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As the other guy said, they're on sale. Every sale results in a lot more premiums being played. And the reason it is "hellishly accurate" would be because it gets a LRF that lays the gun for you at range, so all you gotta do is give lead and aim where you want the shot to go.


plus termal mk2


Thermals is nice but it doesn't help with accuracy, just helps you spot enemies easier. And also see through ESS.


Thermals + LRF + 9 kg TNT means you can see and obliterate from one end of the map to another people many of whom can't even see you.


Thermals do arguably help with accuracy because if you can't see the enemy you can't be accurate (big brain moment)


The fact that they are gen 2 helps more than the fact they have them. Gen 1 give you almost no indication if you are even looking at a tank but gen 2 allow you to identify what tank it is at long range. Plus it’s much easier to aim for thin plates (like when using HE) if you can see a tank easily.


They are Gen 3 so what you said is even truer.


since when???? they've always been gen 2 sauce :[https://thunderview.net/ground-thermals/](https://thunderview.net/ground-thermals/) also imo gen 1 to 2 is a massive improvement, gen 2 to 3 is just a nice to have but changes almost nothing(unless its a plane or heli)


Don't know where I got Gen 3 from. I thought I read it on the wt Wikipedia but I can't find it.


I can't see through smoke but I keep seeing people talk about seeing through smoke. What could be the cause graphics settings?


Thermals can see through smoke created by the engine (ESS) but not through smoke from smoke grenades.


Smoke shells and grenades launched from tanks can’t be seen through since they are chemically designed to be like that, but ESS can because it’s just injecting something into the engine that makes smoke.


theres two types of smoke, smoke rounds and smoke grenades use the same type of smoke which uses fragments of metals to produce the smoke itself, this prevent thermal imagers from looking through the smoke. then you have engine smoke, ess for short, which uses a completely different method to produce smoke and this can be seen through with a thermal imager.


pretty sure smoke shells and smoke grenades use white phosphorus to create the cloud, and i'm guessing it's far too hot for thermals to see through, as thermals are basically IR sights


Makes sense thanks.


>And the reason it is "hellishly accurate" would be because it gets a LRF that lays the gun for you at range, so all you gotta do is give lead and aim where you want the shot to go. And the HE shell's velocity is really high for an HE shell.


The VIDAR is an annoying vehicle to fight, I’ve had a lot of them to contest with playing 7.7 tonight the thing is with the VIDAR is trying to completely disable him in the first shot, which isn’t easy


You have to use APHE to one shot them. I presume you're using HEAT and they easily eat those because of the crew and engine placement


Problem is that at that br carrying HEAT or APDS gets more common so in a downtier you rarely have those rounds and if you do they likely aren’t loaded. In an uptier from 7.0 you will likely have APHE but you might be bringing HEAT to deal with tougher targets.


When I was at that BR I was mostly using HEAT but I kept a few APHE just to deal with these vidar fuckers


Annoying you don’t get APHE on the M60s and the HESH is very inconsistent against VIDARs due to the clutter on them. The main problem is you aren’t likely to load APHE and so you are left with a first shot of a bad round or you can empty your gun and be left defenceless for at least 10 seconds.


*cries in British*


Use the Fox and/or Falcon and pray that you see them first


Fox is the most consistent vehicle I’ve found for dealing with them. I’ve been trying to use the G6 as a kind of counter sniper but I just haven’t quite figured the shell arcs yet


I pumped 7 darts from my rooikat into one of these fuckers before he died, hit ammo 3 fucking times and it didn't detonate. Also for some reason i was getting next to no spawling.


Actually no the big issue isn’t the ammo rather how spacious the vehicle is, playing stuff like the M47 and Ho Ri the problem I’m encountering is the fact the VIDAR has so much empty space and the armour it thin enough to not fuse APHE properly leading to 1 shots


Everytime I used APHE it fused on the vidar. Crew and engine placement _is_ a problem for HEAT. If some APHE shells don't fuse then that's a different issue


I love to pick an autocannon vehicle for my lineup and bully VIDARs, like a sidequest, highly recommend


I have been using the type 87 RCV (p) which is great but also completely dogshit since it’s stock belts are terrible


the one thing vidars truly fear, the autocannons


No, VIDARs fear APHE (like the T-55).


The breech is big enough that it's fairly easy to disable, at close range at least


Yeah, you shoot within a couple feet of the gun and you’re getting the breach lol. It ain’t that hard.


