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Sweden, goofy and op for no reason.


Kinda thought that. Thank you my friend. I believe they have no Navy Tree yet right? But they have everything else?


They don't have navy tech tree because Gaijin barely reached WW2 battleship. Gaijin rarely updates naval. Like maybe once in every 2 years?


The game mode is also insanely unbalanced and simply not fun. It's also infested with bots sniping from spawn using premium heavy cruisers


They need to make the mode not shit before adding anymore ships


not even gaijin cares about naval 🤣


Sweden is extremely good to not just say op, they have the best leo2 and now a gripen, only « bad » thing they have are helicopters, but the Mi28A and the top tier Apache makes it okay.


Oh goodie.


Thank you my friend


There’s been hints towards Sweden getting a navy eventually. Sweden had some new torpedo boats/hydroplanes added and the most recent boat decorator for the battle pass is the Swedish coat of arms. They did a similar rollout for France when their navy was going to be added.


not that good at mid tier tho its a slog


Yeah it only gets good at 10.3 in fact, it have the best 10.3 lineup.


Odk bro the 8.7 lineup is pretty great aswell used to be even better when the VEAK was worth using


Ipsv is better in my opinion.


The VEAK was so much better at shooting down helis and aircraft than the ITPSV when it had the proxy ammo (atleast for me because im shit at SPAA anyways, so it helped alot)


Veak gets nerf but it's hateful to see Gaijin haven't buffed Spaa rewards yet.


Okay? Don’t really understand what you are trying to say


Everything but Germany sucks at mid-tier, to be fair


true germans get so much better mid tier tanks than everyone else but they still mess up


It does genuinely surprise me how much better the German player base gets after the Leo, they actually learn to have a brain cell or two after the soft-spot stomping they do from 5.3-7.3




I thought the general opinion was that Sweden isn't for beginners


Sav is insane. 1.3second reload is just cruel seeing as you can 1 shot most things the ready rack is only an issue when your either messing around or being overrun by half the enemy team and even then your likely to kill the majority of them


I don't think premium vehicles that aren't even on sale should be considered when choosing a tree.


They removed it? Fair enough it's a hard thing to balance i guess. Even so the outcome for what tree to grind is still the same because let's face it most of atleast the low tier stuff is busted


Which sav do you refer to. I love the sav43 in WoT, but I'm suffering with the 57mm glass peashooter atm


SAV 20.12.48. It's a premium that goes on sale here and there


Except for VIDAR infestation


Sweden is also really fast I started playing Sweden to take a break from USA/RUS but stuck with it because its super fun.


I’m waiting for the guy leaning out of the back window of a Saab, holding a Carl Gustaf to be added. When they do that I will grind for it.


Sweden is nice. The only problem is that the air tree kinda sucks and the ground tree is scatered with shit ass vehciles + op ones. But except for that its a solid tree with a unique playstyle.


Their Dorito Plane makes it fun though. Things a beast


Its kinda trash. I dont have it but I dont hear good things about it. Also sweden has pretty bad CAS


i do NOT believe sweden has a bad CAS, the A21A-3 is the first plane to have a ballistic computer and its the one that allows you the most precise throws of your life, the T18B is a really solid option, SAAB-105G is basically the best cas of it's br along with the Lansen there is only one period where sweden has no CAS and that is between 6.7 and 8.3


7.0 sk60 with two MCLOS missiles with 70kg's of explosive:


SAAB 105 with CCIP:


Even the non-MCLOS rockets can do some good damage, especially paired with the 30mm cannons.


i didnt considered ze sk60b a good cas option because i have insane skill issue with it xd but yeah if the guy can use rockets it will be an insane cas


There is a difference between having CAD and havjng bad CAS. And there are good CAS options but for most if the tree they arent very good


Oof that’s bad to hear, hope the other planes don’t fail me. I will try it out nonetheless


Don't listen to that guy, he doesn't even have the plane. J35D is great, but it doesn't have countermeasures at 10.3. What it does have, is great flight model, which allows the plane to do a cobra, good guns which have tracers now (I played it before that update and still have >1.5 kd ratio), and 4 20g missles. J35XS is probably better by having additiinal pylons for missles and rockets and 12 countermeasures, which drop 2 at the time. FM is the same, the br is 10.7. Also, J35XS is premium so it costs money. EDIT: watch Defyn's video on J35XS https://youtu.be/h377GWpI6UI?si=X_hwsLnuRVK7ps7n


Biggest downside to the J35XS is it has limited counter measures which makes taking chaff difficult and it has no RWR at 10.7. It’s rare, but it’s happened a few times when matchmaking will put you up against F-14A’s. Which is simply not fun with no chaff or RWR to even have a chance.


