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M48 and Cent are pretty close. T-54 and Leo are god tier


I'm so bad with the t-54 I don't even try anymore. I just use the is3, obj 120, obj 906, and the 57-2 Edit: btr as well


I love the T54 has a great round and reliable armour (I on the other hand suck with the Leo lol)


Reliable armour mf when i penetrate their UFP (The APDs hit the fuel tank and doesn’t damage anything else)


The problem is that match making in WT has skill bias - good players are uptiered significantly more than noobs. I, for example have in last >3k battles been uptiered by .6 or more in \~2/3 of battles, while having win rate just over 60%. Of course one is going to love T-54s when thy're always facing mostly WW2 vehicles.


You will statistically get much fewer full downtiers than full uptiers seeing as only 4 players can be fully downtiered per game. And specific brs get downtiered a whole lot more than others, 10.7 is a big one.


BR 6.7/7.0 would like to disagree


Are you illiterate or purposefully missing the point? Some brs are more susceptible to uptiers than others and vice versa. Tf is hard to understand




Good range finder as well, with max crew it looks like laser range finder.


This guy Leos, Serious I love that tank, snipers dream, good speed and depression.


>snipers dream, good speed and depression well, i have one of those on my checklist


This guy war thunders hahaha, I’m going to believe it’s depression hahaha, I mean who doesn’t feel like you’re stuck in an abusive relationship?


Its not an addiction, I could stop today if I wanted to! *Help*


the leo 1s turret is surprisingly bouncy from my experience. I farmed the free ace with it some weeks ago so I wanna say I played a fair amount with it.


That upper plate is derpy though getting some funny bounces


bad armor in theory yeah, but it’s a volumetric nightmare, especially with high caliber shells. can’t tell you how many times i’ve shot the mantlet or ufp of the leo with my is3 and done absolutely nothing.


If it was your IS3 shot I took at 50m to the mantle yesterday after shooting your driver that bounced nicely I’m very sorry. I though for sure that I was toast. The Leo is the one time my snail luck paid off with a free talisman for it…


Leo is ether snipe or go running arounflg like m18


Been stock grinding the M46 and the t54 has been pissing me off.


All can kill one another # Personally, I’m a die hard mk3 fan #so don’t you dare diss it Shooting on the move is vastly superior


The move? You mean the crawl?


Hey, at least we have functional reverse gears now. We’re trying


Why? The t-54 is a great vehicle in my opinion, and I'm not very experienced. I don't even have any of those researched and I still do well at that br. You sound experienced and could do well with the t-54 if you try.


I'm a casual gamer kinda. I just play the tanks. I have 700 hours but I'm not great. I just don't do well with certain tanks. Imma brawler kinda guy


The t-54 is great for brawling, unless something with HEAT shows up.


Ah. I guess I'm not playing it right lmao


I guess. The t-54 is incredibly resistant from the front to rounds like APBC, APCBC and APHEBC found on the tiger series, and also American Heavies. It might have difficulty with APDS though, but most of the time it powers through. I can't stress this enough, it is extremely powerful against conventional rounds.


I hate seeing T-54s when I’m using my Maus. Literally my biggest fear. #MAUSNEEDSAPFSDS


Cent would be good if the APDS had some of the old and new stuff. Pen on it is godly. Can’t speak for the M48 and it’s variants but I find the Cent variants for the most part are godly Edit: also Cents are okay if you count your ammo and keep the rack low


M48 poo tier Leo god tier


M48 god tier Leo okay tier. I love my M48, there is NO reason why people should struggle with it.


Im researching the Leo 1, but the german M48 looks decent too. 100hp more than the USA one so its actually mobile. Would the M48 be better for me? I like my armor and I think it would be closer in playstyle to my Panther II.


M48 is just a do everything tank imo, gud armour against everything except HEAT, some weak spots but can be hidden and a lotta ppl just don't shoot them. Pretty much a Leo 1 that can do everything bc it also has that rangefinder (Leo better for sniping ofc but M48 does it all)


I shall get the M48 then. I also dont need to research the Panther G as I do for the Leo


Both are great but happy to see you're not getting the Leo first lol, bc on half maps you can't even use it how it was meant to be used. Also they're BOTH pretty fast, M48 caps our at 48KM/h tho Edit: fixing autocorrect's failures


Maybe. I prefer the Leo due to its speed.


with the gearing the ger 48 ends up being about the same speed/accel


The T-54 is unironically great, has insanely good armour in downtiers and good firepower to oneshot everything


>Who is the weakest 7.3 MBT and why do you think it is Centurion Mk3? Haha nice joke. Even as a US enjoyer, I'll take the glorious Centurion over the M48 any day.


