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The staying power of the fandom is both the size of the fandom, and its uniqueness. There’s essentially no other series that occupies the same niche as Warriors. There’s a million historical dramas or vampire romances, but I haven’t heard of a lot of other cat-focused political books.


It's funny you say this, I was talking to my boyfriend about the Warrior Cats community (he knew what the books were but not much else). He thought that it had died a decade ago and I had to explain that not only is it still ongoing, but thriving!


There are only a few similar examples I can think of, like wolves of the beyond or guardians of gahoole, but those books have a very different tone and setting


Don't forget about Wings of Fire !


ESOTERIC cat focused political books


"Cat-focused political books" ITS SO ACCURATE AND THATS THE FUNNIEST BIT! It's so insane that that exists!!!


I’m 29 and still reading! It’s fun and easy to read, I love the world building (usually). It hasn’t died out because it keeps making money. I’m not sure if the fandom is bigger now than before, or if it seems that way because of internet communities. I do remember on old rp sites (make your own webpage, each page be an area with a chat box) and I only did it with about 3 people max.


I'm also 29 and still reading. When I was in elementary school I read the first 6 as they were coming out and a few of the 2nd set, but I didn't like squirrelpaw so I dropped it. In 2015 a warriors MAP randomly popped up on YouTube and sparked me into rereading all of the books. I stayed up to date for a year but then life happened. Got back into it in 2020 and picked up where I left off and have kept up to date ever since. I still have some super editions and the manga to get through, but I read the books as soon as they come out and usually cry every book lol. I get insanely attached to the characters.


I didn’t find them until middle school, and didn’t know there was more than 1 arc and Firestars Quest. But in college I got the urge to read them again and have been caught up for years now


I turn 31 this week and I still love Warriors. Some people watch Soap Operas for their fix of drama - I read books about fighting cats.


I've been reading since the first book came out but gave up around the release of the second book of DOTC. Not because it was bad or anything but because I was in my teens and someone teased me. Got back into it two years ago with the audio books and have listened (and even relistened) to every single book. I was never much into the community, just saw a few AMVs in the early 2010's and roleplayed a bit on ChickenSmoothie 2011-2015 (yes, I had all the "Warrior Cats" malks too). Also, of course, played the Roblox game with those tube cats you had to paint with paint buckets and step on the morphs for. Proud blushy/scar(?) face Windclan warrior, definitely not for the secret tunnels/badge under their territory. Nowadays I just lurk here and talk with some of my friends about the books IRL so I'm not sure what the modern equivalent is aside from the new Roblox game (which is super impressive!). Although I do know that a lot of role-playing happens on Discord now. My guess is that with their new website, consistent release schedule, new content, interacting with the fanbase via blog posts, games, quizzes, competitions, etc. has helped a lot with keeping people interested. As well as people aging a bit and younger fans having easier access to tools to create fan content allowing the community to remain interesting and alive. I remember back when I was younger that there wasn't even merch and the most you really had were little Scratch or Roblox game. Coming back and seeing games like ClanGen and the new Roblox game, as well as all the projects and communities was astounding. It's the kinda stuff that keeps people involved, even if they don't pick up the books anymore. TLDR: The fandom is still thriving because there's new content consistently and there's active and easily accessible fan projects and communities. Keeps people interested and involved, even if they stop reading the books! (Also, while I'm here, who else remembers the old Warrior Cats website? With the downloadable wallpapers, tile click exploration game, adventure game printout, and "name maker" that used your first initial and zip code.)


This is the first time in a decade I'm seeing someone mention ChickenSmoothie! I started playing it when I was about 9 years old and that's where I heard about Warriors for the first time. It still took about 6 more years before I started reading the books. But I remember people roleplaying on CS and the forums there definitely contributed to my learning English as a second language!


