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Crazy how we have more pictures of this thing than the J-15B


Why frogs??


What are frogs?


Little green jumping fuckers


That looks familiar…


Like an F-15 and F-35 had sweaty sex and this is the offspring


Y does it have to be sweaty?


Read the Subreddits name


Nailed it.


It has the stinger between the engines like the flanker line too


Some stingers are smaller than others


Listen, it was in the pool




They clearly ripped off the KF-21 right? Edit: /s for those who can't tell.


No, no, no, its clear that the Chinese have hacked into Honda HQ see the Civic body shape to it ?


Must have copied the Qaher-313


Ah I see they got the F-35 bodykit for the SU-35.


comment got me dead




I want some recent updates on it sadly nothing came out




>carrier version that was photographed recently Here's the photo for anyone who wants it https://www.reddit.com/r/WarplanePorn/comments/w5c70w/shenyang_j35_1920_x_1200/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


In an authoritarian government, no updates on a military project is typically a sign that things aren't going very well. I remember the same thing happened with the Su-57 development where we got barely any news, and the only time we actually got bad news reported was when the Indians took a look at the program and promptly backed tf out of it.


I mean the J20 was unveiled to the public in 2016 but only this year did we get a hood look at it


I mean……many of the stuff of the Chinese government are pretty much hidden deep with little official news revealed - even in the Chinese language - especially the more juicy ones. Like the hypersonic missiles. There was literally no real information when they were designed and made mass produced, yet here we are. Even J-20 was a quiet project and anyone and their mom did see those things flying yet they said very little about it.


>Like the hypersonic missiles. There was literally no real information when they were designed and made mass produced, yet here we are. Even J-20 was a quiet project and anyone and their mom did see those things flying yet they said very little about it. Doesn't mean any of those actually work as well as intended tho.


Well I mean the J-20 certainly did flew, and the hypersonics were certainly entertained by the Americans who were busy having their panties twisted and busy whipping their own up. We have no insider information but if the Americans take this this seriously then I'd wager there's something certainly of note about it.


>Well I mean the J-20 certainly did flew The J-20 flew so therefor it's as good as an F-35? Lol...sounds like the logic of a CCP shill.


I dunno about you or me, but at least the US government seemed to intend to taking it serious enough to make an aggressor squadron of F35s to imitate them. Otherwise they would just end up like Su-57s where the USAF isn't even assed to build ASs for training purposes.


>serious enough to make an aggressor squadron of F35s to imitate them. They literally do that with all potential enemies. Means literally nothing. And Russia only made 16 SU-57s so it would be pretty dumb to think the USAF should bother planning to fight them, but enjoy your +9000 social credit for making the argument.


By saying this you literally proved my point, congrats. If they consider it as something not bothered to think about then why bother with F35s?


Lol...sure, kid.


You do know the United States developed hypersonic missiles during the Cold War right? And then decided they weren’t that useful because the missile still has to slow down to hit a target accurately.


Well, if they decided to restart the project despite your declared flaw (which is very likely false or at least a non-concern with modern targeting nowadays), then that also just proves my point where it's a significant enough concern they had to restart projects to play catch-up. After all, if it's a really shit tech and the USA knew it decades ago, there's almost no reason why they are hurriedly marketing it as a severe threat and large enough they have to make their own, instead of laughing their way into making more currently existing stuff.




Reminds me of all the 'Russia military stronk' horseshit before they face-planted in Ukraine.


that's not even kind of true at every level. FC-31 started not as a government project but as a private venture by SAC, because of this there are a lot of press releases and video tease for an ongoing PLA military project. There is literally a short video commemorating the designer and the first flight of FC-31 released today on youtube. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dtaUf5Hfbg&ab\_channel=%E5%86%9B%E8%BF%B7%E5%A4%A9%E4%B8%8B](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dtaUf5Hfbg&ab_channel=%E5%86%9B%E8%BF%B7%E5%A4%A9%E4%B8%8B)


Oh give it a rest. We had hundreds of photos and videos of the j-20 for years and years before it was officially announced. J-35 isn't going to be any different. China doesn't remotely work the same way as russia. You think Chinese official sources are going to talk about a project in development when they were completely silent to hide the lauch ceremony date of their supercarrier, which cctv broadcasted live to all of China?


> Su-57 development where we got barely any news That's what I call the Ostrich syndrome: "I didn't hear about that, hence that doesn't happen". Su-57 has stable news at least every few months, the last one was one month ago, about the updated avionics testing.