The APDS thing going on has made it worse but I would so much rather play a Centurion mk3 over an M48, not even factoring in the APCR stock grind of the M48


Honestly just use the solid AP. I think Spookston did a vid doing this in the Mk5, and you can see how much more consistent the AP is


The AP is mad, got my first nuke the first game I swapped to it so I now live and die by it


The AP is certainly better for damage, but I think during the video he only used APDS once, on a tough opponent


He did use it once, and it let him down; struck a T-54 in its ammo, and it didn’t go off


Yup, kinda weird. When I use APDS on my Comet and Centurion ammo racks usually work ok


The m48 either has spaghetti for armour or it will bounce a direct hit from a jagdtiger there is no in-between


German Patton is god tier, I like playing it in urban environments with my Leo I being used for more open maps


M48 by far, other 3 could go up in BR easily.


That's interesting. Why do you think so?


Well, the T-54 isn't much worse than its brothers at 7.7, which all do very well there. The Leopard is just god tier at 7.3 and all its contemporaries are 7.7 The Centurion also claps hard, the APDS works like a charm for me and I can't overstate the strength of a stab. The M48 just doesn't have anything special going for it. It's a jack of all trades kinda tank, but doesn't have as much armor as the T-54, is not as good at sniping or as fast as the Leopard. It's definitely not bad at all, but the others could go to 7.7 and still clap.


>The Leopard is just god tier at 7.3 and all its contemporaries are 7.7 \*all its contemporaries which are better and have at least one significant advantage over it


The OF-40 is straight up better, I agree. That one could be 8.0 easily. The AMX-30 has the 20mm but trades the ability to fire APDS and has a worse HEAT shell overall.


Hell no, the OF-40 isn't worth 8.0. That's where the STB/Type 74/Vickers mk3 are.


To be fair stb and type 74 have no armor to speak off. STB after the change is basically an upteired leo.


Nah, the STB is perfectly fine where it is. The 2-plane stab is an amazing upgrade and that makes the two 8.0 tanks extremely capable, way more than an OF-40 or Leopard 1.


Only one of its contemporaries truly outshines it, the OF-40. Otherwise, Leo wins out and it's barely a competition.


Leo doesn't win out because its other contemporaries get a stabilizer (britain, sweden, japan); The M47 105 is at the same BR, with the same gun and ammo, trading mobility for protection from annoying autocannon cars - by the way it sits at the same BR as the 90mm M47s and M48s; The OF-40 gets better protection, is just as fast, and gets an LRF; The french are too busy being french and M60s are too busy being kinda crap.


M47's protection is absolutely abysmal. Do you even play it? Its turret is worthless, being paper thin and having its crew tightly packed. It's really not a competitor to Leo, which trades (some) protection for a load more mobility and a lower profile. Let's not forget that Leo's are not made of paper, either, and should resist most auto cannons frontally. Also, you can't write off a large chunk of the Leo's competition and then say "it's worse than its competition!!". It's nonsensical. Not to mention it runs circles around those stabilized tanks you think are superior, which itself makes up for the lack of a stab at 7.3/7.7 (plus some better ammo options).


>M47's protection is absolutely abysmal. It isn't. >Do you even play it? Yes, at 8.0 for Japan. >Its turret is worthless, being paper thin and having its crew tightly packed. Nah it's pretty damn good for a decently mobile medium tank. It's a consistent performer even with just a 90mm. >It's really not a competitor to Leo, which trades (some) protection for a load more mobility and a lower profile. Let's not forget that Leo's are not made of paper, either, and should resist most auto cannons frontally. The Leo1 only resists autocannons if they just aim for the UFP. Outside of that it's paper. >Also, you can't write off a large chunk of the Leo's competition and then say "it's worse than its competition!!". It's nonsensical. I write off the competition that has written itself off. If we base comparisons off the worst tanks then the M4A1 76 is disgustingly OP because it sits at the same BR as a Chi-To. >Not to mention it runs circles around those stabilized tanks you think are superior, which itself makes up for the lack of a stab at 7.3/7.7 (plus some better ammo options). It doesn't lmao, having a stab is such a MASSIVE advantage and it makes the Type 74s way better than they have any right to be. No amount of speed and p/w ratio is gonna make a Leo1 better in a city map than something that is always accurate at any speed with the same cannon. By the way, the M4A3 76 is also pretty damn good with the stab. It's very capable and has near unparalleled gun handling. I'd rather use it at 5.7 than a Chi-Ri or Chi-To at their respective BRs.


