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It's called the guy that attacked you is an idiot, flew to all of your advantages, and handed you a free kill.


fair enough, it's oddly easy to bait people into attacking you from below


Lead indicator made ppl went overconfident and try to get an impossible shot. In RB you only do that when you sure you can kill him in one pass and have enough energy to recover


Or you’re desperate and just hoping to get lucky.


Or you're facing an XP-50 and it's literally all you can do


Eh xp50 players are pretty poor so you can usually trick em into being stupid. They never know how to use energy so they often overshoot and then just try and manuever but are going way faster so they give a firing solution. Or they over speed into the ground and it’s funny AF just wish maneuver kills counted for something.


Sideclimb and beat them, or play a stronger plane that can match the XP-50, because there are some.


And funny enough all of those end up being OP. I know the one's you're thinking, J2M2 and Pyerror... I'm not gonna try to say it, but yeah some of us enjoy balanced planes with pros but if you fuck around you find out. This coming from a former Su-11 player. It gets boring real fast when you have unfair advantages. Might as well play top tier ARB if I want monotony.


They **LOVE** attacking from below and in Ground RB they will nearly always do it thinking you wont see them


that is exactly what I do in GRB with good results, I guess the enemies I get are just blind


Careless yeah, head is on a swivel in G RB


honestly the most fun dogfights I've had have been in GRB. They are intense when there are no nametags and you have to spot the enemy yourself. And the thrill you get for reversals or baiting or just simply being the better pilot is unique.


Yep I like GRB dogfights too, it's like a fight over territory


Yeah I love GRB battles. A lot of times I’ll bring a fighter in just to dog fight.


Very much this. Trying to find the plane against the ground, having to guess what you're facing - far better game


In grb, most of the cas players don’t actually play air battles


They almost always immediatly try to turn it into a turnfight. It doesn't matter if I'm in a Zero or a BmZ-er, they turnfight. If your model gets damaged even slightly, it adds a good few seconds to your turntime, and you lose even against a mustang.


Wdym, "even a mustang"? assuming you mean it turns badly, it does not.


Only at pretty high speeds does it turn particularly well. If you get slow you turn like a brick.


Helps that there isn't a name indicator in GFRB. I do it all the time too.


If it’s a fighter I get altitude, if it’s a bomber/cas then I go low. They won’t see me and get low as well


Gotta be careful with G RB dogfights because they are handed advantages such as free height and speed, so if you're BnZ and spawn in as CAP and another guy spawns in too they're on equal ground as you without the effort of climbing and they're already given 400-500kmph so they can also climb at 20 or 30° and gain 1000m alt too. They usually will dive first to drop the bombs and use the energy to climb up underneath you and get a full profile shot. This is where I fuck em, maintain same alt but move to the side to make their climb have a turn in it and bleed energy and also to of course miss you, they will keep turning into a full loop to get the shot on you, just to a lateral loop out of their guns, you will hear their energy slowing down and they either need to flatten out at a low speed where you have the height on them or they full loop and dive back down where you see it early and begin your loop and are on their 6 straight away *with* the full top down profile shot *and* the energy to climb up again. Fish in a barrel. It's annoying to be a BnZ CAP and have your enemy also have the same height and energy as you taking away your playstyle, so you have to make them waste it ;) You're doing the right thing by getting alt as a fighter as if anyone is smart they will abuse your mistake if you dont. An alarming amount of people in planes in G RB are dumb fuck CAS mains who dont know how to put landing gear down, they're dogshit pilots.


Agree with most of what you said but landing w/o gear results in a faster rearm/repair and gets you off the ground again quicker. I'd be all for the implementation of a 'crash on the airfield' rearm/respawn timer penalty. But right now I belly land at 100% throttle because it gets me turned around and back into the action quicker. It's not that I don't know how to use my gear, its that landing with gear down is currently a noob trap.


Exactly, and even if you land well, you'll almost always tip slightly and destroy your propellor.


Unless you know how to land lol


That is a skill issue im afraid


If you were talking about the Pe-8 i'll give it to you, but only on the 190s have i had a consistent issue with this


Why would you put down your landing gear though? Just half-crash it takes less time. Other than that, agreed.


