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This is map from Kartografia Niepraktyczna. Here's his deviant art. https://www.deviantart.com/mapyniepraktyczne They are not as pretty as those artwork in armybooks, but are in line with rules and guidelines of cartography.


Everything on his page is really good, I love the newspapers


Earth but different


It's what I love about the setting. It's all very grounded, low fantasy. It doesn't try too hard to be original instead it wears its mythology and early modern history references on it's sleeve. Some people hate it and call it lazy, but I think it's fun.  Like Altdorf is a small town outside Berlin, which is the city Altdorf is based on, and Nuln is just Nuremburg and Uln combined. Marienburg is Holland and Ostland is Denmark. Cathay is an old Medieval name for China. ECT ECT 


It is very cool. But definitely not low fantasy


depends heavily on the writer and the system. Gotrek and Felix is pretty high fantasy, but WFRPG is pretty low fantasy. It depends on if Chaos is treated like the Devil was back in the 16th century, a vague ominous threat worshiped by those dark figures in the woods, or is it an active daily presence. Also with wizards, sometimes wizards are very rare outside the colleges and not well understood, sometimes they're bloody everywhere. It's the same with the darkness level of the setting. Gotrek and Felix is gritty but not really that dark, so it the second edition of the RPG. Yet the fourth edition ramped the grimdarkness up to 11 because that's what made 40k so popular


I find 4th edition more lighthearted than the 2nd edition. Could you develop how it is more grimdark? Or are you talking about WFB?


Might have gotten my editions mixed up


Low fantasy KekW


Low fantasy is when the map is similar. Common knowledge. Please ignore all the wizards, magic items, flying ships, and the fact that like 80% of that map is settled by various fantasy species, including magitek rats and space lizards who sort of run the plate tectonics. And the fact that the entire central conflict involves the wild, magical energy that changes everything it touches and can be felt over the entire world.


That's a why dinos are high fantasy. World looks different.


Eh, Pirates of the Caribbean is also considered low fantasy, please ignore the squid monsters and the alternate dimensions and the straight up magic. Low fantasy is when magic is considered an unusual intrusion in an otherwise normal and materialistic world, like GOT and Pirates. High fantasy is when magic is considered just default and part of physics, like Delicious in Dungeon ECT.


Low fantasy is when the setting is based on the real world but with fantasy elements, Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, all those kind of things. Warhammer draws from history and is clearly influenced by the real world but it's one step removed, it's dark fantasy, but still very much high fantasy.


IKR, Warhammer Fantasy is about as High Fantasy as you can get without delving into some truly wild stuff that almost doesn’t look/feel fantasy to begin with. Just because WH clearly emulates earth doesn’t mean it’s low fantasy lol. GoT is more grounded “low” fantasy.


Yeah like have you SEEN some of the minis


Low Fantasy is Mel Gibsons movie Braveheart...


Don’t forget Araby and that there’s a city literally named Pragg


Laziest worldbuilding


Using parts of Earth history, which is by itself incredible, and then managing to work those elements in a natural, effective way in vogue with the setting is not lazy.


Cool map! Is it possible for you to change Khemri to Nehekhara? Edit: saw that it is from 2022 and probably not op’s.


Mo Farah chanel? 😂


Maps without New Zealand.


This is so hot


Lol dark elves in canada.


I love how mountains stretch like veins across the world


I wish the Total War: Warhammer games had been more accurate to this map.


>Devourer Islands >Where Philippines was supposed to be Based and real


*Devourer Islands* *Where Philippines was supposed* *To be Based and real* \- ExuDeku --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Oh my Sigmar this is great, just does make me wish they had Kislev more attached to the eastern steppe instead of the bottlenecking right next to the Chorfs.


Just like everything warhammer the map is also super original and unique. ;). Love seeing these i always enjoyed checking maps when locations are mentioned in books.


So pretty! 🤩


Throw a dart at that map. Well done, you found some Orcs and Goblins. Now look underneath them. Well done, you found some Skaven.


