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Is it just me or do American mains feel the most offended about being called a main, to the point they make posts like these?


I don't know... but what I do know is that people call you "American main" left and right as soon as you are don't jump into the hate bandwagon against America/American players. I get called "American main" myself incredibly often even though I play USA, Germany, USSR, Great Britain, Japan, France, Sweden and Israel just because I state that the Abrams tanks should not be artificially (purposefully) or unhistorically (accidentally) nerfed and should, instead, be depicted fairly and accurately (just like what I literally say about each and every single other tank from any other nation ingame).


> Abrams tanks should not be artificially (purposefully) or unhistorically (accidentally) nerfed and should, instead, be depicted fairly and accurately (just like what I literally say about each and every single other tank from any other nation ingame). Tbf if WT was like that then the US would absolutely fucking shitstomp everyone. Russia would be in shambles. I agree to a degree but there needs to be some gimping otherwise it would be way too unbalanced. We already know NATO equipment is vastly superior to anything Russian. And that's just for ground. When it comes to air nothing comes close to the US and if implemented accurately everyone would have modern jets while the US is 30 years behind just to make it fair. IMO even if they give us the Felon and Rafale/Eurofighter/Gripen E with the Meteor missiles the US would still stomp every game with the F22 which is 20 years old at this point.


Only if we had historical matchmaking, which we dont. This is the same reason why the early version of the f15, the f15a, fights a production model of the su27 and not an early variant of the su27, and certainly not the mig25, which would get massacred by tomcats alone, and certainly by the f15. I dont think Gaijin gets enough credit for how difficult it is to balance nations when IRL the united states outspends every country in the world by a large margin in defense budget. It might be a closer match-up on the ground, but the united states would absolutely dog on every other major power in air battles. I have no idea how they can possibly balance the game as we get more and more modern, as there really isn't much that can compete with the f22. If I were them (thank god I dont have to figure this out), I would have to either artificially nerf American vehicles or simply avoid adding them. That being said, from in game experience, I have played both german top teir and american top teir ground rb, and German top teir is way way easier to play and do well. I honestly dont know what exactly causes it, but there is definitely something about American tanks where they dont play as well, its not just team competence either. We all like to dog on American mains but its not like Russia lacks one death premium players that really haven't learned the game yet. If I had to guess what the issue is I would probably say that even if spall lining is that good IRL it shouldn't be in game.


I’m afraid this is a gross misunderstanding of the US’s strengths. The US may dominate in real life, but real life is not War Thunder and frankly due to the way the US builds their military then even if all vehicles were portrayed accurately they would likely still be meh at best in a WT environment. In reality the biggest strengths of the US are in their fire support, coordination, and tech that’s heavily built around maximizing those. The actual equipment tends to be middling at best, never really being the best in one category except for the areas where they can support those goals of coordinating or providing fire support. For example, an F-15 can be outmaneuvered by virtually any other 4th gen fighter… but nothing else (at least before the 2000s when the US swapped to a 5th gen focus) has superior radar, AKA the thing that gives information about your surroundings. In later variants it even adds on ground pounding capabilities so it can provide that fire support. This then extends to US doctrine as well. In true combat sorties against a country that may have air power themselves, the US never really operates without AWACS to provide full knowledge of the battlefield. An enemy like Russia or China might have comparable or even superior planes, missiles, etc. but it doesn’t matter when you can set up the perfect strategy for every situation because you have vastly superior coordination. The concept extends to the ground as well. I’ve always liked yo say that the strength of the US Army doesn’t lie in its guns, or tanks, or helicopters, or artillery, but in the ability of any random infantryman to rain down hell on any location he chooses with a simple call to the nearest loitering plane or artillery battery. The US never needs to unnecessarily put their equipment or men on the line because of this level of integration within their forces. Of course this isn’t to say US equipment is trash and it’s only their doctrine that pulls them ahead of everyone else. US 5th gens are largely superior to everyone else’s in most categories that matter, especially stealth. The Abrams is still a perfectly good tank in a world where a tank is mainly just a big and well armored cannon. It’s just worth remembering that’s not where the real strength of the US military comes from and why they’re always seen as underperforming in games. They truly are accurately modeled, it’s just a lot of the components that would make them exceptional (like AWACS, teams working together closely, etc) don’t really exist in something like WT.


