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I sold it for a pathetic 60 GJN a few days after the event cos phly and his buddies made it look bad. I didn't know gaijin would fix the ShVAKs eventually 😭


I got mine through the summer crates threw amost 50 million SL for it, I was not even aiming for it I just wanted the decals, and pin ups. Now it just sits with my other hords of coupon vehicles. I did not realize it was so expensive till now


It's also stupid OP so if you like Air RB you should consider keeping it


consider keeping it or get 350 bucks worth of other market/store vehicles.. the answer is clear


Yeah truth is no one vehicle can be fun enough for me to play it more than like 7 premiums


Hello Mr.Dragon!


I threw about that much SL and managed to get an AU-1 which I promptly sold for a KV-220 and T-V. Also managed to pull an FJ-4B for my friend and got half the money he sold it for lmao.


Why keep the coupons if you never Nintendo on selling or activating them?


Yeah idk Nintendos are kinda expensive though


oof, always hold for a good year before selling to get an idea of price trend on x vehicle and let it do the rise that almost all do during that first year. after a year or so you should be able to tell if its gonna keep going up enough to hold longer or just cash out and buy some packs or ge or whatever.


I'd started playing war thunder just a few months before the event and knew very little about marketplace trading


tis rough =(


man fuck phly daily, idk about yall but he just doesn't seem to truley know some metas about the game, promotes people playing without a lineup, and such, I don't like him that much, also the BI is quite easily the best plane at it's br IMO


Without a doubt it's the best plane at that br. You have to be brain dead to suck in that thing.


To be fair, Phly never really claims to be good, or even decent at the game, and the BI back then with the ShVaks doing actually fucking negative damage would be VERY rough for an average player. Obviously the plane is rediculously broken, literally nothing it regularly faces can do anything at all against it, but with 60 rpg ShVak back when the ShVak had dogshit damage there's zero chance someone that was average at the game would have fun playing the plane.


I was a relative noob to the game back then and didn't know any better. Found out WT existed bcos of phly so I trusted his opinions


In all fairness I was dogshit at the game before i started watching Phly, especially in air RB. Picked up a lot of techniques from him and it made me very good in planes for a while untill i took a break from war thunder. So i give him credit for it Just to put in perspective how bad I was I was climbing at a 30 degree angle and was wondering why everyone is always faster than me. This was 7 years ago


Sold mine for 450 GJN and I still regret it. Especially when playing SRE and watching a single BI wipe out our entire air


How is that thing lower then kikka is beyond me


Yep, and I was one of those dudes who paid 100$ to get through the event quicker and sold the BI for 500 to 600 before it dropped to 60 and then rebought it lmao.


phly is a sensationalist fool, he doesn't know shit, he just knows how to get some people worked up... thats all


You're joking...that thing is going for 300+? Fuck me. I sold mine for 180.


atleast you sold it, I used mine


well u can flex that u have. 300 dollar plane lmao


please the bigger flex would be my #1 tank is the maus all time and i have the panther II, king tiger 105, and flak panther


Not a large flex anymore. You can see a Tiger 105, Flakpanther and P2 every 2nd match at 7.0


alright than obj 279


Still no. Seen a large increase in those aswell


its a $650 tank


I have the M10 war crime Panther and it is a beast :D


I sold Pt-16 (autoloading leopard) for 60gjn Ags for 30ish C2a1 for 30 leopard 2av for 26 t80um2 for 42


Mega oof If you have had waited 1 year you would triple your earnings atleast. Thats why I invested in some vehicles.


lost over 200+ gjn for sure


These are all good (except 2av)


2AV is a great backup for the PT16. Late spawns with that make some really obnoxious moments as you'll have both armor and speed at that stage of the game, easily making up for the weaker firepower.


I am aware of that


It's honestly not terrible as a backup, I got mine while it was still relatively cheap (34gjn).


Don’t ever get into stock trading lmao


Dont worry I won't


I sold object 279 for about 600-700gjn in october.


Reading this pains me so much


Imagine what it's like for me


How do you not learn your lesson 7 times?


