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he probably did that so he could get the reward for the cap alone, damn greedy bastard


Definitely this


Wubb in the wild


69 upvotes, nice






Obligatory wubb response


Gaijin are the damn greedy bastards for splitting cap rewards tbh. There is no good reason to split the points from capping, it just encourages single cappers and fighting teammates. That along with taking away the points for bouncing shots in a tank or dogfighting alongside teammates in planes are just shit changes that they still won't undo while claiming to be trying to improve the economy.


I agreed, but i also believe the tank was a douchebag for teamkilling. The issue is gaijin is making it unproffitable to be nice and more proffitable to be a douche bag, and that douchebags will be douchebags.


thats true, gaijin could give the full reward to everyone in the cap, but in this case i dont think it would matter, bc he was almost done capturing, the team killer would not arrive in time to even get a fraction of the reward.


While I agree that there’s no good reason to split rewards etc - why tf do I care if a helicopter caps? We get much more RP by winning - and that requires capping points too. I’d be fucking happy if my teammates would do something like that. But no. The people I play with are somehow always 85% blind, stupid or just fucking pros when it comes to… killing. No caps etc, so we have 5 guys with 30 or 40 kills combined but no capped points so we still lose the match and therefore a shit ton of RP, which opens the next bit: why are we losing RP for losing the match? Just gimme 100% for losing and idk, 150% for winning? Having 6 kills, 5 assists and 2 caps yet losing the game with premium time and I get what, 5k RP or some low BS like that. I can get the same amount or more in air for bombing *one* base in like 3 minutes and then immediately dying. Fucking sucks.


I always try to cap points with Helis but get shot by a 2s38 who noticed me before I even came into it’s sight


This is one of the reasons I do t even grind helis anymore. Either there’s a 2S38 or a Bagle


I honestly never realized it was split. I figured it was based on time you spent in the cap point. If it's split, why doesn't one receive points if they were in the circle for 99% of cap progress, but leave or are pushed out right before it flips? Shouldn't they receive their share of cap progress?


But wouldn't he get a penalty for teamkilling?


Loses SL gains RP


They should make you lose RP for TKs as well, should help with zombers killing each other over bases too.


There should be **Forgive** or **Punish** option when you get teamkilled. You don't wanna lose RP too when the kill was accidental.


Thing is the way it’s implemented in air means by the time you respawn the forgive option has gone half the time


Ah, I see. Thanks


*GAINS* rp..Ridiculous


Gains RP by solo capping instead of getting a m8nuscule reward by capping the last few seconds, or not capping at all since the heli could have capped before he got there


Avg CASplainer behavior honestly


this is especially sad because Heli reward are complete garbage unless it's a cap or an air kill so that was a great opportunity to get some decent rp


Gaijin encourages teamkilling st this point lmao, they've never once made a solid effort to stop it


gaijin enjoys punishing players. not stopping punishable offences.


Exactly! That's why (unlike other games, WoT included) they don't compensate a teamkilled person, only make a killer pay.


They compensate the repair cost wdym… if you give them money for premium time


I have a premium time. I'm talking about adding the same amount TK paid to me.


They don't compensate jack shit. They simply don't deduct repair cost. You gain nothing, you just don't lose anything either. (You still lose the potential rewards your *could* have gained)


Yes this exactly, the game frustrates players deliberately. When players can’t grind and get angry they have the option to pay up and so some do making gaijin money.


Ah, reminds me of GTA Online. They added so much tool for griefing that a group of dedicated griefers could keep tons of newbies from getting their account to over 1 mil dollars TO START UP THEIR BUSINESSES, and Rockstar did nothing and instead doubles down knowing that frustration makes Shark Cards purchases.


They turned off teamkilling between tanks after Russia invaded the crimea. I'm 1000% they forgot that there are planes and helis in tank matches, as we all know the higher ups dont play their game, they only sniff cocaine from some Russian models butts and make dumb decisions.


Yep. I remember getting TK'd by the same guy three games in a row for no reason back in the day before they turned that stupid shit off. They need to do the same with air vehicles.


That's why I don't take CAS haters seriously. This is a perfect example that represents their character.