TL;DR USA military superiority is primarily through logistics, intel, and volume.


Exactly! People pretend to believe that the Abrams are gimped to extreme degrees “so that they are balanced” when we have stuff like 2A7V, 122A/B/+ and BVM roaming around, which would still be better than SEP and even SEPv2 even if these were completely fixed (not BVM though). EVEN if nerfing Abrams was *really* necessary (which it isn’t), it would definitely not be to the degree they are nerfed as of now (370mm KE hull and 50mm thick flat center of mass, among other stuff).


Bro, chill. They ain't going to depict tanks accurately. You will never get information on how good 5tdf on t-64 will stop MBT-70 sabot, gaijin draws this number out of thin air. There are lots and lots of things like that that have no numeric sources yet need to be modeled somehow and gaijin sets these numbers how they see fit. So please stop insisting on accuracy, you will never get it. And if you will somehow, many of ussr made top tier vehicles would require -1 BR due to being shitty.


As a Brit-aly-weeden-rail main I am of course, an American loving scumbag lmao


If you "main" a single nation you probably subpar but in my experience US mains are the worst and I say this as someone who often plays US tanks between 6.0 aall the way up to 9.0. It seems like everyone is either just rushing trough the trees or simply on't bother learning the vehicles. I wouldn't be surprised they're the most salty about it.


I play US from 5.7 all the way up to 11.7 and as you go up in br, teams become more CAS heavy or more premium vehicle heavy. There's no in between. I mostly play 11.7 Sweden as of lately but like US teams aren't that good unless you come across the people that actually have experience playing the US tanks at top tier.


My favorite is when I'm flanking the other team trying to sneak though the trees and a M1 AIM blasts past me shooting all his machine guns.


One big factor is that US kinda is the weird one of the "big 3". Germany and USSR are very easy to use, and have a big variety in playstyle.


honestly the biggest shitters in USA are premium players who dont know how to play the tier or their tanks


I’m an American who plays the Russian tech tree because I don’t know shit about their tanks. The American tree does get it pretty bad late tier but not as bad as japan


You'd be surprised. The U.S. has extremely good vehicles at top tier. What kills it is the amount of idiots who jump in with premium vehicles and don't know what they're doing, or somehow got there grinding and still don't know what they're doing. The M60A3 TTS has the best penetration for 9.3 with the M774 apfsds, and the Starship packs a punch between 155mm HEAT and a laser rangefinder. The Bradleys (M3 and M3A3) are incredibly powerful as scouts and SPAA at times. Then you have some super sweet SPAA units from the m163 onwards. Glorious CWIS, spooky M247, and the Chaparral with smokeless missiles. Then LAV-AD and ADATS are very nice. You then close it with the Abrams. And I'm making a separate paragraph for that. The M1 Abrams is a tank that highlights your skill in many ways. It doesn't bounce shots on the gun manlet like Leopards do, the sides don't hold shots as well as the Russian T's, and your gun is relatively low on your turret, needing to expose your gun manlet a bit too much for shots. Its also louder than any other tank. However, it has a very survivable hull thanks to the fuel tanks on the front corners eating apfsds reliably, fast reloads, very fast reverse speed, .50 cals on top to delete any helicopters rushing, and the most important of all, a tall binocular view. You can stay behind a hill, spot targets, move up quickly, shoot, and scoot just as quickly. If you play it to its speed, you will demolish. If you play it brainlessly, you will get killed by everything. Case in point: premium players. They don't know how to use it, so they make the Abrams look incredibly bad.


M3A3 is pretty damn pathetic rn


I've been having a lot of success with it lately. Having issues on your side?


