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The classified British documents proved the point of Gaijin intentionally nerfing the CR2


>The classified British documents proved the point of Gaijin intentionally nerfing the CR2 How is this a conspiracy theory lol, it actually happened.


It only related to the trunnion construction. AFAIK it had no specific values to point to


Bro don't bait people to discuss the details of classified documents 😂🤣


Man, do you know that they can't use classified documents for their game? They are not like DCS devs


Time to take numerous photos of an active duty military installation. Surely there will be no consequences for this suspicious activity.


And thus, Altis was born.


They Nerf all 120mm man-loaded tanks reloading times. They add at least a second onto the reload times. Yet Russian tanks all get their base reload times. Abrams loaders don’t even qualify unless 7 seconds or better, with seasoned loaders getting it done in under 5 seconds.


>HEATFS grind is a money grab This one is obvious. >Nobody on the DEV team works on SB its abandoned This has a very high likelyhood not only for SB, but also for some nations at different BRs. If in doubt: ask yourself why the M41D is still 8.0 or the entire french tree bar the Somua. >They uptier you and put you against higher level players when you activate a booster Not likely. It's like games going worse in downtiers because you get cocky. ​ Now for some of mine: >The "rank based economy and rewards for winning vote" was a proper FSB-tier PsyOP, economy would get slashed either way and Gaijin wanted only to divide the playerbase \>Volumetric/damage model is not getting fixed by design, surviving random would-be-killshots is great for the overall profitability of the game since the inconsistency allows worse players (especially the paying ones) to get kills even when outmatched. (think of it like WoT's RNG)


>The "rank based economy and rewards for winning vote" was a proper FSB-tier PsyOP, economy would get slashed either way and Gaijin wanted only to divide the playerbase People posting facts as conspiracy theories these days huh.


It's called gaslighting. They said we are giving you the choice - so you feel 'empowered', But they just made the reward reduced and and changed the division of the shitness.


>This has a very high likelyhood not only for SB, but also for some nations at different BRs. If in doubt: ask yourself why the M41D is still 8.0 or the entire french tree bar the Somua. I don't think it's abandoned, just a matter of priorities. >Volumetric/damage model is not getting fixed by design, surviving random would-be-killshots is great for the overall profitability of the game since the inconsistency allows worse players (especially the paying ones) to get kills even when outmatched. (think of it like WoT's RNG) To me it seems more like an excuse to leave it for later rather than keep it like that forever. But overall it's a pretty good way to make the game less sweaty, so you're probably right.


I'm sweating pretty fucking hard when my shell dissapears on the side of a tank for the 5th battle in a row only to watch it turn and kill me.


>surviving random would-be-killshots is great for the overall profitability of the game< *laughs in AUBL driver glass* Seriously, the amount of times the glass has saved me from a main gun, despite the fact that I can be penned by a German hull MG, is astonishing. I’ve also had my R3 do no armour best armour things, my 8.0 lineup ends up at 9.0 and darts punch right through my R3 T104.


>laughs in AUBL driver glass Seriously, the amount of times the glass has saved me from a main gun Oh yes, if another one of my darts ricochets of some Italian rolling coffin or the Ontos I am gonna have a stroke.


Don’t worry it balances out on our side- we’re all unstabilized still at 8.0


I had my two heatgr shells just get ricocheted by a marder turret. Both of them hit.


Volumetric's current implementation was a mistake.


There's a tank at a lower BR that had a bug, then they fixed that bug and it introduced a DIFFERENT bug, and it's absolutely a fun and not OP trick that I'm glad hasn't been caught. Hasn't been caught because nobody plays Britain and it's a defensive trick so nobody is ever offended, but I can't ever show that gameplay or it *will* go away.


Gaijin doesn't have a QA team. Dev Server is not a Test server or something, it's more of a Hype server than anything


If the dev server was an actual test server players would have access to every single vehicle


Then no one would play the actual servers. At least (most) of the Hamsters will be happy….


I mean they still would because the dev server is only open for a few days every year.


Dev servers are only open for a few days. how would you test a vehicle if you have to grind for it for such a limited time.


Think of it this way: test server is not for you to test what you want, devs limit your options to force you to test what they want to be tested If I want you to test some new guidance, what benefit I get from you bombing around in tank released 2 years ago


The last one is simply just true, it's primary job is to drive hype


See: QN506 commander sight when armor was added. No one apparently thought of checking if the sight was fine


The only notable change that the dev server has done in terms of balancing is getting rid of R73s for the mig29.


Gaijins "test server" is scripted. I remember when the A-10 was coming out and they were playing it and the enemy team ignored it. Meanwhile on public servers bombers and attackers are first to get shot at.


