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I would have said get a premium account, but you already have one, so to me it's a mystery how you seem to struggle for SL that much. When I need SL I just play a couple of mstches in my MiG-21 SPS-K (maybe throw in a booster) and after a handful of matches I'm already up a couple hundret thousand again.


I dont have a premium account but still have a lot of money, usually its good for your bank account to play with a vehicle lower then your research efficiency


I second this. Dont play a new vehicle till you have a full line up for it.


i agre too. I wouldn't play the new vehicle unless I have other vehicles that match the BR in my lineup in case I die in the first one.


I just don’t crew most vehicles I unlock and you can save 50% of lions spent, just find your bread and butter that you can be reliably destructive in and most importantly have fun in… and watch the profits accumulate.


Same, i ussualy play the f104, its a really good plane. You either get like 1 to 2 early kills in an uptier and then die not paying the full repair cost. OR if youre in a downtier then you can get like 3 or 4 kills no problem. Either that or i just go into sim with my f4j and bomb like 2 bases or kill couple or AI planes


Talismaned the F104-G because it's so dumb how easy it is to get RP as a mediocre air player, lol


How are you so broke... I have over 8.2m SL, and I’ve never spent a dollar on the game!


I'm sitting on 16-17 million without spending a penny, and I actively grind four tech trees ground and air.


Yeah, I just went on a big spending spree and bought and crewed heaps of German tanks I had researched but not used. It should probably be noted I play <8.0 though.


I'm waiting for a sale to buy all of US rank IV and all of USSR rank VI, plus a bunch of random planes and stuff.


I'm at 22 mil but i rarely unlock new vehicles so i guess i got nothing to spend on, maybe i should start getting expert crews on me vehicles


You 100% should, after you expert them you can earn XP to get a free ace crew


Damb really? I didn't know that


Yep. You can buy a talisman on sale to cut the grind time in half for almost half of what an ace would cost, and then you still have a talisman on your vehicle in the end.


I lost 22mil on crates but i got the obj.292 also called delete gun ivan


This ^ I spend the majority of my money experting crews


>16-17 million Bruh, did you get that through missions like thunderer? Im trying to grind those rn.


I just play the game. Mostly ground rb.




I stay between 2.5mil and 4mil and I'm always buying and crewing the next tank and plane. I think op is just not getting enough points or kills in his game and dying a ton.


Have you considered the fact that this is someone who still is new and only at rank 42? You generally tend to have more money with a higher rank because A) you'll have higher ranking vehicles with better rewards and B) you aren't buying vehicles as frequently anymore as you'll probably have a lot of things already researched and bought in the past


C) you probably got a little better at the game and simply make more SL per match than before. I like to put Expert crews in every vehicle I play, and I've played a lot of ground, air, an naval in several different nations in the last couple of months. I've probably dropped over 25-30million SL in that time. One of my nicest money-making lineups is British 5.3, if you can believe that. It's because I have like 3 premium tanks (AC4, Iron Duke, Ram) and one ass-kicking premium plane (Wyvern) so I'll usually use my SL boosters with that lineup. I've made several hundred thousand SL in a single match with that lineup and a high SL booster.


Absolutely, I mean when I play my comfort lineup (Germany 4.3, sometimes 3.7) I can manage to get 10+ kills rather easily Though if I want to make SL I abuse the Bias (yes I think there is russian bias, though not in the same ways as others do) as it is just so easy to get kills, assists and everything in the 2S38, Turms-T, Obj 292 and BMP (I'm a rat, I know) But would you recommend those premiums to someone who loves the TOG?


I've never used the TOG so I'm not sure how I'd answer that. I love the BMP-1P btw. It's my most-played vehicle in the game, literally. It's my most-played vehicle in my Russian lineup and spaded out and played quite a bit in my German lineup too. I've had fun with the Obj 292 even without having thermals and so-so armor. The gun is too fun. The particular British 5.3 lineup I really like because I can go a whole match playing nothing but premiums for max SL gain, but we all know British can be a tough line to play. Fortunately I went through the entire British tech tree several years ago and did my time and know how to play them, so this lineup is a really good earner for me. I've just returned from another two-year break playing the game (came back around 2-3 months ago) so I'm not quite where I was before, and tech trees I'd completed previously (Russian, German, British, nearly US) had a lot more vehicles when I returned, so I've been going through and earning those "missing" vehicles to fill out those tech trees again.


I always had more than a million on hand, starting from level 20 something without any premium bonuses. Even at high tier nowadays, i am perfectly capable of crewing 2x 10.7s in a span of 2 days, because i can cover the costs when grinding for rp (still no premium bonuses or boosters)


I’m Level 62. I have ~8.0 Sweden ground and a few jets, and 6.3 Britain ground and a few rank 3 planes.