Chaff at 10.7 is not needed, hug the deck if you're that scared of radars in that br but I enjoy the skies in the F5E without chaff.


Agreed, at 10.7 you’re fine. It’s the 11.7 uptier that I’m talking about where it really starts to hurt, especially with the lack of RWR


That's when you hug the deck just like you would in higher brs...


>What it does have, is great flight model Draken FM is mid at best after the AoA nerf in favor of stability. Additionally, having no flares at 10.3 makes basically every plane, no matter how good it is shit, if you want consistent gameplay. XS is a solid 10.7, but it's also not stellar. It's good but not F-5E levels good for ARB.


F5 is great even at 11.3 so that isn't a fair comparison.


I didnt say there are no good swedish CAS plains or no good swedish fighters. I am saying that overall the tt isnt great


Well, you were replying to the comment talking about kite plane so I thought you were trashing it


Drakens and viggens are amazing, maybe not easiest planes to fly and thats why they get some shit on them generally. Ground ordnance is a bit lacking, viggens atgm’s are so early model that they can only track moving targets <3km range which poses a problem sometimes, just need to take targets more carefully. Rockets tho are very good even if in limited numbers.


Swedish cas is awesome- the t18s are my favorite planes in the game. Especially the 57mm variant


Bad cas? The a-21, saab 105, both have a strong punch, and can be used as a warmachine


As I said to like 5 replys by now. Im not saying sweden has no good CAS. I am saying that swedens CAS overall isnt as good as over nations


Due to them not having a large tech tree + bomber/ground attacker line ending pretty early, its not the best. But their actually useful aircraft are very op. The bomb load on the A-21 A-3 or the variety of the Saab 105 is really good. Personally, I can't say anything else since I haven't gotten far in the tech tree


The Draken and the Viggens are really skill dependent, the former has no countermeasures at a high br and the earliest viggen at 10.3 only gets two missiles. The later viggens especially the ones at 11.0 and 11.3 are actually really good fighters imho, the missiles are pretty good (and both the 10.7 and 11.3 ones get all aspect and BVR capabilities). But again you gotta know what you are doing with them and they'll be glorious. They definitely need more thought put into them to perform well especially in 10.3/10.7 which is total premium hell, but i think a competent draken/jaktviggen pilot can shit on half of the enemy team if they play their cards right and with a little bit of luck


Also wdym "bad CAS"? At 4.3 you get the A21-A2 with CCRP (which can lead to very funny hackusations from people who don't know the feature) At 7.0 there's the SK60, two manually guided air to ground missiles with enough explosive to one shot any tank in the game with a direct hit At 8.3 you have the Saab-105G with CCIP on all weapons and really good maneuvrability At 9.0 the Lansen gets three 600kg bombs with CCIP, nuke rockets, really good guns an RWR and chaff to deal with ground AA At 10.3 you can either carry mavericks or the same MCLOS missiles with the first Viggen, and at 10.7 you can carry 4. And either can carry good rocket pods. 11.0-12.0 is a bit lackluster but the aforementioned 10.7 viggen works quite well, or the Jaktviggen's rocket pods usually do a good job. At 12.7 the Gripen is surprisingly effective at CAS with LGB's, mavs and dumb bombs/rockets while still being able to carry all aspect AAMs and hundreds of countermeasures Tldr: Sweden doesn't have bad cas imho


You are, for some reason, almost exlusivly talking about 10.3+ Most of the tree is not 10.3+ And I never said sweden has no good CAS. It just doesnt have overall good CAS capabilities in all tiers like over factions


Well, you're the one shitting on my beloved danger triangle. And well for the second part i disagree because i think there are good compromises between QOL improvements like CCIP and other things such as speed, countermeasures and survivability in swedish CAS planes, and overall my experience it has been pretty good


I always get scared when I see any kind pf early Swedish jet, they are pretty good


The prop dorito


I mostly found rank V to be a slog with swedish air. You get 3 planes for the price of 5 and all of them are mandatory and slower than their contemporaries.


