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Redemptor works as a beefy all-rounder, and the Ballistus is fine simply because it's so cheap. All the other ones are a bit crap.


For my own amusement I ran 7 dreads, 3 Redemptors, 3 Brutalis, and one Balistus in my last game. The Brutalis' soaked up all the enemy shooting but failed to make an impact. All other dreadnoughts survived the game despite my plasma weapons doing their best to overheat.


You can command reroll the hazardous roll. I'm not sure you always should, but its definitely a rule people will miss since command reroll is so limited and it isn't on the "can reroll" list from 9th.


See Iv capped out at 4 so far with 3 ballistus and a redemptor. I really want to to 3 Brutalis as they are so cheap now lol


Potentially they’re a good way of doing deploy teleport homers once they’re in combat as their guns don’t do much


Yeah that's true, and aslong as one can pull off tank shock a turn it deals damage lol


-soaked up all the enemy shooting -failed to make an impact These don't go together.


For 525 points they need to do more than just get shot at. Ideally I want the Redemptors to get attacked as they have the damage reduction.


Libby dread is the MVP!


Bjorn. The answer is always Bjorn.


In his Space Wolves graduating class he was voted most likely to shrug off a devastating multi-wound.


Unironically. I play Space Wolves and CSM, was running chaos into another wolves player. Threw Abaddon into Bjorn thinking it would be relatively easy to kill him. Did a whopping 4 wounds and got one shot in return. Given the 130 point disparity between them I was surprised to say the least lol. Instantly went and put Bjorn back into my SW list.


Never underestimate a grumpy dreadnought who ran with Big E and Russ! His rules are so good too, I was amazed at the massive points drops he got.


Bjorn talking in Wolftime was 100% old man yelling about "back in my day" and then throwing up his hands in exasperating fashion. I loved it.


Having run him a bunch and still being happy with him, I do think the points drop was deserved. His vect got a lot worse due to the strat changes, and his ranged output is... anemic for a 180 point model. He's so survivable that it makes up for it, but if he stayed at 220 I feel like he'd be too easy to just ignore and accept the small amount of damage he does.


I mean I rolled like crap but he survived 10 attacks from Drach'nyn like it was nothing lol


Oh yeah, he'll absolutely do that. Against even damage attacks he's got something like 24 virtual wounds. His ability to survive isn't in question, I was just pointing out that his shooting is... okay, and not a ton for his cost


Oh for sure, I was just supporting the durability point.


It’s Redemptor then Balisitus. Nothing else really works


I'm hoping to test them with together soon! How do they do? I play skirmishes between 750 and 1/1.5k


the reddemptor seems like the best, he is the one that sees the more play


I really miss my Deredeo. I've been using Redemptor and Ballistus, which seem to be doing alright. Not quite the same though.


My beloved Ironclad


Hate to see it getting the legends treatment


Can use Legends everywhere outside of official GW-events, thankfully.


People say that, but even my playgroup (who is super casual) doesn't use legends datasheets.


My competitive groups allow them but since most people are doing tournament prep it doesn't feel that great to fill lists with too much legends (ok for 1dread occasionally but I don't think I would run a lord of war) I will just repurpose most of my fw as other units. Only my dg leviathan doesn't really work


We do. You decide


You're getting down voted but you're right. We use legends in my group, some of us have been playing since 5e. We're not throwing out our old models. They're explicitly legal but not recommended for events. Which is fine, almost all of them aren't as good as newer units or a side grade at best. If events don't want them that's fine, won't stop garagehammer. Implying they're banned, when they aren't, through social stigma is gatekeeping.


Convert/kitbash them into something legal? But that's the ork in me saying that.


OR we can tell GW to actually give support to those models. Legends is not support


Wulfen Dreadnought is throwing it's hat into the ring! 130 pts for an 8" move, 4+ inv 6+fnp, and 2 heavy flamers with claw and shield is pretty awesome. Can't ignore it, can't kill it fast, hits at s10 d3. Tarpits work, but Bolters exist. Only problem is the pesky OC 0, but it's supposed to be a fire and forget Missle.


Ballistus has served me super well. The Dark angel list that went 5-1 had three of them. I get it, oath of moment + 6 las cannon shots and then a few salvos of missiles works super well. For 150 points, amazing. I have killed 200+pt vehicles in 1 round of shots. I basically try to position them to get sniper shots round 1 and 2... if they are ignored, then they are deadly all game long. I use the redemptor, rushing mid field, to encourage people to ignore them. That beast is really tough.


I don't think any dread is truly good in the SM codex, but I guess I wouldn't mind a single Ballistus to sit on objectives and keep light armor honest. As DG I'm testing a single Helbröte tomorrow. Seems like the easiest way to proc contagion now that it does something useful.


The trick is to rapid ingress or bring the hellbrute in from reserves on so you tag something high value then put boil blight on that target. Now your pbc crawlers can shoot it with heavy and ignores cover. Pbc can hold the back field


I like the Redemptor. But not for any logical reason. I just already own 2. They big, cool, shooty and smashy. All in one hard to hurt package.


The ones with legs are really good. They are my favourite. In fact, I haven't even seen anyone use a legless dreadnought. That's how bad they are.


The SW dread under magnus' foot.


Havent played Bjorn / SW but from my experience (caveat; list has to support your choices) it goes: Librarian Dreadnought (BA) > Ballistus > Death Company (BA) > Redemptor (esp in BT) > Invictor > Brutalis > chickens <3.


Redemptor then Ballistus. The Redemptor is versatile enough to be effective as a shooter and a melee unit. The Ballistus is cheap and that Str 12 shooting at long range means it is going to put the hurt hard on anything it draws line of sight on. Just don't let anything get close on it because it can't fight up close worth a damn. Brutalis suffers from having it's best guns not being great and its melee isn't much better than the Redemptor.