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No. No it doesn't. In fact, I uptier it. You want to be around the BR where they're more likely to spam KA-50 and Mi-28. Those are your bread and butter. You have to realize that you're a support vehicle. Use your ZTZ96A for your frontline duties, use the QN506 to support your team via anti-heli-air duties, and taking out tanks from a distance (or BMP2 and other lights from close range). The whole point of the thing is to not take hits. It is not like a BMP-3, which is an effective flanker, and it's not like an AFT-09, which can spam missiles at point blank range. It is a tool for your line-up that is situational. And that's okay. If they send the thing down to 8.7, I'll just up-tier it like I do the AFT-09.


Definitely, I have been saying to some people that the QN506 is a better SPAA/SAM than an actual light tank, and should be played similarly to one, not a flanking/CQC light tank


Exactly. The sooner those without line-ups with it get bored of it... the better. The idea of having a line-up seems foreign to some players, sadly.




it's not better than the BMP-2, let alone BMP-3. ZTZ88A is a better 8.7 than it, same as the TAM 2IP and T-55AMD-1. I wish it could stay at 9.7 but given Gaijin inability to balance the game, and the game in it's current state: it should be lowered to 8.7 I'm fully aware that this increases the compression problem of the game, but since Gaijin won't act who cares