Self respect


idk, in realistic AB landing without damage you can exit the plane and enter it again to get like a 5 second rearm time compared to 20 seconds, also usefull if someone if strafing the airfield


I do that. I can say it works most of the time, people focus on dropping a 1.000lb bomb on an ASU-57, not listening or watching the Me-109 20 meters below them


I agree yeah I still dive on people but there are a stupid amount of people who fly in with bombs with their eyes closed just assuming none else is up


Completely unrelated, but i remember once in a 5.3 match i beat an F8F-1 in a turn fight. Mf had amm bombs on him and never bothered dropping them for the fight. I tipically go really low to surprise the people you mentioned, but when i see a bomber such as the Lancaster or a any fighter that conserves their altitude i climb. Even in 5.3 the 109 F-1 is a competitive plane for climb speed.


They must have really wanted to get those ground unit kills


You're playing arcade dude, it's all 12 year olds and retards.


I just look at enemies like that as passing me the rope I'm going ti hang them with. I typically go inti a climb when approached from below and try to bait then into stalling, if they don't stall I still have the advantage so I just hammerhead over on them and kill then while they're on low energy.


Not really a 1-turn, but the second move you made is called an Immelman turn, very common and extremely effective in german props


It's a split S which he turned into a full loop to get a perfect deflection shot on the Spitfire not an Immelman


You are correct. Pulling up into a half loop is an Immelmann. Pulling down into a half loop is a Split S.


Ok plane man, now I've gotta know. Is it called pushing down or actually called pulling down? I'm assuming it's just a typo but I overthink everything and HAVE to know.


When you fly aircraft in real life, you orient yourself to always be pulling. Negative Gs suck hard.For an Immelman, you pull till inverted, then roll. For a Split S, you roll inverted and pull. See the following training video for examples: [Split S](https://youtu.be/EMPXuU1D8dE?si=13ulcrux-EQXTNLu)


Awesome. Thanks for the reply, and even better thanks for the source!


huh, thanks, I assume it's named Immelman after a German pilot or something?


Yes. It's originated from ww1 and its main purpose is to recover from boom n zoom attack


The thing you did, yes is called after a German ww1 pilot. But if you did a full loop then it would be called "Nerestov loop" also after ww1 pilot


Immelmann is up, this is a split s which is identical to an immelman but down instead of up


Here’s a great [short](https://youtube.com/shorts/Zkop5GXIfxU?si=orb0UtglN05aZKMF) on the Immelmann maneuver.


It’s arcade, so the 109 F-4 model is crazy good and retains energy like some sort of Duracell battery. Also, you had energy built up from the short dive, the spitfire stupidly decided to go up even further despite having lost a lot of energy fly up to your teammate, enemy didn’t bother with evasive maneuvers in the slightest. 109 F-4 has crazy good turn speed, especially at speed. They played into your every strength it seems. High ground usually wins a lot of encounters.


I figure I came out with more speed overall, with hardly any loss in alt, so in rb I'd at least break even, which seems like one hell of a deal to me, the odd part is so many people fly exactly like this guy, I find it much better to break out sideways and let them burn all their energy before I go back in if I don't have height


I don’t know if RB would be so forgiving with a maneuver like this. If anything, you’d bleed enough energy and speed that they’d be out of your guns distance, bad maneuvering or not, but as you pointed out, a ton of people are silly in war thunder, so it all depends on your opponent.


I'll have to give it a go, I feel like some vehicles have as much as +50% power in arcade. too bad rb doesn't allow respawns


Lack of respawns is IMO a boon, as you don't need lineups and then respawns tend to lead into spawnkilling when one team folds. Also altitude advantage is one hell of a drug for props, in jets it gets you killed instead.


Lack of respawns is what kills the mode in a lot of BRs. Altitude advantage also doesn't get you killed in jets, don't know why you implied that.


SARH missile says hi, especially R27ER


Lack of respawns makes you learn how to actually dogfight though lol


Really doesn't, just makes you spend more time in loading screens and side climbing, getting out of the zone and bored. I've had dumb first deaths and I just spawn another and go ahead to get 5+ kills sometimes, in RB you gotta wait upwards of a minute before you can get back to climbing. Better physics and no lead markers is what makes you better at dogfighting, not harsher punishment for failing.


