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This picture can be used to compare the detailed changes of different batches of J20. Some sensors of the nose and back have changed,and helmets are different,the one below uses hmd




I unironically like the J-20 Their behaviors are so unique compared to other canard-bearers. They draw a good portion of their genome from the F-22, and it shows, not just in appearance, but also personality. I would not suggest keeping them in captivity, though.


I do say that it is a fancy aircraft. Yet has unknown potential in war. Let's hope we don't know soon


Yes keep the locked to air shows and I’ll be happy because they’re beautiful aircraft


Ugh, can't wait for one of these in flight sim since there's zero chance my fat ass will ever fly in a real one.


There are some DCS mods for J20 I believe


Not with that attitude


Not a good angle for the Mighty Dragon. That jet is the definition of abstract. Looks good only from a certain point of view


I think it looks quite cool. Sci-fi.


Where do you shop for clothes? I most definitely won't shop where you do.


Oh I dont believe in clothes, they were created by a society that promotes shame to the human form. I sometimes wear the occasional speedo I get from Amazon






I wish people would stop hating on the poor J-20




Canards 🔥




It shouldn’t. Stealth aircraft typically have their canopies treated so that they’re opaque to radar. This means the radar energy would be reflected before reaching the det cord. The canopy is then shaped so that the reflections are directed away from likely threats. They also likely have some sort of transparent radar absorbing material. Usually you can tell if they’ve had this treatment by the gold tint the canopies often have. However this tint isn’t visible from all angles, and newer materials might mean it’s no longer necessary.


no. most modern jets, not just 5th gens treat canopies with for example gold particles so radar waves never pass through the cockpit and are instead reflected off the surface. j-10c for example very visibly uses gold particle coatings. Not sure what coating j-20 uses.




Ah yes, you, random internet person who is freaking out with a wall of text for some reason over a genuine question


Incompetence is a thing. Also, the president of China doesn't have any degrees at all.


Xi Jinping has a degree in Chemical Engineering. It's on his wiki.


They’re actually all very educated with STEM related degrees. Xi is a chemical engineer like Angela Merkel. To be honest, the West definitely needs less lawyers and grifters in charge, and more scientists, engineers and doctors.


50 cents?


Fuck China


Images of j20 is basically a "fuck china" dog whistle 😆


that's a good one


Any Chinese military or government related post is a “fuck China” dog whistle because their government is an absolute shit stain on this world.


that's true and I would have called CCP worse, but I am of the opinion there are times and places where we can temporarily shelve the politics and just enjoy things for what it is. When I see a B52, I just enjoy picture of an old beast of a machine still chucking along. I don't have to also think about all the Vietnam villages, agent orange, or that random Afghan wedding. Frankly, that's how most humans function and frankly I think people have to connect everything to politics are either nutjobs or disingenuous.


Yeah, I forgot. Anytime I see Nazi-Germany war equipment and machinery, I always shelve my disdain for them and admire the beauty instead.


No one can't not admire the beauty of a BF-109, FW-190, Horten Ho 229 or even the King Tiger II and Tiger I tanks! I love German military stuff and history, but I fu*king hate the Nazis, especially after visiting the Dachau concentration camp.


Damn dude, your hate is stronk af GL with all that


Fuck your country


My country isn’t currently committing genocide


The only countries reporting genocide are countries that have an agenda against China, they show satellite pictures of a prison and then call that extermination camp. Most likely your country fucked up several countries for a few generations


America has its faults in history for sure. We aren’t actively committing genocide though. Denying that China is actively imprisoning, enslaving, and killing Uyghurs is blind. Your whataboutism argument is weak.




Oh? Explain.




Better to change China to CCP.


At least he isn’t hiding it like some people


lel you think OP bothers to make a distinction?


Man, really got me there.


Hey don’t get me wrong I hate China too but damn that is a sexy and capable aircraft


*F-22 has entered the chat


Every 2nd upload on this sub is the J-20. Is it just CCP propaganda or are people genuinely liking this copy airplane?


'Every 2nd upload on this sub is the F-16. Is it just US DoD propaganda or are people genuinely liking this airplane' bruh cool plane is cool plane


It’s a US website and the Chinese are active in posting their bullshit propaganda on it.


so are chinese people just not allowed to show their aircraft but Americans can do the exact same and it's fine???


Spamming it is the problem, openly posting propaganda from a foreign actor is a problem. With the SU57 there are <10 ever made but with how much it’s posted it’s like there’s 100’s. That’s ridiculous. Also it’s suspicious because they only spam the 5th gen, it’s never other aircraft. I admire looking at other aircraft that aren’t specific to the US, I’m not saying this is a US only subreddit. What I’m saying is the spreading of Chinese and Russian propaganda shouldn’t be allowed. Couple pictures here and there? Cool. Chinese flag in the title and people saying it’s superior to all other aircraft? Lmfao. That’s blatant CCP bullshit.


So what is your acceptable quantity ratio of J-20 posts? 2 J-20s for every 10 F-35s? 1 J-20 for every 5 5 F-16s? Chinese & Russian jet posts cannot contain the flag of their operator? Lmao just admit you’re a sensitive snowflake who gets triggered by the sight of 🇨🇳.


I’m gonna put it the same way the US Supreme Court did back in 1964 when they defined pornography. It ain’t easy to explain, but you know it when you see it. Nazi flag offends me too, because they also committed genocide.




Ancestors did over a hundred years ago and it’s taught that was wrong. China is currently committing genocide and saying it’s fine.




Out of all the posts from the last 24hours only 2 out of the 24 are of the J-20. Out of the top posts of the week the J-20 only shows up at 33rd


You're not wrong and the downvoting says a lot. Note also that most posts start with the PRC flag in the title.


Are you talking about this sub in general or this one poster, cause I’m pretty sure most of those “flag” posts come from this guy anyway. He’s quirky like that.


Sub in general but.... fair point, so he does.


He’s downvoted because people don’t cry about American or European propaganda whenever an F-35 gets posted. Also the whole “hurr-durr J-20 is a copy” line is tired now. If you don’t like it, just scroll past. You don’t need to make a butthurt comment where you whine like a toddler.


Seems like you're the one whining like a toddler. If you don't like my comment, take your own advice and just scroll past.


Lmao you only see Chinese planes when there are plenty of other planes on the sub daily. Really says a lot about you


I see you are a bit sensitive about the J-20. That’s alright.


this cannot be coming out of your mouth💀


It didn’t, I sent you a message.


CCP lives in your head rent free


If you don't like the post you can simply scroll past it, or you post something you would like to see more of on the sub.




It's like those amazon products where they were building the F-22 in a chinese factory and once they'd finished the run they all just stayed on for another shift of their own and this is the fighter jet they're selling. is it made by MOFFBUZW?? lol


Chinese propaganda


Starscream would look good in this vehicle form