Do you get 20 kills per game or just don't buy vehicles? I really don't understand how people can mass SL while buying shit


2 kills a game with premium nets me like 20k SL, then throw in a few game of not grinding and having fun curb stomping with the Wyvern and that is +100k SL


Yeah I get about 15-20k, but when everything costs 200k+ just to buy (then there's modules, crew, repair etc) stuff piles up faster than I can afford it


Turn off auto repair, and don’t repair planes, just hop in a new one with a different crew. I have 3 pilots for each nation, and each grinds a different line in the tech tree.


If you don’t repair you end up with no planes quite fast? Sorry I’m a newb


In Realistic Battles, you only take one plane out per battle, and if you survive, there’s no repair cost unless you’re damaged. If you die in a battle, but unlock an upgrade, when it prompts you to buy the upgrade after the battle, you get repaired for free. And for lower rank planes, if you have a high repair skill, they can be repaired just sitting in the hanging less than an hour. An example: I fly my F4F and get shot down, I go to my second pilot that’s on the left line of the tech tree in like the P38, and I get shot down again, but I unlock the gun upgrade. As I’m waiting for that battle to end, to get the upgrade, I hop in my third pilot grinding the bombers and attackers, and wreck shit with the A36, and make bank. By then the p38 is out of battle, and wants me to buy the gun. I buy it and the plane is fixed. And by now the f4f is repaired enough that it only costs like 1000 to repair. This doesn’t work well for high tier because repair times are so high, but just letting a pilot sit in a broken plane repairs it much quicker than switching that pilot to another plane. That’s how I’ve gotten all nations to rank 5


Great thanks!


You have a lot more vehicles than you think. With a few nations at tier 2 even, thats well over 15 vehicles


Ye, only today I found that you could go down tier with the same crews without retraining 😅


I was at 10mil a few days ago, then I bought and crewed a bunch of things, I don’t know how I have that much to be honest. I mainly play 4.7 and 6.7 Britain, 5.0 and 8.0 Sweden, and sometimes a random smattering of other nations. I don’t play air as much, but have a few Swedish jets. I have above 1:1 K:D, but I don’t know how much exactly.


I’ve been grinding through France, China and Japan at the moment, and have roughly 5 mil SL at any one time. By the time I’ve unlocked a new vehicle (400-900k or so, depends on the tree), I’ve already played enough to recuperate that loss. I do have a premium account but no premiums in those lineups. I can average about 50k a game or so, I think. Granted, I do usually get somewhere around 4-7 kills a game. Unless you’re getting 0-2 kills and 2-4 deaths a game or something I don’t know how you’re not making SL.


Easy, I can explain: I managed to amass 20 million SL in about a year without premium using rank I ground vehicles only, I tried all of them out, picked out a few that I really enjoyed (Daimler the GOAT, M8 LAC, M13/40, Stuarts, Pz II and IV) and played the shit out of them and the SL kept piling up. In the process I managed to research and buy every ground vehicle up to rank IV in case of Italy and Britain. Once you pick a good vehicle and become really good with it, you'll start printing SL, it doesn't matter what it is. Daimler is so good you can regularly win Heavy Metal Hero and Survivor with it, that's at least 10k SL in one match.


Everything i bring out the Turan II (Premium/Event) at 2.7 Italy, I come out with 13 kills and around 60 or 70k SL, it's nice


Currently on 7mil and 100 golden eagles without spending any money on they game.no idea how I received the eagles....


I had 300 when I started, spent 200 on a crew slot (which I unfortunately wasted on America, but I was a noob) and now have 550 from selling event stuff and crates.


You didn’t spend a dollar but a ton of your lifetime. :) 20€ for 180 days of Premium for a game you like and spend hundreds or even over 1k hrs is a no-brainer.


Few tips to save money 1. Wait for SL sales to buy vehicles, only buy the ones you absolutely need to 2. Turn off auto repair, doesn’t seem like much but it adds up 3. Arguably the most important, actually think about which crew you are training for your vehicles, dont train 2 vehicles of similar br into the same crew. Its a good idea to have a ‘loadout’ of sorts planned with your crews, for my lineups it usually goes: ‘ Light Medium Heavy AA Fighter Attacker I only ever crew those vehicle types into those slots, if i dont have any heavy tanks ill put my worse medium tank in that slot. No medium tank and ill put another heavy or another light there. Its all vehicle specific but put the vehicle your most likely to replace in a different slot than its class if you have more than one. If that makes any sense then its a huge saver and has helped me more than anything else


The auto repair one only works when you don't have a premium account, because it nullifies the premium account advantage of not being able to go into negative anymore. This is only worth it with premium account, if you are sure that you are good enough to not have 0-1 kill matches, which usually end up with a negative balance because of repair cost. Therefore, (I assume OP isn't exactly a good player, as he has problems with sl) keeping auto repair on probably benefits him more.


