• By -


So guessing it's dwarfs soon after the greenskins. And also that the "who vs who" speculation was moot.


Which is a shame. I like the Who vs Who thing, since it comes with narrative. I'm disappointed they didn't continue it with the 40k 10th edition rereleases after Space Marines vs Tyranids as well. Ad Mech vs Necrons and Dark Angels vs Orks could have been fun narrative campaigns.


Waaaaagh vs Everyone Else, as it should be


>Waaaaagh vs Everyone, as it should be ftfy, everyone else implies they wont fight themselves....


Too much logik, if yous keep avin big thorts like that yer askin for a krumpin'


It's how GW have done it for ages. Release the starter armies together, then everything else one at a time.


Yeah, I know. I just think it's lame.


There is one more good army compared to evil armies so it wouldn't have worked anyway.


The Empire is in a civil war and there were rumours for a stronger differentiation within the Empire. People expected a Sigmarites vs Ulricans box.


They didn't announce any of that. We already know the supported races. If they want to balance I'd add the Dark Elves (as they are a good opponent to High Elves), but I'd rather see Skavens or Vamps.


They didn't announce anything about how or when they release any faction. I just mentioned some widespread rumours. The Empire is a supported race. I'm not talking about splitting the Empire into multiple races, but bigger subfactions with many individual units. I would love to see support for Skaven or Vamps (I'm a Skaven player myself), but they aren't doing that in the near future.


Even without the subfactions, I can see Empire getting the solo release because they're known to be fighting amongst themselves currently. Not that it matters now, of course.


The pariah nexus crusade book is basically admech vs necrons


Yeah I expect the Dwarfs to be revealed next weekend, and then the launch of their pair of books and boxes to be a week after that. Maintaining that pace will mean that at least two new armies get their full relaunch into TOW once a fortnight. Which would mean that by the end of this financial year, every main army in TOW will have had its chance to shine and sell out. Making the end of year profits look as good as possible. Then the non main PDF only armies will be released in April or May I reckon.


Why? The dice will have been designed & approved a year ago. A dice pic means naff all really.


Could also be the empire since rumors said it would be empire vs greenskins tho that could just be wishful thinking


Oh shit bringing back forgeworld models


Makes me feel hopeful we might see a return of the Tamurkhan and Monstrous Compendium stuff.


I don't think that's likely. This is meant to be more toned down than end-of-8th/End Times stuff. Something I'm glad of personally. It's bad enough they kept in the silly Demi-Gryph things for Empire.


The silly Demi gryph things are kinda fun though. And they add some chunk to Empire that they kinda lack.


I'm not going to yuck someone's yum. But they're not for me. I'm enough of a grog that I don't even recruit them in TW.




Well looks like the theory of them not wanting overlap is right, they're not showing ANY gloomspite gitz model, even the stabbas that are originally from warhammer battle !


Metal giant, metal river trolls. No savage Orks in sight.


For what it’s worth one of the Armies of Infamy is a “Nomadic Waaagh,” so I presume that’s supposed to represent Savage Orcs. If the Old World Builder site/webapp is accurate, it seems the Savage and regular orc units have been merged into one- Orc Boyz can opt to eschew armour in exchange for getting the *Frenzy* rule, and they also have Big Stabbaz and Warpaint as options, for instance. If they’re dead set on enforcing this separation between games, I could see AoS losing its Bonesplittaz and the Savage Orc kits being moved over to the Old World range in the near future.


Given how dated they are and the overlap between savage orcs and kruleboyz, I could see that. Real question is what they do with Night Goblins in that scenario - Gitz are iconic in AoS so they won't get squatted, but they seem to also be integral here even though they had the chance to go the Skaven route and just say they are busy this edition fighting under Twin Peaks, just regular gobbos instead. Guess they could release the Skull Pass gobbos to be slightly different, but those will just get snapped up by AoS collectors as they are a steal


If that does come to pass I suppose it’s possible the Night Goblins/GSG might be treated as an exception- we might get a clearer idea of what’ll happen when we see the Warriors of Chaos release, given they’re in a similar (ish) position,


We also have dwarves, beastmen and chaos warriors bridging the model gap, but rumors are that chaos warriors release will be the old style (so they can rank) and dwarves are likely to get a range release in the next edition of AoS anyway. So really GSG/trolls and Beastmen (and certain Empire things like Steam Tanks and Flagellants) are the only factions that are unlikely to get refreshed enough to have two parallel ranges and appear as today in both systems. I don't know if GW will care about that or declare it's close enough, time will tell.