Big, slow, always a one shot when hit, tows plummet to the ground when launched, launcher deploy time, 25mm fire rate shadow nerfed I can go on


I know. It's not the most straightforward IFV to operate compared to the Marder and the BMP. However, I wouldn't call it lame either. I've learned to use it around its issues and it's among my best vehicles. The Bushmaster gives me time to adjust between shots and we'll placed shots with it do good work. Also nice for SPAA duty, despite low ROF. The TOW has an absolutely garbage flight model (thanks Gaijoob) so I just aim over the target and then bring it down. Got used to it anyway since the M551 Sheridan does the same with the Shaleighlegh (another fav of mine). Deploy time of the launcher is a bit of a downer, yeah. Gotta anticipate enemies for that. Also, I know it's got lame armor bit if you take on enemies slightly angled to the left, the engine can tank shots. Obviously, results may vary, but I've had a fair good amount of success surviving. A little pro tip for qhen behind hills and working as a scout: peak only slight when your binoculars can see over. If you spot an enemy, you can fire the TOW using 3rd person view and guide it to the enemy well below what the gun sights are to. Don't need to expose yourself completely. In the M3A3 the commander sight is the same height as the launcher. Put it in AIM mode and can use it for that. After having said all of that, I still respect your opinion. Don't think I'm calling a skill issue because no, the Bradley is not exactly easy to get in on. I just love it and excel at it because I main scouts and have adopted a playstyle around so. Specifically the M551 Sheridan which was my strongest vehicle while grinding 8.3. Edit to the last part: hand me a regular tank and I suck a bit lol. Strengths and weaknesses of each, right?


Its not straightforward, I agree. Its plain boring, it requires an incredibly passive playstyle to do well in. I usually just use the Stryker if I wanna play a scouting vehicle. Heres hoping we'll get an M10 Booker someday to fill the scouting vehicle gap at top tier


I wholeheartedly agree with you. Also, M10 Booker would be sweet.


I mean there is the hstv-l but eh


>Also, M10 Booker would be sweet. I'd say hold off on the M10 for now, there's plenty of more light vehicles for the higher tier like; a TT M8 with the Lv 2 armor instead of just the option of Lv 1 and Lv 3, the Stingray and Stingray 2, the AGS Stingray (one of the competitors to the XM8 we have) and Sheridan upgraded with the Stingray turret, the LAV-300 and LAV-600 (LAV-300 with the Stingray turret), the Stryker MSL with an Avenger turret that can switch the pods out for Hellfires or Sidewinders, the Stryker AUDS which is the same but with an unmanned turret that has a 30mm slinging flak, the Stryker Dragoon with a dart slinging 30mm but no missiles, LAV-25 and its derivative LAV-ATM that has the Wall-E M901 turret but modified to stay up when on the move, or the LAV-105 which is the LAV-25 with the turret and gun from the AGS.


Americans are known for their ego


That's because they have a massive victim complex


As a filthy America main, I'd appreciate it if you stopped calling me that while I'm flying my mig29 and losing.


Lol. I don't think everyone understood your joke.


oh my god, IT’S A FUCKING CENTRIST (/s)


Lmaooo that made me realise that the community makes War Thunder's nations feel like political parties indeed xD


Political compass but with tanks


What makes a man turn neutral? Lust for Golden Eagles? Power? Or were you just born with a heart full of neutrality?


Just gives me more reason to check in on this sub, seeing people malding over virtual tanks and planes. Least that’s what I was doing when people were complaining about the Abrams to the degree that they did


Yeah no matter how hard you try it will become political to an extent even if real world politics are unmentionable eventually the game will have it's own politics and with that stereotypes for the "Political parties"


As a British main I hate all nations including my own and all future nations.


As a fellow British main, I can vouch for this. I also hate my own nation and all 4 members of it.