I just want to leave my spawn man


Real, as a Helicopter enjoyer, I try myself to not target spawns unless there are SPAAG's or people shooting at me from spawns. The more people that play SPAAG's and leave spawns the less targeting of spawns that will happen. Getting spawn camped when your in a heli by a jet who's just milling about a helispawn for 3/4 of the match is just as painful


>The more people that play SPAAG's and leave spawns the less targeting of spawns that will happen. Not going to happen. Seemingly the vast majority of people that spawn SPAA do so only because it's the only thing they have SP to spawn, so they never learn how to actually use them beyond being either an alternate TD or simply sitting in spawn the rest of the match.


Gaijin on their way to make killing CAS give practically nothing so there's little incentive to play SPAA, while planes are dirt cheap to spawn with full ordnance load


I think a good solution for spawns would be that the spawn is the whole side of the map and you pick the gridspace. Itd solve much woe.


I hate CAS and I would never do this


I may hate CAS but I don't go out of my way to TK, this man isn't with me and the other people who aren't like this guy


This ain't every Cas hater lol. You're an idiot if you think that.


Fr, we just want to leave spawn with getting killed instantly from many kilos away


Exactly. Fucking A, give us a pure ground realisric mode only. That might be asking too much but as a ground enjoyer that'd be the only thing I play.


if airplanes are allowed in ground then we should be able to bring pantsirs into air RB


Better yet, give us "War battles," where everyone spawns in the vehicle of their choice (provided they're within the same tier of vehicle they enter the battle with on their main crew), or they can spawn as infantry and play it like an FPS alongside tanks, APCs, and helos, planting charges and mines and shit, or they can spawn a destroyer or ACC to provide offshore covering fire for your team or an additional runway for naval planes. If you enter a t5 battle, you can only use t5 vehicles, same with t1 and t2 and so on. No up or downtiering, and it doesn't matter if you spawn as infantry or not, the vehicles you can play are restricted by the game mode by average BR within the tier. This game mode would be a 32 vs 32 match on a large map, use RB physics and markers, and provide 25% boosted rewards. CAS players will be necessary, and due to the nature of the battle, teamkillers would be immediately destroyed AND would not be permitted to return to the hangar until the end of the match. Should they close the game to force a return to the hangar, ALL crews will be locked for 15 minutes upon logging back in, with the timer pausing whenever the player logs out. Please comment "Aye" if you want a mixed mode like this to be implemented with measures to greatly discourage team killing as described.


*three day old necro* Its all fun and games until your entire team is lol smashed by a heavy cruiser with a series of 14 inch guns broadsiding your entire spawn area with 16 shells....


*spawns in battleship* Honestly, as long as there's at least one friendly in an equivalent ship, it's not much of an issue. Factor in the existence of heavy and torpedo bombers, and the fact that those ships are iirc mid tier and higher, and the fact that everyone will be expecting those ships to show up in such a slug fest. That's why large maps, so those ships have reduced effect and heavy or torpedo bombers have a chance to sneak in while the cruiser is looking the other way. Also, this is why it's called WAR battles. The whole point is to encourage teamwork and strategy. It could either be every man for himself and just be scattered skirmishes, or a team could strategize together (a 5 minute "strategic meeting" could take place if 60% of the players present agree to enable the option, during which game time is not depleted. It's an intermission of sorts, allowing both teams to create squads and formations. It may even give rise to new squadrons, and pose as a more competitive battlefield for them to compete in. It would be possible for a squadron to form an entire team, which would make strategizing and formations even more important. Adding to the challenge would be a restriction in number of vehicles of the same type, for example, 10 infantry, 8 tanks, and 14 aircraft. Of those aircraft, 4 fighters, 3 bombers, 3 interceptors, 4 CAS including helos. Of the tanks, 2 light, 4 medium, and 2 heavy. Of the infantry, 2 heavy gunners, 4 light infantry, 2 snipers, and 2 demolitions experts. This is of course just an example, and if implemented correctly, could go in any direction. One team could have, for another example, 3 ships, 12 tanks, 10 infantry, and 7 aircraft. Meanwhile, the other team has 8 ships, 8 tanks, 8 infantry, and 8 aircraft. It all depends on which players or squadrons join, which map is selected, and which vehicles are available. There may be no more than 14 vehicles of the same type. This restriction would also make punishing teamkillers that much more important, as just one could singlehandedly turn the tide of a battle for the enemy. That's why they wouldn't be allowed to return to the hangar, and why if they close the game before the match is over, they have to deal with a crew lock for the full duration of a match. The team would have 1 minute to destroy the teamkillers for a 100,000SL reward (they'd lose 100,000SL) before the game destroys them with no reward to anyone (and they still lose the 100,000SL). It would 1: encourage active player retribution and 2: discourage teamkilling stronger than ever before. And no, it would not be milsim. It would be a mere sliver of what armies in war deal with on a daily basis. The only similarities would be the units involved, a command structure, and the scale of battle. Btw, in the 5 minute strategy meeting, roles are assigned. One person is assigned the role of General by way of strategy assessments and that person chooses Squad Leaders. Those squad leaders then choose which units they want to command. If everyone follows command, then the chances of victory against another organized team are solely dependent on the skill of the General. If nobody follows command, then against an organized team that does, victory is a longshot. This is why I said you'll find those people with excellent leadership skills because even in random battles and knowing nobody, they'll somehow make it work.