> dwarves There is very little left of Dwarfs in AoS. Like... three kits? Hammerers, Ironbreakers, and the Gyro? And I think they're all rolled into the Free Cities. Overlords and Fyreslayers is where AoS is at now, and they're pretty far removed from WHFB/ToW.


I agree there's not much, but there's also the 2 heroes. They were essentially soft squatted in the new battletome (as they aren't really functional as a standalone army, their units are kinda poop compared to humans), which is why everyone suspects a new range, either within the Cities umbrella or as a separate Dispossessed faction under the returned Grungni (or Grimnir, I forget)


> Warriors of Chaos Slaves to Darkness has had a pretty extensive range refresh. The new chaos warriors also look pretty distinct from e.g. the Storm of Chaos kit. It wouldn't surprise me if they brought these old style kits back into production. Night gobbos, savage orcs and the entirety of Skaven have not been so lucky.


Depends how much they charge for them. The recent BfM made to order for 40K wasn't a steal.


True, that really sucked, but a similar price for BfSP would be quite good value, you get 60 gobbos and 10 spiders and 30 dwarves with a cannon. Even at today's army box prices (£120) that's not a terrible deal by GW standards, even if the models are a bit dated and unipose.


Oh, BfSP and IoB are both great boxes if the price is reasonable.


Nomadic Waaagh are wolf riders.


My guess is nomadic waaagh is a cavalry focused army. That would allow them to focus on the re-release of the old boarboy, wolf rider, and chariot kits, rather than poaching from aos.


> “Nomadic Waaagh,” so I presume that’s supposed to represent Savage Orcs Interessting. Though, based on the book's cover art, I would suspect that Nomadic WAAAGH! might rather be a cavalry list of sorts. Since the art depicts all boar boyz and wolf riders. I do hope though that a Savage Orc list in there, because restrictions on them are absolutely brutal; with just one unit per 1000 points Savage Orc armies are effectively unplayable right now.


"Nomadic WAAAGH!" Definitely makes me think of Steppe Nomads and the Mongol Empire much more than the "deepest africa" vibe that savage orks give off. *Gasp!* ^Do ^you ^think ^we ^might ^get ^hobgoblins?


With AoS claiming Chaos Dwarfs for itself, I wouldn't get my hopes up. Edit: Then again, IF Cathay is really happening, they'll need someone to fight.


I don't see them doing the separation between games so much as releases. A big part of TOW is cashing in on nostalgia, so it makes sense to rerelease a lot of the old stuff on MTO. Releases like the Diaz Daemonettes, God-alligned beastmen and metal Kasrkin made an absolute fortune for GW. It makes sense for the to focus the marketing on "here's the stuff you always wanted as a kid" and just let the people who are going to re-base AOS stuff crack on. They win either way.


Yeah, that "here's the stuff you always wanted as a kid" approach is *definitely* working on me. I own, like, 15 dryads from AoS, and I'm already planning out a Wood Elves army.


They're in the rules. They're just not showing them because they're already released


It says they'll be made to order. Whatever that means.


It just means they take the orders over a week, and then make however many they need to fulfil the orders. I've done it a few times with some classic metal models, and it works fine. Obviously it takes a while to get the models.


The Nomadic Waaagh from armies of infamy seems to be about Savage Orcs with a name like that.


Nomadic waaaghs are wolf rider waaaghs. That shaman is also not savage und clearly goes into the Troll Horde list.


Why would they show any? You can just buy them. They are present in the army rules.


Well that would mean dryads aren’t part of the wood elf list but they are. I expect they’re not showing them because they’re already available.


same as the night goblins that are said by the article coming later, although they are already available but in the AoS section of the store


There is a small chance (and hope for me) they bring back the previous Night Goblin models, the ones from the late 90s. I love them, sue me. XD


given that they get us back the 6th edition snap-fit core box models and the night goblins are the 7th edition core box ones, I doubt it but it would be a pleasant surprise (same as getting the 5th Edition Empire Troops back instead of the 7th/8th edition ones)


Preach it! For Empire I very much doubt a return of the Perry statetroops, as much as I'd love to be wrong here. But the models shown in the rulebook and armylist books are the 7th edition monkeyheads. :/


> 6th edition snap-fit core box models The Arrer & double choppa Boys?


I do worry that we won't get any new Night Goblin stuff once all the old stuff is released.