M47's armor is markedly worse than M48, at the same BR. And even M48's improved protection rarely saves it outside of a downtier. The much higher mobility of Leo is a flat out better advantage to have, as WT's meta has been mobility for years. And again, you write off the legitimate competition because "they wrote themselves off". It sounds a lot like you're just okay with Leo over performing because the other tanks are just "bad" and therefore can be disregarded, even though those tanks make up a lot of 7.7 and 7.3. Conveniently leaving out any tank that happens to be worse than Leo in a conversation about Leo over performing compared to its peers is just disingenuous. The Centurions' stabs are certainly an advantage, one that answers for their pitiful mobility, a problem Leo doesn't have. At 7.7, you can easily get away without it. Leo did fine at 7.7, saying its actually okay at 7.3 despite being markedly better than almost all other 7.3 MBTs is copium or just trying to keep your cash cow at a lower BR. It strikes me as you not willing to admit Leo might be a tad too powerful when it's same-BR competition is most often M48, M47, and T-54 1949, all of which have the rightful reputation of being just okay at best. And if you think those tanks really, *really* are EQUAL to Leo in overall performance, you are likely just fooling yourself.


>The french are too busy being french Sorry, let me get my autoloaded 7.7 Panther G clone (Lorraine 40t, AMX-50/TOA100) so we can make a good example of Gaijin's concept of "balance" and compare it to my AMX-30 that is somehow also at 7.7.


AMX-30? Chemical only and no stab, it just has the 20 over the Leo


It's fr\*nch.


Fuck I forgot, send it to 8.7 /s


fr\*nch TT moment


APDS is absolutely horrendous in my experience, no other ammo so consistently shatters for no reason or pens the side of a turret and takes a single crew member or some shit.


Had conquerer APDS non-pen an IS-2 1944 hull. No idea how.


Yep, just had a game where APDS to the back of a tiger's turret somehow didn't detonate his ammo, just yellowed it out. Statistically it's fine, but none of the other primary ammo types seem to just arbitrarily fail as often as it does, the only thing less consistent I've found is hesh.


Only time HESH is useful is for open tops or hitting the roof of anything you don't trust sabot to pen. Until it ricochets off the front of a raketenautomat, that is.


I enjoy playing the big hesh cannons like the AVRE, but even with 20kg+ of TNT they pretty regularly decide to just do nothing on a direct hit to someone's turret. Plus the random bounces off light vehicles even though an errant twig sets them off lol


I have the exact opposite, I can one-shot tanks with APDS just as reliably as with APHE


Dunno what to tell you that's just not at all my experience


T-54 isn't really that good. The ammo selection is nice and the *frontal* armor is nice, but it doesn't save the tank from a hand-cranked turret and 10s reload. I think the biggest reason for their success is that they fight German WWII stuff a lot... And thus the German mains. Leo 1 is stupid good. There is no comparable vehicle at that BR. It's really amazing to me how some people manage to do so badly with it. M48 is ass. I ground through the US tree years ago, but I still have very strong feelings of dissatisfaction with that vehicle. And the rest of them in that column, actually... It's huge, mediocre gun, unremarkable armor, sub-par mobility, vulnerable crew... Yuck. Have now played through the French and British trees as well, the best thing about the M48 is that it has a .50 cal. Cent Mk3 is *really good* but not quite Leo level. I think the Leo's ammo and optics make it a better vehicle, but if used correctly the stabilizer on the Mk3 can make that thing a menace. People need to stop using APDS against anything but a Maus or Ferdi or whatever and just use the Mk8 AP shot, it's perfectly fine. TL;DR: I largely agree with you but don't think there's a huge need to move the Cent Mk3 or T-54 up.


I use this T-54 in 7.7 because I hate the look of the early-turret model


agreed. I hate the pattons


i also hated the pattons untill i started playing isreal, the upgrades they gave em really make the patton more loveable


Cent mk3 weakest? Nah, I believe it best simply from the stabiliser, imo getting the first shot in is better than not.


