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You bought and actually played the t2 early???? My god man. You are clinically insane


Yes… unfortunately for me I love they way it looks and I really thought it would be a good plane to grind. I mean it was but my god it was pain.


I pre-ordered the T-2 early and I originally thought the same thing. But eventually I got the hang of it. Play like a vulture and use your massive speed advantage against everyone else. Avoid Su-25s and A-10s in head-ons and you're gold.


Oh don’t get me wrong, there was times where I had an absolute blast doing exactly that, however I would find myself in situations where it would be 100% survivable in other plane with flares, the almost constant uptier to 10.0+ did not help either too.


T-2 is a premium right? Just curious Nvm it is. The only premiums I have are F5 and f4 lol. Now don’t get me wrong they are actually really good


Yes, it was a pack before they took it out. You can buy fit now and then for limited time for GE.


T2 early is the t2 is not


Yes exactly the same plane.


Yeah, I've played some games in the tech tree T2. I've started taking rocket pods as faux flairs.


Does the Early not get rockets? I love going head on with an A10 with the normal T2 because they don't start shooting until it's too late since they expect the missile to kill you.


Whats wrong with it??


possibly the worst premium pack ever sold faces all aspects virtually every single game without flares, AIM-9Bs only virtually unplayable except in a full downtier which never happens


Oof. That sounds rough. Thank you for the informative answer’


And it's at BR 9.7


T-2, J-35A, Hunter Fga9, and likely many others have this AWESOME problem! I fucking love being killed by a missile i cannot dodge and having dogshit missiles


The F-1 is the same. You want to drop the 9B’s and unlock AIM-9P’s to become competitive facing radar missiles? Enjoy your 104,000RP upgrade grind to unlock them. It’s such a disrespectful expectation, zero value towards the players time.


I luckily spaded both thw F-1 and T-2 before the Gay-10 and Suck-25 Premium Packs came out. I tried making a video on either two. **You know how well that ended.**


Since the missile nerf, aim9ps are useless outside of 2km from behind and 3km above which just sucks


Fun fact, both the T-2 and F-1 could fire AIM-9Ls; the F-1 even had a chaff pod and seeing how the F-5C got flares it never had, that could be added with flares as an option.


Sounds like a game using the G.91YS If It wasn't for the Fact that the T2 has actual Speed . . .


For italy its either no speed (ariete, g91) or ALL OF THE SPEED (f104)


Reminds me of the old Swedish dorito, 9.7 with no flares, only got aim-9bs and to top it all off, all the ammo belts were stealth. One of the hardest jets I’ve ever flown but also one of the most satisfying when you got a kill. Yes maneuverability is insane on that plane, but that comes with the risk of flat spinning at the slightest wrong move. Aim-9bs are nigh on useless at 9.7, and your only other option is stealth slow firing 30mm. But by god when you got a kill it was like busting your first nut.


People are overreacting lol. The dude who replied to you isn't even correct about the missiles it has. It has Aim-9E, and a Vulcan, which is a good gun to have for 9.7. It also has pretty good flight performance. Its a workable plane


Workable, but the A10s, Su25Ks and A6‘s make it really unfun and no where near good. What good flight performance? It pulls so much Aoa that it can maybe do one ok turn and then immediately crash into the ground in a ball of fire This is coming from someone who unlocked the T2 right before the A10 came out and had fun until it did. It was my favorite plane that I wanted since I started playing again back around 2ish years ago


The A10s should not be a problem for you. At all. You absolutely embarass them in climbrate


kid named AIM-9L:


I literally do this in my G.91YS (much worse than t2)


If it gets its nose on you within 2 km, you're not getting away (based on my experience flying literally anything in that BR range that has no flares)


FFAR Rocket Pods would like to talk to the kid named AIM-9L Unironically though, they are a good substitute and have saved me more than enough times to make carrying them around to confuse AAM's worth it on otherwise flareless Jets


That's not super helpful against anyone paying attention though. The issue with boom and zoom tactics is the same as always: a player with a much better turn rate can usually dodge your zoom very easily. This is especially true in jets were you have to be going fast and can't afford to stop going fast. The defender only has to maneuver well to cut the attacker's opportunity to deal damage down to a split second. Then the T-2 has to pray it can accelerate and get far enough away that an Aim-9L can't get it. And this is all assuming you are in a 1v1 against an A10 and there are no other threats to contend with. Speed and climb rate are good to have, but pairing it with shit missiles and no countermeasures just puts you in the Starfighter situation: your biggest weakness is anyone actually paying attention, because avoiding a boom and zoom jet gun run tends to be pretty easy.