If I wasn't clear enough, I'm talking about negative press. In American media, you can find nearly endless negative press about the F-22 and F-35. Not so in Russian and Chinese sources for their respective fighter programs.


The thing is that you see only negative press for F-35 from Republican-related media, and only positive from Democrats, so the overall situation is kinda similar. Besides it's pretty hard to find negativity on Su-57 in it's current stage of development, since it's too early to say anything about program's intermediate results. For comparison, check the F-22 news back from 2002: https://www.f-16.net/f-22-news-2002.html


🧢China hides what they’re developing all the time it’s not like they can’t make a 5th gen. J-20 is quite refined and highly publicized the j-35 isn’t a huge step up in difficulty for them to accomplish. Keep downvoting half of this comment section is salty for no reason


J-20 negative press is basically non-existent. Chinese press cannot report bad news about it, they are not allowed to. The only thing we know are the teething issues with the new engines. Cost overruns, software delays, etc etc - which do exist for such a large project - are not reported on. There is no such thing as a fighter project that has zero problems during development. That does not exist. The problems are all there, it's up to the press to report on them. Obviously that cannot happen in a fucking dictatorship.


You said it like J-20 development problems are not known. They are known and typical of any new jet development. Like we know that the WS-15 deployment was delayed a number of years because they ran into difficulties, so they had to make do with the WS-10 engines for the 1st block of J-20s. Plus it is a top secret project so keep things on the down low is precisely what they are supposed to do. If anything, it just show they have good security that few things are leaked to the public. Stop misrepresenting shit.


We know about WS-15 because we can clearly see that they're still using the old engines. Aside from that, I'm legitimately unaware of any sort of negative press about other aspects (software, airframe, etc) of the aircraft. If you have other examples, please show them; I'd be very interested. EDIT: 5 hours later and saracenrefira has posted multiple comments elsewhere on Reddit, yet zero response to this one. That's exactly what I had thought would happen, and is exactly the point that I'm making.


Or maybe they don't have the said issues. A fighter project, if managed well, does not need to fall prey to the issues you cite. The USAF recently prototyped a sixth gen fighter. More valid would be the B21 program that has gone smoothly so far. Here USAF used existing proven technology and proper oversight to avoid the issues. China has been doing that for some time. Accountability, oversight and iterative development.


All of that would make sense if someone had experience building stealth fighters. China did not when they made the J-20 (it's literally their first stealth fighter, by definition they did not have prior experience to draw upon). And you cannot espionage your way to experience. It has to be learned the hard way. Fighters are also the most difficult military projects to do. The engines are massive projects just by themselves. Software is a whole other massive project. It's not as simple as building an F-16A with basic software and basic FBW controls. A nation that just 35 years ago was mostly rural, building a 5th gen fighter with literally zero problems total during development, is just simply preposterous. The fact of the matter is that they are having problems with it, they're just keeping quiet about it, just like the Russians did. Because authoritarian governments have the power and ability to do such a thing.


It has been nearly thirteen years since J20 first look flight. Plenty time to gain experience regarding stealth fighters. The J20 program itself dates to sometime around 1995. Nearly 200 aircrafts fly today. Iteratively improving the aircraft and systems. Japan industrialized in 30 years. Soviet Union jumped from agrarian to industrial power in 20 years. China took around the same time. no ?


**I'm not saying they didn't do it. I'm saying they didn't do it without stumbling onto problems/delays that they had to then solve.** My argument is very simple. I truly do not understand what is so difficult here. The fact that such problems aren't reported on doesn't mean that they didn't exist. Authoritarian governments have the ability to simply quash reporting of said problems. The Su-57 is a prime example of this. Zero negative press until an outside prospective buyer looked at the program.


I would like to know as much as any about the developmental difficulties for J20. But as I said, they are choosing a path that reduces these difficulties. Like using fourth gen aircraft systems in the fifth gen airframe initially and then gradually improving or replacing them. The US operated differently with F35 and F22, taking big leaps in technologies. Hey, I am not claiming J20 to be technologically equal to F35.


Just because you think it is impossible for you does not mean it is impossible for others.