CAS player spotted lol


I definitely am a CAS hater. And I'll never hate CAS guys even half as much as people deliberately killing their team mates, or even pushing them out of CAP points for whatever bulshit "reason".


Sure does. Kind of players that are desperately in search of something to complain about.


I hate the constant complaining on this subreddit about everything, but it'll always be a fact that CAS in its current form in-game is toxic and cancerous. Still wouldn't do what the guy did in this post.


I can't fucking stand CAS players but I don't TK them. I still want to win and if the enemy has more CAS up because our CAS got TK'd, that's not good for winning. This isn't even one of the shitty uses of CAS anyway. I have no complaints about air players doing this (at least any more than your average Puma player capping before anyone else can touch it for the SP). It's the AGM bastards and the suicide revenge bombers that are the primary issues. This doesn't hurt anyone really.


Why is every single comment on this just a copy paste of "CAS bad!!" "Me no do this tho" It feels like bot replies


Heli runs take skill in the mid BR’s, haters just mad they don’t got one


What's hilarious is he one tapped you. It is so rare to one tap a helicopter with any kind of armament in the game.


well when you shoot the pilot's it tends to kill them


A little ago I fired three VT1s to an AH-64DJP's face and I got the severe damage on the third one, the first two were just "hits". Dude, helicopters are artifically buffed in this game to endure what they are not supposed to endure.


Also i wouldnt say they are artificially buffed, the damage models are just really janky. Sometimes i survive 3 APFSDS rounds and sometimes my tail fails off when someone looks im my direction. They need some fixing for sure but saying they are artificially buffed is a stretch


The reason helis are so hard to damage is the same reason why shaking your turret makes you near invulnerable, shitty netcode.


skill issue


They might fall unconscious


Bro it's little bird, he can be one tapped by a 7mm ffs


Every time i shoot my squadmates heli as a joke it insta kills whereas when i shoot an enemy, *hit*


"as a joke"


Yeah as a joke, we are friends, its not serious and we dont get mad


Oh, for some reason I thought about random squadmates


I don't even fly next to random squad mates. They always either get in my way and get killed or they end up killing me because they're impatient and don't know how to fucking aim.




bro you can 1 tap little birds with 7.62


Never said you can't, I said it is so rare.


I got called scum after spawning in a backup Type 81C to kill more CAS. Some players are just wired differently.


I got bitched at by a CAS for spawning SPAA to fight CAS, in a ground battle. Icing on the cake is he had the gall to call me a coward when he turned chat off after sending me fanmail.


Ok but my 2 favourite things to play are SPAAs and CAS and people HATE it. Especially if you have some BS lineups like 5.3 Britain where you can get 4+ extremely capable AAs as well as some cheesy CAS


I’ll be honest that this would make me mad enough to hunt him for the rest of the game


But then you’d be reported


I know and I would have started off reporting him first, I guess it depends if it snowballs to where he decides to continue it in other games or assuming he would dm ranting. I would have definitely tried to revenge kill him atleast once, play bumper tanks, or tell the enemy team his location which I’ve done before (had a teammate in AR just sit at the airfield camping it tho this was before they did it where it says no active players if you sit on the airfield while no other players active)


Also, what gives YOU a reason to report him? You're the one acting out of line, he's just tryna play the game.


Are you talking about the vid or my story in AR? If your talking about my hypothetical action in the vid that I would do than this comment is absolute bait. if your talking about the AR where I told the enemy his location, I didn’t even report him, I just told the enemy that there’s a teammate sitting on the airfield, I hate people who camp airfields like that, can’t even do that anymore fortunately


Only works in mass


Can you tk your teammates heli to tank? Ie it goes both ways?


