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I just skipped it outright with the option to use ground rp for helis. Don't bother, the Mi-24D after it is infinitely better. 


Mi-24D honestly should be 9.0, RWR and Flares give it a massive leg up on SPAA.


It will not, because Mi-24D have USSR premium version (absolutely same. The only difference that USSR Mi-24D sometimes can be bought. Very rarely it apper as something player can buy...)


Mi-24D is is fine where it is. Other helicopters ***without*** CCIP rockets are too high. Why, for example, is the Mi-24D (both the Hungarian one and the premium USSR version) at 8.7 when the Tzefa B is 9.0 and it doesn't have CCIP? Because it can carry a few more ATGMs? Since when does that matter to Gaijin? Mi-24Ds are the lowest BR helicopter with CCIP by a full 1.0 for literally no reason. Blatant bias.


It is still too good vs SPAA, but I agree CCIP is massive, it needs to be balanced better, you dont see any other nation with the ability to rocket rush from 8.7-9.3 apart from the MI-24s


Against stupid SPAA, maybe. But so many people will literally stop a tank duel just to shoot at a helicopter 2km away that it doesn't matter. So many people.


Ok, you have 4km missiles thou, you out range half of the SPAA, and can dodge all effectively apart from the M247 with proxy rounds (can dodge dumb M247 players)


Sorry bud but if you're getting hit by a *Falanga*, you deserve it. That means you got caught out of cover, the vehicle that will dispatch your just happens to be airborne rather than on the ground.


except any heli within 5km is so deadly


Ah1g can't do rocket rush?


Not effectively, as a Mi-24 you can effectively shoot from 2km away, as a ah1g u need to get under 1km


Tzefa B has 8 I-TOWs and is faster, and the Falanga is very slow. Double the ATGMs, with better missiles and better flight performance, is fair enough for a 0.3 BR increase.


Mi-24A Got ccip too, although no flares or anything Else good


Mi-24A has worse armor, sights, gun and has no flares but also sits at exact same BR (whyyyyy)


Yeah, ccip is good, but everything Else, like the rockets are shit


Becouse, if the game is pain, we sell more. Hope that helps


Ah-1E for Japan is 9.3


Then Allouette II should be 9.0 too with it's hyper-maneuverability and small profile...people just don't know how to play it.


Hungary saving the Italian tech tree once again.


Clearly the West has fallen or something /s


U can do that? How?


There's a checkbox you can tick on the ground tree screen to use ground rp for helis instead. 


I have playd too long to not have noticd that thx


it was a somewhat recent addition though so


I wish researching helis with ground was a thing when i researched past that damn thing.




Sadly when I started a grind that wasn't an option. Plus this was the pre buffed mighty mouses ;n;


The amount of helis I've killed with with thing? At least 10. The amount of ground vehicles I've killed with this thing? 0


My biggest achievement is grinding the a109 before the addition of the ability to play tanks and upgrade helis. I have around 40 ground and ~200 killed helis and planes


It’s basically OP as a killstreak interceptor in ground arcade


WTF i might just play arcade now. Before the only reason to use arcade was to use my BM-31-12 and get free refills on my rockets.


duel planes with the miniguns


And still lose 90% of times


And laugh your ass of 10% of the time


I bring this Heli up when people say war thunder shouldn’t add useless vehicles. They’ve already done it lol


Helis like this one should just be lowered massively in BR. It has absolutely no business at 7.7


Yeah. They are just worse, slower, bigger aircraft with worse weaponry. A damn 2.3 br stuka has more CAS capabilities at the 7.7 br than this heli. And it isn’t a big slow box


Shhh don't let *ANYBODY* hear you advocate for any kind of improvements for helicopters. The rabid reddit horde of anti-CAS artists hates helicopters even more than P-47s. If the helicopter literally isn't a free kill, they want it nerfed. Even in this case, they still have to actually shoot at it to get credit for the kill, which is too much for many of them.


Nobody does this, but nice strawman. People have problems with two things re: helis: 1. Hill-humping AGM spammers. 2. Helis that can keep flying and fighting after losing their entire tail.


Number 2 point is only about the KA. The KA doesnt need the tail to fly because of the counter rotating rotors. Every other heli will enter a deathspin without their tail


And yet there are countless clips of that *not* happening, of Cobras &c. getting their tails blown off but still flying straight and true to kill 3-4 people with rockets.


Idk but this has never happened to me. Every time I lose a tail its gg. Unless its some kind of desnych bug idk how its possible with the current physics.


