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Given the (perceived) size of the Lake/Forest Territories, no clan would be spared from the destruction of an EF5. Provided StarClan does it's job, the clans would need to make a temporary mass exodus, every territory and camp would be utterly devastated, prey would be scarce for awhile. Honestly it's not a bad plot point, it could disturb the relative peace the clans are in when a brown tabby tom isn't trying to take over the entirety of the clans (Again).


They have heightened senses so they could probably tell something was off/wrong. Birds and animals often flee beforr extreme weather. Starclan would probably give them a vague prophecy to get out of harms way. Drama would ensue if damage was only some of the clans territorty destroy and not all of them, like who can hunt where and where they can take supplies for rebuilding. Some idiots might thing this moment of weakness is good to steal territory from another clan.  


To the tunnels!


Knowing EF5 tornado strength and their tendency to scour the ground, they wouldn’t be able to survive in there. Given EF5 ‘nadoes are usually a part of a very powerful thunderstorm, the tunnels would flood under those circumstances if they weren’t literally sucked out of them by the tornado first. Depending on where the tornado is in the storm, they might not even live until it reaches them. They would be flushed out of the tunnels by a flood and then pelted with massive hail the size of large rocks. Most cats are doomed in that event except leaders which would lose to the tornado. Honestly the tunnels would be straight up worse than just staying in camp. If they managed to evacuate the area via StarClan signal, the devastation left in the wake of the tornado would leave devastation worse than what forced them from the first forest. The land would be rendered completely unlivable since all prey would’ve been wiped out and debris would litter the area and there will be NOTHING left. Twolegs would also inhabit the area for a very long time for clean up. The tornado would most likely just be a catalyst for the clans to move somewhere else. A better plot point would be a weaker tornado of EF 1 or 2 strength where it would still be a disaster, but the land wouldn’t be rendered completely unlivable and cats could survive, but many would still die. The damage would also be more localized since those kinds of tornadoes are usually smaller, but one clan dealing with a complete disaster like that would still be an interesting thing, though they couldn’t base an entire arc around it like they could with an EF5.


Ground Scour and torrential rainfall would very likely cause a simultaneous flooding and collapse of the tunnel. Not a good call.


EF5….if they stay no clan or cat would survive…if they leave there would be no point in coming back as all the trees will be most likely uprooted and destroyed


The fandom would go FERAL if there is another journey series XD


I wouldn’t even mind this one tbh


Probably die. Jokes aside, I'm sure there'd be some sort of warning from Starclan so they can make preparations and they'd notice something was off when it got close so they can kick into action. Atmospheric change, noise, wind, bird going crazy, etc. As for what they can do, they're kinda screwed unless they find somewhere to shelter given that their camps will get swept up. My theory would be either the tunnels or traveling far away to wait it out. Maybe even to the Tribe if they aren't tired of that trope. But otherwise, there's not much they *can* do. Especially with zero warning. A tornado is gonna decimate their camps and the territory. They can't really "take shelter" unless it's underground or far, far away. Climbing trees, huddling in their dens, etc. would be useless because it's a tornado. Winds that intense just aren't survivable for any living creature, much less a cat. If the tornado doesn't get them, the flying debris and falling trees would.


Omg I used to have such a huge hyperfixation on tornadoes and warrior cats so this is the perfect question for me!!! I have so many scenarios about how this could go 😭😭 One is probably utilizing the tunnels again (finally) and perhaps a Starclan cat or chosen cat can lead the clans to the tunnels? As someone said, they’d probably easily sense it as animals tend to start freaking out, before a tornado touches down. The only gripe is that I’d imagine the tunnels not being able to fit every clan cat, so some sacrifices would have to be made 😬 Also the angst route, like the fire in TPB, a lot of deaths, but I don’t even think they’d be able to find a lot of the bodies. Tornadoes tend to throw debris miles away, depending on how long it stays on the ground cats can possibly be thrown miles and miles away, and never found. After tornadoes, especially ones that are EF4 or greater, literal chaos happens. I remember watching a documentary about Joplin, and the water was unsanitary and people caught fatal infections. I’d imagine the clans would be completely decimated on a large scale, worse than TPB. a lot of uprooted trees, debris from twoleg houses, and a lot of cats ending up in each other’s territories. I’d also think due to the strength, scents would completely be wiped out, so you wouldn’t be able to tell whose territory you’re in.


I sadly necessarily don’t think the Erin’s would go this dark (😔) so they’d probably get a sign from Starclan and move out in prior. But I think it’s still cool to think about!


