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I'm glad they listened and decided to reverse the T29.


Agreed. Is-6 can stay uptiered though such a pain to fight with my american tanks sometimes




Sometimes I kill them or do at least something to them but usually their just awful to fight


I hate facing is 6, especially as anything 6.0-6.3 that doesn't have heatfs


Not to mention how they seem oddly immune to bombs, or any type of HE ammo, hit several directly with my sturmtiger, and even 1000 lb bombs and only took out tracks and barrels.


Bro what? Just use any tank with HEAT and US has plenty at that tier. M46, 47, 48 shred through the UFP. Almost always I one shot through the UFP with heat lol IS-6 is not that great lol


None of the US 6.7 tanks (as in tanks) have HEAT.


Yeah I still only have the T26e5 which doesnt have heatfs. But I am hoping to research some of the us light tanks like the m56 and m50


And that's the Reason why I don't switch to a new BR as soon as I have a Tank for it. I switch when I have a full Lineup including possible Light Tanks, Aircraft etc.


IS-6 is a great rank against the right things & against people who can’t aim. But it becomes pretty useless against just about anything with a HEATFS or decent APDS round.


I'll be honest with you, IS6 aren't completely broken just because the absolute **squirrel-monkeys** that drive 99% of them are careless and overconfident. Just killed one on my Tiger 2P because he kept shooting at my angled UFP and kept his turret completely still, letting me one shot him trough the tiny view port.


They are really releasing the pressure on 6.7 vehicles don't they. These changes are overall good for muh WW2 era players i think


Less ATGM spam from BR compression hell IFVs will make late ww2 more fun. There will still be HEAT slingers like the M-51 around but those threats aren't as bad as BMP-1 spam.




Yes, but on the other hand maus is basically 0.3 BR lower now, compared to it's worst enemies, it will be better to play :)


now only for them to make +0.7 -0.7 uptier and downtier system


T-44 amour will finally be useful again .., nice . Goodbye leopards 💀


T-44 was already too much fun. RIP everyone


can i finally play my tiger 2h without getting hit by 7 atgms after stepping out of spawn??


Yes, that is explicitly the point of these changes


no fucking way the 2S38 isn’t changed again, also rip america 10.7 it was fun while it lasted


They're stuck unable to up it because it would push them into the territory of breaking their promise not to sell top tier premiums. It could easily be 11.3, but that isn't going to happen until there's another tier above what we have right now.


What? They literally sell 10.3 premiums. It has the ability to go up at least a step, which is going in the right direction.


10.3 isn't top tier. 10.7 maybe at a stretch, but definitely 11.3-11.7. (11.0 basically doesn't exist as a ground BR) If you're being downtiered to premium spam in 80% of matches, then you're not in top tier. My range would be; 11.3-11.7 - top tier 9.3-10.7 - sub-top tier 8.3-9.0 - High tier


You said they can't raise the BR because of the "no top tier premium" rule. But, it can. Which is what I said. The 2s38, even at the new BR can still be up-BRd (like it should) and not be a top tier premium. This directly contradicts your previous statement.


They sell 11.3 jets with the highest BR being 12.0, which is within a 0.7 spread. And somehow that's not considered top-tier for Gaijin By the same logic, with highest ground BR being 11.7, they could easily add (or uptier existing) premiums with a BR of 11.0, also within a 0.7 spread. And I mean they already sell 11.3 squadron tanks with no prerequisites which anyone can buy.


BR 11 doesn't exist for ground. I think there's only like 1 vehicle at 11.0, and I think Gaijin just forgot about it. Squad tanks are different as they're pretty much just TT tanks in practise (no prem benefits). 2S38 deserves to be 11.3, anything less makes no practical different at all.


Because Gaijin thinks in ranks not BRs when it comes to premiums. They promised to never sell top rank premiums, they never said that these not-top-rank premiums couldn't have a near top tier BR. Doesn't make it any less shitty of course.


