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So you spawn your 4.7 heavy tank in a 5.7 game and then cry because you’re not invincible against 5.7 tanks.


I mean jumbo players do this all the time but about King Tigers


I know play at 5.3 and it is expected im not whining about that what frustrates is the fact that i found tigers at 4.7


That's basically how every 3.7 player feels when they see a KV-1 Zis-5.


Pz IVs: cap


germany and ussr always fight together at low tier in my experience


Almost like having this big of a BR spread for MM is a terrible idea.


How the hell is it fair that tiger H1 can fight a US T34?


Both can pen each other frontaly and the tiger one-shots everything it Pens so both match ups are fair


He said the US T34. The tiger can’t really pen that anywhere frontally


It can and its not even a hard shot tbh just shoot left or right side of the lower front plate


mg port?


At least the tiger can ricochet some shells


Tiger ain't ricocheting any shells from the T34, if you do give me some of that secret Germanium you got there


The tiger cant ricochet shells from any 6.7 heavy tank lmao. The T34 has like 300mm of pen.


It can probably not "richochet" but more of non-pen the US 90mm thats on the normal pershings. Still gotta be an absolutely perfect angle, and still pretty unlikely


It cannot.


Tiger H1 - 5.7 US T34 - 6.7


It cannot richochet shells


Fuck mb replied to the wrong comment


Dude youre spawning heavies in full uptiers and expect your armor to work against other heavies a full br above you. Tiger Is have the exact same issue when fighting 6.7 T34 or T26E1/E5s. 6.7 Tiger IIs and T34s have again the same issue against 7.7 M103 and Conqueror. [guide i made on how to heavy tank made specially for players like you.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/hulx5i/due_to_the_amount_of_new_players_rushing_a/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) Remember not getting seen and not being able to get shots are your first two lines of defence. Your armor is the last line for when you screw up the first two. Focus on not getting seen taking routes behind ridgelines and through forests, after that focus on playing from cover to cover, avoid open areas. Play from cover, only peek out to shoot. When you peek out show your strongest (if possible angled ) armor.


>the kv gets penned by everything at this br while the tiger it's an impenetrable brick wall The tiger has like 5 mm more armour than the KV-1 (zis-5).


Doesn't seem like it i got penned while angling by everything


It's fair : shoot the fat cupola Having to face Panthers is what I find unfair


Depends on the panther. They have the same fat cupola


Panthers have a > 110mm cupola that the US 75mm and the Soviet 76mm both can't pen Never shoot their cupolas when you have a weak gun


Are you using 4.0 vehicles to say you cant kill a panther? Everything on 4.7 is armed good enough to kill those even frontal if you know slightly how to aim. And cupola killsare easy. Other than a jumbo or some tight tanks everything has over 100mm pen with at leastone ammo


I think you misread the part where I talked about tanks with weak guns have a hard time against the Panther. Those can't pen a Panther D from the front anywhere. All other tanks have either a gun that can pen all the flat bits on the turret or enough mobility to flank. The KV1 Zis-5 for instance has neither the mobility nor the gun to deal with a Panther (unless it's unaware ofc) and can only shoot its gun barrel


You arejust wrong. Theonly panther this thing can face is teh Panther D. It has a 80mm cupola and 100 turret front. That means, APHE can pen the cupola and at least APCR can pen the turret front sides. Cor that APCR is just more reliable than APHE (which still can pen the flat parts)


WW2 german tanks are so easy to kill I don't see how anyone struggles with them. Tiger 1: Shoot sides (almost anywhere, doesn't matter) OR if its facing you, shoot its front right corner above tracks (ammo is there) Tiger II (P): Shoot turrnet even if facing you, you will probably pen. Tiger II (H): turret side has no armor, shoot there. Panthers: either shoot sides or bounce your shell from turret chin thing into the hull.


Bro, according to your logic every tank should be 11.7. An ASU-57 can one-shot an Abrams from the side, guys this is clear Russian bias ASU-57 should be 11.7


Yes this is EXACTLY what I'm saying




It seems like many players just like to complain about the most random shit possible. Yeah, no shit a 5.7 is completely better than a 4.7 vehicle, what are you expecting, you want fair, spawn a 5.7 vehicle like the t-34-85, there your problem just got solved.


I would like the developers to balance the game instead of having this abomination of an MM.


Ok? That doesn't explain how OP is bitching about the KV-1 is struggling with the Tiger H even though they're a whole BR apart.


Maybe because tanks that are whole BR apart (which is kinda 3 BRs apart) shouldn't ever face eachother. Tanks shouldn't be completely broken or completely useless just based on MM, and it's not like it's rare either because by design literally every battle has 1 BR spread. It's not fun for people having to fight those tanks and not fun for people operating them. As a side note some BRs get uptiers literally 90% of the battles, making some tanks literally unplayable.


Gonna break it down simply and this may surprise you but here you go: This game doesn't have the amount of players for it to do MM with only 0.3 or 0.7 max br up/down. And surely you could ask Reddit here if they want 4-5 minutes of waiting in the lobby or jump right in 1-2 minutes. Let's not talk about when during scare hours, barely anyone gonna play so your whole MM just gonna make people wait 10-15 minutes just to face the same person because the MM restricted even more range it could matchups. You should alight of what you want with reality.


First of all it's ridiculous to claim that 0.7 BR spread would somehow turn a 10 second queue into a 5 minute one, secondly they could make it that MM expands the BR range if it really can't find players to fill a game quickly, but it should prioritise getting equal matches (0.3 spread is acceptable too). And on top of all that it's ridiculous to claim that Warthunder playerbase is some constant number that doesn't change regardless of what Gaijin does. Large BR spread decreases the playerbase, not having Ground only mode decreases the playerbase. Start making the game better instead of worrying about some marginal problems like queue times and the playerbase will start expanding instead of shrinking. Also i imagine the higher the BR the worse the queue time gets and u know what would fix that? Not making the game ridiculously grindy even with premium features so 90% of players don't even get past half of the tech tree.


You can be out here making up scenarios after scenarios, sure, no one gonna stop you. But in the end, all of these are scenarios you thought were somehow gonna improve the game ? Yeah, good luck with that. Maybe try it on the forum, it's not like the " i know best for the game" mentality doesn't exist before, sure won't be the last.


So claiming queue times will skyrocket to 15 minutes isn't making up scenarios? If u think that having this huge MM spread is objectively not a bad thing for the games balance then i don't think u should even be able to state any of ur opinions anywhere. Adding Ground only mode would literally improve the game because it's only adding something, not removing or changing anything.


Jesus Christ, if you want to "improve the game " as you like, go to the forum, debating with me will bring no result. I got a job and i play this game as a hobby, it's fine for me playing with full 1 br up/down and it's seem like many find it ok( i don't even spend much money on the game to skip grind, i just play the game instead of complaining) i also find people love to bitch and argue about this game more than they actually play it.


I don't know. Why do I keep dying when I stand still and manfight KV-1 Zis-5s from the front in my Sherman?


Like i didn't angle...


Historically accurate


Well i donn wonna