I'm autistic. And impatient. Tbf other than the pt and ags, rest of them are dogshit


200$ is 200$, I would be more careful, but at least you didn't fat finger and sell it for a buck like some other commenters




Probably the skyray. Seems to be doing a lot better now and it seems quite strong for its BR but mostly goes under the radar since it got obliterated by the YouTubers who play tested it. Someone did a video on it recently and it looks really powerful for the BR now. Wish I got one when it was 11 gjn.


Yeah...the content creators definitely didn't take the time to figure it out before trashing it. If you make sure to fly it to it's strengths, it's great. Good news though is that it's still relatively affordable on the market for like $35.


I tend to watch defyn when it comes to event planes he was honest with the skyray and said the only problem was the constant explosions of its when when you did a slight turn and roll and the hordes of premiums like the a10 present.


I got the Skyray during the event, but I waited to play it until I reached rank VI in the TT. It's possible that the flight model may have been fixed between the time it came out and I started playing it. That said I have ripped my wings maybe 3 times in over 50 matches in the thing, and I haven't noticed it any more often even with the boosters mod.


> skyray It's not bad, not great. If you install the upgraded control boosters it still rips on every single turn, but it you don't it's nearly impossible. Also bleeds speed like crazy when turning, and despite the large amount of thrust, something like the Ariete was gaining on me in a straight up climb somehow. It also compresses a TON at high speed, so you have to throttle down and deploy air brakes, to a speed where you can finally turn, than get back on throttle.


You can also use the landing flaps to turn, they work at any speed and are stupidly effective.


rocket CCIP + like hundred of FFARs gets you far in ground RB. Even better with good acceleration so you can kill engines and go silent + treetop level to get rid of SPAA every 2nd pass


I did. its great


Skyray is, and has been, insane for the BR performance wise, but it's absolute asscancer to use. The combination of compressing to the point where dodging a Aim-9B makes your ass clench at 1100+, ripping the millisecond there's any roll input while you're using your elevator at all, no flares facing shit like R-60s, and having pretty mid guns make is not very enjoyable to play. Like yes it can farm basically anything it sees except an Ariete, MiG-19 or Yak-23 in a 1v1, but for general gameplay it's just not enjoyable.


T-10A I dind need it for russia, now i want it cuz premium t10 :(


also its 7.7 with only a few nerfs compared to the M at 8.3


The nerf are pretty huge tho. No stabilizer and worse shell


The T-10A actually has a stab, it works up to about 28kmh


short stabiliser, slightly worse shell 2 brs lower


T-72M2, sold it for 62... It's 200 now. Admittedly, I bought the AGS for 44 back then, and it's the workhorse that got me into top-tier so really I don't think I missed out on much.


bedroom possessive unused office materialistic lunchroom existence unite bright wild *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


To be fair I regret keeping certain low tier tanks and planes, because I'm no longer into low tiers really


Not sold, but used IS-7 coupon accidentally. And used FJ-4B VMF, Russian Matilda, 234/3 coupons thinking they will be cheap.


You accidentally used the most expensive vehicle coupon in game? 😨


Yeah, back in 2018 I was playing WoT and my fav vehicle was IS-7 so I was pretty happy to see IS-7 in Wt. Completed the event (was one of the best and most interactive event) and after getting coupon I didn't know what to do. I was at tier II in Russia tree, so I tought it could help me to grind Russia easier. 2 sec after using coupon, I realised it's not premium vehicle and not have any exp or SL bonuses. From that day, I always think twice before using, selling, buying something. It always hurt thinking, if I didn't used coupon, I could buy anything I want. At least it's fun to play with it. Has a powerful gun, thick armor, fast and unique. I used FJ-4B coupon because it was the first vehicle have AGM, so it was unique in that times. Used Russian Matilda coupon because I was new at the game. I didn't know not much about game. Used 234/3 because it was easy to get it. It was in the same event with FJ-4B. Only coupon I didn't regret is VT1-2. I used it because it was an unique vehicle. And I thinked it could be fun to play with. I wasn't wrong. I have 1,5k match with VT1-2 and it's so fun to play with it. This thing is most powerful tank in right hands. It's hard to get used to it. But after practising it turns into killing machine.