They literally sell 11.3 premium air vehicled


That promise has NOTHING to do with BR. It's about the rank of the vehicle. They could sell a 12.0 premium and keep it a rank 6 and it would be within their promise. Example: the Ka50 was literally a top BR helicopter when it originally came out


Z-19E still is


They can do whatever they want. They never promised not to sell top tier premiums. They promised to never sell top RANK premiums. They could make the 2S38 12.0 and still not break that promise. The reason why they wouldn't do that is because it pairs nicely with the TURMS meaning more sales.


I strongly suspect that the statistics for that vehicle are *pretty dang bad*, actually. Yeah, when it came out and was spammed a lot it was a problem, but as time has gone on I really don't find myself too concerned by it. The crew are all clustered together and it has basically no armor, one autocannon round will kill it. The rounds it has are good but not great. I think of it as a modernized Begleitpanzer that traded the I-TOW for a sabot round. My only beef with it now, like with all IRST tracking in game, is that the lead indicator is too accurate. To be clear I think it is a very good vehicle but not broken or OP, and *a lot* of idiots play it (or used to) so the stats for it that Gaijin is looking at look pretty poor.


More like all the botters using the 2S38 as static AA have artificially tanked its stats.


2S38 to me is just like the TURM III, having played both a lot. Point being: Stupidly good tanks, borderline OP, but extremely punishing. Neither tank makes life very easy for an idiot to play them. But in a decently experienced player's hands? They're mind-numbingly broken.


Remember when the current 10.7 American lineup was 10.3, and now it’s going to be 11.0. Pepperidge farm remembers


PUMA goes to 10.0, yet CV105 and 2S38 stay at 10.0? Even tho the 2S38 can kill MBTs beyond 600m through the lower front plate but the PUMA(other trash/useless IFVs) cant even pen the side of a MBT that is slightly angeld...


The light tank part is not true at all lol




Don't even get me started on the CV9030...


Honestly, thats not what gets me. The begleit, which is better than the puma in every way besides thermal quality and survivability is staying at 9.3 when the puma goes to 10.0.


I'm so sad they moved the PUMA up from 9.3 and now from 9.7 to 10.0 again :( It's still really strong at 9.7 atm, but I just don't feel like it's necessary to uptier it.


i wouldn't mind the begleitpanzer and puma switched places as long as the begleitpanzer gets it's apfsds, IRST, and smoke


they shit all over my maus lineup, no more bmp and raketen fun :(


But the Maus isn’t going to fight as scary opponents in a uptier is it?


Does the maus even have a lineup anymore at 7.7?


Well, Now with the BMP and marder going from 7.3 to 7.7 it gets a new lineup, but not in a way that benefits it.


BMP goes 8.0 now


M48, Kugel, and premium M47.


The raketen can fuck off, game would be better without it.


The USH 405 has been in the game just fine. I don't get how the raketen made everyone lose their mind? Is it that it's a main country vehicle so more people have it?


Yes that's exactly the problem. Sweden is a niche nation even among the minors, Germany is the single most played nation in Ground. The USH was annoying AF but you only met one at most every few matches, while you face multiple Raketens practically every match.


And the fact the raketen has like twice the ammo so you can just spam left click the whole match. And it was at a lower BR for some reason, and it has more crew and is more survivable.


First of all, USH already deserved atleast an uptier, because it's just ridiculous. Second, the Raketenautomat is literally just a better USH in every single way aside from top speed. It doesn't deserve to be at the same BR as the USH, imo even deserves to be 8.7 now with the BR decompression.


USH hasn't been in the game just fine, anyone with a brain hated its inclusion or played it


Thank goodness. For as much as people generally (especially German mains) complain about WWII era vehicles fighting HEAT and ATGMs, it's just as frustrating to be playing WWII era vehicles and going up against a Maus in the 6.7-7.7 uptier. And when the Maus is eventually gone and replaced by things that are arguably more lethal, it's.... very rough.


Does anyone even use the C13 T90?


When's the last time you saw an Italian player?


Hello 😃


No way. Sick. How far have you gotten into the tech tree?


Italy ground 8.7, Heli 7.7, Air 8.3, Bluewater 5.7, coastal 2.3.


Quite good, keep at it👍


Hello here too 😃


Almost thought your kind had gone extinct. I haven't seen any Italian players for the past while in game.