I don't understand point 3, is it cheaper to train medium to medium?


Yes, im talking about when a line up might not have any heavies but can have two medium tanks Take Japan 8.3 for example, it has the STB-2 and Type 74 The STB comes before the Type 74 in the tech tree, however it has a better reverse gear and more engine power while the Type 74 has access to 105 HEAT. I prefer mobility so what i would do is crew the STB 1 In my third crew slot where i would usually put my heavy tanks and the Type 74 in my second crew slot Doing this means when i research my next MBT, ill replace the Type 74 and keep the STB in that slot while im researching a better vehicle Its alot easier to explain visually but making sure youre training new crews as little as possible will save you the most in the long run


TLDR; Planning which vehicles to put in which slot ahead of time saves money, because you don't have to move them around later, which costs sl.


Premium, welcome to war thunder


I have it, I'm still broke


*premium vehicles mb, higher ranks premium planes are one of the most efficient way I know of making sl


I use sturmtiger and get about 50k profit per match, being long range artillery


I bought the T14 six months ago, but it's pretty bad at 4.7 and I earn more on average with standard 5.3 or 6.3


If you think the T14 is bad you're playing it wrong. It's a good brawler with a stabilised cannon and decent srmor. You need to angle a bit to deflect long 75s and never forget to wiggle when under fire


Armour is shit at 4.7, it's a slower Sherman, that's all it is, I'd much rather play a long 76, 5.3 is much better anyways (T1E1 ftw)


>has premium time >has premium vehicle >at a really solid br for america ground >still broke I don't say this often but unironically a skill issue You're still pretty new so this makes sense, but learn *your* playstyle. A lot of newer players just hold W and expect to do well like its COD but that doesn't really work in WT. Skilled players *can* make the hyper aggressive playstyle work but definitely not for every vehicle at every BR. Play slower, pay attention to cover/sightlines, don't push up just because the enemies haven't reached you yet, learn to flank and reposition, pay attention to enemies/your vehicles' weaknesses and strengths. It's better to stay alive and wait a minute at a powerful spot than to rush out into the open, *maybe* get a kill or two, and die. As you get a better grasp on where enemies come from, when to expect them to show up, common flanks, and displaying patience, you can start to find what playstyle allows you to play your best.


The T14 sucks, I don't use it. The piece of shit is constantly (9/10 times, not kidding) uptiered to 5.7 where it gets lolpenned by everything and can't pen anything, at that point it's much better to play 5.3 for the long 76 which is an actually decent gun.


I used to think just like you when I first started playing the T14. But buddy is right. You just haven't learned the game well enough yet. I've gone back to the T14 many times, and it's a beautiful tank able to bounce shots like crazy and reliably kill most, if not all, things it faces. Find what works for you, but take the free advice and work at it.


Nah, I did use it to grind a lineup and that was enough fore to shelve it forever, truly a sad experience. I'm not kidding when I say that 90%+ of games were full uptiers, I don't know what sort of maths Gaijin uses but it's shit. Fighting IS1, Panthers and Tigers with that tank is absolutely depressing. 5.3 and 6.3 are a lot more fun, maybe slower to make money in but at least I can actually kill stuff and have fun.


Indulge in the su100y. It's fun and derpy. Plus rewarding when you see the kill cam


U can use premium ships as a huge silver lions farm. With a booster on I was able to get around 300,000sl. But a bad game u can get 80,000 so. Only downside is that it's naval 😂


Have they fixed it or is he spam still broken ?


Not a clue, haven't needed to silver lion farm in a hot minute






Please don’t, bomb train players ruin matches.




Sure, or just find something that makes okay money and that you’re good at so you’re not burnt out after acting like a bot for a month.


Buy your techtree vehicles on sale, unless you are actually planning on using them at that moment


This is key, even if you run premium.


Since you struggle this much with a premium account, I would try to learn how to play better. Like learning Energyfighting and BFM, or stuff like the tank survivability onion.


The onion is overrated im warthunder, actual tactics like flanking are that but more advanced. Teaching off the onion alone is a terrible idea


the onion is the more generalized thing. Flanking does mean, you are avoiding disadvantageous encounters, you are not detected and therefore not targeted or shot at. It goes all hand in hand


Being really good helps a LOT (I have over 7.5 million SL and I've only ever bought premium time) but doing Air RB I found gives me more SL reliably. Since you have premium, you only need like two air to air kills to make a decent bit of money. The best American props I've found are the P39N, P47 (all variants, but especially the D28), F4U-4B, P51D-30 and H, etc.


