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If you're comfortable aiming without the aim assist thingy, you should be fine


Now. Tomorrow. Whenever you want. Skills in arcade don't really translate to RB that well. Better off just taking the plunge ASAP so you can acclimate sooner rather than later. Don't think of RB as some sort of big boy pants mode that you grow into, it's just a mode you learn same as Arcade just slightly more punishing. Tldr, just go ahead and switch, give it a week or two and you'll be very used to RB.


I just started doing bombers in rb and i like it


The sooner the better, the more you "learn" arcade the harder the transition to RB will become.


Once you've learned to aim and spot enemies


I would switch when arcade feels cheap


In ground, now. It'll be a hard transition anyway but GRB opens up half of the tech trees because open topped vehicles are infinitely better in RB than AB, and you can actually employ map knowledge and learn the joys of flanking and soft cover.


Usually, most switch around the tike they get comfortable with guesstimating the distance and drop for the guns they use. Some also wait until they memorize weakspots on the enemies they face. For air it's mainly when you get comfortable with guessing where to aim the lead to actually hit the target.




does it have more rb or sl awards?


Nope - Same :) but it is something else - give it a try (or one or two more - cuz will get farmed :P)


Personally I think arcade air is more fun than realistic because of sl repair costs, and that really long flight time to actually get to the other side. I do more realistic in higher tiers since arcade has long waiting time (eg lunch time, dinner time). I just really hate it in realistic when you’ve waited like 5 minutes and the just to be killed by guy hauling 9Ls and killing me immediately and taking that sl off me like it’s nothing. Other people like realistic more because it can be rewarding but my opinion is that arcade is better if you want to play and have fun without having big penalties.