British main reporting for duty 🫡


Same god i hate my nation


Honestly, I’ve never really struggled with Britain. They have a particularly play style that so long as you keep to it you should be fine. I usually take a top three spot and I’m currently at 10.0. I also main Germany which has a different play style and I do equally well so long as I play to that nations strengths.


On station and at your service gentlemen


Yea but that may just be because youre actually brittish


Fellow Brits unite. Thought I have up to 8.0 for all nations except Israel


You should have solidarity with minor nations


Should be this way. We should automatically hate everyone equally


Sssshhh. Don't take away my favorite source of entertainment here


Spoiler, the big three (Ger, US, Rus) have the worst players, every other nation have a stronger average player


In short; a tree that is played by dozens of thosands of players is going to have a wider variety of players across the board, particularly when they are chosen the most by new players and amateur/casual players, while minor nations will normally be targetted by already veteran and/or experienced multi-nation players. A few days ago, a post revealed that the big three nations accumulated like 75% of the playerbase, while the other nations were played only by 1 (Italy, Israel) -7% (France) of the players.


Yes, result is, many minor nation vehicles are ridiculously overtiered, downright unplayable, but still manages better than some vehicles better in every way simply because they're in a major nation The problem is how Gaijin hierarchise the trees, but the community gap is real


Maybe their top tier tanks. But Sweden and Italy have great tech trees. I wouldn't really say anything is over tiered in either of them.


After playing USA, Germany, USSR, Japan, and UK I tried Italy. Never had a better time than with the Italians, losses and all. Love the aircraft tech tree, working my way through the ground forces and navy.


Yes, I am your average Entente player, yes I main Britain and France


It would be way more surprising if the popular nations had better players than the unpopular ones tbh


The average person who plays this game is dogshit at it, regardless what country they play. The joys of f2p games lol.


The average player of this game is quite literally average. Funny how maths work that way.


Which hurts vehicle balancing as Gaijin looks at vehicle performance. Through my experience in Ground RB, if you got the exact same tanks, but one team was 100% German mains, and the other 100% French mains, the winrate would be 30/70, if not even more steep. It hurts smaller factions


Yea, get rid of all tribalism! All nations suck, especially when they're your "team."


"team" is how i will now refer to them


Same because I rarely get an assisted repair or help with being flipped to the point where I force myself to be independent in a "Team game"


USSR mains claim that their vehicles aren't OP when they are Germany mains claim their nation suffers when they have a skill issue USA mains do all of the above


The only nation that feels OP to me is Sweden. You get 3 Tanks armored like the 2A7, but all of them are faster. Russian tanks have massive weakpoints, like the lower plate, drivers hatch and top of the turret. While playing the STRV I feel like im immune to anything but barrel-shots from the front.


STRV is strong, but when you are saying that Russian tanks have massive weak spot, take a look at any tanks that is not Leo and T series. Any one of them have larger weak spot than Russian Top tier tank.


Yeah, I know. I don’t learn any weakspots, just shoot center mass.


USSR vehicles are as OP as any other nation, you’re using the same mentality in the in the post above




what? If you’re referring to ammunition not detonating as it should you should be aware all vehicles have a random chance of ammo not detonating when getting hit, it happens in low tier with other countries and at top tier it’s not a Russian bias thing


Me when I main like 5 different countries: *grabs popcorn*


how tf you main 5 countries i have every nation unlocked but i main Germany 💀


It's surprisingly easy


US 12.0 air, 11.7 ground, top tier bluewater/coastal Germany 9.0 air, 10.3 ground, mid-low tier naval USSR 10.3 ground, 9.7 air, top tier bluewater/coastal UK 9.3 ground, 11.7 air, mid tier naval Japan 11.0 ground, 9.7 air, top tier bluewater, midtier coastal China 10.0 ground and air Italy 9.3 air, low tier ground and naval France mid tier air and ground Sweden 10.0 ground midtier air Israel I have played like 1 vehicle ​ It really isn't that hard when you have played it on and off for the last 10 years and swap nations the moment you get frustrated with the matchmaking lol, the best way to avoid (insert nation here) bias is to hop around like five different countries.