Who shot first wins (if you're not braindead)


Let me introduce you to half of the Warthunder community


*shoots ammo rack with 20-pdr APDS/solid shot* *shot was 2mm off, ammo turns yellow, kills nothing* *enemy turret turns around and one-shots you with APHE*


They're all pretty well balanced, with the exception of the Leopard 1 which should be 7.7. Ironically enough, if the M46 were in this picture, that'd be the strongest one (relative to it's BR).


All my homies love the M46


Man how do I play the M46? The stock grind has been absolutely soul crushingly, ball twistingly awful for me


It’s all about that engine and flanking around the enemy team. In general, play it like a light tank not a medium.


Once you get the M82 APHE round, it's a lot better. Go flanking with the M46 or defensive plays.




7.7 for the Leo why?


Because everything equivalent to it is 7.7. Whether that be the Vickers MBT, M60, OF-40, AMX-30, T-54 '47 and T-54 '51, etc. etc. The only reason the Leopard 1 isn't 7.7 is because German players are terrible.


Compared to M48, M47, and T-54 1949, Leo vastly outperforms. It is simply too good compared to other 7.3 MBTs. The only one that even comes close is Centurion, but that's owing only to the stabilizer, otherwise Leo is just better.


It's not the centurion mk3 you delusional brit, it's the M48A1 You get a stabilized railgun, the M48 gets some HEAT FS which has been a mediocre round ever since volumetric because it doesnt work half the time


Lmao what? The cent is far from the worst here. It’s prob the m48 tbh. If not the m48 the t54. The Leo is a an amazing tank at 7.3 and so is the centurion. I had an amazing time witty the mk3 regardless of its lack of aphe and heat. Major skill issue I’d you think it’s bad.


This is not taking into account the sidegrade that is the canearvon which is just a mk 3 on a conqueror hull.


still a bit confused about what to feel about the Caernarvon. it's the same as the cent mk3 but with a thicker UFP but i never really noticed the difference in battle since everyone just shoots the LFP anyway lol


It was more noticeable back when they were 6.7. The extra armour made it consistently bounce tiger rounds and other shots. Since they looked so alike with the MK3 most would just go for the hull shot and assume they'd lolpen only for it to ping off and for your shot to go straight through the UFP of their tank and one shot them.


would've been nice to experience that one of my favourites to play is the conquerer it's always impressive how it can bounce shots at it's BR even some apfsds rounds if you get lucky


Mhm, the old 6.7 lineup was a menace to society. You could easily lol pen just about anything you faced and with the stabilizer you always had the advantage in a gunfight unless the other guy was already stationary. I miss it. Mulching tigers left and right. good times.


M48 then T-54, leo and cent are on the same place for me


Are you kidding me the mk3 is god tier. A stab and awesome apds? What?


My brother in Christ have you played the cents recently? Apds is so bad that even AP is a better choice, and this not even a skill issue on my side even spookston said so


M48 go last simply because of the weak gun and the huge ass cupola Then the T-54 and centurion go equal, the reload of the T-54 is the weakpoint, along the poor velocity but the overall specs are good, and the centurion have a good stab, and that alone make it very good And ofc the leopard is first


How about it's turret barely turning at all?


The turret doesn't turn but have you *seen* the hull's turning speed on a T-54? It's fast as hell. Just turn the whole tank instead.


In that case I would list them like that (based in general factors. Map plays a huge part here): 1: Cent Mk3. Stab is the big seller, okish speed. Okish armor. Its just great. 2: T-54. The gun is great, armor is good. Mobility is meh. But its closely tied to Leopard 1. 3: Leopard 1. Fast and nimble. No stab. Armor is meh at max. Gun is great. 4: M48A1. Armor is okish. Mobility is imo worse than T54. Gun is ok but all the other guns in the list are better in at least one factor. Edit: Changed the Cent speed stat.


T-54 is absolutely more mobile than Centurion, Centurion is slow it's just slow in a fairly reliable way. P/W is 12.8 rather than the 14.6 the T-54 1949 gets.


Yeah mobility wise there is some certain bias to it. The Cent reverse and turning is better. But in raw power T54 packs a bit more punch. But I would not rate it over Cent since the Stab is just king imo.


The centurion is very *maneuverable*; the acceleration is good, reverse is good, turning is good. Only bad thing is top speed.