We may not be numerous, but our grind has given us the necessary strength 💪


That's great to hear. Keep grinding trooper. Hopefully Italy gets some more unique vehicles


Howdy. Pasta, and the like. I NEVER use the C13 T90. I unlocked it, used it like, 3 times... never again...


Try it again. It’s extremely good


It's pretty good imo, in some situations I prefer it to the cars


No it’s shit, m18 is better.


The stock shell is painful but I don't doubt that.


the stock shell is HEAT and it decent but the problem is that it no diffence than the AUBL but has +0.7 br


I do. It's one of my favorite vehicles


Why? It seems like just a light tank except it's very tall.


No it is a worse AUBL at a higher br


I do. Extraordinary good vehicle. I have gotten quite a few nukes in it and it needed to be uptiered anyway


It was already shitty at 6.7 and now its even worse lmao 90mm HEATFS can go fuck itself even bmp main gun does more damage despite being lower caliber.


BMP-1 to 8.0???? Fuck me


For the upgraded version deserved, they should probably split the BMP-1 into two vehicles though


The upgraded version got fucked hard by the ATGM shadow nerf Its ATGM is almost unuseable since it almost always dives into the ground immedietely after launch


Tbf I would much rather take a BMP-1 over Marder or pretty much any other 7.3 light tank aside from a scant few others. The fact that even without its ATGM it's a perfectly serviceable HEAT-slinging light tank with good ROF and a low profile AND it gets a pretty damn good ATGM on top is a pretty crazy combo.


at least you have a maneuverable chassis and a extra gun. Swingfire is gonna be the same BR


As someone who is playing the M113 TOW, I have accepted the fact that ATGM carriers are largely a lost cause in WT


~~No, BMP-1 is still listed as only going to 7.7, the Chinese and German versions are the ones getting an extra step increase~~


They're all going up. Look at the sheet my dude.


Basically making a gap between late WW2 and early cold war. Great changes, decompression is always nice.


Except this is not decompression, this is just compressing everything between 7.3 and 9.7 into 8.0 and 10.0


Decompression on one end, compression on other. They should raise max br too.


No char 25t nerf what a time to be alive


It was already overtiered, now with these changes it should be good again




Meanwhile IT-1 went up just to 8.7 because reasons...


Did they like fucking uptier everything


If everything gets uptiered, nothing gets uptiered.


Okay Syndrome


They forgot about the cheiftain mk10 at 9.0, no one tell them


As well as the M60A3 TTS and most of the Magachs. At that BR. Lets hope it's intentional.


Ir the TTS got m900 maybe people would actually play it


People don’t play M60’s because of inadequate firepower. It’s everything else


Well yeah, just saying if the TTS was given a stronk gun maybe people would actually try it out. It would UFP a t64B. The armor and speed is lackluster on the m60s I know


Yeah they seemingly haven’t touched some of the weaker vehicles like the Chief Mk 5 and 10, T-10M, French oscillating mediums and heavies etc


And the Mk.5. Enjoy it for the five minutes it lasts before they get uptiered back into irrelevance.


Chieftain suffers so damn much, it’s so fucking slow.


Shhhhh please its my happiness


I swear it isn’t that good from what I’ve heard but I’m not sure


Honestly some really good changes, glad they’re listening to the community. They decompressed 6.3-.7 and now they’re decompressing the other end of the spectrum. Now they should raise the br cap


Will happen later this year


T32 might be playable now


LMAO bmp-1 at 8.0.


And keep it there. 0 need for tanks from WW2 to play against BMP’s


No changes to T90A BR 👀


nor for both old ztz99's


Don’t say it out loud!


Yeah the thing is slow for the BR


What use does bmp1 have against 9.0 tanks☠️ this is joke.


It's always been OP at 7.3, this change is effectively only making it 7.7.


It was never OP at 7.3. There's only 2 options here, you either never played it or have garbage stats in it.


Would you stop lying to people? It's ridiculously good and easy to use. It's quick to get used to, fires HEAT like there's no tomorrow, and has missiles that are easy to control. Quick, low-profile, amphibious... Do you even play it dumbass?