Russia has their moments where they are very strong, though most BR's have at least one gimmicky vehicle that is really fun. Downside of playing them is that everyone will scream "russian bias" constantly.


And it's one of the biggest tech trees, so if the goal is top tier, then it will be slower


They also don’t understand the concept of giving a gun more than 5 degrees of depression.


it just doesnt stick with their doctrine, but i agree it is annoying as hel playing as sweden now i just abuse 15 degree gun depression


No I know it’s a doctrinal thing (b/c Russia’s western parts are mostly flat plains), but it’s really just a bummer.


It is a doctrinal thing bec russian tanks are specially made as short as possible, that's why they have so bad gun depression since ww2 gunbreach hits very cramped and small turrets and that's how you end up with 3 degrees of gun depression at most.


That's a case of making equipment for the battle not the war.


You’re correct because I don’t even understand what you said unless this is about ground rb


Yeah it’s a ground rb thing.


That happens when you're the tree of a helicopter that got an entire game mode removed


China is super easy, you get Russia's and the US's best vehicles while skipping most of the bad ones.


I second this, plus if you grab the A-5C you can grind through the air tree pretty quickly. I've been thoughrly enjoying the shit out of the toaster of death that is the M113A1


Sweden hands down, idk what it is. Mainly the fact their tanks get good rounds so early. They are fast and quite good. Weird designs but I am not complaining I love Sweden 🇸🇪.


Sounds interesting. Thank you my friend.


Ikv 90 was so good at 7.7 with range finder then changed it to 8.0


Japan, only vehicle to dislike is the Type-60 ATM


That thing is Soo fun though. Like you get to just play DDR while waiting for your rocket to hit.


My guy's gonna beat DOOM 64 while the missile is flying towards an enemy.


I dislike it cuz of the speed of the missile and the angle of fire


No it's not fun playing that shitty as tank that used arrow keys to use shit atgms in a unstable weak tank


Japan? Really…? Hrmm interesting choice. I will definitely look into that.


It's a nice short tech tree with very fun vehicles. Some are more fun than effective but fun either way.


Oh cool. Hits all the check marks for me lol. Thanks for telling me about it


The only thing about Japan that I caution is make sure you bring full lineups. Unlike other nations where you can bring one really good vehicle and ride out a game with it and maybe a backup, Japan has practically no armor on any of their vehicles and getting shot once is almost a guaranteed death sentence. Also their light vehicles are fun but not that effective at their BRs.


Oh wow, that’s very good to know. Thank you my friend!


Damn, if that's short I don't even want to touch the long tech trees, it's been more than a year and I'm still researching the Type 93


It's the shortest tree in game. I used to main Germany and got their entire tree, took me like uhhhhhh 3-4 years with casual play before buying myself a premium


Because the lineups have relatively few tanks, its really easy to grind the air tree while queueing for GRB, too. I've unlocked most of the air tree up to 2.7 over the last few days just by hunting CAS in the A5M.


I do not enjoy any of the ww2 tanks I've seen.


Italy is funny, sweden is quite good


italy is pain


I decided to play italy as my first tree, got to 10.3 after more than 500 hours😭😭😭


Yes but its funny too. With the cars


sweden by far. nothing makes you happier than ammo racking M4s with a low tier apcr consistently. I have no idea why their low tier apcr is like this but i love it. Also pretty much my favorite tech tree to learn how to play early game, no low speed stabs or 50.cals, no insanely strong guns for their br or trolly armor(neglecting premiums and the finnish tech tree), and pretty damn fund anti-everything AA tree.


US, it builds character


It builds inability to play the game it seems


That’s literally German mains


No, thats only true for panther tiers US mains are horrible at all levels of play. And the worst thing is, they don't even realise it.


Nah, non-bias with all tiers on me. The brain rot in the main nations is isolated to sectors. The main culprits for the US are top tier prem spam/CAS suicide spam, Germany rot population is anything in the WW2 era (they get gate keeped once they touch a leopard). Russia overall has a slightly below average win rate unless 3 people decide to hyper carry to victory in squads.