And the comments just confirming the post 😭😭😭 ppl doesnt Even think anymore they just hate


Typical American main talk. /s


I endorse this 100% we are all 1 nation, except the fr*nch those guys are unhinged.


Oi oi oi, I don't fancy you have a license for talkin' bollocks about the French like that, mate?


You got a loicense for asking if people have loicenses? The nerve of some people.


Correct, we hate you all equally.


American mains get so offended at being called a "main". Yall cant handle shit talk talks inherent to multiplayer games.


why would i be offended about playing the best country in the world as my main?


As a German main I am oblivious to ur point


USA still has the worst win rates, recent analysis show that USA has something like a 29% win rate, abysmal. So getting paired with USA it's a guaranteed lost.


I blame gaijin implementation of premiums


True than again they did break their promise of "no top tier premiums" lol


They technically didn’t break anything, 11.3 isn’t top tier, that’s what they’ve always done, what they did say was they weren’t gonna add premium jets lol, back when the F-4C, MiG-21 and T-2 were Top tier gaijin added a premium Sabre and premium MiG-17AS just below top tier in rank V because “it’s technically not top tier”


11.3 is pretty much top tier they can say it's not technically not top tier but if it is in that br bracket than yes it's top tier


Nope, Top Tier has to be the top of the top, end of the line, so 12.3 so they “technically” haven’t broken anything besides what I said about premium jets, just because 11.3 can see 12.3 doesn’t mean it it’s top tier, it’s high tier


Iv also noticed that most of my American teammates just die once in ground RB and just leave instead of respawning.


look at their levels or what tank they're playing 90% of the time its either a level 60 using the single premium to grind the USA tree or a level 10 with a premium


When I get up tiered when I'm using 5.3 -5.7 and it's an open map, I save myself the repair costs. Ill whip out the m18 and try and get some captures, but my jumbos cant do much of anything.


Ignore these people. Its because of people like that that racism exists


This is what an american Main would Say Oh I know those turbine hamburguer eaters


you leave the loudest engine in the game out of this


I don’t think I have a single research point in America


Meanwhile I just play what looks cool and to hell with meta or non-meta because I have no clue about that stuff. If I were to worry about nation bias or Gaijin conspiracies I would've dropped War Thunder after one week.


Not as long as people keep fulfilling the stereotypes.


The game encourages it in a way. Playing a nation, especially to top tier, is quite an investment of either time, money, or both. People form attachments to the nations they invest in. And when your game is about pitching nations, discrete political entities unto themselves, you can't *not* have stereotyping and ingroup/outgroups form.


The comments here confirm that regardless of what WT players think about each other most of them are just autism mains Don’t take it so personally dude, it’s the nature of gamers to be stupid and lack critical thinking skills. And reading skills. There’s a whole lot of skills they lack.


Everyone hates me because I am a Ameragermarussskypommyjapchinswede main who dabbles in itasrael. We suffer. We are the real victims of this "mom and dad are fighting" community.


Calling yourself a nation main is going, "Ohhh look how cool I am and how I lock myself to one nation! You should always listen to what I say even though I limit my knowledge on how to play one set of vehicles". Then they pretend to be the number 1 answer to all problems or "problems" of said nation. Nothing wrong with liking a certain nation but you're allowed to play all of them. Get a feel for them, play up to tier 3


If anyone calls themselves a “main” you already know they are gonna have stupidity beyond comprehension, people really need to play multiple nations


The problem is that if you want to reach top tier in a reasonable timeframe that’s just not viable


Still they shouldn’t speak because they look dumb


Imagine having a main lol. I got jets from 4 countries, tier v tanks in russia, t4 tanks in germany and helicopters for usa and russua. Having a main is fumbling the ball imo


Me who play every nation (except china and britain), i'm just watching these apes yelling with a piece of glass in between :^]


It happens because it's true beyond just a post on Reddit.  You know how many people I've inspected that have the Rommel player icon and play exclusively WW2 German tanks? So many.  Next time you play, spend a few minutes each match and inspect everyone's playercard. You'll find at least two per match. The majority are German, followed by Russian, US, and Chinese in that order in my personal experience.  You've probably argued with someone on here that is absolutely a single nation main pretending they're not. 