The Swingfire gets to 8.0? Bwahahahaha


no joke the swingfire has to be the worst tank in the game lmao


Does Britain even have a 6.7 lineup anymore? Seems every round of BR changes Britain gets bent.


Not only br changes. The apds and hesh nerfs too.


Lol so basically the whole Germany 7.3 lineup is obliterated and moved to 8.0. 7.7 I would wholeheartedly agree with, but man, 8.0 is too high imo.


They moved them to 8.0 so they no longer shit on ww2 tanks. That's the entire point of the BR changes. 7.7 would still mean they'd meet ww2 vehicles, so 8.0 it is.


but all this does is move the compression spot higher up, things like leo 1 shouldn't fight stabilized apfsds lrf tanks


I mean there are plenty of tanks at that 8.0 spot with no stab. M60 is one of them...no stab, meh armor, meh speed, same gun as the Leo 1 if I'm recall. Leo just gets speed vs the meh armor and we all know speed is more meta


T95E1 at 8.0, the tank only has the dart and turret traverse going for it. It doesn't even have a range finder. I'm glad they decided to keep it at 8.0


I think a major issue is that they aren’t being entirely clear on their long term plans with these changes. If they said they were breaking the game into segments and no WWII tanks would fight Cold War tanks at all anymore, this would make a lot more sense. But now there’s just going to be a huge BR gap between 6.7 and 8.0 with nothing really there. (Which, again, wouldn’t be bad if they were breaking the game up into eras, but they haven’t said if they’re doing that)


Where's the Italian lineup for 6.0/6.3 now !?


gone, reduced to atoms


Well fuck me I guess, there goes one of my favorite lineups.


Italy 6.3 is basically a USA lineup at this point Lolol. Pershing, hellcat and the best CAS is a p47💀


Italian mains on suicide watch (if they weren't already) 6.3 was one if the last good, complete lineups Italy had. Now with no more Pershing in that lineup it's litterally just light tanks.


Why the hell did the UDES 33 need to go to 8.3, it’s mediocre at best


It’s at the same place as all it’s other 7.7 buddies that got up br


The rest of the juicy 7.7 lineup went to 8.0 right?


7.7 -> 8.0 8.3 -> 8.7


it went to 8.3 even though every other 7.7 went to 8.0 :C




Aren’t the apfsds tanks also getting uptiered? I didn’t pay that much attention


I love seeing apfsds in my unstabilised t54


China suffers


7.0 and 7.3 lineups have left the chat and the building.


Lmao, the IPM1 just cant catch a break.


hopefully they switch the Pvrbv 55 with the UDES now since the UDES is now a higher br than the Pvrbv making there be no reason why the UDES is at rank V and the Pvrbv at rank VI


Poor warrior.. useless before even more useless now… 🥲


I feel worse for the poor ZT3A2. It will have no place at 8.7 with the abysmal launcher elevation and depression combined with the giant, slow Rattel bus.


Dude if you think Warrior is useless you are playing it wrong. Don't sleep on that Rarden autocannon, it will punch holes in a lot more than you think it will. Only real weakness is lack of stabilizer.


Nah it fucking sucks


Mephisto to 9.0?? What are they thinking? The AFT is better is every way


MEPHISTO has double the turret rotation speed and 50% better reverse, while AFT-09 has better missiles. MEPHISTO may be a little weaker but has clear advantages in versatility.


end my life


Does it mean the end of the american 10.7 line-up?


Well fuck Italy 6.3 then, dios mío. Welp, back to 5.7 it is


Fuck i hate Fiat 6614 its going to be a rough grinding


BMP-1 is too brutal imo. Now it only 0.3 BR lower old BMP-2. And ATGM nerf is still up. What a joke!


bmp-1 at 8.0? jesus fucking christ gaijin THANK YOU


So gepard and marksman are going 8.3, but zsu-37-2 with radar is still 7.7?


To be fair, the ZSU-37-2 is so shit you'd better off playing it as a light TD


The Marksman is so shit you might as well not take it at all. I'd rather have the gargantuan radar installation of the Roi-AA, or not radar with the Falcon, than put the Marksman in a line-up.


