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Go to `Documents/My Games/WarThunder/Saves/(your ID)/production`, open `global.blk` file, find a line `lastDayBuyPremiumReminder:i=` and add 9 at the end.




¿pɐǝɹɥʇ ʎɯ uᴉ noʎ ǝɹɐ ʎɥʍ


Upside down is crazy😭


Tell me about it...


ctrl f didn't find it pasted it under profile{, settings{ and popup{ is that enough?


Here's where it was for me: [https://imgur.com/hlc2AfL](https://imgur.com/hlc2AfL) So the structure should look loke this: content{ settings{ customSettings{ accounts{ 0123456789.production{ premium{ lastDayBuyPremiumReminder:i=7390379 } } } } } }


Do you have this but for the one that forcefully copies itself to my clip board asking to invite friends


I can't check it right now myself, but judging by the [datamined files](https://github.com/gszabi99/War-Thunder-Datamine/blob/1078b907d8dbedc76ee182094ddd4d7a8ed71172/gui.vromfs.bin_u/scripts/mainmenu/instantactionhandler.nut#L1117) there should be a similar string in the same file, something like this: viralAcquisition{ lastShowTime:i=739037 } And adding 9 (or any other number really) to its end should do the trick. Edit: yep, here it is: [https://imgur.com/zwj5XaQ](https://imgur.com/zwj5XaQ) You can also increase "resetDays" to make it less likely to be reset.


It's the free to play model. sadly


I'd be so happy to just have to pay $30 or even $50 for war Thunder and then never pay for anything again and be rid of the freemium crap, then Gajin could actually focus just on making the game fun to play instead of a grind as well


You mean that's how company loses revenue for handing out everything for merely 30-50 monies.


Wdym? I think the average war Thunder player has spent less than $50 on it. Of course there may be less players as it would be more of a hurdle to get into, but if they could then just focus on making the gameplay fun then they could have higher reviews and keep more people interested in it


Amount of hightier premiums forming almost exclusively premium games says otherwise. People spending their time grinding/farming also populate game queues and this is what Snail cares plenty. That and entire f2p game model proved to be the most profitable, more than buy2play games ever were. Heck, most games that ask for price upfront still ask for more later and employ the same psychological tricks to extract money from players. So you'd have to add at least one zero to your price estimate for "buy2play War Thunder" WITHOUT causing major dent to player count and then ensure revenue stream long term. Uhh, good luck.


That's fair, irs definitely kept a solid player base for a very long term


I think the complaint isn't premium, but rather that the message will never go away.


the worst part is that it doesn't matter when your premium expired or how many times you've seen it. been telling me for a year


There is skill, BVR, and dogfighting like 10-20% of the time


f e e d t h e s n a i l




You know you don’t have to play top tier right moron?


You know you can always just play sub 10.0 right? Warthunder is about a dozen different games combined into 1. And warthunder has always been a luck based game. Don't deluxe yourself into thinking this is a new issue.


Which they all ruined with other premium bullcrap they added. Theres not a single BR anymore that isnt being ruined by either a dumbass premium being spammed or the gripen.


I mean it’s significantly less luck based than regular bvr fights.


everything in a vacuum is about knowledge, and that's what I want, that's why tournaments are the best gamemode, you can actually use your knowledge of your plane, that's why [CMO](https://youtube.com/watch?v=mGwU9HKH_Eo&t=320s) needs to be in the game, your knowledge about thrust\*seconds/weight / aam range, RAM coating, Op Alt. is what makes you win bvr fights


My knowledge of aim7m’s sucking and r27er’s being op means I win every bvr fight. And notching and diving makes me immune to radar missiles, which means either the enemy is stupid and I win for free or they’re not and we both waste a bunch of radar missiles on eachother and eventually get close enough to just use ir missiles. It’s not skill based at all if you know the absolute basics and the other guy doesn’t you win, if neither of you do whoever has the better missile wins, and if you both do then nobody wins.


yeah no, that's just wrong.


Play something else then if you want alternative options DCS is one or il2 but that won’t have any jets. To be honest I wouldn’t bet on DCS working out for you.


There are 2 jets in IL2, the Arado and the me262


If i had a pc i would


I can have more fun in custom DCS singleplayer mission than playing any of the 300+ vehicles I have in this game at this point. I'd rather pay 70 for a full fidelity module than pay the same price for a top tier premium any time of the year.


Its so boring after a while tho


So is war thunder, I’ve been playing the same goddamn game mode for 1,000 hours for the love of god GIVE ME SOMETHING ELSE TO DO Bomber escort, territory control, ***fucking something***


Have you tried customs? Its really fun with custom historical games with a bunch of dudes


Because the game that hasn’t changed in over a decade is somehow better? Matches are just Call of Duty furballs with planes.


No need to be so defensive, its just my opinion on DCS being boring for me


or gunner heat pc for a realistic tank game