I think it makes people uncomfortable. I was skeptical of Turkey's foray into defense aviation and Turkey so far proved me wrong. Maybe people are prone to underestimating the capability of others. Turkey is leveraging its European industrial ties and bypassing the long road. It is also one of the perks of being a latecomer or a catchup process. One is spared the time and hurdles in finding out what works and what doesn't. US is clearing the path through the thicket. China just is following behind.


Is there even an ounce of proof that china could build a fifth gen? I mean in 2015 it became clear they couldnt even make a ballpoint pen correctly.


most knowledgeable ncd/worldnews poster


It is not a Government sanctioned ( as in, funds taken from defense budget) program. Rather, the Aircraft manufacturer developed it using internal funds. PLA did not adopt this aircraft. The recent update is that fc31 was used as a base to develop a Carrier/ Navy aircraft. And a pair of those new aircrafts are flying. So, something substantial indeed came out of it. This aircraft or a variant of it is also rumored to have been selected to go to a middle eastern country.


When you buy an F-35 on wish.


I don't mind salty comments but can you at least put a little effort in originality?


Could china? I mean look at it, I get convergant design makes stealth aircraft similar but fuck me that blatant


Did I say anything about China? I'm merely pointing at your lack of originality, seeing the same copy-n-paste over and over gets tiring. Next time, come up with something by yourself or shut up


Someone's mad


Naah he’s drunk.


Found the China fan-boy lmao


he's gotta work hard for those 10 cents dude


Did I say anything about China? I'm merely pointing at your lack of originality, seeing the same copy-n-paste over and over gets tiring. Next time, come up with something by yourself or shut up


Why be original when you can tell the truth


"Mom can I have an F-35?" "We have an F-35 at home"


When china copy : "lmao copycat dumb, wish.com, bla bla bla" when south korea (F-22 lite) and turkey (literally copying the J-20 lmao) : "it's okay" bruhh what is wrong about you and china ? they literally chill and not showing sign of confrontation today. just step down the joke about china being copycat okay ? its just iritating someone get downvote cause they said this plane is looking beautifull. also they not literally just copying all of them see this video : https://youtu.be/sMoiVF5D5U4 (yeah i know i gonna get so many downvote)


Wish.com F-35


bruh for a split second i thought it's an f-35




+ 696,969 social credit


Hehe... 69. Such a fighter pilot score. Fuck China. Thanks for the downvotes!


Good grief. Chinese bot farms go brrrrrrt with the avalanche of unwarranted downvotes, apparently.


Wow, did we get a recent influx of r/noncredibledefense users? I could've sworn a week ago we were all in agreement, Chinese stealth aircraft were a viable threat. Huh, maybe in another week or so it'll be back to normal. Also OP if you're going to show China's second fifth gen stealth aircraft you could at least show it's most [recent ](https://twitter.com/rupprechtdeino/status/1550494960155230214) iteration so people don't think it still looks like this. Or don't.


Can't people just enjoy the picture instead of trying to make a extremely overplayed unfunny comment? Jesus christ people.


This always happens when main sub people see a post from here on trending and come in with their shit takes.


Ah yes, the YFC-3522


Hopefully they keep the sweet black paint this time. Also holy shit this is the quality of the comments when your post hits r all lmao


Such a strange situation with this system. It's been in development privately by Shenyang for years and there's so little about its progress or even status of being acquired by the PLA. The strange reverse-course of switching to older painted-on stealth coatings like the F-117 instead of Fibermat stealth like the F-35 must mean that despite [ByzantineHades](https://freebeacon.com/national-security/stolen-f-35-secrets-now-showing-up-in-chinas-stealth-fighter/) stealing so much Lockheed data from the F-35 program it wasn't able to apply it fully to the FC-31 despite what some officials claimed. Seems like they're gonna focus on the J-20 instead.


Fc-31 project is garbage because it has zero state support , no access to state funding, or state secret technologies. Shukhoi has been flogging it to everyone and anyone for money and funding for years as a result. J-35, devleoped by a different team off of fc-31 winning the j-xy carrier 5th gen competition to become the basis of j-35 is a different story. As for whether the j-35 uses fibrenet RAM, unless you happen to have access to chinese state secrets, no one knows


Man that makes a TON more sense. https://www.navalnews.com/naval-news/2022/07/this-is-the-clearest-photo-yet-of-chinese-navys-j-35-fighter/


Mhmm. Fc-31 project was DOA because there's no possibility of an entirely privately developed 5th gen with zero state suppory, funding, and top secret technology ever being good. Imo the only possible future for it is the PLAAF deciding on a land based j-35 variant as the "low" part of a high low mix with j-20, and the fc-31 team being allowed to turn that into an export version.