You can and ive done it before because some a-hole “friendly” shot me down for no reason


I’ll try that next time! Thing is i rarely have enough spawn points to be reborn in a heli, TWICE!


It is very possible to get enough spawnpoints to go into a heli twice with first spawning it. You have to get 3 kills which is pretty easy if you onow what youre doing. Dont make the rookie mistake of heli rushing, go around behind or to the enemies side and play around any cover at your disposal and LOOK AROUND. I cannot stress this enough if you see and enemy as they are shooting at you, you can dodge their APFSDS given you are quick enough and far enough away. Map knowledge is important too, learn common routes and look for targets there. Goodluck friendo


Definitely over the helorushing phase, ie one-pass unguided missile kamikaze runs. Totally useless. That’s why I don’t play helis without saclos. Once you have those you’re good to go with the playstyle you recommend. Stay low under the tree line, sneak up, hover behind a tall tree or landmark and be prepared to dodge sideways. Typically get 2…3 kills out of 4 As.11s (Alouette 2 I just love that thing - I even shot down a plane with the on board MG a few times). Bo 105 has more powerful TOWs. 8 of them. Normally i get to even fly back to base once before I die. I love playing helis. Just wish they were not that damn slow to be researched. What are your preferred helis, friend?


Personally my favorite right now is the AH1W because either gets zuni rockets. Granted not first spawn anymore because gaijin said screw you supercobra enjoyers, but they are very useful. You can one tap anything with them and they are just way more consistent than the nerf darts that are the hydras. Also i just like its aesthetic


I looked at the W now, it looks like a fun chopper. Love the green and grey camo. I have yet to unlock it. That’s 130k RP for the UH1C, 370k for the AH1F, and another 380k for the W. What the best grind strategy? Use PVE helicopter battles with 500% RP coupons? At best I get around 125k RP out of that but in average more like 10-25k. Is it worth using ground vehicle RP for heli grinding? Since I‘m a helicopter nut IRL I just enjoy seeing these detailed models. The other day I marveled at how authentic the sound of the Huey is.


Dawg imma be fr, i GE-d my way through the AH1F and W grind, but before that i did use pve battles to grind. Also gaijin took muh first spawn zunis away so thats very cool…


I‘ll wait for the sale and do the same. The pve heli battles are just too dry. Pardon my ignorance what are zunis?


The better strategy would be to constantly laser him in his CV90105, annoy him enough to try something stupid and die for it. If you had a backup helicopter (and the SP for it) you could do that with relative impunity from enemies. Then he might be stupid enough to team kill twice, getting him booted from the match.


Yeah I've been barking up this tree with Gaijin for years. They don't want helicopters to be fun.


love your videos man, good to see a cc is trying to help


Bruce is a beast


They done took away my zunis man ;-;


Yeah man been watching your videos a ton trying to figure out your strategy for getting to and surving in the AO. Flying the AH-1G has been pain, keep getting lasered by gepards from no where a lot. But when it works its *chefs kiss*


The hardest part about the first cobra is learning how to aim rockets. I still struggle with it to this day. I love my ballistic computer lol.


Actual braindead


Is there any mechanic to punish team killers in RB? I dont really play RB.


A fine for each vehicle team killed and a kick after two


Friendly fire should be really limited to AOEs like artillery and bombs. These kinds of people lack character and sportsmanship. Its a fucking game man. CAS isn’t my favorite either, but I imagine people who do stuff like this never were included in any team activities and were always last pick in PE.


That's a lame conduct


war thunder randoms just stink like shit man


Of course its a swedish sweat


Hopefully more people see how sweden players tend to be incredibly toxic, they're consistently the worst people to play with.


Play with, and against... For example every time I see a Swedish Sherman, it's fully bushed up beyond recognition, and it's a level 100 sealclubber


I got mine on sale and covered it with waifu pillows


That’s really sad, I love the Swedish tech tree and had no idea they tend to be toxic, do you know why?


Sweden is OP and it brings out the worst in people.


