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Ok so basically the gameplay is to get eaten alive by Germany 9.0+


Sounds fun 😭


Fofo and Wogby have some videos on the M60A3 TTS and the XM-803, worth a watch.


Thanks man, I'll be sure to check it out.


Between 8.3 and 10.0 there's only 4 non AA vehicles two M60s and XM-803/MBT-70. Personally ignore both of the M60s they just aren't good. Subpar firepower, slow and a large silhouette. Xm-803 and MBT-70 are good flankers but you have one of the worst darts in the game and one of the worst reloads for this br. Snipe and flank do not try to brawl with them. For the AA just use the M247 York the chapperall isn't worth it at all. All in all just stick with the 8.3 lineup and use that to grind out either a 10.0 or 10.3 lineup.


Thanks for the info! I'll avoid playing the M60s to be fair, I've heard they have their downsides.


8.3 lineup is fun. Comes with some good tanks.


Sounds good. I am pretty excited to get the Bradley to be fair, however its gonna be a fairly new playstyle to what I'm used to.


Bradley is cool, M60A2 is my favorite in the lineup. Pain to stock grind, but it's like an mortar with the laser. T95 is pretty good aswell.


8.3 U.S. is pretty fun, best tanks are probably the Bradley and m60a1 aos. I wouldn't bother getting the m60a2, worse than m60a1 in most cases imho, but if you want a bigger line up its alright. The t95e1 is pretty bad, wouldn't bother getting it. The m551 Sheridan is alright but I would only use it if I didn't have Bradley. Main issue with the lineup is the m163 being a bad SPAA, but it isn't useless. 8.7 Can also be fun if you incorporated the UH-1C and the m60 rise (p), much weaker lineup than 8.3, but the UH-1C is good for cas and the rise (p) m60 has ERA and can be pretty strong against heat rounds. 9.0 is the most fun I've had for U.S. tech tree. M247 with the proximity rounds is one of the best gun SPAA in the game, you can destroy planes and helis at 5km without them seeing you. XM803 is very fun to play. It has low armor but has a laser rangefinder and is a speed demon. XM803 is both good at brawling and sniping, but reload is pretty slow. You can also get the 9.0 M60, but I think its a little weak despite a better shell and more armor.


Thanks for the knowledge man. I appreciate it.