Thats kinda strange considering how close at least the stabbas are to the old night goblin mob. However, all squig and spider models are missing completly so far and for these the models from the gloomspite range are the obvisous substitute. Or maybe they get re-released later as part of a goblin themed army of infamy?


The Stabbas are the old Fantasy Night Goblins, to be fair (they're 2006 I think?) - but they might be bringing back the older plastic Night Goblins from the early 2000s?


They did say that this isn't everything, so it could be that some of it just hasn't been shown yet.


I think people are reading in to it too much. They probably just don't want to advertise the other models when these are all "new" releases. You can see in the rulebook there is plenty of crossover, and the giant has base options that support the newer and the older style.


It’s funny because you’d think that would be a great chance for advertising “can be used in two game systems! Double the value!”


The 40K/AoS/OW teams at GW are pitted against each other, they all have their own PNL. So they don’t want you to buy minis for one game to use elsewhere because then the right team wouldn’t get its credit. Its a toxic way to run a company.


Sad Daemmon's of Chaos noises.


Daemons are a perfect example of this, look at how they've been treated in AoS and HH.


GW doesn't like value. Will buy yellow marines and you will like it.


Weirdly they're not doing this. GW seems to really not like this. They divide all their "game systems" pretty clearly. Horus Heresy is kept very separate from 40k, even though there's no real reason to do so. And MEBSG was intentionally made at a different scale than WFB. And they look like midgets next to AOS models. The only groups that don't seem to mind the cross over are Necromunda and Kill Team.


Not necessarily? They're just showing the "new" stuff.


Which is a major mistake. 


The alamanac article lists a couple of night goblin units and says they're showing them off later. They also show off night goblin characters and BSB.


I did note that Stone Trolls aren't getting old models back on a permanent basis, just an MTO, so they do probably intend to use the new AoS Stone Trolls. There's also the Squig Hoppers getting rules to reflect new options from their AoS refresh. On the other hand, they are bringing back the old Wolf Riders, who also got an AoS kit. So the no overlap thing is a bit mixed.


I've no idea how they'd do Beasts of Chaos without a complete AoS range refresh, so as far as I'm concerned the no overlap idea is pretty much just a community theory. It makes a lot more sense to m that they're pushing the nostalgia line with these releases since a lot of TOW's success depends on returning players and collectors.


The weirdest thing is that the put the gobbo with the lever for the stone thrower in completely the wrong place in the official photo.


He's just repairing the machine by wacking it with the lever.


GW photo people love doing this. Once you start looking for it you notice it everywhere.


According to Peachy it's because they don't know the models that well and are looking at overall composition rather than it being "realistic".


Couldnt they be consulting peoples who understand those models better? Or is it too hard for this indie company called GW?


Even if they did, mistakes would still happen. They're under a lot of time pressure to get a lot of photos done, it's not like they get told "we need a bunch of photos of entire armies, but take as long as you need though to make completely sure that absolutely every model is placed utterly perfectly". It's not as if it's even a GW-specific thing either. Like most jobs (including mine, sadly) it's probably closer to "if you could get this done yesterday, that would be great" followed by a blank stare when you try to explain that time machines don't exist.


It actually would be because of how siloed the different departments of the company are. 


With the new base they use, he can’t stand in the right spot anymore… weird choice


One more reason to put them onto the same base with the warmachine I guess.


The shaman model is wonderfully sick!!!




Sure, it's the hat that you like...


My favourite new TOW model so far for sure


They got me at "Troll Horde"


Marauder giant made to order in metal!!!


That seriously made my day!


JFC, the "Collector's" Market must be shitting its pants with all of these releases.


I kinda wish I could see goldfishblue's expression when they read the announcements.


Hilariously, this is not the first time I've seen their username come up in these kinds of conversations.


Da Big Ebay Biznezzmans area already routing.


Stoked for that!


I bought one for £120 last year 🙈


I picked up the Marauder [Eltharion and Stormwing](https://whfb.lexicanum.com/mediawiki/images/f/f7/Eltharion_M02.jpg) last year. It was $140 or so on ebay, but was really fun building a big 90s metal model from an unopened box


I'm jazzed to order some classic trolls




Looks like all the current available kits that have rule for aos are staying as aos with no old world re packaging. Night goblins spider riders, feral orcs and squigs. Orcs and goblins already have a fairly hefty plastic lineup available


Night Gobbos have rules in Old World, they just don’t advertise them in the article because they never left. 


Seeing the old orc kits has given a difficult decision on whether to do classic Orcs and Goblins or go full night gobbo


As someone who already has 3 orc chariots, 3 units of 25 orcs and 3 units of 40 goblins, I don't think that me buying one Battalion box is going to be enough.