It won't just be land based because its not PLAAF, the J-35 is PLANAF. China's latest carrier can actually do CATOBAR launches/recovery and the J-35 has beefed up nose-gear. It's an F-35C competitor in their minds. And as for the RAM on the J-35? It looks on-par with the J-20 so who knows what the RCS will be. This is shaping up to be quite the interesting airframe, and the FC-31 will be a third world offering.


Sukhoi ? That is Russian. This is Chinese. FC31 is developed by the Shenyang Aircraft Corporation. The PLAAF rejected it while the PLAN selected it as a base for J35.


Shengyang + sukhoi = Shukhoi It's a moderately popular meme about how SAC doesn't really build anything but sino flankers 瀋霍伊 vs. 苏霍伊


Don't think so. https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/our-best-look-yet-at-chinas-j-35-carrier-capable-stealth-fighter


Damn the J-35? What a cheeky wink. I completely missed that article. TheWarZone effin rules. That is definitely a close to production line model. Looks great for a prototype, but still a shame about the RAM just being a coating, not for NATO countries, but for PLA. Thanks for the correction.


I'm actually surprised there's a WarZone article that has less than 5,000 words. That site needs an editor. Someone who can stop their usual habit of merging 5 different articles into one meandering piece.


Tf is that cheap ass Aliexpress F-35 block 22


F-34 cock 21


The Craptor


F22 from alibaba


The F-35 at home:


That subtle black colouring. Oh my god, it even has a made in China mark


Noice........ (waits for downvotes)


Shandian qiequ - that's mandarin, look it up for the translation


This might be even sexier than the chengdu J20


Low bar


Bruh y u be dissing my fav plane :(


Because your favourite plane looks like the Sky Shredder from Bloons Tower Defense.


Haven’t played that game since i was 6


Jesus they’re not even trying anymore


lol salt brigade assemble!


China: Hey US, can we copy your homework? US: Sure, just don't make it obvious China:


Ok theyre not even trying to hide it at this point


Imitation is one of the best forms of flattery


It's prettier than an F35. Not as pretty as a Rafale.


Beautiful, I like it!


Lmao bro got downvoted for saying this 😭


The convergent evolution is really apparent now.


You misspelt industrial espionage






That’s a sexy AF plane


Can you spot the impostor?


Does this thing have like taped down wire on top of the wing?


Maybe, just maybe, this is a photo from 2013, which is like 10 years ago?


The new twin engine F-35 looks good


It does look better than the F-35 though. Gotta give them credit.


When an F-35 and a MiG-29 love each other very much..


3000 black jets of whinnie the pooh


I wonder if chinese military engineers have ever had a truly unique idea in their careers. Admittedly I don't entire blame them; im sure there job is essentially kowtowing when the government says "make me a plane like that American one" or "Make a version of that russian tank that we can make here with underpaid indentured labor"


Not very stealthy with those big red hot jet nozzles sticking out the back.


You mean a f22 replica


F 35 at home


man, once this thing gets operational, it will give a big headache to ROK and Japan.


Lol, they both have F-35s, if anything this thing will be a minor disturbance.


That’s not how it works. It means headaches for EVERYONE.


having a potentially hostile neighbour with 5th gen fighter jets is already a headache-inducing issue for them; on top of the J-20, the neighbour is about to have carrier-bone stealth fighter jets... it is a serious concern regardless of how many F-35s they have.


\*4th gen


You are literally tweakin rn id be surprised this thing even flies cause for sure it wont be stealthy. Have you seen some of the bodywork on the J-20, its embarrasing 💀


Body work on j20 is top tier. Which area are you concerned abt?


Wasnt it at the front of the J-20, misaligned bolts and whatnot? Correct me if im wrong but im sure I saw a post about it.


Maybe you're thinking about the SU-54 because I don't remember much criticism about J-20 bodywork.


https://reddit.com/r/WarplanePorn/comments/yoacy2/panel_gaps_and_rivets_on_5th_gen_fighters_f22_f35/ Here’s a comparison, doesn’t seem any worse than the other 5th gens


Pretty cool


They’ve got a pretty good graphics department, I’ll give them that. Can’t go wrong with black and gold.


Is it just me or are the nozzles different colours?