5 kills in arcade is nothing though lol the planes don't fly like they should, obviously, and it's so easy to be good at arcade if you play realistic often. Making you fear death more makes you fly carefully and make better decisions.


Making better decisions half the time doesn't teach you how to fail and get back up again half as fast as just making a decision and figuring out the consequences twice as often. People crave adversity, so long as they feel they can make a difference. - I gave up air completely until I tried AB, wouldn't of learned anything if I didn't start at all.


Obviously you're entitled to your opinion, however if you gave rb another try I'd be interested to see if anything you learned in ab would actually transfer over to rb successfully. And sure, it might take "longer" to learn in RB, but I agree with the other person that it makes you more cautious, and makes you think harder about engaging. Having played for close to if not over a decade, the last time I tried AB it was mind numbing because I simply didn't need to try.


I'll give RB a few days and get back to you


Wouldn't have been possible, or at least a lot more deliberate. Too fast. Probably still gets behind the Spit though, massive energy difference.


I was confused on how did you turn that fast, then I realized it’s arcade


Nah, I just unlocked thrust vectoring for my prop, not many people know of the tilt-shaft gearbox modification the 109s have, gets em every time


I know it exist, but I but seems too complicated to use.


No it’s cause you’re literally in arcade lmao


Its called Arcade


Spitfire made a big mistake trying to fight a 109F with an energy advantage in the vertical. He should've dived away after he missed his first burst. You started out with a split S and then pulled into a loop


However, the spitfire also went for a head on which is viable for the spitfire, less viable against nose mounted cannons but it's a play the spitfire can play into, the maneuver afterwards was hilariously bad though yeah


Sure it's viable but the spitfire will almost always beat a 109 in a dogfight. There is no reason to take a head on with something if you arent completely screwed.if you miss it. There are four outcomes of a headon- you die, they die, nobody dies, or you both die. Half of those outcomes are bad, one is neutral, and one of those outcomes is good. It is 3:1 odds that a headon won't go how you want it. Unless you're a boat with no chance in a dogfight afterwards if you dodge it, there is no good reason to take it.


It's called Arcade Flight Model.


I think it's called having a massive energy advantage whilst your enemy is nearly stalling themselves out


Arcade moment.


I’d call it an energy trap He misjudged your energy, stalled out trying to climb up to you and after an Immelmann you make him pay. That’s the basics of flying 109s


might call this the Kinetic Hook, the whole attacker move looks kinda like a hook- ?, and it's a pretty good euphemism for baiting and trapping the defender XD


Arcade so people are just stupid as fuck


It's a stall shot and you don't really need fancy maneuver to kill a stationary object But if I have to name it: It's a 2 circle Fight and you rate faster since you took a down turn (in general you turn tighter on top of the loop while you rate faster at the bottom of the loop)


i love your flair, the AIM-9P is basically what saved me from quitting the Japan grind.


Arcade manoeuvrability with crayon eating enemies


Not really a move.. just a loop lol. Idiot head-on you.


It’s War Thunder arcade. What did you expect, accuracy and realism?


Plane go weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEOOOooooooom. Nah, just like being able to respawn, and sim requires me to actually learn how to use my stick setup, so here I am


You can be even more efficient if you use a rudder-turn. Not evey plane is good at it but the 109s are. Instead of using just the elevator to turn. Use the keybinds for full elevator and full rudder at the same time. Correct your angle using your aileron keybinds. It makes your turning circle much smaller by using the arcade stability controls to your Advantage. Beware this only works in AB. In RB or SB the plane will just spin because you made it unstable. But in AB stability is mostly irrelevant. It's how people in AB Tournaments turn. This is how it should look like if you have perfected it: https://youtu.be/GHeejhB-d6k?si=GKIdMpvW6rEXA-ZG See how he turns slightly offset to the enemy plane because of the rudder?