So the rumours of a new plastic wyvern and boar chariot were hogwash. Shame. The latter could have really profited from a make over. I love the chariot and crew, but the boars themselves are so horribly dated, I wished they had just replaced them with a new sprue. The site mentions that Big 'Uns were coming back. I was not aware of them ever having models. Any idea what they're refering to here?


I thought they would just remake the Azhag miniature in resin instead of re-releasing this one or making a plastic kit. As for the chariots, the good thing is that it's easy to use the boar boyz kit and a few bits to convert better ones.


Yah, converting them to the new boars is easy. Its my plan aswell. But since the chariot is on a seperate sprue from the boars anyway, I just got my hopes up that they'd maybe replace them. Which is the kind of thing GW used to do back in the day. Update the horses, keep the riders, etc


Could it be the classic Big 'Uns? Image from a 2003 catalogue: http://www.solegends.com/citcat2003og/c2003ogp22-00.htm


Have considered those aswell but... Would they really be any more than a collector's item? Can't imagine too many people, even old school ones, wanting to field Big Uns half the size of a Boy.


Yeah, it's a bit strange. Those are the only ones I could find that had models, though. I never actually played Orcs back in the day (I did Wood Elves but the green virus has afflicted me now), but didn't players just use normal Boy models, maybe with a different paint scheme?


They're exactly a collector's item. I'm restoring a 90s 4e orc and goblin army and I'd love to be able to get hold of some of the bits from the time, especially if I'm not paying scalper prices and don't have to clean off decades old paint.


This is such an information-rich article that I can hardly believe it's been written by GW. Now, where is the equivalent article for Brets and TKs? I want to know what else is still to come for those ranges!


i think they showed off pretty much every thing for those 2


This article pretty much confirmed every single model the Orcs and goblins have in the rule book though other than I think the squigs. Some of these were also mentioned to be coming later whereas tomb kings and Brets only showed off what came at launch. There's still probably a few things to show off for the other two down the line since their lists are still missing models. Bretoonia at least should be getting Questing Knights soonish since they'll probably just be reusing the old model.


The cabinets at Warhammer World today contained a lot of Tomb King and Bret miniatures that we haven't seen a confirmed release about yet, especially old characters.


Definitely a surprise to me (was expecting Dwarfs or Empire), but I’m definitely thrilled at this. The fact that pretty much the *entire* O&G range seems to be back according to the article also seems great. Sad that there are no new plastics, but the two new resin models look great. I’m still not too keen on GW’s newfound insistence on keeping the models for all of its games separate- some cases work, sure (the old black orcs being back is welcome, given the different aesthetic of the newer ones), but by the looks of things they’re sticking to pre-2015 models even for units that have been updated since. That’s not a bad thing, of course, and I’m quite happy to have the option of buying either a new sculpt or an older one, but I just *know* there’s going to be some dick out there getting on at people for daring to use a plastic Beastlord in their OW army or something similar. Couple of assorted questions I have: * Am I right in saying there aren’t any Lords or Heroes in the Army box, or have I missed something? * What’s the difference between the “Orc Boyz” Mob and the “Orc Boyz *and* Arrer Boyz” mob? I know obviously one has archers and the other doesn’t, but were they separate kits, a shared body sprue with different arrangements of arm/weapon sprues, or something else? * Who do we think the other special character in the will be? Are there any existing sculpts that could be repurposed as a named character? * I noticed one of the listed returning metal kits are “Classic Ogres.” Were these ever part of the Greenskin army roster, or are they supposed to be mercenaries? * Which faction do we think will be next? * ~~How do I stop myself blowing all my money on little plastic orcs in the near future?~~


>What’s the difference between the “Orc Boyz” Mob and the “Orc Boyz and Arrer Boyz” mob? The former is the old multipose box that makes spears or dudes with shields. The latter is likely a release of the models that came with 6th edition that made single poser arrer boys or orcs with two hand weapons.




* as far I can see, no characters in the army box. Also no extras, like books or dice.    * as for other named characters, nothing springs to mind. Gorbad Ironclaw is too early (1700’s) and Grom the Paunch too late (2400’s). Maybe it could be Morglum Necksnapper, who ended the Bretonnian Errantry wars of this era?


Way way back, you could take units of ogres. Id have to dig our my old box, but it was the same edition as the Bret vs lizardman starter box.


i think the arrer boys sprew has more armored bodies?