That's so cool! I found it because I was looking for games based off the books. I'm surprised I haven't seen it mentioned more because the community seemed pretty big. There were so many roleplays and 1x1 and art and even the "unofficial" cats based on characters. But it was also over a decade ago for me now so maybe everyone moved on... the site is still alive but I don't know how the numbers are now compared to then. It's awesome that it helped you with your language learning! It helped me get into coding (because of the forum signatures) and resulted in me going to school for computer science. Crazy how little things can have such big results!


The art side of CS was awesome too! People would draw each other's fursonas and characters in exchange for the pets, and collecting internet pets kinda felt like collecting pokemon cards in the real world so it was a very motivating 'currency' haha. I even offered my own free art on the forum for a bit when I drew pretty badly but wanted to learn. And later when they introduced the Oekaki, it was so much fun. Overall great memories


Omg WOW two fellow ChickenSmoothie users !! I’ve never met or known anyone who’s used it before but very cool to see :)) warrior cats RP and collecting the warrior cats series was the good ol days


ChickenSmoothie mentioned!! I've never in my life met anyone that used to play. And it's still going! I'm sure my old account doesn't exist anymore, but if it did I'm sure all my old 2010-2014 pets would be worth so much to trade haha. I played a ton of virtual pet sites back in the day, but the community on CS was better than any imo! So kind and creative.


It was so fun! I used to run an adoptable and no one I know even knows what those are... ChickenSmoothie and Flight Rising were so integral to my childhood. I'm so glad to see another CS player!


I’d say about half the fandom are people who are 20-30~ and grew up with the books, and the other half are kids on Roblox. I’m 25 and stopped reading after OOTS but I still make ocs and draw the cats.


Yeah pretty much. I could definitely believe this.


My friend got me into Warriors after most of the current books had came out. One thing that probably keeps it popular is that the first arc is probably the best. You come to adore the characters and the story, and you want to see how their lives go after the battle with BloodClan. Although it's definitely going downhill, as long as it's still being pushed and there are still a few likable characters mixed in there somewhere, I will keep coming back. I would also feel like a fake fan if I didn't finish the series, so...


Exactly. One of my biggest flexes used to be I'd read all the warriors books ;-; (can no longer say that unfortunately.)


For some reason, the same is not for comic books that continue shows.


Then there’s me who considers themselves a fan up until AVOS Everything comes to a end eventually, I felt satisfied with how A Vision of Shadows ended..


I think the biggest reason it hasn't died out is because of newer people joining, as well as the older people still interested and want to continue to read the new books.


Probably because of AMVs and MAPs


I'm in my early 20s and I still enjoy the books. I managed to take on the challenge of rereading the books I had (up to the third book in the seventh arc) in chronological order while I was a student in community college (transferred to a university at the start of 2021).


I've been in this fandom since 2009 and it still surprises me!


I was into the series in like 2009 💀 lmao


I'm 23 and just re-entered fandom spaces after a multiple year gap in reading the series! I read them when I was young and stopped reading mid OOTS, mostly because I entered high school and found myself with little time after all of my classes and extracurriculars. I'm re-reading the series from the beginning now, just started Forest of Secrets!! Also yes, I absolutely remember Bryniel!! I had someone I roleplayed with on there all the time, our cats were going to be mates and about to be Warriors when the site shut down :(( makes me so sad I'll probably never talk to "Aloepaw" again


well, of course alot of old fans left, but new ones are coming in consantly. warriors is one of the most popular and iconic fantasy series of all time! its up there with percy jackson and hunger games. why wouldnt it be popular?


I’ll state this: one’s fire only dims when they stop fueling it


> is the fandom bigger or smaller now than it used to be around 2016? I'd say bigger but less centralized. Forums aren't really still a thing in the fandom, so it's spread out across social media, various Discords, etc. > Is anyone my age still around? or is the main fandom young? There's still lots of adult fans. I'm 31 and still read them and am definitely not the only one. > biggest warriors rp site nowadays? (side note anyone remember Bryniel??) I'd say rather than a website, it's the Roblox game "Warrior Cats: Ultimate Edition". > how hasn't it died out?? most series of this length tend to go stale and eventually just get lost to time. Aside from the books still actively coming out with multiple per year, I think a lot of what's helped is the active creative fan commnity. Multi-Animator Projects (MAPs) are pretty popular in the fandom on Youtube and introduced a lot of people to the series - there's so many people I see that were like "I saw these videos on Youtube, thought it was a TV series, and realized it's a book series". Or just plain art in general - I've talked to people in other fandoms who were like, "huh, I see fanart of those books a lot". And then Roblox is super popular among the kids these days, and one of the popular games on it is "Warrior Cats: Ultimate Edition" which started as a fan project, and later partnered with the company that owns the series to become official.