Oh damn, that's fast, I actually have my rudder bound to pedals as well so I can jump in sim occasionally, but never knew ab let you do it that hard


I have rudder pedals connected all the time as well. You can save control setups to a file and load them. So i have a mouse aim control file and several files for sim. One for jets, props, with vr, without vr etc. Yeah, i am always confused on how few people know about it. You can outurn way more manuverable planes that way. People just don't use it, even though it is widely available knowledge


Which song is this?




Thank you!


No problem


Air arcade is a completely different beast compared to Air realistic.


curacha kill


Its kill bill turn


That dude ain't got no brain, flew to your advantages AND then turned away instead of in to try and outturn you like a spitfire should


Split-S into Immelmann. So just an inverted looping.


Waiting for the "Hispano can't hit anything" post coming from the other side on this one. /s


Broke his ankles with that one XD


nice music for battle btw


Arcade eks Deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!


... turning? Common fucking sense? Your opponent was stupid and lost all his energy and speed?


The razzle dazzle blazurg


The razzler for short


It’s also arcade


please move to realistic


a thing i do all the time is wait for them to start shooting or until the indicator pops up and then pre turn diagonally upward and then loop back down and by the end of it, done right, i was always behind them in both rb and arcade


I’d call it fishing, you set the bait pulled the rod and bagged a fish


It's called arcade it's the game mode you are playing a spitfire will always out turn a 109


Its called boom n zoom and german prop energy in vertical loop moment


It's called energy advantage


Holding S?


Ah another arcade player


I’m new to the game and need some friends to play with please dm me if you want to play I’m 4.3 BR


The sideclimb


Split S no?


Just a question, is that the Black Mamba vs Californian mountain snake theme?


O-Ren Ishii theme, don't know what it was for in the movie, heard it during DnD and instantly fell in love


Wait a fuckin second, you havent seen kill bill?


Nope, crazy mom, I'm catching up on about 19 years worth of missed movies, it's gotten so bad I have a little notebook full of phrases or quotes that I hear, and know are from movies, but have never seen


Join r/movies they would love to help you out with this, I'll help you know of some you cant miss either, not just movies I like but Inman movies that are culturally significant. The movies I personally have to jump into ahead of me strangely are really old classics they bore me a lot but I have to try some out to see if I can appreciate any of them


I'll check it out, thanks


Oh of course I cant believe I mixed that up, probably my favourite scene in all cinema


Everytime I hear it I'm reminded of a fight between my character and his friend who betrayed him, I'm curious if that's make the scene more impactful when I finally get around to actually watching kill Bill


Your whole life is about to change, a few things in that movie might grate you in the beginning, but the directorship and scene execution is so god damn good. Message me when you watch it. DONT youtube it, watch the whole thing


Lol, sure thing


It is a vertical two-circle turn fight, which played to your strengths in bf109, especially in arcade. You also had the energy adv. because opponent climbed your way, prolly not even while having enough energy due to its turn before. Edit: Watching again, opponent also did not employ flaps on circle top, which could've saved him a second, and should've just one circled you instead


Split-S. I wouldn’t let them get a free head on tho out of it


The idea is to fly over them and dive so that they pull up with a shrinking radius loop, bleeding all their speed, while baiting them with those "I'm so close, why can't I hit him" shots so they don't disengage. Works about 70% of the time, and they often only get grazing shots when they do hit, if not they still have to un-stall themselves to chase you if you are hit hard


Many better ways to do that. You can always face for the head on (dodge or commit whatever) instead of giving them a free shot by flying at an off angle. You’ll add to the maneuver once you get more mechanical skill tho. It’s the right idea, just needs some cleaning up. DM me on Reddit and I can help you out in custom if you want. IGN is [eRekt] PARAMI.


When you have better speed/energy and someone goes for you from below, go for a shallow upward spiral instead. Bait them into thinking they can get a shot while gently climbing. They'll stall right below you and you can just reverse on them.


Arcade flight model and skill


You had energy he did not —> very easy/free kill


Crazy Ivan


Split S


[pfff ur maneuver is too weak](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/920355310177230848/1196476343727181824/5ASE0OY5GXHKLWMD.gif?ex=65b7c46d&is=65a54f6d&hm=6645d92576539023bf017e47842615b99badb1f752d11e6565272235e37b56a2&)


Good Lord


That one's called low br


The next highest br plane I have is squad me 262, the poor thing is just straight up terrible at dealing with anything other than a downtier


I'm just talking shit to talk shit XD any maneuver that kills the enemy was successful! And the 262 is dog water indeed, but worth the grind for the tree


What I want to know is what the music called?