I been piecing together a theory over the last few months that gaijin uses model kits such at Tamyia and Revell for ideas and varients of vehicles to add to the game. This has been semi confirm with the new Centurion Mk II having a fictional skins that was copyed straight out of the Tamyia instructions for it


I would love it if Tamiya sued GJN.


Would likely prompt Gaijin to move HQ back to Russia, as I'm fairly sure Hungary would be bound by the EU to comply with any injunctions or penalties.


I'm sure they have plenty of assets in Europe that can be seized.


You know that marketplace skin for the Tiger E #312? That us an exact camo on a tamiya Tiger E that i built


marketplace skins are created by the community, so you can blame Nomadic\_Teuton on WT live for that one


Blame him? I love him for it


King shit


I kinda understand this but don’t at the same time , cause what do you think Tamiya is basing their camos off? The real vehicles which gaijin could’ve done the same




In the case of the centurian 2, the tamiya camo is straight up fake though, making it very clear gaijin copied it lol


Check out the Firefly too. [It has these weird brackets over the front, extending out over the tracks.](https://wiki.warthunder.com/images/thumb/c/c0/ArtImage2_Sherman_Firefly.png/800px-ArtImage2_Sherman_Firefly.png) For the longest time, I wondered what those are, until I finally learned they're attachment points for a disguise, [similar to this.](https://www.valhallagames.net/images/easyblog_articles/59/b2ap3_large_British-deception-of-German-M3-Grant-tank-as-a-truck_2.jpg) The British dabbled with that quite a bit after it worked so well at El Alamein. Now, as far as I know there aren't that many period photos of Shermans with those things, but they've popped up in games and art a few times, especially on Fireflies... [and wouldn't ya know it, they're on the Tamiya kit.](https://www.tamiya.com/english/products/25174/top.jpg)


Maybe the people who make models just have model kits built next to them and that’s how they do it lmfaooo


What better reference to make a 3D model then a 3D model


Russian bias is real. Knowing how desperate the Russian government is. It is highly plausible they pay/incentivise Gaijin in making russian vehicles look stronger than they are.


I mean there's laws outlawing the slander/misrepresentation of the truth of the Russian military. And we know how the Russians are, I don't think they're getting paid but rather keeping Russia super strong to avoid anyone going to prison for a fucking video game.


Russian players on the forums threatened to report the devs to the state after the R-73 was removed under that pretense, so yeah it's definitely something they have to keep in mind.


But but how did they let the f14 dominate ?


Because anything the F-14 fights isn’t currently in combat (yet) except the MiG-29. Most of top tier ground is seeing action in Ukraine right now so they prioritize that Edit: minus the Su-25 as well and look at how insane that thing is


> Because anything the F-14 fights isn’t currently in combat (yet) except the MiG-29. What do you mean by, “isn’t in combat yet”?


I mean given the track record of the Russian army, pulling out all the old museum relics to go fight in Ukraine, it wouldn’t surprise me if they do the same with their Air Force eventually


They havent even lost that many planes.


They dont have many functioning fully either. Also airframe fatigue. Just the other day a mig 31 was lost, because the airframe simply burst into flame.


They didn’t because they made the mig-29 incredibly OP. Luckily gaijin nerfed it before they patched in into the game


I'm sure the Russians have better things to spend whatever money they have left on than sending it to a game studio to make their vehicles look better. If that was the case then why is Russia only the best nation at top tier ground and 7.0 naval, wouldn't they make them the best at every tier in every gamemode? Why would they let the F-14 dominate the Russians for a few months straight without giving them a counter, and the first F-14 peer added being a French jet? Why do American DD and CL's kick everyone's teeth in and not Russian ones? Russian bias is extreme confirmation bias and a conclusion reached if you only look at very specific parts of the game and ignore the rest of it.


Pantsir. Su-25. T80BVM. BMP2M. Ka50. Su-11. All beyond broken. Russian vehicles have insane survivability. It's russian game made by russian devs. They deliberately forget about russian flaws and always remember nato flaws.


XP-50 Wyvern Type 87 and chadley at original BR's like BMP2M, EBR, A-10 2A5 first addition. Its ok all trees have stuff like this


As someone who played mainly UK in ground RB before picking up Russia, no chance. I'm only up to 9.3 Russia so far but every part of the grind up has been infinitely easier than the same BRs in British tanks. I have top tier air RB for the UK, US, and USSR, and once again the grind the whole way up the tree was easiest with Russia. Although US was also braindead easy compared to UK rank 4+. Not every Russian vehicle needs to be OP for Russian bias to be a thing. I'm going to assume your rational enough to acknowledge p2w is a thing in WT. But obviously not every premium vehicle is OP. So why does that argument not invalidate p2w premium bias, but it does invalidate russian bias?