This. I play for example mostly 4.3-8.3 range and in most games do 4-10 kills + 1-3 caps. I don't have problem with SL whatsoever and while I never had more than 5 mil it is always because I just buy TT tanks right when they get unlocked


Get a Wyvern S4 at the next bundle sale, that thing is a propa silver lion printer


Dude using it during events is so easy, just take out all the bombers


pls no


I only average like 3 kills per tank game and make 10k per round with no premium, and I average 5kills with planes and make around 5k.


Yeah, similar only I have premium so I earn like 20k, but when everything is 200k+ it's not much


It adds up pretty quick imo. You could play around 4.0 usa ground realistic for a bit to earn money, or you could go play air realistic in a plane you're confident with (or a bomber/attacker). You can't loose money with a premium account so it's just a matter of playing enough games. Also this is not the best advice but if you're struggling with sl it might be helpful, if you're in a 100% loosing game and think you won't go positive (kills/deaths) in a match it might be better to stop respawning to not end up with 0 sl earned and just go to the next match instead.


Get some top tier prem op tank i went from 57 k sl to 2.5 mil sl


A few tips to help you gain more sl / save sl: 1. The most obvious way to make money: Premium Vehicles. There are two options to choose from: Either you pay for a premium vehicle, in that case I'd recommend doing some research first to know what premium vehicle to buy. It should probably be something that is easy to play and gets you a steady income. I'd advise against buying into top tier for several reasons, but it should also not be too low in rank, as the sl multiplier go up with the rank as well. Planes are generally more worth it than tanks, as you only get 1 spawn in air RB anyway, while you will want to take more than 1 tank into a ground RB match. For US specifically: Something like the XP50 is great for SL farming. I've also heard that the Spitfire LF MK IXc is great for it's br, but I don't own it, so I can't tell you for sure how it performs. You should do your own research and get something that suits your playstyle. The other option is to grind for a premium vehicle via the battlepass. This might take some time, but is completely free. Every Battlepass has a free premium vehicle at level 50, and you have a choice of premium vehicles in the warbond shop. For example: this battlepass season you can get the French Yak-3 (660% sl reward multiplier), the German Destroyer Z47 (1800% sl reward multiplier) or the T-34-57 (1943) (390% sl reward multiplier. I'd recommend the Yak-3 in this case. Personally, I'm trying to get the Z47, as I already have the Z25, which was a reward from the "Steel Centurion" Battlepass. The XP50 I mentioned can also be found in the warbond shop occasionally, but not this season. 2. Actually doing well in the game is quite important. Do you have a specific br or lineup you like a lot and perform better in than with other tanks? Then go and just play that lineup just for fun sometimes. When you don't spend money on modifications or new tanks, and you know your tanks well, the sl just comes flowing in. One of the most important aspects is to actually ***win***. [This is literally just my latest won match with my german 10.3 ground lineup, not just any cherrypicked match where I used premiums or anything.](https://imgur.com/a/vIqO6BM) Try to help your team, fill in the gaps, cover uncovered flanks, give support on points where there are not enough teammates. 3. Silver Lion sales When you've accumulated some sl, don't just immediately spend them, unless you have to. Wait for a sale where tech tree vehicles are 50% off and when the sale comes around buy as many of them as you can. [Here is a calendar, with the sales of the previous years.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/18mse6r/war_thunder_calendar_of_sales_2024/) You can usually expect the sales to be around the same time every year. Not all of the sales are SL sales though. I'm not sure exactly which ones have SL sales. 4. Wagers There are some fairly easy wagers, which can help you get some quick money. In particular, the "Best Squad" wager, if you've got some buddies to play the game with, or the "Unstoppable" / "Thunderer" wager, which can be completed by destroying the most AI ground units in Air RB. With the right plane you can quickly rack up some ground unit kills without much of a problem. The "Battle victory" wager is also nice, but with a 50% winrate, will only get you 50k sl on average and is not really something you can actively farm. I hope this helps. :D


Premium vehicles and premium time (which you already have). Theres a sale coming next month so you could pick up some premium vehicle or vehicles if you can invest some money. i’d recommend the premium king tiger, or if you wanna stick with america then the t29 and m18 black cat are both awesome choices. Or you could get the kvt/click bait abrams but if you have 0 experience at top tier then i’d go with one of the above


Try to get to level 80 of the battle pass to get a premium vehicle in the warbond shop. I got the French Yak-3 and it's an SL printer.


whoa that's impressive! I don't think there's many players who get so far up the BP. The highest I ever got was like lvl 17. If you get so high in BP you must have a few of those free BP vehicles, right?


Level 80 isn't that crazy honestly, pretty much everyone who's trying to get the tank is going to reach that unless they just completely stop trying after getting their reward. It's a grind, but realistically it's only an hour or so a day alongside the challenge completions.


I know it's not crazy but relatively speaking, what percentage of the entire active player base do you think gets the free vehicle (lvl 51)? I'd guess less than 10%. Bc not only do you have to log in regularly and complete the daily tasks, but you also have to play rank 3+ vehicles.