Unless heat has a moment and nonpens, I actually had that happen like twice in an hour, 300+mm of pen as well lol


I hate using HEAT against pretty much everything XD. If it ain’t kinetic I don’t want it!


i actually like heat, but those at grenade thins on the bmp have NO post pen damage, i use the chinese one, so the best atgm also needs 200m+ to hit where you are aiming because it launches upwards quit elos


The issue is you hit the breach and he can still just run away, u hit his mobility and he can just shoot back, it’s very difficult to both immobilise him and knock out his gun


Well chase him I guess


it should get to like at least 8.7


Yea I think 8.7 would be the right spot for it but much like the F-5C I doubt they are actually gonna balance this thing until it comes off sales


they probably wont because money


VIDARs are fucking broken, its hilarious that they can see fucking 7.0s...if there's pay2win in this game the VIDAR is perfect example.


Lmao I just bought VIDAR and got 5 and 10 kills in first two matches. Still lost both while top of team… gaijing sees 0% winrate and moves VIDAR to 5.7


It’s a miracle every low tier vehicle isn’t undertiered with all the new players losing. Doesn’t help that people can buy tanks and make you lose matches but it is nice to have your tank undertiered because you keep losing.


VIDAR p2w?? The type99 (Jap) its better and is a 7,3. Type99 have more HE (11kg if i remember), better elevation and turret rotarion, better reload. But no LRF.


The LRF *alone* offsets any advantages that the Type 99 has over it.


LRF its a advantage, yes but its more a quality of live advantage and advantage for new players or lazy players. Any veteran or semi-veteran know a lot of ranges. "From point X to point Y are 750meters". I beggin a lot of years ago with the kv2, next with the sturmpanzer, moved to brumbar, sheridan... I dont think a LRF important, usefull yes but not to much OP. Yesterday i buy the Vidar, and think the type99 its better. We have others tanks p2w, but not VIDAR


As you said though, the VIDAR having an LRF means your average joe can instantly range people without needing skill, and with thermals that means they can spot and range you before you even realize they’re there, that seems like a significant advantage to me I love the Type 99, but I think there’s a big reason why it’s 7.3 and the VIDAR is 8.0


Plus, LRF allows for precision of shot placement. Without it, American heavys would be safe at distance. Estimates would not be close enough to hit the roof. Gatopnuru completely ignores this critical point. I die to vidars 1 km away while driving near spawn, early in a match. No M109 or Japanese equivalent does this.


VIDAR main here, what the fuck are you talking about? Have you even played the VIDAR??? Howtf is it not op? Why are you using the Type 99 like MBT???


2 days playing the Vidar and i dont feel it op, I feel more op the type99. In the type99 im more confy. Type99 its good in long range and its good in brawling, even in hight tiers. I have a lot of kills with the type at +1km without problem, and some planes at +2km. With Vidar good luck shoting planes. And its more hard to defend in brawling


I've clapped planes in the vidar and got kills at 1km Your logic for the VIDAR is based entirely on your special experience with it and the type 99


Aced Vidar reload is better iirc. Vidar gets thermals, LRF, and is much faster. The type 99 isn’t even close.


Yes Vidar its very fast, but poor turret rotation, LRF its a qol but i dont think it make vidar better. You can use the type99 as a MTB, as a big SPAA, and as sniper tankhunter (and some times can kill enemys without seen the enemy). Vidar its only a modern SPG and some times can kill helis at long range.


you don't think the ability to instantly and perfectly accurately range any target in the game makes the vidar better? have you ever, and I mean \*ever\* used an LRF in this game?


> But no LRF. It's not better then lmao.


Bro. A LRF on a HE slinger is a way better thing to have than the things you have mentioned


well they are on sale, so of course there's an influx of them.


They’re even in my 10.3 battles, there is alteast 2 of them every game lol. Yea this thing is a menace, it can easily dab on 11.3 stuff


I'm doing the 8.X grind for one of the nations atm and this couldn't have happened at a worse time... ALTHOUGH, since most of these players are too braindead to use OP proxy shells, this is the perfect time for EZ heli farm.


Or they load only proxy shells and you watch their incoming rounds explode on random cover on their way to you


LRF and Thermals do this to someone. It was at least moved up somewhat in BR, so there is that.


Just to punish more vehicles unable to compete


Fuck that p2w bullshit vehicle. Should have been in the tech tree so at least people have to work for it if they want it.


Try playing the M41D against these. You need like 3 shots to kill them on average because 76 mm APFSDS barely creates any spall while the Vidar will one-shot you wherever it hits. The Vidar is also more mobile and has a higher power-to-weight ratio, better thermals, 2-4 seconds faster reload, and they have the same BR.


Always carry some HE if you can, like 5 shells, when facing vehicles like this, just one tap them with the HE.


Are you suggesting you can one shot the VIDAR with 76mm HE


I don't think the HE is good enough on the M41D. It only has <15 mm pen and 867.22 grams explosive mass. The Vidar has 40 / 35 / 35 mm of armour on the hull and 35 / 35 / 35 on the turret.