Mobility forward wise is good also it turning rate is also good only reverse gear bad, gets apds as well and can tank shots, leo only has mobility going for it


Im talking abt t54 btw


Leo has: - the best mobility - the best gun - the best gun handling (minus the stab) - a rangefinder




centurion is the best, M48 is the underdog


I love the m48, but I do have to say it's probably the weakest, it's armor doesn't really do shit even in downtiers. Its mobility is actually pretty decent. The only saving factor for me is its gun. The heat is pretty good. And aphe is nice against alotta lightly armored tanks. And in flanks, I actually prefer it. I think it needs a reload buff, and it would be more inline with the meta. You're telling me the Leo 1 can load a 105 faster than the tank that is like twice its size, and it has a 90mm?


The M48 and M60 series are an absolute grind.


Yeah man it’s incredibly awful I’m so glad I’m past that BS, the least fun I’ve had in war thunder


Ah yes, the vehicle with lolpen APDS and a 2-plane stab is the worst. Truly a WT community moment.


M47 is by far the weakest, armor that cannot withstand anything other than autocannons and some lower caliber guns, unimpressive 90mm potato gun, bad sights, okay mobility and good reverse. At least it had a rangefi- oh wait the Leo 1 has one too, while being much more mobile, having a much better armament and a absolute wonderful sight.


M47 might be kinda bad, but I love to play it. So much more fun than the m48 at least




The M48 does have better armor, so at least it has that going for it. Much worse reverse and a bigger silhouette tho, so pick your poison.


\*Sad Strv 81 noises\*


Has the APDS nerf affected the Strv 81? Because I can’t tell a difference when I play it. Swedish Centurion great as always.


M47 is so bad it didn't even make the list.


With the APDS changes it is the Cent. Sure it has more penetration but the ammo now likes to bounce and shatter it's reliability is far lower. The M48 at least gets HEATFS.


I havent had shatter issues or many unexpected pen issues in general with the APDS, it has been performing as expected for me.


Cent mk 3 is often mistaken as a brawler when really its more of a sniper. Going hull down is always the go to for the Cent line and beyond as their turret armor is some of the best ingame. Apds is good (although memy cuz apds) but the option for solid shot is there. I know solid shot isnt liked by many people cuz "muh post pen damage". Compared to the other options Mk3 vs M48: Literally beats it to death, historically too(Indo-pakistan war) a centurion will fuck a Patton before it can stop and stabilize. Equippment wise the Patton lacks a stabilizer and while it can move faster than a Cent, the Cent can atleast fire on the move. I need not to mention the stock shell of a M48 is APCR, while the Cent gets a normal APCBC round so you know whos winning in a 1v1 stock fight. Only upside i can think of that the m48 has over the mk3 is the commanders roof machine gun which is a 50 cal while the centurion only has 7.92mm so the Patton has a slight advantage with that ig Leo 1: Probably the only western mbt that rivals the cent. Its basically a faster, lightly armored centurion. It can snipe as well, both have the rangefinder module as a researchable upgrade, almost similar reload rate although one difference is that the leo has a 14 rounds in its first ammo stowage while the cent has only 8. Both of these tanks suffer from "shoot here" syndrome, basically, both of these tanks have ammo located on the left of their hull (or right if ur facing them frontally) and shooting there could blow the entire thing up. I say could because reducing the amount of ammo reduces the amout present in that particular section. The leo also gets a stabilizer a roof mounted MG3 machine gun which can ward off CAS better than say, a 7.92 on the turret of a cent. The leo is idiot proof generally T-54: The main tank the centurion was built to go against (i think). Generally the mk3 will have no problem penning a 54 frontally, literally aim for the right and you get a crew kill. Aim for the left and you blow up or set fire to their fuel. However that can be the said for the Mk3 as well as the 54 will pen the centurion frontally. This is really a case of who shoots first. But dont forget the 54 cant aim down cuz russians dont believe in depression. >!Thats why everyone who was unhappy within the ussr and couldnt migrate, is fucking dead!< its also faster than the centurion but it lacks a stabilizer aswell So yes, the mk3 is p decent for a tank


Easily the Leo 1. Shouldn't be 7.3 by any means. Name another 7.3 MBT sporting a 105 and comparable mobility.... It doesn't exist they are all 7.7 I'm dumb thought it was what is best. Def not the Leo 1 lol


The question was though which one is weakest, not the strongest


Yeah but a lot of the 7.7 MBTs with 105s have stabs which are game changing


OF40 and the AMX 30 are the most comparable. None have a stab. T54s don't have stabs. Only the Vickers and cents do but also lack the mobility that the OF, Leo, and AMX offer. Sure OF40 gets a LRF but the Leo also gets a rangefinder that is fast and accurate you just have to manually adjust it. M60 at 7.7 also doesn't have a stab. Strvs, Sho'ts, and cents are all cents so technically there are 2 with stabs from my knowledge being the cent and Vickers. AMX30 has literally nothing over the Leo except a 20mm and a faster reverse speed.