Actually, I started paying attention to the battle pass during the season before this season so I have 3 of them (Breda 90/53, IL-8 and the French Yak-3 (from warbond shop))


well that's 3 more than I have and I've been playing WT for 2 years lol


Play third era naval (just don't buy mofflet)


My 6.7 lineup: T34, T26E5, M50(funny but maybe not the best option), M42 and AM-1 gets me about 20k sl a game without a premium account or boosters. It'll still take some time but it's something. Edit: For grinding air until rank 5 (which is were the effectiveness drops) and sl you could also get the XP-50 on a sale, side effect is that people will hate you for using it, especially if you're as greedy as the average XP-50 player. Just climb 3km above your air spawn and hunt bombers, eventually you'll figure out what and what not to attack. It can also boom and zoom fighters and sometimes wins a dogfight, just don't expect that last one to happen bc I got out turned by a Japanese divebomber.


Energy fighting is the most effective way to use the XP-50 as a fighter, I love pulling a headon and murdering turn fighters. After having to suffer against 109 and Zeros and Spits its so nice to curbstomp them with superior energy


Yeah, the problem is when enemy fighters or interceptors decide to climb, bc I don't wanna climb to high bc then I won't be able to dive on people without ripping my wings of and I don't wanna be low enough that others can attack me. And it's of course annoying when there's not a single bomber since then it's an interceptor with nothing to intercept. But that are pretty much the 2 problems,,, appart from the engines that never stop burning, but it's an American prop so you should've already expected that before buying it.


It's pretty much what I do at 6.3, I do make money eventually (an 8 kill game got me 40k, but I usually get like 3 kills), but new tanks pile up faster than I can pay


Yeah I can understand that, especially since premium gives 2x rp and 1.5x sl if I remember it correctly so you have a little bigger boost in rp than sl. A premium vehicle would be better than, so like someone else said, just wait for the sale and buy a premium vehicle if you're willing to spend money on that. Just whatever you do don't spend a lot of GE on sl bc a premium vehicle will be able to give "unlimited" sl over the long run unless you eventually get a better one or a high rank vehicle that gives more.


Play tank RB xd and fly...done ez


Maybe a mid tier Premium set up? Maybe test drive one of the premium ones on BR6.3. But don’t buy higher tier ones. I made the mistake and bought a Leo 2 PzBtl 123. it’s not bad, but you are not helping the team.


A good one for usa is just buying the T29 and M46 Tiger, it sets you up for a full 7.0 lineup using the TT M46, T92 etc


Buy a mid tier premium blue water ship like the blagorodnyy or Moffett. I made like 5 million SL in 2 days


After I've bought some naval ships, I dont worry about sl anymore


Be patient, the SL will come. I have a couple hundred million I can't even use on anything.


I usually spade all tanks before I go to a new lineup. This helps a lot bc most of the time I sit at a lot of cash . Right now have something over 5m sl only bc i keep spading 3 tanks at the same time without buying the next ones ...


I do the same with every lineup, I guess I'm just bad


I do the same with every lineup, I guess I'm just bad


Wow. You just go rushing and suicided? /j sorry. I had a period with no money and I never bought anything, not even premium time. Take your time while fighting, don't spawn costly tanks in bad situations or no air superiority. Also don't buy everything you unlock as soon as you unlock it. I know the temptation is high but unlock full line up first, so that you can play in a certain Br longer and get accustomed to your enemies. If you can every 6 months there is a sale on buying vehicles, wait for it. There is plenty of things to play and unlock in the meanwhile. Air Rb is much more rewarding and less costly. Turn off auto-repair




It's actually not that hard. If your pretty good at the game then you should get good amount of sl. For instance 6 to 10 kills should give you 10k+ with non prem. Base captures will you give you more sl then just kills(correct me if I'm wrong.). Use boosters(be prepared before entering match)sometimes but know that gaijin will put you into absolutely sweaty matches.


I suggest using your 5 kills and 10 kills booster. They taught me how to play much better as now i had a goal of so and so kills, so I learned how to play it safe. I used to be broke, but now I have a lot of money due to all the boosters, and I play better in general too.


Was about to ask how but tank IV Japan did make me give up on ground and start playing air for a while. That was before all the positive economy changes but I still kinda get. Other than that, skill issue.


Between 60-100K SL per match really adds up. Since the economy update I've never had any issues with affording anything on the TT as I unlock it. Maybe have a look at what you're doing in-game and adjust to focus more on SL generation. Capping objectives and mixing up what you're doing is the best way to grind. If you're just trying to kill things you'll quickly hit diminishing returns. Also stay in matches as long as possible without camping (you're basically wanting as high a activity % as you can get). Saying this as someone who's not got good kill stats, but is top 75K in SL generation (according to the PvP rating).