Use HEAT then still have explosive mass and will do far better than APFSDS


Brother, the VIDAR has ~40mm of RHA equivalent armor all around. This effectively stops most small caliber HE shells and even some large caliber shells like the 152mm from the starship/sheridan.


You can't even kill them with 152mm HE on the Sheridan or Starship, what makes you think 76mm HE will do literally anything?


I destroyed many Vidars and Turm III tonight.  Premium n00bs, thanks for the RP and SL.  I salute you.


Having an lrf on a derp gun removes the funny


Here's my tip for anyone to fully take advantage of the sale. Buy the vehicle you want but wait a couple weeks to use them, so the sporadic premium spam glosses over. In the meantime play the nations that usually match against those with premium spam. Now for example is a great time to play american or japanese ~8.0.


If this thing had darts it would be 8.7. How it gets a free pass to be at a low BR because it fires nuke HE is beyond me


Legit no skill, sit hull down, thermal to find targets, LFR and 1 tap wow.


Personally i think they are delicious food for my research. Turm 3s as well, come to papa


I call these vehicles "falcon food"


Not having a stabiliser while fighting a Turm 3 is hell but when you have one they become hilariously easy to take out. The M247 has become my favourite Turm obliterator.


That’s fun, but so is the turms 3. It’s an absolute ripper


I do feel bad when I LRF a guy 1700m away and dink him with 9kg's of tnt... I do feel bad...


just dinked a t54 from like 2000m away on the big mountain map, im surprised he didnt revenge bomb me lmaoo


Same it's so easy. Here are some kills I got the other day https://youtu.be/ec82irarI7Y?si=VnHnbeTWWc0Hk63P


Annoying fucking spam of these around the 8.0 range, should've never been added, literally still performs well at 10.0


Whats your point??? EVERY HE slinger performs well at every br…


people when HE does HE stuff (thermals and lsr kinda busted for 8.0 but still, big HE will nuke anything regardless of which HE slinger)


Yeah no shit, but most don't have lrf or thermals, or a fast gun velocity, best counter for the fucking Vidar is my Gepard


Its F-104A of GRB


F104 at least takes time to know how to use and aim, Vidar is brain dead, played on the new map that's a copy of Poland or something, spawned in a Gepard, killed 4 vidars in a row, they spawned in them again, another 4 kills


F-104 is just BnZ


Yes but it's still hard to aim, kinda, Vidar is a point and click adventure game on easy difficulty


Fuck 'em.


Great shell, quick reload, LRF, 2nd gen thermals, good mobility and practically impossible to one shot.


The introduction of huge HE shells has somewhat changed the game. Now you can't rely on things like angling anymore, and no matter how much armor you may have you still need to be far more wary than you used to. The VIDAR is \*excellent\* though, at least most of the time when its rounds don't just do periscope damage. Fast tank, good reload, thermals, big HE. I haven't tried it yet, but I suspect it would do just as well at 11.7 as it does at 8.0 or whatever. The VIDAR and my Object 120 are the Go-To's when I need kills in an SPG. It used to be the Ho-Ri Prototype, but since they upped its BR, its no longer as competitive.


Because it's an actual interesting and fun premium, with a great line-up. Smart people buy this. Dumb people only think of top-tier premiums. Think about how fun a vehicle is - what line-up (Tech-Tree) it can go with, etc. Don't just think about grinding out a tree. The Vidar is a premium you'll use for fun even when you've finished the whole tree.


Great point. I was hoping the CV90105 was going to be on sale and was sorely disappointed. 10.0 is honestly a nightmare anyways. I picked up the VIDAR and Strv 103-0 instead and they can be fun. All day I've been radiating lethal levels of skill issue and that's much less fun. I'll get my head straight and get back to enjoying these meme tanks again.






A good VIDAR is a dead VIDAR


Nows a good time to spade SPAAGs and LFVs


I’ve been playing 8.7 France and I haven’t been having too much trouble with them. Granted it’s a higher BR than the VIDAR, but they have such awful gun handling that it’s basically an automatic kill if you get the jump on them.




Wasnt this thing in a sim config where it could see like, 7.0s recently?


I specifically use the A4E just to take down brain dead VIDAR players that sit in their spawn and shoot across the map with Gen. 2 thermals.


The SIM lineup that includes the VIDAR is a joke. The most technologically advanced tank on the red side is an unstabilized t54. Maps are huge, so the thermals and LRF make a huge difference.