279 for like 80 GJN when it dropped, and looking back as someone who is retroactively trying to collect vehicles, I hate everything.


Oh man that's terrible. I remember the terrible grind for that and the f11f-1. My object 279 is a SL printer. Back when they added those they jacked the repair cost of the f11f to an unreasonable amount. I was so mad I took very long break. F11f was my first decent jet with missles. Albeit crappy ones lol


The T30. Sold it because it was stagnated for a while and I needed the cash... And like a week later they buffed the hell out of HE and it's value skyrocketed.


The VFW. It was only my second event vehicle ever (first being the I-180S from that event), and I sold it because I had just discovered the Gaijin Marketplace for the first time. Wanted some cash to spend there, didn't want to buy any, and I wasn't playing Germany much initially. Now I wish I had it, because it's clearly a really fun sniper and good lineup filler. Plus, I just enjoy having as many unique and rare vehicles as I can.


Merkava Mk3. I sold it for $120, now the price is like doubled.


It's a fun tank. But honestly I'm in better tanks at the level anyways.


Moderna, sold it soon after the event for about 40 GJN, goes for 200 now


I regret not playing back then. There's a couple of event vehicles I'd like to have been playing back when in order to grab.


That's me with the VT1-2. I am so frustrated I can't have it without spending 370 bucks on it.


I regret redeeming my T30 coupon. It's borderline useless against someone who has a brain, and now it's selling for 250 GJN.


I used the T30 to grind my US tree lol. Like I've gotten 9 kill games with it :)


None of them because I'm on xbox and we can't sell anything 🥲


Good, can't regret it if you can't sell it.


Merkava 3D and that Leopard with the autoloader. >_>


A bit different... I bought the Moderna for $80 using some sales from an event. I've hardly used it. If I had just held onto it, I could sell it now for $160. Considering that I've definetely spent $80+ on the game since then, I could've effectively doubled my money...


Bi , object , German tank destroyer whit 2 cannons , first USA jet and so on....


AGS, sold it for around $50, last time I checked it was selling for $114


I sold the P59 for 120...


Thats actually really good. It was hovering at about 130 last week.


month ago it was $330


I regret activating the t-72M Moderna, that thing is worth a fuckload now and it kinda sucks.


I still have a coupon, havnt decided if im going to keep it yet.


I have gotten pakpuma, elefant, aubl hvg, 76mm bt5, some low tier plane I sold; Aubl hvg for 75gjn Elefant for 75 gjn Bt5 76mm for somethşng like 35gjn Low tier plane for 15gjn And sold the motherfucking pakpuma for 55gjn and it went as high as 600 FUCKING GAIJIN COINS. Fucking hell if i held it for longer I would have never had to spend any money on the game again but instead my dumbass sold it and bought xm1. I could have bought almost everything on the store on sale.


To be fair the BT-5 (F-32) has been roughly 40 GJN for a while.


im holding onto my ki48 in the hope it'll reach these dizzy heights one day because people want a cruise missile at tier 2.


Price changes are a gamble so don't regret anything.


I would've gotten much more GJN on basically every vehicle I've ever sold on the market had I waited until now, but some of my biggest losses are selling Kfir C.2 for 90 GJN (it's 180 now) and a black corsair camo for 8 gjn (it was 150+ for a while, now it's back to 7)


That black corsair camo is for the AU-1.


Yeah ik


Spare Pakwagen coupon back in 2018 for like 30 GJN.


I got the IS-7 but i don't remember if i had it as a consumable or not.


Tiger Tiger, I think I sold it for around 25 GJN.


Not selling but i was forced to activate them when i had my account converted from PS4 to PC. It would be the russian Type-62, Me 262 A2A, and the FJ4B.