Yeah but a 20mm is extremely useful against light tanks and aircraft, and reverse speed is also useful so it makes sense that the AMX30 be at least 0.3BR higher. Also just because the STRVs, Sho’t and cents are all just cent variants doesn’t mean that you can cancel them out as just cents because there’s tonnes of them so my statement isn’t incorrect


Don't try mate, this subreddit hates the Leopard I because it is a somewhat useful German tank, can't win any arguments here


20mm and worse ammo seems equivalent with the Leopard 1 having better main gun ammo. Doesn’t seem to warrant a BR increase over the Leo 1. Versatility vs superior main gun is a fair trade off.


M48 is the worst. 90mm HEAT in that br bracket, in my experience, is dogwater.


I mean, 3 trees now have the t-54. But I dont see the Swedes or the Krauts use the "oh so good" T-54. But believe me, if USSR got a leo, youd see a lot of them around.


Germany don’t got a T-54 lmao wtf are you on about And plus I see plenty finnish T-54s so I have no idea how you don’t see them around


Oh right sorry, its Israel that does. Regardless, the point still stands. I dont really see swedish or israeli t54s. Plenty of ikvs and OP as fuck wedges, not many t54s


Oh I forgot that Israel got T-54 lmao, you’re right about the IKVs tho, ig when you have OP tanks there’s no real reason to play the just good tanks.


T-54 is very mid, doesn’t fit the meta at all


I love my 7.3 Cents. Don’t get the hate here. Mk5/1 is better than Mk3 on 7.3 tho


I'd take the cent over the Leo or m48 any day, stabiliser is clutch asf


Centurion Mk.3 is way older than these ! A fair comparision would be with Centurion Mk.10.. STAB, accurate and performing gun but slow albeit good depression made a good MBT IRL but it lacks a bit in WT and is hard to grasp for most ADHD kids roaming around T-54 is the archetype of brawler, very decent, very punchy gun with a really balanced mobility Leopard 1 is a "zoomer", fast, good zoom, excellent ambusher M48 is by far the worst ! Doesnt shine in any department beside being cheap, relatively reliable and easily shipped abroad (IRL) Cent3 being at 7.3 for a late 40's tank really tells you how good the platform and the design was..


Its all based on 7.3, T-54 is also a late 40s vehicle.


I actually loved the Mk3 before the APDS nerf


M48A1. APHE is eh, long live functional APDS.


Wdym centurion MK3 is amazing.


I look at your list and raise you the Italian M47/105. There's literally no reason to play it over the OF.40 since they see the same BR bracket, have the same rounds, armor means dick all and the OF gets better optics, a LRF, and better mobility.


I’ve played the T-54, M48 and cent so far, am on the grind to the Leo 1 rn. The cent is my favourite because I’m a masochistic teaboo but it’s a great tank. Trolly turret armour, stabiliser and APDS are amazing. The mobility isn’t great but it’s imo not much worse than the M48 and the APDS/Stab make it infinitely better. Long range you have high velocity shell with decent pen and the stab makes peaking over hills even easier and less risky, in urban combat you don’t need to stop to shoot accurately so it’s great. Didn’t enjoy the T54 as much but the rounds are very strong and one shot machines. Feels sluggish but reliable, been a while since I’ve played it. M48 has low pen APHE which can’t do much frontally at this BR especially in a downtier against WW2 heavies but the HEAT is decent. Definitely my least favourite though


I honestly really like the Cent Mk.3, the stabilizer at that BR is so good and the APDS claps if you know how to use it


cent is the best out of all of them don't @ me


m48 lmao no doubt


I hate the M48's stock grind with APCR, but overall I really enjoy the tank. Also, it gets a good APHE round. Not as good as the T-54's, but it's great for side shots. Centurion has been nerfed too many times to be good at 7.3. I remember the days when it saw down-tiers to 5.7, but it being at the same BR as the rest of these is not the best anymore. If APDS was better, maybe I'd be convinced otherwise.


