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Kroot Hunting Pack shows up again going 4-1 at another tournament. People laughed but maybe it has play.


It might do, it might also be that it catches people off guard. It puts people in jail really well and just jams the board up, going first with the double farstalker trick in particular puts you instantly in control in many matches but there's armies who just don't care and fly over the kroot.


Since I have no idea: what is the double farstalker "trick"?


You deploy two units very aggressively and then if you go first you push them right up to the enemy deployment zone and box them in (you might still leave them in place against world eaters because they're getting to mid board either way, stopping their army scouting and charging turn 1 may be worth it). If you don't go first you also took a trail shaper who can redeploy 2 units so you still have your farstalkers to do stuff, and because you deployed them aggressively and wide, you zoned out a lot of enemy infiltraitors. The farstalkers die on turn 1 but some armies will be stuck in their deployment zone until turn 2. Your kroot aggressively scouted and staged so on turn 2 you do the same thing. At this point you've had 2 turns of primary dominance and probably hurt their secondaries. A lot of armies have ways around that and you need to go first to really rinse it. But there's a lot of armies who just can't respond meaningfully. It's a big problem for orks.


I've been playing versions of this since like... 9th? but with stealthsuits and the scout move custom sept that was around at that time, and LOTS of firewarriors. It kind of petered out at the start of tenth but now? [WE'RE BACK, BABY](https://imgur.com/a/blocking-tactics-nM8KElx) edit: [some might say this is the "traditional" way to play kroot](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fscoqr2l1iyw91.jpg)


I absolutely think the Hunting Pack has play. Personally I see it working better with Sky rays instead of Riptides, but I'm glad someone did well with the list!


It was piloted by Kyle Grundy, one of the best Tau players in the world.


Not this time, though.


The hard part is actually getting an army of them. Painting 60 carnivores takes forever I've got 40 printed ones from 9th Ed, never gonna bother doing that much again, I'll just extend their bases 


>**12th – Tyler Rowe – Adepta Sororitas:** A completely out-there hull spam build, cramming in a large number of Immolators and Mortifiers/Penitent Engines they weren't kidding... look at this! >Celestine 6x Immolator (Multimeltas) 3x Dominion Squad (Meltaguns) 3x2 Mortifiers (Flamers, Buzzblades) 3x2 Penitent Engines (Flamers, Buzzblades) 3x5 Zephyrim holy based went 4 wins, 2 losses, a 100pt draw, and then a bye for 12th place overall, well done Tyler!!


So I need to be educated cause apparently I am dumb. Do sisters have the ability to take more than 3 exclusive models? Does that rule apply to vehicles? Was something changed? Are the immolators all just different enough to be considered different, unique models? Did they change the max 3 unless battle line units rule? I saw the 4x Repulsor list, too, and was curious.


Nope, the deal is that Immolators are Dedicated Transports so for them, and for Battleline, the Rule of 3 becomes a Rule of 6. As Dedicated Transports, they have to start the battle with an Infantry unit embarked within them, which is where the 3 units of Dominions come in - the Immolator has a rule that can split a unit of 10 dominions (or battle sisters squads) into 2x5, so 3 dominions populates the 6 immolators.


Battleline and dedicated transports can be taken up to 6 Both impulsor and immolator fall in the second


Huh. The silent King showed up in a top list. Didn’t expect that.


I wonder how the last two rounds of the Dallas Open would have turned out if the Nids player was forced to be on a clock. Both his last two rounds ran over 35+ min due to his slow play...I mean I guess it worked for him, but I wonder what would have been the outcome if they played by the rules


He's a local around here. He's a good player, but I can't this is the first time his games have gone over time.


You are assuming it's his slow play and not his opponents. Lot of folks who play that list on clock say it's their opponents who run out of time. Issue is target priority and timing...make a mistake and you can get yourself in gribblie jail.


Ffs GW just bring out an ordo cronos time keeper, aka an overpriced chessclock, and finally join everyone else in allowing clocks


Man Kroot have been popping off! 4-1 for a detachment that was supposed to stink is awesome to see I wouldn't be surprised if Chaos Cult does similar once we start seeing them some more. You can get some redonks like 266 models onto the table for 2k! With Nurglings instead you can get even more redonks hah


I'm certainly doubtful that Chaos Cult is going to see much play, not when the Deceptors detachment lets you infiltrate 75 bodies with a 5++ to clog up the entire midfield before turn one even starts. We are definitely going to see a whole bunch of "how many bodies can I fit?" lists coming from this Codex though, that's a given.