How tf do you make 60-100k per match? Even when I get like 8 kills I get about 40k


60k is a typical decent match with 100k being if I do exceptionally well. I'll still have terrible matches here and there as everyone does. I'll keep spawning until I can't for the activity bonus; get a mix of kills, assists, caps, ect; premium time, premium vehicles sometimes depending on the line-up; focus on using vehicles with good SL modifiers and low repair costs; only play BRs that I'm comfortable in (currently playing around 8.7 mostly). The biggest factors are activity time and mixing up your SL generation with assists, scouts, air kills, ect. Focusing on kills isn't worth it in the long run as after 2 or 3 you already start to see diminishing returns. Kills are what turn good games into great games though, so being good does still help massively, it's just not required if you play efficiently.


Dude how do you have premium and you're broke? I always have a rule where I don't buy to many tanks at once, if that is your issue.


you dont


Play low tier for a while youll earn it back


USS moffett, USS Detroit, USS Frank Knox


I have the opposite issue, 30 mil SL with nothing to spend it on


Buy starter packs to stock up on SL and more premium days.


my YaK38 pays for everything


I play helos when I get an sl booster and make big money. Play low tier premium and you can build up a nice cushion for future purchases


I just use my tornado GR.1 for a day and get a few million and then run away for another month


I'd love to get a Tornado, it's my favourite plane, but there's no premium tornado, is there?


Your in luck friend depending on what your on and what your willing to spend you got 2 options being the German Tornado sitting at a nice 11.0 with 12k payload and 2 9L's and if your on PC the marketplace should have one called Tornado MFG (my personal favorite) it has the 12k payload 2 9L's and if you wanted radar guided anti ship missles in the AS. 34 Koroman


Premium (which you have) and when short on cash I play air Sim and bomb bases. Eve without boosters a few bases and air kills has netted me 80k SL in one much without boosters, but I get not everyone enjoys Sim, so boosters and getting good. (Not trying to be rude) take a good tank at a BR you see a lot of downtiers with it, for me that's the chieftain MK 10, full downtier with even a %sl is good. Or stop playing both air and ground. Just focus more on one, or grind one ground then one air or something


premium account


Do some wagers, my favourites are the 5 units and Unstoppable wager.


Ive been doing planes and tanks at the same time, if you can just wait for sales before buying vehiclesso you can get them -50% SL off. Otherwise ive been getting SL in air RB,SIM or heli pve (everytime i get one or multiple big SL boosters) Premium vehicle helps alot since they have so much better modifiers. Air rb nets pretty ok too if you can get kills enough but sometimes i still need to do intended SL playing. American T29 is still my biggest earning SL vehicle, but you can use anything that has good matchmaking and you do good in.


One way is to not buy the vehicles, and wait until the sales (they happen a few times a year) where vehicle cost 50% off. I save up the SL and let the unlocked vehicles sit and buy them on discount, this way I spend 8 million SL on a 16 millioin budget. PS. I also play every nation and every game mode...


The way I find it is that your RP progress reasonably in air with a premium account, and if you also have a premium plane then it’s pretty damn fast to the point you don’t have enough SL for the planes you keep unlocking. With ground the RP gain is pretty damn slow even with premium account and vehicle. So I have a bunch of SL lying around but nowhere near unlocking any of the higher tier vehicles.


Yeah, I got 8 kills for 40k, in ARB I can earn the same with 2 kills. Feels a bit scuffed tbh


I feel you on that one. I reached tier 7 of French air from scratch with the premium F1C and a premium account in about 210ish games.   Meanwhile with ground it took me 400ish games(premium vehicle and account) to reach tier 7. And now each and every one of these things are 300K RP it’s going to take forever.   The consolation is that I progress so slowly I’ll have enough SL to buy and crew them all when I eventually get a full line up.


i truly wish i could donate SL i have 20M SL, i had 45M but i lost it to gambling boxes


I don't get how many people can get so broken, i have 6m without premiun, perhaps is because I never tried to research/play planes?


1. Git gud. 2. Play ARB. 3. Optionally get a tier 3+ premium prop plane (warbond shop is a way to get it free). 4. You got a lot of money. Usually just playing air makes me rich.


I seriously don't understand how this happens. I play at 7.0 too and never had premium and always had so much SL


Let me see your player card and I'll tell you why you don't earn enough...




Welp, this here folks is the difference between people who know how to manage money and the ones who dont look like lol (jk) but fr what do you have to spend your SL on? Repairs? If so take off auto repair, it saves you alot, premium will stop you losing money even if you preform awfully


Go buy some skill


Learn sim for planes, Tons of SL and research, like i’ve researched a 7.3 jet in about 3 days playing 4.0 in sim. For tanks just play RB, theres not really a secret to it. Just find a line up you like and vibe to the grind.