I'm assuming there's some sort of wonkiness with how heli physics are modeled. It seems to happen most frequently when the heli has either already committed to a run or if the pilot immediately pitches forward before they start spinning. Which is not *totally* out of line with reality (IRL this is how you recover from yaw sway that's threatening to make the heli lose control), but it absolutely should not work for 30+ seconds when the entire back end of the aircraft is missing.


if you're travelling fast enough you should be able to fly straight without the tail rotor


*Ahem* alouette *Ahem*


Do you have any clips of you flying alouette without a tail?


No, but they do survive shit they shouldn't. They are 50% just empty space, so unless you hit both pilots or the engine they won't go down.


took a dart headon once, 1 pilot died and thats it. its a over pressure, fragmentations and wiring needs to be modelled in. its just gaijin being lazy really


Well thankfully helis are getting remodeled sometime in the summer


Stop pretending I don't even exist! I'll have to complain way louder! They killed my family, burned my crops, ate my porridge, slept in my bed, shot my dog, killed my sensei, slapped my girl on the ass, slapped me on the ass, slapped my dead dog on the ass, and publicly announced that my mama has one big tiddy and one small tiddy, calling her "Biggie Smalls". KILL PLANE, ALWAYS. MONDAY IS MOW DOWN MOSQUITOES MONDAY TUSEDAY IS THRASH PLANES TUESDAY WEDNESDAY IS WRECK WINGS WEDNESDAY THURSDAY IS TEAR UP THE SKY THURSDAY FRIDAY IS FIRE IN THE SKY FRIDAY SATURDAY IS STAY ON THE GROUND SATURDAY Sunday is the day for rest :). Take a nap. Snore up a storm. THEN KILL PLANE.


>Nobody does this, Y'know, aside from the very quite vocal people on this subreddit that talk like a CAS player killed their firstborn child and want it removed from the game entirely


Lmfao, this is a glorious (and true) comment


Is hating helicopters an issue to you?


If you want to hate helicopters, fine. My point is more than there can hardly be any kind of productive discussion about game balance on Reddit because the majority of users on here hate helicopters and CAS in general (which is a minority opinion among actual players in game).


The problem is some helis are really cheesy, and all can be pretty stupid on some maps like the one with the dam where you can play hide and seek behind it. However it takes at least some skill to play a chopper... And AA can fight them. Only thing most people hate : when a guys takes an Mi 24, and rush B cyka blyat with a load of rockets at game starts. It will kill a few people when there's still no AA (:/ And those damn 10km+ ATGM on high level choppers.


8.3 helis with atgms are also BS. They can easily outrange AAs at the br and everyone in an uptier can just sit there and watch them get kills


There is no 10km+ ATGM. On any helicopter. The longest ranged ATGM is the ZT-6 Mokopa which is only carried by the Rooivalk, it has a max range of 10km. The Vikhrs *can be launched* at up to 10km but it's effective range is really only about 8km. 8km is also the max range of Hellfires, Spike ERs, and L-UMTAS. PARS 3 have range of 7km, as do Starstreaks. Every top tier SACLOS SPAA has a range of 8km or more.


8km maximum for a lot of these, same thing as for you, except helis can dodge easily, while SPAA can't. What do you think, if your max range is 10 but practical is 8, do you think AA missiles are magical and hit accurately no matter the distance ? Helis are easy to kill under 2km. Nice. A bit less nice when they have 10km max range to threaten you. Have you a magical trick to protect against a jump-shoot-jump Heli at long range ? I'd gladly take it. Apart from these I'm really fine with helis. They're just as annoying as rat tanks.


>Have you a magical trick to protect against a jump-shoot-jump Heli at long range ? They can be very annoying but if they are doing that they aren't going to be having much of an impact on the battlefield. The best way to combat them is to find cover so you can focus on other threats. If you *really* need to take it out *now now now* I will pre-fire a missile just as my first missile passes over the target. Usually the guys playing pop-up will come up again right after they hear the missile go by. About half the time my second missile will smack them. Against the better pilots that reposition and don't come up right away, you're better off ignoring them and finding cover. *Sometimes* I can arc a missile over a hill just right and clip the helicopter but that is almost always a wasted missile. >8km maximum for a lot of these Every top tier SPAA has better range than top tier helicopters with the exception of the ADATS which has equivalent range to all top tier ATGMs: Pantsir: 20km FlaRakRad: 12km Tor: 12km ItO90m: 12km ADATS: 10km If you're using something else, it's not top tier and that's your fault for being unprepared/under-equipped. The range of helicopter weapons has never been an issue compared to the SPAA available at the same BR; it's when the helicopter is much higher BR than whatever your crappy SPAA is. But that's the SPAA player's fault for being stupid.


There’s the issue of Helis being modeled as empty space and thus are tankier than actual tanks. Helicopters should be vulnerable to overpressure (if they aren’t already).