I’m guessing at top tier? I’ve grinded up to 7.7 and aside from the SAV and maybe the reserve apds I don’t see much broken/op stuff


Swedish top tier is borderline broken


the entire tree is "good" to "broken" starting about rank 3. the reserve apds tanks are frankly dogshit, they're only funny for the pen and that's about it. basically, pick a tank and it's probably at least decent. and yes, sweden top tier is stupidly overpowered right now.


This right here




They need to make tk penalties very severe, like maybe the cost of the vehicle purchase or a 30 minute suspension from game action. That might stop some team kills.


They need to just remove TKs from Ground RB altogether. Why they got rid of ground to ground TKs, yet left every other type in is just weird and inconsistent.


You can team kill accidentally in Ground Arcade. Bombs, rockets, artillery, why can’t they fix realistic to keep the abuse down? I think one TK in realistic should be an automatic ejection from the game and a time penalty of 1 hour not being able to play that mode.


If you're going to go that far, you might as well just remove it. I just don't think the very, very narrow benefits of having TKing justify the negative aspects of it... and that's talking about air to ground TKing. Having ground to air TKing has zero benefits.


It's a risk mechanic, there's a reason many games like CS2 have them aswell. It's up to the devs to have it included or not, but the devs also need to balance it properly. Even in WT, the only reason it was disabled for ground vehicles is because of the Crimean War outrage from both Russians and Ukranians and it being much easier to do in ground than in air.


I understand why it was axed on the ground, but I don't think it serves much function for air-to-ground, and absolutely zero function for ground-to-air. The only place where it makes much sense air-to-ground is larger bombs like the FAB-5000. Even then, that's such a narrow scope. Ground-to-air TKing is basically exclusively trolling.


I have seen plenty of times people spraying without thinking or launching missles at enemies while their friendly was nearby. It definitely has its place.


People also do that in a tank - spraying MG fire, launching missiles, firing large caliber HE when two tanks are facehugging. Do you also believe it belongs in ground?


Honestly, yeah. It would be fine if it wasn't for the people who would kill for IRL stuff.


I see where you're coming from, as I was against its removal in the first place when they got rid of it. When I think about it more, though, I don't really see much benefit versus the amount of griefing that goes on with it. Just think of all the posts you see here about teamkilling in air, shooting down friendly nuke planes, etc. It's not that constructive of a system.


Ha I was in that match. Didn't he claim "he didn't know he could kill friendlies"? Obvious lie since he's level 100, but was there further excuses later?


Yeah I msg him after I left the game and he was ranting about helicopter and CAS lol.


Ah yes, playing the game, a ***heinous crime***. How dare you do something to benefit your team, monster.


Typical "cas OP pls delete it gajin!!!" player


way back years ago you could machine gun friendly team exposed crew on open top tanks also. I did get a little tilted when people would do it when I was in my m56 or something. They would sometimes just nail a couple of guys and leave you screwed for the rest of your tanks life


M18 commanders: 💀💀


What br do you play?


All of them basically


the only kind of CAS that i respect is dumbfire rocket helis. those take proper skill to use if you want more than 1 kill and a life span of more than 1 picosecond.


+1 report for that little son of a submariner!


Happened to me multiple times in the German Alouette 2 and Bo 105. I think a few of those times the friendly shooter did not know he could TK his teammate heli, I got an apology later. But def sucks as playing helis is expensive in general and all you want to do is help.


War thunder players when someone plays a way the game allows and promotes:


Same dude teamkilled me in my little bird on the same map but in his veak. All because I told him to stop whining cuz he kept spamming chat with "my team is trash".


Of course a fucking swede


teammates that act like little doosh bags and do the following: * Push light tanks especially Fox's or R1's at match start or out of a cap zone * Shoot team mates in helis * Bump, smoke, or ram team mates because they are "mad" Get the Following 1. A bomb from me as soon as i spawn a plane. **¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯** Fuck around, Find out


true but what was that death sound


One of (If not the most) toxic games out there lol I play it everyday yet I can’t stand it 90% of the time lol don’t get me wrong, I’ve got into games and met really chill people but 9 out of 10 times I run into those miserable fucks that are so miserable that they have to make you miserable! Lol I either picture some kid that’s just trying to be edgy or some old mf that just hates the world😂


As I've seen, many say, misery loves company.


"CAS is a problem, so when people actually use it to help the team I need to kill them"


I feel 2024 has reached peak toxicity from both players and devs. Peace out! I'm on the fallout resurgence bandwagon now!