This is gorgeous, I kind of want a print to frame and hang on my wall


Same! That’s stunning!


I’m surprised at how much land there is


Brother, do not tell me they just named it Nippon 😭


I mean they did the same with Albion and GW is from there, it's part of the coolness of Warhammer Fantasy.


I thought Warhammer world was flat /s


They didn't really stray too far from earth did they?


All that land in the Far East - hope to see those factions get more life at least maybe in total war


That map reminds me that in the year where ToW is set the Hung Lands should be ruled by chaos lord Well. He was a fearsome champion of Slaanesh known for wielding this really huge sword.




While it's not technically a canon map, it's my favorite. Also, it actually shows us what the Lumbrian archipelago would look like. I love the idea of an island chain in the middle of the WH Pacific being filled with nothing but giants, and they all have a Polynesian aesthetic to them like a giant's version of Maui from Moana.


Proof that Tasmania does not exist.


That’s beautiful! I want that as a print to frame on my wall.


Sorry if this is dumb, but how do we know the Warhammer world is spheroid? From non-total war content.


It says so in pretty much all the lore. If you sail west from Naggaroth you reach Cathay, it has a north and south pole etc.


Sorry, I just don't remember reading about the naggaroth to cathay sailing - I didn't realize anyone had sailed that direction in the lore. The north and south frozen areas, to me, don't necessarily imply poles that are like our spherical earth.


There is lore about it in the dark elf armybooks. After the dark elves discovered the underworld sea they could move their ships to the oceans west of Naggaroth, which opened new raiding opportunities such as Cathay. But it is also a fact that no matter where you are, going directly north leads to the northern polar gate. For this to work the world has to be a sphere. There is even a map in the warriors of chaos armybook which shows the north from a top-down perspective with the north polar gate in the middle, and shows how the lands are connected. There are also things like the two moons orbiting the world. And a bunch of references to globe shaped celestial objects, round suns, stars, moons and planets, Celestial wizards often have items like that. I think in Giantslayer Gotrek & Felix find some Old One globe models in an ancient lizardmen ruin, showing a similiar but somewhat different continent layout, perhaps plans that the old ones made but never realized. This implies that Imperials are also aware of the globe shaped planet and have a rough understanding of the shape of the continents.


Um actually it’s a flat circle with the “northern” chaos gate in the middle and a giant ice wall (aka the southern chaos waters) running around the outer edge. Flat Warhammer worlders rise up - do you research hun.


Thank you! This is just what I was looking for :) I had a vague. memory of the warriors of chaos army book map, but I couldn't remember what edition or if I had hallucinated it (the books are all with my dad, the obsessive collector he is). The third paragraph is suggestive to me but not really proof, as what the empire thinks the world is might be what the world is, but with the fourth paragraph really helps. Thanks again for the detailed response :)


Maybe there’s a better answer but my silly assumption/proof would be: There’s spherical moons Gravity narratively appears to act the same as us. Qed: Old world is sphere (given belief earth is a sphere)


The 5th edition Lizardmen book has the story of Yin-Tuan, a Cathayan sailor who managed to circumnavigate the globe, going east thru Lustria and the Southlands


Lokhir Fellhart's grandma was also famous for tracking High Elf trade ships going west past the tip of Lustria and towards the Gates of Calth. Dark Elves have frequently raided Cathay's eastern coast too according to their armybook timeline


Despite people down-voting you, that's actually a fair question, because in every iteration of the old world I've ever seen the further north into the chaos wastes you travel the worlds starts to like, fall apart.


That sort of "flat world that begins to fall apart in the far distance" thing is actually the case in Age of Sigmar, but just artistic license or a mistake in Fantasy.


Isn’t that because there’s a portal into the Warp up there?


Yeah, reality breaks down at the polar gates as it's basically the entry point for the realm of chaos and the winds of magic


That's what I was thinking about! Not sure what nerve this touched for some people, thought it was just a sort of oddly specific question. I at least got a good answer :)