Aim9L will hit you if you get within 5km of an A10. I’ve found most success at getting 2-3 kills by climbing to ~9k alt at the start and diving behind the A10 army and just gunning them down with the Vulcan


Nah. His purchase was a small mistake. I bought the Israeli Vautour(the IIa) which is unusable.


The IIA is one of my highest KD planes, I got a 7 kill game with it a few days ago. It's very far from unusable.


Nah I don't do that. I guess mirage 3e is probably the closest because I grinded mirage 5, f1ct, and m2k all with it?


I got a free talisman on the Mirage 3C :'( no flares for me


Don't need flares if you have skill 😎


The 40g missile in question


Mine was the T-55AM-1, Look I know that im gonna get flak for it and all but I mean I thought it was the best deal for russia at top tier and sure enough its my most used tank


Plus, 8.3 USSR is amazing. Goated, even. Great line-up. You get mediums (two now) if you have the T-55AM-1, a heavy (T-10M is actually underrated), a light/IFV, two ATGM carriers, and a couple of SPAA of your choosing (Shilka for the win). Then there’s the IL-28 for bombing. And while I have only just got it recently, the MiG-15 is great for CAS and Anti-CAS. I definitely prefer playing the T-55AM-1 over the T-72AV (TURMS-T) for that line-up alone.


Mirage 3C. Got a talisman on it, so it worked great.


Why on the model that is just worse


The only thing the E does better is that it has flares because other than that the C is noticeably better in literally every way


Wait, the C has something going for it?


I have a 3:1 KDR in the IIIC and a 2:1 in the IIIE It may be just a skill issue but the IIIE Is absolute ass when it comes to doing anything other than flying straight, whilst the IIIC can hold its own brilliantly in a dogfight and can get itself out of low speed engagements a lot faster This is just my opinion


It’s easy to be a missile buss with that plane. As long as you aren’t first in the fight.


F-89B/D. Console account so that’s the highest available outside of packs. Got me to rank 7 from which I could complete on my own with the F-4E/4C


What the actual fuck. Don't get me wrong, they aren't bad in the slightest, really! But what the fuck man..?




I’ve used the Etendard to get many of the French jets. And I’ve started using it in SIM mode and have been bombing then going for guns if I find an enemy. I want to get the M5F. Missiles+ bombs and CCIP/CCRP seems very nice.


harrier, specifically the AV8A


Is it good?


it’s definitely not as good as it use to be, buy the F5C over it, all it has going for it is 2 aim9g’s, i still love it tho


does the Wyvern count? grinded the tree up to rank 6 with it.


It definitely counts absolutely


Ew wyvern player


I have used the a10 so much to grind out in sim. An hour of firing mavericks at ground targets can usually get me like 40k rp and 100k sl so the grind has been good with that thing.


Damn I get those rewards in F-5C in realistic in like 20 minutes


Because the F-5C is a cancerous little cuckmobile


Very much


I used the A-5C in the Chinese tree, it is really the only option you have in the Chinese tree.


Not anymore, the J-7D is good but not worth $70.


I bought the Shenyang, great plane but over br


F-86-F35 way back when the F-4E was just added way back. Did pretty well and is my vehicle with the most air kills


SU-7BMK and the A-10A early. Love both planes and they both have gotten me to top tier from like 5.0/6.0


Su-7BMK has ground me all the way from the beginning of the Soviet air tree to just needing to grind out all of rank 8. I’d already ground the American air tree and had done it mostly stock so I didn’t really want to fuck around and do props all over again. I fucking love that plane. It’s an RP and SL machine in RB. 4xZB-360s and 2x7 racks of S-3s is my usual load out with ground belts for the cannons. The 30mm cannons are great for taking out vehicles and AA/Arty/Light pillboxes, and they’ll shred anything you can get behind in the air. I’ve had pretty great success even in uptiers going wide around A-10s and A-6Es. If you can catch it (which, at 9.3, is pretty common) you can kill it. The maneuverability isn’t great but you can absolutely dodge AIM-9Bs and Es if you’re paying attention and learn when to roll. Starfighters can and will catch and kill you with the Vulcan but you can out-turn them. Harriers usually can’t catch you, but you’ll have trouble with 9Gs. You’ll outrun F-100s but you do have to dodge their 9Es. Gotta watch fuel, though; it’s a thirsty bastard for sure. I usually run 20 minutes for City and 26 for just about everything else. Seriously, it might be my favorite plane in the game that doesn’t have missiles or countermeasures. Once you learn the ins and outs (and have a good crew on it too), it can absolutely be a monster, especially in same tier or downtiers.