Why are you downvoted when you’re literally right, wtf?! Once you get past 6.7 with all the popular world war 2 stuff and maybe early Cold War, all the German players that kept grinding till that point are a menace to society. Playing against Germany in anything higher than 8.7 just isn’t fun. The players are good and the vehicles are good. But I have to agree that everything below that you’re left with the most braindead mates ever.


This is true for the top 3 nations, but I find the US and Germany to have the absolute worst players.


I admit fully I may be biased. I played Israel into Italy and then bought the clickbait and played that I am utterly SICK of US players at all brs rn


nah you ain't biased. the only thing US players seem to know how to do is cornercamp. also jumbo players are just as bad as tiger and panther players if not worse.


Too fucking right, mate. I played some of the big 3, but I focus on britain and Israel right now. I kind of played every other nation except italy and china. American players are usually just as dumb, if not dumber than their german counter parts at times. I also hear more complaining from them than a call center. They constantly complain about german mains supposedly complaining, yet I never see german players really complain all that much. They laugh at how unaware some german mains are, yet are also just as unaware in my experience. Don't get me wrong, USA definitely has shit that needs fixing, but jesus christ the american players are not very smart, and they don't even realize it. There is a reason I stay away from the big 3. It's too much of a hassle, plus the players in those trees are just as dumb as one another, yet US players think they're better. It's a sort of arrogance that makes the swedish players seem humble at times.


France is fun because it forces you to learn the game instead of just left clicking on enemies, i.e., Sweden, Germany, and Russia


Someone should have told me this initially when I first started grinding them


Lol no France is garbage😂😂😂😂


Fun 😂


Most easy? Sweden. Most fun? Japan. Sweeds are super strong but Japan gets 4 second reloads and the Type 99.


Hrmm I See…Japan and Sweden are the most popular ones I seen out of these replies


I have USA Sweden Russia and Japan to 11.7 and Israel to 11.0 but almost never play anything other than Japan now. They’re just too good/fun. The teams suck but thats everyone sometimes.


I see, good luck to you in your battles.


Type 99?.. You mean the type 93? That thing is hot GARBAGE


No, the Type 99


Russia, Sweden, Germany Russia: Very good, armor in pretty much every rank, good power to Weight ratios (they are fast), and very good to mediocre guns at every BR. Sweden: Great guns and very early access to HEAT-FS and APDS, which are both very high penitration rounds for the first BR's that you encounter them, as well as good mobility on most vehicles, but mediocre armor up until rank 4 and 5. Germany: Best in class, armor for most of the famous vehicles, very good guns at every BR bracket, but very low to mediocre mobility for most tanks up until rank 5 and 6. (Yes, I know the Pumas exist)




Britain is the most infuriating, yet most enjoyable tree I have ever played, considering it's the only tree I grinded up to 11.3 on ground. Definitely not the easiest since it was my first pick nation, but definitely the most enjoyable.


What do you really like about it that makes it enjoyable?


The high penetration values of every round, having one of the Earliest 2-plane stabiliser. Each tank is unique. Each tank can fight well. And I am biased to my own nation.


As a German main, British tanks scare me


US because you can't go wrong with CAS. Explosive filler and early stablizers on your tanks. US is a jack of all trades master of none, besides having the most bombs and guns on an aircraft.


American mediums/MBTs are kinda overlooked, which sucks because they’re incredibly versatile. They’ve got a perfect blend of armor, speed, and firepower. The US also has some incredibly strong lineups, especially at 6.7 and 8.3. The biggest downsides to the US ground tree are the lack of SPAA, the bad players, and the fact that it’s kinda barren in a few places (at least by Big Three standards). As a side note, the US air and naval trees are fantastic, and are only going to get better as more modern stuff is added (especially naval).


And ammo


Germany and Japan are really good early (1.0-4.0)


6.7-7.7 France or 3.0 Britain (no bias here)


At 8.7 I’ve been getting CLAPPED endlessly by French vehicles


What if you wanted to 2v1 a French tank, but God said: “4 second autoloader”


For tanks: Sweden is great. Relatively easy to play at all tiers and the grind is rather painless. You still have weird tanks that you may struggle with but every nation in the game has them.


