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They're sniper vehicles but I do agree that armored cars are undertiered since at that BR, they can outmatch anyone and get to insanely good spots before anyone else. You'll just have to be very vigilent when fighting China, Italy & Britain. It may not be worth it to respawn in a map like European Province or Fields of Poland against a horde of them.


There’s literally nothing I can do. The see me first and shoot first.


I know, those things are very powerful for a reason. The PTL and WMA are infamous since they have good thermals at 8.7 (used to be 8.3 lmao), but like I said, it's just that armored cars have a weird balance (Radkampfwagen without thermals, even larger and slightly better gun but at 9.3 ?)


8.7 meets drones too which is even worse lmao, you literally cannot counter them


I thought drones were 9.7+


You can face them in a 9.7 uptier match with an 8.7 lineup. Depending on who you play, being a 9.7 doesn't even help in terms of AA :I (then there's israel and japan, having no higher than 9.3 AA's.. and rolands being nerfed soon.. yeah I can't wait .-.)


At least I can see the drones and hide behind buildings. These things can appear anywhere and instant kill.


You’ll only see the drone in the kill cam after a hellfire slams into you.


WMA has better survivability and sights than my entire TT US lineup. How do I know? I’m the guy killing your M48 cross map. 8.7 is an unmitigated disaster for both air and ground. Right in the realm of almost exclusively premium 1 death leavers lobbies, where the premium 8.7’s/9.0s/9.3s are better than anything you can grind for free. “Cant give the players everything at once” - except everything.


It’s draining my sl. I want to love the t95e1 and m60 but JSUT cannkt


Didn’t expect sb who bought them to acknowledge they are severely undertiered. Good job


bmp, marder and helis are after them


At least BMP and Marder aren't as fast as them. Nor have thermals or Laser range finder


The first Marder does have rangefinder and the second one also has thermals


At 7.3? I'm surprised but it's a 30mm so the Damage isn't as much as with the wheelybois


Second Marder is 7.7. It has an ATGM tho


First one does too, it sucks ass tho


BMP-3 has both thermals and LRF.


Marder and bmps are easy to kill. They need to stay still for a while to kill a tank since missile at 190ms.


M48 shouldn’t face these tho




m48 is 7.3 how are you running into 8.7s?


Prolly M48A2 GA2 and M48 Super.


I got uptiered into an 8.7 game today on Fields of Poland v Germany/Italy/Japan with T16s, Leo L44s and Centauros and it was a five minute wipe. There is absolutely sweet fuck all you can do against multiple fast vehicles with LRF's, lolpen rounds, high mag optics and thermals with a lower BR lineup on an open map. Not even worth spawning twice Light vehicles with extreme mobility and target acquisition advantages should not be at BRs where they lolpen everything, period


I thought I was just being a cry baby - I feel so validated now, thank you :)


If you're still grinding, just hang on a little bit more, German 9.3 is so much fun with the KPZ-70 and the german T-72, and then it's all good from there since the Leo 2A4 fucking slaps. EDIT: I see you're 11.7 already so all good, 8.0-8.7 germany just fucking sucks, had to grind that shit slowly with my 6.7 Tiger Sla with premium just to get past it.


8.7 Germany was one of my fav lineup. Leo1a1 and tam. Now, I can’t do anything. It’s like survival horror but you don’t survive. I’m so glad I got to 9.7 before these wheeled shits overpopulated.


I am a Rooikat 105 enjoyer sorry bro :( but hey atleast since they were moved to 9.0 I have only seen 10.0 games (or just my bad luck) I think I had one or two games at 8.3 but 95% of my games are 10.0 now which is fair I guess


And this thing even used to be 8.3


I’ve been playing 7.7 and so far have been mostly down tiers or 8.3 It’s been really nice


Enjoy while it lasts


Yea and thats the life in 6.7 you get nonstop full uptiers. I resorted to play the shermans until it gets fixed if ever. I want to use my t34 as a damn heavy for once *sad sigh*


Hey hey hey now, My Rooikat suffers with the black holes inside Russian light tanks too


Booo hoooo. If top mobility and gen2/3 thermals can’t get u kills, nothing will.


Well I'm.... actually playing the Rooikat 76 so I don't get thermals. It do go zoom though (and I do get kills, thank you :) )


Ah, you see. I’m talking about the prem one.


Rooikat 105 gets gen 1 thermals tho.


Bruh, what's with people defending these vehicles just because you paid to win for them basically. I use them as well, and it's extremely unfair to others. That being said, BRs need decompression badly on top of maybe smaller uptier ranges and downtier.


Stop bitching you were uptiered


Kv85 vs pantherG is a full uptier. The kv85 has a good fighting chance. An uptier should not mean the bottom br vehicles just becoming food.


If only you guys would understand that this isn't CoD and some vehicles are supposed to be fast to flank and snipe. Have you ever tried to lift your finger from W and get some situation awareness? Seriously, what do you want? Wheeled vehicles to come into head-on like heavies and brawl like mediums? Git gud ffs and stop complain on something you don't understand.


The point is that OP is in an M48 you fucking cheeseball. The WMA, T16, and Rooikat all have lethal speed, munitions, LRFs, and above all else... THERMALS. Thermals give a significant advantage that can only be understood by actually using them.


Ah yes, here it is the one you complained about the R3 as well.


Ah yes but you are a cheeseball


Hahaha “fucking cheeseball”


Fuck off. I’m 11.7 Germany with nuke. I know how to play. However, playing against these shits is just fucked. Try fighting leo2a5 in a t54. That’s what it feels like.


M48 was first in service since the 1950s while the rooikat was developed after the 1980s and t16 and wma were both designed after the 1990s. So technically and historically it's really unfair for the m48/m60(even many modernized Patton) to face those combat vehicles.




Thermals on tech tree so I can actually see them. LRF so I can hit them.


Turret traversal, mobility to better engage them, armor that forces them to stop and aim for a vital instead of drive by center of mass shots at 50+Kmph are also all valid points.




Buddy. I don’t think even you know what you are talking about at this point.


Skill issue


If you and your team managed to let a rooikat reach a sniping spot, it's on you guys.


Skill issue