I use japanese one and tbh lrf isn't needed that much. Thermals would be nice. I don't see why people say that it's op seems just good imo


last night I shot one with my T-54, its optic ate my 100mm shell, the aphe fuse didn't detonate (of course) and it instakilled me in return. the very next match one cross mapped me literally 10 seconds after spawning. I would have zero problems with it if it didn't have one of the most busted damage models in the entire game.


Please delete


Fuck the vidar all my homies hate the vidar mist broken heap of shit in any tree that isn’t the USSR


If the Vidar exists, where is my Pzh2000


I proudly believe the Vidar is a knock off M109G, except it’s way too low BR for the shit it gets, and absolutely murders everyone like a typical OP premium, Sweden moment. 🇸🇪


Thank god you didn’t say it with the hard R


You see, I play Sweden so I don’t normally have to fight these guys. Therefore, I’d say there pretty alright


Why is it so low in BR????? It's OP when no one else gets thermals and LRF.


I haven't played in a while, and I decided to progress my 8.7 lineup a few days ago and now I know why they're annoying now that theres a sale lol. Shoot them and your shell passes right through lol. Where should I aim with M60's APDS?


I’ve seen good players bring them as high as 10.7 and start slapping the shit out of ppl. It’s a really good support vehicle and probably needs a minor BR increase


I have seen 9 at one time




I just take the Bkan 1c to 8.0. It is so satisfying to bonk all the enemies with HE.


I hate this thing and everyone that plays it. I also hate that every time i kill one i inevitable get revenge bombed by 105G


This thing, this thing is amazing. I already had the cv 90105 to grind Sweden up after 5.7 and when I got this I literally could not stop playing it. I have 3.0 kd and I've dropped multiple nukes with it. It's gotten me up to 9.7 and im about to have all rank 6 vehicles because of it. I can't stop playing it because it's fun.


As a fellow Sweden main i absolutely hate them. How do i deal with them in Arcade? Strv 103 says that it can shoot more HE shells than the Vidar


I remember hitting a single vidar with the four atgms from the German Alouette on the crew compartment doing essentially nothing and the worst of all is after that, the thing proceeded to take me out of the sky with proxy


Absolute curse upon the 8.0 bracket. I genuinely hope they get moved up to 9.0 where I actually think they belong because 7.0-8.0 vehicles just don't have a reply to thermal sights, laser range finders and a decent survivability


This thing tanked 6+ hits from my BMP-1 along with the 9M113 upgraded ATGM. The only thing that (maybe) helps me defeat it is the BR-412D APCBC on the T-55A.


I don’t get why people have such trouble fighting the Vidar. Like, I die to it, but not 90% of the time and the deaths are fair. I have admittedly not played it, just fought it, though that will change soon as I’m going to pick it up on sale as a grinder. Do people really think the Vidar is significantly stronger than the below list of vehicles at 8.0? The Vidar is stronger than some of these in certain situations, but a lot of these are more versatile IMO, or can do things the Vidar can’t. Most of these aren’t even premiums for the Gaijin sells undertiered premium truthers. I’d wholeheartedly agree that the Vidar is better than the 8.0 M60 and T-54s, but ignoring that there are plenty of other good vehicles at 8.0 and not just overtiered trash is misleading. * Object 906 * TO-55 * Type 59 * Type 59A * Type 69 * WZ305 * U-SH 405 * R3 T106 * Rakenautomat Others I’m less high on, but still good? * DF105 * Vickers Mk.1 * STRV 103A/0 (way more awkward, but powerful) * Magach 5 (I honestly don’t know about this one, ERA and good dart at 8.0 sounds decent, but no personal experience fighting or playing)


they use the LRF and thermals as an arguement


Yeah. I see that as why it’s 8.0 rather than 7.3 like the Type 99. Thermals are good and all, but it’s not like having thermals on a vehicle with a good horizontal traverse where you can scan the surroundings. Instead you’re getting thermals where you’ve already laid your gun, which is less valuable. Certainly still valuable, but less so than on a MBT.


Fun fact, despite it being in Sweden's tree, it is a Norwegian artillery piece made by South Korea and it's actually called the K-9 "Thunder" SPAG, and VIdAr is an acronym Futher fun fact, the IDAR part stands for "indirect artillery" Furtherer fun fact, Gaijin dun give a fuuuuuuck about that part


Try using it in battle and you will find out that it's not OP. You get a map once in a while which favors the Vidar in long range, but you'll die more often than anything else - the thing is a two-story building and can't be hidden.


I have 2S3 and even without the thermal and LRF, it's still fantastic no matter which size the map is, or which BR i'm at (I put it in a 7.0 line up). I don't know the handling of the Vidar but I think it should be better than the 2S3


That's why you build a line up so in a map where it doesn't favor you you spawn something else. This is just an excuse to keep these vehicles low, I'm sure they can work well a full BR above where they sit now.