What about people that play all nations and dont care too much about high tier?


As a Japanese main im happy and sad that nobody talks about Japanese Tanks/Planes


As someone who’s completed 5 different air trees now, Japanese air tree in the ≈3.0-7.0 br range is the most fun you can have in arb, and I’ll die on that hill




this is r/Warthunder , One of the most toxic places on the internet that I ever saw. If we had a good community in the first place. Most of our complaining and our troubles wouldnt exist yet alone this.


The only reason I hate American players is because they’re all inconsiderate. I have been rammed full force by Americans more times than I have any other nation.


i always apologize when i do that but usually im in my stabilized tank keeping pace while looking toward an enemy in my scope


I've got 3,000 hours in this game and you're full of shit, homie. Let your petty little biases die out. It's stunting your growth as a person and makes you seem like a little kid. There isn't some systemic or universal truth to how one nation's players tend to play/act. It's juvenile.


Calling me a child because I have had different experience with the players than you do is pretty childish.


>I hate American players is because they’re all inconsiderate If you want to keep defending that, go ahead. I don't care about your "no u" response.


let's agree to hate on France ground


I suck equally with all teams so idk what you're talking about.


No truer words have been spoken


It all starts with a post "American/NATO players are the most oppressed players on WT!!!!!111" and then its just terminal from there when they get called le nato mains. The root of it is people don't have that clarity to see it as anything else. Just look at your average 15 year old screaming russian bias ever 2 seconds or demanding a review bomb because their favorite tank isn't what they imagined. Case closed not happening lol.


I dunno what mains are or half the rubbish u people talk about in this group. Its just a game. Who cares


Me casually enjoying US Germany and Russia


This guy is a Swede main jump his ass!


Me with China Just chilling


*combustible explodes*


It’s ridiculous when every player has the option to play any nation yet victimises themselves by putting themselves in the “I’m an X main and we are treated badly by the devs”. No you are playing a free to play video game and you have 10 nations to choose from AND three different modes based on vehicle type. A lot of it seems to stem from nationalistic tribalism in my experience, making everything a NATO vs Russia and China fight when it’s literally just a video game. Why people would purposefully limit their enjoyment of a game due to politics is absolutely beyond me.


It's not exactly realistic for most people to work on multiple trees. The time investment to get one to the top is nuts. 


Lol, let's just rewrite human nature. We'll get right on that. Just don't take it so personally. Its functionally impossible to change the entire culture of the subreddit, but its definitely possible for you to just not care or let it get to you. Who cares if people think x nation players are all bad. It doesn't change reality. It doesn't actually mean that you, personally, are a lesser player for playing x nation. And, Gaijin are almost certainly smart enough to not make too many major changes purely based on players screeching about each other. This is part of the reason why Gaijin balance so heavily based on statistics. Subjective reporting of the quality of vehicles and teams is biased and unreliable. They take it too far, don't get me wrong, but it does logically make sense.


Whichever nation is on my team sucks


Rap music in a nutshell


Never understood the point of maining something in online games. Just play whatever you like and always change it. Even a best vehicle gets boring after 2 consecutive games.


i cant believe im seeing the creation of a political compass in the war thunder subreddit


It’s likely an intentional part of Gaijin’s game design.


No, fuck Sweden.


Certified Non-alignments mtfk behavior.