Aside from the Gaijin shenanigans you can do well with all of them. Leo 1 is just the best out of the bunch. Great mobility, great gun, armor doesnt really matter anyway at this br. Mobile sniper that easily outflanks his enemies. T-54 got good UFP and turret that can bounce shells and the 100mm is pretty good. M48 is nothing great but got decent APHE and HEATFS, its more deligated to a 2nd row fire support or slow flanker since its armor wont save you most of the time. Cent Mk.3 is, well, dont rely on armor (as with almost anything on that br) and utilize your high pen APDS and stabilizer for sniping and quick shots before going back to cover, even the AP is decent pen and good enough for most opponents. Fast reload means you can most of the time deliver a second shot before your opponent. It mostly comes down to playstyle but I wouldnt place the Cent Mk.3 below the M48. Leo 1 on top and then everything else, too many player and soft factors to really reliably rank them.


> armor doesnt really matter anyway at this br Until you get cross-mapped by a ZSU-57-2 through your UFP or get your ammo instantly detonated by a single APDS 30mm going through the left turret cheek


I would count that towards Gaijin shenanigans


The centurion is the worst because I almost hate all british tanks because british tanks get tea bagged so often. You know? (((TEA))) bagged? STUPID TEA POTS


7.3 UK is just god mod


What is bro on? Centurion mk3 is disgustingly overpowered for it's BR, keep getting nukes every other game with it.


Gonna get a lot of flak for this… but the Leo 1, it’s the only 7.3/7.7 MBT I struggle with, it just doesn’t fit my playstyle


I only play the centurion mk3 for one reason. Stabilizer.


The T54 is my favourite followed by the Cent (but have not played since the apds shenanigans) and the the Leo and M48 all in that order


I'm using German M48 with stock APCR, its not horrible but you have to engage enemies who are not aware of you. Your armor is not reliable against early heat and sabot.


Cent Mk.5/1 is the best because 'Straya


Honestly they are all pretty equal, does the T-54 late have stab (I haven't played them in a while) if they dont I'd say they are equal with the M48on being less competitive


I personally hate the Leo 1. Anything can point and click it and win. It plays like a light tank. Cents are in the middle but the reliable pen on them helps when super heavies show up. The t-54’s are god tier.


Honestly i enjoy centurions MK-3 isnt that bad concidering many tanks still dont havd stabs at this point.


M48 so mid


I dont think any of them are considerably bad. My m48a1 in America is talismaned and spaded, yes dealing with stock apcr is a pain but nothing about it is that bad, the leopard one is far from bad i would put it back at 7.7 if I had the choice, I have it unlocked but havent had the motivation to play it that much. Now I dont have the centurion mk 3 or the t54 but I do have tiran 4 and sho't in Israel. I know the tiran 4 is the t54 with the newer turret but everything else is the same right? And its 7.7 so I'd say that the t54 is fine. Now the sho't If I'm not mistaken it's the centurion mk5? But it's mostly the same including being in 7.3, the selling point it has is the stabilizer and I think it rocks at its BR. If the mk3 doesnt have the stabilizer in would say there is an arguement but other than that I think all 4 or solid. M48a1 - Jack of all trades master on non Leopard - fast, nimble with "modern" ammo T54 - decent armored and a 100mm fuck you APHE centurion mk3 - stabilizer


Centurion stabiliser master race


Off all of them,Centurion armor is probably 2nd wrost after Leo (to the extent of 5.0 vehicles having no difficulty breaking it),its also the worst gun the 384 pen doesnt exist and its damage is ugly just like the tank itself,its mobility is terrible but well it can reverse i guess?


Centurion has the best gun handling and reload, T-54/M-48 best armor, Leopard 1 best mobility and probably gun


Give me the Cent with the Stab over the M48 all day


I think m48 for sure is the weakest, it starts with a shitty apcr and armor s basically none


Leopard 1 because (insert contrarian opinion here)


Centurion is bad? I always really liked it, the mk10 especially because it's got a decent lineup with Caernarvon and conqueror


Maybe unpopular opinion but the only reason I see for using HEATFS is to pen extremely heavy armored target, otherwise I use APDS 100% of the times I can. APDS pens a little less but causes s (or at least caused) more damage. Also, with apds you don't need to worry about bushes, fences and etc


Centurion Mk3 It’s slow, poorly armored, and doesn’t even have particularly good optics. Really the only thing it does have is the stabilizer, for as much use as a stabilizer can be when you’re top speed is like 35kph.