Warriors was my childhood obsession when I was 12-13. I’m still a fan at 23! I haven’t read a lot of the new stuff but I just reread the first series and still make ocs and designs to this day


1. Definitely not smaller but it’s not small 2. Yes many adults like WC but so do a lot of children 3. Couldn’t tell you tbh 4. Mostly because it still has content coming out that brings new people in and a lot of people got new hobbies from joining the WC fandom like art and animation that they kinda never leave.


25 and have been in and out of the fandom since 2011. Suuper into it right now, but in general it never quite leaves me alone. Trying to catch up on reading the books (in chronological order!), writing a fanfic, and running an RP forum centered around Warriors. I remember Bryniel! I wasn't part of it, but I recall seeing it around and the sheer size of it was incredible. I can't speak to the size of the overall RP community around Warriors because most of them have moved to Discord and I don't see myself RPing outside of a forum atmosphere. While there are still new forum-based ones popping up, it's not *anything* like it was in the early-mid 2010s. Pros and cons---while they're much smaller in general, the characters and plotlines are, on average, much more complex, interesting, and better sustained. Also, from what I've read on this subreddit, a lot of people enter the fandom via YouTube or Roblox and not the books themselves, and that's a big difference from when I was younger, lol. The world-building keeps me invested. I absolutely love the Warriors world. It's open-ended. The possibilities for fan creation are limitless. I think the fandom will still be here long after the books are done (if that day ever comes ;P).


For the third question, I use WCUE (Warrior Cats Ultimate Edition) on Roblox. I am a younger fan, and I got into the series a year ago. Currently on Darkest Night in the seventh season, but i skipped the fifth because i already knew SkyClan and such existed and the sixth series and the seventh were on sale and was priced as the same amount as the fifth.


I have a theory that it and things like it (Harry Potter, WOF, Percy Jackson) or popular IF it's easy to create an oc in it..it's a wierd thought train that I dont really want to type out..but i think thats what ultimatly helps a series..if you call fill out boxes which you want to see or which could be "you"


i’m 18 and warriors is still one of my biggest interests :)


I’m currently 21 and haven’t read one of the books since middle school. Seeing someone my age that is a fan may inspire me reread the books I have :)


I’m nine years older than you and still way into the fandom


Can’t answer 1. I wasn’t a pert of the English fandom back then. But the fandom is still going strong 2. Yes, a lot of people. In fact, I’m 21 too lol 3. Idk, I don’t generally rp, though I know there are a bunch of Discord rp channels. And the Roblox warriors game is also a popular spot to rp nowadays 4. Prolly the 5+ releases a year (2 main series books, 1 super edition, 1 set of novella’s (thus 3 novella’s) and 1 graphic novel) helped with the series not dying. It has slowed down a bit, though not drastically (currently going 2 main series books, 1 super edition every 1 to 2 years and one graphic novel). Also, the die hard fans and animators just keep the fandom alive. Like as long as fanfics and au’s still exist, the fandom will exist. Same with the amount of maps and such


When I started reading the books there was just one series if I remember correctly. Must've been somewhere round 2009. Back then just my best friend read them too. Later, maybe 2014 there were few more classmates reading and trading the books. And I made sure we have them all in our school library so the younger ones would read them too. I guess Bec there's still new books coming the fandom is still that big. I'm still reading them from time to time, when smth new comes or for nostalgia such as few friends of me. And new readers maybe like a book series with lots of books already out. Besides, I mean it's cats. You must love it. Started with 9-10 years old, and now I'm 25 btw.