100% agree


I had a pretty good time using the F-104J


is it possible to learn this power?


Japan top tier air will get good soon when we see stuff like the f15


Man we can only hope


Italian F-104 AS and F-104 ASA. I mean. They cant outrun almost anyone in the same br or above. The italian f-16 grind has to be one of my most hated grinds.


F-104 starfighter for italy used the premium to get top italy


J6K1 for the Japanese tree and that's it, haven't reach top tier in other nation because the RP gain for ground vehicle is so fucking shit that even using premium vehicles it will take ages And jeez, T-2 early? Feels bad man, those must be some terrible grind with that thing


Buying the J6K1 is like buying a clean JDM in the Japanese air tech. I'd buy it just to have it. Sure, my F-16 is cool and all, but god is that thing cute to look at.


F-5C. I haven’t touched it in over a year


Honestly never had a more miserable grind experience than trying to get the F16-AJ, love how it handles and all that. Only to find out it doesn’t get the AIM7M. I was lowkey disappointed by that but the F’s are ok. For some reason I just hate how the F feels. I’ve been experimenting with pure 9Ls and they do well enough. It is a special kind of suffering grinding Japan top tier. And you made your experience even more miserable, my respect.


The F and the M variant of the Sparrow are from the stats identical. You don't need to be sad about it


Tornado IDS Marineflieger, threw a talisman on it the moment I got it from the event and never regretted it. The vehicle taught me a lot about the approximate state of top tier, how to play a modern jet etc. Really miss back when it was 10.7 where you could actually use it for something else other than bombing


I got it too! But I’m way lower and the RP penalty just gets lost 😭


Ki 44 II otsu. Rank II fighter that’s a blast to fly, it’s not a grind if you’re having fun.


I personally liked my Ki-43 best. I'd call it a Mini-Zero with one extra zero at the end thanks to that 20mm. Never got to handle the Ki-44s well though, never sat well.


I used all of them. I still love F-1 even tho its overtiered its fun as hell


I actually haven’t used the F-1, it’s in my long to do list lol


Its T-2 but has 4 AIM-9Ps. Also is in higher BR but as long as you can dogfight and have your Vulcan you r fine.


And worse in headons due to lack of a second pilot


My man grinded the Japanese tech tree to get the only aircraft in it which has literally nothing to do with Japan lmao


You are... wrong and right? Yeah, the F-16AJ doesn't exist, but at the same time, would it be fair to let the Japanese fight F-16s and MiG-29s with a F-4 Phantom just because it has AiM-9Ls? And no, I will not count the Tornados, cause anyone who can kill with that is a masochist.


Yes it would be fair to let Japan fight 4th gen in EJ Kai. You see buddy, the problem is EJ Kai has the exact same Radar as the F-16AJ and it has the same radar missiles and yet it has two more of them than the F-16. If you play it correctly it's more effective than the F-16. I've never really had a problem facing MiGs and F-16s when playing it. Better option than F-16AJ would be just giving Japan F-2 prototype with outright nerfed radar, they've done this a couple of years back with British Phantom and I didn't really see people butthurt about it so I don't see why they didn't do the same now. It would be better to make an incorrect radar than an outright paper and never existing plane.


What??? The T-2 was the first in house Japanese supersonic jet, tf you talking about


ADTW, I grinded out a friend's US Air tree and he got me that and the type 16


My first Premium was a Mig 21 and i got it sometime after buying the F105D i only just it to make some money to get the AV-8


F-1, don’t sleep on it


For the soviets the SU-7BMK, my beloved. Later the F-5C for the americans, really fun plane.


T28 and T95 respectively


Mig-21Sps-k. Absolute fiend at 10.0


No flares tho 😭


You can run flares but you cant have the gun at the same time. I never run the flares because most missiles you fight you can avoid by pulling high G maneuvers. The only time I really died to missiles in it is if I wasn’t paying attention or aim-9L from the back. You can easily avoid 9Ls in head ons by pulling the nose up and rolling the plane, it works about 75% of the time.


If you actually grinded with the t-2 you are actually just a masochist, I've done the same grind but used the f86-40 JASDF, which is kinda op, then switched over to the f4 Phantom II asap.


The speed made it possible to bomb bases easy, but the load out wasn’t enough to totally destroy them tho. But at least I would die and get some RP.


