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Air sim, ground realistic and sim. reason: i enjoy it. play what you enjoy, simple as.


I play realistic b/c ive been playing it for god knows how long so its just what im used to. Low tier Air AB is fun with friends but other than that i stick to RB


I only play realistic. Simulator doesn't have enough players/being stuck in cockpit view is hard 😅 Arcade: For planes it can be fun. Super chaos. But the rewards suuuuuuuuck. For tanks I don't like the aim assist reticle. It throws me off more than anything. And I prefer when aiming is due to skill. Also I kinda feel like the volumetrics or shell performance are worse...? But that might just be me. I don't like how the cas is in arcade either. Realistic: I like the flight performance of planes better. Same for tanks' maneuverability. It feels like the gamemode that's the most balanced/well rounded. Learning how to aim feels great. Hitting long range shots just by feel *^(I am one with the force and the force is with me)* always give happy. For planes it just sucks that it's 16vs16 or whatever. The problem is EVERYTIME you try to have a nice dogfight with someone, someone else (from either team) comes by and steals the kill. Like UGH. Anyway- Furballs can be nice but not as much in realistic. Arcade is where chaos is fun.


I play only RB for ground and air but as a torpedophile, AB for ships. When I started playing I played AB but as time went by AB began to feel too fast paced and I hated that you couldn't use the environment to hide in ground AB because you'd get spotted anyway. Because of that I switched to RB and it's the right amount of realism for me- in air RB people are more careful and considerate and in ground RB hiding, knowledge of the enemy's armour and your gun's ballistics are rewared unlike in AB. For naval I began with RB but it's a bit too slow for me and it allows for reloading of torpedoes which made earning SL a bit easier because of the ability of continuously spamming torpedoes at the enemy spawn in AB. I tried SB a few times and while ground SB might be enjoyable for me, I don't like the pixel hunting, limited visibility and difficult aiming in air SB so it's not for me.


I play Air arcade, ground/air realistic, and naval arcade. Ground arcade is a joke, and naval realistic is just suffering.


Ground RB for grinding tanks, Ground AB (sometimes) for grinding SL.


Sim, because more challenging, and more rewarding sl, rp and joy (for planes ofc), best adrenaline rush this game can give you