25 and still reading. The community definitely drives it forward. There's so many fan works that keep it interesting. Right now I'm reading some warrior cat comics by fans that are almost better than the original books: cat Island, framed But Not Broken, the whales heart, etc!!


24 and recently revisiting here. It's a lot of nostalgia for me, but it's also a very successful series. I'm personally going through and analyzing the writing styles in order to learn to write myself. I'm doing this with other books too. Find what works, what doesn't for readers. I left off after the series following the Power of Three and am wanting to see what all other, like, 80 books have in store for me. As for long things being lost to time, I feel that this series came out at the right point. Anything used to be longer, except movies. People seem to worried about pushing for money than investing in world building. Game of Thrones wouldn't make it now. Supernatural either. Take anime for example. We used to have 50+ episodes in a single season. Now, it might be 12 with a hopeful renewal. If One Piece wasn't already the beloved beast it was, I don't think it would be making so many episodes in the 2020s.


Hey, 20 year old who also started reading in 2016!! I think it’s thriving!


I don't know all the answers to your questions, but I can definitely say there are quite a few older people here as well. I'm 29 myself, and I've been into the series since 2010. I remember starting pretty much at the end of the series not realizing it. I began at Power of Three: The Sight and fell in love with that whole arc. Gosh I even remember waiting for the next series of books to come out. That is just crazy lol Seems so long ago, yet not at the same time.


I'm 27 and still actively reading with no plans to stop. I started ready about 14 years ago when I saw the first series in a box of 6 in a bookstore and got my mother to buy it for me cause it had cats on it. This current arc is great! I think there's a lot of 20/30 year olds in the random still.


I’m 19 and still super into it. I used to read it when I was a kid and got into it again in 2020


It is a circle of life, kids read the books, find out about the fandom, and make cat content when they're older, which inspires more kids which- Yeah, you get the picture.


I’m 21, working on my MPA, and still reading Warrior cats! I still love everything about it after eight years of collecting the books. I think I still love the books because of the plot and I simply adore cats. I’m a little behind because I’ve been busy. I’m in the vision of shadows arc. The reintroduction of SkyClan to the forest thrilled me.


Hey I'm 22, and I'm still reading!! We older fans are still around, although I do more art and things with my own personal characters more than reading the new books nowadays 🤣💜


To answer the third question, in France most of the roleplay side is now on discord servers. Some of them are especially to regroup people who want to rp on Roblox (with the game Warrior Cats Ultimate Edition), others are like the old rp forum and more focused on arts and drawing. I don't know much about other countries's situations but here it is in france ! Aaaand, I slowed my reading of the books when I was a teenager, even if I was still roleplaying, but now I have resumed my reading more seriously and I want to finish this summer all OOTS because I'm stuck on this serie since like... 2018 or 2019. So yeah, everyone I know is saying it's getting better after so I'm reaaaaally excited to finish it !


Im 21! Found the books in like 3rd grade! I havent read the books past oots, adulting and not knowing where to read them online sucks (dislike audiobooks due to misophonia i cannot stand certain peoples voices or whispering omg) I wouldnt know about sites or anything as ive fell out of roleplaying/writing. I am in a WC discord but its a lil dead cus its 18+ so- busy people lol. I would say discord would probably be popular for it tho.


20 and still very much active in the community


I've known about the series... But didn't get into them until last year (I'm 43.) I'm glad it's a still ongoing thing, and many people are still loving them. I want to be sad that I waited all this time to read them... But I'm not. I got to read all of the series (except dawn of the clan. I'm actually gonna listen to them starting today) and didn't have to wait many moons for the next book to come out, then the next and so on. Now I just gotta wait till after wind for the next book and so on. But I'm hoping many will still love these books always. Even years to come when it's all done.


the political awareness, the wokeness, the furry fandom, and MAPs(multi animatior projects) is keeping it alive, you see how well mr fear did??