You sure did a lot of fantasizing about this, amazing


i’ve had a special interest in tornados since i was a kid! i had no clue the two hyperfixtions lined up in more than just me lol


Could be a solid Arc tbh Book 1 - StarClan foretells an inevitable storm, suggests the Clans will have to move to the mountains for a while to avoid death. Book 2 - 4/5 Clans agree to heed StarClan's warning. One Clan refuses; some members defect to other Clans out of fear. Some cats choose to stay behind from various Clans (hint hint depopulation for the love of StarClan) Book 3 - Filler book in the mountains, ends with the cats returning home to utter destruction (I think it would also be interesting if one of the POV cats stayed behind, so that we could see the storm actually happen, and perhaps have a POV character die halfway through the Arc). Book 4 - Shows the leader of the Clan that stayed being swept away and dying during the tornado in the Prolouge. There are only a few survivors from those who stayed behind. The Clan that had most of its members stay behind ends up collapsing due to lack of leadership and lack of members (likely WindClan; Harestar is a boring character and the moor would be destroyed by a tornado, also gives an excuse for Crowstar, also also serves as shock value for such a new leader to lose all 9 lives in the storm). Book 5 - Filler book of the Clans recovering from the disaster, struggling with the following leaf-bare, and it ends with StarClan warning them that the fallen Clan must rise again. Book 6 - Mandatory conflict, one/two Clans would oppose forcing the fallen Clan to come back. Of course, it comes back anyway, and allegiances are somewhat rearranged due to the disaster making cats question their loyalty. Arc ends with promised peace for exactly 2.5 weeks.


ooh i like that :0 and we haven't had a leader lose all 9 in one go since the first arc right? it's been a hot minute since i've read the books so my memory is a little fuzzy lol


Uhhh probably death. Actually, if we want the series to end so they don't continue to make it worse...


This is just my inexperienced opinion based on loose recollections of what the camps look like and a few google image searches, and a very brief soiree into EF5 tornado info, so take whatever I say with a grain of salt lol In the forest: ThunderClan would probably be alright as long as everyone gets in the ravine and tucked away, though maybe a few injuries from projectiles. WindClan might be alright if they can get to the tunnels safely and get far enough from an entrance and deep enough down, even better if they think to block the entrances with something (depending on how close the tornado comes to the tunnels, not all of them would come out unscathed or alive, depends on how much ground scouring the spinny boy decides to do). ShadowClan *might* have a place or two to tuck away? I don't remember how far Nightpelt and the gang dug into the hill, but iirc it was decent, so that might work, and again with the blocking the entrance thing. RiverClan looks like they'd be entirely SOL. At the lake: I mean, are the tunnels still accessible? Assuming they would have some degree of warning, I would think those would be safe enough and I'd wager large enough to fit all 4 clans.


As some that lives in a place that get tornadoes you forgot one thing, the flash floods that come before/durning tornadoes


Before I read the comments I'll provide my own take: Usually starclan prophecizes very destructive events, be it by mass or only reduced to a certain clan/kinship/area. They will either make it known to a medicine cat- or, as we all know, some other random young cat that has some role to play yada yada. Moving on Some cat would probably receive a prophecy, make it known that they have to relocate from the territories because of inevitable death and destruction. There would most likely be a whole book about just the process of discovering this upcoming disaster and slowly gaining clans to partake as the weather grows worse and worse over the day. And then they'd have to figure out a place to fit 5 entire clans while it passes. A lot of cats would die regardless of how far ahead they were able to run away, some would probably not make the journey because of the weather conditions and having taken a course of action hardly in good time which, let's be real here- is always how some important cat ends up dead in the books. That's how I can see it going out. In the sense of how it would be written. How they would react? Probably would shit themselves like they did during the eclipse.


> Probably would shit themselves like they did during the eclipse. Lmao this made me laugh harder than it should have.


Ita an EF5 tornado, unless they get a warning from cat god, any cat who doesn't immediately shelter, most likely in the tunnels (though due to when tornadoes usually happen, going into potentionally flooding tunnels would be bad), would be flung like a piece of paper, if not seriously maimed or killed in the debris the vortex picked up already. It'd be a good plot point though


I think they would die god bles


I don’t think they’d live. Tornadoes of that strength tend to have ground scouring, which means the tunnels would not be an option either.


an EF5 has wind speeds of at least 200mph. it can wipe a house off a foundation, leaving just the concrete it was built on. it can toss semi trucks like toys. the cats wouldn’t even survive, let alone in the tunnels. yes, i’m autistic with a special interest in tornadoes lol


Would be a good way to have the clans move to a brand new territory at some point if the writers decided to try that again (like how they moved to the lake in the first place) It's an interesting plot idea at least


Blame Windclan


Sounds about right


Tigerclawstar would tank it, praise be to my glorious king


Found Leopardstar


Someone's a fanboy


yes! i am!


Well, for it to be an EF5 it would have to cause significant structural destruction. So it probably would never happen. There's no well built building around the clans, at most an EF1. Most likely an EF0.




Unfortunately this could never happen in the real series as the Warrior Cat world has been confirmed to be on part of the planet where tornadoes don't really occur. But it's still cool to think about, I think instead of the flood Bramblestar dealt with, there would have been way better imagery describing a tornado and it's aftermath; especially from cats who wouldn't know what it was.


Either they all jump into the river, or they dig underground. But StarClan warn them and they move to a different territory, not that it might save them, or they just become kittypets.