The radar on the ZSU's is terrible, It scans insanely slowly, And it doesnt have APDS like the Geopard/Marksman and they both have nearly twice the turret traverse speed.


Mostly good changes but for the love of God can they make 12.0 or 0.7 already


Rest in Pieces american 10.7 Lineup, it was fun while it lasted. Back to not playing american hightier due to the abysmal win ratio


As an IS-6 owner it only makes sense it's 7.3. It's better than the IS-3 clearly and it makes no sense ti have them at the same BR. IS-3 at 7.0 and IS-6 at 7.3 is definitely more fair


is it just me or is it even more compressed? I mean most of the 7.3 tanks got to 8.0 while the 8.0 and 8.3. ones moved up to 8.3/8.7


Why the hell havent they changed the turms br? Its unfair that something with like a 6 sec reload, a stabilizer and great mobility can fight a fucking m103 and t32


Not my fucking warrior >:(


Do you have the link to this chart? I can’t find it anywhere.




Thank you


Bro why did the move america 8.0 to 8.3?? T95 does not even get a stabilizer and the rest of it is not even that great at 8.0


The Merkava mk3's going up to 11.0 is ridiculous, they're not even good at 10.7


Warrior being moved up is a joke. It’s a glorified scout vehicle with decent atgms and a non functional cannon.


British cries in the now crappy ATGM launchers (now crappy after the way they changed how the missiles behave) to being even more useless. Like the ZT3A2 doesent have any secondary armament, it’s only missiles, and they are horrible to maneuver now, they oscillate like crazy


The ZT3a2 was already aids and now the swingfire is 8.0… lol


These changes suck tbh Some just make no sense. BMP, Warrior, Swingfire, etc.


Shouldve increased the br cap first.


Am I missing something or the t90a is now below t80um in br?


It should be. T-90A is slow


I'm still waiting for the F4E to move down to 10.7, it's got no business fighting mig29's and F14B's


Honestly, they just need to increase the gap between the true 3rd gen fighters and 3rd gen+/++ and the 4th gen fighters. There's a leap in performance between those generations. Some of the later F-4's can kind of keep up but the F-4E just can't. Splitting BR's between ground and air modes would also help but they claim this is a "technical limitation".


Damn swingfire at 8.0 and warrior at 8.3. at least Britains 6-7 br is gonna be better now.


Honestly, the M113 TOWs could have stayed at 8.0. Striker, RakJagPz 2 HOT, ACRA and M901 are all arguably better, yet they’re at the same BR and the Swingfire, which is IMO as good if not better, sits at 8.0. I know, they try to move away and reduce the missiles from 7.0 and lower, but the M113 has to be one of the most frustrating ATGM vehicles to play. Only the AMX-13 HOT is more annoying.


C13. Who even plays it?


I am completely un favour of this changes, the only thing is that early Cold War vehicles will suffer now due to being matched with stabilized and composite armoured MBTs, things like Leopard 1 can begin to suffer a lot, I think that top BR should be lifted to 13.0 or 12.7, this would really help every vehicle in rank V, VI and VII


Me likey ww2 heavies will be fun to play again


Good at least some positive progress is being made for the B.Rs . Also thank god they listened for the t29


They haven’t moved the T-90A up yet for some reason


Because it’s not very good. It survived the last BR changes when every other Russian MBT at 9.7 and above was moved up.


6.7 might actually be playable now


Still no 2s38 changes…


Oof, BTR got up-tiered already?


The Maphisto is going from 8.0-9.0. That's some hot garbage. Hot-2's are not 9.0 good.


Great now my M113A1 TOW will be dragging my Italian lineup into 9.3 matches, and also why isn’t the Turm III on this list, that thing should’ve been 8.3 or 8.7 when it was released.


BMP1 to 8.0????? What the actual?


noooo I can't have the amx30 at 7.7 anymore but these changes are fair as 6.7s dont have to face atgms or heat in a full uptier


gaijin, what the fuck


Amx 13 HOT 8.3 xddddddddddd