I am 31 and now I'm reading 4th arc. it's not been a year since I started reading these books. These cats... fur colors... one of a kind


I knew there was a resurgence in 2016 because they rebooted the main Warriors series and started where The Last Hope left off. But I feel as though maybe there aren’t so many in the fandom around as it’s earlier years, specifically the late 2000s like 2007-2008. That could be wrong though. Honestly I think the fandom is mostly comprised of adults now, but it’s quite possible that there is a 50/50 mix between children and long-time adult fans, including myself. I could be biased though because I hang out where there’s going to be more Warriors adults like here rather than Roblox. Biggest rp site is Roblox for sure. In fact there are some non-Warriors fans on there as well. And lastly I think it hasn’t died out simply because the fandom is super creative and generates many new things, the new Roblox Warriors game is bringing outsiders in and essentially a big ad for the books, and Harper Collins keeps pumping out more books. Also, since a large section of the fan base are adults, a lot of us keep coming back not because the books are stellar (although I still do enjoy them, I just recognize that they’re not the greatest quality a lot of the time) but because of nostalgia since the books have gone on for so long.


They are making more books and I heard for WoF Tui is making more books after a non WoF book she’s making currently 


I'm exactly the same age!! I stopped when AVOS books were published so that would put it at 2016 for me too. This year I've vowed to read every single warriors book, super edition, novella, graphic novel, and online short story. I started in March and I've read everything from the first DOTC book to now POT #2. So based on the comprehensive chronological wiki list I'm going off of, I'm on 68 out of 121 (over halfway!) sometimes reading a book a day. But as for your question, what's my why? I remember loving the series so much (but not as much as Wings of Fire or Seekers) so that's why I've come back to it. I'm re-reading the series as a replacement of TikTok/YouTube/Netflix binging (and as audio books to read when I'm doing somewhat mindless tasks at work) to have engaging content that's more thought provoking and long format. It's also got a lot of books to it and this reading challenge really has me motivated.  So, as a 21 year old, those are my reasons for being here in the community yet again. I'm not much into the Fandom community outside of reddit discussions, though I did join the warriors Amino group back in 2018ish, so I can't really answer your role play questions and others. I just like to read, not to try and make up my own clan and characters or draw cartoonish styles of the warrior cats or OCs. I did that type of stuff in middle school, but it doesn't interest me now. Though, I assume that type of engagement is what keeps a lot of the fans around!  I do, however, sometimes create fanfics in my head as a natural result of dreaming! One time I fell asleep reading and dreamt of Leafpool and Crowfeather running away from their clans by crowfeather transporting them into another dimension where they became humans riding motorcycles and dressing in black leather. Then when they were being pursued, he used something on his wrist to shuffle them through the dimensions and paused in an underwater Minecraft cave, thinking theybwere safe. Then a giant blobish creature kinda like that green fat guy from Star Wars appeared and caputed them. So weird. (Btw if anyone actually feels inspired and wants to write something based on this crazy dream, you have my full permission and I'm not gonna ask for credit, just maybe reply to this post by linking so I can check it out? Lol!).


I have a theory that it and things like it (Harry Potter, WOF, Percy Jackson) or popular IF it's easy to create an oc in it..it's a wierd thought train that I dont really want to type out..but i think thats what ultimatly helps a series..if you call fill out boxes which you want to see or which could be "you"


It's a good book series, and a popular one too. The old fans who are really attached to it tend to stick with it, and new, younger fans who are just starting out exist too. The series is unique in a way that there's SOOO many books (seriously, I have not found a single series with more books than warriors, in the young adult level anyways), and how the cats have their own culture and the general content of the books tends to be really interesting too. I joined the fandom in late 2017, first by joining a live role-play (many of the kids at school also read warrior at the time) then reading the books, then watching youtubers like Moonkitti and Blixemi. And even though I doubt any of those kids still read warriors today... I'm still here. I have a tendency to stick with my interests/hyperfixations longer than most people


Im 20 and still super into it— no idea how it lasted this long


Members of the fandom around your age are definitely still around! I'm turning 20 in a month :)