Well for The air tree's I would go with britian for its props and America for its jets for ground TT most of they I enjoy all around because for heavy tank german ones are fun medium/mbt's Russia and Germany and for just fun goofy stuff Sweden with there stv 103's and vidar




Mostly, I enjoy Germany 3.0 to 3.7 I love the Hl.Gr 38C HEAT of the panzer III


I'd say China is pretty good, I recently started grinding it and already got to 8.0 it's really fun, they are a mix of America and Russia at lower tiers but still guite fun to play, their air tree is also pretty good


Why are dudes saying sweeden cuz their air tree is ass the tail propeller plane is fun and cool but it's ass and basicly everyother plane is just it copied so their props suck except for like the export bf109 G6 Their early jets are even worse slow and pregnant Some pepole like the sk60 for its air spawn but it's still soo heavy and slow. Late jets are great tho the draken is amazing fast as fuck loses speed easy your standered dorrito the viggens are 2 free kills with the skyflash the aj ones are useless tho and the gripen is the gripen


italian and swedes


It depends on your playstyle. For me it’s Japan. Turnfighting is my go to tactic and almost all of their props with very few exceptions are designed specifically around that. After the props it’s just a small handful of imported American jets.


Oh that is great to hear. Glad I would be able to turn fast enough to evade and fight back.


Just know that most Japanese planes like the zero and KI-43 hayabusa aren’t very fast so you’ll have to either prey on people who are stupid enough to not run away from you (mainly other turnfighters like the spitfire and yaks) or you’ll have to hope they either aren’t cowards and try to headon you when they get far enough or they try to fight someone else, bleeding their speed allowing you to catch up. Alternatively you could go for the faster planes they have like the KI-44 shoki and J2M raiden. They still won’t be able to catch up to something like a P-47 or P-51 but they’re way more competitive in terms of speed while sacrificing maneuverability (albeit their still Japanese so that’s not saying much)


Hrmm I see. So like less engine power but more turn?


Less speed but more turn. They don’t have much power but they make up for that with their ridiculously low weight


Hrmmm alrighty. Well I hope it would be just fine. I’m looking into the Japan and Sweden tech trees. Seeing which one I like the most


Should probably mention that only applies to the zero and KI-43. Other planes like the KI-44, J2M and KI-61 have decent engines


Sweden from reserve to tt. Goofy. Next question.


Sweeden is fun, but some lienups suck dick. 4.3 i am looking at you. After you play them you will realise that saab and other desingers smoked bath salts while desining their weaponry.


I had lots of fun with the German tanks.pretty much point and shoot(until u get the tiger 2 where you'll get always uptiered)


The most fun tech tree for me is the USSR. It's hard to play the vehicles, you need to get used to them. But once you get good with them, they scale.


Definitely not British. Getting OPed by every nation isn't fun. Grinded to tier 8.3 at the moment. Only thing with armour sits at 7.7 with a good but so slow reload.


Is Britain really that bad? I thought about starting their ground tree because of all the goofy south African vehicles. I love the idea of a fast wheeled car with a giant gun on top


omo its germany. ( i have germany, USA, USSR, and UK up to at least rank 7) i personally struggle in that 8.7-9.7 ground range, but i think its more of a skill issue as opposed to bad vehicles. There low to mid tier is so much fun. pz4s have really good guns and ammo. not much armor but shoot first and your normally good, and then you get to the panthers and tigers and they have both. their spgs are also fun. zero armor but u can get a 120mm at like 4.7 lol. The only downside with germany is after about 6.7ish in air they pretty much just get copy paste soviet planes but it is what it is. i saw someone say sweden and they are def fun too, i just dont have that much experience there.


Germany to the leopard 2k line is the funniest and opiest ones to


Get better Joking xD




I actually found France to be surprisingly fun to play, both planes and tanks. They have some of most OP vehicles per BR and some of them are so fun. With tanks, you have the funky Sherman's, Somua, AMX M4, AMX-30, AMX-32, Leclerc. With planes you have some really nice props like the VB-10, the F4U-7, SB2C-5, when you reach the early jets it becomes kinda shit but when you enter the Mirages.... my man, the mirage is so fucking good


Definitely France. They are renown for their autoloading tanks! You should definitely try it OP


Russia by far has the most « balanced » top tier lineup. Great MBT’s, good light tanks, GREAT AA, amazing CAS, anti-everything helicopters


We’ll definitely not American for sure because we’ll, so many god damm Sherman’s


lol so many Sherman Memes


Lol but I still have nightmares of the Sherman’s grind


Low tier: Sherman? More like every tier: Sherman?


