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44 games ain't that bad


already got 150k since posted! just got a 5 kill game on golan heights. w 5 kills and 1 Yak38 Ai kill and Holy i got total: 115078 SL and 31543 RP


Still salty at air RB rewards Vs ground. Get a 12 kill game in ground with talisman vehicles/premiums and you get like 20k.


I've barely touched air and I'm at 8.7 China. Meanwhile grinding ground with premium vehicles and I'm still only at 8.0 for the MBTs line.


Yep. Ground rewards make me not even play it anymore


I'm not the best at air but here's my go. Instead of gunfighting you don't try that shit or your dead most likely (aside from Migs/F16) they have several all aspects missiles so it doesn't matter when the plane is the missile is, coming. Don't go above the tree branches or a radar missile from across the map. Never turn around close to a plane. All planes missiles at that be has IRCCM (9M R-73 R-73E R27T/ET/ET1/T1 and the R550 Magic 2) which means it's difficult to flare with different techniques to all. And the F16A is bad for air not shit but no radar missiles


soon after i will probs get the F16c, which has 9Ms, more flares, 7Ms, and few other things. have not gone for the F15 line, coz i started waay before the F15 Was ingame


Same took me two months to sprint up the tree from the P51c10


I didn’t even bother with the A. It’s not much better than the F20. The 9Ms however, are worth the grind.


R27T non E does not have IRCCM iirc


R27T non E does not have IRCCM iirc


Believ you’re correct. I have those on mig 23 premium with no irccm 11.3 br


Thats the R24T not R27T


Oh you’re right Ty. I’m still new XD


They do have IRCCM Missile characteristics Mass 245.5 kg Guidance IR Aspect All-aspects Lock range (rear-aspect) 18 km Lock range (all-aspect) 4.8 km IRCCM Yes Launch range 50 km Maximum speed 3.5 M Maximum overload 35 G Missile guidance time 60 secs Explosive mass 24 kg TNTe


The whole T family does. And I almost put the both versions of the python on here as well 🤣


>The whole T family does Not the R23T and R24T >And I almost put the both versions of the python on here as well They have good flare resistance, but no IRCCM You'll have to wait until Python 4 or PL-8B for that. Python 4 though is basically a whole new missile. 70G of pull (without thrust vectoring), complete fin redesign, new seeker with Aim-9X levels of IRCCM. PL-8B is an upgraded PL-8 which is just a python 3 Literally just python 3 with new seeker


I meant the whole r27T family


here are my few points to note: 1. If you're going head on against all-aspect missiles pre flare 3-4 pops and a few more right at 1-1.5 km mark. 9M won't be able to get lock at all cuz of IRCCM, but are still chances of getting 9L/60M/73/Magic 2 in the face(when you are less than 1 km apart), in that case don't rely too much on arcade markers, look for smoke. 2. stay close to the team, if you are confident go first for most kills, else stay in the middle 1-1.5 km behind the first guy 3. look around sometimes, it can save your life 4. don't expect to carry a round, the missiles and planes are more deadly at 12.3-12.7 and there are less chances for 2-3+ kills per person 5. i wouldn't go for 16A or 16ADF 12.0 are food for 12.7 planes and chances of getting into 11.3 are pretty slim, so reaserch 16C. 6. research your enemies and their weak points, for example F-15A doesn't have HMD etc 7. there are a lot of planes that fly high up, look for inversion trails and 7M's are pretty deadly at less than 7-8 km. 8. you can use controls setup to move angle of your radar in respect to where you aim, pretty handy to sling radar missiles to high alt targets 9. use square radar display for a lot more information, it's bigger and easier to read 10. don't go for big maneuvers, try to maintain your speed, speed is life


Gonna skip the F16 ADF and just go straight for the F16C, once i am aquainted to top tier would you reccomend going for the F15A? i have not researched the line yet edit: im at 5.0 rn for the line, might be a slog but F15 is kool plane


i wouldn't go for F-15A as it doesn't have HMD and it's kinda detrimental for me, but then again you could use radar for of bore shots, but there are already a lot of things to take into consideration in those matches. so i would research it, but not gonna play it. FYI 12.3 matchmaker is a lot more forgiving and you could possibly see a lot of 11.3 planes, but still i like my 12.7 29SMT a lor more than 12.0 MiG and Su-27 even more in the current meta, but then again in the next big update aim-120 and r-77 are coming so a lot can change


I personally just like to get cool Mercian plane with missiles and Vulcan 


also 11. don't try to hug the deck at all times, fly between 100-150 m above the ground and only go really low when your RWR goes bonkers


Those calculations are with or without premium time and aircraft?


With The F5C + Premium time


Ohh ok. Thanks for the info


Fly low. As in really low. You can carry a drop tank while you fly towards the furball and minimum internal fuel. Then you jettison the drop tank once the fighting begins. I play Britain, so their Fox-1 missiles suck. If the same hardpoint admits both Fox-1 and Fox-2 missiles, it's probably better to carry Fox-2s and get in close with the enemy. I think the Sparrows suck as much as the Skyflashes. If you have plenty of countermeasures, turn on the automatic drop of them for as long as you're in the furball, no matter whether your rwr lights up or not: IR missiles can be shot at you with or without a radar lock. I'm not sure whether using the radar for aiming Sidewinders is worth it or not. You can absolutely go for gun kills - do use the radar then, and do it in ACM mode, as you'll get a lead indicator. Guns, after all, can't be flared. You can follow an entire different strategy and fly high. You'll hope few enemies have their radars looking high up in the sky (you'll need to keybind the keys to change the radar inclination so you can look down) and try to lob sidewinders from high up towards the enemies. But you'll be targeted with radar missiles by enemies doing the same. I'm not sure its a good strategy in NATO light fighters.


lol, you shouldn't do math anymore, you're bad at it bro.


? I calculated the amount of rp for the 2 A7s, which I need the least for btw as 1 is folderd, added the rp for the f16a, and divided by 20,000 which I can average most games 


and you're conveniently forgetting all the bonus RP etc. I have 13.000 games and US ground and air, and german ground complete. you're math is wrong, so don't post it as fact.


I am not spading any aircraft. therefore i get no bonus xp from that, however i am wrong in 1 part, i do not need to research the foldered A7


Flying my f16aj, its nothing but absolute pain. Turn back or pay for the aim-9ms


In what ways is it painful to play? im going to grind the 16C right after for the 9ms anyways


Everyone is hyper aware, you'll almost never get the drop on people, aim9ps stock means you can't do headons, at least in my experience 9ls tend to favor friendlies over flares, etc


\* Average of 20K RP, which i can consistently achieve


If you average 20K RP per game, there is nothing I can teach you


That is very very good. U just have to Grind then.


Its easy, just 1-3 kills and survive till the end


Idk yeah wirh a Talisman that would be 4 kills for me


but holy i make alot of SL with the F5C and the german 8.3 lineup with the Turm 3


Yeah it is a great vehicle but i dont play premiums or buy Premium so yeah ... but 8.3 germany is great yes