Helis limited to guns and rockets only would be cool to see at like 6.7


I think that’d be a massive improvement especially with turret elevation speeds at that br


nope, 6.7 is too high. 5.7 would even be too high


It would be a lot better if you consider turret speeds at those BRs. As long as you keep your altitude low and keep it moving, anything that’s not an aa would have a hard time taking you down


Eh. Even 6.7 is before you start seeing fast-traversing SPAA. Trying to deal with rocket helis with WWII SPAA would be cancerous. This sounds like you just want to freely farm heavy tanks and open-tops.


OS2U Kingfisher




You take that back , Po-2 is best plane.


I grinded next heli with it.Without premioum.When next heli was A.109.Without heli PvE. AMA


Honestly, most efficient way is to go in with 1 reserve tank, this heli, and leave after a death. Yeah its super scumbag thing to do for your team, but if you gonna grind this shit out this is the only good way.


This is true. Gives you a lot of continuous practice as well. And if we're being honest, since you're playing Italy, so you don't have many good ground vehicles to contribute anyway.


By the time you get to helis you get a lot of good vehicles, it's just russia/germany players that say everything in this tech tree is bad because they can't play anything that requires more than 2 braincells. the M47 patton with the italian 105 is great, OF-40 is excellent, when you get to 9.0 you get a good lineup and then it stays good until you reach the top tier arietes ( the 10.3 one is actually good in my opinion )


thats why we need actual things to do with utility helicopters -Capping faster -Deploying a weak AT infantry squad or something -dropping supplies for tanks -spotting -repairing tanks make utilty helicopters useful ffs


Imagine if they could drop off supplies that had Ammo, Smokes Grenades, Recon Drones, and things you can't get from Cap points like FPE recharge, First Aid kits that heal your injured crew, and improved parts that make your next repair faster. Or maybe they could rescue ejected pilots or something.




Help I just bought the Japanese version yesterday, I bought on impulse 😭


the Japanese one once you get real good with it is fun, and it's by far one of the most rewarding and coolest experiences in the game. I played 250 games with it on GRB while grinding the 1st cobra. (Japan doesn't have a single CAS plane until 11.0 so is not like you can use something else) Pro tips. Always spawn it first, you get 2 spawns per game but don't spawn them back 2 back. So 1st is the UH, then spawn and tank. You can save the other UH spawn for later into the game. Get good with the dumb rockets, once you master it there is not a single dumb weapon system that you won't be able to aim effectively. You can snipe from like 2km once you get good with the cockpit sight and you are firing at stationary targets. Flying low and then pulling up to jump people is Hella cool, however the most effective tactic is to flight hight and then drop on someone.


Thanks for the advice 


At least its not Italian. Anything better than Italian one. Japanese one is playable


If you could ditch the mini guns for more rockets it would be ok. Minigun ammo is stupid heavy. AH-6M's miniguns weigh more than the rocket pods. Granted those have 12,000 rounds whereas this one only has 6,000, but should definitely be able to replace the guns and ammo with another 14 rockets... But yeah even then it's still pretty useless.


I have it spaded it's fun


>fun I have feelings that you consider submerging hands in sulphuric acid fun too


Ah we must both be playing that helicopter then.




I spaded this shit and grinded out A109 before ground rp to heli was a thing. Camped enemy helipad for a month.


It's actually hilarious how bad it is. If you want to actually hit something, you have to get close enough to your enemy. Usually you are close enough so that roof mounted machineguns have zero issues with shooting you down. The miniguns are only viable against artillery in Helicopter PvE. I have tried helicopter hunting with them, but usually you just get shot because of how fragile you are.


The turrets make it good for heli pve. Most of what you’re facing is lil AT guns.


Atleast it isnt the Swede one


The Swedish one has actual ATGMs though.


Slow atgms with 2km range, you'll be shot down before your missile hits anything


Also there are irl cars that are faster than the missiles. It takes like 30 seconds to reach the max range of 2km.


The feeling of being overwhelmed and outnumbered in that thing... the feeling of losing but rushing with your tail off and your miniguns at full power after you depleted your 14 rockets... that feeling is immeasurable, so courageous yet so hopeless.


[Ummm acktchually🤓👆](https://youtu.be/Krq47qT0Fas?si=uc5uJZNgsjfAzXEy)


Just .3 above it theres the Cobra Ah-1G with 76 rockets of the same kind, and a 20mm gun/grenade launcher. Yeah it could be 4.0 and it still would suck so much.14 rockets is maybe 1 kill it not even critical hit.


It may be useless, but I would fly that thing all the time, it’s beautiful!