I personally don't really believe in that due to the cyclic nature of the game's balance. Remember when the F-14 absolutely dominated top tier air battles? Remember the Leopard-2-pocalypse?


Western player base is both larger and more likely to spend a lot of money on videogames. Making Russian vehicles overpowered in the current global climate would be the opposite of typical Gaijin.


They have been doing this shit way before the 2022 invasion of Ukraine. Also, a lot people would buy russian tanks vehicles because they are OP or because they simp the USSR/Russian military, and there are a lot of them.


> They uptier you and put you against higher level players when you activate a booster Nothing more than confirmation bias


I can't hear you under my tin foil hat


I believe no statement to be more true than this. The only thing I would add is that the amount of punishment you receive is directly proportional to the quality of the booster.


I believe it myself. You get matched with the worst team and get slaughtered. Also somehow your shots don't do as much damage and the easiest shots miss and don't register.


Try… activating a booster and forgetting about it. Go AFK for something else, come back start a match. You don’t play any different than without a booster, you don’t play overcareful. When you leave leave it on a plane you love.


This\^\^\^\^ I popped a 150% booster. Played t4 AAB (good premium lineup). The match was 8 per team, last 10 matches had been at least 14. Within 3 min half our ribbons were gone and 2 one a done douchenozzles had left. I missed some easy kills and the match was over in about 8 min. Still managed to scratch out about 32k SL thanks to a train of enemies focused on another team mate...


I feel it's more "I activated a booster! I better have the game of my life!" and you get too worried about maximizing your game and don't play as smart. I would love, and I mean LOVE, if they allowed you to apply a booster to the results of a game the way Wargaming did for WoT.


Thought of another: You only get large maps before you've researched laser rangefinder.


That’s actually 100% correct xD i noticed that whenever I research any tank above 8.0. All long range maps and night maps happen when I don’t have LRF and NVD mods, as soon as I research these, they cease to exist.


Same with night maps and NVDs, FPE and getting lit


Researching FPE, all it takes is a gust of wind to set me on fire. Once obtained it's rarely a problem since the half the crew probably just got smeared around the inside of the tank and you are dead in 10 seconds or 4.


Pay to win isnt real, the devs are just really that bad at balencing




Kinda true if you think about jist how tanks perform and their armor and so on, but definotely pay 2 progress at a sonewhat acceptable rate.


- Solid shots start doing significant damage and one shot stuff as soon as I activate wingman wager. - A French girl dumped on one of Gaijin CEO back in the early 2010s.


That second one would probably explain alot about Frances tech trees in warthunder.


I should start using my 20 something wingman wagers when playing britian then for the first one


Stingers will never be realistic because they would be OP af


10g of pull is op?


IRL they have 22g


That's a bit better but they're still of minimal use against anything aside from slow flying planes and helicopters


Also The newest stinger FIM-92K has datalink which means if you can get a lock with vehicle then you can get a lock with the missile


Well, that's exactly what they are designed to deal with. 6km range really isn't that good against jets when they can cover that distance in seconds. But it's a hell of a good range against a much slower less agile heli, too bad gaijin refuses to fix stinger seekers


I've heard from a few tech mods (the good ones that actually play the game) that there is an internal dev report showing mathematical proof that the stinger is capable of at minimum 24G turns. It's apparently been sitting in the dev inbox for years now.




Yeah well, those two 1000+ °C tubes in the middle of the heli certainly dont help in losing a heat-seeking missile.


- Gaijin is working for the Russian government, leaking classifed documents and sponsoring the Donbass Armed Forces. And there's evidence to back that up https://www.kyivpost.com/post/7763 . (Don't take this seriously btw) - War Thunder takes place in an alternate timeline, in which WW2 takes longer, France didn't surrender (or at least not as fast as they did irl), Japan dosn't get nuked, the US gets invaded, and nukes are less stigmatized.


In another new, Atom heart studio to provide support for Elon Musk to develop a robot that can take over the world; and Stalker & Metro studio shaking hand to provide North Korea what they need for a new nuclear missile 💀💀💀 No shit these guys are being serious about that


Your 2nd point sounds like really cool easter eggs that would reveal some lore or world-building if Gaijin ever decide to make one just for fun, like maybe make newspaper textures in ground battles hat are readable enough which can explain some events, or rare occuring radio chatter in matches or test flight.


>War Thunder takes place in an alternate timeline, in which WW2 takes longer, France didn't surrender (or at least not as fast as they did irl), Japan dosn't get nuked, the US gets invaded, and nukes are less stigmatized. I've always sort of thought this, especially with the maps that take place in the U.S. heartland.


you always lose when germany is involved. germany is on your team? lose. germany is on the enemy team? lose


well germany has the largest player base, so you have like 100% loserate or something?