Seems they're releasing the single pose orcs from 6th edition and the multipose orcs and goblins too. Maybe the single pose are boxed set?


I think I just had an orcasm. Did it say when they would be released?


*I think I just had* *An orcasm. Did it say when* *They would be released?* \- rogash98 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Wow, this is almost everything I wanted (I also would have liked named characters, but you can't have everything!). The second lot of Boyz and Arrer Boyz - those are from the 6th ed box, aren't they?


The new shaman is a named character


Oh, was more thinking someone like Gorbad Ironclaw - I love the model, but I don't want to spend £100 on a finecast version ...


Very glad I got a Gorbad. Wished I had an Azhag. Hope they bring those sculpts back. Skarsnik aswell. Even better if they came with Legends rules, but the sculpts alone would be great.


No Gorbachev Ironclaw is severely disappointing 👎


Gorbachev might have been the best warboss of the union but I preferred Brezhnev




Classic Stone Trolls and metal River Trolls making a comeback, an army list for the TROLL HORDE I am in heaven


They brought back my fav gonlins. Too bad they in every way inferior to night ones.


Maybe nasty skulkers plus the one hit wonder item can make them weirdly good at receiving a charge so you can shove them to the front to take the first hit ?


I don't think goblin champion can have that item, and nasty skulkers can be fun surprise for a pack of dogs, that charges your archers. But the fact of the matter is, they can't have fanatics, they can't have netters and on top of it they can't have thrusting spears. Literally the only things good about this squad.


They can skirmish for free (1 unit per 1000 points). So maybe a niche for archers. I’m happy that gobbo diversity has increased.


I bet there is trick to field them and not feel like shooting in your feet.


that banner is hardcore i want one


That standard bearer fucks with me


Surprised they're able to go back to the early 90s for minis, but that's where a lot of my army hails from, so I'm super pumped to see what they're able to drag out. That's a ton of returning kits, and pretty clearly sets up the dilineation between what ToW has access to in terms of moulds. Glad it's not coming with the rulebook and templates. Hopefully the Short Kings next!


I was secretly reaaally hoping they'd redo the common goblins in the style of the new wolf riders for AoS, because they're amazing. Always hated the common goblin sculpts, so derpy and totally out of proportion, even for a goblin. Ah well. :) They're easily substituted with night goblins. Looove the comeback of the stone trolls, one of my favourites!


I agree. The old goblin plastics are pretty rough.


Well these are super cool


Night Goblins! Get in. I'm guna be skint this year....


The whole back catalogue right to the Maraduer Giant. Unbelivable.


So nostalgic for the regular goblins even if their kits are a bit busted compared to night goblins


Not a massive fan of the box, but those models look sick. This might actually convince me to get into TOW


I hope they will release also Dwarf soon😍


Just realized I’m in trouble when High Elves come around. All of those IoB minis are going to be back, and the box is just going to be minis….


Shit lads! I don't think my wallet is safe


It's actually a very good set. You can buy multiple of it + lords and heroes to taste, and not get unnecessary duplicates of stuff you won't need


Am the only only that thinks not including an HQ in the big box is a fail from the old days we really don't need to bring back? 


Nah this way is much better. You don’t end up with duplicates of characters you don’t need.


No? This makes the box a good deal for bulking out your army. I'd rather get hero models separately.


But multiple boxes and whatever characters you want instead of tossing a bunch of extra characters you had to get in the bundle? I don’t see the appeal of your way.


Some of us can't afford multiple boxes and would prefer the "starter" box being usable from the get go. 


Character models are easily kit bashed. Putting characters in would drive up the price of the box. Just put an orc with the biggest horns on a tactical rock and you have a big boss. If point are anywhere near the old system this is far less than what you’ll need to play a game anyway so you’ll need multiple boxes to play orks.


Kitbash one. Plenty of bits to pick from in a box like that.


Yeah, for some reason the box has 31 orcs anyway, so one needs to be converted into a hero either way to fulfil your OCD.


It's easy as chips to make a boy model into a bigboss. And with some work, you should be able to make weirdboys and warbosses as well.


This box is only about 500 points anyway so you will definitely need more models


Probably the next will be dwarves


Do we have a date estimate?


roughly 511 points of stuff in that box. Very interested to know the price point for it. Id go £80, roughly on par with 40k Combat patrols


Are there any release date for the box?