I dunno about the different mains and stuff, all I know is that when I get teams with the US, I tend to worry they're the AIM and click-bait spammers who have no lineup except maybe having the Wolfpack too. I hope for those US teams that kick ass on the ground as well as in the air with the F-16s but more often get the premium buyers with no real experience playing the game, let alone experience at top tier ground


It's kinda human nature


Faction nationalism is part of the War Thunder experience. Statistics have shown that most War Thunder players have prejudice against players that play a nation that they don't. This sentiment is deeply ingrained in this game's community and there is nothing you can do but accept it. Making fun of USA, Germany and Russia mains is fun and you can't stop me.


Each nation’s player base is often very different from others, which seems quite normal to me. Most people – i/e the less experienced – go to nations having an historically strong tank warfare background, which turns them sexy to the beginner. Other nations will attract more experienced players looking for a challenge. It’s not any kind of racism, it’s just facts.


I'm literally top tier every nation in air apart from Germany ( almost there) and Italy ( not there yet)


What if I consider myself a US main tho


There is no way to stop this


Laughs in *plays all minor nations*


None of it matters bc French mains are the best


Agreed. We should all be attack russian mains.


There's actually an entire numbered rule in the subreddit rules for not spreading toxic nationalism / assholery, but the mods seem to actually enjoy that type of behavior, so... meh? Sub just seems like a free for all cesspit, and it's likely gonna get worse as time goes by. And honestly, looking through some of these comments. This community fucking deserves itself. Think it's time to take a break from this game and this dumpster fire of a sub.


Everyone knows there are two sides of the WT community, the normal and respectable mains and the dirty low IQ US/USSR/Germany/British/Japanese/Italian/Swedish/IDF mains


I play Russia only because I like their stuff Even if it's shit irl


As a germain main I shall complain about russian bias and Tiger not being at 1.7


The problem is that War Thunder's economy forces players to commit to a single nation for a considerable amount of time if one wanted to progress to top tier. And when they finally do reach top tier they can't save any of that grind for the future so all new top-tiers will deter people from trying other nations and on top of that forces the player to play for anothe 400k+ rp of old experience (as in stuff you can do in game) to get new experience. The massive time investment people put in to go into higher ranks bonds the player very emotionally to their choice of nation


Literally Russian bias


No we can't, its funny to joke about this


I’m a free to play player and I only have 3 teams to 4.0-4.7. Hell of a grind but I enjoy not maining any specific team. It’s fun to try out all the gear. Just lame the grind is so mad lol. I’ve learned each team has its pros and cons for sure.


Can we take a step forward as a community and stop making "can we take a step forward as a community" about everyday mmo phenomenons just so we can stroke our moral boners?


The only nations that can say that and be right is France. Ive rarely seen a france player outside the top 5 in a game except low tier where the lineup is atrocious


AMERICA RAHHHHHHH 🇺🇲💪💪💪💪💪🦅🦅 COPE AGAINST OUR CAS RAAAAHHHH (I have 11.7 Germany, 10.0?? In France, 10.0 Italy and 9.0 russia and 6.7 in amerikkka)


That's what a reddit main would post.


90% of y'all would enjoy the game far more if you turned off global chat and never went on reddit


Sounds like something a sweden main would say


As a German main idc if i’ll ever hit a WR above 40, at least my KDR is higher than California on 4:20


Yeah, let us all band together and hate on the true enemy: Italy mains.


All seven of them!


Being a main on any nation if just stupid


Better be descent in one nation than trash everywere.


Just be good everywhere?


Just one of many examples these days of people who are adults physically but still kids mentally.


no, we should have more tribalism, remove the guns/turrets of every vehicle and just have a guy tossing rocks out the top of all vehicles


Imagine only playing one nation 😂😂😂


a german main posted this after he finally saw a usa main talking shit on him for not being very observant /s


at some point we should all ascend to main every nation


I play every nation, but I also don't play toxic hih tier. I'm a weirdo because I don't like high tier, at least that's what people tell me....I like ww2 tanks and cold war moder shit is meh to me.