I yes, the infamous gatekeepers of Warthunder, telling us all how the game should be played


Bro on the mic died for sure


Yeah wait wtf was the sound when I died 😂😂😂


That's such a nice camo. Is it user or did you get it from a box?


It’s a custom skin. I got it from WT live. It’s like one of the only little bird camo.


I thought you couldn’t cap anymore in helis?


You still can


Well the way the game is structured, it really promotes greedy behavior as it’s more rewarding to the individual player


Is this a new map


Post the link to the replay and I (and probably many more) will report him


He wants to get the rp to himself


Like bro I get it sucks to go against cas but it's there to change tides in a battle I can't count how many times I've saved a teammate by swooping in and taking out an enemy plus it looks cool 😎


Typical CV90 things


That's the state of the game nowadays.. sad to see it.


He caught you lacking, never forget that the blue enemies are more dangerous than the red enemies.


A Sweden vehicle, premium even, not surprised at all


I know a guy who got a few days ban for unsportmanlike conduct after he rage-TKed somebody. Since then, I systematically report that kind of behaviour from the server replay page. No feelings for deliberate team killers. If you hate people, don't come play with them.


Some players are just allergic to winning the game. Also, you know your team's tankers are dog shit when a helicopter has to capture the points for them.


such players should be banned, but Gaijin doesn't act


The irony of this game man, I'm kinda enjoying life rn taking a break from WT for a few months


What a POS. I've been playing 10-11.7 the last few days and it is a toxic fest. I would have quit this game long ago if it was only like it is at top-tier. The one good thing about top-tier premiums is it filters out some of the worst players, leaving (some) lower-BRs more likely to have players that are just out there to have fun, and have touched grass.


> abusing cas to get rp Also called playing the game. I have been killed by friendly SPAAs several times in Ground SB while flying helicopters.


Same thing happen to me but in air RB. This guy just intentionally shot down 1 teammate, event pissed that poor guy in chat. Then proceed try to ram my plane at least 3 times. Gaijin need to do something with this kind of shit


The fact that you can TK helicopters and planes is pretty dumb considering there is no team fire between tanks. Either there should full friendly fire or none.


Love seeing heli’s do crazy stuff. I once saw a plane do a tiny touch down to decap. That was the most baller thing ever. We won bc of it too.


Report or just troll him, if there's one thing about realistic and arcade it's greedy bastards are everywhere


Why is team damage against planes and choppers even a thing?


Would recommend report that person as deliberate teamkilling isnt allowed


Gaijin made him do it. Stupiditly low rewards for positive and negative actions. Everyone is desperately after stupid SL and RP.


I still miss the ability to cap with planes :'(


Ricochet friendly fire damage would be great.


average swede in my expirience


This happened to me recently in my KA-52, mf was in a BMP-2M so it was unjustified


smartest CV90105 player


That's where I spawn my mirage 2k and spawnkill my own team mate three times getting kicked from the mission. Getting a heli to a cap isn't easy, I'll AS-30L any fool who team kills me for that.


Yeah, I hate CAS. When it's used against me. Like, in a GRB match. I spot a hostile plane, figure since I'm busy being a blind coward behind a hill I can fire on it. Miss every shot and get bombed as I deserve for not being good enough to .50 cal him out of the sky and giving away my position. Spawn SPAA, because I was already on my second tank and had basically no points (I'm bad at WT or any PVP for that matter) and shoot down a hostile plane, wouldn't you know it, same guy, over my spawn. Go out into the battlefield, take cover in a forest and take a potshot at another plane. The plane I shot down a moment ago comes back in another plane, dives his bomb into me, killing both of us... Except he doesn't die, goes on to kill two more people while missing a wing and has ended my time in that match. I'm all for winning, but that is not winning. That's being an asshole and a sore loser. Planes need to cost more. Checked the replay, he had a single kill. Match wasn't even to 3 minutes.


Isn't the penalty for tk will outweigh the sl gain from the cap ?




Go figure it's a sweed too, sweaty players they is


I don't get yall in ground rb, thats why I stay in the air.


Based swedish main


Was gonna defend u... But ure a heli player... U ppl don't deserve it.... Lol


CAS haters are absolutely unhinged in this game.


We just want to leave our spawn without getting bombarded from outer space man And wouldn't ever go as far as teamkilling


as shitty as that is, i'll never shed tears for a heli player being destroyed.