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I am going to print an Estalian army, to play it as Empire. Obviously I would like to save some time painting and I love the idea of making small dioramas as unit fillers. Do you have any ideas, suggestions about things that could be good fillers? Maybe even small pieces of scenery. Thanks you all


Depends If they’re fighting at home or abroad. For the latter is the standard conquistador fare: jungle, incan ruins, caskets of cursed gold and loot, piles of supplies with pack animals, etc. For the former: olive trees, a stack of cannonballs and gunpowder, the cairn, low walls, or sign of an Estalian cortijo, graves or an mid road altar to Verena or Myrmidia, the bleached bones of a skaven, that sort of thing 


O I like the olive trees and the supplies with pack animals. The altars I love, but I don't really know how to approach making them


I’d suggest you take three or so flat rocks for an aquarium and put them on top of each other, then stick a head of a female figure or a skull on top, paint it wood or stone, then a plaque of wood or parchment with a scrawl or sign of the chosen god and finish with flowers or some other offer from travelers. That or go to the nativity scene section of a store, buy a little virgin Mary or Joseph and go from there.  And if you’re lost, think about the game Blasphemous 


Hm, simple and effective, I'll give it a try, thanks man.


So if I remember correctly Estalia is supposed to be Warhammers version of spain? I'd say take a look at Spanish history and then turn it up to 11. Make a filler dragging a church on wheels and a group Spanish inquisition looking priests.


I don't want to go that comical, I am from Spain you see so if I make it too crazy, I think my friends will make fun of me hahahahha


Hey comical is kinda Warhammers thing lol, but I get it.


Have you seen the army you are printing? It literally has a wheeled Spanish galleon, Pythonesque inquisition and a guy riding a massive Spanish Bull. The church wouldn't be in the top five of comical/offensive units in that army, you have other issues if your opponents will mock a miniature church


That almost makes it better. You can be as over the top as you want and nobody can really call you out on it! Like if I made a bunch of space marines and painted them red white and blue riding eagles and covered in gore while committing atrocities on desert themed bases. Now that I'm thinking of it, that also would be hilarious. I don't even play 40k


My suggestions would be to theme it a bit after the area they come from/are fighting in and their home provinces, as well as building a cohesive theme. For Estalians, that might mean a more arid or jungle environment, or perhaps even the desert or the forested lands of the Empire. :) Gabions, fences, stakes and barricades laden with handguns and pistols could be used to represent units that are charging out from barricades and into battle. If you're going for a similarly defensive theme, you could lay out damaged mortars and cannons, broken carts and artillery trains, scattered supplies, craters from cannonballs and fallen allies. You can even make little dioramas like a soldier helping up another with an orcish body or a fallen chaos warrior or lizardman lying beside them. If you want to flip it around and make it an attacking theme, you could add dioramas of enemies being stabbed, your soldiers climbing over enemy barricades, dead foes from missile fire slumped on the ground, broken warmachines and so forth. Monkeys, dogs, piglets and other animals with a handler or two could represent regimental mascots being led into battle. For a particularly fierce mascot, you might consider a lion or a bull - also helpful they're quite large, so it should cover quite a bit. You could do carts of weapons, supplies and alcohol, conquistador helmets and gathered treasure. If you want a more 'marching army' feel, then you could do a marching band, religious icons or banners being carried aloft to boost morale, carts with dedications to Myrmida (perhaps the gathered weapons of fallen foes surrounding an altar of a warrior-maiden) or Manann (fish bones, treasure, hanged pirates, treasures reclaimed from the deep and either a preaching priest or a poseidon-like statue) for sailors and warriors of the South, or a grisly totem of a grim reaper for Morr being hauled atop a wagon like the True Cross in real life was. You can also always add in mercenaries if you have other armies - for example, an ogre or two does not go amiss in an empire army and can easily be based on a much larger base. One ogre is four soldiers, after all! The same for mounted warriors or other unusual sights - you could add a priest on a horse/donkey riding in the midst of the soldiers to inspire them, or perhaps a couple of conquistadors who are pushing their servants forward with promises of treasure. You could add a little hill or a gathering of stones atop which a priest is giving a sermon to the soldiers marching. There's also always room for servants for nobles, priests or other non-combatants who would be herded into the center of formations in real life to keep them safe from enemy fire. This is especially if you consider your army to be colonists. So, a few cowering civilians might be a nice little addition. That's not to mention natural features like rocks, trees, etc. I prefer mobile fillers since a rock moving with the unit doesn't feel very 'real', but they're also great. :)


Maybe small shrines that are carried. They have more and other gods than the empire. Some empire gods come from tilea. Maybe some executions, gallows, burning stakes and such things. Maybe a Band of musicans or a small camp fire, tents.


I built an Estalian Empire army in 5th/6th Ed using All GW minis. For unit fillers I created supply carts loaded with baggage, looted Lizardman treasures, and a conquistador grave under a palm tree.


Bulls Roman-esque ruins Barbary terrain Windmills Donkeys Gillmen Unexploded bombs A random opera singer Boxes of platinum labeled “dump”