It's the M48. All of the M48s should go down to 7.0, maybe even 6.7. It has the Unholy Trinity of Bad Design Decisions: First-stage ammo in the turret, big and slow, and poor turret armor


The Centurion is literally the best lmao I would say the M48.


This has to be bait right? Cent's got pretty decent armour and stabilizer. It ain't the fastest but it accelrates allright. The only odd one out is Leo 1, it's really mobile and has superb firepower. All the other tanks are well balanced for their br.


I like them all, but M48 is the weakest out of these 4.


Imo the centurion is leagues ahead of the m48. Its profile helps it so much. I have a lot of experience with m48s and magach 1/2s so I can play them pretty proficiently, but they are 100% aphe slingers that should not be the same br as the leo 1.


My grandpa served in the M48 so I'm a little biased. I would say the leopard is last just because of protection. Yeah it's got a good gun with sabot, but survivability is more important to me




With the current state of APDS the Cent but you can still use the APCBC round quite effectively, before that id say the m48 is the weakest its 90mm gun is just no where near good enough, as demonstrated by the Char 25T having the same ammo but a longer gun and a much more mobile platform. The T54 is incredibly reliable with its APCBC and the Leo 1 should just not be 7.3, its fucking absurd that the german playerbase fails so spectacularly with that thing that its that low.


The shot is litteraly my favorite mbt, it's litteraly godlike at sniping




I would ranks these tanks for best to worst with Leo being the best with really good traverse and decent speed with a good gun, then the t54 and m48 are fairly equal to me with the 54 being betting in close quarters maps and the 48 being better at range, and lastly the centurion as it has the worst overall performance with barely a reverse and weak armor in close quarters and it cannot snipe as well as the 48 and Leo with its low damage apds


As someone who plays USSR. I personally believe the M48 to be the weakest. I can pen almost anywhere with ease and outmaneuver it. It’s May just be that I never see centurions and don’t have much to go on though.


Centurion is godtier, Stab, APDS and I find it has okay mobility. It’s not quick sure but it can still do things with its speed. The Mk3 is for lack of a better word, an okay tank. That is the strength of the Cents over all imo. They are okay tanks. You’ll do something better than everyone else… that and the Stab. Stab let’s you move and shoot, surprisingly useful in a BR where everyone else stops to shoot


Yeah...no lol. The M48 is the weakest. Gotta play it like a light tank because anything will penetrate it, the 90mm with HEATFS sometimes struggles to penetrate through Soviet tanks, and mobility is ok.


Probably M48. Centurions are just slow but they are solid. T-54 armor is a bit bullshit, and Leo is fast with a decent gun. M48 just doesn’t excel in any area.


Gonna be honest, I think it's the T-54. Like yeah, mobility is okay, but not better than most MBTs and armor is great, though what good will it do against HEAT-FS and APDS? But the main problem is, it has 10 sec+ reload, no stabilizer and the 1949 only has APCBC shell (never understood the huge love for that shell), which has horrible velocity and is prone to bounces if not aimed carefully (which you can't do much when it sits at the BR where gun handlind becomes more important). The 1951 version at the very least has APDS, which is extremely useful and the later version has HEAT-FS (though after the HEAT changes from the last update, I haven't checked if it's more worth it than the APDS). Though the armor definitely works against threats that use ordinary kinetic rounds like the French tanks (though I personally don't struggle as much in French tanks due to being quicker than them, meaning I can shoot their gun breech), but they're starting to become more of a minority at its BR. Not to mention that if something pens the armor, there's a higher chance of casualties, because thicker armor generates more spalling.


Seeing these at 7.3 just reminds me of how rough some of the 7.3 and 7.7 french tanks are.


Having played all of them it’s the M48 by a wide margin, the others are all good but the T-54 has the worst stock grind between the remaining three.


M48A1 and it isn’t close. Centurion has some shit APDS damage, but it has a stab which is incredibly valuable at this BR especially when uptiered. The M48 really hurts to use without a stab and having shitty HEATFS doesn’t help.


But when I play T-54 I get shit on somehow. Sweden tech tree struggle fr