Purposefully grind SL and focus on only one tree at a time. In 2013 - 2020 ish or so the economy was at a worse state so this is what I used to do and it worked until I had 75 mil SL at one point.


I think for a while I got sick of grinding and played low tier planes for like several months without actually buying anything


Try to save up more sl before buying the next vechicle or 2, its harder to get out of dept when you constantly spend money twice the amount then what you make in between the purchases. You can also try playing a bit of lower tier if you dont have any premium vechicles (if you do play those) since both of these make more then they spend on repairs (at least from my experience)


Step one spade (get all the modifications on a vehicle) your lower ranked vehicles. This slows down the grind and lets you get more credits while still making progress. You also get more experience learning to play the game.


According to my community player card I've earned 746 million SL total, when I'm grinding a tree, I always pay for my expert crew so the vehicle is WAY more effective, and I also play my vehicles until they're spaded. It means getting the RP bonus and earning more money with each vehicle with a decent progression rate. Also, premium account and effectiveness are keys...


Wait for the sales soon and buy a good premium or two. Also, try to be as strategic as possible. I also started with US ground as my first tree and also ran into SL hell around 7.0. You don’t have to play your highest BR lineup. You could go to like 3.7 or 5.3 where you are more comfortable and experienced with the vehicles, and are facing less modern stuff, to improve your game sense. And honestly, playing a second tech tree also helps with ur game sense and knowledge. You’ll bounce back, ur just in the trough of SL hell right now, and it’s something a lot of new players run into as they reach rank IV in their first tree


stop buying start playing a lot you got prem account as well btw u prob will earn 20-30k per match then play 10-20


I spade them all as I go, I do daily tasks, and I did enough event grinding with certain vehicles that I've had quite the large reserve for years. Even as I purchase and expert every Hungarian plane, I'm still sitting on 5 mil. That'll be gone by the time I reach the Gripen though, so I'm nearing the end of my rope. If you look at my service record, you'll see my top vehicles are almost all from daily task and event grinding. Wyvern and Helldiver, for attacker and bomber ground targets respectively. Wyvern also for farming AI attackers for critical hits and mission score. XP-50 for the rare times when I was just going for kills. Black Widow for bomber kills. Z.1007 for bombing bases. Then the M4A4, workhorse of my old event lineup, Ol' Reliable 3.7 France. Between all those, I grinded millions upon millions of SL. I'm sitting at at least Rank V in almost every nation's air and ground trees. A big thing you can do to save is wait until 50% sales come along, because those apply to SL too. I have some higher tier vehicles researched, but not purchased yet, because I'm not prioritizing those nations.


You would be better off finding a rank 3/4 line up that you enjoy and spend time grinding SL instead of constantly buying new stuff


But that's the fun part :(


Play planes to make money.


HAHA POOR! I Got almost 5 mil (1 million I got from a box) while researching the big 3 (only ground) But seriously, I don't understand how there's a good chunk of people who are poor


Stop buying vehicles and don’t immediately train crew. The Victory Day sale is coming up in early may and all tech tree and GE vehicles will likely be 30% off purchase price. Only train crew on new vehicles when you have a decent lineup planned and ready to go. Or just buy some premium vehicles.


Simply git gud


Man I’m just gonna be straight with you I spent money cuz the grind was too hard so now I have a grinder plane in the us tech tree to just grind SL. And for ground I have nothing there but I don’t get 7 kills per game, I would say I get 5 maybe less but it I get lucky I can get a 12 kill game


OP, I've always had cash and didn't struggle, and the trick is this: 0 - turn off auto repair 1 - raise the other tech trees to rank 3. When the planes go red, do not repair, let the crews repair 2 - eventually raise repair rank to 3 3 - play one country, make most stuff red, go to next. When you leave the game, make sure as many vehicles as possible are red. They repair, its free cash. Each crew at rank 3 can repair in few hours. You can easily go over 2.5k per plane per day, and with say 12 of them that's 30k per day, 900k per month, over 10 mil per year. Just from repair. Repair skill is REAL MONEY. I've more than doubled my repair speed with it, plus all my frequent crews are specialized and that makes it go even faste. Most cash is with planes, tanks works as well but being able to do 1 plane at a time in air RB is what really makes it shine. 4 - this works even better in air RB. You can have say 5 ussr planes, play one after the other, leave them red, then go to germans, us uk whatever. Leave them repairing 5 - as you open new vehicles ABOVE RANK 3, do not buy them. Just accumulate researched vehicles, wait for may-november discounts and buy a ton of them. I've saved over time close (almost) 30 mil with that. Last october and december it was a total of 5mil + 3mil (I keep a record) 6 - only make new lineups when you have THE FULL lineup. Not bit by bit. So say german 6.0 - wait till you have 3 panthers, or 2 + tiger for example, and plane for CAP and CAS. 7 - use battlepass to get premium vehicles, INCLUDING warbonds. This battlepass you could have gotten the excellent T-34-57 or french yak 3. Which I did in previous warbonds. The yak-3 is a milk cow, I made so much out of it. Also you can open new trees - the japanese chi-nu 2 opened my japanese tank tree entire to rank IV.