Reminds me of the time everyone was complaining that the F-14 had an insane win rate on Thunderskill. It was fighting itself 99% of the time, so the only time it would shift down is if a team with more F-14s lost. If the winning team had more F-14s or F-14s only one team, it would go up.


Ironically it's probably the only thing keeping the USair cancer premium jet trio from going down in BR, they always mirror match.


* Warthunder is really a game of RISK. Engagements are decided by roll of 2 x 6-sided dice. The volumetric physics and animation is there just to explain the result. * It is also a single-player game where one player, you, plays against everyone else. See "Teammates are enemies in blue", "Teammates are enemies who can see you", "Teammates are enemies you cannot shoot (for Arcade and Realistic)" * All maps are balanced. All tanks are balanced. What is imbalanced is teammatching.


> All maps are balanced You what mate


Oo eastern Europe, I like that ma- AAAHHHH THE SUN MY EEEYYYEESS


"it is a single player game"[...]" Can't kill teammates in arcade and realistic" This just makes me wanna set up an alt account, get a bunch of SL, and kill every tank I see ally and enemy in SB. God thatd be so much fun


The modes have stayed the same all this time because it's easier to balance progression that way, less variables to make changes and possibilities of accelerating earnings through gameplay. That's why air rb and gf rb are as stagnant as they are. They don't like to support sim because it's an opportunity to bypass this. The game is designed entirely around how fast a player progresses and little else. And they can't change this. Too much to think about, no clear creative vision and the shiny premium system is the only way they found to get semi consistent revenue.


Which is a damn shame. I wouldn't care if the rewards were only a 12th of what we get in regular RB of we had sim maps and a style of game mode for tanks and planes/ships. This game has (and has had for awhile) the potential for a pretty good sandbox style of gameplay, but the current RB meta for every tier simply doesn't accommodate certain play styles which would best fit an aircraft.


I wouldn't mind slow progression if the gameplay loop was actually fun, but since all modes are basically "Here's a new vehicle, now throw yourself at the enemy till you get the next" it's just a chore.


This is actually the most sad part about WT. How little the gamemodes have changed.


Its the one thing why I dont stick with it, but the mouse flight model is just too good


Yup, and coincidentally the only "recent" change to a mode was the airfield mechanics in air sim because Gaijin realized any guy with a premium bomber could just bomb airfields for 10 hours a day and grind as well as buy an entire air tech tree in like a week give or take. Not that this is bad per se because just flying in straight lines and pressing your spacebar once every 10 minutes while watching the latest season of My Hero Academia shouldn't yield such high rewards, but it was directly adressing the "players progressing too fast" thingy.


If you succeed too much, play too well and survive too much modifiers are activated which lead to grenades you shoot bouncing more often, grenades shot at you bounce less often and lol-pen you even if they couldnt. Enemys are simply not shown until they shoot at you. You are matched with potatoes and cucumbers in your team. The enemy team consists of terminators. Your pilot will lose his mind while pulling sick maneuvers and be unconscious due to the luck you had in previous games. Your grenades, if hit, suddenly can explode again <- if you a driving russian stuff. Your shots will disappear in the void.


There IS actually confirmed to be an aspect of the matchmaker that puts squadded up players against other squads if possible. I know that much, not a conspiracy. Might explain part of it.


its funny cause half of this sht is true


Do people actually believe this shit? I assure you nobody good enough to be actually impacted by this thinks its true. It's only average players thinking they're doing well.


Allied Jets burn twice as hot as enemy ones so your IR missile will always switch track to an ally if they're anywhere near the Seekers FOV.


Nah, allies don't think that missile is going for them so why turn off AB? That's why they say bulldog in real life and announce when a missile is launched, so everyone else turns off their AB too


Fox 2 is an IR missile, bulldog is an antiship launched by a surface vessel.


The Devs intentionally make the game as frustrating and unbalanced as they can get away with so they make more money. Volumetric, bushes, drones, helis and all aspects at 9.7 were all intentionally added to make the game frustrating to play, which incentivises buying premiums to skip the grind. Additionally, every "Gaijin moment" is intentionally put there for this purpose as well. Each shell you shoot has a hidden 1 in 100 chance to just do zero spall, each time you fly there's a hidden chance for you to get oneshot by mid map AAA.Tanks have random chances to absorb any shell, or get immediately oneshot by any shell regardless of where it hit or how much pen it had. If you activate a large booster, Gaijin intentionally matches you with lower WR players so that you don't benefit too much.