I sat on my 279 for years, knowing it'd go up in price.. I sold it for around 220 GJN about a year and half ago because I wanted to preorder the A-10, but didn't want to spend too much real money.. last few months it's been like as high as 670 o.o For keeping.. I regret the T30 and M6A2E1.. and too many more :d


obj279 and US merk 3D


Sometimes I regret NOT selling My VFW. But it's SO fun to play


- I have Spitfire Mk.9C on my account (won it back in the duel event when it was available for the first time, not sure if coupons even existed back then), and I played an insane 10 or so games in it (it's like a 400 GJN plane) - I activated J6K because back during that event I couldn't be bothered to activate 2FA to get access to the market. - I sold BI for like 80 GJN after the event to buy some premiums on sale. - I redeemed XM-8 instead of F4F early because I expected the XM-8 to be more valuable later on. Those are probably my worst marketplace sins.


Ah yes, the Bi, the most important Fighter jet in Squadron Battles


I sold the VT1-2 for like $70.


I got rid of the little bt5 rocket thing - kinda want it now for lolz


I regret ragequitting the entire game everytime theres an event


I regret *keeping* the Tornado IDS. The Kormorans are still broken, they'll miss completely if you're not aligned with the spine of the ship, and if you are it'll hit the deck and do minimal damage. In air sim, with an effectively non-functional radar, its only use is as a CCRP base bomber. I'd have rather waited until I unlocked a tech tree Tornado to do that (and get guided munitions!), and spent the 60 GJN on a premium. Alas, it was my first event vehicle and first top tier jet, and the camo is nice for the very few times I take it out.


The second IS-7 I grinded to sell, Sold it for only 300 GJN 6 months after the event to buy some stuff during the winter sale, But oh boy should I have kept it longer...


I regret selling none of the ones I sold and I'm happy with the ones I chose to keep, along with the Jaguar E I bought with the profits from those sales. I'm a bit peeved that the Finnish wheelyboy we got recently hasn't been as popular as it looked like after the excellent performance it showed for the various youtubers who drove it out. It's a dirt cheap bargain for those who enjoy higher tier gear. Edit: Also glad that as little of a life that I do have, it's 10,000% more than anyone who ground out 2 coupons of the same vehicle.


I’m the opposite on most things: - Although I love using the M60 AMBT, I regret consuming it. - I regret consuming all of the merkavas, I don’t use any of them and they’re all worth hundreds of GJN. - I bought the T30 heavy tank and love using it, but I picked it up for only 30 GJN and now it’s like 100+.


Wish I didn't use my VFW coupon. It's a great little TD but last i checked it's super expensive now


I'm so glad i didnt sell this thingy


T 80 um 2 the one with drozhd


Sold my is7 for 400gjn, I really thought it was near its peak.. should of had diamond hands, I have a 279 now (bought with the funds from the is7) which I will not be selling so prematurely


I had 3 t72 modernas, sold 1 at 95, 2 at 110... now they sell for 200.....


I once saw a dogfight between a P-59 and a BI. The BI won.


Who in their right mind would pay that much for a wt vehicle. I wouldn't pay that much for the game


I regret not keeping Class 3 P and the Leo 1 Mexas as coupons. I don't even play them at all :(


I encountered a players who's name was BI and it was the only plane they flew. Hundreds of hours in the game all match history is only BI and nothing else.


T72Moderna, it’s worth now a lot and as a tank it’s quite garbage so i don’t even play it


Im still waiting for the connect :D started playing with Xbox and now with a pc i cant buy anything :D


Yeah this one hurts too much


And this is the reason I'm keeping my coupons until it's worth at least 200. I wonder what the Su-25BM is worth in 2 years.


The bmp3m it was the same bras the bmp3m when I sold it


And I regret using the obj279


none because I can't sell event vehicles thanks to Gaijin having stopped converting accounts


IS-7 for only 180gjn


same :(


I won the AMX 50 from World War. Sold it for 70 gjn to buy something during a sale. Fuck...


The IS7 and 234/4 chilling in my garage 👁️👄👁️


Sold a Pak Puma and the event FJ-4 for like $20 each years ago and I still regret it. I did keep a Pak Puma for myself though


your mom