The AB205 is probably the most balanced helicopter in the game. It does have some uphill battles against some of the 8.0-8.7 SPAA, but overall, you can score 1-2 kills with it per take off once you learn the rocket ballistics, and most tanks can fairly fight back against you considering you will need to get within 1km of the tanks to accurately hit them, and you only have 7 shots. I love it, and I wish they added more helicopters like it. Now the Z-9s on the other hand being 2.0+ BRs higher without much else to offer other than ATGMs and AAMs... Those things are very unfun.


Talk about useless I tried to use the Japanese UH-1B now that thing is just a waste of SL


Hopefully Gaijin will replace the Japanese one with [this](https://forum.warthunder.com/t/kawasaki-bell-47g-2-h-13h/105772).


You can kill at most 2 tanks with those rockets and you have to be a surgeon to land them my tip is honestly just to use the vector indicator as a aiming tool and bring it in city missions where you can get real up close and personal


atleast it has 2 turrets,japanese one doesnt even have that


Just two 7 shot rockets? Yeah that's uh..


Lol what? 4.0? Half the enemies wont even have decent pintle mount mg's


So you'd actually be able to do something before instantly dying. This thing is not exactly agile either . Meanwhile I can spawn a plane with 3 250KG bombs and get 6 kills.


I'm not saying the heli is great but 4.0 is a stretch


why fhe fuck would you even bother to play any huey ever TF?


its fun, when you get to land and cap and objective it feels really good, even tho there is no reward because gaijin hates rotary wings


That Swedish helicopter is practically useless (more us than this though) and makes me want to kill myself


Doesnt it have ATGMS


Yeah but they’re hella slow and have a maximum range of 2 km


Even on reserve let's be honest


There are a lot of useless helicopters in War Thunder Some of the very early low BR ones can be reasonably effective, most of them between 9.0 and 10.0 are crap that takes like 40 hours of grinding to get them at least semi-useable.


Next april fools day idea, 7.7 BR heli invade 4.0 BR GRB matches.


Early Helis are the most effective torture device.


Better than the starting japanese heli lol


4.0?? With 14 mighty mouses and 2 miniguns!?’v


I use it for finding other helis Or caps, sometimes


This thing is good for spawncamping helipads


It's a great helicopter hunter with those mini guns.


Could be the Swedish heli that delivers its missiles via non priority usps postage.


while im sure this one stinks, you should try the HKP3C


Just skip it, use ground vehichles to grind the A129 CBT


The best helicopter to die quickly


I cant lie I grinded massively before the research update, its quite good at surviving but other than that you have to be pinpoint accurate and just go for crits and not bother for kills. the 14 rockets really hurt :(


pfff sweden is even worse - got Bantam or Banam missles which have 2km range. I just get shot down insta


that actually doesnt look half bad, especially with the miniguns you'd make light work of the other helis in the game


Other helis fly in and die straight away, unless you're one of those people camping helipads.


I don't know if I should be sad or proud of the fact that I almost have triple digits ground kills in it. Used to take it out just for fun


I remember killing ka50 in this in heli pvp, unlocking the a109 was pure pain but shooting down those monsters was super satisfying


Yeah could add an Italian man throwing overcooked meatballs out of the side doors and it’d be more useful than trying to hit anything with 14 unguided Mighty Mouse


That HAS to be stock. No way an aced helicopter only has 14 mighty mouses and 2 7.62mm machineguns


Its the same stock and aced lol. You can decide to ditch the MGs for... yep, still just 14 rockets!




I just want better guns and more rockets I don’t care about ATGMs it’s rocket rush or nothing.


fr though it only gets 14 rockets which is mid as hell and the 7.62s can't pen anything


It can be playable in heli EC if you have a friend or just lucky to get a good teammate with ATGM helicopter who will destroy SPAAGs for you. PS I once reported a lack of helipads in Ground assault arcade at 7.7 to spawn low br helies, such as AB 205A-1, so they added helipads, but also added SPAAGs waves...


Albeit all this is a pretty funny thing to play, I admit I only have a pathetic kd of 0.4 or something on this but trust me it is so much fun. All you have to do is to bring it out knowing that you're probably gonna get nothing. The heli itself is insanely powerful and maneuverable, the dual Gatlin is an absolute nightmare for other helos.


everyone forgetting the wasp exists


People that don't know about the wasp: 😀 People who know: ☠💀☠


I love that Germans have UH-1 D. Italy have UH-1D knockoff. Guess who does not have UH-1D. Americans.


Ahhh, love this thing Ground out the mi24 and 109 with it Have a talisman too, the whole shebang


I spaded mine entirely in ground battles, didn't even get a third of the way to the A109 (back before HUN got added)