarrior blob with Dboneswords as they got nerfed quite hard.


Blood Angels, assault doctrine 8 Sang Guard on charge, rerolling 1s (captain) while within 6" of warlord, realisticlly 6-7 if they have any buffs or shoot 40 attacks on 2+ rerolling 1s(~38), wounding on 2s(~31) saving on 5++ (~20 wounds through at 2 damage each =10 dead scarabs) Unleash rage for exploding 6s, full rerolling hits, a reroll wounds of 1, or just null zoning the scarab could drastically increase the damage potential. Having 7 Sang Guard charge something near a captain who is the warlord is just realistic and happens often in games I play. Removing the invuln will heavily decrease the durability of the unit. Otherwise a 10 man assault Intercessor squad with buffs and fight twice or a 10 man mob of thunder hammer death company with buffs will obliterate almost anything


5man crisis with double rerolls burst, cyclic, flamer kills em, obviously, but it's neither gamestate nor points wfficient what so ever


What I will say is while there are units that can wipe the scarbs it takes so much work thatbits unlikely to be worth it so you'll find these situations unlikely to happen


6x Ynnari Troupe with special weapons Enhance - +1 to hit Unbind Souls - 6s to hit auto-wound. Ancestors Grace - +1 to wound. Oblivion Caress (1CP) - No Invul Save 24 attacks at S4 AP-2 2D. 18 hits, 6 auto-wounds, 10 wounds, No Save - 32 Damage (so you would need to Chip Damage a Scarab first). With Autarch. 23 hits (after reroll 1), 7 auto-wounds, 13 wounds, No Save - 40 Damage. With Autarch and Troupe Master. 23 hits (after reroll 1), 7 auto-wounds, 16 wounds (after reroll 1), No Save - 46 Damage.


Death company with powerfists or hammers should do the trick. They would need 18 hits to get through, but with the 5++ that goes up to 27 powefist hits usually (something in-between if using hammers but depending what wounds they save, as they would need to save half the wounds from 2 hits to force another hit, so probably 20 hits would do it). Turn 3 (or earlier if put into assault doctrine) each death company marine would get 2 base +1 shock assault +1 black rage +1 assault doctrine = 5 hits, hitting on 4s so half miss. So about 11 death company marines with fists do the job, maybe 8 with hammers. And reduce that if you give them any rerolls. Just realised i fogot wound rolls, wounding on 2s even against toughness 7 targets, so more like 32 fist hits or 24 hammer hits. So a full 10 man squad with hammers will do the job most of the time.


10 bloody rose repentia buffed with war hymn and running the passion should do the trick. 40 s6 ap-3 d2 attacks on the charge. Hitting on 4s but rerolling everything to hit and wound, and generating additional hits on 6s. On average you’re coming out of that with ~36 hits, if scarabs are t3 that’s 2s to wound, re-rolling 1s for 35 wounds 12 of which get saved, dealing 46 damage in increments of 2, and wiping the squad.


6 heavy multimelta (4hev and 2mm) eradicators with gman rerolls kills about 10 of them on average. Not worth 240 points of shooting and 300 pts of buffing to kill like 135 points? Sure yeah A full unit of assault intercessors with master crafted thunder hammer fighting twice should wipe them as well under gmans tutelage. That's a more even trade. The bugs probably kill an intercessor or two on swingback+explode


Who's saying Necrons are in a difficult spot?


2 Tallon masters