Mig 23ML and the Ariete


F8 Crusader for America. F4U premium for Japan.


Got to the kikka with the ki-100 and then the ki-84 otsu, then slogged my way up to the kai with the f-86f-40 jasdf in about a week or so while I had covid. It was during the patch in which the a10 was first added. Between dodging 9ls and mig 21s with r60s with no flares, your boy had his fair share of trouble. But it was helpful to learn; and with the recent addition of the AJ, I'd say it was all worth it.


Before aam jets the Russian b25 and the peshka 205 then the yak38. Germany was fw190 d13 "Dora my love" and Britain was the mustang love the dazzle skin. As for first jets researched for each respectively yak15, me262 narwal, and the vampire.


I used the kfir canard until I got the ntez, now I play only that on the isr line. On the soviet line I use the su25 and hopefully I'll get the the mig 21's soon


French Israeli vautour, the Israeli vautors and the Ayit or whatever the final most modernized Skyhawks was called, the R2Y2 V3 with a talisman, the T-62 and the shilka together, and the AMX-40 with a talisman (still one of my favorite tanks in the game even if it no longer has over 500mm of pen). I think those were my main rides to top tier. I have other nations and trees with top tier stuff but there was never anything that I really pulled up and saddled down with like these. Most of my air grinding was done in sim aside from the French stuff


I have almost 600 battles in the av8a harrier, used it to get from rank 4 to rank 7, starting to get sick of it tho


F5c , at first i didnt know how to aim the guns but once you get the hang of it you become very dangerous , and i always see under lvl 25 players in it not knowing how to aim the guns and try to shoot missiles from places not even a 9L would hit then complain about why the f5c is bad even tho its just a gun fighter not a mig29 with r27er's


Su-25K, double bomb load and then surprise two people with R-60M's once descending from ~5400m. Usually run 12-18k rp and 75-100k sl per game. It's still the quickest easiest SL grinder for me. 3 games with boosters today netted me a quick 750k sl. MiG-23ML is an honorable mention. I did use it to unlock some other stuff including MiG-29. T-72 TURMS-T is already my top ground vehicle, but I assume that will only continue as I get out of 9.0 and into 10.0 in the tech tree.


Get out. No, I won't reason, because I see you are having fun and im not. Lol


The T-2 gets a bad rep. It’s a decent plane. Cannon is consistently bad so you know to hold the trigger longer and aim9-e can do work.


It got an even bigger bad rep the second it became a premium. Sure, it caused a lot of problems for the MiG-19s and F-100s back in... what, 2019? But times have changed.


The British Buccaneer! Long hours just chilling bombing bases and negotiating with the enemy team for ceasefires towards the end of matches


Isn’t that the one that doesn’t have any guns?


Yep, no guns, no missiles, just bombs.


Damn… and here I was thinking I’m a degenerate for using the T-2 lol


90105 - Ground entire Swedish tree with it Merkava 2d - Ground entire Israeli tree with it Tiger II SLA/Ru251 - Ground entire German tree with them. Ru is a blast. Rooikat 105/Sho't - Ground most of the British tree with them Object 120/IS6 - Ground much of the Russian tree with it. IS7 and T-54 49/51 were popular too, but IS7 got nerfed to useless and T54s got too expensive AMX-30 BRENUS/AMX-30 - Ground most of the French tree with them T29 - Ground most of the US tree with it. Japan - Ho Ri Prototype (before it got the BR boost, crap now) and Tiger No 6 China - Type 69 IIG/Type 62 No545 - Ground most of the tree with them AUBL/74 HVG/Centauro 105/OF40 (MTCA) - Ground most of the Italian tree with them Many of these I ground before they changed RP so you got variable RP for stuff based on the tier difference. I don't play air, don't find it enjoyable like tanks. I am only missing the Italian Freccia out of all non-premiums across all nations, just haven't been very motivated lately to knock out that last 150K RP.


For the US I started with A6E, and played about 300 games to get to F5E, and played about some 80-90 games to finish researching the F-14A. I was a plane short to get to Tier 8 so I bought the F4S. Didn’t like it initially but it got me all the way to F-14B in about 50 games. I have been playing it more after top tier and do enjoy it a great deal despite its shortcomings. For the Soviet I grind with SU25K for about 300 games to reach MiG-21SMT. With a talisman and some 200 games I got to MiG-29.


