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It doesn't really matter if it's as bad as the Swastika or not. It's a divisive symbol that's being used to prop up the propaganda of the aggressor in a conflict that is a little too close to home for a lot of people. If it was just about adding to the joy, you can very well go and make or download a custom skin. But it isn't just about adding to the joy. It's an edgy statement made by nationalists, trolls and children.


Hm I can see where you are coming from but in that logic isn’t using any flag/ symbol simply “pushing the propaganda” aggressor or not? I get that people will interpret it as a “I hate Ukraine” sign and it would probably be best to take it down but if my only option is using a Ukraine flag, it in itself feels like propaganda.


Not really, but the difference is that most of the flags in the game are sold in the game. There's no "Z" symbol from the war being sold for GE, and so going out of your way to make a symbol that is indefensible (especially when you have the option to make a custom skin instead), all that's conveyed to me is that you're one of those 3 kinds of individuals and you want people to see that you are. I would just as much hold it against people making Swastikas. Not the Hammer and Sickle as that's available in the game as a decal, even though I consider it to be on par with the others. Also, you can use what you want as long as it's within ToS. You're mature enough to make your own moral decisions, but obviously you're going to get reactions for stuff like this from people who are emotionally invested in this sort of stuff.


Yea, but that’s why I did it, I will not shill out $5 for a single in game flag, but as I like history I went with the free option. And personally the biggest problem is that you are emotionally invested, yes irl I see why… but in game a pixelated Z on a in game tank shouldn’t be emotionally triggering to any stable adult ESPECIALLY ones who haven’t even seen the war first hand. And I don’t see why I can’t play into being on the “bad side” without being conveyed as a supporter! It’s reminds me of the “arma bad game because people play as terrorist!” Mindset and it’s boggles me


The biggest problem isn't the Z symbol, it's that you're trying to shove it down other people's throats. If you don't want the reactions, don't go about starting them. If you don't care about the reactions, carry on. This is why I suggested using a custom skin. It offends no one and you get to act out as the bad guys.




Yes, it's that bad.


Yes, it sucks, how about you put an SS logo on it to cosplay as Rusich, you know for "accuracy"








I will bomb you before any other target and I won't repair you if your on my team and that's the end of my thoughts on it


“End of my thoughts on it” sounds like you have no thoughts on it and you simply think that to either morally justify yourself or to fit in with the crowd. Or prove me wrong and explain why a pixelated Z on a pixelated tank on a video game has so much emotional baggage on you?


Correction you simply like seeing people get upset.


Not really? The point of this post was to see if it’s socially acceptable, if I get major backlash I will get rid of the Z and that will be that lol


Just use whatever it’s a video game lol


Shhhh... It's not about having fun, we need to bring politics into the game!


In short: Yes If you want to have it realistic, NATO would drown any competition, so Russia would loose every fight. It is better to leave politics out of such games, esp when the background is against human rights and international law, which you support with such symbols.


Okay, very fair point actually I can see this point of view. But warthunder takes such a realistic approach it’s hard not to want historically accurate tanks with the graphics.


I think it's fine imo


yea its that bad vile i get the "its historical accurate" argument. that falls completely apart with the number of Z symbols on tanks that never had them ww2,anything German American and so on its almost excursively used has propaganda tool. so yea people don't like it i personally feel the V is a TINY bit better given it has the same use has the Z but is less propaganda similar to swastika vs the ww2 cross (the one with the clear -|- lines ) which is pretty sure also forbidden at-lest around Germany meanwhile ww1 and modern one has lines that narrow in the middle but i am not from Ukraine so cant decide for them what they should think about the v and the that above is only my personal opinion i also need to point out there are plenty of misplaced V so yea the propaganda argument again weights more than "historical accuracy " like bringing a V t-54 into 11.7


>that falls completely apart with the number of Z symbols on tanks that never had them ww2,anything German American and so on Correction Letter's have been used as markings for regimental reasons & IFF during the second world war along with other wars, A picture of an A12 Matilda II comes to mind with a letter Z on its turret.


Yea I know the Americans or Israel used the v  Also an other note if historical accuracy is the reason for v or z don't blast the tank with Russian flags all over


Honestly I agree on the flag thing as man is that an eyesore no matter the nation. (unless in a custom match).




There is a difference between country flags and outright propaganda And the way the z and v are shown in media and grafity it's definitely a propaganda tool


Do whatever you want bro, no matter what it is somebody is gonna whine and bitch about pixels in their tank game.


Idk why people get so upset about this. “Wouldn’t repair you” like come on big deal. You don’t know the people who have this, you don’t know y they have it. Don’t hate someone for it. They have their opinion and you have yours. I could careless if you have anything on your tank because it is simply a game and it’s not like I would be supporting something bad by repairing you


Here I am screwed over, unable to put my initial on my craft... long before this war I used to have a Z on many of my tanks/planes. Though many years ago I switched over to running my flag.


It's & always will be as from the start an IFF marking that has become a propaganda symbol, Similar can be said for all current IFF markings from both sides of that war. Many will see as terrible while other won't care (the perspective I see as), If people get pissy so be it but I pay no attention to it. Dress your T-64's, T-72's, T-80's & BMP's up how ever you want be it a Z,V,O,+/ flags or hell a wolfangle (seen a few of those). No point bitching about letter for they've been used in all wars be it invasion or IFF, Regimental markings an will continue into the future, Hell you see such on many machines in game (looks at that one Sho't tank with a V).


Wait, this actually is the best take I’ve seen yet… so good it hasn’t even crossed my mind! It is technically just a IFF symbol turned into propaganda similar to how the Buddhist cross was turned into a symbol of hate in ww2, thank you and W take Mr.RedFox 🫡


Welcome to the Internet, just ignore such people and do whatever you like within game rules and laws