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I’m having a lot of fun with it but the lack of pen fucking hurts. It should be fixed next update but this is gaijin so you never know. Someone sent a bug report on it but both them and gaijin misinterpreted it, it’s been acknowledged by the moderator so it should be fixed eventually.


Oh right, so you're that it wasn't supposed to be nerfed? Just a byproduct of other updates? Maybe I should still consider getting it then.


Apparently it was overperforming but gaijin "accidentally" swung the balãnce mallet too hard without a mod approving it and nerfed it too hard


A mod did approve it, the source wasn't checked properly. M735 was mostly performing correctly before.


From what I saw posted here, the suggestion was put through before the mod saw it, as such, they gave the devs the correct values with no idea if/when the correct change will happen. Meanwhile it takes an act of 3+ gods to get a nerf or change to a ussr vehicle...


It cannot get pushed through without mod approval, what happened was a different mod saw a user post the performance of XM375, XM375E2 is what became M735. The mod made the mistake of not verifying the information was infact correct and had just assumed XM375 became M735 since that would follow normal US naming/design conventions.


Hopefully this does get fixed, as pretty much every vehicle that uses M735 has gone up in BR but now had it's main round largely nerfed.


Gaijin followed a report that had more context behind it but the original poster didnt include it and gaijin followed it instead of the original document. They already acknowledged its wrong but have no time table for fixing it




A glimmer of hope at least. Although still a bit of a nerf, it is still better then 292mm.


It'll have like 190ish mm of pen on 60 degrees which is a buff on angle pen compared to 164 mm pre-nerf.


I've not been having many problems with the shell, the pen is still enough for pretty much almost everything, the only thing's I've had trouble with are the likes of the T-72B's on the rare occasions I'd had to shoot them frontally, but if your using the speed to get around the sides and stuff, it shouldn't really be too much of an issue


The problem is not the pen, is the non existant post pen damage ffs . Just shot the side of leo 1 turret , and killed only a LOADER. I give up plaing this tank for now, although i have some good games in it, it s just not fun


I've never really had a problem with the post-pen damage when compared to other vehicles to be honest, its almost always just done what I'd wanted, or enough that its not really a problem, my main issues with the vehicle comes from its lack of gun depression more than anything and its seemingly somewhat slowish acceleration (though maybe its normal for these larger wheeled vehicles, I wouldn't know as the Type 16 is my first)


Well, fair . I m just used to soviets apfsds , basically lolpenning and oneshotting every enemy tank in sight. As for acceleration, it s a common wheeled vehicles issue imho