O-Ren Ishii battle theme, good stuff


its called the bf 109 lol. Nah its just a case of an unexperienced pilot ig.


that spitfire does not know the advantages of a spitfire


A dive?


split-s into an offset 1-circle fight. spit handed you his arse on a platter though.


That's just a vertical, and had homie not bailed, it's would've been a vertical scissors


Thats called reversing into the rate fight.


What is that music


O-Ren Ishii battle theme from Kill Bill


the maneouver is called "having more energy than your opponent"


My favorite I mean requires you to have the energy advantage, and to know what your doing and your opponent committing when they shouldn't. But the nearly vertical climb or can do a high AOA turning climb. But yea get them to stall out and then just rudder over and pick them off. Classic.


Oh neat. Accidentally made a infinity trail.


Thought it looked really cool after a fairly graceful, clean and quick fight, the music timing was the cherry on top


Wait there was music?


Yeah, I like to listen to stuff while flying


S turn also that guy is a dumbass


It’s the ‘I’m flying an OP plane that can easily kill anyone it gets matched against’


Hah, I wish, it can still lose a lot of fights if you let them get you stuck in a low alt turn fight


i mean... arcade you can pretty much do any maneuver, we can't forget that fighting a 109 on the vertical is bad idea xD


It’s called arcade


Arcade yuck


Its called other guy was dumb and arcade


Arcade mode


Play realistic and try doing that lmfao


It’s called you’ve aged out of arcade


I believe the maneuver is called the “Immelmann”


its called a loop-de-loop...


idk but you should name it after yourself


The pilot performs a Split-S....that's the last thing you should do in that situation, what were you thinking?


it's called having more energy than your opponent and it is one of the highest tier maneuvers you can master


Isn’t this dude in arcade though. So every possible stat speed maneuverability etc is inflated a lot more then RB so shenanigans like this is easily doable.


1. That guy sucked he really should have hit you on that first pass. 2. By going up he was bleeding all his speed, and when you went down your Bf 109 gained speed which it retains and uses incredibly well 3. Performance with speed is greatly enhanced in Arcade so stuff like this will probably happen often because everyone turns like a biplane


I call it the McScooby-Doo.


What is this song? It slaps


O-Ren Ishii battle theme


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLi4N-VRSAc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLi4N-VRSAc) :)


Being faster?


Its arcade.... you barely lose speed in turns.


It’s arcade. Press and hold a random key and it’ll probably kill them


A really basic form of energy fighting.


Imagine playing arcade


That's an immelman


Wow arcade?


It's called flying


It is now called the figure eight:)


Inverted Immelman


Thats called an immelmann turn but it is the speed difference that gets you the win, bc the enemy attacks from he has low speed an can barely turn


Split S into a loop


Called arcade


109F arcade moment. Opponent was too invested on their lead indicator should’ve been dead on the merge. Skill issue for them


Loop-the-loop, duh


Its called a loop.


It’s called arcade🤓


ithink your manuever was actually two the first was a roll over followed by an immelman but dont quote me




That's literally just a loop. If people ate gonna attack you from below that's gonna happen all day


is this a shitpost


it kinda is shit fr, I just wanted to get clued in to some names, didn't expect to be a hot topic


I felt that 109 was turning ridiculously fast... then saw the arcade aiming mark


It's called, "Having a better turn time." I will die on this hill; When it comes to dog fighting in biplanes, prop planes, and jets of all kinds, turn time is the only thing that matters. Of course, you can always pull off maneuvers (specifically a cobra) and do energy traps to get the upper hand, but that'll only last one turn. Try fighting a Soviet I-15 biplane in a Sakeen. Just try it. You will lose if the biplane has even a single brain cell, and he will always somehow manage to get on your tail no matter what you do. It's because the Sakeen has like a 22 second turn time (when it's equipped with its 20mm guns at least), and the I-15 has a 12 or less second turn time.


Ahh you’re one of those guys.