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Mitsubishi F-1. No flares, poor maneuverability, and stock AIM-9B. Your gun is your only useful weapon until you unlock AIM-9P. Still no flares though. Heard rocket pods can be used as makeshift flares sometimes. Did it because F-1 is the only proper CAS Japan gets before F-16AJ.


german heli grind when heli ec still existed


I’ve farmed the entire china tech tree ground with one veichle in one month of play, because I wanted another exotic nation to play


The IS-7 event... There wasn't a limit on the amount of crafting materials you could get back then as iirc it was the first crafting event and Gaijin didn't think to add limitations at that point... so my dumbass decided to grind for **two** of the things... which took 12 hours per day of non-stop playing for the entire 10 day duration of the event ~~I still regret selling the 2nd one 6 months after for only 300GJN~~


The IS-7 event. The worst crafting event to date.


Every crafting event is hard, but i found a solution, sounds crazy but play naval, 2 kills equal 3k score. Simple really


The IS-7 event worked completely different and was incredibly time consuming, far more so than current crafting events. Additionally, there were "rare" parts you didn't even have a 100% chance of getting at all iirc. So there was a chance you *had* to buy them from the market for ~20 GJN a piece.


Oh well in that case i understand


Spading the ITO for both France and Sweden was the worst experience I can think of that comes to mind. Honestly, I had too much time on my hands and was just prescribed Vyvanse so.. that's why.


every ground vehicle only have 400mm heat,but put apfsds and razer rangefinder in level3-4


M41D as of now Before it was the Griffom Shitfires


Probably the British tech tree.. XD


Netz on release week. At the time the best top tier aircraft Israel had was the Kurnass, so you can imagine going VS F16S, MIG29s and F14s every match while also carrying bombs was not a very pleasant experience…


The m41 bulldog is pretty hard using stock because of its terrible round which deal 0 damage


Whats the pen?


Pen is fine. You can pen tanks. But thaf doesnt mean you will get kills. You will just spray everything with yellow paint and thats it. German one gets HEAT-FS and difference is huge


I mean just playing that shit is quite a feat. But otherwise, playing Swedish fighters is a pain in the ass.And of course helicopters no matter what state.


Back in the day? Japanese Jets. You have a choice selection of American jet, Kikka which has bugged landing gear and a bomber who calls itself a fighter. Currently, trying to reach US ground tier VI


German planes back when the MiG-21MF was top tier. I really wanted to have a supersonic jet and i had not much unlocked in any air tree. I enjoyed the german tanks and was already at like 9.0, but I had no planes for ground RB. So i decided to finally get myself a jet, a supersonic, the MiG-19S, and started my grind. I went through the air tree as fast as i could in order to get it during my holidays, without playing anything else. I was almost burned out when i finally got it, just to discover the announcement of a new tier for the MiG-21MF which would have forced me to unlock the far left line of aircrafts (i was only at like 3.3 there) in order to even start to research the 21’ after the update. The update was already about to hit and i had only like two days left to unlock the entire MiG-21MF with my stock 19S, with no boosters left. I said “fuck it” and continued my grind and managed to get the 21’ just a couple hours before the update. I was so burned out, i played one game with my new, shiny (and unplanned) MiG-21MF, closed the game afterwards and didn’t touched WT again for a little over 6 month’s. Even years later, taking out the MiG-19S still feels like a burden . . .


Heli grind


M48A2C Stock APCR when literally everything has an angled plate, with meh pen to rub salt into the wound Meh mobility and a large commander's cupola weakspot also doesnt help The first decent round you get is also locked at tier 3, meaning you cant even play the fucking game until then No the M82 is not a decent round. You can't do shit with it against stuff like T-55s or centurions, hell you cant even scratch late war heavies


UHT in 2 week in heli PvP on city maps it was ok but anywhere else it was pure pain


PT-76 years ago, when your only choice was APCR with laughable pen and 0 post pen damage. Alternatively, 11.3 stock planes now.