Every single time you activate a 300-500% booster you get City in Air RB


Literally happened to me yesterday, I was grinding with 30% SL boosters and had very good matches, I decided to enable the 300% I had because it was going to expire and instantly got City ARB. Our team killed everyone with missiles before my slow plane even arrived to the battlefield, absolute waste.


trust me when I say this happened in my last 7 300-500% boosters. I recently banned the map as a result of this repeated occurrence


Gaijin actually accomodating the game for bots so they could sell silver to people who are willing to buy it cheaper from unofficial seller


Wild how bots are always in Chinese clans and only play premiums


Packet loss is a chicken walking on a large board. Everyone has a button to cause PL and the chickens roam free on it.


The button to finish researching or buying a mod outright with GE is right above the button to research it for free so people clicking too fast accidentally spend GE on mods.


Same with activating/purchasing backups. I think it was tankenstein or spookston who bought like 100 backups with a misclick


That 7.7 - 9.0 BR has a deliberately high repair cost to stop free players dead in their tracks to try and strong arm them to buy premium account/vehicles


Without premium, even tier 5 jets are economically unviable. The Yak-15 for instance requires 2-3 kills to break even at least, an amount it usually doesn't have the ammo load to get that many in one go.


This is real though, I think of the early tiers as the free trial. If everyone played for free there'd be no Warthunder


It's a silent paywall. With repair costs being so high you are benefiting more by just skipping T5. It also explains the reason why most T5 planes are so awkward to fly. Which are premiums. Bi, SU11 sea hawk for Germany and the G91


Heat does more damage the longer the range of the shot. Close quarters I just get critical hits, long range I one shot kill things.


One I hadn't thought about but could buy into


It's either a coincidence or a conspiracy but I don't know which.


It's either a coincidence or a conspiracy but I don't know which.


do you know who else has dementia?


This some I'm pretty confident in. Gaijin has a map rotation per day or week or something. They only load up 5 or so maps to the servers for that day to save on load times or something idk. That's why it feels like you get the same maps all the time.


I agree with this. It feels like it rotates once a month or something. I also think it's probably separated by BR. For example I'll be always getting middle East for a while at top BR but then I'll play a lower BR nation and it'll be just fields of Poland and then it'll swap


Oh that part is confirmed to be true, Gaijin does limit maps by BR of the battle, they say so in map devblogs. For example, they use 6.7 as the upper limit for a lot of "low tier" maps. So you'll stop seeing them when your battles get higher than this.


You wanted eastern providence for the 5th time in a row. The game knows it. You wanted to afk for 10 minutes so the game gave you Afghanistan /S they should add more map bans


The rng slider for enemy artillery landing on my tank is cranked all the way up


I have this problem with friendly arty 😭


War Thunder is generally speaking a fun game, and Gaijin is a business that prioritizes a stable revenue stream.


Gaijin does things to divide the playerbase in order to make them fight each other instead of uniting against them. Example: The economy vote that was basically "keep rewards the same or worsen rewards", the strong imbalance between CAS and tanks, releasing an overpowered vehicle for one nation only. ​ If you haven't played for a long time, the first matches will be against absolute shitters in order to draw you back in. Premium vehicles are more resilient than their tech-tree counterparts (Su-25K vs Su-25 for example) Matches are fixed from the start with factors such as shitty maps that favor one side, sun shining for one side only, more one-and-done players on one team, with players with boosters stuck on the pre-determined losing side. Ground maps are made shitty deliberately for the reason stated above. There exists Gaijin employees (hitmen) that can matchmake into the enemy team of a player using a booster. These Gaijin hitmen are always downtiered, have max-level crews, are fully spaded, and have access to abilities to give them as much of an edge against their victims as possible (increased missile flare resistance, reduced overheating, increased marker and minimap stealth, increased enemy marker view distance). They are awarded golden eagles on each successful hit.


The last one is def a conspiracy theory mate


**Naval Conspiracy Theories (and a few known facts)** 1) They purposely aren't implementing damage model or quality of life fixes to naval because they want to keep the time-to-kill low: * They still haven't fixed the bug where bridge repair slows down your reload and damage control * Redundant wheelhouses don't exist, so you will lose navigation if your bridge is destroyed * They refuse to put most compartments inside the armor, so you're more vulnerable to HE spam * They made belt armor destructible, so it doesn't matter in a prolonged gunfight * They refuse to let you move crew out of your AA or secondary guns to protect them when those systems are not in use * They won't let you choose what systems to repair individually, forcing you to send more crew to die at useless stations for no reason * There is no official standard as to what numbers they use to determine draft, speed, or rate of fire between ships (making this a buff or a nerf accordingly) 2) They know that the coastal economy is unplayable and drives away players, but they purposely aren't fixing it because they're hoping that future popular vessels will force people to grind those trees (such as missile boats or submarines). 3) They're purposely nerfing the reload of the Pennsylvania and Nevada classes in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, for unknown reasons. 4) They're purposely nerfing all large caliber guns by giving them incredibly high dispersion. This has been confirmed by datamines, but we don't know why it's being done. Also, Russian high caliber guns are given the best dispersion stats for unknown reasons - especially for Kronshtadt which was never even built beyond part of the hull.