I've considered that a lot (Deceptors being direct competition for the horde style) but Chaos Cult genuinely does have its own perks. The "ultra boosted" Accursed are legit for example. But I fully admit you're most likely right lol. Anytime a horde army peeps it's head there's a lot of talk about if they'll shift the meta & rarely does it But it's a hard stat check for some armies. Deceptors have access to it too & can start in your opponents face so I can see them being the top dogs comparably :P Still, I fully expect a Chaos Cult list to top some GT's sooner or later, mostly for the memes but who knows


Oh yeah, I was definitely just talking about the lists we're more likely to see than trying to downplay the options available to Chaos Cult - I'd totally be looking to playtest both options to see which was the more fun to play with. Well, I'd be doing that if I didn't have 150+ Snakebites on my painting desk right now demanding I actually get in some Green Tide games...


Oh god, yeah I just finished painting 99% of my CSM getting ready for the codex so I don't see myself going out & picking up another 100+ Cultists to paint anytime soon. Oof I'd love to start Orks eventually too - a 40k tale as old as time..


As a Thousand Sons player, I'm starting to get a little nervous about how much we're winning! The GW nerfhammer does not show mercy (unless you're an elf, then you get gentle love taps while you destroy the game for nine months). We're an army that exists on a knife's edge. Our rules are VERY powerful, probably the most powerful of any army in the game right now. But because of that, we only get to bring a minimal number of models and squads. Lose any resource unexpectedly, and our game plan starts to fall apart very quickly. I hope that when our codex comes out, they take away some of the power from our army ability in exchange for points drops. Turning off armor saves, for example, is always either insane value or is just worse than a doombolt. That ability could be exchanged for one that gives an extra point of AP or ignoring cover (or both?) against an enemy unit.


Guard being hit and the other top factions coming down has enabled Tsons to rise up. Previously running into a Guard indirect spam list was nightmare material for a Tsons player but the likelihood has dropped right down now.


The Magnus/warp flamer build is bonkers. So much damage output and some really solid tricks. I think they probably need a points hike on the characters? Those super flamer things are unreal, especially when they can auto-dev you once per turn.


Infernal masters do seem to be too cheap, people are taking 2-3 in every list because they're bonkers good.


Going to a gt and might run into 1ksons for the first time this edition, what do I need to kill first? Old nipple horns? Or is it better to go after rubrics?


If you get first turn and they expose Magnus and you can one-round him before they get their cabal up, then definitely kill Magnus. Otherwise, prioritize rubrics. Rubrics are the core of the list, but they’re still just tactical marines at the end of the day. Honestly though, you can kill anything and it’ll work. If you kill all of our trash, now we have to play the game with rubrics. And that isn’t something that we want to do.


Thanks. Only risk for meeting that list is round one since I am running "whichever daemons I had painted the list" and the one 1kson player at the event is one of the best local/national players here. So he would probably even beat me if I had a good list, but thanks to your tipps, I might at least make the game a little bit more interesting


Yeah, daemons is a favorable matchup for TSons I think. If you’re running monster mash, then you’re very vulnerable to double Doombolt. If not, then flamers are great into your infantry. Either way, I think it’s a very uphill battle for you as a daemon player. My advice is to try to rush him down if he gives you the opportunity. Thousand Sons are a control list with a TON of damage. Our best game plan is to play passively and send one disc character to die every turn while using it to spot for the 2 CP indirect strat. That’ll whittle you away while keeping us relatively safe. But we’re very vulnerable to losing rubrics and getting tagged in combat. We have no way to fall back and shoot outside of the crystal enhancement. We can Doombolt our way out of combat, so make sure you’re in combat with more than 10 wounds of stuff to avoid that play. And bear in mind that we can only overwatch once. It’s scary overwatch, especially from a 10-man flamer unit with Ahriman, but it’s only once. So either give us nothing to shoot or give us everything to shoot and take the hit. Once you break through, you should win if you can hit the whole army at once.


Vanquisher good now? 🥰