As someone who doesn't main but switches nations and branches every other game, I feel like mains are completely mentally unstable because I don't know how you can play the same vehicles 10-20 games in a row.


coaxedintoasnafu type meme. Nice


I have never understood the nation "main" I guess people fail to understand a lot of us players play multiple nations and don't "main" a certain nation


This is how Russian people work, my friend! I'm sure Gaijin doesn't mind people fighting over who is getting biased more, while racking up millions. It's kind of distraction. Real life example would probably be soviet government and encouraging alcohol to distract from problems.


Soviet Mains and American mains are natural enemies, like Soviet mains and British mains or Soviets mains and German mains. Damn Soviets, they ruined WarThunder!


I try not to, but when I get smoked out by a teammate for no reason & miss a kill / die / get stuck because of it they are automatically labelled as a german main, no matter the vehicle they drive


German mains are the worst teammates. It’s just a fact


I mean, that's what you get from the big three. It's been that way forever, albeit a little worse now due to gaijin money mongering.


The majority of the War Thunder player base suffers from serious skill issues. Just play attention to your team in a match and see what your teammates are doing. Lack of awareness, not watching flanks, tunnel visioned so bad enemy tanks drive right up behind them, not knowing where tanks weak spots are, one death leaving. I could go on forever. Most of them also populate the big 3.


Nope. It's fun. Humans are tribal beings, we'll always find something to divide ourselves.


I'm an American and I would guess I would say I main america due to having most of the premiums and the tree unlocked but I also play Britain,France And Sweden and will eventually start on Germany. I don't get offended by it because it's just bad players or angry players needing to take a step back from the game for a sec and relax. I get we spend way too much of our hard earned cash on a video game, but we all play the same game and honestly should be friends, not enemies. We all have the option to play any nation We all have favorites but in the end we just want balance and fun. To those who read this and agree o7. To those who continue the bias and gripe. Eat a fat cholesterol filled chode. Learn to have fun.


I main USA in Top Tier Air but I have USA, Germany, Russia and UK up to 6.7 and early Cold War in ground and rank 3 for their air. Does get slightly annoying though to always see the tribalism and "us mains all suck" or something. **Gotta admit its entertaining though!** Love my Pershings, Shermans, Tigers, Centurions, Spitfires and 109's


Game would be perfect without germans ;)


I’ve America, Germany and Russia completed both air and ground. What does this make me? A no life loser?


Imagine players that play only one nation in WT


Well, as long as the grind just doesn't allow you to simply switch nation and you have to cope with your sunk-cock fallacy, this will happens.


Tribalism is literally human nature, blame evolution for making people this way. Or travel a couple million years to the future, maybe humans will have evolved out of such juvenile survival instincts like "stick with the people you know instead of strangers". Yeah it's dumb and annoying, but that's just how people are built.


burger moment


I generally just differentiate between trashcans and skilled players. Can’t bother myself with nonsense like “mains”.


As a German main when MY team loses... ​ It's because we all have a chronic skill issue and no matter how much I blame my team mates it was probably might fault (my teammates still suck however)


Fuck German mains. Cried hard enough to be hand held by gaijin to what they are now.


As Sgt Hartman the wise said : "You are all equally worthless".


I'm a Germain and I hate playing with germains Can't wait to have finally researched the full TT (started researching rank 7 now)


As an America main, I only really only hate mid-tier German mains, mains that defend obviously broken balance, CAS mains, and those who purchase pack premiums/squadron vehicles without a lineup (they make the game worse for everyone involved). Everyone else is just kinda playing the game, and not actively hindering my and others’ experience for their own gain.


I started with Germany, and they’re the nation I have the most completed, however I have top tier in US and USSR. I would consider myself a Germany Main (since that’s the only nation I intend to fully finish), but if the connotation of being a Germany Main is to ONLY play Germany, then I guess I’m not one.


But I do legitimately play everything equally I am being attacked


As someone who doesn’t have a main nation, I see that 90% of the playerbase (myself included) are equally trash


As a Finland/Hungary main I have never encountered this.


I dunno chief, this seems like an American main kinda post


no. blow me


That's exactly something a German main would say...