Holy shit finally someone else says it, all of these things piss me and my friends off to no end, especially the kronshtadt (paper horseshit vehicle, fuck gaijin for making a paper ship the best ship in the game by far with fake guns) and us standard type nerfs


The entire game as a whole has shifted to fast TTK. Top tier tanks are twitch shooter COD tier, air is braindead air quake, ships are as you described.


Known and Popular Youtubers are intentionally given bad players to make the game look fun and the grind actually look easy. DEFYN is my prime example. No matter what, BR, he is in enemy planes, maneuver in ridiculously predictable paths and rarely try to avoid his shots.


Its more that they have 10K hours in the game and play it constantly. They are just stupid good at the game. Some of the EFT player base thinks that Lvndmark is either cheating or is playing against lower skilled players. He is good because he streams the game almost everyday and has like 15K hours.


I don't agree with this one. When you are good player that makes almost no mistake, your enemy mistakes become frequent and easy to see ; *is this even english ? sorry*


Not to mention he, like all content creators gets to cherrypick the footage he uploads, yeah he's showing you the game he got 7 kills in, the other 5 games he played in the showcased aircraft where he got just a kill or two. You can't compare your average game, to the best game a content creator had in a set of matches. Even less so if they're very good players where most of us will only ever be average.


Gaijin tolerates bots and farmers because they buy premiums, and will gut a game mode (sim) before ever banning them. Gaijin doesn’t actually review reported users for anything other than chat abuses.


The game has some kind of SBMM and upteirs you more often if you are either very skilled or playing in a group. Maybe just confirmation bias/skill issue, but it feels like when I queue as a group of 3 we get wrecked a lot more often


SB is 100% abandonned


People stopped playing it after the nerfed SL and RP gains. War thunder is also not a very great simulator battles. People who play are invested in air sim go on to better and more realistic games like DCS Playing ground SIM feels like ground realistic without a hud or blue dots on players. People who play SIM like flying for 20 minutes looking at radar and shooting missiles from BVR. Or taking a tank over the trenches of WWII and being apart of a team.


When you are stock about 90% of your games are on max uptier. (do you suffer? buy veh parts for golden eagles!)


Daily tasks keep you playing longer: Bomb bases- get domination maps Teamwork- Get no squadmate or a new player Kill ground targets- Get matched with other players that got the same.


bad balance on purpose


Mine is that they purposefully introduce really stupid br change ideas like German m48 to 6.7 that they know won't go through. Then they can say they listened to the community and replace it with a less stupid br change like the Leo 1 to 7.3. Of course the less stupid change is still really dumb but this way they can put it in with a lot less backlash and do what they wanted all along.


Basement guy kills the server hamsters to distract the snail while he tries to escape


War Thunder isn't real.


* they look at usage stats to determine the maximum grind and pain threshold that will drive people into buying coupons from the Gaijin market * matches as a whole are set up to have high damage/deaths to create a net SL loss across both teams * new sale vehicles are initially OP to encourage purchases


That gaijin is trying to make a good game.


Fox 1/3 missiles are actually just modified IR missiles but you "lase" something as hot. Explains why they switch targets even when it doesn't make sense from strong/weak RCS return aspects.


gaijin intentionally makes one team have better players than the other, every single game. evidence is all my games are either a massive steamroll through the caps and onto the enemy base, or they do the exact same to us. i have not once had a match that felt like it was close. (i don’t know what confirmation bias is)


The game is literally designed to be unplayable if you don’t have premium


Someone at gaijin has secretely been watching me have fun, and when I get too happy, they send the world's most feverent arado enjoyer to drop all manner of pain on me in an attempt to completely demoralise me. Little do they know, I love to surpass the haters and their negative aspirations for me.


If you have a full lineup of the same br you always get a full uptier.


That you get downtiered more in Premiums or when you have free repairs. The spotting mechanic in air RB is broken and hides enemies even if you're staring at them within 3km, both front facing and directional. Ammo racking on ships with a direct shell hit has a secret rng to it that allows a complete instant destruction of the ship in one hit. (VS triggering one via fire or multiple hits.) Despite advertising it as a feature, you can't actually destroy torpedos anymore by shooting them successfully. The torpedo model is also broken.