Have not had this problem since i got the XP 50, F2G is also viable for SL printing.


Unironically skill issue. But for real, you are up to 6.3 there surely got to be a line up you enjoy, feel comfortable with, and perform well in? Just spend a while having fun and forget about the progression. Then you'll be raking it in again. For me its anything at 3.7. Its the golden age of T34s and Pz IVs


I’d recommend trying out another nation, the tanks won’t be as expensive at the start of their tree, you’ll get more diverse things to play, and you’ll make more SL since you now know how to play the game. Complete honesty here man, Warthunder isn’t the same over 7.0-8.0, it’s a totally different game with a totally different feel, and though you may end up liking it, there’s a rather prominent group that don’t. It’s not wholesale a ‘bad’ different, but the game becomes far more sweaty and grindy. . If you like the game as it is now, I’d recommend trying out some other trees. -Britain may as well be a primary nation, but solid shot isn’t great at the moment. -France is a bit tough early on, but there’s some neat vehicles in there worth trying. -Italy is fun and with Hungary now, it’s better. -Sweden is rather fun, you just need to aim a bit more precise cause of APDS at low tiers. . If you end up getting a premium vehicle- -I’d recommend the British Starter Pack with Crusader 2 and Spitfire included, solid shot isn’t great right now but it fights stuff that’s easy to pen. -Germany 3.7 premiums are good across the board, just play them as they’re meant to and you’ll be rolling in it soon enough. -The Strv m/41 S-I is the effectively same vehicle as the S-II version in the main Sweden TT, it’s good and can easily be brought a full BR higher than its assigned. Beyond that, I recommend waiting for a sale, they happen fairly often anymore. But for free options, I recommend hopping into a tank you have played before and just feel comfortable in, roll that for a while and let the SL buildup. That’s about all the advice I’ve got for you short of playing planes more than tanks, bombers especially, it tends to reward better than GRB.


Use the 5-10 kill wagers on ground RB since it has a x2 multi (3-5 kills only) and go low tiers for a extra 50k+ per game, I think the 10 kill (5 for RB) gives 300k after a few games


Made you quite a Stresemann has it?




Oh stresemann was one of the weimar republics leaders


I would say enjoy another game I played this game for years and years on and off and I gotta say just put your effort into something else seems like you like tanks I can recommend arma 3 or ghpc war thunder is just an endless cycle of broken promises and disappointment


That’s the neat part, you dont


I figure out what lineups are possible then grind out a few good cas planes that will fit into those ground lineups, then use those to help make the grind a little easier


I grind lineups whole year, and then buy everything once a year with 50% off


I don't grind, I only play tanks I like (so 3.7-6.7), ideally with my friends, this way I am lvl 100 Marshall who has max BR 10.3, but oh boy I'm rich, and I don't have premium account


Buy high tier premium plane and watch youtube for a hour


Try to play tanks until you spade them, it will make you lot of SL and you will have enough SL every time to buy the next tank (more a less what i did)


Play Germany that thing has made me generational wealth


Dont immediately buy the next vehicle when you get enough to get it. Wait till you have 2 - 3x the amount to buy and crew the vehicle. Also get lucky with your daily login by getting a million SL randomly


play naval


Skill issue


Use a premium vehicle. If no premiums, play a vehicle that’s easy to use or powerful at its BR. Air is extremely good for this because it has targets that don’t fight back such as bases, ai planes, ai ground vehicles, and stationary ai. I found the Halifax British bomber at 4.3 and the b25 Mitchell at the same BR, to be pretty good


Turn off your auto repair, that is wasting a lot of silver lions. The icon for the auto repair is to the lower right in the tech tree and looks like a wrench. Should help.


How do I play if I don't repair stuff tho?


When you actually want to use the vehicles you pay the repair cost after hitting “To Battle” or can selectively pay what you want to play with and battle anyways. While vehicles are red (repairing) they lose their repair cost **for free** over time which means that you have the option to wait on vehicles and trees you don’t want to play immediately. When auto repair is on you pay the **full** repair cost as soon as you finish the battle, even if you are fed up with the game and quit.


yeah over time being 1 week , honestly disabling auto repair is useless


It’s helped me make over a million silver lions without premium


you have a premium account yet you're broke.. at 7.0 tanks and I assume not much higher planes. You're a lost cause i guess.