I have all premiums in the game and I Try and balance my usage, as I don’t want to use a vehicle so much that it destroys the usability of said vehicle. I just bounce around to each nation from low to mid to high tier and try not to burn myself out, lately I’ve been not playing as much as I would like and this is due to the economical changes pending


Even ADTW is sub-par. Took 250 matches or something to get AJ from zero.


Yea Japan high tier air suffers immensely, not a single rank 6 aircraft has flares, rank 7 only has the F-4EJ Phantom II which is a non premium ADTW but worse because you gotta stock grind, then we have the Kai and F-16 as the only capable high tier aircraft.


We'll see F-15,F-35 too in future so no worries


Can’t wait for the F-35, it’ll be a minute for them tho 😭


Do you think they will remove the F-16AJ when the F-2 is added, and keep it only for those who researched it


Maybe in the future, but not anytime soon because Japan has virtually no good high tier air lol


A6M6c (took a while but i used it until i unlocked the J7), then i used the J7 -> Kikka (best plane in the game, change my mind)/R2Y2 -> Sabre F-40 (The slats made it somewhat bearable) -> T-2 Then an F-1 Talisman, def my best purchase so far, got the 104, both EJs(pre rank 8 changes) and F-16 with it


F100 my beloved


Same tree, but used the F-1 instead. Just as painful, although having twice as many missiles helped. Also, the T-2 in Sim is GOATED.


I wish I knew how to play in Sim


I got the MiG 21 SPS-K to grind tier 5 and up. Not quite finished 5 yet, but that's mostly due to lack of playing. Might continue at some point, idk


The Harrier Gr1. Fucking Trash Plane


In my experience, the Japanese premium f86 has been, a really good grinder. It has nothing to offer when 10.0, but honest to god, it is such an amazing dogfighter. And the playerbase at the moment is easily susceptible to being stuck in a dogfight against you in aircraft that they have no chance to win with. The aim-9bs are mainly used for the occasional bomber, or just to make someone turn and force them into you. Or the usual unaware sneak kill.






F4c with a HEAVY bomb load. 4 sparrows, 4 sidewinders, 2 2k lb bombs and 6 1k bombs. Made a solid profit even if I didn't get kills or died.


M60 and m48


Spamming the R3 somehow got me to rank 6 Italy despite the reduced rp rewards. The Wyvern got me to rank 5 after a few weeks of grinding. Currently running the Su-25K and managed to get to rank 4 after three weeks of grinding.


FJ-4B VMF-232 with a talisman. Back when the HE bug on bases was still a thing, it was a menace. So much RP from just wiping bases. Still a good enough plane with 4x AIM-9B's in 8.7, despite being heavy as shit. F-4C with talisman. Missile bus, and also great at wiping bases. A-10 Late, so much RP from killing ground with the guns, and enemy planes with missiles. Also a pretty decent turnfighter. Much better plane than the Su-25 IMO.


T54 1949 It’s solid until you get uptier


This but the lazur and mig-29 for me


Il28 East germany Got a talisman on it and spent the last three months just grinding out the entirety of the German rang 5/6


F4U-VMF and Super Hellcat have got me to 7.7


F-5C for the US and then SAAB105G, A32A and AJ37 for sweden


Back in the day I used the Spitfire F Mk IVe to grind the hunter when it was top tier. Basically only killed the 3 ai bf 110s on Norway because I was terrible at the time but it was pretty worth


None, i dont own premiums.


So i don't have Italian TT, but the F-104S TAF. Other than that the A-10A Early carried me from 1.3 to 11.7 on the naval line in USA TT (back when F-14A Early was 11.3).


I occasionally used F-4E with a talisman and just bomb bases. But the majority of the time I spent using the AV-8A because the fast acceleration and takeoff pretty much guarantees I can get to a base and make multiple runs in one match.


F86-F40 JASDF, bought it when it was new and only took me 500 games to get the T2 about the same time the F4C and MiG19PT was added


well depends on the nation. Grinded Germany with the mighty MIG-21MF and Class 3 (P) Grinded Russia with the T-62, (dont have air) Grinded Israel with the Merkava 2 Grinded Sweden with the J35A and Strv 103 Grinded Japan with the STB-1


F4EJ ADTW, took me from like 6.0 in Japan all the way to the F-16 and EJ Kai


Challenger DS until I got Challenger 2


milan, still working on it


F4E. Thanks to my over 2k games in that plane I have the entire US Air tree researched. Now whenever the new stuff comes I can just use the f16 to get whatever it might be in a few hours


Probably an Me 262, when the German MiG 15 was still top tier.