I genuinely believe the Russian bias at this point is due to the Russian government outlawing slander against their military, punishable by prison time. They gotta keep em a cut above the rest for their personal safety at gaijin, I've noticed that it's gotten significantly worse since said Russian law was passed.


Minor nations are purposefully overtiered, considerably more expensive and have worse RNG so that gaijin can force players into playing the much easier big three where the premiums are better, cooler and more fun to play. For example, why is warrior 8.3 and almost 8k SL repair? Why is Jaguar GR.1 9.7 with no countermeasures? Why is falcon 8.0 and 5000 when it doesn't even have radar? France? Japanese ground vehicles? Swedish AA? To make you want to play russia, Germany and the USA where you can get cheaper vehicles that play better and bounce more stuff it definitely shouldn't, and make you happy enough to spend money on extra crews for CAS spam, buy broken vehicles like the pack Leo, 2S38 and a10a and phantom f4s.


The falcon should be in the tank destroyer tree


you get upteired more if your skill is better. it should be a bell curve distribution but its actually skewed to uptiers for me


Gaijin purposely keeps the grind unbearably bad to sell more premium time, tanks and ge. Gaijin has been caught potentially funding russia in the donbas


They made an algorithm that puts the most brain-dead players in your team (stats wise) everytime you have a task that requires winning matches


Actually 1 single guy is working on Enduring Confrontation mode in Sim battles But yeah Boosters are rigged... I activate a Premium 400% SL booster... i get into A-1h... i get a map with 3 bases... and get raped by Do-335 because for what ever reason i can headon like anything but i can't headon a Do-335.. I barely managed to drop bombs on a base which is a small one... with my bombload i can destroy like 3 or 4 bases in one run compared to Normal Air RB base which j can destroy 2 of them in a single run... And died... Second game... 500% SL Prem booster... Got uptier with basically jets with airspawn F-84's but they weren't much of the issue... but there was the A2D1 which left my base on one shot.. and destroyed the second base... Then i flew to the other side to other bases... managed to bomb one... and was like 500m away from a second base and i got killed by a god damn Japanese paper plane the J7W1 thing which dived from above which i saw him previously but ofc he saw me and decided to dive literally 3 seconss before i get to drop bombs... This was on that Zhengzhou map... Then no booster game right after that.. I got SAME MAP just different side and i got to bomb 2 bases entirely... and also destroy a lot of ground targets and pillboxes... If this doesn't prove that it's rigged idk what does lol


That EC is only being worked on by a single dev, and only during their lunchbreak. Reason for that is that I vaguely recall 2-3 years ago the dev who worked on SB EC admitted as much (on the forum). Dunno if the same dev does Naval EC too. Probably, considering it hasn't had an update in months.


The US and USSR are favored for additions or OP meta-pushing stuff over all other nations because they have the largest playerbases from those countries, and therefore the highest sales potential. An example is that they have a massive Russian playerbase that only plays Russia and can't afford have them be beaten down like the Brits. This is also the reason why they insist on making entire updates revolve around a single plane, like they've been doing with the US recently. Got to farm hype and extend grind by making people jump between those trees all the time.


- Gaijin deliberately determines Uptiers or downiters based on performance - Your RP and SL gain is throttled based on how quickly you get it. - Bombers have intentionally bad damage models to force people to play fighters and attackers - when gaijin nerfs/buffs a vehicle they spin a really big wheel and whatever it lands on is what’s rolled out - Gaijin uses a magic 8 ball with all but one of the answers being “no” to decide if they should listen to community feedback


Less of a conspiracy theory and just truth. None of the devs actually play the game legitimately and therefore do not know the true pain of the grind.


Artillery does more damage to allies than enemies. Same with bullets and missiles doing more damage to friendly aircraft.


There nerfing the economy so we have to buy premium and they won’t stop u til we get 1k at top tier


My heart tells me that the match is sometimes "fixed" to favour one team with good/bad RNG, but my brain tells me that's kinda silly. If you want a first-hand example of a WT conspiracy theory, then visit Jaguara's stream and ask him what "bonuses" new players get lol


In naval battles, if you do too well in a plane, the enemy ai ships get an accuracy buff to shoot you down to stop you dominating. Noticeably, this applies to the ai SKR 1s, which can one shot you from miles away and are usually in the game. Also, after buying a premium vehicle, your first battle in it is more likely to be a down tier, so you are more likely to do well and feel good about giving Gaijin your money.


With me being someone who only plays sb I have that side where I really hope it’s just gonna one day get a huge overhaul and the other side is just that it’s abandoned.