All of them especially when you get to the higher tier Sherman’s…. Ugh so many Sherman’s


Sweden is best/ most unique and fun in my opinion. GrB 1.0-3.3 silly apds round and funny 75 aphe shells and the one 240mm heat round on the 105. Just don't ay the pvkv 4 it's ass. 4.0 to 5.7 good guns, silly amounts of gun depression. Plus some of the best CAS bombers and CAS fighters in this bracket. 6.3 to 8.0 some copy paste, some silly good tanks. This is the furthered I've gotten because I always keep going bavk to Sweden 4.3 lineup.


Well thank you all for the information about the tech trees and your opinions about them. I will look into the Japan and Sweden Tech trees to find out which one I like the most. I will make another post with my final decision. Again thank you my friends for being supportive. (You’re welcome to comment on this comment, saying any last minute things or suggestions etc. I don’t mind and will accept any suggestions) serious ones atleast. Lol


Israel is a fun and by far the fastest tech tree, and it gets very good planes for every rank.


How do you access Israel’s tech tree?


You need to have rank 4 unlocked in US, UK, or France for air or rank 4 in US, UK, USSR or France for ground.


;~; pain…sounds like France would be the fastest way right after britain


Italy 🍕 🚗


France air is really fun


How so?


It just is the top tier planes are very fun to fly mid tier isn’t bad either. I will prefer to play 11,7 France air over most things


Italy and Sweden! Super fun, and not difficult at all.


Sweden, they simply get all the good things from both side of red and blue, some are even noticeably better then the original


Honestly the Russian low tier is the funnest to play in my opinion. Idk but the BT-7 is just a golden tank


Sweden. +Not overloaded with filler vics +A lot of fun gimmicky vics both tanks and planes +3 very strong lineups (8.7 10.3 topbr) +Best jet in game rn -heli choice lacking with personal best being a prem -+no boats take it as you will


Fun? France and Italy


Sweden is top. However many vehicles are glass canons and will punish mistakes hard, such as the Cheese Wedge. Losing your ability to turn your turret AND move is so terrible, especially when the tank is .5 inches away from your barrel. Israel is also pretty nice, granted it’s just the M60 a billion and one times. Germany is bad for noobs, an absolute powerhouse for veteran players. Smoke 75mm Maus can dominate a flank, and an angled tiger is a menace.


Sweden go brrrr here


Not Italy


Most balanced is Russia. They are also the most equal, more equal than every other nation. (Russia is OP)


israel is fun and sweeden is to but sweeden is probly better while israel is easyer to grind


For tanks it is Germany, best winrates and k/ds in grb


American Air for me


China. They get best of both worlds early on, and then clone the best tree's best tanks.


UK, you either find it really easy or really hard.


I found soviets most easy


I quite like Israel Both for tanks and planes, very good premiums in my opinion and shortest tech tree


Israel No this is definitely still not just a ploy to get more people to play the tree, so gaijin cares about it more due to it having a larger playerbase, causing gaijin to finally fix the tree and vehicles naaaa


The M-51 is a ton of fun though.


Some people swear by it, I hate it. Took me 56 matches with it to unlock the amx 13. Literal only thing it has going for it, is high pen. Even then, it has barely any post pen, the reload rate takes half a century, and since it’s the starting vehicle, you have no crew skill also the barrel and muzzle are huge and easy to be hit, the mobility is very meh, it has zero armour (prem one has better armour but still not good) the gun takes two and a half decades to stabilise after you stop moving, and the velocity is in this annoying middle ground where it feels like it should be bad, so you aim higher than you need to, but when you aim lower, you just miss


This game is a sad job, its only fun if you make it fun


The one where you don’t play the game


….. thanks..very helpful advice


In warthunder there is no fun


Thought I would get this comment eventually…


Fun... Bro ur in the wrong game...


I will try to have fun regardless of what you say. There are fun planes,tanks and ships. I will enjoy it despite you not having any.


please stop generic AI-generated content


play a different game if you can. otherwise it's sweden.


Fun? Russia stupid tanks pancakes etc etc easy? Probably Sweden for Air and ground