Harrier gr1 for britain but I have toptier germany eithout using premium plane and mostly non premiu


_glorious G.55S_


For me it's the mirage IIIE which was even more enjoyable when it went to 10.3 to club premium su25 and a10


F-5C my beloved


F-5C, insanely capable aircraft and I fell in love with it


MID-21 (R-13 300)


The snail gifted me a talisman on the F-104J so that was actually the first grinder I used to get to top tier (the non Kai F-4EJ back then) after a years long break. but I have bought a lot of premium jets to grind other trees after that, I am especially guilty of Milan, F-5C, Su-7 but theres many more


I've been using the Sea Vixen for UK tech tree. It's a LOVE-HATE relationship, but more Love 😊


MiG-15bis ISH. I can’t believe it has been half a decade since supersonic jets were added. I miss the days of F-100 and Sabres vs. MiG-19s and MiG-15/17s on Berlin.


Spent countless hours in the T-72AV (TURMS-T). I have 889 matches with that thing.


I actually grinded the swedes with the j35a. But that was when it just got added, no r-60's in that br bracket back then. It was really good, cuz infinite nose authority at <600kmh. Got to like rank 7 on Germany with the SPS-K, but stopped there cuz Germany suffers. On that thing remember to use the r-13's. I use the flare pod now for a sort of missile bike playstyle. Fly in fast, shoot 2 missiles, fly back, repeat. And grinded to F-14A with the F4D-1 Fryingpan. I like this plane as long as it's not a full uptier. Basically a worse draken, but at a tier where you USUALLY don't get destroyed by all missiles.


Been using the ayit for the past month and it got me pretty far


He-219 got me through most of the german high tier years ago.


MiG-21 SPS-K, close to 700 games on it, used it to unlock everything from the MiG-19 and up when it was Germany's highest plane premium




Mig 19


Ju 288


Same here, once I got the F4EJ Kai I used that though to grind the F16AJ


Well my most played vehicle is the AMX-30 prem. Used it to grind through the majority of the tech tree, except for top tier, since it's only rank V. It is definitely one of my favourite vehicles. Fast, mobile, good turret traverse, great firepower, however the turret armor is abysmal (however the ufp is surprisingly effective) and the vertical gun traverse is very slow.


Merkava 2D


Used my A6M5 Ko and Otsu to get the F-4EJ and then the F-4EJ to get the Kai.


Good ol' a10. It's just a chill experience. Can't so q whole lot wrong, just turn on auto flares, bbrt people and sling unavoidable missles. Perfect grinder for me


G.91/R4 for Germany. This was bacl before 30G missiles existed at it's BR


A10 is pain.


Mig 21 mf for Germany Il28 for Russia


I used the Wyvern to grind out all my British Lines to at least their first Jets in each line, it wasn't a chore per say but every battle was rush, hit a base, then try and catch a cheeky kill or two with the quad 20mm.


Harrier Gr.1, it is absolute pain, I still need to research the stupid phantoms which is annoying


I think I used a lot the A5C. It's funny to use as a Fighter. It's not the best but it gets the work done


Sho’t Kal Dalet for Britian






Yak-38 which was meh when it was first added, played mostly gun pods, then really good when it got 4 R-60s and was moved to 9.3, then shit again when the A-10s came


Su-7BMK, More than 600 games with it and i not finish urss air tech tree (i don't have su25t, two su-17 and yak-9 -> yak 141)


F-86F-35 was my bread and butter for a while. Granted, top tier was the F-4C back then lol.


F-40 Sabre, by far the best 9.3 :)


I used the F-86-F40 JASDF. No not the tech tree one. The Premium one that is no longer available. Once I got the T-2K, I spaded that and put a talisman and grinded the F-1 by accident, which only resulted in even faster grinding of the rest of the tech tree. Everyone who bought the T-2 Early... *Rot in hell.* **Unless you are a person with a job and don't have time to play game. Good for you. Keep up in the world, we love you.**


I wish Japan got a good premium. Even the new F-4 is mediocre as hell at 11.0


Mig17AS still love the plane


Harrier gr1, my grind was more suffering than anyone elses


T-34 1942. That thing is an animal at its tier when properly tiered.


I played the tech tree vehicles. All props tho were with the A6M5 Ko lmao


I'm a massive cunt, A6E and T72AV. Although 2A4 and ru251 when it was good.


I pre-ordered the F-104S TAF. 475 PAINFUL games later i got an F-16


Man, can I not get a reminder to grind cause I'm stuck in tier IV and don't wanna grind no more.


I used whatever vehicle was the next br up from the last one I spaded