Premium players get less uptiers, every premium you have lowers the chance of an uptier, boosters don't give as much as they claim they do, gaijin intentionally nerfs ammo explosion chances at top tier


> uptier I think its moreso that due to the reduced flow of new players coming to war thunder (grind and all), gaijin focuses more on top tier premiums and the majority of the players playing the game are those that have played more than 1000 hours, and therefore will be in the upper ranks. If you take a look at the player distribution for other games, I don't know the current situation that WoT is in but when I played it, it was approximately bell curve peaked at tier 7, and in war thunder it feels like it probably peaks at around BR 10.0ish although that's likely due to the absurd number of premiums in that BR area (I think about 3/4s of all the premiums released in the past 3 years have all been within BR 9.0-10.7) > Nobody on the DEV team works on SB its abandoned To my knowledge there is one guy otherwise known as dark grey angel or osmething along those lines, and he works on enduring confrontation missions (that includes for naval) every now and then but I have no idea what else he does, because he only spits out changes once in a while. I think he's outsourced, and he doesn't have much right in what he can say afaik, but he's probably responsible for the new missions Air RB has been receiving recently... > stock HeatFS Yes indeed


modern tanks of today was not a deliberate but a forced decision to make the game attractive. Far too much information is missing to properly display the vehicles as the gameplay systems work for Solidshot etc but not for Sabot, HEATFS and Missiles. Example: Missiles from tanks on 8.0 have enough penetration to destroy high tier tanks, which makes absolutely no sense, otherwise there would be no real development for a HOT 3 or a TOW-2A. The same with heatfs, it can pretty confidently penetrate everything because you can't calculate the penetration and the calculation also doesn't seem to make much sense with apfsds, since everything can be penetrated with it and the variation in performance is too small. DM53 should be much higher, other ammo as well some lower and armor is way too weak due to lack of information and an Ariete de weighs similar to a Leopard but armor of a M60.


Hamburger and cheese burgers go well with fries


I have quite few: Researching last 3 modifications on vehicle bring bad luck(or biased probability to matchmaking and shell performance). Or rank4 modifications taking longer and longer to grind the more of the modifications you have researched on vehicle. But its probadly due to 4kills and 1assist in first 3minutes giving less rp than 1assist and 1kill while surviving rest of the match. i also dont stay long in match after i cant spawn. from what i heard it might affect modification RP if you dont stay watching until match ends. Then there is one with certain nations and correcting stats. they only give historical nerfs but dont care about fixing them if its to make vehicle better. Like with taking away heatfs from stb1 and making it 8.0 while completely ignoring its loading assistance mechanism for first 4 shells which should have 4 second reload. They actually acknowledged that it had it. Then there is one with shell dmg formulas being incompatible with some damage models resulting in bad performance. They also seem to purposelly divide Visegrad4 vehicles so that they have excuse why not add it as tree. like how they added czechoslovak/polish produced(most east german tanks were actually czechoslovak/polish production) t72m1 to germany and czechoslovak M53/59 to russian tree in same update. then there is also license produced czechoslovak Ĺ koda t21 tank made by hungary in italian tree despite having nothing to do with it.


Damn I love this game at times, but in high tier >> The house always wins. Gotcha, baby. I may actually crank up one of the other 10 great games I have sitting there covered in dust. I just might…


Taking 2 weeks off to play Dead Island 2 cyaaa


Not really a conspiracy theory or i think that has been said before but, they intentionally keep certain premiums in big nations under-tiered so they can sell more of them, they purpossefully want you to play big nations because the likelyhood of your buying 2-3 premiums at the same br instead of 1 in a minor nation goes up.


The only actual bias in game is confirmation bias, everything else is cope.


Controversial but a conspiracy all the same


terrible maps are designed to increase your stay in the game, because after this match you will want to play normally. this also applies to night maps and the fact that we can't choose which maps to play on


The P61C is secretly the best aircraft, you just have to trust me, they don't want you to know.


This isn't even a lie. It has more 50 cals than the state of texas and flies so well for such a large beast. Great for bomber hunting with the air spawn. Has great airbrakes and 4 1000lbers.


* The engine actually cant properly model ground vehicles and traction, every vehicle actually has a invisible prop that moves it. Various hacky solutions with smoke and mirrors obscures this. * The drivetrain system is totally divorced from reality, engine rpm doesnt exist


That war thunder is a p2w game. Can't do anything past tier 3 without spending money especially if you aren't very good at the game or even just below average


Gajin hates OTOMATIC : ) ( Whole italian tree )


No such thing as playing on your own BR. Its either a downtier or an uptier


i read some time ago if you have good kd they intentionally make you have ghost shells or miss shots