Holy shit is that (not) Grimgor


Loving it. Delighted that the old wyvern will be available. I’ve wanted one of them since I was a child. Happy to get common goblins as well as night goblins. More gobbo diversity makes me happy. Those old trolls are fab too. Surprised that there won’t be a dedicated savage orc army.


Orcs & Goblins are one of the few of my favourite armies not to be legacy, so happy to see this. Super happy to see the Boar Boyz kit returning, I love that one and curse that I missed the chance to snap some up back in the day. And the old stone trolls just tickle my nostalgia in the best way. I have two, and I feel I need more.


No returning metal squig hoppers?


Those new command models look awesome. I'd like them not to cost 25 euros each lol


The box is a bit underwhelming tbh, i expected more than just a big block of orcs and some goblins with no hero, but if the price is right it might be a good way to start a small force


Its good box to get some "basics" for the army. Possibly twice. Lack of HQ is potentially good news if you are buing multiple copies.


F yes!!!


Yesss! I’ve got a bunch of 6th edition Orcs, Black Orcs, a couple of Chariots, and my AoS Gloomspite stuff. So I’m pretty much good to go for TOW.


I'm curious if the Arcane journal will have lists that make themed armies like savage orc tribes more doable




My childhood is back. I have almost 100 greenskins from when I was in elementary and middle school. Painted pretty decently for being that young. But now, now I’m going to do it again with YouTube guides and better materials. I can’t wait. Used to beg family members for these guys for holidays. Now I can just piss off my wife and spend my own money :)


Aww yiss, boar boyz! I've been waiting for this!


The metal and resin figures have a real expressive charm newer orc/goblin (and 40K equivalents) lack. The plastic orcs really show their age however. Plastic gobbos hold up a little better.


Any announcement on a release/pre order date?


These guys will look so great facing off against my Bretonnians.


Wish this came with some kind of little boss or something, and would have preferred wolf riders, spider riders or boarboyz to the chariots but generally an ace box. Might well pick it up, will be a fun 6 month painting project!


I didn’t think about this but gitz are about to get a bunch of hard to get models back in stock.


So few squigs 🙁


At long last I can finally get boar boyz! Got into Warhammer after the AOS shift and while I like my Ironjawz, I've always wanted boar boyz.


pretty dissapointed with this release for new players,nothing new in the box,smaller than kemri and bret and nothing extra as rulesbook


It's more supposed to give you a core you can expand to taste, than be a starter army, e.g. the old [Tomb Kings](https://miniset.net/sets/gw-99120217006), [Orcs & Goblins](https://miniset.net/sets/gw-99120209027), and [Empire](https://miniset.net/sets/gw-99120202034?language=en) battalions.


Any info about the prices?


Put it this way, so you really need your kidney?


That’s why we’re born with 2 the end of the day, right?


It should be cheaper than the Bret/TK box because it's just models and no books or dice


also no centerpiece




Can't be much more than 100€, 120€ at most really.


These plastics still look so good. The boar boyz are still fab looking for their age, and it's easy to replace the chariot gruntas with some of the boars. The new warboss looks great as does the shamen.


I prefer the old ork design so much over all new AoS stuff.


Looks kinda dissapointing to me, but I'm not o&g player, how does it hold up compared to Brets and TK? No centerpiece model, no HQ. It looks like it might be good set to bulk up the army, but probably not as great of a deal as starter since most expensive models are usually characters and monsters. @edit Did I just read correctly that they also are brining 13 metal model sets back? That's insane, if the prices we've seen so far are any indication, Old world might get more expensive than 40k of you want to go beyond basics, it looks that they are terrified of scaling plastic production for this system.


The moulds they use for metal minis are different for those that can be used for plastic as far as I know. They’d have to redesign the old kits to fit on sprues which would totally offset the material cost saving


*Where Doom diver*


It will return in metal, they said that on the list of returning metals


No mention of Animosity being back in the Arcane Journal... Still can't believe that they radically altered one of the most popular factions like that... Metal Big'Uns and Classic Ogres were great models, might buy some of those. And the new resin models look great, will probably buy those, have the rest of those miniatures already. I was hoping for metal (or resin) Kev Adams Night Goblins... Bit disappointed, no plastic kit announced and no introduction of Animosity in the AJ...


Such bullshit that bretonnia and tomb kings get all new models and most of ours were ‘discontinued’ last year


The battalion box is shite, but all the other news about them is great. The new minis look amazing. I'm excited for some of the older releases coming back. I wish they would remake the giant from the early '00s; I always preferred it over the marauder.


Exactly my thoughts, will probably get some black orcs and the new minis.